SR :: Volume #10

#998: One sword cold light fear world

The God's head is flying, rushes to the midair, moreover is two, simply likely is wing to wing flying together, one group of people who looks at stare dumbfounded, the fine body hair is but actually vertical. 神灵的头颅在飞起,冲上半空,而且是两颗,简直像是是比翼齐飞,看的一群人瞠目结舌,寒毛倒竖。 Ying Zhexian rotates the body happen to see this, chilly, but in the face of absolutely beautiful becomes stiff immediately, this is...... Slaughter god! 映谪仙回转过身躯正好看到这一幕,清冷而绝丽的面孔上顿时发僵,这是……屠神! One year has not seen, past World of the Dead that young Evolver, after experiencing the major rises, person died, his oneself grew to this step unexpectedly. 一年未见,昔日阴间那位年少的进化者,经历大起大落后,身边的人都死去,他自身竟成长到这一步。 All people does not dare believe, this is illusory, is similar to a myth! 所有人都不敢相信,这过于虚幻,如同一场神话! Which can come here is not the outstanding person, is direct descendant in various clans, is who can in this age slaughter god, was too stirring. 能够走到这里的哪个不是佼佼者,都是各族中的嫡系,可是谁能够在这个年纪屠神,太震撼人心了。 Even if the World of the Living's talent, in the God Level rare talent who the Mystic Realm end competes for the cold deep pool good fortune, can they this rise swiftly and violently? Also is impossible! 即便是阳间的天才,在秘境尽头争夺寒潭造化的神级奇才,他们能够这们迅猛崛起吗?也不可能! Normal, perhaps this age to become God person, had in the ancient times, but is similar to extremely rare is scarce, and has the respective chance. 正常来说,这个年岁成神的人,古代或许有,但是如同凤毛麟角般稀少,而且都是有各自的机缘。 Now, a living example puts at present, was this must in the character with ancient World of the Living unusual legend side by side? 现在,一个活生生的例子摆在眼前,这是要跟古代阳间少有的传说中的人物比肩吗? Bang! 砰! Two god corpses blast out, has not compared this shocks, is in front of all people, Chu Feng like this is simple and swift and fierce God Slaying, making all person backs brave the cold air. 两具神尸炸开,没有比这更震撼的了,当着所有人的面,楚风就这样简单而凌厉的斩神,让所有人都后背冒寒气。 Old friend from World of the Dead universe, each and every one all petrify, in the past they with Chu Feng in same level, now? He truly became Great Demon King. 来自阴间宇宙的故人,一个个石化,当年他们跟楚风都在同层次,现在呢?他真正成为大魔王了。 The chest that Ying Zhexian stands tall and erect slightly has fluctuating, such as orchid like musk the breath delicate fragrance drifts, she has not expected, Chu Feng can strong to this step. 映谪仙高耸的胸部略有起伏,如兰似麝的呼吸清香飘漾,她怎么也没有料到,楚风可以强到这一步。 That was Divinity, Chu Feng said that killed kills, a sword swept away it! 那可是神祇,楚风说杀就杀,一剑横扫之! Silver-haired young loli is just now anxious color, but the big eye makes an effort to glance now, the incomparable happiness, almost screamed then joyful loudly. 银发小luoli方才充满担忧之色,可是现在大眼使劲瞟动,无比的开心,差点就欣喜的大叫出声来。 Ying Wudi is similar to a klutz, opens mouth there, is very difficult to believe scene that oneself see, motionless. 映无敌如同一个木头人,在那里张着嘴,很难相信自己所看到的景象,一动不动。 He...... Primitive Demon Race's Princess Yuan Yuan is similar to in the slaughter god the sleep talking, the sound is very low, whole person look a little hallucination. “他在屠神……”始魔族的公主元媛如同在梦呓,声音很低,整个人眼神都有点迷幻。 The Broken Universe person is calling out in alarm, but palpitates from the World of the Living's person also heart. 残破宇宙的人在惊呼,而来自阳间的人也都心头悸动。 Protects the god of channel to continue these, on has eight outwardly! 守护通道的神不止这些,明面上就有八尊! Now, the head of god flies, can they be able to sit still? each and every one quickly stands up, divine might is enormous and powerful, must crush the dark green space simply, the tearing world. 