SR :: Volume #10

#985: Lifts the important matter

After the thunder turns two people, what make trouble out of nothing is this must make? 雷翻两人后,他这是要闹什么幺蛾子 On this occasion, making us lift the important matter!” Chu Feng is fervent, a self- inspired appearance. “值此之际,让我们共举大事!”楚风慷慨激昂,一副自我振奋的样子。 However, the attention point of people not when his words, but is staring at his foot, speaks is excited, as soon as he foot treads on some hard coke, raises the arm to shout loudly there. 然而,人们的关注点没有在他话语上,而是盯着他的那只脚,说到激动时,他一脚踏在某段焦炭上,在那里振臂高呼。 In fact, that hard coke is the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation, within the body flows has Heavenly Venerate's Blood fluid Hong Xuan! 事实上,那段焦炭是太武天尊的后人,体内流淌有天尊血液的洪玄 One crowd of person eyes were straight, is the World of the Living's person is also in a daze. 一群人眼睛都直了,就是阳间的人也发呆。 You stop to me, no, lifts the foot, you give me to get up!” Some people yelled, is Hong Xuan airs a grievance, is really absurd, the Heavenly Venerate later generation was regarded the stepping-stone unexpectedly. “你给我住手,不,抬脚,你给我起来!”有人大叫,为洪玄鸣不平,真是岂有此理,天尊后人居然被人当成垫脚石。 Other people also want to rescue, some people to display oneself, no matter succeeds or not, can pull closer the relations with the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation. 其他人也想营救,有人是为了表现自身,不管成功与否,都可以跟太武天尊的后人拉近关系。 Also some people thought that Chu Feng Amethyst Heavenly Thunder impossible that many, true quick consumption ended, precisely kills his good opportunity by the strength. 也有人觉得,楚风身上的紫晶天雷不可能那么多,真正快消耗的完了,正是凭借实力杀他的好时机。 I most dislike others to break me to speak, you eat grapes!” Chu Feng grasps eight Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, turned the hand to throw, covered that person. “我最讨厌别人打断我说话,你去吃葡萄吧!”楚风抓出八颗紫晶天雷,翻手就扔了过去,将那人覆盖。 „?!” That person yelled, finally in the dazzling ray, in the thunder of to terrify person, the exploded flesh and blood flying in all directions, the bone breaks the muscle booklet, the body is incomplete, falls falls on the ground. “还有?!”那人大叫,结果在刺目的光芒中,在瘆人的雷霆间,被炸的血肉横飞,骨断筋折,身体都不完整了,摔落在地上。 He fell half life by the slaughter, this place instantaneous was peaceful. 他被屠掉半条命,此地瞬间安静了。 Naturally, this is Saint Level Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, copes with him not possible to use high rank. 当然,这是圣级紫晶天雷,对付他不可能动用更高阶的。 Yeah, spent freely finally, did not have big Killing Weapon.” Chu Feng sighed. “哎,终于挥霍完了,没有大杀器了。”楚风叹气。 Ended?! After some people hear, immediately reveals cold smiling, in whiz whiz sound, on stage were in a flash many ten together silhouette, is the World of the Living people. 完了?!一些人听到后,顿时露出冷冽的笑,一瞬间,在嗖嗖声中,台上多了十一道身影,都是阳间人。 Makes me come!” “让我来!” Makes me come.” “还是让我来吧。” One group of young messengers do not modestly decline, rush to be first, rush to the arena, bragged unusually, can show disdain for Broken Universe all so-called talents. 一群年轻的使者一点也不谦让,争先恐后,冲上擂台,自诩超凡,可以傲视残破宇宙所有所谓的天才。 Come, come, come, you on, my hit your 11 together!” “来,来,来,你们一起上吧,我一个打你们11个!” Chu Feng rushed over, must fight with them, simultaneously attacks all people, then this group of people have gotten angry, launches an attack together, attacks to him. 楚风冲了过去,要跟他们交手,同时进攻所有人,然后这群人怒了,一起发难,向他进攻。 Bang!” “轰!” The thunder blasts out once more, this is Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, simultaneously explodes, then this stretch of region immediately a miserable howling sound. 雷霆再次炸开,这是一把紫晶天雷,同时爆开,然后这片地带顿时一片惨嚎声。 Villain, was too shameless, did not say that didn't have?!” Some people shout resentfully, thought oneself are too solid, that is a villain, can his words believe? “恶棍啊,太无耻了,不是说没有了吗?!”有人愤懑地喊道,觉得自己太实在,那是一个恶棍,他的话语怎么能相信? The entire arena is shivering, the electric light wreaks havoc, 11 people were put to turn completely. 整座擂台都在颤抖,电光肆虐,11人全部被放翻。 Shortly, the trim world was peaceful.” Chu Feng sighed, hence World of the Living's this crowd of young talent tragedies end, turn into the hard coke, had been bundled by him one by one, ties up meat Zong. “顷刻间,整片世界都安静了。”楚风叹道,至此阳间的这群年轻天才都悲剧收场,变成焦炭,被他逐一捆了起来,绑成肉粽子。 Under the stage, all people silly look, including Zi Luan and Yuan Mo also so. 台下,所有人都傻傻地看着,包括紫鸾元魔也都如此。 