SR :: Volume #10

#999: The ants bite the group dragon

Quite young World of the Living God Level Evolver was passed through by a Chu Feng fist, regards the disintegration, becomes the blood and bone, shocks Mystic Realm, making many people lose one's voice. 较为年轻的阳间神级进化者楚风一拳贯穿,当成解体,成为血与骨,震撼秘境,让不少人失声。 Is this what kind of method? The person of World of the Dead universe kills Divinity at the bang! 这是怎样的手段?阴间宇宙的人在轰杀神祇 Especially many person knows Chu Feng's root foot, comes for him, thought Divinity to arrive, appears in him at present, will be then easy, writes off it easily. 尤其是很多人知道楚风的根脚,就是为他而来,原以为神祇降临,出现在他眼前,便会手到擒来,轻易抹杀之。 How can expect, World of the Dead Indigenous in their eyes, a base and low insect of Saint level, in one year in progresses by leaps and bounds, already to become God, even arrived at a higher level. 怎能料到,他们眼中的阴间土著,一个圣者层次的卑微虫子,在一年的时间内突飞猛进,已经成神,甚至到了更高层次。 His unexpectedly here readily slaughter god, just like fantasy story, making people be hard to accept. 他居然在这里轻易屠神,宛若天方夜谭,让人难以接受。 They are similar to the big dragon overlooked this stretch of earth, finally weak Little Ant in their eyes, the big dragon that then throws off the sky directly, and will kill certainly. 原本他们如同巨龙俯视这片大地,结果他们眼中的弱小蚂蚁,则直接掀翻天空的巨龙,并将之绝杀。 The contrast of this priority contrast is too striking, an ant holds up the head, fights with the fists, kills a big dragon, this picture lets god petrify! 这种先后对比的反差太强烈,一只蚂蚁昂首而起,一拳打出,击毙一头巨龙,这一画面让众神都石化 The distant place, sends goddess to knit the brows blue, her figure is not tall, but the curve is astonishing, delicate and exquisite. 远处,一位蓝发女神皱眉,她身材不高,但曲线惊人,娇小玲珑。 Her flesh shining white, sends blue clear is dancing in the breeze, both eyes profound, the appearance is attractive and delightful. 她肌肤莹白,蓝发晶莹飘舞着,双目湛湛,长相非常漂亮与甜美。 At this moment, her snow white forehead in presents a slit, reveals divine glow, that unexpectedly is vertical eye, the golden light beam bursts out together, kills Chu Feng towering. 就在此刻,她雪白的眉心间出现一道缝隙,露出神芒,那竟然是一只竖眼,一道金色光束迸发出来,突兀地袭杀楚风 "Um? ” “嗯?” The Chu Feng surprise, World of the Living this crowd of talents are really also proud, he executes the gods not to deter them one after another, unexpectedly do some people then begin immediately? 楚风诧异,阳间这群天才还真是自负,他接连诛神都没有震慑住他们,居然有人在第一时间便又动手? dang! 当! He in a flash, index finger sparkling is shining, being defeated and dispersed that golden light beam strikes, but actually also felt that not a weak impulse, that sends the goddess to be very strong blue. 他弹指间,食指莹莹灿灿,将那道金色光束击的溃散,但却也感觉到一种不弱的冲击力,那个蓝发女神很强。 Most at least in Divinity is outstanding person, the average person definitely cannot block, will be executed by this light beam! 最起码在神祇中是佼佼者,一般人肯定挡不住,会被此光束格杀! Has killed him!” “杀了他!” This likely is a signal, other people began. 这像是一个信号,其他人都跟着动手了。 A head hangs green Jinding, to grasp the heavenly spear youth, the hand refers to the front, this is a strength unusual man, full head sends to dance in the air green, starts to launch an attack. 一个头上悬着绿金鼎、手持天戈的青年,手指前方,这是一位实力超凡的男子,满头绿发飞舞,开始发难。 Bang! 轰! In his top of the head, that green Jinding illumination, the large expanse of ocean waves ripple from cauldron mouth there, then turns into the Sword Qi great waves, this attack is somewhat astonishing. 在他的头顶上,那口绿金鼎发光,成片的碧波从鼎口那里荡漾而出,而后化成剑气浪涛,这种攻击有些惊人。 