SR :: Volume #10

#994: World of the Living striving for hegemony

In the swampy ground is very dim, is bringing the mist, some old trees, are distanced not near, sparse, in the water puddle has the fallen leaf to send out the rotten smell. 沼泽地中很昏暗,带着水雾,有些古树,彼此间相距不近,稀稀疏疏,水洼中有落叶散发腐烂的气味。 This Yin Qi full place, actually came many people today! 这片阴气较足之地,今天却来了很多人! Broken Universe person some are not willing, is somewhat angry, isn't this their smelting trial fields? World of the Living's talent control warship one after another, arrangement Large expanse, across the sky comes, disregards those present. 残破宇宙的人有些不甘心,也有些愤怒,这不是他们的试炼场吗?阳间的天才驾驭战船一艘又一艘,排列成片,横空而来,将在场的人无视。 Even, somewhat governing spatial and good Evolver also once ran upon by the World of the Living's steamship, the twinkling vanishes, only leaves behind blood mist. 甚至,有些御空而行的进化者还曾被阳间的大船撞上,瞬息消失,只留下血雾 Gods is indifferent, crosses the hands behind the back to stand in the midair, observes calmly all these, is these God dreaded, arrival of one crowd of talents will change here rule. 诸神冷漠,在半空中负手而立,静观这一切,就是这些神灵都忌惮,一群天才的到来将会改变这里的规则。 These are the World of the Living genuine elite juniors, some were the bloodlines of Heavenly Venerate, some are the crown prince of dynasty...... each and every one is talent shocking generation. 这些都是阳间真正的精英子弟,有的为天尊的血脉、有的为皇朝的太子……一个个都是天赋惊世之辈。 From Sub Saint to Saint...... Arrived God Level, has everything expected to find again, disparity in age sections regarding the different Realm's World of the Living rare talent. 亚圣圣者……再到神级,应有尽有,不同年龄段对于不同境界的阳间奇才。 Some time ago, discovered ancient deep pool in this stretch of swampy ground, was somewhat strange, feeds in World of the Living. 不久前,在这片沼泽地发现古潭,有些古怪,传回阳间 What it emits is source Yin Qi, divides many levels, can smelts by the different Realm's World of the Living Evolver absorption. 它所冒出的是本源阴气,分很多层次,能被不同境界的阳间进化者吸收与熔炼。 Blue brother!” Some person of surprised shouting, fly high from the steamship, naturally is Divinity, moreover is the rank extremely high character, will otherwise follow to place the 97 th blue maple tree to greet in God? “蓝兄!”有人惊讶的喊道,从大船上凌空而起,自然是神祇,而且是排位极高的人物,不然怎么会跟在神灵中排名第97的蓝枫打招呼? The World of the Living length and breadth is grand, let alone ranks 97 th in God, is ranks 970 th, is moves the world terrifying Evolver! 阳间广袤壮阔,别说在神灵中排位第97,就是排位第970,都算是名动天下的恐怖进化者 This person all parties are willing to win over. 这种人各方都愿意拉拢。 Now, has with the blue maple tree same level character arrival, naturally initiates the mighty waves. 现在,有跟蓝枫同级的人物到来,自然又引发波澜。 "hē hē...... ” had the newly arrived god to shoot a look at an anxious maple tree, relied on very much, did not care, even was bringing smiling of ridicule. “呵呵……”有新来的神瞥了一眼蓝枫,很是自恃,不怎么放在心上,甚至带着嘲弄的笑。 This explained the issue, did not fear the blue maple tree, its status even more appeared fearful. 这更加说明问题,不怵蓝枫,其地位越发显得可怕。 However, after that person recognizes surpassing the teacher maple tree Chi Ming, restrains the happy expression, expression grave gets up. 不过,当那人认出蓝枫身边的赤铭后,收敛笑意,神色凝重起来。 four directions, God Level character were many much, guards a side respectively, waited for that the Yin Qi source in swampy ground deep place that ancient deep pool appears. 