SR :: Volume #10

#986: For Firmament's Immortal

Your don't tell me could not see, my side group of people are powerful, from World of the Living, all unusual refined, expensive is Saint, overcomes an obstacle very with ease.” “你们难道看不到,我身边这群人都实力强大,来自阳间,皆超凡脱俗,贵为圣者,闯关很轻松。” Chu Feng does best to convince, wants to attempt final saving, takes large quantities of people to start off together. 楚风苦口婆心,想要尝试最后的“挽救”,带上大批人一起上路。 However, Broken Universe many people did not appreciate kindness rendered, did not say the distant place, this region is gathering several tens of thousands people, but in the end genuine going forward also several hundreds. 然而,残破宇宙很多人不领情,不说远处,就这块区域就聚集着数万人,但是到头来真正上前者也不过数百。 In the middle of this including Yuan Mo, the purple billows from the World of the Dead's person, is willing to go out of the so-called refugee camp, must rush to rush with him. 这当中包括元魔、紫澜等来自阴间的人,甘愿走出所谓的难民营,要跟他去闯上一闯。 "hē hē, everybody, I urged you to repent and be saved, with words that he went, now looks well, but you wanted knows he to offend World of the Living these talents, must certainly kill him in the journey, what good end he did not have, did you also believe him? ” “呵呵,各位,我劝你们回头是岸,跟他去的话,现在看着不错,但是你们要知道他得罪了阳间那些天才,在路途上肯定要干掉他,他自己都没什么好下场,你们还信他?” Also there is a humanity: “Wú, is truly laughable, he is Clay Bodhisattva crosses river, but also wants to bring salvation to us, starting off, the mind is dangerous. ” 也有人道:“唔,确实挺可笑的,他自己都是泥菩萨过河,还想普度我们,跟着上路,居心险恶啊。” The Chu Feng vision is swift and fierce, these people also are really excessive, the good words persuaded, must deliver them a chance, finally taunted. 楚风目光凌厉,这些人还真是过分,好言相劝,原本要送他们一桩机缘呢,结果却冷嘲热讽。 Naturally, he does not need to say anything, soon, this group of people will regret, spoke with the fact. 当然,他也没有必要多说什么,用不了多久,这群人就会后悔,用事实说话。 He thought that is unsafe, Yuan Mo and Zi Luan wait/etc. mixed in several hundred people, slightly some conspicuous. 他觉得还不保险,元魔紫鸾等混在几百人中,略微有些“显眼”。 Chu Feng looks to Hong Xuan, Fei Ling and the others, said: I said, fellow little brothers and Little Sister, you frightened my Broken Universe Evolver, they said that you must kill me, real?” 楚风看向洪玄菲灵等人,道:“我说,各位小弟、小妹,你们将我残破宇宙进化者吓到了,他们都说你们要干掉我,是真的吗?” After several talents hear he called, the complexion was black, after three days of training, the body of their black hard coke was also white. 十几位天才听到他称呼后,脸色都黑了,经过三天的修养,他们黑焦炭之体又都白了。 Now are they angry, whom shout little brother Little Sister? If not there is a pledge in the god, must pat him not to be possible immediately. 现在他们恼怒,喊谁小弟小妹呢?若非有誓言在神,非要立刻拍死他不可。 I a little must explain, among us Dragon-Tiger strives for hegemony, whose competes first under the heavens young expert, is best to control in a small area, do not affect other, brings disaster to innocently, how regardless of we struggle, must assure the safety of these people.” Chu Feng direction behind Evolver. “我有一点要说明,咱们间龙虎争霸,竞逐谁天下第一年轻高手,最好控制在小范围内,不要波及其他,殃及无辜,无论我们怎么争,都要保证这些人的安全。”楚风指向身后的进化者 These people are very immediately grateful, the critical moment, Ye Hao is still thinking of them. 这些人顿时很感激,关键时刻,叶昊还在为他们着想。 The World of the Living's talent reveals the color of disdaining to him, who dares to say rashly competes the position of first under the heavens young expert, if will pass to World of the Living to go to be smiled. 阳间的天才对他露出不屑之色,谁敢贸然说竞逐天下第一年轻高手之位,若传到阳间去会被人笑死。 