SR :: Volume #10

#991: The golden years cut new Self

Why? The Chu Feng soul is shivering, he has realizing from experience, likely is not the misconception, the this heaven and earth myriad things, every bit of property, the universe space and time in a picture scroll, they is a picture people, in the picture the thing. 为什么?楚风灵魂都在颤抖,他有一种体悟,不像是错觉,这天地万物,一草一木,宇宙时空都在一幅画卷中,他们都是画中人,画中物。 Also, who is overlooking them? 可是,又是谁在俯视着他们? This frightened, is afraid! 这让人惊悚,不寒而栗! Dark has an eye, there are innumerable double pupils, by the vault of heaven, tearing is eternal, is lowering the head to overlook all these? 冥冥中有一双眼睛,还是有无数双眸子,透过苍穹,撕裂万古,在低头俯视这一切? He makes an effort to shake the head, is very difficult to believe that this was real clear(ly) becomes aware, he talked to oneself in the heart, this was a space and time confused experience, not for. 他用力摇头,很难相信这是真实的明悟,他在心中自语,这是一种时空错乱的体验,并不为真。 Bang! 砰! uneasy when the Chu Feng heart, among to go on a mental journey nihilities, the outside sound like the thunder, shocks the wooden city. 楚风心中不宁,神游虚无间时,外面响声如雷,震动木城。 stone box illumination, at this time, he discovered that this stone box even more clear, swift and violent radiant, and rushes the white fog, obstructs to gather together oneself. 石盒发光,也是在这个时候,他发现这石盒越发晶莹,迅猛璀璨,并澎湃出白雾,遮拢自身。 This is somewhat strange, stone box its shape is chaos, the indescribable, previous square, not necessarily is his real body. 这有些古怪,石盒其形混沌,不可名状,早先的四四方方,不见得是其真体。 At the present it is surrounded by the mist, Celestial Object from dark. 而今它被雾气环绕,天物自晦。 Picture Shining Upon that four directions, is one after another silent, Chu Feng as if shuttles back and forth in motley ancient scroll, a scenery era, walks in accumulations of hundred million ten thousand years years. 四野,一幅又一幅寂静无声的画面映照,楚风仿佛穿梭于斑驳古卷中,一处景物一纪元,行走于亿万载岁月的积淀间。 stone box is shaking lightly, makes the unusual sound, resembles the world to inaugurate, the chaos beginning develops, myriad things seed, is the gravity head starts likely, past and present all in duplicate rotation, direction return road. 石盒在轻震,发出奇特的声音,似天地初开,混沌始演,万物萌芽,又像是重头开始,古今皆在复轮转中,指引回归路。 Bang! 轰! Finally, he when being lost in thought that a loud sound transmits, he raised the head with amazement, in the stone box slits, sees time fragment rich place fluctuating, but a withered and yellow paper at present. 最终,他在出神之际,一声巨响传来,他骇然抬头,透过石盒的缝隙间,看到时光碎片浓郁之地起伏,而一张枯黄的纸就在眼前。 stone box will soon run upon with it! 石盒跟它即将撞上! At this time, Chu Feng thinking even more, life passing, universe space and time, concise in a picture scroll, some people are overlooking all these. 此时,楚风越发的觉得,人生过往,宇宙时空,都凝练在一张画卷内,有人在俯视这一切。 Last large explosion sound transmits, stone box hits with the letter paper in the same place, the ray is torrential, shakes the loose time fragment, rune submerges this place. 最后一声大爆炸般的声响传来,石盒跟信纸撞在一起,光芒滔滔,震散时光碎片,符文淹没此地。 Chu Feng is dumbstruck, stone box thorough closed, the last slit that leaves behind also vanishes. 楚风发懵,石盒彻底闭合,留下的最后一道缝隙也消失。 Final instant, what did he see? The withered and yellow letter paper melting, changes to flowing light, is pestering with stone box. 最后的刹那,他看到了什么?枯黄信笺化熔化,化作流光,跟石盒纠缠着。 