四野,神级人物多了不少,各自据守一方,等待沼泽地深处那口古潭中的阴气本源出现。 Although the swamp deep place is dim, but these golden lake groups are having also a clear gloss, appears very holy, to stand out from the masses. 沼泽深处虽然昏暗,但是那些金色的湖泊群却也带着点点晶莹光泽,显得十分圣洁,与众不同 But once, approaches, all people felt that piercing chill in the air, is exceptionally cold, must the soul of person frozen stiff in this place. 可是,一旦临近,所有人都感觉到了刺骨的寒意,异常冷冽,要将人的魂魄都冻僵在此地。 divine nature matter, initially was this died multi- Young God to turn into such lake group?” Has the World of the Living's Evolver exclamation. 神性物质,当初这是死了多少神才化成这样的湖泊群?”有阳间的进化者惊叹。 Was a pity, was polluted, this divine nature matter to the soul is violently poisonous, I and others are unable to absorb.” A God feeling and regretted. “可惜,被污染了,这种神性物质对灵魂而言是剧毒,我等无法吸收。”一位神灵感慨与遗憾。 Now, since World of the Living newly arrived Divinity flies from the steamship, appears in the upper air, is standing in the distant place, not close to that black deep pool. 现在,阳间新来的神祇都从大船上飞起,出现在高空,在远处站着,并未临近那口黑色的潭。 World of the Living Sub Saint and talent of Saint level is approaching, controls the steamship to arrive at the scene, even if this crowd of ages somewhat low World of the Living talents is as before more formidable than the Broken Universe person. 阳间亚圣圣者层次的天才则在靠近,驾驭大船抵达现场,哪怕是这群年龄段偏低的阳间天才依旧比残破宇宙的人强大。 However, this group of evolution level low World of the Living rare talents, do not fear these to rely on the status World of the Living God Level talent on the other hand, the each and every one elegant demeanor is self-confident. 不过,这群相对来说进化层次较低的阳间奇才,一点也不怵那些自恃身份的阳间神级天才,一个个风采自信。 Because, they believe, could not want many years, they will exceed these gods eventually! 因为,他们相信,要不了多少岁月,他们终究会超越那些神! Among them, some people, although is the Saint level, but was already recognized to have the capital of Heavenly Venerate, is doomed to progress by leaps and bounds, tackles all difficulties. 在他们当中,有人虽为圣者层次,但是早已被公认有天尊之资,注定要一路突飞猛进,攻克所有难关。 Even, some people in these Sub Saint and Saint, after seeing the blue maple tree and Chi Ming this type exists fearfully, lightly regards it. 甚至,这些亚圣圣者中的部分人,在看到蓝枫、赤铭这种可怕存在后,也都只是平淡视之。 Because, among them some people are the World of the Living Saint list front row high, many first ten, such as dominates the King Blood lineage/vein, to fight immortal physique and Primordial Chaos Purple Mist owner, the talent is shocking. 因为,他们当中有人高居阳间圣榜前列,不乏前十者,如霸王血脉、战仙体鸿蒙紫雾拥有者,天赋惊世间。 Their goals are to exceed the older generation, but Chi Ming, the blue maple tree, advanced in their eyes one step, sooner or later must challenge! 他们的目标是超越先辈,而赤铭、蓝枫等,在他们眼中不过是先行了一步,早晚要去挑战! This grade of character, some become small Heavenly Venerate, some are called the emperor females, the look is all indifferent, is calm and gentle. 这等人物,有的被成为小天尊,有的被称作帝女,皆神色淡然,镇定而平和。 Talent terrifying self-confident oneself body potential is incomparable, their innermost feelings do not allow themselves to lower the head, even if in legend character Chi Ming wait/etc. facing God Level, is the equality regards it. 天赋恐怖者自信己身潜能无匹,他们的内心不允许自己低头,哪怕是面对神级中的传说人物赤铭等,也不过是平等视之。 