The World of the Living's young monster, is really abnormal, some are Heavenly Venerate train personally, is final disciple, the terrifying to the region that is unable to imagine! 阳间的年轻怪物,实在过于变态,有些是天尊亲自培养起来的,算是关门弟子,恐怖到无法想象的境地! Ok, how regardless of we struggle, will not injure to other people.” Hong Xuan nods, the snow white clothes flap flap, the whole body fills the white light, is refined toward the ultra dust, is holy, simultaneously the energy aura compels the person. “行,无论我们怎么争,都不会伤到其他人。”洪玄点头,雪白衣服猎猎,周身弥漫白光,朝超尘脱俗,非常圣洁,同时能量气息迫人。 You heard, followed me!” Finally, Chu Feng convenes to 200 people, adds to altogether have more than 500 people, starts off with them together. “你们听到了吧,跟我走!”最终,楚风又召集到200人,前后加起来共有500多人,跟着他们一起上路。 So-called smelting trial place, because they open, after visiting officially, immediately felt own tiny, this is one piece does not have the vast celadonite of Sun. 所谓试炼地,因他们开启,正式踏足当中后,立时感觉到自身的渺小,这是一片没有太阳的浩瀚绿土。 The land is the green color, may actually not represent the life to be vigorous, green makes the person send to terrify, does not have point vitality/angry. 土地为绿颜色,可却不代表生命蓬勃,绿的让人发瘆,没有一点生气。 The sky also floats the green cloud, slightly is strange. 天空也漂浮绿云,略显诡异。 The distant place, the mountain best pupil has 100,000 zhang (3.33 m), spans the front, rows, are similar to arrives at day Divine Sword, is sending out cold murderous aura. 远处,大山高足有100000丈,横亘前方,一排排,如同抵天神剑,散发着冷冽的杀气 This is a road, must go over hill and dale, is accompanying the ruins, some remnants of destroyed building on mountain, some at present. 这是一条路,要翻山越岭过去,伴着废墟,有些断壁残垣在山上,有些就在眼前。 Not what fearful, is only the vestige, our thorough several hundred li (0.5 km), what danger doesn't have?” Some person of light languages. “没什么可怕的,只是遗迹而已,我们深入几百里,也没什么危险啊?”有人轻语。 However, Chu Feng actually slightly frowns, this stretch of region he felt that is not very ordinary, is he thought that some places could not completely understand slightly, he avoided as far as possible. 然而,楚风却微微蹙眉,这片地带他感觉很不一般,就是他都觉得有些地方略微看不透,他尽量避开了。 Walks, is all right is better.” Chu Feng said. “走吧,没事更好。”楚风道。 Hong Xuan, Fei Ling Fairy wait/etc. is very calm, they somewhat rely on, walks shoulder to shoulder in the same place, stands in the front line. 洪玄菲灵仙子等都很镇定,他们有些自恃,并肩走在一起,站在最前方。 “Chi!” “哧!” Suddenly, when stretch of ruins, rubble splash, silhouette stands together, grasps a sword to divide forward. 突然,一片废墟中,瓦砾飞溅时,一道身影立起,手持一口剑向前劈来。 The towering change indeed frightened people to jump, but, after seeing it is anything, the people have smiled, this was only a klutz. 突兀的变化的确吓了人们一跳,可是,当看到它是什么后,众人都笑了,这只是一个木头人。 Moreover, not three-dimensional, is flat, like has the plank to make roughly, the whole person is flat, grasps a rotten wooden sword, is somewhat funny. 而且,还不是立体的,是扁平的,像是有木板粗糙制成,整个人都扁平,手持一口烂木剑,有些滑稽。 Although a World of the Living talent has not been serious, but take action, has grasped silver sacred sword, the standard keeps off forward. 阳间一位天才虽然没当一回事,但还是出手了,手持一口银色圣剑,向前格挡过去。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 A scary appearance, silver sacred sword cut off by that rotten wooden sword, and that sword chops to fall downward, must cut his body. 吓人的一幕出现,银色圣剑被那口烂木剑斩断,并且那一剑向下劈落,要斩中他的身体了。 All people are stunned, that flat klutz seems like the roughest puppet, is the result actually such formidable? 所有人都愕然,那个扁平的木头人看起来像是最为粗糙的木偶,可是结果却这么的强大? It has not sent out a fluctuation of energy, does not have the Order rune twinkle, what depends on is only a brute force? 