现在,神的头颅飞起,他们怎能坐得住?一个个都倏地站起,神威浩荡,简直要粉碎苍宇,撕裂天地。 These person of each and every one shine, dazzling, a person then sufficiently suppresses the World of the Dead universe, is the ruthless roles! 这些人一个个都发光,璀璨夺目,一个人便足以镇压阴间宇宙,都是狠角色! However, when facing Chu Feng, they are actually such expression grave, draws out the weapon, and earliest possible time outward sound transmission, request aid. 然而,在面对楚风时,他们却是如此的神色凝重,都拔出兵器,并第一时间向外传音,请求援助。 Comes quickly......” “快来……” Has the Divinity low roar, gives message, was summoning Divine King to arrive. 神祇低吼,传递消息,在呼唤神王降临。 However, he discovered that own soul light of emanation, explodes unexpectedly in void, is similar to one group of brilliant fireworks rain, thick falling, like this is shattered. 然而,他发现自身发出的魂光,竟在虚空中爆开,如同一团绚烂的烟花雨,纷纷扬扬,就这样破灭。 In this place, piece of dense and numerous rune, strangle to death his divine consciousness energy, the news is unable to transmit. 在此地,有一片密密麻麻的符文,绞杀他的神识能量,消息无法传递出去。 Dares to move weapons to God, the nine generations all extinguishes, some people had said to me a moment ago like this, now I am chopping the god, can be what kind of?” “敢对神灵动兵戈者,九族皆灭,刚才有人这样对我说过,现在我在剁神,又能怎样?” Chu Feng is very desolate, but under the hand has not stopped from the start, the movement was too quick, violent boundless, is similar to the thunder attacks, the sword light like the rainbow, such as the lightning, the golden light surging clouds, cuts to break to prevent. 楚风很冷淡,可手底下压根就没有停下,动作太快了,暴烈无边,如同雷霆出击,剑光如虹,如闪电,金光激荡云霄,斩破一切阻挡。 Kills!” “杀啊!” The remaining several gods bellow, the whole body is the light beam, crushes the space, the strength is too terrifying, if not this piece of Mystic Realm is special, must destroy absolutely. 剩下的几尊神大吼,满身都是光束,粉碎空间,实力太恐怖,若非这片秘境过于特殊,绝对要毁灭了。 However, appointed they shine, stimulate to movement secret technique, comes to the Chu Feng attack, cannot change anything. 然而,任他们发光,催动秘术,向楚风攻击而来,都改变不了什么。 One of them has displayed a Dharma Idol world, able to support both heaven and earth, height knows several thousand li (0.5 km), black Divine Physique is not boundless, dignified this piece of Between Heaven and Earth. 其中一人施展了一个法相天地,顶天立地,身高不知道几千里,黑色神体磅礴,威严这片天地间 But, is as before useless, when he is bringing callous killing intent, when foot treads, has not stepped on once the meat sauce Chu Feng, oneself was calling out pitifully, protected body rune/symbol light to disintegrate, that only gigantic sole was similar to a mountain breaks falls, is bringing the blood, welled up crazily, crashed on the ground. 可是,依旧没有用,当他带着冷酷杀意,一脚踏下来时,没有将楚风踩曾肉酱,自身却惨叫着,护体符光分崩离析,那只硕大的脚掌如同一座大山断落,带着血,狂涌而出,坠落在地上。 ! 噗! The Chu Feng vertical day, and a sword sweeps, breaks out from the forehead the body of his able to support both heaven and earth, is divided into two halves, lets him immediately sad howl, then the sound stops suddenly, bang falls but actually, smashes the collapsing ground, the rivers of blood. 楚风纵天而起,并一剑扫出,将他那顶天立地的身体从眉心劈开,分为两半,让他顿时悲吼,而后声音戛然而止,轰隆一声倒落下来,砸塌地面,血流成河。 Chu Feng kills people now, cuts , is not only fleshly body, but also is extinguishing soul light, even if the god cannot live. 楚风现在杀人,斩的不仅是肉身,还在灭魂光,所以哪怕是神也活不下来。 