Chu Feng sees the way, these Sub Saint and Saint, the fearless God Level fierce person, each and every one holds up the head unexpectedly, looks about the god to fly, elegant demeanor like divine jade. 楚风看出门道,这些亚圣圣者,居然无惧神级猛人,一个个都昂着头,顾盼神飞,风采如神玉 These person of imposing attitude are not small, some energy. 这些人气魄不小,有些底气。 At this time, Broken Universe Evolver close to golden lake group, including World of the Dead's Evolver Ying Wudi, Golden Scales, Eight Precepts Grandmaster, Jiang Luoshen. 这时,残破宇宙进化者临近金色湖泊群,包括阴间的进化者映无敌金鳞八戒大师姜洛神等。 The World of the Living's talent compared with them, is takes the terrifying warship to clash first horizontally, now fell on the ground, stands near the sparkling shining lake. 阳间的天才比他们先到,都是乘坐恐怖战船横冲过来的,现在已落在地上,站在莹莹灿灿的湖泊边上。 Some people noticed that Broken Universe Evolver approaches, some people slight, anything had not indicated that also some people of corners of the mouth curl upwards, is having the meaning of disdaining. 有人看到残破宇宙进化者临近,有人冷淡,没什么表示,也有人嘴角微翘,带着不屑之意。 “Wú, advised politely everybody, do not approach, a while here will possibly have the battle, avoided injuring accidentally, as far as possible hid was farther. ” “唔,奉劝各位,不要过于靠近,一会儿这里可能会有争斗,避免误伤,尽量都躲的远一些。” A purple garment female opens the mouth tranquilly, her height can have 175 centimeters, the slender body line is graceful, the words that spoke seems like polite, but there is a faint alienation, that is proud intent of seedling source from bone. 一位紫衫女子平静地开口,她身高能有175公分,修长躯体线条优美,说的话语看似客气,但是有种淡漠的疏离感,那是一种源自骨子中的傲意。 Does not make Broken Universe Evolver approach, this is repelling, does not allow them to visit the good fortune place, in tactful warning. 不让残破宇宙进化者靠近,这是在排斥,不允许他们踏足造化地,也是在委婉的警告。 She is very indeed beautiful, beautiful pupil purple sparkling, the red lip is bright, white teeth like jade, beauty exceptionally outstanding, World of the Living's is called her for the clouds purple rhyme. 她的确很美,美丽瞳孔紫莹莹,红唇鲜艳,贝齿如玉,姿色异常的出众,阳间的人称她为霄紫韵。 Everybody invited!” desolate Ziyun voice is not high, very delightful interesting to listen, but this bright-colored self-confident elegant demeanor, brings to overlook the feeling obviously. “各位请吧!”萧紫韵声音不高,很悦耳动听,但是这种明艳中的自信风采,明显带着俯视感觉。 Her physique slender beautiful and graceful, is higher than some masculine Evolver, a purple clear long hair radiance is mild-mannered, the youth aura is vigorous, the grace and talent is rare, the makings are especially outstanding. 她体态修长婀娜,比部分男性进化者都要高,一头紫色晶莹的长发光华柔顺,青春气息蓬勃,风华罕有,气质格外出众。 The World of the Living's talent is not ordinary to her manner, is indistinct to underline, her talent is extraordinary, has the right to speak very much, because many people earnestly are listening respectfully, the noisy sound vanished. 阳间的天才对她的态度不一般,隐约间可以突显出,她天赋超绝,很有话语权,因为许多人都在认真聆听,嘈杂的声音都消失了。 desolate fairy maiden self-control excellent, is not willing overweight that the words said that if I, that definitely like this did not say.” A white clothing scholar is bringing temperate smiling, nods to desolate Ziyun, the ritual respects. “萧仙子涵养绝佳,不愿意将话说的过重,如果是我,那肯定就不是这样说了。”一位白衣文士带着温和的笑,对萧紫韵点头致意,礼敬有加。 Because, who knows, desolate Ziyun has the name of emperor female, when birth then has the phenomenon, the talent is extraordinary, finally by its Sect in the phoenix blood unceasing baptism, was used resources training. 