Meanwhile, he saw silhouette, as well as surging forward with great momentum great war, unimaginable, is unable to describe, in the end he sees that great physique, a sword sweeps, the air/Qi will swallow the past and present in the future! 同时,他看到了一道身影,以及波澜壮阔大战,不可想象,无法描述,到头来他看到那伟岸的身姿,一剑扫出,气吞古今未来! Until, world static. 直至,天地静止。 Such person is bathed in blood to prey, does not know the life and death result. 这样的人都在浴血搏杀,不知生死结果。 Then Chu Feng saw that the emperor character flies high, the sword cauldron sounds together, has the successor to break confinement, enters in that battlefield, is that the powerhouse who in the evolution history another node rises? 接着楚风又看到帝字凌空,剑鼎齐鸣,有后来者打破樊笼,进入那战场中,那是进化史上另一处节点崛起的强者吗? Said, all are Reincarnation, only has a person? 还是说,一切都是轮回,只有一个人? A darkness, anything could not see, stone box has closed. 一片黑暗,什么都看不到了,石盒已经闭合。 knows how long, outside big change had not stopped, Chu Feng is still shutting both eyes. 知道过了多久,外界剧震停止,楚风还在闭着双目。 Among breaths, just like eternal is so remote, if his innermost feelings have the raging tide, at present appears some unthinkable remnant broken pictures, but from he remembers that vanishes fast. 一息间,宛若万古那么久远,他内心如有狂澜,眼前浮现一些匪夷所思的残碎画面,但又自他记忆中快速消失。 This is Reincarnation of big world, is his Reincarnation? How to reappear inexplicably all scenes? The experience of today, regarding him, unthinkable. 这是大世的轮回,还是他的轮回?怎么会莫名浮现一切景象?今天之经历,对于他来说,匪夷所思。 Is this stone box or that letter paper, wanting Shining Upon to enter in my heart something?” Chu Feng explained for oneself like this. “是这石盒还是那信笺,想要映照进我心中一些东西吗?”楚风这样为自己解释。 When stone box is gloomy, no longer the illumination, after thoroughly stabilizes, Chu Feng thought that should be separated from the danger zone. 石盒暗淡,不再发光,彻底稳定下来后,楚风觉得应该脱离危险地带了。 He opens stone box gently, is really separated from the wooden city range. 他轻轻开启石盒,果然脱离木城范围内。 stone box as before, does not have what change, turns head to look out, that letter paper also disappears. 石盒依旧,没有什么变化,回头遥望,那信笺也不见了。 Whiz! 嗖! He turns around to walk, leaves the place of this miraculous. 他转身就走,离开这片神异之地。 On the way, his to go on a mental journey universe, the soul light sparkle, experienced some pictures a moment ago, making him quite one realize from experience, unexpectedly pierced at this time entered the Divine King Dominion final level window paper. 在途中,他神游太虚,魂光闪耀,刚才经历了一些画面,让他颇有一番体悟,居然在这个时候捅破了进入神王领域的最后一层窗户纸。 His within the body has the inexplicable and complex mark winds is interweaving, from the flesh to the bone, arrives at soul light again, on the densely covered mysterious mark winds, that is the strength of Divine King. 他的体内有莫名而复杂的纹络在交织,从血肉到骨头,再到魂光,都密布上神秘的纹络,那是神王之力。 Perhaps can also say that is the deduction of Order, was his clear(ly) to become aware is changing to the fragment of say/way, manifested. 或许也可以说,那是秩序的演绎,属于他的明悟在化作道之碎片,体现出来。 His body is transforming, now all cell activeness are enhanced, in swift and violent change! 他的身体在蜕变,现在所有细胞活性都在增强,迅猛变化中! „It is not good!” “不好!” Chu Feng first avoids in stone box, then controls it, at the maximum speed charges into the chaos, covers own internal energy with Paramount Supreme Treasure thoroughly. 