SR :: Volume #10

#995: Suspects the life

Early morning mood was ruined, he makes World of the Dead's Indigenous begin first, attacks to him first at will, finally the opposite party is really impolite, and fierce, a foot knocks down him! 凌晨的心情糟透了,他让阴间的土著先动手,对他先随意出击,结果对方真是不客气兼且凶猛,一脚将他撂倒! Moreover, very straight trampling in his face chest cavity, his whole person coughs up blood, fly upside down, call out pitifully and falls down! 而且,很端正的踹在他的脸膛上,他整个人咳血、倒飞、惨叫、坠地! This simply is...... Make him feel that bi dog, too much disgraced, is scurries to ask others to trample his face simply! 这简直是……让他觉得哔了狗,太特么丢人,简直是上赶着求人家踹他一脸! Then, he feels pain, the whole piece face distorted, his cheekbone, nasal bone and jaw bone broke to pieces, tears tears long class, mouth and nose flying blood. 然后,他才感觉到疼痛,整张脸都变形了,他的颧骨、鼻骨、颌骨都碎掉了,涕泪长流,口鼻飞血。 "Áo! ” “嗷!” The people hear, he exudes a sad and shrill cry, this is not the person shouts likely, a little looks like the injured wild animal, frightened feeling. 众人听到,他发出一声凄厉的叫声,这不像是人喊出来的,有点像受伤的野兽,略带惊悚之感。 All people are dumbfounded. 所有人都目瞪口呆。 The World of the Living's talent was needless saying that has not expected, the blade king was knocked down a foot before dawn, spurts the blood to fly horizontally, this picture made people think that was not a little real. 阳间的天才不用说了,都没有料到,刀王凌晨被人一脚撂倒,喷血横飞,这画面让人觉得有点不真实。 Broken Universe person petrify, Ye Hao his Senior Brother is really also flagitious, really comes down in a continuous line, this Senior Brother younger brother they meet the World of the Living talent not to suffer a loss. 残破宇宙的人也都石化,叶昊师兄真凶残,果然是一脉相传,这师兄弟两人遇上阳间天才都没吃过亏。 Silver-haired young loli is speechless, this Shi Fan was also too simple, such a foot tramples in that person of face chest cavity, really...... Happy. 银发小luoli无语,这石凡也太干脆了,就这么一脚踹在那人的脸膛上,真是……痛快啊。 Jiang Luoshen, Golden Scales, Ying Wudi, Ying Zhexian, Yuan Yuan and others, is the dumbness that looks, this picture also is really elegant! 姜洛神金鳞映无敌映谪仙、元媛等,也都是看的无言,这画面还真是“清奇”! desolate Ziyun, white clothing scholar Chen Han and the others, the complexion was wooden, has nothing to say. 萧紫韵、白衣文士陈涵等人,脸色木然,没什么可说的。 Ji Chuanteng cheek twitch, is very discontented, the blade king before dawn is the person who he surrenders personally, is his hand/subordinate No.1 combat general, finally was given to trample to fly a foot? 金川腾则面皮抽动,很是不满,刀王凌晨是他亲手降服的人,是他手下第一号战将,结果被人一脚就给踹飞了? Before dawn the whole face blossoms, is blood, he is whooshing, wants to rip that Shi Fan really exactly, now loses face. 凌晨满脸开花,全是血,他嘶吼着,真想活撕了那个石凡,现在太丢脸。 The Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: Do not call, you lower my Realm after all, by my foot also in reason.” 楚风开口,道:“别叫了,你毕竟低我一个境界,挨我一脚也在情理之中。” Aiyu! Before dawn was almost irritated, normal, he in World of the Living can in the following to subdue|grams, be able the slaughter Saint, in his flesh to hide many Saint sources. 哎呦!凌晨差点被气死,正常来说,他在阳间都能以下克上,可以屠圣,他的血肉中藏着多颗圣者本源。 Chu Feng also said: Sorry, this foot kicks is a little heavy. However, is you requests me to trample your.” 楚风又道:“抱歉啊,这脚踢的有点重。不过,是你自己要求我踹你的。” This simply is two injuries, exciting early morning cannot bear, wants to stamp one's foot. 这简直是二次伤害,刺激的凌晨真受不了,想要跳脚。 Before dawn wants to correct very much, he said that makes the opposite party attack first, how to be said by the opposite party now, did the meaning change flavor thoroughly? 凌晨很想纠正,他只是说让对方先出击,怎么现在由对方说出来,意思彻底变味了? Has killed him!” Ji Chuanteng opens the mouth. “杀了他!”