SFMW :: Volume #4 神盾局特工小队篇

#528: 528. My wife?

This is a very strange place, has the ancient grave gloomy and cold dense catching up foot. 这是一个很奇怪的地方,有种古墓般阴冷森然的赶脚。 The black, forever is here main key. 黑色,永远是这里的基调。 Returning the prison cell of font, returning the deep deep pool of font, in the deep deep pool, is sending out the ice-cold cold air. Kino looked up, all around by stopping up stubbornly. The middle has one is very the heavy/thick front door, is very heavy, is very reliable. He has swept one, this at least was several tons weight. ‘回’字型的牢房,‘回’字型的深潭,深潭里,散发着冰冷的寒气。奇诺抬头看了下,四周被死死的堵住。中间有一座很是厚重的大门,很重,很牢固。他扫了一眼,这起码是十几吨的重量了。 The place of this similar ancient grave, all around is the wall that very firm lumber makes. Cannot see any material quality, likely is ironwood, very hard like that. 这个类似古墓的地方,四周是很坚固的木材做的墙壁。看不出什么材质,像是铁木,很坚硬的那般。 Above his top of the head, how many are thick and heavy wrought iron chains, does not know that what to be locked? 在他的头顶上方,几根又粗又重的镔铁锁链,不知道锁着什么? Kino subconscious thinking, this environment is very familiar. 奇诺下意识的觉得,这个环境很熟悉啊。 Turning head slowly looks, a giant blue crystal shackles, in shackles full is the water. 缓缓的扭头一看,一个巨大的蓝色的水晶牢笼,牢笼里满满的全是水。 In his indistinct seeing, after a very pretty slender form, depressed tracing forehead: Aiya, it seems like I passed through!” 当他隐约的看到里面,一个很靓丽的窈窕的身影后,郁闷的摸了摸脑门:“哎呀,看来我又穿越了呢!” „Is here " Nine Song » world?” “这里是《九歌》的世界吧?” Approached the giant crystal shackles, identified carefully, water inside roaming to come has swum away that wiped...... The sufficiently crazy appearance and stature, absolutely are my wife-- flame spirit Ji. 凑近了巨大的水晶牢笼,仔细的辨认了一下,水里面游来游去的那一抹……足以让人疯狂的容颜、身材,绝对是我老婆——焰灵姬。 The words said, my wife is few in the length of «Nine Song» in entering the stage, can say not many, even in mother «Nine Song» encyclopedia roles introduced that in does not have her. But she is relying on the chilly and fine appearance as before irrelevant, certainly the pretty stature, became in the numerous dwelling male hearts Wife. 话说,我老婆在《九歌》里面出场的篇幅很少,可以说不多,甚至在度娘《九歌》的百科角色介绍里也没她。但她依旧凭借着清冷、精致的容颜无关,绝靓的身材,成为了众多宅男心中的【老婆】。 Previous generation Kino very much confuses her, seals she does after a period of time wife. 前世奇诺就很迷她,也封她做过一段时间的‘老婆’。 Un, Kino not that type serious controlling plot, but will like on a role suddenly, then brings to make the wallpaper some time, quick can the exchanging person. 嗯,奇诺没有那种严重的‘控’情节,只是会突然喜欢上一个角色,然后拿来做壁纸一段时间,很快就会换新人了。 Quick that the wife renews. 老婆更新的很快。 But here, this shackles, very obviously is that lens that flame spirit Ji enters the stage. 而这里,这个牢笼,很明显就是焰灵姬出场的那一幕镜头啊。 Also does not know why wife was grasped, but also was moved the clothes, because there is an ability that the exercise sets on fire, therefore flame spirit Ji was imprisoned in a giant crystal basin prevents her to run away. 也不知道为啥‘老婆’被抓了,还被扒掉了衣服,因为有操纵火的能力,所以焰灵姬被囚禁在一个巨大的水晶水池之中来防止她逃走。 (, From here, wife was given probably......) (嗯,从这儿来说,老婆好像被人给……) In the following plot, came an old man and a general of aristocrat comes to examine, flame spirit Ji is this aristocrat old man new prey. In order to make this beautiful woman docile, they joined one red material intention to control her in the water. At this time, the unparalleled ghost rushed, and opens has been thousand jin (0.5 kg) strobe, solution effortlessly the general and soldier, and hit the crystal cage with the head of aristocrat old man, has rescued flame spirit Ji. 接下来的剧情中,来了一个贵族的老者和一个将军前来查看,焰灵姬就是这个贵族老者新的‘猎物’。为了使这个美人变得温顺,他们在水中加入了一种红色的物质意图控制她。