SR :: Volume #10

#987: One the sword breaks eternally

A deep green city, is broad and grand, but the whole is the wooden structure, such vigorous wooden city is really rare, the most minimum those present have not seen before this. 一座碧绿的城池,恢宏而壮阔,但整体都是木质结构,这么雄浑的木城实在罕见,最起码在场的人此前都没有见过。 Chu Feng looked at Hong Xuan and Fei Ling Fairy, discovers on their faces also to reveal surprisedly, cannot be tranquil, from the World of the Living's Heavenly Venerate later generation so, indicated that this city is fearful and uncommon. 楚风看了一眼洪玄菲灵仙子,发现他们脸上也都露出惊疑,不能平静,来自阳间的天尊后人都如此,足见此城之可怕与不凡。 Little brother, have the Little Sisters, who you and others seen so the ancient city of style in World of the Living?” Chu Feng asks. “小弟,小妹们,你等谁在阳间见过如此样式的古老城池?”楚风开口询问。 The World of the Living's talent feels chatty, your Broken Universe Indigenous, dares to call us for little brother Little Sister? Especially several talent females, usually were called as the fairy maiden to be used to it, now was called the Little Sister, really...... Absurd! Highly improper? 阳间的天才都感觉腻歪,你一个残破宇宙土著而已,也敢称呼我们为小弟小妹?尤其是几位天才女子,平日被人称作仙子都习惯了,现在被人叫小妹,真是……岂有此理!成何体统? However, they do not have getting angry wish, waited to leave the place of this smelting trial to say again, does not think to pay the price to destroy now. 但是,她们也没有翻脸意愿,等离开这片试炼之地再说,不想现在付出代价毁诺。 World of the Living this type of grand wooden city, some people have not come from the Heavenly Venerate disciple, experiences the nature to be unusual, great city that but, this type of green and glossy lumber builds, is a little strange, cannot find out the foundation. 阳间没有这种宏伟的木质城池,有些人来自天尊门下,见识自然超凡,可是,这种绿油油的木材筑造的巨城,有点诡异,摸不清根底。 Who hopes with the lumber? Heavenly Fire may burn down cleanly. 谁愿用木料?一把天火可焚烧干净。 This city is a little strange, how Fei Ling Junior Sister do you see?” The Hong Xuan opens the mouth, the silver robe flap flap, the whole body is the sacred white light, is accompanying the light rain, the whole person ultra dust is refined. “这座城池有点怪,菲灵师妹你怎么看?”洪玄开口,银袍猎猎,周身都是神圣的白光,伴着光雨,整个人超尘脱俗。 He is bringing smiling mildly, tooth shining white, the makings like the jade. 他带着笑,牙齿莹白,气质温润如玉。 Fei Ling smiles to him, said: In the personally written letter that probably in a very ancient age keeps has seen a remnant chart, is only the impression is somewhat fuzzy.” 菲灵对他嫣然一笑,道:“好像在一本非常古老年代留下来的手札中见到过一副残图,只是印象有些模糊。” These two experiences surpass in other people, from attending to discussing, disregarded Chu Feng. 这两人的见识超于其他人,自顾相谈起来,将楚风都无视了。 Hong Xuan nods, said: "Um, if I have not guessed that wrong, here was extraordinary, may in some key node of very ancient time with the evolution history be related, related to the minute of branch road of evolution history. ” 洪玄点头,道:“嗯,若是我没有猜错的话,这里了不得了,有可能跟进化史上非常古老的时期的某一关键节点有关,涉及到进化史的分岔路。” Broken Universe and people of Little World of the Dead universe knit the brows, although listens to the middle of this to have very extraordinary matter, but does not understand during eventually the secret facts. 残破宇宙小阴间宇宙的人都皱眉,虽然听着这当中有很了不得的事,但终究是不了解当中的隐情。 Chu Feng is different, he is not short with the Stone Fox being together time, fully realizes some past events, a minute of bifurcation in so-called evolution history, that is quite terrifying. 楚风就不一样了,他跟石狐相处时间不短,深知一些旧事,所谓的进化史上的分叉路,那是相当恐怖的。 Several nodes, several to the utmost radiant ancient times, the road of evolution once furcation, but now what they follow is only a road. 几个节点,几个极尽璀璨的古老时期,进化之路曾分叉,而他们现在所遵循的只是其中的一条路。 According to the inference, how many nodes in some, should have a more terrifying road to be right, but where do these Evolutionary Civilization magnificent light shine in? 