Even if there is maintaining life method, insufficiently looks after Chu Feng whole-heartedly, these so-called divine talisman wait/etc., is all split up, turns into fine powder, in the face of the absolute strength, missed the crucial moment. 即便身上有保命手段,在楚风全力以赴后也不够看,那些所谓的神符等,全都四分五裂,化成齑粉,在绝对的实力面前,都差了火候。 xiū! xiū! xiū! 咻!咻!咻! This is the sword light separate void sound, was too sharp, was too sharp, destroys the hardest defenses, from beginning to end, even if Chu Feng in the opens the mouth, his movement has not stopped, murderous aura is torrential, sword glow like the rainbow, slaughters here. 这是剑光割裂虚空的声音,太锋锐了,太犀利了,无坚不摧,自始至终,即便楚风在开口,他的动作也没有停下,杀气滔滔,剑芒如虹,在这里大开杀戒。 Sword light interweaves, the body of god is disintegrating, is split up. 一片剑光交织出来,神的身体在瓦解,在四分五裂。 In some World of the Living person shocking vision, under their frightened state of mind, Divinity by slaughter easily. 阳间一些人震惊的目光中,在他们惊悚的心境下,神祇被轻易的屠杀。 Sends Divinity to have hair dishevelled scarlet, is raising a great halberd, must go all out with Chu Feng, finally raised hand a sword by Chu Feng, the halberd breaks the person to fold, before blood splashing channel. 一位赤发神祇披头散发,提着一杆大戟,要跟楚风拼命,结果被楚风扬手一剑而已,戟断人折,血溅通道前。 Another gold/metal robe Divinity qualifications are very old, usually the domineering has always been used, is under Chu Feng's Divine Sword, cut off by the slanting shoulder, calling out pitifully, soul light rain, rapid annihilation. 另一位金袍神祇资格很老,平日一向强势惯了,可是在楚风的神剑下,被斜肩斩断,惨叫着,魂光化雨,迅速湮灭。 Golden hair female Divinity beauty is good, is quite beautiful, grasps the long whip to pull out forward, is similar to thunder-fire is surging, landslide cracks in the earth, Order symbol ebullition. 一位金发女性神祇姿色不俗,相当美丽,手持长鞭向前抽来,如同雷火在涌动,山崩地裂,秩序符号沸腾。 However, she finally is also only a pitiful yell, that thunder-fire god whip cut off, oneself also cut in two at the waist by Chu Feng, was referred to piercing the forehead by him, the stained bloodstain, dies a violent death. 然而,她最终也只是一声惨叫,那雷火神鞭就被斩断,自身也被楚风腰斩,又被他一指洞穿眉心,斑斑血迹,死于非命。 This has deterred all people! 这震慑了所有人! ...... …… Almost fights, eight Divinity died, by the Chu Feng neat slaughter. 几乎是一交手,八位神祇就都死了,被楚风干净利落的屠杀。 Final checkpoint here, all people tremble, this is the what kind of power and influence, that is Divinity, said that killed kills. 最后的关卡这里,所有人都颤栗,这是何等的威势,那可是神祇啊,说杀就杀了。 In the end, has Divine General in secret silently kills, black light rises suddenly, that is the terrifying blade glow, the two grasps the god of death sickle weapon, kills to Chu Feng. 到头来,暗中有神将无声无息的杀出,乌光暴涨,那是恐怖的刀芒,那两人手持死神镰刀般的武器,对楚风袭杀。 Finally in ka ka the sound, their weapons cut off, two people resist unceasingly, but does not beat as before, suddenly was cut the flesh lump by Chu Feng, soul light blasts out, destroy both body and soul! 结果在咔咔声中,他们的兵器被斩断,两人不断对抗,但依旧不敌,瞬息间被楚风斩成肉块,魂光炸开,形神俱灭 Over ten gods died, such rapid annihilation. 超过十位神都死了,就这么迅速的溃灭。 Chu Feng raises Divine Sword of drop blood, the moment has not been staying, flushes away to the channel! 楚风提着滴血的神剑,片刻都没有停留,向通道中冲去! The final moment, his vision is cold, has swept all people, immediately makes the outstanding heroes lower the head, no matter World of the Living's or Broken Universe, or World of the Dead's old friend. 最后的关头,他目光冷冽,扫过所有人,顿时让群雄都低头,不管是阳间的还是残破宇宙的,亦或是阴间的故人。 Jiang Luoshen most shocks, this is with the person who she came from the same place, two worlds have the friendship, even also once alcoholic intoxication altogether bed dormancy. 