SR :: Volume #10

#993: Grand meeting

...... 嗷…… On prairie, wolf howl continuously, if still deafening desert mighty waves, and shook the clouds of space has dispersed, the momentum was scary. 草原上,狼啸声此起彼伏,犹若震耳欲聋的瀚海波涛,且将天上的云朵都震散了,声势骇人。 As can be seen, one after another gold thread alternation on the prairie, that is another Golden Wolf, somewhat in Sub Saint and Saint level. 可以看到,一条又一条金线穿插在草原上,那是一头又一头金狼,其中有些在亚圣圣者层次。 Suddenly, shouted "kill" heavenshaking, seed level Evolver from various clans actually in secret had the helper, allowing them such to do, this was manifestation of ethnic group overall strength. 一时间,喊杀震天,来自各族的种子级进化者其实暗中都有帮手,允许他们这么做,这是族群整体实力的体现。 Naturally, when really involves seed level Evolver own between the showdown, each other strives for hegemony, helper in secret can only stand by. 当然,若是真正涉及到种子级进化者自身之间的对决时,彼此争霸之际,暗中的帮手只能袖手旁观。 To enter World of the Living, the inspection are many, has to a ethnic group overall examination, there are to individual strength the war of approval. 想进阳间,考核很多,有对一个族群整体的检验,也有对个人实力的认可之战。 "Áo roar...... ” “嗷吼……” And piece of region dozens Golden Wolf are howling, whole body golden color fur explodes stands, in the mouth the fang snow white such as the sharp dagger, the sinister aspect is scary, opens the big mouth, the fishy smell is greeting the nostrils. 其中一片区域数十头金狼呼啸着,周身金色皮毛炸立,口中獠牙雪白如锋锐的匕首,凶相骇人,张着血盆大口,腥味扑鼻。 These dozens Golden Wolf unite in together, Sub Saint level more than ten heads, each other eruption ray, respective golden rune is connected in the same place, such as the flood fluctuates, throws to swing. 这数十头金狼联合在一起,其中亚圣层次的不下十头,彼此爆发光芒,各自的黄金符文相连在一起,如洪水起伏,扑荡着。 Their place visited, many Evolver called out pitifully, by the crush, by blast that the golden rune flood struck against, cherished hatred including some Sub Saint, fleshly body was torn. 它们所过之处,许多进化者惨叫,被碾压,被金色的符文洪水所拍击的炸开,连一些亚圣都饮恨,肉身被撕裂。 Golden Wolf battlefield, this is the ferocious beast tactical rules before Immemorial, deducts in this place, lets the strength several fold overlay of these dozens Golden Wolf, sweeps away all obstacles. 金狼战阵,这是太古前的凶兽战法,在此地演绎出来,让这数十头金狼的战力数倍叠加,所向披靡。 The Ying Wudi facial color changed, this crowd of Golden Wolf came to them, has to whole-heartedly, be several old men in secret also comes , helping to resist. 映无敌面色变了,这群金狼冲着他们来了,不得不全力以赴,就是暗中的几个老者也现身,帮忙对抗。 In fact, other regions also present crisis, has the Heavenly Wolf howling moon/month, the turnover golden light, slaughters. 事实上,其他地带也出现危机,有天狼啸月,吞吐金光,大开杀戒。 ! 噗! The accident/surprise happens, in this battlefield, Saint Level Golden Wolf hidden, the prestige of affiliation ferocious beast battlefield , to promote own strength, suddenly after obviously melts erupts, will come from the Exiled Immortal Cave two Saint Level protectors to open up the stomach successively, and swallows their soul light. 意外发生,在这战阵中,有一头圣级金狼隐藏,藉凶兽战阵之威,提升自身战力,突然显化后爆发,将来自谪仙窟的两名圣级守护者先后开膛破肚,并吞掉他们的魂光 Aiya, is quite fierce!” The silver-haired young loli small face is pallid, hides in an old man. “哎呀,好厉害!”银发小luoli小脸煞白,躲在一位老者的身后。 Evil livestock!” Another several old men from Exiled Immortal Cave in the Saint Level level, immediately get angry, resist this crowd of Golden Wolf. “孽畜!”来自谪仙窟的另外几位老者都在圣级层次,顿时发怒,对抗这群金狼 Roar! 吼! Another Saint Level Golden Wolf appears, two wolves rise together simultaneously, depend on golden vast rune, is congealing dozens ferocious beast murderous aura and energies, forward advance. 