SR :: Volume #10

#988: Leaps Firmament

One page of letter papers fly in the flowing light, break time River, breaks through! 一页信笺在流光中飞行,震碎时光长河,突破出来! Is this hundred million ten thousand years years ago one? Too stirring, but that is only one page of paper, unexpectedly has such penetrating power. 这是亿万载岁月前的一幕吗?太震撼人心了,可那只是一页纸张,居然有这样的穿透力。 In addition, the weapon pursues, has the light beam landing of terrifying, has the rune suppression of supreme, but, that paper is lossless, like this flies. 此外,还有兵器追赶,有恐怖的光束降落,有无上符文压制,但是,那张纸无损,就这样飞来。 Bang! 轰! Arrived finally, various light beam collisions, is fearful rune that two Faction send out wait/etc. strikes in trillion li (0.5 km) diplomacy likely, the showdown, affects letter paper here. 到最后,各种光束碰撞,像是两个阵营发出的可怕符文等在亿万里之外交击,对决,波及到信笺这里。 Moreover, the Chu Feng shocking discovery, has together the fuzzy person's shadow, but does not look clearly. 而且,楚风震惊的发现,有一道模糊的人影,但看不真切。 Big hand that ash throws is makes things of clay likely, appeared in that time photofragment, which side knows do not attack, one flashed to extinguish there. 一只灰扑扑的大手像是泥塑的,出现在那时光碎片中,不知道要攻击哪一方,在那里一闪而灭。 The aura that finally the moment it thoroughly sends out makes the person constrain, making the person palpitation, the soul tremble. 最后关头它所透发出的气息让人压抑,让人心悸,灵魂都发抖。 Until afterward, that ash threw vanished just like the clay sculpture palm, here restored tranquilly. 直到后来,那只灰扑扑的宛若泥塑般的手掌消失,这里又恢复宁静。 Even, that letter paper, that flowing light, the strength of that time, abated, blurred. 甚至,那信笺,那流光,那时间之力等,都跟着消退,模糊了下去。 Chu Feng is silent, both eyes are staring there, how is this passing? Actually is what age's past event? In the evolution history important node on some bifurcation? 楚风沉默,双目盯着那里,这是怎样的过往?究竟是什么年代的旧事?是进化史上某个分叉路上的重要节点吗? Rapidness that too had, in the pupil light vanished completes, making the person almost unable to respond, Chu Feng is unable to estimate how that was the Evolver's showdown of level, or was the fight complementary waves. 刚才的一幕发生的太快,在眸光幻灭间完成,让人几乎反应不过来,楚风无法揣度那是怎样层次的进化者的对决,或者说是战斗余波。 Even if he has the stone box asylum, is bearing the greatest pressure! 哪怕他有石盒庇护,都承受着莫大的压力! He closes the eye, tastes all that saw a moment ago, he believes that is in the evolution history the incomparably important time, his strength is what a pity insufficient, is unable to participate, cannot deduce the Paramount truth. 他闭上眼睛,回味刚才所看到的一切,他相信,那是进化史上无比重要的时刻,可惜他实力不够,无法参与,不能推演究极真相。 Opens eyes again, the pupil deep place golden color symbol twinkle, Chu Feng must understand thoroughly the space and time by Discerning Eyes, completely understood thing that the time fragment deep place hidden. 再睁眼,眸子深处金色符号闪烁,楚风火眼金睛要洞彻时空,看透时光碎片深处所隐藏的东西。 However, he discovered accidentally/surprisingly, since is Divine General, his Discerning Eyes first time expired, is not you wants to look that you can completely understand, there is silent. 但是,他意外发现,自从为神将后,他的火眼金睛第一次失效了,不是你想看你就能看透,那里寂静无声。 He more wants to observe, more is the white fog fills the air, the strength and will submerge that letter paper light at that time. 他越是想观察,越是白雾弥漫,将那时光之力、将那信笺淹没。 Its appearance is perhaps stochastic, perhaps it only appeared a moment ago that time, such hidden. 也许它的出现是随机的,也许它只出现刚才那一次,就这样隐去了。 But, on the letter paper clearly also has the words, dense and numerous characters, but he actually only hears a few words, is far from enough, he thinks the knows details. 可是,信笺上分明还有话语,还有密密麻麻的字符,而他却只听到一句话而已,远远不够,他想知道详情。 