楚风第一时间躲避进石盒中,而后驾驭它,以最快的速度冲向混沌,用究极至宝彻底掩盖自身的气机 Because, he does not want to bring to the attention of World of the Living arrival at this time, he does not want in this time Transcends Tribulation! 因为,他不想在这个时候引起阳间降临者的注意,也他不想于此时渡劫 He also wants to achieve the great accomplishment, does the ticket in a big way, can expose now? 他还想做大事,干票大的呢,现在怎能暴露? And, the Divine King tribulation did not say, must appear, wants the immortal to want mostly, even if in World of the Living, this tribulation nobody shelters, must die piece of Quasi - Divine King. 并且,神王劫可不是说说而已,真要出现,多半欲仙欲死,哪怕是在阳间,这种劫没有人庇护,都是要死一片准神王的。 stone box does not shine, is very gloomy, is similar to grain of dust passes through the Broken Universe starry sky, extremely fast crashes in mixing. 石盒不发光,很暗淡,如同一粒尘埃贯穿残破宇宙的星空,极速冲进混度中。 Shortly, Chu Feng has chosen an appropriate place, runs out of stone box, own all cell activeness are enhanced fiercely, recruited him initially to accumulate crazily in divine nature particles and Dao Ancestral Matter in within the body. 不久后,楚风选了一个合适的地方,冲出石盒,自身所有细胞活性剧烈增强,疯狂吸收他当初积淀在体内的神性粒子道祖物质 He when the Divine General peak level, the god who kills may be 1-2 people, but successively two batch, can call two groups of gods, including Quasi - Divine King, revolution Small Six Paths Time Technique, derives all, the accumulation was too deep. 他在神将巅峰层次时,干掉的神可是不是一两人,而是先后两批,也可以称之为两群神,包括准神王,运转小六道时光术,汲取所有,积累太深厚了。 Previously, divine nature particles and Dao Ancestral Matter that he could not use comprehensively activate now. 早先,他用不上的神性粒子道祖物质现在全面激活。 This time, the Chu Feng's evolution, is not breaks into Divine King to be so simple, but is cultivation base rises dramatically, the physique is somewhat scary. 这一次,楚风的进化,可不是破入神王那么简单,而是修为一路飙升,体质有些吓人。 He just like is reborn, he once experienced hundred years of great changes in Foreign Territory, but now in counter growth, nearly when returning to youngster, but was consolidated by him finally forcefully in the posture of capping ceremony. 他宛若在脱胎换骨,他曾经在异域经历百年沧桑,而现在在逆生长,险些在回归少年时,不过最终被他强行稳固在弱冠之姿。 He does not want once more to become a tender youngster, he needs golden ages the body and spirit. 他可不想再次成为一个偏嫩的少年,他需要一具黄金年龄段的体魄。 Whole body close mark winds just like lightning has delimited all cells, deducts the pinnacle, Divine King Order is growing, in brand mark human body. 周身细密的纹络宛若闪电划过所有细胞,演绎到极致,神王秩序在生长,烙印人体中。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng also faces up to an issue, within the body has one grain of type, that is new Self, was nourished, is regenerating, must change to Divine Embryo born eventually. 与此同时,楚风也正视到一个问题,体内有一粒种,那是新我,被滋养,在再生,终究是要化作神胎出世。 Moreover, he felt that incomparably intense earnestly seeking, from that grain of type, is the present wants the slope body likely. 而且,他感觉到了一种无比强烈的渴求,源自那粒种,像是现在就要坡体而出。 At the same time, his present fleshly body, soul light originally, spreads sorrow intent unexpectedly, creepy feeling, had a premonition likely oneself must be ended finally. 同一时刻,他现在的肉身,原本的魂光,竟传出一阵哀意,头皮发麻,像是预感到自身终要被终结。 Sets firm resolve, must take the strongest road, this not precisely best choice? 下定决心,要走最强之路,这不正是最好的选择吗? But why, the heart has sorrow intent, for oneself, but tong? 可是为什么,心有哀意,为自己而恸? Suddenly, Chu Feng is having the dismal state of mind, in dull station chaos. 