SR :: Volume #10

#990: An eternal space and time picture scroll

The act drop pulls open slowly, finally will leave the war of World of the Dead soon to start. 大幕徐徐拉开,最后离开阴间之战即将开始。 Chu Feng is gentle and calm, shoulders both hands, stands the peripheral zone beyond chaos, looks into trim Broken Universe. 楚风平和而镇定,背负双手,站在混沌外的边缘地带,眺望整片残破宇宙 His knows, the most crucial time will soon arrive, whether he can sneak across World of the Living from here, shortly after success or failure will make known. 知道,最为关键的时刻即将到来,他能否从这里偷渡进阳间,成败不久后就会揭晓。 If identity exposure, does not calculate the outright failure, he must kill the four directions greatly, conquers by killing numerous Hero who World of the Living arrives, even if the World of the Living whole world all pays attention, expected that at that moment is also the futile effort, cannot change his behavior, cannot block three chi (0.33 m) Divine Sword in his hand! 若是身份泄露,也不算彻底失败,他必然要大杀四方,血洗阳间降临过来的众雄,哪怕阳间举世皆关注,料想那一刻也是徒劳的,改变不了他的所为,挡不住他手中的三尺神剑 Because, Heavenly Venerate will not be out, has not come! 因为,天尊不会下场,并没有过来! After such sword sweeps the world, even if died in battle, but he, because grasps paper talisman, can be reincarnated from that Reincarnation Road on calmly, enters World of the Living to strive for hegemony again! 这样一剑扫天下后,哪怕是战死,可他因为手持符纸,也可以自那轮回路上从容去转世,再进阳间争霸! If the status does not reveal, sneaks across very much smoothly successfully, he will be lower-key, directly enters World of the Living and that's the end. 而若是身份不泄露,很顺畅地偷渡成功,他则会低调一些,直接进阳间就是了。 However, now wants World of the Living, rushes or sneaks across hardly is very difficult, because one year ago that was dormant the silver-haired female Ming Chuan empress in ancient mine outside Kunlun Mountain Purgatory has such done one time, World of the Living Heavenly Venerate has been furious, orders to block exit|to speak membrane there, must through the words difficulty has promoted ten times of hundred times to continue. 不过,现在想要进阳间,无论是硬闯还是偷渡都很难,因为一年前那个曾经蛰伏在昆仑山炼狱古矿中的银发女子明川女皇已经这么做过一次,阳间天尊震怒,下令封锁出口界膜那里,要通过的话难度已经提升十倍百倍不止。 About these, after Chu Feng arrives at Broken Universe, has understood. 关于这些,楚风来到残破宇宙后就已经了解到。 He is very quiet, is very steady, marches into the broken universe, one step takes, then vanishes in the profound starry sky deep place. 他很平静,也很稳重,步入残破的宇宙中,一步迈出,便消失在深邃的星空深处。 If can promote one step to be better again, he is only away from a window paper to Divine King Dominion, pierces is an issue. 若是能再提升一步就更好了,他离神王领域只隔着一层窗户纸,怎么捅破是个问题。 In this critical moment , he if becomes Divine King, the advantage will be many, grasps will be also bigger, even if will be defeated, perhaps can also fall World of the Living several Divine King by strength of slaughter a oneself, when the time comes wound, not only will be World of the Living Dao Lineage, hearts of certain Heavenly Venerate, blood debts must be paid in blood! 在这种紧要关头,他如果成为神王,好处很多,把握也会更大一些,哪怕失败,说不定还能以一己之力屠掉阳间几尊神王,到时候创伤的不仅是阳间道统,还有某些天尊的心,血债血还! Can be dispatched to come Divine King, inevitably is the Heavenly Venerate letter the person, is direct descendant, perhaps also has the loyal lackey, old servant and others. 能被派遣而来神王,必然是天尊信的过的人,是嫡系,或许也有忠诚的狗腿子,身边的老仆等。 Should end, should finish, the success or failure will have the result!” Chu Feng talked to oneself. “该落幕了,该结束了,成败都将有结果!”楚风自语。 The time were not much, passes through two channels not to be already unstable, the membrane shines every day, the chaos thunder twinkle, the path momentarily meets the avalanche. 时间已经不多,贯穿两界的通道早已不稳固,界膜每日都发光,混沌雷霆闪烁,道路随时会崩塌。 After Chu Feng comes back, pays attention to the final trend. 楚风回来后,关注最后的动态。 World of the Living selects the World of Death's Seed mentality not to change as before, recently, they have performed the experiment about evolution, some World of Death's Seed were taken into World of the Living, the growth is good. 阳间选拔阴间种的思路依旧没有改变,最近,他们做过一些关于进化的试验,有些阴间种被带进阳间,成长不错。 