金川腾开口。 Buzz! 嗡! Before dawn oneself also thinks the humiliation, the body and spirit illumination, the void resonance, the flesh of face remoulds, the skeleton rebirth, suddenly, he restored. 凌晨自身也觉得屈辱,体魄发光,虚空共鸣,脸部的血肉重塑,骨骼重生,瞬息间而已,他就恢复了。 He grasps a long blade, the origin of its blade king given name naturally is good at the blade saying divine technique in Dominion because of it! 他手持一口长刀,其刀王名号的由来自然是因其擅长刀道领域中的神术 The gloomy swampy ground, was covered by cold cold light instantaneously, the blade king gets angry! 阴暗的沼泽地,瞬间被一股冷冽的寒光笼罩,刀王发怒! Wait a minute, is you make me trample your.” Chu Feng proposes these words again, this simply is three injuries. “等一会儿,是你自己让我踹你的。”楚风再提这句话,这简直是三次伤害。 He also the rapid opens the mouth, said: Thought that your strength is mean, must go all out with me, then doesn't dare to make me begin first?” 紧接着,他又迅速开口,道:“是不是觉得你自己实力低微,要跟我拼命,便再也不敢让我先动手了?” When speaking these words, he reveals the color of despising. 在说这些话时,他露出鄙夷之色。 Before dawn the dark air/Qi lives secretly, this really did not take the steamed bean-jam bun to work as the dry rations, ignominiously was too hateful, when World of the Dead's Indigenous can despise the World of the Living's talent like this. 凌晨暗气暗生,这还真是不拿豆包当干粮,太可耻可恨了,什么时候阴间的土著可以这样蔑视阳间的天才了。 They have the estimate, normal, the World of the Living's talent came, deters the World of the Dead contemporaries sufficiently, is impossible to meet the anti- hand. 他们有过估量,正常来说,阳间的天才来了,足以震慑阴间同代人,不可能遇到抗手。 Now, he was despised again, cannot endure! 现在,他一而再地被鄙夷,不能忍啊! I still let you first take action, come!” The blade king before dawn indeed been mad heavy, is in a rage, such cold sound shouted. “我依然让你先出手,来啊!”刀王凌晨的确被气的不轻,一怒之下,这么冷声喝道。 Good!” Chu Feng complies was too happy. “好嘞!”楚风答应的太痛快了。 Before dawn the nose quick air/Qi was crooked, the opposite party also really dares to comply, moreover a very inspired appearance, that stance, must pick up a bargain probably, pinches the soft persimmon to be ordinary. 凌晨鼻子都快气歪了,对方还真敢答应,而且还一副很振奋的样子,那副姿态,好像是要捡便宜,捏软柿子一般。 This time, he is ready, in the hand raises the blade, prepares to cut down the match at any time, is impossible to give the opposite party opportunity. 这一次,他做好准备,手中提刀,随时准备劈杀对手,再也不可能给对方机会。 Came!” “来了!” Chu Feng shouts, is decisive puts one's foot down once more, comes a flying leg directly, bang, the hit target, his shoe sole came an intimate contact with the face chest cavity of opposite party once more ruthlessly. 楚风喊道,然后果断再次下脚,直接来一个飞腿,砰的一声,再次命中目标,他的鞋底子跟对方的脸膛狠狠地来了一次亲密接触。 The blade king the face distorts before dawn, under the hit and extrusion of this foot, face all-round blooming, the bone break, whole person lying on back, spurts the blood, to fly upside down and hit in the mire throws down. 刀王凌晨面孔变形,在这一脚的撞击与挤压下,面部全面开花,骨头断裂,整个人仰躺、喷血、倒飞、撞在泥沼中摔倒。 four directions, all people stare dumbfounded, was knocked down by a foot, trampled on the face? 四野,所有人都瞠目结舌,又被一脚撂倒,踹在脸上了? At this moment, blade king is dumbstruck before dawn, forgot to be painful, he started a little to suspect the life, in his hand armed with knife, prepared to divide at any time, was in the end the move, has not chopped the sole of opposite party, oneself were trampled a face again! 这一刻,刀王凌晨发懵,都忘了痛了,他开始有点怀疑人生,他手中持刀,随时准备劈出去,可是到头来还是中招,没有砍中对方的脚掌,自己再次被人踹了一脸! "Ah...... ” he called out pitifully, really could not bear, tumbles the mire, was bringing radiant blade light, cut toward Chu Feng, he already violent anger. “啊啊啊……”他惨叫,真是受不了,翻滚出泥沼,带着璀璨的刀光,向着楚风斩去,他已暴怒。 