SR :: Volume #10

#989: In history strongest person( before attaching, breaks reason)

World of the Living's talent in silent, if these pictures to, surmount the life imagination big terrifying to the utmost. 阳间的天才都在沉默,那些画面若为真,将超越人生想象极尽之大恐怖。 Then, that withered and yellow letter paper appears, ups and downs in the time, finally falls to falling. 然后,那张枯黄的信纸又出现,于时光中沉浮,最后向下坠落。 Everybody, my Ye Hao means what he says, led finally you, went through in light of this, goes!” Chu Feng shouted to several hundred Evolver, aims at the front Mystic Realm exit|to speak. “各位,我叶昊说话算话,总算将你们带出来了,就此过关,去吧!”楚风冲着数百进化者大喊,指向前方的秘境出口。 Then, he looks to that remnant city, is staring at that letter paper, said: Really is strange, always feels resembles to seem to have met before, just like another Reincarnation.” 然后,他看向那座残城,盯着那张信纸,道:“真是奇异,总感觉像似曾相识,宛若又一个轮回。” The World of the Living's talent laughs, how many people does this world have to have the qualifications to discuss Reincarnation? Then also wants Supreme Being character take action in World of the Living, only then enters in the restricted area to take. 阳间的天才嗤笑,这个世间有多少人有资格谈轮回?便是在阳间也要大能人物出手,方可进禁地中去取。 Takes paper talisman not for other people, many are Supreme Being most favors the heir or is Supreme Being own is reincarnated to use. 所取符纸不为他人,多为大能最宠子嗣或者是大能自身去转世所用。 Fei Ling and Hong Xuan are bringing smiling of acting with constraint, own lustrous shine, was covered by divine ring, if still the child of Heavenly Venerate falls among in the world. 菲灵洪玄都带着矜持的笑,自身莹莹发光,被神环笼罩,犹若天尊之子降于世间。 Chu Feng sees their stances, he casts a sidelong glance immediately slantingly, said: How many you know about Reincarnation, in the family/home have some people experienced?” 楚风看出他们的姿态,他顿时斜睨,道:“你们对轮回了解多少,家里有人经历过吗?” A he contemptuous stance, has the meaning of intentional stimulation, naturally also has the reason that relies on, he also has to attain paper talisman, moreover more than one. 他一副轻蔑的姿态,有故意刺激之意思,当然也有自恃的原因,他又不是没有拿到过符纸,而且不止一张。 Understands many compared with you!” Some people cannot visit him, stance is arrogant, performs obviously relies on, is the learned person overlooks the barbarian of place of savageness likely. “比你懂得多!”有人看不过他,姿态傲慢,尽显自恃,像是博学之人俯视未开化之地的蛮夷。 Many? Hehe!” Chu Feng is calm, said: You said, the Reincarnation true meaning, does understand?” “多?呵呵!”楚风淡定,道:“那你说说,轮回真意,懂吗?” We , if not understand, you badly were farther. This world, the most formidable people is a person in Reincarnation, have you heard this view?” “我们若是不懂,你更差远了。这世间,最强大的人都是一个人在轮回,你听说过这种说法吗?” Chu Feng surprise, this matter? He does not believe, scoffs to say with a smile: This hearsay do not take to offer valuable advice.” 楚风诧异,还有这种事?他不怎么相信,嗤笑道:“这种小道消息就不要拿出来献宝了。” Really, this news is not reasonable, that person opened mouth not to be justified. 果然,这则消息不靠谱,那人张了张嘴说不下去了。 Individual Reincarnation is anything, trim world possibly in Reincarnation, who such scale and imposing attitude can understand!” Hong Xuan opens the mouth. “个人轮回又算什么,整片世间都可能在轮回,如此的规模与气魄谁能懂!”洪玄开口。 Chu Feng expression grave, he thought, the World of the Living's research is really fearful and astonishing, the opposite party spoke thoughtlessly a saying, then made his heartstrings shiver, entire world possibly in Reincarnation? 楚风神色凝重,他觉得,阳间的研究果然可怕与惊人,对方随口一说而已,便让他心弦颤动,整个世间都可能在轮回 He sighed one lightly, said: You look, do I in Reincarnation, look like in history very much the most formidable person?” 他轻叹一声,道:“你们看,我是不是在轮回,很像史上最强大的人?” Facial skin true thickness! This is the appraisal of World of the Living talent, all rolls the eyes, being disinclined manages him. 脸皮真厚!这是阳间天才的评价,全都翻白眼,懒得理他。 Chu Feng also said: I always felt that dark has who to summon me, that is my previous existence, will be my next life, I must pass to look!” 楚风又道:“我总感觉冥冥中有什么人在召唤我,那是的我前生,还是我的来世,我要过去看一看!” All people think that he was chatting, has not paid attention. 