SR :: Volume #10

#996: Chu Feng here

This unmatched in the world? One crowd was put talent that turns to shout 'motherfucker'. 这就天下无敌了?一群被放翻的天才都想骂娘。 God fucking is unpaired, this may shameless World of Death's Seed undifferentiated below sinister hand, be unexpectedly despicable and hateful. 特么的再无对手,这个可无耻的阴间种居然无差别的下黑手,卑劣而可恨。 One crowd of person moves, so-called war immortal physique, dominates the King Blood lineage/vein, the Primordial Chaos Purple Mist owner and others, does not have the suspense, was all put to turn in the mire. 一群人都中招,所谓的战仙体、霸王血脉、鸿蒙紫雾拥有者等,也都没有悬念,皆被放翻在泥沼中。 The treasure that other talents, some people maintain life is split up, lets trembling that they love dearly, but also some people preserve a life by Death Substituting Talisman. 其他天才,有些人身上保命的瑰宝四分五裂,让他们心疼的哆嗦,还有人以替死符保住一条命。 One group of people were dirty, are injured the lightest whole body are the blood, the bone broke several, the whole body large surface area burned black. 一群人灰头土脸,受伤最轻的都浑身是血,骨头断了十几根,周身大面积焦黑。 Was injured the heavy person to disintegrate several times, lives difficultly. 受伤重的人解体数次,艰难活下来。 This naturally includes the blade king before dawn, the body is total wreck, does not have the Death Substituting Talisman words, he a moment ago absolutely died cannot die again. 这自然包括刀王凌晨,身体破烂不堪,没有替死符的话,刚才他绝对死的不能再死了。 Ji Chuanteng and white clothing scholar Chen Han complexion is pale, their imposing manners and their natural disappear, the body and the white clothing so-called gold are holy, now with hard coke, long hair like subtilis. 金川腾、白衣文士陈涵脸色铁青,他们的气势、他们的潇洒都不见了,所谓黄金之躯与白衣圣洁,现在都跟焦炭似的,长发如枯草。 Is grace and talent peerless desolate Ziyun, at this time also by one pair tall and slender, but the jet black palm is actually covering the face, is really has no way to see the person. 就是风华绝代的萧紫韵,这时也在以一双细长但却漆黑的手掌捂着脸,实在是没法见人。 This region many female talents were screaming, they care about oneself image very much, now became anything, likely has swayed back and forth in the coal mine. 这片地带许多女天才都在尖叫,她们都很在意自己的形象,现在成什么了,都像是在煤矿中打过滚。 desolate fairy maiden, you were also exploded, on the face is somewhat black.” Originally Chen Han of white clothing, exploded dumbstruck, the whole body is the blood, the bone breaks the muscle booklet, a mirror of maintaining life turns into the powder, his present mind at humming sound the light cry, the person also is a little still in a daze. “萧仙子,你也被炸了,脸上有些黑。”原本一身白衣的陈涵,被炸的发懵,满身是血,骨断筋折,保命的一面镜子化成粉末,他现在的脑海还在嗡嗡轻鸣,人还有点发傻呢。 Therefore, after he sees desolate Ziyun, stemming from care, subconscious regards such. 所以,他看到萧紫韵后,出于关心,下意识的这么问候。 Finally desolate Ziyun air/Qi has turned the head, does not want to manage him, at this time wants to kill people. 结果萧紫韵气的转过头去,不想理他,此时非常想杀人。 desolate fairy maiden, your back burnt.” Another side, the Ji Chuanteng opens the mouth, he shakes the head in the violent force, wants to come by oneself soberly, the words that but queers said. “萧仙子,你后背都焦糊了。”另一边,金川腾开口,他在猛力摇头,想让自己清醒过来,但得罪人的话语已经说出去。 Turning around that desolate Ziyun air/Qi, wants to silence a witness of crime. 萧紫韵气的转身,真想杀人灭口啊。 Her treasure fought skirt tattered to become Tiao, can the snow white back not burned black? 