SATS :: Volume #17

#1680: The heart of Milky Way

You did not say that I was about to forget...... was away from our previous dialogue, unexpectedly has crossed was so long.” “你不说我都快忘记了……距离我们上一次对话,居然已经过了这么久。” Looks stands in front „”, Lu Zhou opens mouth, expression quite helpless continues saying that actually previous time I want to say that can you trade a skin and I meet? Spoke with always feels strangely......” 看着站在面前的“自己”,陆舟张了张嘴,表情颇为无奈的继续说道,“其实上次我就想说了,你能换个皮肤和我见面吗?和自己说话总感觉怪怪的……” „Very regrettable, we imagination in esthetics are deficient, and also does not have the shape of being able by the three dimensional lifeform directly observed, therefore can only and you launches exchange face-to-face through such way...... naturally, I can also seek for a memory most profound image as replacing from your memory-” “很遗憾,我们在美学上的想象力过于匮乏,并且又不具备能被三维生物直接观测到的形态,所以只能通过这样的方式和你展开面对面的交流……当然,我也可以从你的记忆中寻找一个记忆最深刻的形象作为代替-” Does not use,” looks the light shadow that gradually twists, Lu Zhou says hastily, on the present this, I feels good suddenly.” “不用了,”看着那逐渐扭曲的光影,陆舟连忙开口说道,“就现在这样吧,我忽然又觉得挺好的了。” Was read in the heart the feeling of idea is not uncomfortable. 被读取心中想法的感觉并不舒服。 Moreover always felt, this fellow will turn strangely 而且总感觉,这家伙会变成奇怪的 Right? The thoughts of your human are really also hard to ponder over.” “是吗?你们人类的心思还真是难以琢磨。” Looks takes a look at own viewer curiously, Lu Zhou was coughing gently, says. 看着好奇打量着自己的观察者,陆舟轻轻咳嗽了一声,开口说道。 „One side...... the immaterial matter first places, you see me specially time, is not an easy matter.” “……无关紧要的事情先放在一边,你专程来见一次我,想必也不是一件容易的事情吧。” Naturally,” selected gently, stands continues to say in Lu Zhou front viewer, makes own sound from void is not a risk-free matter, we understanding about truth will transmit to this world, needs to consume, not only the energy, we take away the void treasure from the old universe...... but these two, to placing void us is the non-renewable resources.” “当然,”轻轻点了下头,站在陆舟面前的观察者继续说道,“从虚空中发出自己的声音并非是一件毫无风险的事情,我们将关于真理的理解传达到这个世界,所需要消耗的不只是能量,还有我们从旧宇宙带去虚空的宝物……而这两者,对身处于虚空的我们而言都是不可再生的资源。” Lu Zhou: „...... That also really thanked.” 陆舟:“……那还真是谢谢了。” Does not need to be polite,” viewer smiles lightly , to continue saying that to a great extent , helping you, is helping us.” “不必客气,”观察者淡淡笑了笑,继续说道,“很大程度上,帮助你们,也是在帮助我们自己。” At this point, it stopped the moment, put in the hand own bosom. 说到这里,它停顿了片刻,将手伸进了自己的怀中。 When it pulls out from the bosom the hand, Lu Zhou notices, in its hand were many one group of bright silver rays. 当它将手从怀中抽出的时候,陆舟注意到,它的手中多了一团亮银色的光芒。 The outline of rhythm looks like one group is burning the fireball slowly, what however is accidental/surprised, that is similar to the fireball common ray is not dazzling, even can make people feel gentle aura. Even both eyes are looking straight ahead it, will not have the slightest ill feeling. 缓缓律动的轮廓就像是一团燃烧着的火球,然而令人意外的是,那如同火球一般的光芒却并不耀眼,甚至于能让人感觉到一股柔和的气息。即便是双目直视着它,也不会产生分毫不适的感觉。 Was attracted the complete attention by that silver ray, Lu Zhou stared at it to look some little time, has not seen to understand. 被那银色的光芒吸引了全部的注意力,陆舟盯着它看了好一会儿,也没有看出个明白。 Finally, cannot restrain in the heart puzzled he, the low voice opens the mouth said. 终于,克制不住心中困惑的他,小声开口说道。 This is......” “这是……” It has a poetical name, came from an old universe poet,” viewer smiles lightly, said in a soft voice, translates with your languages, is the heart of Milky Way.” “它有一个充满诗意的名字,来自于一位旧宇宙的诗人,”观察者淡淡笑了笑,轻声说道,“用你们的语言来翻译,便是银河之心。” The heart of Milky Way? 银河之心? Heard this name, Lu Zhou gawked slightly, is staring in the line of sight of that silver-white spheroid, wrote all over the puzzled and complex expression. 听到这个名字,陆舟微微愣了一下,盯着那颗银白色球体的视线中,写满了困惑与复杂的表情。 