它没有散发一点能量波动,也无秩序符文闪烁,凭的只是一身蛮力? ! 噗! That World of the Living's talent achieved Saint Dominion, the result was unable to avoid, was stood directly chops, turns into two pieces, was been broken by neat twisting including Death Substituting Talisman. 那位阳间的天才达到了圣者领域,结果没有能躲避开,被直接立劈,化成两片,连替死符都被干净利落的绞碎。 This person was executed by a sword, blood also, physical body also, but actually turns into the dead blood, the corpse, Essence, Qi and Spirit of whole body vanished. 此人被一剑格杀,血液还在,肉体还在,但是却化成死血,死尸,全身的精气神都消失了。 That rotten wooden sword is too terrifying, the murder soul is very relaxed. 那口烂木剑太恐怖,杀人魂魄很轻松。 Then puts in an appearance, a klutz in ruins has killed World of the Living talent Saint, is this how fearful matter? 这才一照面啊,废墟中的一个木头人就杀了阳间一位天才圣者,这是何其可怕的事? The Chu Feng pupil contraction, he is staring at that rotten wooden sword, always felt that dark-red long blade that brings from Reincarnation Road is similar to him, very evil and cruel, cuts possibly fatal. 楚风瞳孔收缩,他盯着那口烂木剑,总感觉跟他从轮回路上带回来的那口暗红色的长刀相仿,非常歹毒,斩中可能致命。 One group of people were blown! 一群人都被镇住了! Your get out of the way!” Fei Ling shouted, lifts in the hands, presented red skin bottle gourd, pulled up the plug, immediately emitted the massive black flame, comprised of the Order symbol, burns down the klutz. “你们都闪开!”菲灵喝道,抬手间,出现一个红皮葫芦,拔起塞子,顿时喷吐出大量的黑色火焰,由秩序符号组成,焚烧木头人。 Chī! 哧! However, this klutz fearless, in the black flame, its sword punctures, swiftly and violently like thunder and lightning. 然而,这个木头人无惧,在黑色火光中,它一剑刺来,迅猛如雷电。 dang! 当! Fei Ling preys with it intensely! 菲灵跟它激烈搏杀! Arrived finally, killed over a hundred moves then to end the fight, the klutz was cut several. 到最后,杀了上百招这才结束战斗,那木头人被斩成十几块。 Does not have soul light, does not have the energy, how it supports, great power where comes?” People look at each other in blank dis­may, is very puzzled. “没有魂光,没有能量,它怎么支撑的,哪里来的强大力量?”众人面面相觑,都很不解。 From the World of the Living's talent, frowns, because this is not the puppet, above does not have rune to remain, unexpectedly such strange. 就是来自阳间的天才,也都皱着眉头,因为这不是傀儡,上面毫无符文残留等,竟这么的诡异。 They want to study that rotten wooden sword, but, picks, it has corrupted, turn into ashes, disperses with the wind. 他们想研究那口烂木剑,可是,才捡起来,它就腐烂了,化成灰烬,随风而散。 On the following road, the atmosphere is somewhat sad, after all came from a World of the Living's talent dead, let Hong Xuan, Fei Ling and the others the moods is not good. 接下来的路上,气氛有些沉闷,毕竟来自阳间的一位天才死了,让洪玄菲灵等人的心情不是多好。 Moo!” “哞!” Suddenly, when they start to arrive at 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) high mountain region, a wooden ox appears, stands up from the ruins, oneself quickly corrupted. 突然,当他们开始来到100000丈高的大山区域时,一头木牛出现,从废墟中站起,自身都快腐烂掉了。 However, he lets many person palpitations. 然而,他却让许多人心悸。 Has killed it!” “杀了它!” This time, the World of the Living's talent passes all of a sudden four people, participates to besiege, they always think do not suit, this ox with klutz same monster was evil. 这一次,阳间的天才一下子过去四人,参与围攻,他们总觉得不对劲儿,这牛跟刚才的木头人一样妖邪。 Bang! 轰! This is one dashes barbarically, this wooden ox also nobody energy falls in torrents, is the non- rune sparkle, but its own brute force was too formidable, raises sufficiently flies Saint. 这是一场野蛮冲撞,这头木牛也没有人能量倾泻,更是无符文闪耀,但是它自身蛮力太强大了,足以掀飞圣人 Moreover, all divine technique, rays hit after its body, suddenly unexpectedly has not injured to him. 而且,所有的神术、光芒等打在它的身上后,一时间竟没有伤到他。 ! 