这时,无双鬼赶到,并打开了重达千斤的闸门,毫不费力的解决掉了将军和士兵,并用贵族老者的头撞开了水晶笼,救出了焰灵姬。 Afterward, then with the unparalleled ghost with hundred original crown princes, hundred more mystical organization convergence that day Ze leads. 随后,便同无双鬼与百越的原太子,天泽所带领的百越神秘组织汇合。 Later makes the South Korean royal palace greatly, and works as Han Wangan, Han Fei, Ji not to have the night and Han Yu as well as opens the place the surface to say Red Eyebrows dragon snake four characters. 之后大闹韩国王宫,并当着韩王安、韩非、姬无夜、韩宇以及张开地的面说出‘赤眉龙蛇’四个字。 Flame spirit Ji as if felt anything, slowly fluttered near the crystal wall, the probe head looks at outside, from time to time was crooked, the brow twists slightly, as if a little feeling of doubts. 焰灵姬似乎感觉到了什么,缓缓的飘到了水晶壁边,探头看着外面,时而歪一下,眉头微微拧起,似乎有点儿疑惑的感觉。 In the crystal shackles, she cannot see outside picture, but can actually feel some. 在水晶牢笼里面,她看不到外面的画面,但却能感觉到一些。 In a moment ago, her felt outside some people in visiting her, but when she approaches the crystal wall felt that’ vanished. 就在刚才,她感觉到了外面有人在看她,但在她接近水晶壁的时候‘感觉’又消失了。 She cannot see Kino, Kino is actually interested visits her. Since had determined here is " Nine Song » world , outside does not need to go to try to find out. 她看不到奇诺,奇诺却很感兴趣的看着她。既然确定了这里是《九歌》的世界,也就没必要去外面摸索了。 Really worthily is my wife!” Kino accumulated one. “果然不愧是‘我老婆’啊!”奇诺啧啧攒了一声。 The unique Chinese type black long hair design, has increased several enchantment to flame spirit Ji, has shown her strong atmospheric field! 别致的中式黑色长发设计,给焰灵姬增添了几份妖娆,更彰显了她的强大气场! Blue eye pupil, to person a deep hallucination feeling, as deep as a well. 蓝色的眼眸,给人一种深沉迷幻的感觉,让人难以捉摸。 Really is gentle like the water, the enthusiasm fire!” “果然是柔媚如水,热情似火啊!” The flame spirit Ji's fate is not quite good, was very chillily is it may be said that beautiful. 焰灵姬的下场可不太好,可谓是很凄美了。 Some many netizens think that flame spirit Ji has not died, perhaps after was day Ze died, returns to hundred more to live in seclusion, might be is killed by the curtain of night organization. 有不少网友认为焰灵姬是没有死的,也许是天泽死后回百越隐居了,也有可能是被夜幕组织杀死了。 Also some people think that afterward flame spirit Ji joined the wind-drift sand, protects Han Fei to enter Qin, finally to save Han Fei dies. 也有人认为后来焰灵姬加入流沙,保护韩非进入秦国,最后为救韩非而死。 However also many netizens believe, flame spirit Ji dies in the red lotus princess's hand finally. 不过还有不少网友认为,焰灵姬最后是死在红莲公主的手中。 In brief, she disappeared, has not appeared again. 总之,她消失了,没有再出现。 When pretty girls have hard luck, she and purple female, makes the jade has not lived Qin in bright moonlight's legitimate theater. 红颜薄命,她和紫女、弄玉都没有活到秦时明月的正剧中。 Flame spirit Ji as the day Ze's only female subordinate, it may be said that is a bright and beautiful scenery line in villain. But after day Ze obtains curtain of night controls own antidote, then by the bloodstained clothing period of five days makes a move to encircle. In addition health/guard Zhuangxiong makes a move to rescue the red lotus princess, making day Ze and his party be tired out by dealing. Although escaped from the encirclement ring finally reluctantly, actually only dropped flame spirit Ji. 焰灵姬作为天泽唯一的女性手下,可谓是反派中的一道亮丽风景线。而天泽得到‘夜幕’控制自己的解药后,便被血衣候出手围剿。再加上卫庄兄出手搭救红莲公主,让天泽一行人疲于应对。虽然最后勉强逃出了包围圈,却唯独独落下了焰灵姬一人。 Although then tactical situation not public, but is very likely flame spirit Ji Huzhu to be cherished, to preserve the teammate lets slip to be captured. By the day Ze's pride, does not beat, should also being insufficient let hand/subordinate prevent, oneself flee, will otherwise not have these many loyal subordinates. 