SR :: Volume #10

#997: clear/pain Motu god

Chu Feng here, a few words, sound is not high, actually likely is the thunderclap, making nearby person shock, complete suddenly turning head, the feeling is inconceivable, trembles astonished, is staring at this place. 楚风在这里,一句话而已,声音不高,却像是炸雷般,让附近的人都震撼,全部霍的回头,感觉不可思议,惊愕而颤栗,盯着此地。 On the silver-haired young loli face full is the color of fear, her elder sister shouted eventually these words. 银发小luoli脸上满是恐惧之色,她姐姐终究是将这句话喊出来了。 Elder sister...... Do not frighten the person, this joke is not funny.” She makes the sound gentle as far as possible, and makes the complexion return to diligently normal. “姐姐……不要吓唬人,这种玩笑一点也不好笑。”她尽量让声音平缓,并努力让脸色恢复正常。 However, she saw renouncing of Ying Zhexian, as well as her is calm and desolate. 然而,她看到了映谪仙的决绝,以及她的那种镇定与冷淡。 Elder sister!” Silver-haired young loli sound transmission, she advises in secret, wants to prevent Ying Zhexian, changes its thought. “姐姐!”银发小luoli传音,她暗中劝阻,想阻止映谪仙,改变其念头。 But, Ying Xiaoxiao also knows, her elder sister consistently has the opinion, usually seems like elegant the dust, elusive Ruoxian, once has a resolution, is very difficult to change. 可是,映晓晓知道,她的姐姐一向有主见,平日看起来飘逸出尘,空灵若仙,可是一旦有所决断,很难改变。 And, her knows, Ying Zhexian is an incomparably sane person. 并且,她知道,映谪仙是一个无比理智的人。 It can be said that sometimes Ying Zhexian sanely makes people think callously. Changes a view the words, her not eating the food of common mortals, is spatially bright the dust...... Somewhat heartless. 可以说,有时候映谪仙理智的让人觉得过于冷酷。换一种说法的话,她不食人间烟火,空明出尘……有些无情。 Her faintness, is very sometimes cold. 她的淡漠,有时候很冷。 Meanwhile, Ying Xiaoxiao fully realized that her elder sister's method, clouds the poor business conditions to be light, once in the clan some ancients of taking advantage of own seniority lowering the head that renovated, but she did not bring smoke and fire smell. 同时,映晓晓深知她姐姐的手段,云淡风轻间,曾经将族中一些倚老卖老的宿老整治的低头,而她不带烟火气 The Ying Xiaoxiao knows elder sister method is fierce, this black time is unambiguous, the bystanders are very difficult to imagine, this appearance peerless Zhexian other aspect. 映晓晓知道自己姐姐手段厉害,该黑的时候绝不含糊,外人都很难想象,这位容貌绝世的谪仙子的另一面。 The Ying Zhexian mood slightly mighty waves, she is not very calm, has not seen own younger sister, but is staring at Chu Feng, chilly brings to become estranged the feeling. 映谪仙的情绪没有丝毫波澜,她很冷静,没有看自己的妹妹,而是盯着楚风,清冷中带着疏远感。 Elder sister!” Silver-haired young loli anxiously has cried, communicates with her in secret, rapid sound transmission, was saying something, want to urge her elder sister such do not do. “姐姐!”银发小luoli都急哭了,暗中跟她交流,迅速传音,说着一些事,想劝她姐姐不要这么做。 You do not understand!” Ying Zhexian opens the mouth desolately. “你不懂!”映谪仙冷淡地开口。 „Don't I understand? My knows your reason and calmness, plan are very far. However, I asked you one time not to be good, should not be sane, should not be too profit-centered, what treats as not to see why you do want to shout Chu Feng here? When you are at Foreign Territory...... Very good!” “我怎么不懂?我知道你理智、冷静,谋划地很远。但是,我求你一次还不行吗,不要过于理智,不要太功利,当作什么都没有看到,你为什么要喊出来楚风在这里?你们在异域时……很好啊!” Silver-haired young loli disputed with her elder sister in secret, was excited, some out-of-control. 