SR :: Volume #10

#1000: Suppresses the gods

Small Six Paths Time Technique, the four directions divine nature kernel ebullition, Chu Feng cut to kill many God a moment ago, now the light rain transpiration, flies from all around, is brilliant. 小六道时光术一出,四方神性颗粒沸腾,楚风刚才斩杀多位神灵,现在光雨蒸腾,从四面八方飞来,非常绚烂。 These granules are having the attribute of god, is most source materials, permeates from the Chu Feng skin, submerges in his each cell, is full in soul light. 这些粒子都带着神之属性,都是最本源的物质,从楚风皮肤中渗入,没入他的每一处细胞中,充盈进魂光内。 Fought the consumption not to be many a moment ago, but the supplement so was violent, the Chu Feng fine hair kondow has opened, from head to foot one radiance, flesh glittering and translucent. 刚才交手耗费不多,而补充却这么猛烈,楚风汗毛孔都张开了,从头到脚都一片璀璨,肌肤晶莹剔透 In addition rarest Dao Ancestral Matter also wells up, he stands is among the source granules, just like changing eternal! 再加上最为稀珍的道祖物质也涌来,他立身在本源粒子间,宛若化作永恒! The picture of this flash, forever brand mark enters in the people heart, his is the skeleton of god, the blood dyes the earth, he is holding up the head to stand, looks disdainfully the World of the Living gods. 这一刹那的画面,永远烙印进众人心中,他脚下是神的尸骨,血染大地,他则在昂首而立,睥睨阳间众神。 Bang!” “轰!” Silver robe Divine King take action, foot treads, the Mystic Realm space collapses the fearful black fissure, he sets up the body void is the porcelain disintegrates likely! 一位银袍神王出手,一脚踏出,秘境空间崩坏出可怕的黑色裂痕,他所立身的虚空像是瓷器瓦解! He is in an uncontrollable rage, full head white hair chaotic dance. 他怒不可遏,满头白发乱舞。 Such gets down again, World of the Dead Indigenous that in his eyes that must kill must conquer by killing here quickly, will massacre massive Divinity, making them feel sad? 再这么下去,他眼中那个必杀的阴间土著都要快血洗这里了,会杀掉大量的神祇,让他们情何以堪? He as Divine King, is responsible for guarding this place, if presents that type massacre that bleeds the floating scull, he has the significant responsibility for an offense inevitably. 他身为神王,负责镇守此地,若是出现那种流血漂橹的惨案,他必然有重大罪责。 Thump!” “咚!” Divine King moves, the four directions are all startled! 神王一动,四方皆惊! All people palpitate in the heart, the gods are backing up, does not want to be swept across, silver robe Divine King take action, that World of the Dead has Indigenous also been able to resist inadequately? 所有人都在心头悸动,众神都在倒退,不想被席卷进去,银袍神王出手了,那个阴间土著还能对抗不成? Silver robe Divine King one step takes, arrived at the near, divine might is enormous and powerful, if in the World of the Dead universe, the starry sky cannot withstand his power and influence. 银袍神王一步迈出,就已经到了近前,神威浩荡,若是在阴间宇宙,星空都承受不住他的这种威势。 Around him, the space by its energy separate of showing, turned into piece of black Abyss, but his oneself is dazzling, silver light shines ten sides. 在他周围,空间被其透出的能量割裂,化成一片黑色的深渊,而他自身是炫目的,银光普照十方。 Jet black, he is similar to from hell comes, to hold up the head to roar! 身后漆黑,他如同自地狱而来,昂首咆哮! He arrived at the near, and a foot treads toward Chu Feng, overbearing, void is similar to a picture scroll in hurricane, crash-bang makes noise, is split up. 他到了近前,并且一脚向着楚风踏来,霸道之极,虚空如同飓风中的一张画卷,哗啦啦作响,而后四分五裂。 This is the potential of Divine King, takes in World of the Dead Indigenous of foot to step on bloody mud his eyes, is run over and dies directly. 这是神王之势,要一脚将他眼中的阴间土著踩成血泥,直接碾死。 „A Divine King anger, the rivers of blood, lifting the hand may extinguish a clan in the instance, the crush World of the Dead ant insect is easy!” Some people exclaimed in surprise. 神王一怒,血流成河,抬手可灭一族于瞬间,碾压阴间蚁虫轻而易举!”有人惊叹。 