按照推理,在某几处节点,应该有更恐怖的路才对,可是那些进化文明的辉煌之光普照在何方? Some other World of the Living's several talent also few people call out in alarm, obviously once indistinctly saw to hear the secret facts, but concrete does not know. 阳间的其他几位天才也有个别人惊呼,显然曾隐约见听到过隐情,但是具体不知。 Chu Feng ponders over the moment, discrete to get close to city, investigates this place mystery, the big city wall lumber is a whole, does not piece together likely. 楚风琢磨片刻,谨慎接近城池,去探查此地的奥秘,高大的城墙木料为一整体,不像是拼凑起来的。 This quite strange, this is how thick ancient wood, the texture is clear, sight of green, plain gloomy sparkling stone light. 这相当的诡异,这得是多么粗大的古木,纹理清晰,绿意点点,略带古朴暗淡的莹光。 He has tried, this city firm excess, let alone holy artifact could not injure, he took out God Level to fight the sword not to have the means to leave the trace quietly above. 他已经试过,这座城坚固的过分,别说圣器伤不了,他悄然取出一口神级战剑都没有办法在上面留下痕迹。 wait/etc. was also trying to find out as for Hong Xuan, Fei Ling, this possibly involves the civilization a minute of bifurcation, another direction of evolution, naturally makes their state of mind fluctuate, thinks very much has harvested. 至于洪玄菲灵等也都在摸索,这可能涉及到文明的分叉路,进化的另一个方向,自然让他们心绪起伏,很想有所收获。 Crosses the wooden city, this immortality, soul light lasts forever, for Firmament's Immortal.” Chu Feng looks at the character in city wall, to Hong Xuan and other humanity: Your elders are somewhat abnormal, even if they for Divinity, can cross this city? Unexpectedly makes us come here smelting trial.” “越过木城,此身不朽,魂光永存,是为上苍仙。”楚风看着城墙上的字,对洪玄等人道:“你们的长辈有些变态,纵然他们为神祇,能越过此城吗?居然让我们来这里试炼。” His oneself is Divine General, felt, in this city is too terrifying, has the inexplicable halo to dissipate, lets in his heart uneasy. 他自身就是神将,已经感觉到,这城中太恐怖,有莫名的光晕逸散出来,让他都心中不宁 Once approaches this city, is unable to fly! 一旦接近此城,便无法飞行! This is not good indication, Chu Feng as peak level Divine General cannot fly very much, is the how fearful matter, here has the inexplicable suppression. 这是很不好的征兆,楚风身为巅峰级神将都不能飞行,得是多么可怕的事,这里有莫名的压制。 Soars in the distant place, looks forward, in the city a darkness, this city seems to be infinite distance, including universe Great Desolation, cannot be seeing the road ahead end unexpectedly. 在远处腾空,向前望去,城中一片黑暗,这座城池仿佛无穷远,连着宇宙洪荒,居然看不到前路尽头。 After the moment, under the Chu Feng discrete climbing up city wall, looks into the distance forward, sees, the innermost feelings shock. 片刻后,楚风谨慎的攀上城墙,向前眺望,入目之下,内心震撼。 Only then in the city wall can watch something! 只有才城墙上才能观看到一些东西! At this time, Hong Xuan, Fei Ling and the others saw him to be so bold, followed, stands in the city wall. 此时,洪玄菲灵等人见他如此大胆,也都跟了上来,站在城墙上。 In the city, that is space and time turbulent flow, that is the time fragment, that was floating various prehistoric traces, making their minds greatly be attacked. 城中,那是时空乱流,那是光阴碎片,那是漂浮着的各种史前痕迹,让他们的心灵受到巨大的冲击。 The time fragment fluctuates, is Time River is interrupted likely, was punctured, was imprisoned here, a that region haziness, just like linking the endless years ago world, can from the place of that time fragment dancing in the air counter trace in that ancient time and world likely. 时光碎片起伏,像是一段岁月长河被截断,被打穿,被人禁锢在这里,那片地带一片迷蒙,宛若连着一个无尽岁月前的世界,像是可以从那片时光碎片飞舞之地逆溯进那古老的时代与世界中。 In addition some wooden palaces, are the halves, incomplete, is having the clear gloss. 此外有些木质殿宇,都是半截的,残缺的,带着晶莹的光泽。 What I saw, is that the tree of origin?!” Fei Ling thought that own soul is shivering. “我看到了什么,那是起源之树?!”菲灵觉得自己的灵魂都在颤抖。 In the great city, is floating the half old tree, is very boundless, very huge, the trunk and branches is rough, spans there, has taken up very big space. 