What is the heart of Milky Way......?” “银河之心……又是什么?” Viewers: On such as wording meaning such, it is the heart of Milk Way System, at the beginning is born is born in the universe. It does not have the fixed shape, drifts away between the energy and material, independence beyond time and space.” 观察者:“就如字面意思那样,它是银河系的心脏,诞生于宇宙诞生之初。它没有固定的形态,游离在能量与物质之间,独立在时间与空间之外。” Dissociation between energy and material, independence beyond time and space?” In the eye is glittering the intense curiosity, looks at carefully that group of silver rays in viewer hand, Lu Zhou is continue pursue asks, I had not heard also how has such unusual material...... you to name it, or this condition?” “游离在能量与物质之间,独立在时间与空间之外?”眼中闪烁着强烈的好奇,端详着观察者手中的那团银色的光芒,陆舟继续追问道,“我从来没听说过还有这么奇特的物质……你们是如何命名它,或者说这种状态的?” Viewers: How we name it, significance that to you have does not have any, how the key lies in you names it, as well as studies it.” 观察者:“我们是如何命名它的,对你们来说没有任何的意义,关键在于你们如何命名它,以及研究它。” Indistinct had had a premonition that anything, Lu Zhou moved two cuns (2.5 cm) the line of sight upward, looks that with is almost the face that in a mold carves, says. 隐隐约约已经预感到了些什么,陆舟将视线往上挪了两寸,看着那张与自己几乎是一个模子里刻出来的脸,开口说道。 „......, therefore you planned that makes me study this thing?” “……所以你打算让我来研究这东西?” Right.” “没错。” Selected gently , the viewer extends the right hand, placed in that group of silver rays the hand of Lu Zhou gently. 轻轻点了下头,观察者伸出右手,将那团银色的光芒轻轻放在了陆舟的手上。 In compared with several billions longer years , we have learned about its complete secret, however the intuition about science told us, in this still hid...... or because of neglecting the thing of omission we are not understanding.” “在比数十亿更漫长的岁月里,我们已经获知了关于它的全部秘密,然而关于科学的直觉告诉我们,这里面仍然藏着我们所不了解的……或者说因为疏忽而遗漏的东西。” Therefore, we search the promising civilization in the universe, and selects the right talent from them, the topic that completes, as well as us who these need the creativity to realize does not excel.” “因此,我们在宇宙中寻觅有前途的文明,并从他们之中选拔合适的人才,来完成那些需要创造力来实现的、以及我们所不擅长的课题。” I am not clear,” looks at carefully the hand heart of Milky Way, Lu Zhou was saying with the puzzled tone, why can be I? I should have no special place.” “我不明白,”端详着手中的银河之心,陆舟用不解的语气说道,“可为什么是我?我应该并没有什么特别的地方。” Perhaps in your opinion is this, but we considered that issue way, possibly is somewhat different from you,” viewer smiles lightly , to continue saying that „, although process somewhat is possibly tortuous, but at least so far, all operate on the track that we expect...... future that although we can forecast, stopped.” “也许在你看来是这样的,但我们考虑问题的方式,可能与你有些不同,”观察者淡淡笑了笑,继续说道,“虽然这其中的过程可能有些曲折,但至少到目前为止,一切都运行在我们期望的轨道上……虽然我们能预测到的未来,也就到此为止了。” At this point, it stopped the moment , to continue to say. 说到这里,它停顿了片刻,继续说道。 We have given you, all help that we can provide, how should go as for the future road, all looked at your choices.” “我们已经给予了你们,我们所能提供的一切帮助,至于未来的路该如何去走,就全看你们自己的选择了。” Left, friend of mine, although has seen only both sides, but before me had said such, I am very pleasing your.” “别了,我的朋友,虽然只见过两面,但就像我之前说过的那样,我还挺中意你的。” Waits for! What is that future time??” Looks the viewer who as if plans to leave, Lu Zhou asked hastily, writes in the page of system operating instructions, so long as entire rank full level, can untie in the future the option of time......” “等一下!那个未来时代到底是什么??”看着似乎打算离开的观察者,陆舟连忙问道,“在系统使用说明的页面上写着,只要全等级满级,就可以解开未来时代的选项……” In the future time?” “未来时代?” The viewers smile gently, said words that with the humorous tone is full of the philosophy, „haven't you seen?” 观察者轻轻笑了笑,用诙谐的语气说出了一句饱含哲理的话,“你不是已经看见了吗?” Heard these words, the Lu Zhou whole person is shocked. 听到这句话,陆舟整个人都愣住了。 