SBPE :: Volume #16

#10032: Chapter 10032

„It is not durable.” “还是不经用啊。” Helpless Lin Yi sighed. 林逸无奈叹了口气。 Before Jiang Xiaoshang has called the preventive inoculation him, regarding this did not have the psychology to prepare actually not. 之前姜小尚给他打过预防针,对此倒不是没有心理准备。 Before rule control achieves 20%, belief with the transformed proportion of control is 1 : 1 , is sea god belief can transform rule control. 在规则掌控度达到百分之二十以前,信仰度与掌控度的转化比例是一比一,也就是一点海神信仰度就能转化出一点规则掌控度。 But after crossing 20, actually turned into 2 : 1 , is at least two sea god belief, can transform rule control. 可是过了二十之后,却是变成了二比一,也就是至少两点海神信仰度,才能转化出一点规则掌控度。 This little while time, had consumed his entire ten sea god belief a moment ago. 刚才这会儿工夫,就已耗掉了他整整十点海神信仰度。 But then, after walking out 30%, the transformed proportion turns time again, turned into 4 : 1 directly. 而接下来,跨过百分之三十的门槛之后,转化比例再度翻倍,直接变成了四比一。 He remaining eight sea god belief, can only transform two control at this moment on hand at best, his sea rule control from 30%, boosts to 32%! 他此刻手头剩下的八点海神信仰度,充其量只能转化出两点掌控度,将他的海洋规则掌控度从百分之三十,堪堪推升到百分之三十二! At first sight, the blood owes simply. 乍一看,简直血亏。 However Lin Yi does not have the least bit to hesitate, he is experiences rule control over 30% is what kind of might, leaf Tianbei flame spits the breath to destroy completely of half Jianghai Institute, until now also makes him pain. 不过林逸还是没有半点犹豫,他可是见识过规则掌控度百分之三十以上是何等威力的,叶天北一口火焰吐息灭掉半个江海学院的那一幕,至今都还令他隐隐作痛呢。 After 30%, the promotion of each control, is a qualitative change! 百分之三十之后,每一点掌控度的提升,都是一场质变! If present Lin Yi meets leaf Tianbei again, even if not haul in new World the opposite party, he still has exploded the energy of hammer opposite party directly, 32% sea rules, that is not laughing with you! 如今的林逸如果再遇上叶天北,即便不将对方拉进新世界,他也已经有了正面爆锤对方的底气,百分之三十二的海洋规则,那可不是跟你嘻嘻哈哈的! Besides sudden rise of hard strength, alone this solitary one hero gave back to him to leave behind a startled day inside story finally. 除了硬实力的暴涨之外,独孤一雄最后还给他留下了一个惊天的内幕。 „The sea god godship is losing falls......” “海神的神格正在失坠……” Without a doubt, this absolutely is the entire sea area most top-secret news, does not have one. 毫无疑问,这绝对是整个海域最绝密的消息,没有之一。 The godship lose falls the huge information that behind these four characters represents, before letting sufficiently Lin Yi subverts itself, thoroughly to all plans of sea area influence, did not say exaggeratingly. 神格失坠这四个字背后所代表的巨大信息,足以让林逸彻底颠覆自己之前对海域势力的所有规划,毫不夸张的说。 Even if not calculate any other harvests, solely is only these four characters, his big fee/spent does not cope with alone this solitary one hero in vain flustered. 哪怕不算其他任何收获,单单只是这四个字,就已不枉他大费周章对付独孤一雄了。 Although the sea temple has not controlled the entire sea area truly, but the sea god is the sea area without a doubt to remains high, now in this beast temple soon on a large scale invasion during, once the sea god real godship loses falls, will make the future of entire sea area cast a huge shadow sufficiently. 虽然海神殿没有真正掌控整个海域,但海神依旧是毋庸置疑的海域至高存在,如今在这兽神殿即将大举入侵的当口,一旦海神真的神格失坠,足以令整个海域的未来都蒙上一层巨大的阴影。 If the sea god did not have, the sea area can also be able to block the invasion of beast god?” “如果海神没了,海域还能挡得住兽神的入侵吗?” The answer of this issue, Lin Yi are also actually well aware, but asked come out. 