银发小luoli暗中跟她的姐姐争执,情绪非常激动,有些失控。 Her knows, even if oneself elder sister is willing to coordinate, covered up this matter with explains in the past, was very difficult to hide the truth from those present. 知道,哪怕自己的姐姐肯配合,将这件事遮掩与“解释”过去,也很难瞒过在场的人了。 Side, Ying Wudi petrify, the cheek is stiff. 旁边,映无敌石化,面皮僵硬。 Really Chu Feng? Other people also look, is staring here, the news revealed that is hard to recall. 真是楚风吗?其他人也都望来,盯着这里,消息已经泄露,难以挽回。 Chu Feng looks to Ying Zhexian there, mountains like picture, beautiful woman like flower. 楚风看向映谪仙那里,山川如画,美人如花。 Ying Zhexian is very beautiful, elusive Ruoxian, desolate appears elegant and peerless, on aloof mortal world, the figure is slim, golden proportion, slim and graceful. 映谪仙真的很美,空灵若仙,冷淡中显得飘逸而绝世,超然红尘上,身材修长,黄金比例,亭亭玉立。 Her silver hair dances in the breeze, beautiful pupil is bright, the fine jade nose very curls upwards, red lip white teeth, oneself really just like Zhexian. 她银发飘舞,美丽的眸子非常有神,琼鼻挺翘,红唇贝齿,自身真的宛若谪仙子。 Chu Feng knows, her automatic control ability is always extraordinary, is calm and resolute, exceeds Ying Family in name inheritance Ying Wudi, the reason and reserved, are not simple. 楚风从来都知道,她自控能力超绝,冷静而果决,更胜过映家名义上的传承者映无敌,理智而内敛,非常不简单。 Chu Feng when Foreign Territory felt, most started, Ying Zhexian also once proposed in Foreign Territory, united Golden Scales and Bodhisattva to release great and the others to encircle Chu Feng, what method end was fierce. 异域楚风就感受到了,最开始时,映谪仙异域还曾率先提议,联合金鳞佛子释宏等人围剿过楚风,手段端的是厉害。 Today, she so launches an attack suddenly, making Chu Feng fall into silently, has pondered the moment, he has thought through many matters. 今天,她突然这般发难,让楚风陷入默然,沉思了片刻,他想通了很多事。 Clang!” “锵!” Chu Feng draws a sword, the divine light turnover, the sharp golden sword point approaches toward Ying Zhexian. 楚风拔剑,神光吞吐,锋锐的金色剑尖向着映谪仙逼近。 Buzz, Ying Zhexian outside the body leaps flake gold light, that is God Level rune, her chest front wears the charm amulet that God is granting. 嗡的一声,映谪仙的体外腾起一片金光,那是神级符文,她的胸前佩戴着一枚神灵赠与的护身符。 This is the God Level treasure, can block the God Level Evolver's attack. 这是神级瑰宝,能挡住神级进化者的攻击。 And, the ray of this divine talisman sending out also covers Ying Wudi and Ying Xiaoxiao in middle, bound to lead them to fly together. 并且,这枚神符散发的光芒将映无敌映晓晓也都覆盖在当中,裹带着他们一起跟着飞了出去。 Secure?” Chu Feng only then such simple several characters, do not want to speak! “有恃无恐吗?”楚风只有这么简单的几个字,不想说话! Buzz, he grasps the golden war sword, cuts that flake gold light gently, that ding, that divine talisman easily cutting is two halves. 嗡的一声,他手持金色的战剑,轻轻地划开那片金光,叮的一声,将那枚神符轻易切割为两半。 Meanwhile, during this process, he not covers up, the full head pitch-black long hair hangs loose, the appearance/portrait appears, the body is slender and strong, flesh clear, if jade. 同时,在此过程中,他不加掩饰,满头乌黑长发披散,真容浮现出来,身体修长而强健,肌肤晶莹若玉石。 „Is Chu Feng, really he?!” For example Golden Scales Dao Child and Bodhisattva release great the first time to recognize him from the World of the Dead's old friend. 楚风,真的是他?!”来自阴间的故人比如道子金鳞佛子释宏等第一时间认出他。 The distant place, Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan and the others also stare dumbfounded, unexpectedly is really Great Demon Chu, this past old friend incarnation was Shi Fan rushes to here, this went against heaven's will! 