又一头圣级金狼出现,两狼并起,挟金色汪洋般的符文,凝结着数十头凶兽杀气与能量,向前突进。 In bang bang the sound, Exiled Immortal Cave Saint has three people to flutter, the big mouth coughs up blood, one of them dies under the wolf claw, soul light was patted disperses. 在砰砰声中,谪仙窟圣者有三人翻飞出去,大口咳血,其中一人更是死于狼爪下,魂光都被拍散了。 The situation is critical, in these Golden Wolf is hiding most minimum over two Saint wolves! 形势危急,这些金狼中藏着最起码两头以上的圣狼! They already stared here, when Chu Feng is to rescue Ying Xiaoxiao, previously had killed Saint Level Wolf King, they are retaliating. 它们早已盯上这边,因为楚风为救映晓晓时,早先杀过一头圣级狼王,它们在报复。 ! 嗷! The group wolf roared, another head, gave a tongue-lashing the fang, the golden fur illumination, the blood-stained mouth is opening, fierce incomparable, the look was cold and gloomy. 群狼咆哮,一头又一头,呲着獠牙,金色皮毛发光,血口张开,狰狞无比,眼神森冷。 Bang! 轰! Ying Zhexian take action, Five Coloured Divine Light erupts, sweeps to fly several Golden Wolf. 映谪仙出手,五色神光爆发,扫飞出去几头金狼 She entered in Sub Saint Dominion, in the past with Chu Feng when Foreign Territory, soul light bordered on this level, after coming back, one year, nature promotion. 她已进入亚圣领域中,当年跟楚风异域时,魂光都濒临这个层次了,回来后一年的时间,自然晋升。 Roar......” “吼……” The Saint wolf roared, threw toward her here. 圣狼咆哮,向着她这里扑来。 Elder sister!” Silver-haired young loli was worried, including Dao Protector shaken coughing up blood, the group wolf is too flagitious, particularly stared here, was hiding the Saint wolf quantity was anxious. “姐姐!”银发小luoli担心,连护道者都被震的咳血,群狼太凶残,尤其是盯上了这里,藏着的圣狼数量让人担忧。 Chu Feng stands, the stride walked, is carrying with the hand Battle Spear only. 楚风站出,大步走了过去,单手提着一杆战矛 He naturally has not stood by, does not need to conceal, the single arm holds the lance, then directly shoulders a golden Saint wolf, the bang will exit. 他自然没有袖手旁观,不需要过于掩饰,单臂持矛,便直接挑起一头金色圣狼,将之轰出去。 Bang, that Golden Wolf blasts out, blood mist surges, opens together the gap that golden rune flood, enabling the ferocious beast battlefield prestige to drop. 砰的一声,那头金狼炸开,血雾激荡,将那金色的符文洪水生生打开一道缺口,使凶兽战阵威能下降。 I......!” At this time, is Ying Wudi cannot bear cry out strangely, wants to speak the vulgar language very much, this Lord too strange, a lance, selected a Saint wolf. “我……!”这时,就是映无敌都忍不住怪叫,很想说粗话,这主太邪乎,一矛而已,就挑死一头圣狼。 My this lance innate attribute, did not say that is the world-wide difficult homing treasure to be also similar.” Chu Feng smiled, claims credit, but not proud appearance, is quite amiable. “我这杆矛略带先天属性,不说是举世难寻的瑰宝也差不多。”楚风笑了笑,一副居功而不自傲的样子,相当谦和。 Golden Wolf angrily roars, ferocious beast in groups was staring at Chu Feng, comes for the revenge, now gets angry extremely, kills together forward. 金狼怒吼,成群的凶兽原本就盯着楚风,为复仇而来,现在怒极,一起向前扑杀。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! The wormwood grass separates, dozens gold threads sparkle, the speed was too fast, attacks Chu Feng from prairie all around together, the golden rune flood strikes, submerges there. 蒿草分开,数十道金线闪耀,速度太快了,从草原四面八方一起冲击楚风,金色的符文洪水拍击,淹没那里。 Chu Feng grasps the lance as before only, here the great war group wolf, then the Ying Family brother and sister then sees, his lance, selects to kill these ferocious beast unceasingly. 楚风依旧是单手持矛,在这里大战群狼,然后映家兄妹便看到,他一矛一个,将这些凶兽不断挑杀。 Arrived finally, several Saint wolves was punctured thoroughly, bloody, soul light ruptured, is all killed violently. 到了最后,几头圣狼都被刺透,血淋淋,魂光崩开,全都毙命。 