Although this saying said truly does not have the problem, even beforehand time he also thinks that but he has not thought that this so-called unlocking in the future the reward of time, but also is really only one...... the ornaments? 虽然这话说的确实没毛病,甚至于之前的时候他也是这么想的,但他怎么也没想到,这所谓的“解锁未来时代的奖励”,还真就只是一个……摆设? When he raises lv10 the entire rank, naturally then entered the future. 当他将全等级提升到lv10,自然便走进了未来。 Looks that reveals the expression that on the face is not knowing whether to laugh or cry, the viewer of sound and outline empty smiles gradually gently , to continue to say with the modest tone. 看着露着脸上哭笑不得的表情,声音和轮廓渐渐虚化的观察者轻轻笑了笑,用温和的语气继续说道。 With the future that oneself both hands create, you did not think that in this world hasn't compared this more precious buried treasure? Let alone the heart of my Milky Way gave you, discontentedly what did you have?” “用自己的双手创造出来的未来,你不觉得这个世界上没有比这更珍贵的宝藏了吗?何况我连银河之心都给你了,你还有什么不满呢?” Lu Zhou: „...... You give me it, but wants to use me to solve its secret.” 陆舟:“……你之所以把它给我,只是想利用我解开它的秘密吧。” The viewers did not conceal, selected, said with the natural tone, I did not deny this point, but this was not for selfish. Remember, your research results possibly relate to the entire universe the destiny, but as the life in this universe, since you are capable of making anything, I hope you can shoulder to be your responsibility.” 观察者也不隐瞒,点了下头,用理所当然的语气说道,“我并不否认这一点,但这并非是出于一种自私的考虑。记住,你的研究成果可能关系到整个宇宙的命运,而身为这个宇宙中的生灵,既然你有能力做些什么,我还是希望你能够肩负起属于你的责任。” Is saying, that stands and waits for a long time in Lu Zhou front form, started becomes drifts from place to place. 正说着,那伫立在陆舟面前的身影,开始变得飘忽不定了。 Probably one group of dragging candlelights, as if may be put out anytime. 就好像一团摇曳的烛火,仿佛随时都有可能熄灭。 Before you disappear, I can ask that your issue,” looks the light corpuscle that gradually dissipates gradually, the outline of that desalination, Lu Zhou looks at steadily is staring at it, closely examines to say hastily, what disaster was...... you can tell me now?” “在你消失之前,我可以问你一个问题吗,”看着那逐渐消散的光粒,还有那渐渐淡化的轮廓,陆舟目不转睛的盯着它,连忙追问说道,“天灾到底是什么……现在你能告诉我了吧?” The intuition told Lu Zhou, after this conversation face-to-face, oneself wanted to see this fellow again, perhaps was very for a long time very long later matter. 直觉告诉陆舟,这次面对面的交谈之后,自己再想要见到这家伙,恐怕得是很久很久以后的事情了。 Even cannot do well, this is their finally one side. 甚至搞不好,这就是他们的最后一面。 The eyebrow lifted gently, on the face of viewer showed expression looking pensive. 眉毛轻轻抬了,观察者的脸上露出了若有所思的表情。 Disaster? Although I thought that later tells you is quite good......” “天灾吗?虽然我觉得晚些告诉你会比较好……” You are the present tell me,” Lu Zhou said hastily, even you feel the evening, perhaps on the day of I could not wait.” “你还是现在就告诉我吧,”陆舟连忙说道,“连你都觉得晚,我恐怕是等不到那天了。” Said is also, that please remember, for this piece of universe, to keep one's mouth shut about its all.” “说的也是,那请记住,为了这片宇宙,请你对关于它的一切守口如瓶。” I guaranteed.” “我保证。” Looks makes the promise earnestly Lu Zhou, the viewer smiles gently, arrived at his front. 看着认真做出许诺的陆舟,观察者轻轻笑了笑,走到了他的面前。 The outline that is gathered by myriad light corpuscles, has started gradually to blur, is similar to the shatter lather, in wind that one after another disappearance in touching. 那由万千颗光粒汇聚成的轮廓,已经开始逐渐模糊了,就如同破碎的肥皂泡沫,接二连三的消失在触摸不到的风中。 It approached near the ear of Lu Zhou, the lip moved gently, with the sound that only then two people can hear said. 它凑近了陆舟的耳边,嘴唇轻轻动了,用只有两个人能听见的声音说道。 Disaster is......” “天灾就是……” The pupil enlarges slightly, later contracted several points slowly silent, Lu Zhou a while, looks that has vanished the bubble that does not see, selected gently under. 瞳孔微微放大,随后又缓缓收缩了几分,陆舟沉默了一会儿,看着那已经消失不见的泡影,轻轻点了下头。 I understood.” “我明白了。”
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