这个问题的答案,其实林逸自己也心知肚明,不过还是问了出来 Jiang Xiaoshang hesitated saying: „ How key looks at him is no, if were displaced by the new god like the beast god, is not big on the issue, but if does not have the new god to stand come out, that no one can prevent the footsteps of cainotherium god. 姜小尚沉吟道:“关键就看他是怎么没的了,如果是像兽神那样被新神取而代之,那就问题不大,可要是没有新神站出来,那就没人能够阻挡新兽神的脚步了。 However, another possibility, this perhaps is only a smoke shell. ” 不过,还有另外一种可能性,这也许只是一个烟雾弹。” Lin Yi stares: Your meaning, this is he spreads the wind sound/rumor intentionally, show the enemy weakly to?” 林逸一愣:“你的意思,这是他故意放出风声,示敌以弱?” Perhaps, to various God level one has not been the good stubble, anything may happen.” “也许吧,到了诸神的层次没有一个是善茬,什么都有可能发生。” Jiang Xiaoshang immediately a thread of conversation revolution: But this matter is completely not the rumor, the sea god godship is losing falls does not say, but his find someone collection belief should in private real, we touch do not permit his real intention.” 姜小尚随即又话锋一转:“但这种事情也不会完全是空穴来风,海神的神格是不是在失坠不好说,但他私下找人收集信仰度应该是真的,我们只是摸不准他的真实用意罢了。” Lin Yi looking pensive: Normal, if the sea god needs belief, the most ready-made means are to urge numerous expert of sea temple, such efficiency absolutely is much higher than his own find someone, Insurance many, only if......” 林逸若有所思:“正常如果海神需要信仰度,最现成的办法是驱使海神殿的一众高手,这样效率绝对比他自己找人要高得多,也保险得多,除非……” Jiang Xiaoshang eyes one bright: His enemy in sea temple!” 姜小尚眼睛一亮:“他的敌人就在海神殿内部!” Water was getting more and more muddy.” “水越来越浑了啊。” Lin Yi revealed the smile of being full of meaning, since intends to meddle the sea area, the sea water muddy point to him not necessarily is the misdemeanor. 林逸不由露出了一个饶有意味的笑容,既然有意插手海域,海水浑一点对他来说未必就是坏事。 After all the turbid water catches a fish by hand well. 毕竟浑水才好摸鱼啊。 The outside world, the sentiment young master people the collective delay for a long time, previous second of alone this solitary one hero has also pressed Lin Yi to explode the hammer, the result next second both vanishes does not see, this and other strange situations had surpassed their cognition completely. 外界,情公子众人已经集体呆滞了许久,前一秒独孤一雄还摁着林逸爆锤,结果下一秒就双双消失不见,这等诡异情形已经完全超出了他们的认知。 Don't forget, the empty whale may still there, this space still be blocked solid, does not have any dead angle. 别忘了,虚鲸可还在那里,这片空间依然被封锁得严严实实,没有任何死角。 Also suppressed for a long time, the sentiment young master cannot bear the opens the mouth finally: Can see the clue?” 又憋了许久,情公子终于忍不住开口:“能看出端倪来吗?” „Should that person be inauspicious?” “那人应该是凶多吉少了吧?” In people strength highest Zhang Heng tone not too definite say/way: Alone this solitary one male advantage is too big . Moreover the empty whale is he brings, no one is possible to break open this space except for him, can only be his writing skill.” 众人中实力最高的张恒语气不太确定道:“独孤一雄的优势太大,而且虚鲸是他带来的,除了他谁也不可能破开这片空间,只能是他的手笔了。” Nearby Li Yuan opens mouth, as to refute, but shut up finally silently. 旁边李元张了张嘴,似乎想要反驳,但最终还是默默闭嘴了。 He really cannot find out Lin Yi to laugh last reason. 他也实在想不出林逸能够笑到最后的理由。 Zhang Heng sincere reminded: Young master should think to pay what pricetag well later, alone this solitary one male this person of killing is extremely heavy, we cannot bet.” 张恒正色提醒道:“公子应该好好想想待会出什么价码了,独孤一雄此人杀性极重,我们赌不起。” Simply put, this time to maintain a livelihood, the sentiment young master needed the massive hemorrhage. 言下之意,这次为了活命,情公子必须要大出血了。 