But after some World of the Living's days arrive at this piece of universe, intercept the Little World of the Dead source, after integrating own, have some promotion to the evolution of physique! 而有些阳间的天才来到这片宇宙后,截取小阴间本源,融入自身后,对体质的进化有某种促进! At this moment, one side of World of the Living this. 此时此刻,阳间这一侧。 The famous mountains are grand, the river is torrential, Yang Qi ebullition. 名山壮阔,大河滔滔,阳气沸腾。 The adjacent membrane, connects Broken Universe some channel here people to guard, several people all are expert, for gold/metal robe Divine King! 毗邻界膜,连接残破宇宙的通道这里有人镇守,几人皆是高手,都为金袍神王 Will end finally, only what is a pity, World of the Living Supreme Treasure does not have the trace as before.” Some person of light languages. “终将落幕,唯一可惜的是,阳间至宝依旧无踪。”有人轻语。 Also missed on the several th, all will finish, do not have the accident/surprise.” Purple sends the Divine King opens the mouth, his vision like the electricity, the body is similar to round purple daylight across the sky, in seething with excitement Yang Qi, he is dignified. “还差几日,一切都将结束,不要出意外。”一位紫发神王开口,他目光如电,身体如同一轮紫色的天日横空,在沸腾的阳气中,他非常威严。 It is reported that has the Heavenly Venerate descendants to come to attend the ceremony, choice strongest World of Death's Seed.” Another silver-haired Divine King opens the mouth, gold/metal robe stirs the day wind, said that the sound thunders. “据悉,有天尊子孙前来观礼,挑选最强阴间种。”另一位银发神王开口,身上的金袍鼓荡起天风,道音轰鸣。 After other people are silent, suck in a cold breath. 其他人默然后,倒吸冷气 four directions, the famous mountains stand erect, Taiyanghe crosses 1 million li (0.5 km), the scenery is magnificent, is similar to a picture scroll. 四野,名山矗立,太阳河横贯1000000里,景色瑰丽,如同一幅画卷。 Actually is who must come?” “究竟是谁要来?” They have a premonition, is a famous character must appear mostly, even if cultivation base is inferior to them, but the potential should be much greater. 他们预感到,多半是一位负有盛名的人物要出现,即便修为不如他们,但是潜能应该远大于。 „The world eighth god!” The silver-haired Divine King opens the mouth, the gold/metal robe stirs, on the face presents the inexplicable look. “天下第八神!”银发神王开口,金袍鼓荡,脸上出现莫名神色。 In World of the Living, can arrange to world eighth Divinity, this character was unable to describe with the elite juniors, but is true heaven blessed genius! 阳间,可以排到天下第八的一位神祇,这种人物已经不能用精英子弟来形容,而是真正的天纵之资 If no accident/surprise, let alone Divine King, is the Heavenly Venerate fruit position also achievement! 若无意外,别说神王,就是天尊果位也可成就! World of the Living is how big, not only there is a disciple of Heavenly Venerate personally professor, Supreme Being also has final disciple, world rare talent expert are innumerable, how many people there are to guarantee that oneself can kill the world first ten? 阳间何其大,不光有天尊亲自教授的门徒,还有大能亦有关门弟子,世间奇才高手无数,有几人可以保证自身能够杀进天下前十? successor that the immortal dynasty, Heavenly Venerate Dao Lineage, the Supreme Being sinking dormancy place, any place went out was extraordinary, let alone the World of the Living world eighth, was 800 th, was shakes a talent of territory. 不朽的皇朝,天尊道统,大能的沉眠地,任何一个地方走出的传人都了不得,别说阳间天下第八,就是第800,都算是名震一域的天才。 The World of the Living too length and breadth, how many inherits thousands of years Dao Lineage knows not to have, is evolution Sect of hundred million years of years also exists, but Sect that somewhat through ancient times exists forever say nothing, inside story deep scary, if must use the resources, trains core inheritance, how can be weak? 阳间太广袤,传承千万年的道统知道有多少,就是亿载岁月的进化门派也存在,而有些亘古长存的门派就更不用说了,底蕴深厚的吓死人,如果要倾尽资源,培养出一个核心传承者,怎能弱? The world ranked eighth Divinity to come, this means that their these Divine King possibly insufficiently looked, was not that Heaven-Blessed Divinity match. 天下排位第八的神祇来了,这意味着,他们这些神王都可能不够看,不是那天纵神祇的对手。 In addition, ranks several hundred Divinity with placing first hundred Divinity may also present two people.” “除此之外,排名数百的神祇与排名前百的神祇也有可能会出现两人。” This rank before God Level Evolver, absolutely is Heaven-Blessed Talent, may arrive at Divine King! 