You are not tasteful!” Chu Feng shouts. “你这人不讲究!”楚风喊道。 After the blade king hears before dawn, wants to spit the bad language, was been true tread nose upper eyelid, but also was not said tasteful. 刀王凌晨闻听后,想吐脏话,被人真正“蹬鼻子上脸”,还被说不讲究。 Bang!” “轰!” A blade chops, void separation, mire ebullition! 一刀劈出,虚空断开,泥沼沸腾! This is the vestige, under the mire has the principle fragment, has Order rune, otherwise, this place has ruined, does not exist. 这是遗迹,泥沼下有法则碎片,有秩序符文,不然的话,这地方就毁掉了,不复存在。 Whiz! 嗖! The Chu Feng transverse shift body, hides to one side, in the hand the fist enlarges, bang, rumbles once more in the face chest cavity of opposite party, quickly to inconceivable. 楚风横移身体,躲向一旁,手中拳头放大,砰的一声,再次轰在对方的脸膛上,快到不可思议。 Because, he is Divine King, even if suppresses Realm, what performance is only the energy of Saint level, may not be the blade king can avoid before dawn. 因为,他是神王,哪怕压制境界,表现的只是圣者层次的能量,可也不是刀王凌晨所能避开的。 Some time ago Chu Feng Transcends Tribulation, became Evolver of Divine King middle stage level, all-around promotion oneself, was really aloof on. 不久前楚风渡劫,成为神王中期层次的进化者,全方位的提升自身,实在是超然在上。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The blade king the fist, the bone in within the body in the scrap, turns into the bone sediment before dawn unceasingly, this is Chu Feng the result that intends to suppress, otherwise, a finger presses dead he. 刀王凌晨不断中拳,体内的骨头在炸碎,化成骨头渣子,这还是楚风有意压制的结果,不然的话,一根指头就按死他。 Divine King crush Sub Saint, radically is not a magnitude fight. 神王碾压亚圣,根本就不是一个数量级的战斗。 Many people change countenance, stares blankly including the World of the Living's talent, do their this crowds bring World of the Living talent Evolver that proud intent is coming such to admit defeat unexpectedly? 许多人动容,包括阳间的天才都发怔,他们这群带着傲意而来的阳间天才进化者居然这么吃瘪? This is a little unthinkable. 这有点匪夷所思。 Bang!” “砰!” After Chu Feng another fist rumbles, the blade king the whole body bone broke to pieces before dawn, the whole person there, the whole face was shocked and unwilling weak. 楚风又一拳轰出后,刀王凌晨周身骨头都碎掉了,整个人瘫软在那里,满脸震惊与不甘。 He a little suspected the life, World of the Dead's Indigenous, even if were the topest rare talent, practice in the broken universe, Order that senses wait/etc. had the flaw, unexpectedly can suppress him? 他真的有点怀疑人生了,阴间的土著,哪怕是最顶尖的奇才,在残破的宇宙修行,所感悟的秩序等都是有缺陷的,居然能压制他? His face dumbstruck appearance, is filled with the pain. 他一脸发懵的样子,满心痛苦。 The Chu Feng haughty opens the mouth, said: What fist technique knows this is, the flowing light thunder and lightning fist, was known as that the universe first amazingly quick fist, does compare quickly with me? Your blade is inferior to my fist.” 楚风大剌剌地开口,道:“知道这是什么拳法吗,流光雷电拳,号称宇宙第一神速拳,跟我比快?你的刀不如我的拳。” A tone of his lesson, said: You are only Sub Saint , compared with my such Saint, nature bad far, naturalness of defeat.” 他一副教训的口吻,道:“你只是亚圣而已,跟我这样的圣者比起来,自然差的远,败的理所当然。” The blade king before dawn, that may really be in the heart the severe pain, has touched somebody's sore spot, he can cut down the Saint in World of the Living, may more step great war, on the contrary be educated in this World of the Dead, making him feel sad? 刀王凌晨,那可真是心中剧痛,扎心了,在阳间他都能伐圣,可越阶大战,在这阴间反倒被教育了一顿,让他情何以堪? Ji Chuanteng was unable to continue watching, lets World of the Dead Indigenous there attire big tail wolf, moreover is treading the wound body high-rank of his hand/subordinate first combat general, how he can tolerate. 