The sentiment young master complexion was also ugly several points, by his core direct descendant status, price big Family is also insufficient to give up him again, is only as the matter stands, he later could not raise the head in Family again. 情公子脸色不由又难看了几分,以他的核心嫡系身份,代价再大家族也不至于放弃掉他,只是这样一来,他以后在家族中就再也抬不起头来了。 These can maintain a livelihood from the alone this solitary one male hand time even, should still certainly become the black history that he is unable to erase in the future, to a certain extent, actually has died of suffocation he to reach the Patriarch imperial throne road. 这一次就算能从独孤一雄手底下活命,也必将成为他未来无法抹去的黑历史,某种程度上,其实就已堵死了他登顶家主大位的路。 Others see that also speak to persuade, for fear that he cannot have a long face, finally compels them to follow together to be buried along with the dead. 其余众人见状也纷纷出言相劝,生怕他拉不下脸,最终逼得他们所有人跟着一起陪葬。 And a skinny man even said simply: Said that is Li Yuan mistake, if were not he disrupted our line of sight, misleading us into thinking that fellow had strength and alone this solitary one hero contends, how will we fall to the so awkward situation?” 其中一干瘦男子甚至干脆道:“说起来都是李元的错,如果不是他扰乱了我们的视线,让我們误以为那家伙有实力与独孤一雄抗衡,我们岂会落到如此尴尬的地步?” Ha?” “哈?” Li Yuan is dumbfounded, by trimming one's sails he was not Grandmaster is also an expert, but also has not really thought also had unexpectedly makes a false countercharge. 李元目瞪口呆,论见风使舵他不算宗师也是行家了,还真没想过自己居然也有被人反咬一口的时候。 Skinny male cold -ly snorted and said: „ Do you have a face to refuse to accept? Originally if we began to extinguish that fellow, alone this solitary one hero looked in the young master Family share, but also was insufficient to start to us! 干瘦男子冷哼道:“你还有脸不服?本来如果我们动手灭了那家伙,独孤一雄看在公子家族的份上,还不至于对我们下手! You misled the judgment of young master, making the young master have the unrealistic hope to that fellow, finally offended alone this solitary one hero in disguised form, wasn't this your issue? ” 正是你误导了公子的判断,让公子对那家伙生出了不切实际的希望,结果变相得罪了独孤一雄,这难道不是你的问题?” „......” “……” This saying really has no truth, but obtained echoing of people. 这话实在没什么道理,但还是得到了众人的附和。 After all things have gotten to this point, must have a person to stand come out to be a scapegoat. 毕竟事已至此,总得有个人站出来背锅啊。 Sees the sentiment young master as if still in the hesitant, skinny man urges hastily: Mistake, since has violated, we must recover as soon as possible, before alone this solitary one hero comes back, we should demonstrate our attitude with the action.” 见情公子似乎还在犹豫,干瘦男子连忙催促道:“错误既然已经犯下,我们就必须尽快补救,在独孤一雄回来之前,我们应该用行动展示出我们的态度。” Li Yuan body shakes. 李元不由身子一震。 The action of this goods mouth is anything, he was too clear, this is must offer a sacrifice to the flag with him, comes to declare that to alone this solitary one hero with his head/number of people submits to! 这货嘴里的行动是什么,他太清楚了,这是要拿他祭旗,用他的人头来向独孤一雄宣示臣服啊! The sentiment young master’s vision falls on him, seems somewhat hesitant. 情公子的目光落在他身上,显得有些犹豫。 Li Yuan said hastily: Young master do not believe his foolish talk, between that senior and alone this solitary one hero who wins who loses, but at present also still do not know, if were that senior won, how worked as?” 李元连忙道:“公子千万不要信了他的蠢话,那位前辈与独孤一雄之间谁胜谁负,目前可都还犹未可知呢,万一是那位前辈胜了,又当如何?” He actually does not favor Lin Yi, but things have gotten to this point, to help oneself he did not have the means. 他其实也不看好林逸,但事已至此,为了自救他也没办法了。
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