宏大的城池中,漂浮着半截古树,很磅礴,非常的巨大的,枝干粗糙,横亘在那里,占了很大的空间。 On half old tree only then such several leaves, but on each leaf is holding planet. 半截古树上只有那么几片叶子,可是每片叶子上都托着一颗星球 What situation did a past war project on? This is the tree of origin, in the innate Supreme Treasure plant that in the chaos grows, the prestige can be infinite! 当年的一战打到什么地步了?这可是起源之树,在混沌中都生长出来的先天至宝植物,威能无穷! It is reported that Supreme Being of some World of the Living super ancient time once a refining young tree, grasped it to brush falls the world myriad things, various Dibi draws back, Heavenly Venerate horizontal corpse, not with offending front. 据悉,阳间某一超级古老时代的大能炼化一株小树,手持它便可刷落天下万物,诸敌避退,天尊横尸,莫与撄锋。 This thing also called the tree of Order, may person energy, divine ability and other enlargements, send out invincibly strikes! 这东西又叫秩序之树,可将一个人的能量、神通等放大,发出无敌一击! Chu Feng looked looked, he thought suddenly did not have the means to cross this city. 楚风看了又看,他觉得一时间没有办法越过此城。 In fact, once crosses this city, in the city wall has the prompt, for Firmament's Immortal! 事实上,一旦越过此城,城墙上有提示,是为上苍仙 But once, is defeated, that estimate always can not be reincarnated. 可是,一旦失败的话,那估计永世不得超生。 Chu Feng sighed, he was supposing smelting trial could be defeated. 楚风叹气,他估摸着试炼可能要失败。 Such being the case, he wants to kill to consider as finished Hong Xuan and the others very much here, first collected an interest to say again. 既然如此,他很想在这里将洪玄等人都干掉算了,先收点利息再说。 However, has not arrived at final moment, he pours does not have anxiously take action. 不过,还没有到最后关头,他倒也没有急着出手 Afterward, the people disperse, along city wall the line, explores and searches in all around. 随后,人们散开,沿着城墙而行,在四周探索与寻觅。 Chu Feng puts aside these people, including Yuan Mo and Zi Luan , oneself found a place to enter underground, he wants to approach the ground to look. 楚风撇开这些人,包括元魔紫鸾,自己找了一个地方进入地下,他想接近地基看一看。 This submergence encounters the danger, is better than him as the Divine General almost destruction, is the idle talk other people? 这一下潜就遇到危险,强如他身为神将都差点覆灭,更遑论是他人? His extremely fast retrocedes, and early is prepared, first hides in stone box to escape one section! 极速后退,且早有准备,第一时间躲进石盒中才逃过一截! He discovered startled, under this city the so-called ground has the strangeness, has inexplicable and strange one fearful potential, almost breaks him! 他愕然发现,这城下所谓的地基有古怪,有莫名而古怪的一种可怕的“势”,差点将他震碎! Even if hides when stone box, he is intermittent the palpitation, this has never had the matter, the must know, crosses the dangerous numerous chaos seas continually is insufficient this. 哪怕是躲在石盒中,他都阵阵心悸,这可是从来没有过的事,须知,连横渡危险重重的混沌海时都不至于此。 This is not the energy, but what is pure is only one type strange potential. 这不是什么能量,而单纯的只是一种古怪的“势”。 He is frightened, hides draws back in stone box backward, then to diving, enters soil layer most deep place, looks an outcome. 他惊悚,躲在石盒中向后退,接着又向下潜去,进入土层最深处,去看个究竟。 Arrived finally, him has shocked, has discovered the fearful truth! 到最后,他真的震惊了,发现了可怕的真相! Simply does not have the so-called ground, after thorough underground distance, completely empty, where has any city cornerstone! 根本没有所谓的地基,深入地下一段距离后,空空如也,哪里有什么城池基石! This is the remnant city, once cut off?!” “这是残城,曾被人斩断?!” Chu Feng was vibrated greatly, some does not dare believe. 楚风大受震动,有些不敢相信。 He may that line of characters of clear remembering city wall, once crosses this city, that means to keep aloof, immortal does not extinguish, that appraisal was too high! 他可清晰的记得城墙的那行字,一旦越过此城,那意味着高高在上,不朽不灭,那评价太高了! But, who can think, it had cut off? 