远处,元世成、元媛等人也都瞠目结舌,居然真的是楚大魔头,这位昔日的故人化身为石凡赶到这里,这太逆天了! They were led to fly acorss the chaos sea by the World of the Living person, appear here place. 他们是被阳间人带着飞渡混沌海,出现在此地。 Does Chu Feng come? A person, can appear in Broken Universe? 楚风是怎么过来的?一个人,也能出现在残破宇宙 In addition, they saw anything, a Chu Feng sword slices off a God Level charm amulet! 此外,他们看到了什么,楚风一剑削掉一枚神级护身符! What he grasps is Divine Sword!” Some people call out in alarm, see the uncommonness of that sword, natural believing, this is the origin of Chu Feng domineering is. “他手持的是一口神剑!”有人惊叫,看到那柄剑的不凡,理所当然的认为,这是楚风强势的根由所在。 Otherwise, nobody believes, he can a sword break out divine talisman. 不然的话,没人相信,他能一剑劈开神符 Only has to use this progression the weapon to achieve! 唯有动用这个级数的兵器才能做到! The Chu Feng heroic bearing thrives, but is also having the anger, wisp of disappointed, by Ying Zhexian such public exposure, he was hard to suppress a anger in chest cavity. 楚风英姿勃发,但也带着怒意,还有一缕的怅然,被映谪仙这样当众揭发,他难以抑制胸腔中的一股火气。 Although, he also thinks, thinks of many possibilities, but now or in heart extreme is uncomfortable, slightly has the bitterness and astringency. 虽然,他也想到很多,想到不少可能,但现在还是心中极度的不舒服,略有苦涩。 He is a firm and resolute and man of decision, in a twinkling, throws actually all complex mood, cuts the so-called former friendship, direct vision ice-cold. 他是一个坚毅与果断的人,霎时间,抛却一切的复杂情绪,斩掉所谓的旧情,直接目光冰冷。 The golden sword hands over sharp forward, touches the Ying Zhexian forehead, arrives on that shining white forehead, the blood bead character tumbled from there. 金色的剑尖向前递去,触及映谪仙的眉心,抵在那莹白的额头上,血珠字已经从那里滚落出来。 Does not want, Chu Feng, asking you to let off my elder sister, do not kill her!” Silver-haired young loli shouts, sobbing, is detaining in the near. “不要啊,楚风,求你放过我姐姐,不要杀她!”银发小luoli喊道,哭泣着,拦阻在近前。 On her small face full is the color of pain, does not hope her elder sister such station with the opens the mouth, but, she does not think that Chu Feng begins to massacre her elder sister directly. 她的那张小脸上满是痛苦之色,不愿她的姐姐那样站出来与开口,可是,她也不想楚风直接动手杀掉她的姐姐。 Experiences this matter, her fine and perfect small face wrinkled, is very contradictory, is very grieved, is incapable of changing anything. 遇到这种事,她那张精致而完美的小脸都皱了起来,很矛盾,也很心痛,无力改变什么。 Chu Feng, sorry!” The Ying Wudi opens the mouth, can his whole face bitter and astringent color, how expect will have this matter? He stands in the front, grips the Chu Feng's sword with hand, the blood drops, his phalanx was separated directly, cuts off. 楚风,对不起!”映无敌开口,他满脸苦涩之色,怎能料到会发生这种事?他站在前方,用手握住楚风的剑,鲜血滴落,他的指骨等直接被割裂,割断了。 Brother-in-law, do not kill her, asking you......” silver-haired young loli to beg, on the face was bringing the tears. “姐夫,你不要杀她,求你了……”银发小luoli央求,脸上带着泪水。 Buzz! 嗡! The sword body shakes lightly, shakes Ying Zhexian, but has not injured him again, shook Ying Xiaoxiao draws back. 剑体轻震,将映谪仙震开,但没有再伤他,也将映晓晓震退了。 The long sword in Chu Feng hand, arrives in the Ying Zhexian forehead, the light language said: Really has not thought!” 楚风手中的长剑,抵在映谪仙的眉心上,轻语道:“真是没有想到!” Has this matter, only if a possibility, otherwise, Chu Feng will not forgive the betrayal of today! 