尽管当时的战况一直未曾公开,但很有可能是焰灵姬护主心切,为保全队友而失手被擒。以天泽的骄傲,就算不敌,应该也不至于让手下阻挡,自己潜逃,否则也不会有这么多忠心的属下了。 Perhaps, to promote flame spirit Ji with bloodstained clothing period of five days ‚the ice and fire song of’ plot? 或许,正是为了推动焰灵姬跟血衣候的‘冰与火之歌’剧情吧? Clearly, flame spirit Ji is not the match of bloodstained clothing period of five days, not only the technique of hot charm was restrained by the marquis completely, soon was attacked and captured by the marquis including the inner world. After flame spirit Ji arrogant noisy Han Wangdian, as if the military force halo was getting more and more weak. It seems like that is the time shows truly gentle such as water. 很明显,焰灵姬并不是血衣候的对手,不但火魅之术被侯爷完全克制,连精神世界都被快要被侯爷攻克了。焰灵姬自大闹韩王殿之后,似乎武力光环越来越弱了。看来,是时候展现真正的柔媚如水了。 What a pity, flame spirit Ji Zi wears that lust charm color/look battle dress to start, then has not stopped playing with fire, true softness is also only when just entered the stage has shown to everybody. But this flame spirit Ji has actually taken off this heavy battle dress, had demonstrated with the gently beautiful dancer's posture once more anything is the genuine water tender feelings. 可惜,焰灵姬自穿上那身火魅色的战袍开始,便没有停止过玩火,真正的柔情似水还只是在刚出场的时候给大家展现过。而这次焰灵姬却脱下了这沉重的战袍,用柔美的舞姿再次展示了什么是真正的似水柔情。 Offers the dance for Han Fei, flame spirit Ji besides must repay Han Fei's the graciousness of rescuing, what perhaps are more is those words that because Li Si said. 为韩非献舞,焰灵姬除了要报答韩非的搭救之恩外,恐怕更多的是因为李斯说的那句话把。 ---- I am attending an interesting game, you and your master place. If you do not want to play this game, not only you cannot escape from South Korea, your master will also die a violent death!】 ————【我正在参加一场有趣的游戏,你和你的主人都身处其中。如果你不想玩这个游戏,不但你逃不出韩国,你的主人也会死于非命!】 What from former is shield day Ze runs away to be captured, to afterward showed the hope of innermost feelings most deep place in the bloodstained clothing period of five days prison, does not make the master die a violent death to accept Li Si's invitation to present, joins this interesting in game. 从之前的为掩护天泽逃遁而被擒,到后来在血衣候狱中展现内心最深处的渴望,到现在不让主人死于非命而接受李斯的邀请,加入这场‘有趣’的游戏中。 ...... …… From beginning to end, flame spirit Ji most cares, as if own master day Ze. 自始至终,焰灵姬最在乎的,似乎还是自己的主人天泽。 Ai, has been able to measure with the eye the result of flame spirit Ji that chilly beautiful! 哎,已经可以目测到焰灵姬那凄美的结局了! It seems like my wife must rescue by me.” “看来我老婆还是得由我来搭救啊。” Then, Kino has lifted the hand slowly. 说完,奇诺缓缓的抬起了手。 Space 【空间】 Crystal shackles not broken, inside water has not flowed comes out, but flame spirit Ji is actually the body in a flash, strip appeared in the crystal firmly outside. 水晶牢笼没有破,里面的水也没有流出来,但焰灵姬却是身子一晃,‘條的’出现在了水晶牢外面。 Float is fluttering, stands in Kino space. 悬浮的飘着,立在奇诺的‘空间’中。 ...... -- 咳……噗—— The mysterious three corner/horn region, the just right appearance in his eye first half meter/rice parallel position, the inadequate anger wells up but actually. 神秘的叁角地带,正正好好的出现在他的眼前半米平行位置处,差点儿火气倒涌。 Your excellency is......” “尊驾是……” Flame spirit Ji has not cared about himself to be exposed, she very curious roaming to come in the space ball swims away, that feeling...... Follows in the water dungeon exactly the same, does not have being out of sorts feeling. 焰灵姬并没有在乎自己走光,她很好奇的在空间球里游来游去,那感觉……跟在水牢里一模一样,毫无违和感。 Kisses/Close, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave gave the perfect score newly finally had found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer station synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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