In field, only then Chu Feng is safe and sound, raises Battle Spear of drop blood to set up on the body prairie. 场中,只有楚风安然无恙,提着滴血的战矛立身草原上。 The Ying Zhexian white clothing has no time, such as the flowered tree drifting snow is fresh, the Immortal Family makings completely reveal, her figure tall, the silver hair is smooth, bright, her celestial or angelic appearance jade bone, the true appearance is peerless. 映谪仙白衣无暇,如花树堆雪般清新,仙家气质尽显,她身段高挑,银发光滑柔顺,光可鉴人,她仙姿玉骨,真正的容貌绝世。 At this time her on the face the wisp recalls unexpectedly, sighed lightly: Stone brother elegant demeanor looks like my old friend very much, whenever this moment he is always easily accomplished, sweeps away thousand army, what a pity, not knows also whether again to see.” 此时她的脸上竟有一缕缅怀,轻叹道:“石兄这种风采很像我的一位故人,每当这种关头他一向是摧枯拉朽,横扫千军,可惜,不知道还能否再见到。” “Eh? ” Silver-haired young loli is surprised, her elder sister is always elegant the dust, if the True Fairy landing in mortal world, little expresses own mood, today unexpectedly says this. “呃?”银发小luoli惊讶,她姐姐一向飘逸出尘,若真仙子降落于红尘,很少表现自己的情绪,今天居然说出这样的话。 Ying Wudi first...... Complexion slightly black! 映无敌则第一时间……脸色微黑! Chu Feng turned head to see this once wife's younger brother, wants to say very much, my True Body had not revealed that you did start the black face? 楚风回头看了一眼这个曾经的小舅子,很想说,我真身还没显露呢,你就开始黑脸? Oh, how the knows brother-in-law, has not blessed him to be safe, when I evolve to become finally the polocyte in World of the Living, certainly will receive and instruct him, helping him vent anger!” Ying Xiaoxiao muttered, the silver long hair and waist, on the small face are having the color of expectation, big eye like gem illumination, but also slightly has moved. “唉,不知道姐夫怎样了,保佑他平安,等我在阳间进化成为终极体,一定会去接引他,帮他出气!”映晓晓咕哝,银色长发及腰,小脸上带着憧憬之色,大眼如宝石般发光,但也略有伤感。 Rare, on the slightly black face of Ying Wudi also somewhat regretted, recalls many matters. 难得的,映无敌的微黑的脸上也有几分惋惜,回忆起许多事。 This Battle Spear...... Has added the massive innate thing?” An old man from Exiled Immortal Cave walks, interrupts several people of trains of thought. “这杆战矛……加入了大量先天之物?”来自谪仙窟的一位老者走来,打断几人的思绪。 Exiled Immortal Cave several old Saint's complexions changed, sees this young people one lance one, here kills the group wolf greatly, they are extremely shocked. 谪仙窟的几位老圣人的脸色都变了,看到这个年轻人一矛一个,在这里大杀群狼,他们非常震惊。 "Um, in addition part. ” Chu Feng nods. “嗯,加了一部分。”楚风点头。 Then, he hints the people to look to the distant place, is more abnormal, for example a Amitabha Temple old monk, grasps an earthen bowl container, just like must swallow the day. 然后,他示意众人看向远处,还有更变态的,比如弥陀寺的一位老僧,手持一个钵盂,宛若要吞天。 That earthen bowl container auspicious red clouds is torrential, receives over a hundred Golden Wolf, fully three are the Saint wolves, was smelted in that fearful household utensils, blood mist flutters. 那个钵盂瑞霞滔滔,收进去上百头金狼,其中足有三头是圣狼,被熔炼在那可怕的器皿中,血雾飘出。 Several old men from Exiled Immortal Cave sighed, nature knows, that earthen bowl container was a Amitabha Temple Saint Level treasure, only if Shining Upon Level Evolver take action, otherwise non-solution. 来自谪仙窟的几位老者叹息,自然知道,那钵盂是弥陀寺的一件圣级瑰宝,除非映照级进化者出手,不然无解。 In fact, Exiled Immortal Cave has also brought the treasure of this level, but does not have here, but leads Broken Universe the clan juniors to march from another direction. 事实上,谪仙窟也带来了这个层次的宝物,不过没在这里,而是带着残破宇宙的本族子弟从另一个方向进军。 