发生这种事,除非一种可能,不然的话,楚风根本就不会原谅今日之背叛! However, now he is not willing to pester, all because of the Ying Xiaoxiao that tragic and immature small face, making him give up killing intent, his indifferent sword shakes Ying Zhexian, her forehead is bleeding, but had not actually caused heavy losses. 但是,现在他不愿去多纠缠,一切都是因为映晓晓那张凄楚而稚嫩的小脸,让他放弃杀念,他冷漠的一剑将映谪仙震开,她的眉心在淌血,但是却没有被重创。 Chu Feng turns around to walk, exits there to hurry to the World of the Living channel. 楚风转身就走,冲着阳间通道出口那里赶去。 You are not their matches, the person who World of the Living comes are invincible, you cannot fight them.” Ying Zhexian is very tranquil, is very indifferent, there opens the mouth. “你不是他们的对手,阳间来的人不可战胜,你斗不过他们。”映谪仙很平静,也很冷漠,在那里开口。 Chu Feng!?” Protects the Divinity opens the mouth of World of the Living channel, looked indifferently. 楚风!?”守护阳间通道的神祇开口,冷漠地看了过来。 Here some people guard, moreover more than one god, they a moment ago at the callous gaze, stemming from acting with constraint, intervened without the earliest possible time, overlooked. 这里有人把守,而且不止一尊神,他们刚才在冷酷的注视,出于矜持,没有第一时间干预,就那么俯视。 Now, Chu Feng came unexpectedly on own initiative, even if they in the heart keep thinking very much, is very excited, is going to complete the task of Heavenly Venerate confession, but is maintaining peaceful. 现在,楚风居然主动过来了,他们哪怕心中很惦记,很激动,将要完成天尊交代的任务,但还是在保持安静。 Who said that I couldn't kill the World of the Living's person?!” Chu Feng cold sound said, lasing to near. “谁说我杀不了阳间的人?!”楚风冷声道,激射到近前。 But at this time, that hung is exporting nearby magical mirror which reveals the true form to shine, came to Chu Feng Shining Upon, can see that he really thought the same way, showed that he was Chu Feng! 而这时,那悬在出口附近的照妖镜在发光,向楚风映照而来,可以看出他果然表里如一,显示他就是楚风 Chī! 哧! A Chu Feng sword has broken out this valuable mirror, making one that it ding sound changed become two pieces, crashes on the ground. 楚风一剑就劈开了这枚宝镜,让它叮的一声化成两片,坠落在地上。 Bang! 轰! This region ebullition, the old friend from World of the Dead universe does not dare believe simply, this is really Chu Feng, moreover domineering so! 这片地带沸腾,来自阴间宇宙的故人简直不敢相信,这真是楚风,而且这般的强势! Same carves, the Broken Universe person is also dumbfounded, some people have heard the Chu Feng's fact, hand down, now very much shocks. 同一刻,残破宇宙的人也目瞪口呆,有些人听到过楚风的事迹,口口相传,现在都很震撼。 This young people, kill from World of the Dead, rushes to here, dares to speak the last words to the World of the Living person?! 这个年轻人,只身从阴间杀过来,赶到这里,敢向阳间人叫板?! Dissolute!” Protects the Divinity opens the mouth of channel, berating of coldly, is having the dignity, World of the Dead Indigenous that contemptuous, they seek for painstakingly, appeared unexpectedly, moreover dares to wield a sword to them, courts death simply. “放肆!”守护通道的一位神祇开口,冷冷的喝斥,带着威严,还有轻蔑,他们苦苦寻找的阴间土著,居然出现了,而且还敢对他们挥剑,简直是找死。 In their opinion, Chu Feng has exposed, the present is to lose the reason, is deliberately bad, wants to go all out with them stupidly, this really does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, acts recklessly. 在他们看来,楚风暴露了,现在是失去理智,自暴自弃,想愚蠢地跟他们拼命,这真是不知天高地厚,不知死活。 