这种排名靠前的神级进化者,绝对算是天纵奇才,可抵神王 What is important, they are very young, compared with us, they are in full flower, when precisely directs Rivers and Mountains.” Divine King said. “重要的是,他们都很年轻啊,跟我们相比,他们还算风华正茂,正是指点江山时。”一位神王道。 World of the Dead has the treasure, there is already a good fortune that the passing ancient people last words finger/refer, therefore makes some World of the Living most famous Heaven-Blessed Talent unable to bear the arrival. 阴间有宝,也有已逝故老遗言所指的造化,所以让阳间最负盛名的一些天纵奇才也忍不住驾临。 Looked, little said that the turbulent situation, the water was very recently deep.” Purple sends the Divine King reminder. “多看,少说,最近局势动荡,水很深。”紫发神王提醒。 Here quick gets down peacefully. 这里很快安静下去。 Broken Universe, Chu Feng has found, the final smelting trial has traded, previously that piece of Mystic Realm was blocked, does not allow other people to approach. 残破宇宙,楚风已经了解到,最后的试炼地换了,早先那片秘境被封锁,不允许其他人靠近。 The wooden city, by the accident/surprise was discovered can pass from the place bottom, many people in underground see the fearful marvelous sight, after Divinity learned, the direct blockade, then reports to the World of the Living great person. 木城,被意外发现可以从地底通过,许多人在地下看到可怕奇景,被神祇得悉后,直接封锁,而后上报给阳间大人物。 Final smelting trial place, was chosen, in adjoining to the World of the Living's chaos, as before is together Continent Mystic Realm, after there, can go directly to World of the Living! 最后的试炼地,被重新选择,将会在毗邻阳间的混沌中,依旧是一块大陆秘境,通过那里后,便可直达阳间 For several days, has Divine King personally to arrange. 最近几日,有神王正在亲自布置。 The time is abundant, Chu Feng transferred the revolutions in Broken Universe in all directions, he went to Exiled Immortal Cave, strange place, that planet just like an insect nest, bumpy, everywhere is the caverns, but emits continuously pure white Immortal Qi. 时间还充裕,楚风残破宇宙四处转了转,他去过谪仙窟,一处诡异之地,那颗星球宛若一处虫巢,坑坑洼洼,到处都是洞穴,但偏偏冒出一缕缕洁白的仙气 With the feeling, he saw that there is not simple, naturally can approach by his strength, he saw Ying Wudi and silver-haired young loli and Ying Zhexian three people from afar. 凭着感觉,他看出那里不简单,以他的实力自然可以接近,他远远的见到了映无敌、银发小luoli映谪仙三人。 The gaze, he turns around to depart silently, because that three people of situations are good. 默默注视,他转身离去,因为那三人处境都不错。 He has also gone to the Primitive Demon palace, has seen Yuan Shicheng and Yuan Yuan. 他也去过始魔殿,看到过元世成、元媛。 He has approached Amitabha Temple, ding long, in setting sun, that temple sends out the golden brilliance, is sacred and plain, the thunder sound ancient temple, the Buddha rhyme is unusual. 他更临近过弥陀寺,钟声悠悠,在夕阳中,那片神庙都发出金色的光彩,神圣而古朴,雷音古刹,佛韵超凡。 Finally, Chu Feng enters that piece of Mystic Realm once more, close to wooden city. 最后,楚风再次进入那片秘境,临近木城。 Even if Divinity already this place the path and other blockades, also cannot block him, arrives smoothly underground. 哪怕神祇已经将此地的道路等封锁,也根本拦不住他,顺利抵达地下。 He is not very willing, in the place bottom deep place, enters in the stone box space, shelters oneself, he wants to approach the wooden city! 他很不甘心,在地底深处,进入石盒空间中,庇护自身,他想接近木城! Chu Feng thought, this truly a little does, but, he cut off the eternal space and time and karma the key node in evolution history by that sword really attracted, he wants to understand! 楚风觉得,这确实有点作死,但是,他真的被那一剑斩断万古时空与因果的进化史上的关键节点所吸引了,他想了解! knows why, he always did not think that was being summoned! 知道为何,他总觉得在被呼唤! Is that letter paper? 是那张信笺吗? In in stone box, he takes Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, stops up in a slit that in stone box leaves behind slightly, such outrageously turns toward in the wooden city to approach. 身在石盒中,他又将天尊法旨取出来,堵在石盒稍微留下的一丝缝隙上,就这么悍然向着木城中逼近。 If can arrive, from, when cheers. If the situation is not right, he will not force a crossing, the tone walks. 如果能够抵达,自当欢呼。若是情况不对,他也不会强渡,调头就走。 Really, along with approaching, stone box side shines slightly, is vibrating as for Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree! 