金川腾看不下去了,让一个阴间土著在那里装大尾巴狼,而且是踏着他手下第一战将的伤体上位,他怎么能容忍。 He just about to speaks, Chu Feng shot a look at his one eyes, reveals the color of disdaining, said: You should not be Sub Saint, at the same time is staying going, is not my match.” 他刚要说话,楚风瞥了他一眼,露出不屑之色,道:“你该不会也是亚圣吧,一边呆着去,不是我的对手。” World of the Living one crowd of talents: „......” 阳间一群天才:“……” They are suitable the surprise, instead was despised is despised, this style is not a little right. 他们都相当诧异,反被鄙视被人轻蔑,这画风有点不对啊。 Six months ago, I already Sanctification!” Ji Chuanteng visits him indifferently, wants to say very much, you my evolution level cannot look, dares to boast shamelessly? “半年前,我已经成圣!”金川腾冷漠地看着他,很想说,你连我的进化层次都看不出来,也敢大言不惭? Just can Sanctification a half year, what climate become?” Chu Feng completely is the stance and tone that overlooks. “刚成圣半年,能成得了什么气候?”楚风完全是俯视的姿态与口吻。 Ji Chuanteng, within the body golden color blood surges, the whole body is similar to the gold casts, his calm face, does not get angry from the prestige, void at the resonance, the flower of Order blooms in this place, is exceptionally brilliant. 金川腾,体内金色血液激荡,周身如同黄金铸成,他沉着脸,不怒自威,虚空都在共鸣,秩序之花在此地绽放,异常绚烂。 Your this group of people, many are Sub Saint, is a little weak.” The Chu Feng group jeered, in view of World of the Living all talents. “你们这群人,好多都是亚圣,有点弱啊。”楚风群嘲,针对阳间所有天才。 White clothing scholar Chen Han, on the face reveals light smiling, just wants to open the mouth, finally Chu Feng first stared at him, said: You smile anything, your this, I can hit ten!” 白衣文士陈涵,脸上露出淡淡的笑,刚想开口,结果楚风首先盯上了他,道:“你笑什么,你这样的,我可以一个打十个!” Smiling of Chen Han scholarly solidifies immediately. 陈涵儒雅的笑顿时凝固。 “Wú, this purple garment beautiful woman, cultivation base is good, some people discussed a moment ago you do have the potentials of three phoenix? But I alone can hit your three! ” “唔,这位紫衫丽人,修为不错,刚才有人议论你有三凰之潜能?但我一个人可以打你三个!” The people are speechless, this cowhide/boasting blows, wants to say do oneself have the strength of nine phoenix? 众人无言,这牛皮吹的,想说自己有九凰之力吗? desolate Ziyun, graceful bearing world is rare. 萧紫韵,风姿世间罕有。 Her 175 centimeters, slim and graceful, the figure curve is astonishing, the face has no time, beautiful such as dream is imaginary, now the pupil of purple sparkling stares at Chu Feng, unexpectedly dares to provoke like this she? 她175公分,亭亭玉立,身段曲线惊人,面孔无暇,美丽的如梦似幻,现在紫莹莹的眸子凝视楚风,居然敢这样挑衅她? Everybody, puts best into it, and goes to practice well, do not have a swelled head, must know there is human beyond the human there is Heaven beyond the Heaven.” Chu Feng said, turns around to walk. “各位,好自为之,都且去好好修行吧,不要妄自尊大,须知人外有人天外有天。”楚风说罢,转身就走。 Also wants to walk, stands to me here!” White clothing scholar Chen Han shouted. “还想走,给我站在这里吧!”白衣文士陈涵喝道。 Ji Chuanteng is indifferent stopping up way, a few words did not say, under wants the extreme methods. 金川腾更是冷漠的堵住去路,一句话也不说,就要下死手。 Other talents also reveal cold intent, is having the color of mock, like this provokes the World of the Living's troops, but also wants to have the good end? 其他天才也都露出冷意,带着讥诮之色,这样招惹阳间的人马,还想有好下场? What's wrong, but can also fight with me?” Chu Feng holds up the head, was not worried, is walking as before outward. “怎么,还要跟我斗?”楚风昂首,一点也不担心,依旧在向外走。 White clothing scholar Chen Han ridiculed: Punishes one as a warning to others, you are that chicken, but also wants to live departure, is really laughable!” 白衣文士陈涵讥讽道:“杀鸡儆猴,你就是那只鸡,还想活着离开,真是可笑!” Leaves behind the life!” Ji Chuanteng was judging likely, sound is very cold. “留下性命吧!”