可是,谁能想到,它已经被斩断? Careful staring, the entire city cut off a sword likely around the middle, lower half knows did not go to there, only leaves behind on the half, is situated here, buries in the soil layer the part, therefore looks like also likely is a complete city. 仔细凝视,整座城池像是被人一剑拦腰斩断,下半截不知道去了那里,只留下上半截,坐落在这里,埋入土层中部分,因此看起来还像是一座完整的城池。 The cross section is smooth and smooth, is containing the terrifying potential, will have the aura of suppression past and present future to fill the air unexpectedly! 断面平整与光滑,却蕴含着恐怖的“势”,竟有镇压古今未来之气息弥漫! Because, the Chu Feng attempt throws a God Level short lance, the result is silent, has disintegrated in front of breaking of that ancient old town pool bottom section, turns into fine powder. 因为,楚风尝试扔出去一杆神级短矛,结果无声无息,在那古老城池底部的断面前瓦解了,化成齑粉 So long as enters in certain distance, world myriad things all suppressed collapse. 只要进入一定距离内,天下万物皆被压制的崩溃。 This sword must cut off simply eternally, I hide in stone box unexpectedly in fearful and apprehensive, was too terrifying!” Chu Feng look incomparable serious. “这一剑简直是要斩断万古,我躲在石盒中居然都在心惊肉跳,太恐怖了!”楚风神色无比的严肃。 He draws back backward, simultaneously is diving, the pressure changes is small immediately, how his knows crossed the entire wooden city, although was opportunistic, but completed the smelting trial not to be a problem. 他向后退,同时又在下潜,压力顿时变小,他知道如何横渡整座木城了,虽然是取巧,但是完成试炼不成问题。 The submergence is far enough, that so-called cross section, a that suppression past and present future sword Great Influence, will then not aim at him. 下潜足够远,那所谓的断面,那镇压古今未来的一剑“大势”,便不会针对他。 "Um, what is that?! ” “嗯,那是什么?!” One page of letter paper? 一页信纸? The Chu Feng pupil contraction, he is staring under the city. 楚风瞳孔收缩,他盯着城池之下。 Here is spacious, after a sword cuts off, just like a universe Grand Canyon, but there, the time accident of the ground, and is accompanying a yellowing letter paper. 这里非常空旷,被一剑斩断后,宛若一片宇宙大峡谷般,而在那里,时光乱流起伏,并伴着一张泛黄的信纸。 This somewhat is really absurd, time fragment, the space turbulent flow, strangles to death Divinity sufficiently, letter paper that but, that page of knows anything ages do not leave behind although withered and yellow, but actually also ups and downs, perfect. 这实在有些荒谬,时光碎片,空间乱流等,足以绞杀神祇,可是,那页不知道什么年代留下的信笺虽枯黄了,但却还在沉浮,完好无损。 At this moment, Chu Feng heard a sound suddenly, likely is resonant voice rings out, clear as a bell, enlightens the benighted, making the person alert, just like being enlightened, was being cleared away including the mind. 就在这时,楚风突然听到了一种声音,像是黄钟大吕般,振聋发聩,让人警醒,宛若醍醐灌顶,连心灵都在被涤荡。 Will happen one day, you will come......” “终有一天,你们会来……” This transmitted from years before hundred million ten thousand years likely, is having the endless long ago aura, vibrated the trim space and time! 这像是从亿万载前的岁月中传来,带着无尽古远的气息,震动整片时空! Chu Feng is a little in a daze, who is this is speaking? 楚风有点发呆,这是谁在说话? Then, he noticed that withered and yellow letter paper is shining, moreover is magnificent rays of light, in some above ancient writing, just like living, is beating. 然后,他看到那张枯黄的信纸在发光,而且是光芒大盛,在上面有一些古老的文字,宛若活过来,在跳动。 However, he did not know. 但是,他根本不认识。 These characters likely are the Great Dao's carriers, likely was the carrying/sustaining the ancient time of trim, very fearful. 那些字像是大道的载体,又像是承载着整片的古代时光,非常的可怕。 Then, he saw silhouette, saw a person, erupts there, obviously melts trillion years ago! 接着,他看到了一道身影,看到了一个人,在那里爆发,显化出亿万年前的一幕! Rode the most of the day long-distance car(riage), late goes home very much, then renewed was ashamed, was so late, only then this chapter, but went home finally, tomorrow can try hard. 坐了大半天长途车,很晚才回家,然后更新就羞愧了,这么晚,只有这一章了,不过总算是回家了,明天可以努力了。
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