Clearly is a cauldron, but actually wells up the ray from the cauldron mouth, just like the artificial pond, turns into Sword Qi finally, forms the great waves to sweep across outward. 分明是一口鼎,可是却从鼎口中汩汩而涌光芒,宛若泉池,最后又化成剑气,形成浪涛向外席卷。 The world trembles, was divided void! 天地颤栗,虚空被分割! This scene shocks everybody! 这一景象惊世骇俗! Chu Feng naturally is at the center of Sword Qi sea, the first layer sword light was submerged by that first layer, sword glow is dreadful, must twist to break to pieces all! 楚风自然处在剑气海的中心,被那一重一重的剑光所淹没,剑芒滔天,要绞碎一切! Other not far away people also moved, several people simultaneously take action, is God Level Evolver, they could not look that Chu Feng holds up the head facing them here. 不远处其他人也动了,有数人同时出手,都是神级进化者,他们看不过楚风在这里昂首面对他们。 Can once ant insect, how the dignity of provocative god? And slaughters in this, must result in has God of powerful to act, the rapid bang will kill. 曾经的蚁虫,怎么能挑衅神之威严?并在此大开杀戒,必须得有强力的神灵出面,将之迅速的轰杀。 These people are very strong, some people wield 12 golden whips, some people hold the long halberd, but also some people wield the demon blade that black light rises suddenly, launches an attack. 这几人都很强,有人挥动12节的黄金鞭,有人则持长戟,还有人挥动乌光暴涨的魔刀,同时发难。 The Chu Feng corners of the mouth bring indifferent smiling, the body in a flash, suddenly forward to flush away, has not avoided, but must conquer by killing them. 楚风嘴角带着冷漠的笑,身体一晃,瞬息间向前冲去,没有躲避,而是要血洗他们。 Bang! 轰! Now, his speed was too fast, displays Lightning Fist, this Divine Skill shocks everybody, is having the demonic nature, previously when Young Lady Xi passed to him has said that might is the fist technique controlling person, but inhuman controlling fist! 现在,他的速度太快了,施展闪电拳,这种神技惊世骇俗,带着魔性,早先少女曦传给他时就讲过,有可能会是拳法驭人,而非人驭拳! Chu Feng is the same with the lightning, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered this place, the whole person moves along with a pair of fist, the thunder bang explodes void! 楚风跟闪电一样,纵横此地,整个人随着一双拳头而动,雷霆轰爆虚空! Bang! 砰! The great waves that grasps heavenly spear, head float a man in green Jinding to feel this violent energy attack first, the cauldron mouth surged Sword Qi that turns into to be put on by the Chu Feng bang, shook has dispersed, the energy turbulent flow surged in Mystic Realm. 那手持天戈、头上悬浮着一座绿金鼎的男子最先感受到这种猛烈的能量侵袭,鼎口汩汩涌动出的剑气化成的浪涛被楚风轰穿了,震散了,能量乱流在秘境中激荡。 In a flash, this stretch of region is tattered and torn, destroyed looking awful. 一瞬间,这片地带千疮百孔,被毁坏的不成样子。 If in the World of the Dead universe, starry sky must blast open, creates a large area of destruction, planet wait/etc. must be cut to fall by the sword of light god one after another, turns into the cosmic dust. 如果是在阴间宇宙,星空都要炸裂,造成大面积的毁灭,星球等都被要被一道又一道神之剑光斩落,化成宇宙尘埃。 But this piece of Mystic Realm is different, was Broken Universe most long ago the generation of staying behind vestige, now has wave rune to ripple, was protecting oneself. 但这片秘境不同,是残破宇宙最早年代留下的遗迹,现在有水波般的符文在荡漾,在自我保护。 The attack of god, was compressed unexpectedly in very small range, after void breakage, reorganizes, has not affected to go far away very much. 神之攻击,居然都被压缩在很小的范围内,虚空破裂后又重组,没有波及到很远去。 The World of the Living's talent reveals startled accommodates, this piece of Mystic Realm is really not weak, the world is firm, compared with it World of the Living, although was inferior, but compares to Broken Universe other to be stronger too. 