SFMW :: Volume #4 神盾局特工小队篇

#530: 530. Found the fox clan

She discovered with amazement, her hot charm technique was unable to display. 她惊讶的发现,自个的火魅术已经无法施展了。 However she does not have panic-stricken actually. 不过她倒是没有一丝的惊恐。 Because she could feel, the present person is well-meant. Although that pair treats as cargo her the prey of appreciation, making her some slightly is uncomfortable, but...... In the look does not have no Y evil taste, is the reversed image is appreciating a beautiful artware? 因为她感觉得到,眼前的人没有恶意。虽然那双把她当做‘货物’般欣赏的猎物,让她有些略微的不舒服,但……眼神中却也没有什么Y邪之味,倒像是在欣赏一件美丽的艺术品般? „Is your excellency......?” “阁下是……?” Flame spirit Ji is very gentle looks at Kino, present she is gentle such as the water. She did not mind probably, oneself treasure drives the shell, was watched by the strange male short distance. 焰灵姬很是柔媚的看着奇诺,现在的她是柔媚如水的。她好像一点儿也不介意,自己的宝贝驱壳,被陌生男子近距离观看。 In fact looks at the time of face, which time no matter in looks at the face. 嘛,实际上就是看脸的时代,不管在哪个时期都是看脸的。 If you long somersault pig, you looked that flame spirit Ji so will be gentle like the water, already gave you to come enthusiasm to be hot. 你若是长的跟头猪似的,你看焰灵姬还会这么柔媚如水,早就给你来个热情似火了。 Wife......” Kino subconscious blurting shouted. “老婆……”奇诺下意识的脱口喊了出来。 „?” “?” Flame spirit Ji is somewhat ignorant, was she very old? 焰灵姬有些懵,难道她很老了么? „,......” “咳咳,……” Kino also responded, wife this glossary was widely known, earliest appeared in Tang Dynasty, now or Warring States time. 奇诺也反应过来了,‘老婆’这个词汇盛传,最早出现在唐代,现在还是战国时期呢。 The emperor said that the wife called the form of address used by the emperor to the empress. 皇帝称老婆叫梓童。 ( Does not know how the latter years of the Warring States period shouted, but Liu Bang such shouted.) (不知道战国末期怎么喊的,不过刘邦是这么喊的。) The prime minister said that the wife called the madame \; 宰相称老婆叫夫人\; The article is called the wife to call my wife \; 文人称老婆叫拙荆\; The elegant gentleman called to hold the broom \; 雅士叫执帚\; The businessmen called my humble wife \; 商贾称贱内\; The scholars called the wife \; 士人叫妻子\; The scholar called the wife \; 秀才才称娘子\; The farmers called the young married woman. 庄稼汉叫婆姨。 How as for the present to shout that Kino does not know. 至于现在是怎么喊的,奇诺就不知道了。 I had a liking for you.” “我看上你了。” „, I like you......” “呃,我喜欢你……” I am pleasing you.” “我中意你啊。” Flame spirit Ji slightly is still knitting the brows, but she understood the Kino anything meaning, some expression non- natures. She understood, at present this person should settles on her, wants to receive her to ban O, like initially stressed that person that she comes. Her instinct is very angry, but layer upon layer was actually fettered, the means do not have. But made her surprised matter occur quickly, at present this mysterious man has let loose her unexpectedly. 焰灵姬还在微微皱着眉,但她已经明白奇诺什么意思了,表情有些不自然。她明白了,眼前这人应该是看中她了,想把她收为禁O,就像当初抓她来的那人一样。她本能的很想愤怒,但却被层层束缚住,一点儿办法也没有。但很快的让她惊讶的事情发生了,眼前这神秘的男子居然放开了她。 The next second she wants to get angry,...... 下一秒她想动火,…… However a that person of light look, then lets her such as the dropping icehouse. 然而那人轻飘飘的一记眼神,便让她如堕冰窖般。 She understands, among two people strength disparity. 她明白,两人之间的实力差距。 Kino cocked the ears to listen, immediately flushed flame spirit Ji to smile: Your personal enemy came, un, your friend also came.” 奇诺侧耳听了一下,随即冲焰灵姬一笑:“你的仇人来了,嗯,你的朋友也来了。” The personal enemies naturally were the brocade clothes old man as well as that general, the friend was the unparalleled ghost. 仇人自然是锦衣老者以及那个将军了,朋友则是无双鬼。 