Their these people are responsible for looking after Ying Wudi and Ying Zhexian that several people came from World of the Dead, wants to separate, does not place in the egg a basket. 他们这几人则负责照看从阴间过来的映无敌映谪仙几人,想分开走,不将鸡蛋放在一个篮子中。 In the prairie blood mist wound around, died many Evolver, there is a big piece pack of wolves to be killed violently. 大草原上血雾缭绕,死了很多进化者,也有大片的狼群毙命。 Who said that the World of the Living's road is very safe, the failure can also retreat, this is...... Deceived people, currently has large quantities of people dead!” Some people have the weeping voice to shout greatly. “谁说进阳间的路很安全,失败也可以退走,这是……骗人的,现在就有大批人死去了!”有人带着哭腔大喊道。 This service, was most minimum more than 8000 Evolver. 这一役,最起码死了8000多名进化者 Bang! 轰! As a Primitive Demon palace black robe old man rumbles a dark law seal, Wolf King after it hand/subordinate makes into the meat sauce, the fight of this stretch of region completely ended. 随着始魔殿一位黑袍老者轰出一座黑乎乎的法印,将一头狼王与其手下打成肉酱后,这片地带的战斗彻底结束。 Really delicate, dies some people are anything, initially when your I rose, which does not kill from the battle scene.” Six wing God sneer to say. “真柔弱啊,死些人又算什么,当初你我崛起时,哪个不是从尸山血海中杀出来的。”一位六翼神灵冷笑道。 This stretch of region most at least has several gods to hang in airborne, witnesses all these, but nobody intervenes. 这片地带最起码有十几位神悬在空中,目睹这一切,但都没人干预。 Ranks 97 th that to send Divinity blue, accompanies in the eighth god Chi Ming side, at this time the corners of the mouth curled upwards, shows a wisp of light happy expression, ridiculed. 排名第97的那位蓝发神祇,陪在第八神赤铭的身边,这时嘴角微翘,也露出一缕淡淡的笑意,略带嘲弄。 He a little cannot have a liking for Broken Universe these Evolver, shook the head there. 他有点看不上残破宇宙这些进化者,在那里摇了摇头。 Blue maple tree, your disciple will also come, a while meets these people, it is estimated that can sweep away single-handed, crush piece of universe same level character.” “蓝枫,你的弟子也会来,一会儿遇上这些人,估计单手就能够横扫,碾压这片宇宙的同级人物。” World of the Living ranks the eighth Heaven-Blessed Deity Chi Ming side, opens the mouth in that two goddess, are having the happy expression, the facial features are beautiful and gentle, slightly is charming. 阳间排位第八的天纵神人赤铭的身边,那两名女神中的一位开口,带着笑意,面容姣美而柔和,略显妩媚。 Your disciple will also come, received the news, this piece of Mystic Realm had the strangeness, was hiding Yin Qi rich ancient deep pool, filled source aura, the precisely World of the Living juniors intercepts the Yin Qi ideal place, adjustable and own Yang fire.” Ranks the 97 th blue maple tree smiling face to be bright in God Realm, so said. “你们的弟子也会来吧,都接到消息了,这片秘境有古怪,藏着一口阴气浓郁的古潭,弥漫本源气息,正是阳间子弟截取阴气的理想之地,可调和自身的阳火。”在神灵境界中排名第97的蓝枫笑容灿烂,这般说道。 World of the Living will come many people, is not only near two female God's disciple will appear, will also come including eighth god Chi Ming disciple, in addition also has the World of the Living juniors. 阳间会来很多人,不仅是近前两位女性神灵的弟子将出现,连第八神赤铭弟子也会来,此外还有更多阳间子弟。 Even, was attracted with eighth god Chi Ming by that ancient deep pool including the blue maple tree, they rush to this place, to intercept World of the Dead's source qi. 甚至,包括蓝枫与第八神赤铭都被那口古潭所吸引,他们赶到此地,也是为截取阴间的本源气 So-called own Yang Qi is billowing, not necessarily is the optimum condition, World of the Living Supreme Being had already deduced, if can result in the recuperation of World of the Dead source, or the permission makes their Evolution Road smoother. 所谓自身阳气滚滚,也不一定是最佳状态,阳间大能早已推演过,若能得阴间本源的调理,或许可让他们的进化路更顺畅。 