Many people on the scene thought, Chu Feng is more unfortunate than fortunate, looked he set up a place to be tattered, was covered by the sole of Divine King, resisted? 在场的许多人都觉得,楚风凶多吉少,看他立身之地都破破烂烂了,被神王的脚掌覆盖,怎么抵挡? Dying is a little aggrieved.” The Broken Universe person discussed in a low voice, they hide in the horizon end. “死的有点憋屈啊。”残破宇宙的人低声议论,他们躲在天际尽头。 Trim Mystic Realm oneself is shining, rune is densely covered, protects this stretch of world, otherwise all people must be killed by shock by that complementary waves, turns into the dust. 整片秘境自身在发光,符文密布,保护这片天地,不然所有人都要被那余波震死,化成尘埃。 Brother-in-law!” The silver-haired young loli big eye is red, full is the tears, is worried about the extreme. “姐夫!”银发小luoli大眼通红,满是泪水,担心到极点。 The World of the Dead universe, the hearts of many person have raised, there are many old friends to hope that Chu Feng can win, naturally does not have the little being hostile to complexion to be indifferent. 阴间宇宙,很多人的心都提了起来,有不少的故人都希望楚风能够赢,当然也不有少许敌视者脸色冷漠。 Bang! 砰! At this time Chu Feng own brilliance shines, magnificently intense arrives at the pinnacle, just like appears a volcano of splitting heaven and earth apart time from the chaos, is containing the Great Dao fragment, gushes out, illuminates trim world. 此时楚风自身光辉普照,盛烈到极致,宛若从混沌中浮现出一口开天辟地时代的火山,蕴含着大道碎片,喷薄而出,照亮整片世间。 Chu Feng counter empties on, right leg swings, sweeps away, shakes with silver robe Divine King hardly. 楚风逆空而上,右腿摆动起来,横扫过去,跟银袍神王硬撼。 Bang! 轰隆! Between Heaven and Earth, Divine King Order resonating, various rune, if gorgeous is similar to the flower bud blooms, and takes root in void, the person who shakes cannot open the eye, the tears of blood long class. 天地间,神王秩序共振,各种符文若绚丽的如同花蕾绽放,并扎根在虚空中,晃的人睁不开眼睛,血泪长流。 Silver robe Divine King stuffy, rapidness that comes, backing up rapidness of , his leg in the tremble slightly, the pain is hard to endure. 银袍神王一声闷哼,来的快,倒退的也快,他的一条腿在轻微颤动,巨痛难忍。 All people were feared, is this World of the Dead that youth Evolver's strength? May shake Divine King! 所有人都被惊住了,这才是阴间那个青年进化者的实力?可撼神王 Moreover, silver robe Divine King came from World of the Living, in Evolver compared with it this piece of universe stronger too. 而且,银袍神王来自阳间,比之这片宇宙中的进化者要强太多。 Many people are similar to the clay sculpture woodcarving, particularly spoke a moment ago, Divinity that thinking Chu Feng must die, all ashamed shuts up, this has subverted their cognition. 不少人如同泥塑木雕般,尤其是刚才说话,认为楚风必死的神祇,皆羞愧闭嘴,这颠覆了他们的认知。 Such young Divine King, is this must in these celebrities with the history book side by side? 这么年轻的神王,这是要跟史书上那些名人比肩吗? Buzz! 嗡! The void fulmination, Chu Feng kills this step, to hesitate how possibly, even if saw Divine King must kill it! 虚空爆鸣,楚风杀到这一步,怎么可能会犹豫,哪怕见到了神王也要去杀之! He is treading void, the whole body rushes the scary energy, the golden light like the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, falls in torrents from his whole body cell, is outspoken, to this moment, the potential transferred. 他踏着虚空,周身澎湃出骇人的能量,金光如朝霞,从他的周身细胞中倾泻而出,毫无保留,到了这种关头,潜能都调动起来。 After all what faces is World of the Living's Divine King, but he not entire, loses the fierce universe to rise in the rule, congenitally deficient, therefore whole-heartedly. 毕竟面对的是阳间的神王,而他在规则不全、道则损失厉害的宇宙崛起,先天不足,所以全力以赴。 The Chu Feng's aura was too terrifying, neighboring near God had felt that the depressing discomfort, some people face whitens, almost staggers to fall down there. 楚风的气息太恐怖了,相邻过近的神灵都感觉压抑的难受,有些人脸色苍白,差点一个踉跄栽倒在那里。 