hears word, flame spirit Ji wrinkled the attractive black eyebrow coloring eyebrow once again. 闻言,焰灵姬再度皱起了好看的黛眉。 Saying, Kino waved to her: My wife's body cannot be looked by others.” 说着,奇诺冲她挥了挥手:“我老婆的身子可不能被别人看了。” Suddenly, on flame spirit Ji Chiguo body, were many a white gauze clothes, a little likely is land Xueqi the clothing. This lets flame spirit Ji is very surprised, do the clothes come? She really did not understand, this is a matter? The latter years of the Warring States period have the metaphysics Eight Trigrams (gossip) and art of making oneself invisible art of making oneself invisible and so on mysterious ability, but how see...... At present this is more mystical? 眨眼间,焰灵姬赤菓的身子上,就多了一层白色的纱衣,有点儿像是陆雪琪的着装。这让焰灵姬很是惊讶,衣服怎么来的?她实在不理解,这是怎么一回事?战国末期存在着玄学八卦、奇门遁甲之类的神秘能力,但怎么看……眼前这个更加神秘吧? She even more could not completely understand eye predecessor. 她也越发的看不透眼前人了。 „Don't you as if abandon your master? Or do I make an agreement with you?” “你似乎不舍你的主人?要不我跟你做个约定吧?” What?” “什么?” When you were held, was me, how?” “当你被抓住的时候,就属于我了,如何?” Although is questioning, but Kino has not waited for the reply of opposite party, but walked toward one side wall. The speed of walking is very slow, but actually in a flash surmounted the space, and...... Penetrated the wall to vanish very much strangely. 虽然是在问话,但奇诺并没有等待对方的回答,而是朝着一侧的墙壁走了过去。走的速度很慢,但却一瞬间跨越了空间,并且……很诡异的穿透了墙壁消失了。 Flame spirit Ji opened eye once more. 焰灵姬再次睁大了眼。 Bang-- front door opened. 轰隆——大门开了。 Flame spirit Ji has taken back the ignorant look, then, naturally is one slaughters. 焰灵姬收回了懵懂的眼神,接下来的,自然是一番杀戮。 ---- ———— 26 volumes of a blink pass by. 26集一眨眼过去。 Under the woods, trap and strategy, day Ze attained the antidote to extricate, but flame spirit Ji as was always grasped. 树林、陷阱、谋略之下,天泽拿到解药解脱了,但焰灵姬一如既往的被抓了起来。 „Does marquis, how the criminal process?” A small weapons going forward respectful say/way. “侯爷,犯人怎么处理?”一个小兵甲上前恭敬道。 „......” “……” The bloodstained clothing period of five days bends the smiling face that has wiped to ponder, the meaning was very obvious. However in the next quarter, his facial color changes instantaneously, forehead sweat saliva saliva...... From dropped immediately. Moreover, he stands unable to stand, both hands knees kneel on the ground, the surface toward the position...... As if worshipping on bended knees general. 血衣候弯起了一抹玩味的笑容,意思很明显了。然而在下一刻,他面色瞬间大变,额头汗水津津……从马上跌落了下来。不仅如此,他连站都站不起来,双手双膝跪在地上,面朝位……似乎在跪拜一般。 But his horse does not have any matter. 但他的马却没有任何的事情。 Except that outside the horses, the soldiers of bloodstained clothing period of five days were pressed lie on the ground, bang bang...... Keeps doing, does not have the life. 除去马匹外,血衣候的士兵们纷纷被压得趴在了地上,‘嘭嘭’的……爆个不停,无一生还。 Is detaining flame spirit Ji's prison van, exploded in abundance. 关押着焰灵姬的囚车,也纷纷爆开了。 Stands on the cliff in visual below Han Fei, has revealed the panic-stricken facial features. 站在悬崖上正在目视下方的韩非,露出了惊骇的面容。 Yes...... Who?!” “是……谁?!” Bloodstained clothing period of five days pale like vampire face on, tick-tock tick-tock is dropping the sweat, he is supporting the body difficultly, has lifted the head finally reluctantly. 血衣候苍白如吸血鬼般的脸上,滴答滴答的滴着汗水,他艰难的撑着身子,总算是勉强的抬起了头。 Then, his mind trembles greatly. 然后,他心神巨颤。 A dragon. 一头龙。 Yes, was a dragon appears! 是的,是一头龙出现了! If the bloodstained clothing period of five days is Transmigrator, at this moment he will say one absolutely: MMP! 血衣候如果是穿越者的话,此刻他绝对会说一句:MMP! day. 日了。 