所有人都以为他在说笑,没有理会。 But, the Chu Feng tone walks, charges into that city, a blink then vanishes. 可是,楚风调头就走,真的冲向那座城池,一眨眼便消失。 Where walks!” Some people shouted, the World of the Living's talent pursued together, was Fei Ling and Hong Xuan does not have any hesitation, fulfilled the pledge to finish, now should tidy up this Indigenous. “哪里走!”有人喝道,阳间的天才一起追击,就是菲灵洪玄都没有任何迟疑,履行誓言完毕,现在该收拾这个土著了。 Under the wooden city, disappearance Chu Feng appears in place of secret, springs a drop of blood, remoulds a oneself at the scene, is just the same as him, and controls by wisp of soul light. 木城下,消失的楚风在一处隐秘之地浮现,弹出一滴血,当场重塑出一个自身,跟他一模一样,并以一缕魂光控制。 Then, his True Body turned the head, left behind a drop of blood mold fleshly body. 然后,他的真身转头走了,留下一滴血塑造的肉身 True Body overtakes the front people, in secret take action, some people soul light in related recalls to cut old, for example he summoned the memory that certain old friends came. 真身追上前方的众人,暗中出手,将一些人魂光中的相关旧忆斩掉,比如他召唤某些故人前来的记忆。 He believes that even if God Level Evolver investigates soul light of these people, could not discover anything. 他相信,神级进化者哪怕探查这些人的魂光,也发现不了什么。 Even if has Heavenly Venerate take action finally, may discover the clues, wants to come also not necessarily is the misdemeanor, because after these old friends will overcome an obstacle will be successful, definitely will not choose Extreme Martial and Hun Yi, primitively and the others Dao Lineage. 即便最终有天尊出手,可能会发现蛛丝马迹,想来也不见得是坏事,因为这些故人闯关成功后肯定不会选择太武浑羿、原始等人的道统 Some evolution Sect also people who Extreme Martial that old enemy founds come, this is their optimizations. 太武那个宿敌开创的进化门派也有人来,这才是他们的最佳选择。 If these old friends enter World of the Living, finally was investigated any trace by that person, perhaps also will give favored treatment, after all currently who knows on him has Supreme Treasure. 若是这些故人进入阳间,最后被那人探查出什么痕迹,说不定还会给些优待,毕竟现在谁都知道他身上有至宝 If there is caring to stone box slightly, is guaranteeing his these old friends, if he some day appears, perhaps that was also in advance leaves behind one wisp to read thinks. 若是对石盒稍有惦记,保着他的这些故人,他有朝一日若是出现,那说不定还算是预先留下了一缕念想。 Naturally, he hopes that Heavenly Venerate had not seen these people had been cut the little memories. 当然,他希望天尊也没有看出这些人被斩过少许记忆。 The distant place, a Chu Feng's drop of blood turns into the puppet body to shout, must understand that the ancient and modern biggest secret, must seize that letter paper, understood thoroughly on a minute of branch road that most radiant big world exactly to have anything. 远处,楚风的一滴血化成傀儡身大喊着,要了解古今最大的秘密,要夺到那张信笺,洞彻分岔路上那个最璀璨的大世到底发生了什么。 In fact, all person knows, the importance of that letter paper, a sword breaks eternally, and cuts karma, is this what kind of mighty force? 事实上,所有人都知道,那张信纸的重要性,一剑断万古,并斩开因果,这是何等的伟力? If is really a paper that from the evolution history in most important a key node delivers diligently, its carrying/sustaining is making World of the Living Supreme Being want the crazy secret inevitably! 如果真是从进化史上最为重要的一处关键节点上努力送出来的一张纸,它必然承载着让阳间大能都要疯狂秘密! That sword cuts off eternally, one page of papers that sends out attracted the mind of all people. 那一剑斩断万古,送出的一页纸吸引了所有人的心神。 Do not let him obtain really!” Some people cannot sit still, pursued. “别真个让他得到!”有人坐不住,跟着追了下去。 Bang! 砰! However, in the end Chu Feng's that fleshly body explodes at the scene, turns into blood mist, becomes the flying ash, the distance wooden city is very far, meets a cruel death. 但是,到头来楚风的那具肉身当场爆开,化成血雾,又成为飞灰,相距木城还很远呢,就粉身碎骨。 I understood, only then own die, after dying one time, can enter here, I came!” Unexpectedly spreads such big cry, quite strange. “我明白了,只有自身殒落,死一次后,才能进入这里,我来了!”居然传出这样大叫声,相当的诡异。 In fact, this is only a wisp of soul light behavior that Chu Feng branches out, before running away shouted that pursues rapidly to True Body. 事实上,这只是楚风分出的一缕魂光所为,临逃走前喊的,迅速追向真身 Fei Ling, Hong Xuan and the others frowned, this Ye Hao dies is a little stupid, like this died. 