SR :: Volume #10

#992: Hundred boats competing to win

Green lawn, creek like jade belt, in Mystic Realm gentle tranquil, cannot feel is anxious and dangerous. 绿草茵茵,小河如玉带,秘境内和缓宁静,感受不到紧张与危险。 Chu Feng has come, looks into the distance forward unexpectedly is a piece of sumptuous prairie, cannot see the precipitous appearance of the mountain, has not seen Abyss that baleful aura seethes with excitement. 楚风进来了,向前眺望竟是一片丰盛的草原,看不到险峻的山势,也未曾见到煞气沸腾的深渊 Naturally this is only the representation, how will be cut off to World of the Living's smelting trial Mystic Realm possibly is the level road, must have difficult. 当然这只是表象,阻隔向阳间的试炼秘境怎么可能会是坦途,必有险阻。 Many people have come, some people cried loud and long, was waving to Mystic Realm entrance there, intends to the farewell, henceforth must enter World of the Living. 许多人都进来了,有人长啸,在向秘境入口那里挥手,意在告别,从此要入阳间 Also some people are very relaxed, does not care, has enough self-confidence. 也有人很轻松,不怎么在意,有足够的自信。 Elder sister walks quickly!” Sub Immortal Clan's silver hair young loli urged, after unhappy more than one year, now somewhat was also lively, jumps, is flinging a silver hair. “姐姐快走呀!”亚仙族的银发小luoli催促,不开心一年多后,如今又有些活泼了,蹦蹦跳跳,甩着一头银发。 Is slender in her behind Ying Zhexian figure, comes slender and wispy, a hair light silver hair clear, hangs loose to the waist border, if her skin the cream, the star pupil red lip, the fine jade nose very curls upwards, the whole person is having the makings of dust, just like is not this world, is aloof on, tallies with its name, not eating the food of common mortals. 在她身后的映谪仙身段修长,袅袅娜娜而来,一头发光的银发晶莹,披散到腰际,她肤若凝脂,星眸红唇,琼鼻挺翘,整个人带着出尘的气质,宛若不属于这个世间,超然在上,与其名字相符,不食人间烟火 Again, is Ying Wudi, the body raises tall and straight, more than one year have not seen, is even more calm, does not see Chu Feng, he eventually is no longer the black face, the surface like the jade pendant adorning a hat. 再后是映无敌,身提挺拔,一年多未见,越发沉稳,不见楚风,他终究是不再黑脸,面如冠玉。 Chu Feng sighed, before more than one year, they in World of the Dead, actually must to enter World of the Living at the present try hard. 楚风感叹,一年多前,他们同在阴间,而今却都要为进阳间而努力。 Besides the Ying Family three people, he also sees too many people, enters in this piece of Mystic Realm, is the old friend, but actually does not need him to worry, the back has the ethnic group to support. 除了映家三人外,他还看到太多的人,都走进这片秘境中,皆为故人,但却不用他操心,背后自有族群支持。 World of the Dead's Bodhisattva released great came, talked with Chu Feng, was together happily, finally sighed: knows why, I with the stone brother in the same place, do not feel like old friends at the first meeting unexpectedly.” 阴间的佛子释宏来了,跟楚风交谈,相处愉快,最后感叹道:“不知道为何,我跟石兄在一起,竟一见如故。” Chu Feng nods, indicated the approval, when Foreign Territory he almost thoroughly killed this Bodhisattva . 楚风点头,表示认可,在异域时他差点彻底干掉这位佛子 Really is strange, this Dao Brother, do we know before this? Why seems to have met before.” A youth taoist priest walks, is doubtful about Chu Feng. “真是奇怪,这位道兄,我们此前认识吗?为何似曾相识。”一位青年道士走来,对楚风充满疑惑。 Golden Scales, World of the Dead universe Dao Race's first successor. 金鳞,阴间宇宙道族的第一传人 The Chu Feng smile, nods to him. When Foreign Territory, he snatched Golden Scales wisp of metal attribute Heaven and Earth treasure material, integrates own within the body, is almost executes Golden Scales. 楚风微笑,对他点头。在异域时,他抢了金鳞一缕金属性天地奇珍物质,融入自身体内,更是差点将金鳞格杀。 The Dao Race foundation is solid, finally has rescued its remnant soul, makes it recover. 道族底蕴深厚,最终将其残魂救了回来,又使之复原。 Chu Feng has packed off a group of people, previous time protects them to rush to the wooden city. 