一时间,楚风带着悲凉的心境,呆呆站混沌中。 Bang! 轰! Heavenly Tribulation came, is especially fearful, chops to turn him. 天劫来了,尤为可怕,将他劈翻出去。 Fortunately, this is the Divine King tribulation, is not in the chaos is born that destruction thunder, otherwise, is he is formidable, does not reach the Heavenly Venerate boundary also to change to the flying ash. 还好,这是神王劫,并非混沌中所诞生那种毁灭雷霆,不然的话,就是他再强大,不达天尊境也要化作飞灰。 Chu Feng starts Transcends Tribulation, simultaneously is bringing an inexplicable sorrowfulness, in the heart big tong, carefully examines oneself. 楚风开始渡劫,同时带着一种莫名的哀愁,心中大恸,审视自身。 Does that grain of type need born really? The Strongest Road itself breaks old, Divine Embryo reveals itself, molds Paramount strongest new Self. 那粒种真的要出世了吗?最强路本就是打破旧的自己,神胎出世,塑造出一个究极最强的新我 Cannot bear!” “忍不住啊!” Bang! 轰! In the end, Chu Feng directs Heavenly Tribulation to enter body, cuts down that grain of type! 到头来,楚风天劫入体,劈杀那粒种! His knows this isn't because he practices is the remnant law, therefore the state of mind is not steady, in the end must break the merit. 他不知道这是不是因为他所练的是残法,因此心境不稳,到头来要破功。 Said, another possibility, is this intuition is forewarning? Was telling him, must end this road. 还是说,另有一种可能,这是直觉在预警吗?在告诉他,必须要终结这条路。 No matter what said, now he began, must kill that grain of type! 不管怎样说,现在他自己动手了,要干掉那粒种! Does not wait for new Self born, he wants present. 不等新我诞生,他只要现在的自己。 Bang! 轰! The Divine King tribulation enters the body, complete bang to that grain of type, simultaneously his oneself was also equal to that is experiencing the most fearful impact, this is not the baptism, but is the true life and death disaster. 神王劫入体,全部轰向那粒种,同时他自身也等于在经历最为可怕的冲击,这不是洗礼,而是真正的生死劫难。 knows how long, nearby chaos had not been hit to collapse, a nihility. 知道过了多久,附近的混沌都被打崩了,一片虚无。 The Chu Feng body was tattered, has remoulded not knows many times, Rebirth from a drop of Blood, broke the bone to remould, deducts the miracle of Divine King. 楚风身体破烂,重塑了不知道多少次,滴血重生,断骨重塑,演绎神王之神迹。 However, he time and time again by horrible to look at rumbling. 但是,他又一次又一次被轰的惨不忍睹。 Fortunately, this is not the chaos deep place region, has not brought in that type to the strong thunder, is only his own Divine King tribulation. 还好,这不是混沌深处地带,没有引来那种至强雷霆,只是他自身的神王劫。 Arrived finally, him has lived through finally, that grain of type breaks to pieces, when he revolves Plundering Guide Breathing Method, flowing light Large expanse, from type of disruption, outward expansion, if still fluctuates vastly, divine nature particles and Dao Ancestral Matter are too many, integrate in his present fleshly body and soul light. 到了最后,他终于熬过来了,那粒种碎掉,在他运转盗引呼吸法时,流光成片,从碎裂的种中,向外扩张,犹若汪洋起伏,神性粒子道祖物质太多,融入他现在的肉身魂光中。 He was returning nurturing to parents! 他在被反哺! Strongest Road was interrupted, what means do I have to move toward strongly?” Chu Feng sighed lightly, he was feeling own change. 最强路被中断,我还有什么办法走向最强?”楚风轻叹,他在感受自身的变化。 The physique is promoting, on Evolution Road, rises with a spring, he charges into above Divine King middle stage! 体质在提升,进化路上,一跃而起,他冲向神王中期之上! This evolutionary rate, may be called practices myth! 这种进化速度,堪称修行界中的神话! However, his also knows, this is not Strongest Road, after entering World of the Living, possibly by many talent suppressions, being made him frown. 