菲灵洪玄等人皱着眉头,这叶昊死的有点蠢,就这样没命了。 However, they acknowledged, oneself is a little not willingly, the look is blazing, incomparably wants to obtain that page of letter papers, wishes one could to overcome an obstacle. 但是,他们承认,自身也有点不甘心,眼神炽热,无比想得到那页信笺,恨不得闯关。 This fellow body has disintegrated, unexpectedly shouted such words, what meaning?” “这家伙身体瓦解了,居然喊出那样的话,什么意思?” Wizard believes him, at the point of death also wants to dig a pit to us!” “鬼才相信他,临死还想给我们挖坑!” Also not necessarily, then reported.” “也不见得吧,回头禀告上去。” The front is too dangerous, a haziness, the time fragment is rich, was too fearful. 前方太危险,一片迷蒙,时光碎片浓郁,太可怕了。 The World of the Living's talent is staring at the front, reveals grave expression, their background is not small, naturally felt that perhaps this place the terrifying, Heavenly Venerate even Supreme Being did come to completely understand? 阳间的天才盯着前方,露出凝重之色,他们来头都不小,自然感觉到此地的恐怖,或许天尊甚至大能来了才能看透吧? Suddenly, they are afraid, looks the letter paper that vanishes gradually, thinks perhaps presents excessively ultimate evolution body, is a letter that lifeforms of that level stays behind. 一时间,他们都不寒而栗,看着那张渐渐消失的信笺,认为或许真的出现过终极进化体,是那个层次的生物留下的一封信。 In the so-called history the most formidable person, cuts off the space and time and karma could be selected. 所谓史上最强大的人,斩断时空与因果者或许可以入选。 Walks!” “走吧!” Finally, all people left, goes out of Mystic Realm. 最终,所有人都离开了,走出秘境 The outside stir, Broken Universe many Evolver beat the breast and stamp the feet, regrets constantly, do that group of people overcome an obstacle really successfully? 外界轰动,残破宇宙的许多进化者捶胸顿足,后悔不迭,那群人真的闯关成功? Some people regret must die, some time ago Ye Hao once asked all people to start off together, overcomes an obstacle, finally they actually reject, many people ridicule secretly, the spoken language profanes, thinks that is impossible to succeed, finally...... 有些人后悔的要死,不久前叶昊曾经请所有人一起上路,跟着去闯关,结果他们却拒绝,更有许多人暗自奚落,言语轻慢,认为根本不可能成功,结果…… I regret!” Some people yelled, wants to spit blood. “我后悔啊!”有人大叫,想要吐血。 Several hundred people pass through successfully, bring in stunned of some World of the Living people. 数百人成功过关,引来阳间一些人的愕然。 Chu Feng looks in the distant place, has traded an appearance, some time ago, he can kill Hong Xuan, Fei Ling and the others easily, to guarantee Yuan Mo, Zi Luan and the others do not have the accident/surprise, he bore. 楚风在远处看着,换了一副容貌,不久前,他可以轻易干掉洪玄菲灵等人,但是为了确保元魔紫鸾等人不出意外,他忍住了。 To kill Hong Xuan, Fei Ling and the others the words, he momentarily can achieve, now ensure Zi Luan and the others start off safely, does not have the dispute and accident/surprise is more important. 想杀洪玄菲灵等人的话,他随时可以做到,现在确保紫鸾等人平安上路,不出现纠纷与意外更重要。 After several days dates, smoothly the disciple who Zi Luan , Yuan Mo and other people do obeisance into the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate enemy, was sheltered, momentarily may enter World of the Living. 数日后,紫鸾元魔等一些人顺利拜入太武天尊对头的门下,被人庇护起来,随时可进阳间 In fact, some Dao Lineage have been interested in their such people very much, these people with some Chu Feng relations, some day will perhaps attract Chu Feng to visit. 事实上,有些道统对他们这样的人一直很感兴趣,这几人跟楚风有些关系,也许有朝一日会吸引楚风上门。 Then thoroughly did not have the burden, then I can give it all!” Chu Feng does not have any worrying again. “这下彻底没有包袱了,接下来我可以放手一搏!”楚风再无任何牵挂。 As for Ying Zhexian and silver-haired young loli, Yuan Shicheng and the others, he believes, will not make them have the accident/surprise from two clan World of the Living's messengers, must carry off, he does not need to intervene. 至于映谪仙、银发小luoli、元世成等人,他相信,来自两族阳间的使者不会让他们出意外,必然要带走,他没有必要去干预。 Broken Universe Exiled Immortal Cave and Primitive Demon palace, relates with World of the Living now is very close! 残破宇宙谪仙窟始魔殿等,现在跟阳间联系很紧密! Chu Feng bears patiently, waits for the opportunity, his oneself also wants to enter World of the Living! 