因为,谁都知道,萧紫韵有帝女之称,出生时便有异象,天赋超绝,最后更是被其师门以凰血不断洗礼,倾尽资源培养。 She has the capitals of three phoenix, a person can be as good as three True Phoenix potentials! 她拥有三凰之资,一个人抵得上三头真凰的潜能! Is this how fearful matter? Her talent is shocking. 这是何其可怕的事?她天赋惊世。 Meanwhile, this also explained, World of the Living Dao Lineage's is fearful, can train disciple with the True Phoenix blood, raises to the capitals of three phoenix, shocks everybody! 同时,这也说明,阳间道统的可怕,可以用真凰血培养弟子,生生拔高到三凰之资,惊世骇俗! How if you did say?” Has the World of the Living's talent eyebrow to flutter, happy expression is very thick. “若是你怎么说呢?”有阳间的天才眉毛轻扬,笑意很浓。 Naturally directly pursues, said anything, expels is, deference-- does not kill!” The white clothing scholar looks like elegant, however in chatting, must open the buddhist commandment against taking life unexpectedly directly. “自然直接驱逐,多说什么,赶走就是,不遵从者——杀!”白衣文士看起来文雅,但是在谈笑间,竟是要直接开杀戒。 White clothing Chen Han, is scholarly is always really strong, hehe.” Some people are having light happy expression. “白衣陈涵,果然是一向的儒雅却强势,呵呵。”有人带着淡淡的笑意。 The distant place, the person facial color of broken universe is ugly, has no scruples from the World of the Living's person, like this appraises, from attending to chatting, neglected them. 远处,残破的宇宙的人都面色难看,来自阳间的人毫无顾忌,就这样品评,自顾谈笑,将他们忽略。 Because they have the energy, will be the future thumb, will happen one day will strive for hegemony in World of the Living, received the scepter from the Heavenly Venerate hand, will become surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries Supreme Being, will show disdain for among the years. 因为他们都有底气,都是未来的巨擘,终有一天会在阳间争霸,从天尊手中接过权杖,甚至成为震古烁今大能,傲视岁月间。 At this time, some people prepared to be put into action, drove away Broken Universe Evolver, did not make them approach this place, was very boorish, disregards another's feelings. 这时,有人准备付诸行动,驱赶残破宇宙进化者,不让他们接近此地,很粗野,不留情面。 This is not very good, when we win popular support with kindness, is actually very simple, punishes one as a warning to others, other people naturally can diverge, does not need to kill greatly.” “这样不算很好,我们当以德服人,其实很简单,杀鸡儆猴,其他人自然会散去,不用大杀。” Another person opens the mouth, is having the light happy expression. 又一人开口,带着淡淡的笑意。 This is a gold/metal robe youth, the full head yellow golden color long hair, the whole body illumination, is similar to a Sun blooms, he resembles Sun to change from is Divinity! 这是一个金袍青年,满头黄金色长发,周身发光,如同一轮太阳绽放,他似太阳化形为神祇 Ji Chuanteng! 金川腾 Some people recognize him, Golden Clan direct descendant successor, its blood luster golden yellow, a drop may the life and death flesh white bones, the talent shake the world fearfully. 有人认出他,黄金家族的嫡系传人,其血色泽金黄,一滴可生死人肉白骨,天赋可怕而震世。 It is reported that has the person of this golden blood, is all over the body tenacious, oneself was then known as that is rose treasure weapon, sweeps away all obstacles. 据悉,拥有这种金色血液的人,通体坚韧,自身便号称是瑰宝兵器,所向披靡。 He shows a faint smile, hints person to open the mouth, carries out his intention. 他微微一笑,示意身边的人开口,执行他的心意。 His talent, obviously becomes his faithful follower, named before dawn, is his guard, at this time cold intent, the corners of the mouth have the color of disdaining wear a look, sound not high not low scolding. 