楚风送走了一批人,上一次护着他们闯过木城。 But now sees one group of old friends once more, he sighed lightly, the talent real fault/chasm of World of the Dead universe, this generation of must walk to empty. 而现在再次看到一群故人,他轻叹,阴间宇宙的天才真的断层了,这一代人都要走空了。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Shortly, he saw a person, is attractive, the graceful bearing is outstanding, has the star makings. 不久后,他看到了一个人,非常漂亮,风姿出众,相当的具有明星气质。 Not only this is the World of the Dead's old friend, from Earth, she was the past national goddess, vanished long-term Jiang Luoshen. 这不仅是阴间的故人,更是源自地球,她是当年的国民女神,消失很长时间的姜洛神 Releases the great very scholarly and handsome, a white clothing, sees Chu Feng this appearance, he shows a faint smile, said: „The stone brother of feeling like old friends at the first meeting, you stares at my Junior Sister to look that like this is not quite good, my Martial Uncle there, the temperament is not good.” 释宏很儒雅与俊朗,一身白衣,看到楚风这个样子,他微微一笑,道:“一见如故的石兄,你这样盯着我师妹看不太好吧,我师叔也在那里,脾气可不好。” In the Jiang Luoshen side, the There is still one old monk, the surface hall is ruddy, is tall, the white eyebrows is very long, releases great calls him Eight Precepts Martial Uncle. 姜洛神的身边,还有一个老僧,面堂红润,身材高大,白眉很长,释宏称他为八戒师叔 Chu Feng toothache, the news that but also obtains in Earth with him is really same, Jiang Luoshen does obeisance the Buddha Race powerhouse to depart along with one, but does the name of this Grandmaster sound so to be why irritable? 楚风牙疼,还真跟他在地球得到的消息一样,姜洛神随一位拜佛族强者离去,只是这位大师的名字听起来为何如此别扭? Sees Jiang Luoshen, Chu Feng naturally thinks of some people and matters. 看到姜洛神,楚风自然想到一些人与事。 Many people saw, knows whereabouts. 许多人都见到了,知道下落。 He sighed gently, thought of Lin Nuoyi, she left from Mount Lao in the past, first contacted World of the Living's Evolver compared with anyone, now already entered World of the Living Greater World. 他轻轻一叹,想到林诺依,她当年从崂山离开,比谁都先接触到阳间的进化者,如今早已进入阳间大世界 Chu Feng puts out the one breath lightly, when knows does not meet again which year can be, what standpoint by face. 楚风轻吐出一口气,不知道再相见时会是哪一年,会以什么样的立场面对。 Everybody, the time not many, smelting trial started, when arrives at the end point is enters World of the Living, diligently!” “各位,时间无多,试炼已经开始,到达终点就是进入阳间时,努力吧!” Some people shouted, announced that can overcome an obstacle, this piece of Mystic Realm's end was a radiant channel, including World of the Living. 有人喝道,宣布可以闯关了,这片秘境的尽头就是一条璀璨通道,连着阳间 Quick, in the prairie the person's shadow was ample, abatement World of the Dead was bound the person who brings, Broken Universe large quantities of Evolver, emerged. 很快,大草原上已经人影绰绰,除却阴间被裹带来的人,还有残破宇宙大批的进化者,都涌入进来了。 Some people come on behalf of the family, oneself pass through, can take a clan, therefore goes all out very much! 有些人是代表家族而来,自身过关,就能带上一族,因此很拼命! "Ah...... ” “啊……” In an instant, has the pitiful yell sound to get up, some people start to person unexpectedly, only to remove competitor, is venomous, is bringing bloody. 刹那间,就有惨叫声响起,有人居然对身边的人下手,只为除掉竞争对手,充满恶意,带着血腥。 Suddenly, the green prairie was chaotic. 一时间,青碧的大草原乱了。 Buzz! 嗡! divine light surges, has snow white wing to launch, six wing Daoist immortals across the sky enter in Mystic Realm, is overlooking the boundless prairie, all of a sudden then appearance number person. 神光激荡,有雪白的羽翼展开,有六翼神人横空进入秘境中,俯视着茫茫大草原,一下子就出现数人。 In addition, Divine King, wears the silver robe, the strength is as deep as a well, although has restrained the aura, but makes the world exude a bellow as before. 