楚风隐忍,等待机会,他自身也想进阳间 However, before then he also wants to kill the last group of gods. 不过,在此之前他还想干掉最后一批神。 Goes to World of the Dead's that batch of god long time to feed in without the news, half a month later, the last group of gods left, was led by Quasi - Divine King, was similar to the Chu Feng's evolution level, total seven gods! 前往阴间的那批神久无消息传回,半个月后,最后一批神动身,由一位准神王带队,跟楚风的进化层次差不多,共计七位神! This time, Chu Feng follows quietly, even more has the energy, even if in that team has Quasi - Divine King! 这一次,楚风悄然跟随,越发的有底气,哪怕那个队伍中有一位准神王 After thorough chaos sea, Chu Feng launches an attack, first uncovers that Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree of fast ship head quietly, received stone box, then the domineering bang kills it! 深入混沌海后,楚风发难,先是悄然揭走船头的那张天尊法旨,收入石盒中,而后强势轰杀之! God Level Evolver at all is not his match, in an instant fell two by his slaughter, as for Shining Upon that say nothing, slightly has touched, becomes the flying ash. 神级进化者根本不是他的对手,转眼间就被他屠掉两尊,至于映照者那就更不用说了,稍微触及,就成飞灰。 Bang! 轰! However, that Quasi - Divine King is truly formidable, has killed with Chu Feng, hits chaos ruptured that the steamship disintegration, is very intense. 不过,那位准神王确实很强大,跟楚风杀了起来,打的的混沌崩开,大船解体,很是激烈。 Finally, the Chu Feng right hand raises Divine Sword of drop blood, the left hand is holding stone box, stands in the World of the Living steamships of being split up indifferently, that Quasi - Divine King corpse on the ground, was cut to kill by him. 最终,楚风右手提着滴血的神剑,左手持石盒,漠然站在四分五裂的阳间大船间,那位准神王伏尸,被他斩杀。 divine nature kernel as well as Dao Ancestral Matter wait/etc. submerged his within the body unceasingly. 神性颗粒以及道祖物质等不断没入他的体内。 The Chu Feng heart is dignified, this Quasi - Divine King with his same level, in Divine General certainly summit Dominion, two worlds unexpectedly killed over a hundred moves to end the fight. 楚风心头凝重,这位准神王跟他同层次,都在神将绝巅领域中,两人间居然杀了上百招才结束战斗。 Make him feel that the situation gravity, in the past, facing Evolver of his same level, he is always easily accomplished, sweeps away various enemy! 让他感觉到事态的严重性,在过去,面对他同层次的进化者,他一向是摧枯拉朽,横扫诸敌! But now, World of the Living Quasi - Divine King, isn't knows the Heaven-Blessed character, unexpectedly has slaughtered such a long time with him. 可是现在,阳间一位准神王,不知道算不算天纵人物,居然跟他厮杀了这么长时间。 This person, if ordinary Quasi - Divine King, that means, I enter the World of the Living's words, from now on must face pressure that really was unable to imagine.” Chu Feng sigh. “此人若是普通的准神王,那意味着,我进阳间的话,今后所要面对的还真是无法想象的压力。”楚风叹息。 He sets firm resolve to walk Strongest Road, otherwise is unable to rise in World of the Living, will be suppressed by various group of talents, does not have any superiority in the same level. 他下定决心要走最强路,不然的话真的无法在阳间崛起,会被各路天才压制,在同层次中根本没什么优势。 Chu Feng returns to Broken Universe, the preparation sneaks across, enters World of the Living! 楚风返回残破宇宙,准备偷渡,进入阳间 The feeling of almost hanging, move of like the virus, is the family/home little friend brings from the kindergarten, finally she jumped for joy to be all right quickly, I was pitiful, the headache wanted to crack, the vomit, various issues, always thought that must hang. What is most essential, this virus does not have the medicine to govern effectively, can only the hard boiling, now finally good. Apologized to everybody, the renewal has not followed, could not have attended to sending a leave slip, because I was really tossed about miserably, various types have not attended , the hope will be better tomorrow. Today braces oneself writes little section first, feared that the pure leave slip will come up to disappoint everybody. 差点挂掉的感觉,中招诺如病毒,是家里的小朋友从幼儿园带回来的,结果她很快就活蹦乱跳没事了,我却凄凄惨惨,头疼欲裂,呕吐,各种问题,总觉得要挂了。最关键的是,这种病毒没有药物可以有效治,只能硬熬,现在终于好点。给大家道歉,更新没跟上,也没顾得上发个请假条,因为我实在被折腾惨了,各种没顾上,希望明天会更好。今天硬着头皮先写一小章,怕单纯请假条上来会让大家失望。
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