她的瑰宝战裙都破烂成条了,雪白的脊背能不焦黑吗? Where walks!” “哪里走!” Several people with desolate Ziyun, thoroughly restored, wants to overrun, must cut to kill there cocky Chu Feng. 有几人跟萧紫韵般,已经彻底恢复过来,想冲过去,要将正在那里得瑟楚风斩杀。 This World of Death's Seed is too hateful, puts the cloudy lightning damage they, but also dares to boast shamelessly, shouted there, said oneself already unmatched in the world, is unpardonable. 这个阴间种太可恨,放阴雷害他们,还敢大言不惭,在那里叫嚷,说自己已经天下无敌,不可宽恕。 Then!” “接着!” Chu Feng scolds lightly, washes one's hands on took out two Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, the bang to killing his person. 楚风轻叱,抖手间就祭出两颗紫晶天雷,轰向扑杀他的人。 Escapes!” “遁!” One group of people yelled, turns around to run. 一群人大叫,转身就跑。 Bang!” “轰!” Two people who throws called out pitifully, was put to turn again, the whole body was the blood, fleshly body has disintegrated, soul light also vanished, finally had the treasure to shelter. 扑上去的两人惨叫,再次被放翻,满身是血,肉身都解体了,魂光亦幻灭,总算有瑰宝庇护住。 This cold deep pool is for me useless, I am disinclined to compete with you, cultivates the behavior to want the atmosphere, often do not shout that hits to shout "kill"!” Chu Feng stands in the distant place shouts, adds: All things peace is precious!” “这口寒潭对我来说没什么用,我才懒得跟你们争夺呢,做人要大气,别动不动就喊打喊杀!”楚风站在远处喊道,紧接着又补充道:“万事和为贵!” World of the Living's one crowd of talents want to bury him with the spittle, stamps him with the sole board, gave to explode this appearance the person, but also urged others do not shout hits to shout "kill", added that any all things peace is precious, this was the thick-skinned heart as black as certain Realm. 阳间的一群天才都想用唾沫星子埋上他,用脚底板踩死他,将人都给炸成这个样子了,还劝别人不要喊打喊杀,还说什么万事和为贵,这是脸厚心黑到一定境界了。 Even if has desolate Ziyun of strength of three phoenix, now is also shivering, wants to kill him. 即便拥有三凰之力的萧紫韵,现在也颤抖着,想要干掉他。 Bang! 轰! However, at this time, the cold deep pool spurted thin Heiwu, nearby golden lake also in the surges, the energy of god filling the terrifying. 然而,这时,寒潭喷薄黑雾,附近的金色湖泊也在翻腾,弥漫出恐怖的神之能量。 Chu Feng shouts: Mountain does not change the green water long class, his year our World of the Living meets again, the reunion, recalls with deep feeling again today is the fate.” He ran decisively. 楚风喊道:“各位青山不改绿水长流,他年我们阳间再相见,再聚首,再感怀今日是之缘分。”他果断跑了。 Indeed, in that cold deep pool so-called World of the Dead source qi to useless, he grows up in World of the Dead, does not need to supplement, needs World of the Living's source qi on the contrary. 的确,那寒潭中所谓的阴间本源气对来说没什么用,他就是在阴间长大的,不需要补充,反倒需要阳间的本源气 Numerous talents intertwined, compete for the good fortune the time to arrive, but, looks helplessly his back went far away, was not really willingly. 众多天才纠结,争夺造化的时刻到了,可是,眼睁睁的看着他的背影远去,真是不甘心啊。 Turns head to tidy up him again!” Some person of cold sound tracks. “回头再收拾他!”有人冷声道。 Since Shi Fan must enter World of the Living, later some are the opportunity straightens up he, what now is most essential captures the World of the Dead source. 既然石凡要进阳间,以后有的是机会拾掇他,现在最为关键的是夺取阴间本源。 What does everybody also wait for? Walks, enters World of the Living, does obeisance Sect!” Chu Feng shouted, shouts to Broken Universe numerous Evolver. “各位还等什么?走啊,进阳间,去拜师门!”楚风大喊,冲着残破宇宙众多进化者喊道。 