他身边的天才,显然成为他的忠实追随者,名为凌晨,也算是其护卫,此时面带冷意,嘴角有不屑之色,声音不高不低的呵斥。 Broken Universe, which talent is very famous, can call strongly?” Before dawn asked. 残破宇宙,哪个天才很有名,可称最强?”凌晨问道。 Such question is having the evil intention, any good deed. 这样的问话带着恶意,绝非什么好事。 Did not need to look, heard to have a named Ye Hao person to be good, once made my World of the Living's Hong Xuan and Fei Ling accident/surprise eat slightly to owe, was he.” The Ji Chuanteng opens the mouth, the golden blood makes his body shine, casts just like the gold. “不用找了,听闻有一个名为叶昊的人不错,曾经让我阳间的洪玄菲灵意外吃了个小亏,就是他吧。”金川腾开口,黄金血液让他的身体都发光,宛若黄金铸成。 The distant place, Hong Xuan and Fei Ling facial color is not attractive, stares. 远处,洪玄菲灵面色不是多好看,凝视过来。 Ji Chuanteng that follower before dawn, the white hair like the waterfall, the body is strong, initially was known as the blade king, but was actually surrendered by him, now is very faithful in him. 金川腾的那个追随者凌晨,白发如瀑,身体强健,当初号称刀王,但是却被他降服,如今很忠实于他。 Ye Hao comes.” 叶昊过来。” However, Ye Hao is impossible to come, later some people mentioned Ye Hao Senior Brother Shi Fan. 然而,叶昊不可能过来,稍后有人提及叶昊师兄石凡 Chu Feng in the distant place, was speaking with Ying Xiaoxiao. 楚风在远处,正跟映晓晓说话。 Oh, my brother-in-law is quite lonely, is quite miserable, a person in the World of the Dead universe , he if comes to here, I think, World of the Living's these talents that certainly ruthlessly will teach!” Silver-haired young loli indignantly. “唉,我姐夫好孤单,也好凄凉,一个人在阴间宇宙,他要是来这里,我想,一定会狠狠地教训的阳间的那些天才!”银发小luoli愤愤不已。 Ying Wudi small sound said: Do not be silly, he hits these people, must appear, hand/subordinate will be killed by Heavenly Venerate Divinity, prayed that he do not appeared good.” 映无敌小声道:“别傻了,他打不过这些人,真要出现,会被天尊手下的神祇杀死的,祈祷他不要出现才好。” You, come!” The blade king the point refers to Chu Feng before dawn, making him pass. “你,过来!”刀王凌晨点指楚风,让他过去。 Chu Feng casts a sidelong glance slantingly, this is really unexpected misfortune. 楚风斜睨,这真是无妄之灾。 Other people, does not pass through me who I leave and others to permit, you and others can not visit this place!” The blade king the opens the mouth, he behind that within the body has Ji Chuanteng of golden blood to nod before dawn. “其他人都给我离的远一点,不经我等允许,你等不得踏足此地!”刀王凌晨开口,他身后那体内拥有黄金血液的金川腾则跟着点了点头。 This is the place of Broken Universe numerous Evolver's test, passing through may enter World of the Living, is along with the arrival of this batch of talents, the rule is rewritten. 原本这是残破宇宙众多进化者的考验之地,过关者可进阳间,可是随着这批天才的到来,规则被改写。 The Broken Universe person indignation, was not belittled like this, felt that receives the shame. 残破宇宙的人不忿,这样被小觑,感觉受到羞辱。 Shi Fan, please, here.” The blade king is having the happy expression before dawn, invited Chu Feng in the past. 石凡,请吧,这边来。”刀王凌晨带着笑意,请楚风过去。 Shi Fan, you pass, do not impulse!” Black face Ying Wudi small sound said. 石凡,你不过过去,别冲动!”黑脸映无敌小声道。 Hurries to leave, do not provoke them, you are not their matches.” Ying Zhexian also in sound transmission, bright eyes good look around, aspirates such as orchid. “赶紧离开,不要招惹他们,你不是他们的对手。”映谪仙也在传音,明眸善睐,吐气如兰。 Bullied the person!” Ying Xiaoxiao is angry very much, very not indignation. “太欺负人了!”