The prairie end is a stretch of swampy ground, is bringing the mist, is growing the sparse old tree towering to the skies, in addition also has the golden lake, in swampy ground deep place. 大草原尽头是一片沼泽地,带着雾气,生长着稀疏的参天古树,此外还有金色的湖泊,在沼泽地深处。 Golden lake, is that dies the lake how many Divinity turned into?” “金色的湖泊,那是死了多少神祇才化成的湖?” Eighth god Chi Ming in the distant place looks into the distance, sees the situation in swampy ground, changes countenance including him. 第八神赤铭在远方眺望,看到沼泽地中的情况,连他都动容。 But in golden lake groups, then black ancient deep pool, are emitting continuously fog, cold astonishment. 而在金色的湖泊群中间,则有一口黑色的古潭,正冒出一缕缕雾霭,冷冽的惊人。 „......” “呜……” At this time, had Evolver to hold snow white triton, blew out the great and depressed sound, was catching up from the horizon. 这时,有进化者持雪白法螺,吹出宏大而沉闷的声音,正从天边赶来。 That is one has a steamship, from World of the Living, just entered this piece of Mystic Realm, is bringing ebullition Yang Qi, has crossed the prairie, to get close to swampy ground. 那是一艘有一艘大船,来自阳间,刚刚进入这片秘境,便带着沸腾的阳气,横渡过草原,接近沼泽地。 I saw anyone, has the World of the Living Heaven-Blessed hero of name of small Heavenly Venerate!” “我看到了谁,有小天尊之称的阳间天纵英杰!” "Um, I also see a familiar face, once had seen one side that person in the World of the Living's sea great city fortunately, is known as present age one of the first ten rare talents! ” “嗯,我亦看到一张熟悉面孔,曾在阳间的沧海巨城中有幸见到过那人一面,号称当世前十的奇才之一!” “Wú, in Saint list ninth Holy Daughter came, Heaven, sees so peerless talent female unexpectedly! ” “唔,圣榜中第九的圣女来了,天啊,居然见到如此绝世天骄女!” ...... …… World of the Living previously arrived at many people in this piece of Mystic Realm to call out in alarm, is silver robe Divine King changes countenance, even/including Lanfeng, Chi Ming revealed the look of surprise. 阳间早先降临在这片秘境中的许多人惊呼,就是银袍神王都动容,连蓝枫、赤铭露出异色 Without a doubt, the steamship appears one after another, comes to ancient deep pool, wants to intercept a World of the Dead wisp of source, lets oneself better evolution. 毫无疑问,一艘又一艘大船出现,都是冲着古潭而来,想截取阴间一缕本源,让自身更好的进化。 This time, came one group of extraordinary people, blows all Evolver, many people will have the opportunity to strive for hegemony in World of the Living in the future, becomes the World of the Living formidable standard-bearer. 这一次,着实来了一群了不得的人,镇住所有进化者,有不少人未来都有机会在阳间争霸,成为阳间强大的旗手。 Chu Feng looks tranquilly, in the middle of some are his personal enemy that several Heavenly Venerate careful training later generation successor, in his heart slightly has the excitement. 楚风平静地看着,这当中有些是他的仇人那几位天尊精心培养的后世传人,他心中略有激动。 Wants take action, palm of the hand, to pat really immediately completely!” “真想立刻出手,一巴掌一个,全部都拍死!” This is his heart language, he has impulsive, achieves a great accomplishment, inheritance who kills the World of the Living personal enemy, making World of the Living these Heavenly Venerate regret, the complexion is pale. 这是他的心语,他有种冲动,做一件大事,干掉阳间仇人的传承者,让阳间那些天尊后悔,脸色铁青。 If the World of the Living several hundred talents die, absolutely is the super big event. 阳间数百位天才若是都殒落,绝对是超级大事件。 Moreover, has the steamship to drive evidently, presents too many people, this must become the grand meeting of World of the Living talent simply! 而且,看样子还有大船在驶来,出现太多的人,这简直要成为阳间天才的盛会了! Over the two days full blood resurrected, renewal were not many, was because had considered World of the Living, wants to write splendid following. Thank you. 这两天已经满血复活,更新的不多,是因为又考虑了一遍阳间篇,想写出精彩的后续。谢谢大家。
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