此外,还有神王,身穿银袍,实力高深莫测,虽然收敛了气息,但是依旧让天地发出一种轰鸣声。 Also some whole bodies are golden scale the records of human form lifeforms, the face is flat, only then the alone item, by only vertical eye, has been projecting the fearful light beam, takes a fast look around all people, is inspecting Mystic Realm. 也有满身都是金色鳞片的人形生物的记载,面孔扁平,只有一直独目,正在以唯一竖眼,射出可怕的光束,扫视所有人,在巡视秘境 Chu Feng is astonished, homicide two groups of people, but also expert of some people of this progressions? 楚风讶异,他杀了两批人,还有人这个级数的高手 Quick he realized, this possibly the god who came from World of the Living newly, otherwise, absolutely does not have these many, kept the Broken Universe gods quickly by the homicide up. 很快他意识到,这可能是从阳间新过来的神,不然的话,绝对没有这么多,留在残破宇宙的神都快被他杀光了。 Really, several gods appear, some are dignified, some are having the happy expression, arrives in the prairie. 果然,又有十几位神出现,有的威严,有的带着笑意,降临在大草原上。 They likely are the guards, acts as advance party for certain great people. 他们像是侍卫,为某些大人物打前站。 Shortly , the world trembles unexpectedly, then belongs to silent, has extraordinary Evolver to appear. 不久后,天地居然颤栗,而后又归于寂静,有了不得的进化者出现。 A young man, medium height, a dark violet long hair, the flashing eyes, appear in Mystic Realm towering! 一个青年男子,中等身高,一头蓝色长发,目光炯炯,突兀出现在秘境中! His appearance, when unexpectedly makes this place Order not steady, the world trembles lightly, although quick belongs to silent, however the flash too oppressed the person. 他的出现,居然当让此地的秩序不稳,天地轻颤,虽然很快又归于寂静,但是刚才的一刹那太压迫人了。 This is...... World of the Living ranks the 97 th god!” “这是……阳间排位第97的神!” The distant place, has the World of the Living person to whisper, that is true Heaven-Blessed Talent, arrives at Broken Universe. 远处,有阳间人低语,那是真正的天纵奇才,亲临残破宇宙 Keeps silent, the great person will come!” “噤声,还有大人物会来!” In fact, is almost simultaneously, world trembles, said the sound rumble, a man appeared, red long hair rare medicine, the body was slender, the skin color such as the snow white jade, was bringing Primal Chaos Qi, appeared there fearfully. 事实上,几乎是同时,天地颤栗,道音隆隆,一个男子出现,红色长发奇药,身体修长强健,肤色如雪白玉石,带着混沌气,非常的可怕出现在那里。 „The world eighth god!” “天下第八神!” At this moment, that silver robe Divine King that previously presented whispered, changed countenance, he was because knows this terrifying Heaven-Blessed character must come, came to look. 这一刻,就是早先出现的那尊银袍神王都低语,不禁动容,他就是因为知道这位恐怖天纵人物要来,才跟着过来看一看。 The light shadow twinkle, the abatement previously ranked to advance hundred that gods to arrive at the near, has seen outside the eighth god, two goddesses appear, appears there. 光影闪烁,除却早先排位进前百的那位神来到近前,见过第八神外,还有两名女神出现,也出现在那里。 Some World of the Living people recognize, this is also the rank extremely high goddess, when faces the eighth god, the stance is very low, has to work as the meaning of maidservant. 阳间有人认出,这也是排位极高的女神,但是面对第八神时,姿态很低,颇有要当侍女的意思。 But other World of the Living people are shocked, that two goddesses are also in the World of the Living length and breadth world sufficiently rank in first 300 in formidable Divinity, and graceful bearing is moving. 而其他阳间人震动,那两位女神也是阳间广袤天地中足以排位在前300内的强大神祇,且风姿动人。 This is the power and influence of eighth god, two follower and maidservants rank before, is very fearful.” The World of the Living people were sighing. “这就是第八神的威势,两身边的跟随者与侍女都排名靠前,无比可怕。”阳间人都在感叹。 Oh, the eighth god is kills Divine King not to have any issue, heaven blessed genius, you refuse to accept not to be good.” “唉,第八神就是杀神王都没什么问题,天纵之资,你不服也不行。” Chu Feng is listening to these people's discussions, is really the surprise, saw that by the red hair man who Primal Chaos Qi winds around, in the heart is dreaded, this terrifying character. 