映晓晓很生气,非常不忿。 Blade king Yangmei, hinted Chu Feng in the past, do not flinch. 刀王扬眉,示意楚风过去,不要退缩。 Evolver of what level are you?” Chu Feng asks. “你是什么层次的进化者?”楚风开口询问。 Sub Saint!” Blade king opens the mouth, really face also shy, the age is not very big, inborn white hair, his makings are swift and fierce, such as a leaves Divine Sword of sheath. 亚圣!”刀王开口,果然面孔还略带青涩,年龄并不是很大,天生的白发,他气质凌厉,如一柄出鞘的神剑 „Was level too low?” Chu Feng shuts out. “层次太低了吧?”楚风嫌弃。 The people were immediately speechless, is he shutting out unexpectedly?! 众人顿时都无语了,他居然在嫌弃?! In fact, in the group of people who World of the Living comes, there are much is Sub Saint and Saint, what regards as important is the potential, the background is very big, the background is astonishing, fearless these God Level talents. 事实上,阳间过来的这群人中,有不少都是亚圣圣者,看重的是潜能,来头很大,背景惊人,无惧那些神级天才。 Was despised? The blade king the white hair dances in the air before dawn, pupil is very immediately fearful, this life defeats in a person of hand, that is Ji Chuanteng, is convinced very much. 被鄙视了?刀王凌晨白发飞舞,瞳孔顿时无比慑人,他这一生就败在过一人手中,那就是金川腾,很服气。 He does not have many in powerhouse knows that World of the Living defeats, is known as the blade king, making in the person of blade lord it over! 他在阳间击败的强者不知道有多少,号称刀王,使刀的人中称王称霸! But, he is actually despised by the World of the Dead's person now, has not looked in the eye, is really is insufferable. 可是,现在他却被阴间的人鄙夷,没看在眼中,真是不可忍受。 I am Saint!” Chu Feng haughty despising of once more, carries on two injuries. “我可是圣人!”楚风大剌剌的再次鄙视,进行二次伤害。 Blade king almost spat blood, has suppressed depression, Saint source knows of his within the body did not have many, through special training, he can cut to kill Saint in Sub Saint Realm! 刀王差点吐血,憋了一口郁气,他体内的圣人本源不知道有多少,通过特殊的培养,他在亚圣境界就能斩杀圣者 Therefore, he is indifferent, is staring at Chu Feng, finally hints, making him pass. 因此,他冷漠无比,盯着楚风,最后示意,让他过去。 Several meanings?” Chu Feng asked. “几个意思?”楚风问道。 With your laughable Saint Realm's ability, attacks me, I stand here, lets you first take action!” The blade king relies on before dawn said. “用你可笑的圣者境界的能力,来攻击我吧,我就站在这里,让你先出手!”刀王凌晨自恃地说道。 „Was this you says?” Chu Feng is smiling asking. “这是你说的?”楚风微笑着问道。 However!” The blade king is calm, but cold proud. “然也!”刀王镇定而冷傲。 "Um! ” Chu Feng nods, then, he slowly lifted starts, has aimed at the blade king early morning face chest cavity. “嗯!”楚风点头,然后,他就慢慢抬起脚,瞄准了刀王凌晨的脸膛。 The next quarter, he was quicker than lightning, lifts the foot directly to trample. 下一刻,他比闪电还快,抬脚就直接踹了上去。 Lets trample to the face, why doesn't trample?! 给脸让踹,为啥不踹?! He is Divine General, resorts to a method slightly, naturally tramples one, even if the opposite party grasps a blade essence, to the utmost the sublimation, may fight ten thousand Hero, may evade the flowing light, the method passes the god, but meets him to be also doomed to have an accident. 他是神将,稍微动用一点手段,自然一踹一个准,哪怕对方掌握刀道精髓,极尽升华,可战万雄,可避流光,手段通神,可是遇上他也注定要出事。 Bang! 砰! This foot, really layer on layer/heavily tramples on the blade king early morning face of! 这一脚,果然重重地踹在刀王凌晨的脸上! First did not say the fleshly body pain, early morning mood, simply is...... 先不说肉身的痛苦,凌晨的心情,简直是……
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