I looked that is you are dissolute!” “我看是你放肆!” Chu Feng with long hurried strides, arrives at instant, wields a sword to cut forward. 楚风大步流星,刹那就到近前,挥剑向前斩去。 Ignorant, dares to move weapons to God, the nine generations all extinguishes!” That Divinity opens the mouth, dignity even more, and finds out a silver big hand, suppresses toward Chu Feng. “愚昧,敢对神灵动兵戈者,九族皆灭!”那位神祇开口,越发的威严,并且探出一只银色的大手,向着楚风压制而来。 !” “噗!” Chu Feng without hesitation, a sword wields, cuts to drop a silver Divinity arm, making divine blood scatter, the vibration is void. 楚风毫不犹豫,一剑挥出,噗的一声斩落下一条银色的神祇手臂,让神血四溅,震动虚空。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” That Divinity called out pitifully, how can expect, he has used secret technique, wanted to suppress Chu Feng directly, finally by his melting easily, and cut his arm. 那位神祇惨叫,怎能料到,他动用了秘术,想要直接镇压楚风,结果被他轻易的化解,并斩掉他一臂。 His suddenly standing up, did not sit there possibly calmly, was far from maintains the dignity. 他霍的站起,再也不可能镇定地坐在那里了,更谈不上保持威严。 The flash, this Divinity uses strongest divine technique, must kill Chu Feng, must go all out with him. 一刹那,这位神祇就动用最强神术,要杀楚风,要跟他拼命。 However, a sword cold light sparkle, illuminates Mystic Realm, , Chu Feng this sword not only breaks open his secret technique, but also cuts to fly his head. 然而,一剑寒光闪耀,照亮秘境,噗的一声,楚风这一剑不仅破开他的秘术,还将他的头颅斩飞。 Head that suddenly, this World of the Living's God Level Evolver's body with flying then cuns (2.5 cm) annihilation in void. 瞬息间,这位阳间的神级进化者的身体与飞出去的头颅便在虚空中寸寸湮灭。 "Ah...... ” he yelled panic-stricken, but actually cannot change anything. “啊……”他惊恐大叫,但是却改变不了什么。 The flash, nearby several Divinity leap has stood, shocks to be frightened, this is the what kind of strength, sword God Slaying, he most at least is the Divine General peak! 一刹那,附近的几位神祇都腾的站了起来,震撼而惊悚,这是何等的实力,一剑斩神啊,他最起码是神将巅峰! They had not realized, this is Divine King, moreover to the middle stage level, has looked disdainfully they. 他们还没有意识到,这是一位神王,而且到了中期层次,睥睨他们。 Behind, Ying Wudi petrify, the small mouth of Ying Xiaoxiao opens becomes O, other people are similar to the clay sculpture woodcarving, stands there, does not dare believe. 后面,映无敌石化,映晓晓的小嘴张成O型,其他人更是如同泥塑木雕,站在那里,不敢相信。 Especially from World of the Dead's Golden Scales Dao Child, Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan and the others, thinks shocks, that is Chu Feng, in one year has not seen, he can unexpectedly the slaughter god! 尤其是来自阴间的道子金鳞、元世成、元媛等人,觉得过于震撼,那是楚风,一年间未见,他居然可以屠神了! Ying Zhexian previously had not faced the battlefield, but carries to there, now felt that the situation has different, turns around to look gently to the battlefield. 映谪仙早先没有面对战场,而是背对那里,现在感觉到情况有异,轻轻转身看向战场中。 ! ! 噗!噗! A Chu Feng sword cuts, then the God Level head flies, when including using two swords, two Divinity angry roar, bringing the head of blood to fire into the midair! 楚风一剑斩出,便有一颗神级头颅飞起,连出两剑时,两位神祇怒吼,带血的头颅冲向半空中! I am Chu Feng!” He shouted indifferently. “我就是楚风!”他冷漠喝道。 The beginning has organized author salon, I have not retained the draft, therefore after full blood resurrects, in one day a chapter, after having finished, will restore to renew normally. 起点组织了作者沙龙,我没有存稿,所以满血复活后也在一天一章,结束后就会恢复正常更新。
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