阳间的天才露出惊容,这片秘境还真是不弱,天地坚固,比之阳间虽然不如,但是比起残破宇宙其他地要强太多。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 large expanse of sword light leaps, falls in torrents from the cauldron mouth, sweeps off toward Chu Feng, but, under his pair of clear fist, all by the crush, was rumbled loose. 成片的剑光腾起,从鼎口中倾泻出,向着楚风扫去,但是,在他的那双晶莹的拳头下,一切都被碾压,被轰散了。 Side, a long halberd sweeps, finally was held by Chu Feng single-handed, ka-cha, shaking will break! 旁边,一杆长戟扫来,结果被楚风单手抓住,喀嚓一声,将之震断! Chī! 哧! The world is divided into two halves, was separated, that is head float green Jinding is advocating to counter-attack, sends to hang loose green, when meets the approaching enemy Chu Feng directly, he wields begins heavenly spear. 天地分为两半,被割裂了,那是头上悬浮绿金鼎的正主自己在反击,绿发披散,正面迎击楚风时,他挥动手中的天戈 dang! 当! Chu Feng Lightning Fist, is very high that its heavenly spear hits, the direct distortion, the blade of heavenly spear vanishes, by disappearing that the fist hits, energy shaking void is the black crack. 楚风闪电拳一出,将其天戈打的荡起很高,直接变形,天戈之刃消失,被拳头打的不见了,能量震的虚空全是黑色裂缝。 That sends the male foot to step on strange movement technique green, is similar to strolls in Star Sea, the light shadow is hazy, this place appears the large expanse of star, accomplishes the natural moat artificially, is similar to the real universe appears, wants to spread out among with Chu Feng. 那绿发男子脚踩诡异步法,如同在星海中漫步,光影迷蒙,此地浮现成片的星斗,人为造就天堑,如同真实宇宙浮现,想拉开跟楚风间的距离。 However, the Chu Feng's movement is how quick, bang fights with the fists, wants second to hit in this lets this person of destroy both body and soul. 然而,楚风的动作何其快,砰的一拳打出,想要在这第二击中就让此人形神俱灭 The critical moment, sends the man to eject heavenly spear green, simultaneously stimulates to movement head green Jinding to hit forward, stops the Chu Feng's offensive, he has not thought that Chu Feng is so strong, fights, must take his life! 关键时刻,绿发男子抛出天戈,同时催动头上的绿金鼎向前撞击,阻挡楚风的攻势,他没有想到楚风这么强,才交手而已,就要来取他性命! ka-cha! 喀嚓 heavenly spear breaks off, big change that at the same time works as, that green Jinding by a Chu Feng fist hitting goes in hollowly a bulk, exudes humming sound the sound, magnificent rays of light, flies upside down, and bang hit in has sent male own body green. 天戈折断,于此同时当的一声剧震,那口绿金鼎被楚风一拳给打的凹陷进去一大块,发出嗡嗡声,光芒大盛,倒飞出去,并砰的一声撞在了绿发男子自己的身上。 ! 噗! His bone breaks the muscle booklet, body flying upside down, then the whole person starts to disintegrate, divine blood scattered, withstood the unimaginable attack, could not support. 他骨断筋折,身体倒飞,接着整个人开始解体,神血四溅,承受了不可想象的攻击,支撑不住。 Same carves, Chu Feng moved, is similar to spreading the wings Kunpeng, the place visited, is the reactionary reign of terror. 同一刻,楚风动了,如同一头展翅的鲲鹏,所过之处,便是血雨腥风。 Grasped the person of long halberd to be held by him a moment ago, died directly two pieces, was soul light is hard to escape, that lifted the men of 12 golden whips to retrocede, finally was overtaken by Chu Feng, flies high to tread on two, from spine there separation, divine blood, startled fear four directions. 刚才手持长戟的人被他抓住,直接死成两片,就是魂光都难以逃过,那举着12节黄金鞭的男子想要后退,结果被楚风追上,凌空一脚踏成两段,从脊椎骨那里断开,神血冲起,惊慑四方。 In people opinion, this simply is Great Demon, does the willful slaughter god, sweep away all obstacles, making World of the Living one crowd of talents feel sad? 