The Chu Feng estimate distance , to continue to retrocede, he attempts and examines, under not having the asylum of stone box, actually to enter in what range to be safe. 楚风估量距离,继续后退,他尝试与检验,在没有石盒的庇护下,究竟进入什么样的范围内才安全。 Shortly, he discovered that oneself has thought that hundred li (0.5 km) foot! 不久后,他发现自己多想了,百里足矣! A that so-called sword cuts off ten thousand ancient city, the smooth cross section indeed is containing inexplicably potential, but actually in reserved, does not erupt. 那所谓的一剑斩断万古城,平滑的断面的确蕴含着莫名的“势”,但却是在内敛,并不爆发出来。 Only extremely to get close to, many triggers some, will make the person unable to withstand. 唯有太过接近,才多少触发一些,会让人承受不了。 Chu Feng holds breath a dry cold air/Qi, a sword chops ten thousand ancient city, this simply Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, what he previously felt is only fur! 楚风倒吸一口枯冷气,一剑劈断万古城,这简直惊天动地,他早先所感受到的只是皮毛 He is very difficult to imagine, if some people stimulates in half city that smooth cross section to contain truly potential, will have anything, is inferior to ponder that is afraid. 他很难想象,若是有人激发出半截城池那平滑的断面中真正蕴藏着的“势”,会发生什么,不及细想便不寒而栗。 Whether will let trim potential surface ruptured? 是否会让整片位面崩开 Can cause the chaos large explosion? 会否导致混沌大爆炸? What can this piece of broken universe also finally the remaining? 这片残破的宇宙最终还能剩下什么? Chu Feng shook the head, did not go to think. 楚风摇了摇头,不去多想了。 His knows, in that ancient evolution history, has the incomparably magnificent years, if here a branch road, a node, that is also magnificent, vibration past and present in the future. 知道,在那古老的进化史上,真的存在无比辉煌的岁月,这里若是其中一个分岔路,一个节点,那也是瑰丽的,震动古今未来的。 Careful observing and emulating long time, the research quite a while, Chu Feng then leaves, believes firmly that cannot see anything again. 仔细观摩良久,研究半天,楚风这才离开,确信再也看不出什么。 He goes toward the surface. 他向着地表而去。 The ground, one group of people were knitting the brows, study this wooden city to be very long, but nobody had any means. 地上,一群人都在皱眉,研究此木城很久了,但是都没有人有什么办法。 Moreover, some time ago also presented casualties, including some World of the Living's talent people in painful stuffy, has been cut off the arm, bleeds unceasingly, cannot stop. 而且,不久前还出现了伤亡,连阳间的天才都有人在痛苦的闷哼,断掉了手臂,流血不断,根本止不住。 Some people attack the wooden city, even if separated by very far, but by backlash, his attack by ten times of enlargements, was returned. 有人进攻木城,哪怕相隔很远,但还是被反噬了,他的进攻被十倍放大,打了回来。 A Chu Feng dumbness, this talent initially looks somewhat bad luck, the words that but also thinks are lucky, he thorough underground has witnessed terrifying how, uses military force against here, but can also live is the miracle. 楚风一阵无言,这位天才初看有些倒霉,但也想的话算是幸运,他深入地下可是亲眼目睹了多么的恐怖,对这里动武,还能活下来就算是奇迹。 Ye Hao, we are helpless, not having the means to help you shelter this group of people to pass, can only retreat.” Hong Xuan opens the mouth. 叶昊,我们无能为力,没有办法帮你庇护这群人过关,只能退走了。”洪玄开口。 But in this group of people also has to bring to sneer, hence the smelting trial ended, no matter succeeds or not, among them the agreement and pledge fulfilled. 而这群人中也有带着冷笑的,至此试炼结束,不管成功与否,他们间的约定与誓言就算履行完毕了。 When the time comes, they can start to Ye Hao. 到时候,他们就可以对叶昊下手。 Initially, they were fettered by the rules, is thinking the same step showdown, took down with Amethyst Heavenly Thunder by this villain finally completely, the solid shame, was the time criticizes. 当初,他们被条条框框束缚,想着同阶对决,结果被这恶棍拿紫晶天雷全部放倒,实在耻辱,是时候清算了。 Let alone other people, are Fei Ling Fairy are bad with her several best friend looks, wants to beat this Ye Hao, whole body that they explode burned black, added them to be ugly, is really absurd, may endure the fairy maiden paternal aunt not to endure! 