姜洛神最为震撼,这可是跟她来自同一地的人,两人间有交情,甚至还曾醉酒共床眠。 Although slightly the sight fluttering flags, have not had anything, but her impression was too profound, but now the development of this old friend goes beyond his her expectation completely. 虽然只是略微风光旖旎,并没有发生什么,但她印象太深刻了,而现在这位故人的发展完全超出他她的预料。 Brother-in-law you must succeed!” Silver-haired young loli prayed in secret, has gotten hold of the small fist. “姐夫你要成功啊!”银发小luoli暗中祈祷,握紧了小拳头。 Ying Wudi is also very anxious, his knows, Chu Feng this is must sneak across, rushes in World of the Living. 映无敌也很紧张,他知道,楚风这是要偷渡,强闯进阳间 The Ying Zhexian breath is somewhat rapid, in the face of absolutely beautiful no longer in the past tranquility, she was also staring at the final checkpoint place that Primal Chaos Qi was filling. 映谪仙呼吸有些急促,绝丽的面孔上不复往昔的平静,她也在盯着混沌气弥漫的最后关卡地。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Chu Feng backs up decisively, leaves there, although he saw the membrane, looks out World of the Living rich Yang Qi to be turbulent, but he escaped. 楚风果断倒退,离开那里,他虽然看到了界膜,遥望到阳间浓郁的阳气汹涌,但是他又遁回来了。 Previously, 12 God Level small creature that he subdued passed to his information to be correct, here had the strangeness, had the big bad risk, making him feel that rushed meets die. 早先,他所收服的12只神级小动物传给他的信息是正确的,这里有古怪,有大凶险,让他觉得强闯会殒落 The road ahead broke, here is not good, did not have the means breakthrough in the past. 前路已断,这里不是善地,没有办法突破过去。 Chu Feng is very decisive, must flee along the old route, does not need to delay. 楚风很果断,沿着原路要遁走,没有必要耽搁下去了。 Roar!” “吼!” Roared, fearful silver rune condensed a beam of light, in view of other people, only has not covered to Chu Feng there. 一声咆哮,可怕的银色符文凝聚成一道光束,没有针对其他人,只覆盖向楚风那里。 That is God Level Evolver scolds lightly, the god sound evolves the rule, this is formidable secret technique, suppresses Chu Feng! 那是神级进化者轻叱,神音演化成规则,这是强大的秘术,镇压楚风 Even if Chu Feng blocked this place a moment ago, and cuts completely one group of gods immediately, but has exposed, is distant place that one group of what kind of characters? Is the talents! 哪怕楚风刚才封锁此地,并在第一时间斩尽一群神,但还是暴露了,远方那是一群怎样的人物?都是天才! Some of them for Saint, some are Shining Upon, has artificial God Level Evolver, what is most essential, they come from the World of the Living rare talent, spiritual awareness is keenest. 他们有的为圣者,有的为映照者,更有人为神级进化者,最为关键的是,他们都是来自阳间奇才,灵觉最敏锐。 Even if the Mystic Realm very length and breadth, is distanced very remotely, they also in the shortest time learned that here has had an accident, and reacts, has killed. 哪怕秘境非常广袤,相距很遥远,他们也在最短的时间内得悉这边出事了,并做出反应,杀了过来。 Chu Feng, do you also dare to appear? Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate is seeking you, thank you to the opportunity that I render meritorious service!” 楚风,你还敢出现?太武天尊正在寻你,谢谢你给我立功的机会!” This is a God Level talent, relies on the strength to be incomparable, he can crush Divine General, sweep away all obstacles in God. 这是一位神级天才,自恃实力无匹,他能碾压神将,在神灵中所向披靡。 Even if already knows Chu Feng in this place slaughter god, he also fearless, does not fear anything, obviously he has not made clear the condition, not knows Chu Feng true depth. 即便已经知道楚风在此地屠神了,他也无惧,根本就不怕什么,显然他还没有搞清楚状况,不知道楚风真正的深浅。 This person is very indeed strong, several Divinity that died by far a moment ago. 