但是,他也知道,这不是最强路,进入阳间后可能会被许许多多的天才压制,让他蹙眉。 But, he is unable a moment ago really self-made, cannot provide lodging oneself, an instinct intuition made him kill own that grain of type. 可是,刚才他真的无法自制,管不住自己,一种本能直觉让他干掉了自身那粒种。 Takes own flesh and soul light as mutated soil, expedites one grain of type, birth new Self, cuts old Self, such does...... Why?! 以自己的血肉与魂光异土,催生一粒种,诞生新我,斩掉旧我,这么做……凭什么?! This is the unwillingness of old Self, thus backlash, the true instinct is forewarning, I...... Does not know!” “这是旧我的不甘,从而反噬,还是真正的本能在预警,我……不知!” Chu Feng is silent, his knows does not do this is actually right, but, his Evolution Road changed today, if he wants to enter golden light road after World of the Living. 楚风沉默,他不知道这样做究竟对不对,但是,他的进化路在今天改变了,他要想好进入阳间后的金光大道 World of the Living is called talent, is too fearful, does he strive for hegemony with what? Must walk each step! 阳间被称为天才者,都太可怕,他拿什么去争雄?必须要走好每一步! Chu Feng was shocking but not dangerous, crossed the Divine King tribulation. 楚风有惊无险,渡过神王劫。 In the chaos, he sits cross-legged for two days, realizes from experience own change. 在混沌中,他盘坐两天,体悟自身的变化。 Third day, he sets out, enters Broken Universe, catches up without consulting anybody to the final battlefield, final smelting trial place, whether to pass quietly, rushes goes to World of the Living? 第三天,他起身,进入残破宇宙,径自赶向最后的战场,最后的试炼地,能否悄然通过,闯到阳间去? Here, Chu Feng sees some old friends, has Ying Wudi and silver-haired young loli, Ying Zhexian, Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Vermilion Bird fairy maiden and the others. 在这里,楚风看到一些故人,有映无敌、银发小luoli映谪仙、元世成、元媛、朱雀仙子等人。 In addition also has Dao Race and Buddha Race's old friend and others. 此外还有道族佛族的故人等。 The World of the Dead talent completely gathers in this, with Broken Universe the clansman, for example Exiled Immortal Cave, Amitabha Temple and Primitive Demon palace in the same place, the overcoming an obstacle smelting trial, must enter World of the Living finally. 阴间天才尽汇聚于此,跟残破宇宙的本族人,比如谪仙窟弥陀寺始魔殿等走在一起,最后闯关试炼,要进阳间 Regarding these people, the issue is not very big, 90% must be taken into World of the Living. 对于这些人来说,问题不是很大,九成都要被带进阳间 Chu Feng came, the white clothing leaves dust, cultivation base that shows is the Saint boundary, is extraordinary, when the precisely gold years, direct Rivers and Mountains. 楚风来了,白衣出尘,展现的修为圣者境,气质出众,正是黄金岁月、指点江山时。 Was his most crucial time to come, all will have the result. 属于他的最为关键的时刻要来了,一切都将有结果。 „Does you, which clan you come from?” Some people go forward, warm greeting, saw that Chu Feng is so young is Saint, the feeling is very surprised. “兄台,你来自哪一族?”有人上前,热情的打招呼,看到楚风如此年轻就已是圣人,感觉很吃惊。 This also wants the talent more astonishing than the Broken Universe nine small Saints, can side by side World of the Living various Dao Lineage's these talents? 这比残破宇宙的九小圣还要天赋惊人,可比肩阳间道统的那些天才吗? I am Shi Fan.” Chu Feng replied calmly. “我是石凡。”楚风平静地答道。 Shi Fan?” Some person of surprise, because, previously listened to that Ye Hao to mention, he has Senior Brother, as if called Shi Fan, but also had this kind of person. 石凡?”有人诧异,因为,早先听那叶昊提及过,他有个师兄,似乎叫石凡,还真有这样一个人。
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