The people are looking at the cold deep pool, not in knows whether also has other treasures, but lightly sighed, indeed could not compete, was no one can be ordinary with Shi Fan, the meat and vegetarian dishes did not envy, put to turn World of the Living's one crowd of talents directly. 众人望着寒潭,不知道里面是否还有其他宝物,但是都轻叹,的确竞争不过,不是谁都可以跟石凡一般,荤素不忌,直接放翻阳间的一群天才。 This piece of Mystic Realm is very big, very length and breadth, but the route had determined, after the swampy ground then the ancient wood wolf forest, the mountain top exists side by side, the call tiger's roar, various even more fearful crises came. 这片秘境很大,非常广袤,但是路线已经确定,穿过沼泽地后便古木狼林,山头并立,猿啼虎啸,各种越发可怕的危机来了。 The scene is bloody, some people died, with the blue spooky tail nail is put on by the Barbaric Ox that big scorpion that the bush jumps out, dying is very miserable. 场面是血淋淋的,有人死去,被灌木从中窜出的莽牛那么大的蝎子用蓝幽幽的尾巴钉穿,死的很惨。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! The fluttering sound resounds, in sky dense and numerous, everywhere is the silver centipede, swoops. 振翅声音响起,天空中密密麻麻,漫天都是银色的蜈蚣,飞扑过来。 In addition, on some mountain peaks, lets fall the house that big spider directly, is bringing the giant net, covers some Evolver, rivers of blood. 此外,一些山峰上,直接垂落下来房子那么大的蜘蛛,带着巨大的网,将一些进化者覆盖,血流成河。 Chu Feng does not have performance overstepping the limit of too, but shelters some acquaintances in secret, bringing the large unit to clash forward. 楚风没有表现的太出格,只是暗中庇护一些熟人,带着大部队向前冲。 Shi Fan, you are really fierce, initially some spelled with my brother-in-law simply.” The silver-haired young loli big eye flashes, appearance that appreciates very much. 石凡,你真厉害,简直跟我姐夫当初有的一拼。”银发小luoli大眼扑闪,一副很赞赏的样子。 Naturally, mentioned Chu Feng, her big eye deep place somewhat was also regrettable, is accompanying sadly, did this return alive to see again? 当然,提到楚风,她的大眼深处也有些遗憾,伴着忧愁,此生还能再见到吗? Ying Zhexian also gently sighed, when facial color was gentle, looked to Chu Feng is also very gentle, this let some Chu Feng surprise, this never revealed own state of mind, is always faintly recognizable the dust Zhexian, today unexpectedly some perceptions. 映谪仙也轻轻一叹,面色温柔,看向楚风时也很柔和,这让楚风有些诧异,这个从来不显露自己心绪,总是飘渺出尘的谪仙子,今天居然有些感性。 Do not speak irresponsibly, Chu Feng came not to be good, he at all was not the match of World of the Living that group of people, can die was very miserable.” Ying Wudi teaches own younger sister Ying Xiaoxiao. “别乱说,楚风来了也不行,他根本不是阳间那群人的对手,会死的很惨。”映无敌教训自己的妹妹映晓晓 „, You understand anything, my brother-in-law life is not weak in people, to defeat how possibly!” A silver-haired young loli hand fork on the small waist, sends out the silver light long hair to move, rolls the eyes to her Elder Brother. “切,你懂什么,我姐夫一生不弱于人,怎么可能会败!”银发小luoli一只手叉在小蛮腰上,散发银光的长发甩动,对她哥哥翻白眼。 I am your blood brother, is Chu Feng your blood brother?” Ying Wudi not indignation. “到底我是你亲哥,还是楚风是你亲哥?”映无敌不忿。 You, but he is my biological brother-in-law.” Silver-haired young loli curls the lip, looks askance to cast a sidelong glance greatly he. “你呀,但他是我亲姐夫。”银发小luoli撇嘴,大眼斜睨他。 “Chi!” “哧!” A silver bracket plant takes root on a mountain top, now the tendrils stretch, turns into one after another silver lance, punctures to here. 