噗! A person was calling out pitifully, was pierced the chest by gigantic cow horn, then the violent force shouldered, flies in the midair, before has not fallen to the ground, he started the vitality to disappear, turns into the corpse. 一人惨叫着,被硕大的牛犄角洞穿胸膛,而后猛力挑起,飞到半空中,还未落地前,他就开始生机消失,化成死尸。 Kills!” Hong Xuan was unable to continue watching, personally take action. “杀!”洪玄看不下去了,亲自出手 Bang! 砰! Finally, this cow is killed violently, was killed by Hong Xuan. 最终,这头牛毙命,被洪玄干掉。 Could not find rune on this wooden ox, without any other energies, but it can kill people a moment ago, is very formidable. 在这头木牛身上也找不到符文,没有其他任何的能量等,但它刚才就是能杀人,很强大。 The people start off, feels somewhat is scared, this piece of vestige is strange. 人们上路,都感觉有些发毛,这片遗迹古怪不少。 The road that receives, various ferocious beast and human form lifeforms wait/etc. continuously appeared, is thrilling. 接下的路,各种凶兽、人形生物等不断出现,非常惊险。 Along with Hong Xuan and Fei Ling take action, is shocking but not dangerous finally, does not have the again deceased person. 随着洪玄菲灵出手,总算是有惊无险,没有再死人。 However, when will soon cross this piece of big mountain range, has the crisis, a wood/blockhead spider, Barbaric Ox is so big, wood/blockhead spider leg that these rot quickly, fearful boundless. 然而,在即将翻过这片高大的山脉时,发生危机,一头木头蜘蛛,莽牛那么大,那些快烂掉的木头蜘蛛腿,可怕无边。 A fierce battle, Hong Xuan almost dying strip, this is wood/blockhead lifeforms of half-step All Heavens level. 一番恶战,洪玄都差点死条,这是一头半步诸天级的木头生物 Was too strange, this is any vestige, how to have such wood/blockhead lifeforms, at first I think accomplishes artificially, but, you see not to have, their within the body anything energy storage, likely has not been the artificial manufacture, the reversed image is one vanishes the race in historical River.” “太怪了,这是什么遗迹,怎么会有这样的木头生物,起初我以为是人为造就出来的,可是,你们看到没有,他们体内没什么能量源,不像是人为制作的,倒像是一个消失在历史长河中的种族。” Finally, they crossed this mountain, sees a city in the horizontal end, no longer is the ruins. 终于,他们翻过这座大山,在地平线头看到一座城,不再是废墟。 Near, a green city, all over the body is the wood/blockhead fortification, is very broad, is very huge, separates the road ahead! 近了,一座绿色的城池,通体都是木头筑城,很恢宏,很庞大,隔断前路! "Um, Great Dao writing, the supreme article of most ancient time?! ” Fei Ling or Hong Xuan lose one's voice to call out in alarm. “嗯,大道文字,最古老时代的无上道文?!”无论是菲灵还是洪玄都失声惊呼。 They in watching the writing in wooden city wall. 他们在观看木质城墙上的文字。 Crosses the wooden city, this immortality, soul light lasts forever, for Firmament's Immortal.” “越过木城,此身不朽,魂光永存,是为上苍仙。” Such brief one line of characters, blow all people. 就这么简短的一行字,镇住所有人。 Then is the Fei Ling and other World of the Living talents is also no exception. 便是菲灵阳间天才也都不例外。 No wonder the elder in gate said, this piece of vestige is still exploring, should not take risk easily, the person who wants to let the World of the Dead universe explores the way first, so is unexpectedly strange!” “难怪门中的长辈说,这片遗迹还在探索中,不应该轻易冒险,想让阴间宇宙的人先探路,竟这么古怪!” At this time, was Hong Xuan unexpectedly is speaking this words. 此时,就是洪玄居然都在说这种话。 After Chu Feng hears, wants to beat dead World of the Living to arrive really in this piece of universe Divinity, so-called informed and experienced also wants to find the person to help the World of the Living's person explore the way? 楚风听闻后真想捶死阳间降临在这片宇宙的神祇,所谓的历练也只是想找人去帮阳间的的人探路? The next chapter is still not the daytime sees, in the evening sees, daytime has the matter. 下章依然不是白天见,晚上见,白天有事。
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