果然,随着临近,石盒的的一面微微发光,至于天尊法旨则在抖动! Arrived finally, him had discovered with amazement, a Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree corner/horn has burnt down, this situation is somewhat terrorist, in his hand has two complete Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, half incomplete, can support some time. 到了最后,他骇然发现,天尊法旨的一角都焚烧了起来,这情况有些恐怖,他的手中有两张完整的天尊法旨,有半张残缺的,可以支撑一段时间。 At this time, he in place bottom close to wooden city, and must enter, went to that yellowing letter paper! 这时,他在地底临近木城,且要进入了,冲着那张泛黄的信笺而去! Really, Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree cannot block here potential, the remnant city cross section is containing the unimaginable pressure, that Dharma Decree must directly in instantaneous burned into ashes. 果然,天尊法旨也挡不住这里的“势”,残城断面蕴含着不可想象的压力,那法旨直接就要在瞬间焚成灰烬 Chu Feng wants not to think, wants the tone to leave, his knows, this attempt was failed. 楚风想都不想,就要调头离开,他知道,这次尝试算是失败了。 However, startled changes occurrence, this moment stone box first time makes the unusual sound, slight thunders, and six surface also shine, becomes clear and radiant. 然而,惊变发生,此刻石盒第一次发出异常的声音,轻微的轰鸣起来,并且六个面同时发光,变得晶莹而璀璨。 Chu Feng shocks, after this is he obtains stone box, in the first bitter experience this accident. 楚风震撼,这是他得到石盒后第一遭遇上这种变故。 In the past, even if stone box illumination, is only surface, but here unexpectedly six surface sent out the brilliance, brilliant, but was all over the body translucent, resisted that potential. 以往,哪怕石盒发光,也只是一个面,而在这里居然六个面都发出光辉,绚烂而通体透亮,抵住那种势。 In his heart palpitates, the scalp sends the wood, the origin of stone box mostly is above the imagination, long ago and fearful scary, in some key nodes with evolution history was possibly related. 他心中悸动,头皮发木,石盒之来历多半超乎想象,久远与可怕的吓人,可能与进化史上的一些关键节点有关。 He no longer hesitates , to continue to go forward, since does not have the danger now, has been sheltered, he wants to charge into at that time the photofragment rich place, must carry off that letter paper. 他不再犹豫,继续前进,既然现在没有危险,得到庇护,他想冲向那时光碎片浓郁之地,要带走那张信纸。 Bang! 轰! He heard a fearful sound, this heaven and earth as if tilted, the myriad things initial died out, beginning universe the sound returned to the cavity. 他听到了一道可怕的声音,这天地都仿佛倾覆了,万物初始又寂灭,宇宙初音又回空洞。 Then, Chu Feng has an misconception, eternal all static, the space and time that this cuts off, karma of this interruption, all solidified. 然后,楚风有种错觉,万古皆静,这斩断的时空,这截断的因果,皆凝固了。 The flash, he resembles to see lots. 一刹那,他似看到很多东西。 In Great Wilderness, ferocious beast slaughters, the wicked phoenix strives for hegemony, bloody, has the youngster to go out from Great Wilderness, compete world, on independent eternal certainly summit. 大荒中,凶兽厮杀,恶凰争霸,血淋淋,有少年自大荒中走出,逐鹿天下,独立万古绝巅上。 In the god courtyard, the magnificently decorated building, maid Ruoxian, the jade pendant dingdong, the old madame, young girl and others lived together in peace and harmony. 神庭中,雕梁画栋,婢女若仙,环佩叮当,老夫人、少女等和睦相处一堂。 In the restricted area, the bloody big mouth opens the mouth, must swallow world all phenomena on earth. 禁地中,血淋淋的大口张口,要吞掉世间万象。 The world end, the fog is misty, arrives at the earth, must camouflage all. 天地尽头,灰雾蒙蒙,降临大地,要遮蔽一切。 ...... …… The Chu Feng surprise, these picture real Shining Upon come, what information is giving? 楚风诧异,那些画面真实映照过来,在传递着什么信息? Quick, he discovered that this likely the scene that appears from the different times. 很快,他发现这像是从不同年代映现的景象。 Then his heart trembles, this so-called eternal space and time, seems concise is a picture scroll, he sees is several fragments. 而后他心颤,这所谓的万古时空,都仿佛凝练为一幅画卷,他所看到不过是几个片段,还有更多。 Shortly, his have one's hair stand on end, had a clear(ly) to become aware, that was not the misconception, this stretch of world, this piece of universe, just like a picture scroll, stay still, he and all living things was a picture people. 不久后,他毛骨悚然,有种明悟,那不是错觉,这片天地,这片宇宙,都宛若一幅画卷,静止不动,他与众生都是画中人。 Must jump out this picture, must work loose the picture scroll, his heart is trembling, don't tell me is World of the Dead only a picture scroll? 要跳出这幅画,要挣脱出画卷,他的心在颤,难道阴间都只是一副画卷吗?
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