一株银色的吊兰扎根在一座山头上,现在枝蔓舒展开来,化成一根又一根银色的长矛,向这边刺来。 In a flash, landslide cracks in the earth, this plant is too terrifying, can pierce Sub Saint easily lethal, the ground is tattered and torn, made into abandoned land, the magma is turbulent. 一瞬间,山崩地裂,这株植物太恐怖,将亚圣都能轻易洞穿致死,地面更是千疮百孔,被打成废土,岩浆汹涌。 In Mystic Realm the Order rune twinkle, suppresses this region. 秘境秩序符文闪烁,压制这片区域。 Existence of Saint Level peak, I and others at all is not a match.” Some person of suck in a cold breath. 圣级巅峰的存在,我等根本不是对手。”有人倒吸冷气 Chu Feng saw that the Buddha Race person is bringing the golden purple earthen bowl container, rushed from the mountainous region of distant place, the Dao Race's person also passed. 楚风看到佛族人带着紫金钵盂,从远处的山地中闯了过去,道族的人也过关了。 But this bracket plant happen to blocks Chu Feng they. 而这株吊兰正好拦住楚风他们。 Dares to detain, kills!” “敢拦阻,干掉!” Chu Feng does not mind to assume an awe-inspiring pose, this time has not used Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, a sword cuts, turns into fine powder this bracket plant. 楚风不介意发威,这次没有动用紫晶天雷,一剑斩过去,将这株吊兰化成齑粉 At this time, Ying Wudi, Ying Xiaoxiao and Ying Zhexian three people revealed startled accommodate, if did not have Shi Fan in the side, wanted, certainly must pay very big price. 这时,映无敌映晓晓映谪仙三人都露出惊容,如果没有石凡在身边,想要过去,肯定要付出很大代价。 Even, they may not pass successfully. 甚至,他们不一定能够成功过关。 Because, Exiled Immortal Cave direct descendant is bringing the treasure, in another position, has not walked with them in the same place, depending on Ying Family three brother and sister's Dao Protector, can preserve them not necessarily. 因为,谪仙窟的嫡系带着瑰宝,在另一个方位,没有跟他们走在一起,凭映家三兄妹身边的护道者,不见得能保住他们。 Great kindness, thanks!” Ying Wudi thanks said that when Chu Feng uses the sword all the way decisive, but Ling very cold, many difficult easily were melted by him. “恩同再造,谢谢!”映无敌感谢道,因为一路上楚风出剑时果断而凌冽,诸多险阻都被他轻易化解。 At this time, several snow white small creature flashed through in the distant place, the Chu Feng heart moved, that was he 12 snow white small lifeforms that brought from the chaos, in God Level! 这时,几头雪白的小动物在远处闪过,楚风心头一动,那是他从混沌带出来的12头雪白小生物,都在神级 Previously, he sent, making them inquire various news. 早先时,他派出去了,让它们打探各种消息。 Now he has fed back, front exit there has the strangeness, is hanging a mirror, can shine all Evolver's main bodies, feared that some people change the appearance to get by under false pretences, sneak across World of the Living. 现在他得到反馈,前方出口那里有古怪,悬着一口镜子,能照耀出一切进化者的本体,怕有人改变容貌蒙混过关,偷渡进阳间 Chu Feng face upwards the deep sigh, disappointed, is this doomed unable to pass? 楚风仰天长叹,一阵怅然,这注定是无法过去吗? Finally, his take action, shelters many people to go forward secretly, across many dangers and difficulties, for example kills a to get close to Shining Upon Level golden Péng bird on the way! 最终,他暗自出手,庇护着不少人前进,穿过诸多艰难险阻,比如在途中干掉一头接近映照级的金色鹏鸟! The road ahead is in sight, he leads many people to arrive at Mystic Realm front exit|to speak there, a Yang Qi billowing channel extension to the chaos, before arriving in a Dao Sect household, passes through is World of the Living. 前路在望,他带着不少人来到秘境前方的出口那里,一条阳气滚滚的通道伸展向混沌中,抵达一道门户前,穿过去便是阳间 The Chu Feng brow wrinkled, saw the mirror that on that Dao Sect is hanging, fills the misty mist, is accompanying the principle fragment, is sacred and formidable. 