They back up decisively! 他们果断倒退! At the large explosion, the golden energy cloud sweeps across void, the prestige of Chu Feng is without a peer, he rushed, fist clear, fleshly body has no time, soul light condenses the color light, variegated and fearful, this is incomparably formidable manifestation. 虚空在大爆炸,金色的能量云席卷,楚风之威不可匹敌,他闯了过去,拳头晶莹,肉身无暇,魂光更是凝聚成彩光,斑斓而慑人,这是无比强大的体现。 This time, what he uses is Vairocana Fist, belongs to World of the Living's Divine Skill, the god splendor shines, this fist intent, suppresses all people inborn, must spend completely the common people. 这一次,他动用的是大日如来拳,属于阳间的神技,神辉普照,这种拳意一出,天生压制所有人,要度化尽苍生。 Is silver robe Divine King is affected, own imposing manner is slightly weak. 就是银袍神王都被影响到,自身气势稍弱。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Then, a bang of Chu Feng fist another fist comes. 接下来,楚风一拳又一拳的轰来。 The people saw, there Order fragment dances in the air, the golden energy ebullition, could not see the person's shadow, only saw clear fist crush world, suppress and kill all. 人们看到,那里秩序碎片飞舞,金色能量沸腾,看不到人影了,只看到晶莹的拳头碾压世间,镇杀一切。 Two people in intense preying, in a minute, the Divine King blood splash, the silver robe Divine King both arms convulsion, the bone presented the fissure, as for the fist was covered with blood, the clear phalanx was clearly discernible, he was wounded heavily. 两人在激烈的搏杀,片刻间,神王血溅起,银袍神王双臂痉挛,骨头都出现裂痕了,至于拳头更是血肉模糊,晶莹的指骨都清晰可见,他负伤不轻。 However, Chu Feng is actually knitting the brows, in sighed lightly, since he has risen swiftly and violently, now is the achievement Divine King position, it may be said that vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the world, is always in the following to subdue|grams, pushes the match horizontally. 然而,楚风却在皱眉,在轻叹,他迅猛崛起以来,如今更是成就神王位,可谓纵横天下,一向都是以下克上,横推对手。 But runs into the World of the Living's person, with the Evolver battle of same level, he then cannot the crush, be possible to step Realm to kill the enemy before, now was not good. 可是遇到阳间的人,跟同层次的进化者争斗,他便不能碾压了,以前可跨境界杀敌,现在已经不行。 Fights with the person of same level, he gets the winning side unexpectedly, but horizontally does not push! 跟同层次的人战斗,他居然只是占据上风,而不是一路横推过去! This makes him be discontented, making him not willing, in this case, once enters World of the Living, how he can frighten the same rank the talent? When the time comes, naturally could not sweep away the match. 这让他不满,让他不甘心,若是这样的话,一旦进入阳间,他如何能去震慑同级别的天才?到时候,自然是横扫不了对手。 The words of same level, the world has the enemy, everywhere is blocked. 同层次的话,天下有敌,处处受阻。 Kills!” “杀!” Chu Feng angrily roars, roared there, when the whole body illumination, the body side 12 sword wings appeared, fluttered, the sword whining noise moves the day, separated Mystic Realm. 楚风怒吼,在那里咆哮,周身发光,体侧12剑翼浮现,振翅时,剑鸣声动天,割裂秘境 The silver robe Divine King startled anger, he thought that the opposite party was stimulated likely, the strength rises suddenly, leaves behind one after another sword mark on his body all of a sudden, making him bloody, he is Divine King. 银袍神王惊怒,他觉得对方像是受到了刺激,实力暴涨,一下子在他的身上留下一道又一道剑痕,让他血流如注,他可是神王啊。 What is most hateful, clearly is he is at leeward, why the opposite party such gets angry, a not indignant appearance? Really absurd! 最可恨的是,分明是他处在下风,对方为何那样发怒,一副不忿的样子?真是岂有此理! "Ah...... ” “啊……” Silver robe Divine King calls out, was attacked fearfully. 银袍神王嚎叫,遭受可怕的攻击。 Chu Feng uses Small Six Paths Time Technique, derives divine nature particles and Dao Ancestral Matter from his wound, from the splashing blood. 