在众人看来,这简直就是一个大魔头,恣意屠神,所向披靡,让阳间一群天才情何以堪? Buzz! 嗡! Silent within, divine light ripples, the purple light beam flies together, was too quick, was rumbled to put on void, world unexpectedly at slightly wail. 无声无息间,神光荡漾,一道紫色光束飞来,太快了,虚空被轰穿,天地居然在略微哀鸣。 This is very fearful strikes, Chu Feng looks back unexpectedly, the discovery is distant place that sends the goddess blue, although is delicate and exquisite, looks like very delightful, but starts is very really decisive, is very fearful. 这是非常可怕的一击,楚风蓦地回首,发现是远处那名蓝发女神,虽然娇小玲珑,看起来很甜美,但是下手真的很果断,也很可怕。 As before divine glow that projects from her forehead that slit, but the color was different, was more formidable than a moment ago many times. 依旧是从她眉心那道缝隙中射出的神芒,但色彩不同了,比刚才强大很多倍。 Chu Feng discovered that in the fingers drops several blood unexpectedly, was wounded by that ray of light bunch. 楚风发现,手指间居然落下几滴血液,被那道光束击伤。 Not far away, some people were shouting lowly, recognized the identity of this female, the ethnic group that knows she was, this was Immemorial lost clan, one in Human Race top bloodlines alliance, thinks that was aloof the category of person, supported oneself, no longer posed as Human Race, was terrifying. 不远处,有人在低呼,认出这个女子的身份,知道她所在的族群,这是太古遗族,人族顶级血脉联盟中的一员,自认为超脱了人的范畴,自立出去,不再以人族自居,非常恐怖。 divine glow that this vertical eye contains can strike weakly. 这种竖眼所蕴含的神芒可以弱击强。 This female striking power is astonishing, starts towering, can penetrate the Divine General body and spirit, can injure to the flesh of Divine King. 此女的攻击力非常惊人,突兀下手,能击穿神将的体魄,能伤到神王的肌肤。 He is...... Most minimum Divine General peak Evolver!” Sends the female opens the mouth blue, is very surprised, this striking makes her try some Chu Feng's strengths. “他是……最起码神将巅峰的进化者!”蓝发女子开口,很吃惊,这一击让她试出楚风的部分实力。 Bang! 轰! This stretch of world thunders to continue immediately, Chu Feng moved, dived the past to her. 这片天地顿时轰鸣不止,楚风动了,冲着她俯冲过去。 Sufficed!” “够了!” The distant place, has Divine General to angrily roar, the full head ash sends, is very old, finds out a dusky big hand rapidly, the fog surges, grasps toward Chu Feng. 远处,有神将怒吼,满头灰发,年龄很大,迅速探出一只灰蒙蒙大手,雾霭翻腾,向着楚风抓来。 Has existence of this progression, how possibly to tolerate Chu Feng to slaughter, now finally was take action, must execute Chu Feng. 有他这种级数的存在,怎么可能容忍楚风一路屠杀,现在终于是出手了,要格杀楚风 Suffices fuck you!” “够你大爷!” How Chu Feng will fear, kills as before forward, has not received the hand along the way, kills two God Level Evolver on the way once more, blood. 楚风怎么会惧怕,依旧向前杀去,沿途没有收手,在途中再次干掉两名神级进化者,血液点点。 Meanwhile, he also arrived at that to send the goddess blue the near, appointed her forehead shone, divine glow unceasing lasing, but was suppressed by him. 同时,他也到了那个蓝发女神的近前,任她眉心发光,神芒不断激射,但还是被他压制了。 In this, Divine General that only big hand to Chu Feng behind, must hold him. 于此之际,神将的那只大手到了楚风背后,就要将他一把抓住。 But his does not return, a hand grasps forward, is sideways slightly, another hand welcomed toward the rear dusky big hand. 可是他头也不回,一只手向前抓去,稍微侧身,另一只手向着后方灰蒙蒙的大手迎去。 Bang! 砰! He sends the female to imprison that blue, then suddenly makes an effort, the bone that will grip breaks the muscle booklet, then conveniently ejects, she then turns into piece of blood mist instant. 他将那蓝发女子禁锢,而后猛然一用力,将之攥的骨断筋折,接着随手抛出,刹那她便化成一片血雾 Chu Feng has not turned head, another hand holds the big hand of Divine General, sound that transmits the bone split, quite grating. 