Father here is ‚the ultra military world yeah, did you give to put in order one unreliably imaginary, the immortal hero wind?! Day Ze obtains the antidote runs away , a Black Dragon, but that is false. 老子这里是‘超武世界’哎,你咋给整出了一个玄幻、仙侠风了啊?靠!天泽得到解药逃窜的时候,也似一头黑龙般,但那是假的。 This is too at present real. 眼前这个太真实了。 The pressure of that terrifying, he of oppression cannot raise the head. 那恐怖的威压,压迫的他根本抬不起头来。 Moreover, on that dragon also sits a person. 不仅如此,那头龙上还坐着一个人呢。 Comes naturally is Kino! 前来的自然是奇诺啦! He with bloodstained clothing period of five days ink marks idle talk, has not flown directly from the dragon, gradually flutters on the prison van, since hugs flame spirit Ji...... Returned to above the dragon body once again. 他没有跟血衣候墨迹废话,直接从龙身上飞下,缓缓飘在囚车上,抱起焰灵姬……再度回了龙身之上。 The next quarter, the dragon flies for nine days. 下一刻,龙飞九天。 But is fettering the pressure of bloodstained clothing period of five days, without a trace that also instantaneously is vanishing. 而束缚着血衣候的压力,也在瞬间消失的无影无踪。 He has stood slowly, looks position that Black Dragon is flying away, silent did not speak, his clothes early have soaked...... Seemed just fished from the water general. 他缓缓的站了起来,望着黑龙飞走的方位,默然不语,他的衣服早已经湿透了……好似刚从水中捞起来一般。 ---- ———— -- —— Who is dares to act unruly in my Tushan?” “是谁胆敢在我涂山撒野?” ...... It seems the reprint empress, the waist was the booklet ear fox of gigantic liquor bottle gourd was appearing, she entered the stage, the surrounding atmosphere then became cold. 一个……好似翻版女帝,腰间系着硕大的酒葫芦的折耳狐出现了,她一出场,周围的气氛便变得寒冷了起来。 Even, as if...... The ground has also tied thin film of ice layer upon layer. 甚至于,似乎……地面也结了一层层的冰碴。 That in Tushan disturbing the person, is also out of control hit to tremble. 那个在涂山‘捣乱’的人,也禁不住的打了个寒颤。 Naturally, he is not cold, but to do for the occasion. 当然,他不是冷,只是为了应景而已。 Han Yamei, I complied with your matter to achieve.” Looks at the familiar face, man has to plant to put the impulsion that flame spirit Ji comes out at present, but he bore turned head to look to the side. “韩亚美,我答应你的事情做到了哦。”看着眼前熟悉的面孔,男子有种放焰灵姬出来的冲动,但他忍住了扭头看向身边。 To look that really two females fight, an ice, a fire. 真的想看两女打架啊,一个冰,一个火。 However estimate flame spirit Ji is not a match, but at present this Tushan elegant elegant. 不过估计焰灵姬不是对手,眼前这位可是涂山雅雅呢。 Right, presents in Tushan disturbing the man passes through Kino that comes Markus. But that does not tally with the Tushan style completely, in the future the silver mask female of black technical feeling clothing, will be arctic fox Han Yamei. 没错,出现在涂山‘捣乱’的男子正是穿越而来的奇诺・马库斯啦。而那个跟涂山风格完全不相符的,未来黑科技感着装的银色面具女子,正是‘白狐’韩亚美。 She has said that wants to look for own clansman partner, even if not a person of world. 她说过,想要找自己的族人伙伴,哪怕不是一个世界的人。 Kino helped her achieve. 奇诺还是帮她做到了。 Han Yamei has shown own cloven hoof, although is the illusory transparent blue tail, with Tushan elegant Nha's tail not, but...... The opposite party frowned. 韩亚美露出了自己的狐狸尾巴,虽然是虚幻的透明的蓝色尾巴,跟涂山雅雅的尾巴不一样,但……对方还是皱起了眉头。 This...... Probably is also the person of fox clan, although seems looks like the variation very much. 这个……好像也是狐族的人,虽然看上去很像变异的。 Here is " Fox » world. 这里是《狐妖》世界。 Simply speaking, the Tushan fox is the good fox, but the bad fox usually refers to was the black fox. 简单来说,涂山狐狸是好的狐狸,而坏狐狸一般指的就是黑色的狐狸了。 Kisses/Close, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave gave the perfect score newly finally had found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer station synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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