金川腾像是在宣判,声音很冷。 „To fight with me, but also who? Stands, my Shi Fan person hits your one crowd!” Chu Feng shouts loudly. “想跟我一战,还有谁?都站出来,我石凡一个人打你们一群!”楚风大声喊道。 Fights a battle to force a quick decision!” At this time was desolate Ziyun could not calm down, making white clothing scholar Chen Han begin, what keeps this person to make? Killing is. “速战速决!”这时就是萧紫韵都沉不住气了,让白衣文士陈涵动手,留着这个人做什么?杀之就是。 Also has the person to want with me to fight, dares to fight me?” Chu Feng shouts, this is provokes, despises World of the Living's one crowd of talents. “还有没有人想与我一战,敢跟我动手?”楚风喊道,这可是真的挑衅,蔑视阳间的一群天才。 Naturally, one group of people responded. 当然,一群人回应。 I!” “我!” Trivial Yin Spirit, kills it!” “区区一个阴灵,杀之!” Keeps him to do, cuts!” “留着他作甚,斩!” ...... …… One group of people sneer, is World of the Living young super Evolver, not cover up must extinguish Chu Feng. 一群人冷笑,都是阳间年轻的超级进化者,不加掩饰地要灭楚风 Is desolate Ziyun also vision is cold, is staring at Chu Feng. 就是萧紫韵也都目光冷冽,盯着楚风 Come, come, come, Shi with your great war 300 rounds, on together!” Chu Feng speaks the last words. “来,来,来,石某人跟你们大战300回合,都一起上吧!”楚风叫板。 Extinguished him!” Some person face woods are cold. “灭了他!”一些人面孔森寒。 In an instant, many people compel forward, disdained in collaborating, thought that a person came up to suffice, but now many people. 刹那间,许多人向前逼去,原本不屑于联手,觉得一个人上去就够了,但现在很多人在动。 Such being the case, everybody, wants immortal to want!” Chu Feng said in a soft voice. “既然如此,各位,欲仙欲死吧!”楚风轻声道。 He in a big way grasps two Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, before the speech, he completely threw. 他抓出两大把紫晶天雷,在说话前,他就全部扔出去了。 Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, Saint Level? It is not right, my @#¥...... Shining Upon Level!” Some people cursed angrily, wants to swallow Chu Feng exactly. 紫晶天雷,圣级的?不对,我@#¥……映照级的!”有人怒骂,想活吞掉楚风 This stretch of region must have the annihilation terrorist incident simply, Amethyst Heavenly Thunder like the raindrop, here flies to fall, then crazily explodes. 这片地带简直要发生湮灭性的恐怖事件,紫晶天雷如雨点,在这里飞落,而后狂炸。 If not the swampy ground is special, the embodiment to strong rune, this stretch of region must be ruined. 若非沼泽地特殊,内蕴至强符文,这片地带就要被毁掉了。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Immediately, the large expanse of pitiful yell sound gets up. 顿时,成片的惨叫声响起。 Let alone other people, are desolate Ziyun, Chen Han, Ji Chuanteng wish one could to disappear from here, finally by thunder light submerging. 别说其他人,就是萧紫韵、陈涵、金川腾都恨不得从这里消失,结果被雷光给淹没。 My @#¥!” Some people spit the bad language, cursed there, oneself must be finished. “我@#¥!”有人吐脏话,在那里大骂,自身要完蛋了。 The distant place, Hong Xuan, Fei Ling and the others the cheek twitch, looks at this stance, looks at that Amethyst Heavenly Thunder...... They do not want to recall, thought that Ye Hao Senior Brother was too ignominious, the Senior Brother younger brother two people really comes down in a continuous line! 远处,洪玄菲灵等人面皮抽搐,看这架势,看着那紫晶天雷……他们真不想去回忆,觉得叶昊师兄太可耻了,师兄弟两人果然是一脉相传! Obviously, desolate Ziyun, Ji Chuanteng, Chen Han and others has incurred from World of the Living's one crowd of talents, must leave the important matter. 显然,萧紫韵、金川腾、陈涵等来自阳间的一群天才都中招了,要出大事。 Who can also fight with me?” In thunder light, Chu Feng shouted, then adds: Excuse me, put to turn completely, I was invincible, did not have the rival again!” “谁还要与我一战?”在雷光中,楚风大喊,接着又补充道:“不好意思,全部放翻了,我已无敌,再无敌手!”
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