此人的确很强,远胜刚才死去的几位神祇 However, in front of Chu Feng this Not just in name only, but also in reality Divine King Realm middle stage Evolver's, he is anything, insufficiently looks! 但是,在楚风这个名副其实神王境界中期进化者的面前,他又算什么,还是不够看! Thank me? Hehe!” Chu Feng sneers, since does not have the means to sneak across, that slaughters, conquers by killing World of the Living's this group of gods and talents. “感谢我?呵呵!”楚风冷笑,既然没有办法偷渡,那就大开杀戒吧,血洗阳间的这群神与天才。 Delivers you to start off, well thanked me!” The Chu Feng sound woods are cold, this time, he has not moved the sword, but was a fist has pounded directly. “送你上路,好好的来谢我吧!”楚风声音森寒,这一次,他没有动剑,而是一拳直接砸了过去。 World of the Living illustrious Divine Skill-- Lightning Fist that he stimulates to movement! 他催动的阳间赫赫有名的神技——闪电拳 Too quick, was too swift and violent, could not avoid, Chu Feng this golden fist smashing expansive sky, having the terrifying short dagger of energy in that person of hand to hit in the same place. 太快了,也太迅猛了,根本躲避不了,楚风这个金色的拳头粉碎长空,带着恐怖的能量跟那人手中的短匕撞在一起。 Metal fragment blasting open, the God Level dagger was exploded by a Chu Feng fist bang, and that God Level the arm of World of the Living talent also immediately turns into one group of blood mist. 金属碎片炸裂,神级匕首被楚风一拳轰爆,并且那个神级阳间天才的手臂也在第一时间化成一团血雾 "Ah...... ” “啊……” He was calling out pitifully, then body also in cuns (2.5 cm) ruptured. 他惨叫着,接着身体也在寸寸崩开 Finally, a Chu Feng fist passed through from his body, the violent force shakes, this person explodes broken, disintegrates the blood rain same place. 结果,楚风一拳从他的身体穿了过去,猛力一震,此人爆碎,原地瓦解成血雨。 Is this what kind of picture? From the World of the Dead's old friend, Broken Universe various clans, as well as some World of the Living's talents, the fine body hair whiz whiz stands erect, thought that incomparably shocks. 这是怎样的画面?来自阴间的故人,还有残破宇宙的各族,以及阳间的一些天才,都寒毛嗖嗖的竖立起来,觉得无比震撼。 „Is this World of the Living's talent? Mediocre!” Chu Feng stands here, the sound faint is also bringing callously, killing intent is boundless. “这就是阳间的天才吗?不过如此!”楚风站在这里,声音淡漠中也带着冷酷,杀意无边。 Not far away, desolate Ziyun, Ji Chuanteng, the white clothing scholar shake Chen Han and the others are similar to the clay sculpture woodcarving, all stiff there, their this crowd of Saint talents were some time ago proud, but also despises Shi Fan, finally in an instant the shocking discovery, that is a big alligator! 不远处,萧紫韵、金川腾、白衣文士震陈涵等人都如同泥塑木雕般,全都僵硬在那里,不久前他们这群圣者天才还自傲,还蔑视石凡呢,结果转眼间才震惊的发现,那是一条大鳄! Could say that was Demon King from hell, the slaughter gods dares to do, can do, unscrupulously was doing! 或许可以说,那是一个来自地狱的魔王,屠神都敢做,都能做,都在肆无忌惮地做! One crowd of Saint fail to explode, is unable to say anything, because does not have the means to compare with Great Demon Chu Feng. 一群圣者哑火,无法多说什么,因为真的没有办法跟楚风大魔头比。 wait/etc. completely draws out the weapon as for one crowd of God Level talents, Divine General, the whole body illumination, the energy ray is dreadful, is similar to Sun is burning down, must start to Chu Feng. 至于一群神级天才、神将等则全部拔出兵器,浑身发光,能量光芒滔天,如同一颗又一颗太阳在焚烧,要对楚风下手。 "hē hē, gives me dead, God Slaying treads the day to go, who can block me?! ” Chu Feng sneers, looks disdainfully Gods. “呵呵,都给我去死,斩神踏天去,谁能阻我?!”楚风冷笑,睥睨诸神 He must slaughter, conquers by killing group god, is doomed to shake World of the Living Greater World, making certain Heavenly Venerate probably get angry. 他要大开杀戒,血洗群神,注定摇动阳间大世界,让某些天尊都要发怒。
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