楚风眉头皱了起来,看到了那道门上悬挂的镜子,弥漫出蒙蒙雾气,伴着法则碎片,非常神圣与强大。 Some people called it the magical mirror which reveals the true form, some people said that it illuminated the god mirror, may make all conceal invalid, automatically appears the primary form, exposed including the strength. 有人叫它照妖镜,也有人称它照神镜,可让一切掩饰都无效,自动显现出原形,包括实力等也都暴露。 Chu Feng estimate, whether a sword can cut this mirror, has rushed to that Dao Sect directly, crashes in World of the Living. 楚风估量,能否一剑斩掉此镜,直接闯过那道门,冲进阳间 However, hesitated to him finally, stops to move restlessly, because he felt that by that Dao Sect very fearful pressure, before having the super terrifying to exist to assume the World of the Living membrane. 然而,到最后他犹豫了,止住躁动,因为透过那道门他感觉到了非常可怕的压力,有超级恐怖存在坐镇阳间界膜前。 The intersection of life, a very important choice point, what to do should he? Rushes, is another world, boundless. 人生的十字路口,一个非常重要的选择点,他该怎么办?强闯过去,便是另一番天地,海阔天空。 Naturally, the words of failure mean the tragic death. 当然,失败的话就意味着惨死。 Either flinches, returning to the World of the Dead universe to go. 要么就退缩,回到阴间宇宙去。 Thank you takes care of us.” Ying Zhexian opens the mouth suddenly, looks at Chu Feng, the facial color is gentle, is having the smile, but the eyeground deep place some little is also regrettable and deserted. “谢谢你一路照顾我们。”映谪仙忽然开口,看着楚风,面色柔和,带着微笑,而眼底深处也有几许遗憾与空寂。 Chu Feng is startled, why is this? He thought that although Ying Zhexian is very polite, but has the alienation? 楚风一怔,这是为何?他怎么觉得,虽然映谪仙很客气,但是却有种疏离感? In a flash, his heart is imposing! 一瞬间,他心头凛然! You cannot fight World of the Living's Evolver.” Ying Zhexian sighed, the beautiful pupil mist, to the Chu Feng opens the mouth, was having the disappointed color gently. “你斗不过阳间的进化者。”映谪仙叹息,美眸略带水雾,轻轻地对楚风开口,带着怅然之色。 This style is not right! Chu Feng knits the brows, is staring at her. 这画风不对!楚风皱眉,盯着她。 Ying Zhexian is also visiting him, said: Here has the magical mirror which reveals the true form, can endure to break fabricatedly all. But place that we come , if no accident/surprise, should put a such mirror, and there is a God guard, blocks the escape route, all will be returned to original state.” 映谪仙也在看着他,道:“这里有照妖镜,可以堪破一切虚妄。而我们进来的地方,若无意外的话,也应该放上了这样的一枚镜子,且有神灵把守,阻断后路,一切都将被还原出来。” What do you want to say?” The Chu Feng sound is desolate. “你想说什么?”楚风声音冷淡。 Elder sister!” Silver-haired young loli also has recognized likely Chu Feng, she incomparably anxious looks to her elder sister, is shivering the summon, somewhat fears unexpectedly. “姐姐!”银发小luoli像是也认出了楚风,她无比紧张的看向她的姐姐,颤抖着呼唤,竟有些恐惧。 Ying Wudi also shocks, don't tell me, at present is this person then Chu Feng? He hears two sisters' words now, guessed these situations. 映无敌也震惊,难道说,眼前这个人便是楚风?他现在听到两姐妹的话,也猜测到了这些情况。 Silver-haired young loli looks excitedly to Chu Feng, sentiment difficult from already, is very happy, but looks after her elder sister there, she reveals the color of fear, the trembling sound said: Does not want!” 银发小luoli激动地看向楚风,情难自已,很开心,但是看向她姐姐那里后,她又露出恐惧之色,颤声道:“不要!” Chu Feng here!” Ying Zhexian opens the mouth. 楚风在这里!”映谪仙开口。
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