别说其他人,就是菲灵仙子与她的几位闺蜜都神色不善,想殴打这个叶昊,将她们炸的满身焦黑,还说她们丑,真是岂有此理,是可忍仙子姑姑不可忍! Chu Feng is very calm, said: Had not finished, your incorrect words, I can actually lead the people in the past!” 楚风很淡定,道:“还没结束,你们不行的话,我却可以带领众人过去!” You crack a joke, is helpless including us, why do you overcome an obstacle?” Has the World of the Living's talent opens the mouth. “你开什么玩笑,连我们都无能为力,你凭什么闯关?”有阳间的天才开口。 Depends on me is a winner, once put to turn you, you are my captive!” The Chu Feng stance is spirited, that may really hit the person to hit the face specially, curses at people exposes shortcomings specially. “就凭我是胜者,曾将你们都放翻,尔等都是我的俘虏!”楚风姿态昂扬,那可真是打人专打脸,骂人专揭短。 You......” “你……” Your what you? Follows me!” Chu Feng waves, the people start off with him. “你什么你?都跟我走!”楚风一挥手,众人跟着他上路。 Bang! 砰! He breaks open a tunnel, is having several hundred people thoroughly underground, naturally maintains the enough far distance, not close to the cross section of that half city. 他破开一个地洞,带着数百人深入地下,当然保持足够远的距离,没有临近那半截城池的断面。 Even if so, to final people also clear saw that this is by the remnant city that a person sword breaks out, felt that the heart trembles. 哪怕如此,到最后人们也清晰的看到这是被人一剑劈开的残城,感觉心头发抖。 Walked, the smelting trial will soon end, we are leaping Firmament!” Chu Feng laughs. “走了,试炼即将结束,我们在跃上苍!”楚风大笑。 He teased here, crosses this city, for Firmament's Immortal. 他在这里调侃,越过此城,是为上苍仙 The people a little are dumbstruck, they go forward in place bottom extremely fast, is the city pool bottom section crosses, unexpectedly must succeed. 众人都有点发懵,他们在地底极速前进,是城池底部横渡过去的,居然要成功了。 Generally speaking, this Danger Land, such city, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth will be blocked, desiring to fly high is difficult to leap, but they overcome an obstacle to succeed today unexpectedly. 一般来说,这种绝地,这样的城池,天上地下都将被封锁,插翅难跃,可是今天他们居然闯关要成功了。 No one has thought that this is the remnant city, underground has the flaw. 谁也没有想到这是残城,地下有缺陷。 World of the Living's disciple somewhat could not sit still, their some people see in the time fragment the fuzzy letter paper, both eyes are fiery, wish one could to overrun immediately, seize. 阳间的弟子有些坐不住了,他们有人看到时光碎片中模糊的信笺,双目火热,恨不得立刻冲过去,攫取到手。 Chu Feng opens the mouth seriously, said: I warned you, do not act unreasonably, do not kill us!” 楚风严肃地开口,道:“我警告你们,不要乱来,别害死我们所有人!” Some World of the Living talent eyebrow first choices selecting, was not convinced very much, they want to settle down, observed and emulated carefully, but prevented by Hong Xuan and Fei Ling. 阳间有些天才眉头挑了挑,不是很服气,他们想驻足,仔细观摩一下,但是被洪玄菲灵阻止。 This place makes them feel restless, stretch across to first well. 这地方让他们觉得不安,还是先横跨过去为好。 „, Rushes, after end, we turn head to study again.” disciple nod that is not convinced. “也罢,闯过去,到了尽头后,我们回头再研究。”那不服气的弟子点头。 Then, crosses, has the half-day time to arrive at the end, goes through. 就这样,一路横渡,足足有半天的时间才到达尽头,穿行过去。 Their speeds are how fast, unexpectedly expenditure such long time, conceivable this half remnant city how huge. 他们的速度何其快,居然花费这么长的时间,可以想象这半截残城多么的巨大。 Has succeeded, we came out, well, the front has a light gate likely, is interlinked with the outside, was this walks?!” “成功了,我们出来了,咦,前方像是有一条光门,跟外界相通,这是走出来了?!” Haha, cannot think that we complete the smelting trial really!” “哈哈,想不到啊,我们真的完成试炼!” Some people yelled pleasantly surprised, because felt that the Broken Universe aura, should soon leave this piece of Mystic Realm. 