楚风听着这些人的议论,甚是诧异,看到那被混沌气缭绕的红发男子,心中忌惮,这一个恐怖的人物。 Person were too many, doesn't see the blood to be how good?” In the side of eighth god, the person who that is listed 97 th opens the mouth, the sound is faint. “人太多了,不见血怎行?”在第八神的身边,那位排名第97的人开口,声音淡漠。 This view, making many person hearts sink, this wants the important matter? 这种论调,让许多人都心头一沉,这是要大事吗? Hundred boats competing to win, has the competition to be good.” The eighth god has opened the mouth personally, is tranquil and indifferent, he wants to choose some splendid World of Death's Seed, is having the goal. “百舸争流,有竞争才好。”第八神亲自开口了,平静而冷漠,他想选一些出色的阴间种,带着目的而来。 Bang! 轰! The people each other are alerting, charges into the prairie deep place, competed started, caused the method respectively, must enter World of the Living to go. 众人彼此戒备着,冲向草原深处,竞逐开始了,各使手段,要进阳间去。 In the journey, happen to charges into with the Ying Family brother and sister according to a direction, silver-haired young loli there opens the mouth, said: Hi, Shi Fan heard that you are very ominous, you have Junior Brother to explode half dead World of the Living Heavenly Venerate disciple with Heavenly Thunder, you are fiercer than him.” 在路途上,正好跟映家兄妹冲向依一个方向,银发小luoli在那里开口,道:“嗨,石凡听说你很凶,你有师弟阳间天尊弟子都用天雷炸个半死,你是不是比他更厉害啊。” Generally ominous.” The Chu Feng nod smiled. “一般凶。”楚风点头笑了笑。 Quite strange.” Silver-haired young loli doubt. “好奇怪。”银发小luoli狐疑。 The Ying Wudi direct opens the mouth, said: This brothers, I thought that feels like old friends at the first meeting with you, how do we travel together?” 映无敌直接开口,道:“这位兄弟,我觉得跟你一见如故,咱们同行如何?” Real? In Chu Feng heart doubt, not knows after Ying Wudi really knows his status, now can also the black next face. 真的吗?楚风心中狐疑,不知道映无敌真个知道他身份后,现在还会不会黑下一张脸。 Everybody, runs away quickly, everywhere ferocious beast!” “各位,快逃啊,遍地凶兽!” After crashing in the prairie deep place, Golden Wolf in groups appears, such as the hill like that is big, is staring yellow golden pupil, roared to kill. 当冲进大草原深处后,成群的金狼出现,都如小山那般高大,一个瞪着黄金瞳,咆哮着杀了过来。 The pitiful yell sound gets up, many people bit to death by the golden great wolf, the scene is bloody, because this wolf somewhat was the Sub Saint level. 惨叫声响起,不少人被金色的巨狼咬死,场面血腥,因为这种狼有些达到亚圣层次了。 ! 噗! A Chu Feng sword slices off a gigantic golden wolf head, this is Wolf King, to the Saint level, must kill to silver-haired young loli, was cut to kill by his sword. 楚风一剑就削掉一颗硕大的金色狼头,这是一头狼王,到了圣者层次,原本是要扑杀向银发小luoli的,被他一剑斩杀。 This makes Ying Wudi and Ying Xiaoxiao very surprised, this Shi Fan is really ominous enough! 这让映无敌映晓晓都很吃惊,这位石凡果然够凶! Naturally, she has not forgotten to thank. 当然,她也没有忘记感谢。 Not far away, scratches the cold sweat with Ying Family brother and sister's several old servants, they come from Exiled Immortal Cave, is responsible for protecting the Ying Family brother and sister three people on the road, they had not responded a moment ago, wants to rescue Ying Xiaoxiao slowly one step. 不远处,跟着映家兄妹的几位老仆擦冷汗,他们来自谪仙窟,负责在路上保护映家兄妹三人,刚才他们都没反应过来,想救映晓晓都慢了一步。 Thanks, looks at Dao Brother this bearing, looks like a old friend really very much.” The Ying Zhexian opens the mouth, the sound is very low. “谢谢,看道兄这番器宇,真的很像一位故人啊。”映谪仙开口,声音很低。 Chu Feng does not believe in evil doctrines, don't tell me can she also really recognize its identity to be inadequate? 楚风不信邪,难道她还真能认出其身份不成?
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