楚风动用小六道时光术,从他的伤口中、自溅起的血液中汲取神性粒子道祖物质 Chī! 哧! At this time, Chu Feng used Yin and Yang Qi, changed to black and white two ray of light, pestered , the power and influence was together fearful, this typical peerless divine technique. 这时,楚风动用阴阳二气,化作黑白两道光,纠缠在一起,威势可怕,这典型的绝世神术 ! 噗! Silver robe Divine King avoids, an arm was ripped, flew. 银袍神王躲避不及,一条臂膀被割掉,飞了出去。 Notice, Yin and Yang Qi, this is uses the Heaven and Earth treasure material as the foundation, the slow sacrifice refining up, this cultivate successfully peerless divine technique. 须知,阴阳二气,这是以天地奇珍物质为根基,缓慢祭炼,这才修成的绝世神术 The distant place, calls out in alarm from some World of the Dead's old friends. 远处,来自阴间的一些故人惊呼。 The Ying Zhexian complexion changes, thinks that the tour of Foreign Territory, this initially she taught the Chu Feng's secret skill, was the Yin-Yang part in Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique, if coordinated with her Five Coloured Divine Light, had world vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, to sweep away the potentials of various enemy! 映谪仙脸色微变,想到异域之行,这是当初她教给楚风的秘技,是七宝妙术中的阴阳部分,若是跟她的五色神光配合起来,有纵横世间、横扫诸敌之势! Even if in World of the Living, Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique is the treasure levels, is one of the maximum level Paramount secret technique! 哪怕是在阳间,七宝妙术都是瑰宝级的,是最高层次的究极秘术之一! Chī! 哧! Chu Feng soul light surges, the secondary earthquake leaves Yin and Yang Qi again, just like when the world first took shape, beginning world the minute, the myriad things are initially long, in the world the Yin and Yang Qi circulation, becomes most source thing. 楚风魂光激荡,再次震出阴阳二气,宛若混沌初开,天地初分,万物初长,天地中阴阳二气流转,成为最本源的东西。 ! 噗! This time, silver robe Divine King is more miserable, was interrupted around the middle, bloody. 这一次,银袍神王更惨,被拦腰截断,血流如注。 As the Chu Feng strength increases sharply, this Yin-Yang divine light also even more fearsome! 随着楚风实力激增,这阴阳神光也越发的可怖! Suddenly, the silent, void annihilation, a fearful red wooden arrow flies, punctures thoroughly void, does not have the sound, to the Chu Feng's near. 突然,无声无息,虚空湮灭,一支可怕的红色木箭飞来,刺透虚空,毫无声息,到了楚风的近前。 Bang! 砰! Finally, his shoulder was shot through, brings big piece blood mist, split including the shoulder blade, the white bones stubble is dense, the scene is somewhat fearful. 最终,他的肩头被射穿,带起大片的血雾,连肩胛骨都裂开了,白骨茬森森,景象有些可怕。 Another Divine King appears, kills Chu Feng in secret, making him be wounded. 又一位神王出现,暗中袭杀楚风,让他负伤了。 This is must kill an arrow, aims at the Chu Feng's head, his soul that must explode, the moment was avoided the past by him finally. 原本这是必杀一箭,指向楚风的头颅,要爆掉的他的灵魂,最后关头被他躲避过去。 Brother-in-law, you must live well, later...... Will be strongest!” Silver-haired young loli worried, in a soft voice sob, lest he can die in this place. “姐夫,你要好好的活着啊,以后……会最强!”银发小luoli担忧,轻声哭泣,唯恐他会殒落在此地。 Snort!” Chu Feng coldly snorted, erupts divine might, is really when he is very easy to massacre? “哼!”楚风一声冷哼,爆发神威,真是当他很容易杀掉吗? Since this has been makes war, his first time caused heavy losses like this. 这是开战以来,他第一次被这样重创。 The skeleton flip-flop makes noise, he quickly restores fleshly body, simultaneously has not stopped from the start, forwards in the impact as before, suppress and kill silver robe Divine King, derives his divine nature particles and Dao Ancestral Matter. 骨骼噼啪作响,他迅速恢复肉身,同时压根就没有停下过,依旧在冲击向前,镇杀银袍神王,汲取他的神性粒子道祖物质 ! 