一些人惊喜大叫,因为感觉到了残破宇宙的气息,应该是即将离开这片秘境 At this time, looked back again, Chu Feng body stiff there, the scalp sent to explode. 这时,再回首,楚风身体僵硬在那里,头皮发炸。 But Hong Xuan, Fei Ling, Zi Luan , Yuan Mo and the others also shock, the whole person is similar to the clay sculpture woodcarving, dull being in a daze, both eyes present the panic-stricken color, looks back to look out. 洪玄菲灵紫鸾元魔等人也都震撼,整个人如同泥塑木雕般,呆呆的发愣,双目出现惊恐之色,回首遥望。 As before was in that time photofragment, had the problem. 依旧是那时光碎片中,出现问题。 That is a tattered mirror, sends out Primal Chaos Qi, a past corner/horn truth that doubtful supreme Supreme Treasure, its Shining Upon leaves, recorded had had anything! 那是一面破烂的镜子,散发混沌气,疑似无上至宝,它映照出的昔日一角真相,纪录了曾经发生过什么! Its Shining Upon has a person, the body is great, grasps a sword, wields suddenly, must break out eternal All Heavens! 映照出一个人,身子伟岸,手持一柄剑,猛然挥动而出,要劈开万古诸天 This mirror...... Recorded the next past all, careful...... Staring, do not miss, goes back to report Heavenly Venerate!” “这镜子……记录下昔日的一切吗,仔细……盯着啊,不要错过,回去禀告天尊!” The World of the Living's talent shivers, the lip is trembling. 阳间的天才颤抖,嘴唇都在哆嗦。 Bang! 轰! Then, the people saw that person violent wheel moves, broke out to prevent, what he cut off was the space and time, was karma, was all roots! 然后,人们就看到,那个人猛烈轮动起来,劈开了一切阻挡,他斩断的是时空,是因果,是一切之根源! At that moment, broke eternal, has interrupted eternal All Heavens. 那一刻,打破了永恒,截断了万古诸天 Chu Feng in frightened, that is silent one, the letter paper that but actually previously saw him were more fearful , but also is grand, startled billows rolling up and pushing along past and present in the future! 楚风都在惊悚,那是无声的一幕,但是却比他早先看到的信笺等还可怕,还要壮阔,惊澜卷动古今未来! A mirror, what under records is the hundred million ten thousand years years ago past events, is related with this city, in a minute of bifurcation with evolution history is related, is related with the fearful node. 一面镜子,所记录下的是亿万载岁月前的旧事,跟此城有关,跟进化史上的分叉路有关,跟可怕的节点有关。 This is Chu Feng's guessed, his both eyes are deep and quiet, in heart rolling mountains. 这是楚风的猜测,他双目幽邃,心中大浪滔天。 Looked quickly, in the mirror has this city, related to this city!” “快看,镜子中有这座城池,涉及到了此城!” Bang! 轰! As if the difficult situation transmits, must break the mind of person. 仿佛惊涛骇浪传来,要震碎人的心神。 However, these are the misconception, actually simply does not have the sound, that piece of broken mirror Shining Upon leaves was the silent past old scenery. 但是,这些都是错觉,其实根本没有声音,那片残破的镜子所映照出的都是无声的昔日旧景。 That person is too fuzzy, by the inexplicable energy mist package, was defeated and dispersed including the chaos, the sword light tearing past and present in his hand, he breaks out is really the space and time, what cuts off is karma. 那个人太模糊,被莫名的能量雾气包裹,连混沌都在溃散,他手中的剑光撕裂古今,他劈开的果真是时空,斩断的是因果 And, in that vast space and time, on grand lands, were too many like the city of wooden city scale, this wooden city there seems only a small fortress. 其中,那片浩瀚的时空中,一片壮阔的土地上,像木城这种规模的城池太多了,这木城在那里都似乎只是一个小型堡垒。 That sword chops the space and time, but wipes the sword light to scratch the wooden city, making it break drops half, drops, crashes in the rumble...... Becoming in light of this. 那一剑劈断时空,而一抹剑光擦中木城,让它断落下一半,跌落下来,在隆隆声中坠落……成就此地。 This so-called cross section, this so-called great city, but in years past to strong sword glow in wipes the sword light to scratch a city to break to fall? Is that real battlefield fearful?!” “这所谓的断面,这所谓的巨城,只是昔年至强剑芒中的一抹剑光擦中的一座城断落下来的?那真实的战场到底多么可怕?!”
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