楚风没有回头,另一只手抓住神将的大手,传来骨裂的声响,相当的刺耳。 That old Divine General is stuffy, oneself is trembling, one had been pulled from the distant place by Chu Feng. 那位年老的神将闷哼,自身颤栗着,被楚风一把从远处扯了过来。 Bang! 轰! In collides with Chu Feng's, his oneself is quite intense, but Chu Feng actually easily rumbles to explode him finally, old Divine General die. 在跟楚风的碰撞中,他自身比较激烈,但是楚风最后却轻易间将他轰爆,一位老神将殒落 Has killed him!” “杀了他!” This place has many God Level talents , some old Divine General, even there is Divine King to appear intermittently, at this time was roaring, such suddenly, Chu Feng connected the slaughter god, how could did they tolerate? 此地有很多神级天才,也有一些老神将,甚至有神王隐现,这时怒吼着,就这么瞬息间,楚风接连屠神,他们岂能容忍? The Chu Feng whole body illumination, batters, several Divinity are split up, this is not general Evolver, but is the World of the Living's talent, like this died, regarding some Dao Lineage, loses is not small. 楚风浑身发光,横冲直撞,又有几位神祇四分五裂,这可不是一般的进化者,而是阳间的天才,就这样死去,对于一些道统来说,损失不小。 Buzz! 嗡! Around Chu Feng's, the light rain leaps, exceptionally brilliant, is the fireworks blooms likely, is the meteor gathers the waterfall likely, condenses the rivers, then here surges. 楚风的四周,光雨腾起,异常的绚烂,像是烟花绽放,像是流星汇聚成瀑布,凝聚成河流,而后在这里激荡。 He has used Small Six Paths Time Technique, here slaughters. 他动用了小六道时光术,在这里大开杀戒。 The short contact, successively brightly is then killed violently, the booklet perishes in this place, god blood dyes red Between Heaven and Earth, the cold wind roars, phenomenon numerous. 短暂接触,便先后有神毙命,折殒在此地,神血染红天地间,阴风怒号,异象纷呈。 However, does not have the day to cry and other scenes to appear, because this is Immemorial Mystic Realm, the principle is fearful, is higher than the space ranks of other regions. 但是,却没有天哭等景象出现,因为这是太古秘境,法则可怕,远比其他地带的空间级别高。 Chu Feng in the slaughter god, treads the skeleton of god to go forward, the under foot is the blood! 楚风在屠神,踏着神之尸骨前进,脚下皆是血! The distant place, the old friend soul from World of the Dead universe is trembling, is really this Chu Feng? Unexpectedly can achieve this step, wants the myth compared with the myth! 远处,来自阴间宇宙的故人灵魂都在震颤,这真是楚风吗?居然能做到这一步,比神话还要神话! He is using Foreign Territory these...... strange technique!” Ying Wudi looks awkward, the look is complex, is the Chu Feng's strength is startled, the method of also for him resorting to sighed. “他在动用异域的那些……异术!”映无敌表情不自然,神色复杂,为楚风的战力而惊,也为他动用的手段而叹息。 Brother-in-law!” Silver-haired young loli also looked at outcome. “姐夫!”银发小luoli也看出来了究竟。 Suddenly, her whole face tears, fully realized how, once uses this strange technique to cause the fearful consequence. 一时间,她满脸泪水,深知一旦动用这种异术会带来怎样的可怕后果。 Since then, that then slides to the start of dark Abyss, steps a road of no return, life essence will not be many, the old age is extremely pitiful. 自此之后,那便是滑向黑暗深渊的开始,踏上一条不归路,寿元不会很多,晚年极其凄惨。 The Ying Zhexian white clothing flap flap, is staring at the horizon end battlefield, said: He is affiliation strange technique promotes Divine Realm, in light of this, in the limited life time cannot get rid of the entanglement of strange matter, Chu Feng, your this cannot fight the World of the Living's person eventually.” 映谪仙白衣猎猎,盯着地平线尽头的战场,道:“他是藉异术晋升到神境,就此以后,有限的生命时光中已经摆脱不了诡异物质的纠缠,楚风,你这样终究是斗不过阳间的人。”
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