噗! Silver robe Divine King is very miserable, Chu Feng that such been in an uncontrollable rage stares, after sending fierce power greatly, how he resists, by the Chu Feng comprehensive suppression. 银袍神王很惨,被这样怒不可遏的楚风盯上,大发凶威后,他怎么抵挡,被楚风全面压制。 Chu Feng's sword intent, just like turning into the light of say/way, tens of thousands of say/way, the complete lasing exits extremely, silver robe Divine King of remaining half bodies will strangle only to death! 楚风的剑意,宛若化成极道之光,成千上万道,全部激射出去,将只剩下半截身子的银袍神王绞杀! Small Six Paths Time Technique revolves, Chu Feng obtained the astonishing supplement. 小六道时光术运转,楚风得到了惊人的补充。 Then, he changes the direction, kills toward the person of archery, in fact that person already began, ejection of arrow another arrow, wants to save silver robe Divine King, but has not changed anything. 然后,他改变方向,向着射箭之人杀去,事实上那个人早已动手,一箭又一箭的射出,想要挽救银袍神王,但是没有改变什么。 Chu Feng vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered this place, had found that person, kills at present, with it bloody battle, this piece of Mystic Realm then two Divine King, he can determine at present. 楚风纵横此地,找到了那个人,杀到眼前,跟之血战,这片秘境目前就两个神王,他已经能够确定。 One slaughters, he is outspoken, in the end pierces that person of chest with Lightning Fist, the thunder blooms, that is Divine King, was executed this place by him, the blood rain dances in the air. 一番厮杀,他毫无保留,到头来用闪电拳将那人的胸口洞穿,雷霆绽放,那可是一位神王,被他格杀此地,血雨飞舞。 In order to prevent this person resurrects, Chu Feng naturally uses Small Six Paths Time Technique, all divine nature sources will derive cleanly, only leaves behind piece of skeleton fine powder. 为了防止此人复活,楚风自然是动用小六道时光术,将之所有神性本源汲取干净,只留下一片尸骸齑粉 Two Divine King die, were struck to kill by one person, frightens Mystic Realm, all people are stiff here. 两位神王殒落,都被一人击杀,震慑秘境,所有人都僵硬在这里。 Has Divine General to be not willing, wants to submerge quietly underground leaves, some people prepare secretly, wants and other non-conventional rare treasures to kill Chu Feng with forbidden tool. 神将不甘心,想要悄然没入地下离开,也有人暗自做准备,想用禁器等非常规秘宝袭杀楚风 However, these talented people move, Chu Feng lifts the arm, the sword light like the rainbow, in pū pū the sound, connects six heads to fall to the ground, is Divine King! 然而,这些人才动,楚风就抬起手臂,剑光如虹,在噗噗声中,接连有六颗头颅落地,都是神王 Suddenly, Chu Feng stands before the Divine General skeleton, is treading the Divine King remnant blood, the looking disdainfully four directions, the god all hearts palpitate, many people have to lower the head. 一时间,楚风站在神将尸骨前,踏着神王残血,睥睨四方,众神皆心头悸动,许多人不得不低头。 The distant place, Jiang Luoshen stares dumbfounded, this old friend's performance, was above she previously imagined simply. 远处,姜洛神瞠目结舌,这位故人的表现,简直是超乎她早先的想象。 World of the Living's did Divine King suffer extreme penalty?” Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Golden Scales, release great and the others to be also dumbfounded. 阳间的神王都伏诛了?”元世成、元媛、金鳞、释宏等人也都目瞪口呆。 Ying Xiaoxiao is very happy, silver hair is very bright, she vividly almost jumps, but she has borne, after all the distant place World of the Living's God Level talent are many. 映晓晓很开心,齐腰的银发很亮,她活泼地差点跳起来,但她忍住了,毕竟远处阳间的神级天才很多,都还在。 However, she is not afraid, World of the Living's many talents how? Possibly must turn into the blood and bone. 但是,她一点也不害怕,阳间的诸多天才又如何?可能都要变成血与骨。 Silver-haired young loli does not control self looks to her elder sister Ying Zhexian, thinks that knows she is thinking anything at this time. 银发小luoli不自禁地看向她的姐姐映谪仙,想知道她此时在想什么。
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