Broken Universe various group of Evolver does not dare believe that simply own eye, this Lord was too aggressive, which comes, dares to start to World of the Living's one group of young messengers, gives to put to turn, has not let off including the so-called fairy maiden, by his violent treachery! 残破宇宙的各路进化者简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,这主太生猛了,谁啊,哪来的,竟敢对阳间的一群年轻使者下手,都给放翻,包括所谓的仙子都没放过,遭了他的毒手! We lift the important matter, rushes to the vestige, completes the test of final smelting trial place, from now on will enter World of the Living!” Chu Feng shouts greatly, summoned that all people join up. “咱们共举大事,闯遗迹,完成最后试炼地的考验,自此进入阳间!”楚风大喊道,号召所有人都联合起来。 However...... What has not responded intensely, all people remain silent. 然而……没什么激烈回应,所有人都保持沉默。 You are worried about anything, has not seen me to surrender one crowd of World of the Living talents, they will be adopted by us, enters the smelting trial vestige, helping you pass through!” “你们担心什么,没看到我降服一群阳间天才吗,他们都将为我所用,跟着进试炼遗迹,帮你们过关!” Helps you pass through? I will listen how possibly your, makes your century Great Dream to go!” A World of the Living's young talent is gloomy the face saying that naturally his not gloomy face is also black, because the whole body stuck. “帮你过关?我怎么可能会听你的,做你的千秋大梦去吧!”阳间的一位年轻天才阴沉着脸说道,当然他不阴沉脸也是黑的,因为周身都糊了。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng in the past, trampled his several feet, does not save face. 楚风过去,踹了他几脚,丝毫不留面子。 Does not mean what he says, previously hadn't pledged? I have won you, why good making you.” Chu Feng tramples to roll bottle gourd him. “说话不算话,早先不是承诺过?我赢了你们,让你们干什么都行。”楚风将他踹成滚地葫芦 At this time, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation Hong Xuan awoke, Fei Ling Fairy also once more recovered, saw that Chu Feng was beating cruelly other people, shouted successively: Stop!” 这时,太武天尊的后人洪玄醒了,菲灵仙子也再次复苏,看到楚风正在虐打其他人,先后喝道:“住手!” Stops!” “停下!” Shut up, had not looked that I am teaching the little brother, gives me peacefully!” Chu Feng impolite, two, are carrying the broken Saint Level shield very much, these two pounding seeing stars, on the forehead the large package, soul light is not steady, faints once more. “闭嘴,没看我在教训小弟吗,给我安静点!”楚风不客气,哐哐两下,拎着残破的圣级盾牌,将这两人给砸的眼冒金星,额头上起大包,魂光不稳,再次昏死过去。 Under arena complete silence, the people are dumbfounded, cannot speak. 擂台下鸦雀无声,人们都目瞪口呆,说不出话来。 In the arena, that several World of the Living's talents are also speechless, this Lord has gawked, really has one's wish, a tyrant, dares not to obey his words likely, who manages you are, pounds the corona including the Heavenly Venerate later generation, projects on to faint including the fairy maiden. 擂台上,那十几位阳间的天才也都无言,这主太楞了,真是随心所欲,像个暴君,敢不顺从他的话,管你是谁,连天尊后人都砸晕,连仙子都打到昏死过去。 Chu Feng carries a talent, anything did not say, then one beats, making this person roll the eyes, bone break knows many roots, burned black old skin in outside the body has not fallen off, is quite pitiful. 楚风拎过来一位天才,什么也不说,便一番摔打,让此人翻白眼,骨头断裂不知道多少根,体外的焦黑老皮都脱落了,相当凄惨。 This scene, making other people be scared. 这个场景,让其他人发毛。 Then, Chu Feng intimidates: Come, in Saint Level rune with your soul light pledged, gives loyalty to me, after the smelting trial ended, you are free.” 接着,楚风威逼:“来,用你魂光中的圣级符文发誓,效忠于我,试炼结束后还你自由。” I refuse to accept!” That person gets angry said. “我不服!”那人怒道。 Refuses to accept to hit again!” Chu Feng is carrying him, has to start in the arena to turn, makes an effort to throw down, the pitiful cry is fearful. “不服再打!”楚风拎着他,有开始在擂台上轮动起来,使劲摔倒,凄惨叫声非常可怕。 Other people were touched, is wanting to change into own words, how long can support? 其他人大受触动,都在想换成自己的话,能支撑多久? Then, Fei Ling Fairy that best friend tragedy, was also carried by Chu Feng, must start to beat, finally she screamed directly. 然后,菲灵仙子的那位闺蜜也悲剧了,被楚风拎出来,就要开始摔打,结果她直接尖叫。 She was also shouted the fairy maiden, if is really the black bear breaks off the club by this fellow likely, everywhere falls, everywhere throws, that may really be disgraced proficient, throws completely the face countenance. 她也被人喊仙子,真要是被这个家伙像是狗熊掰棒子般,满地摔,满地扔,那可真是丢人到家,丢尽颜面。 Once feeds in the World of the Living's words, she will be shameful. 一旦传回阳间的话,她将无地自容。 Therefore, she has submitted, compromises with Chu Feng, said that she can pledge, but cannot affront her human dignity. 所以,她屈服了,跟楚风妥协,说她可以发誓,但是不能冒犯她的人格尊严。 Chu Feng curls the lip, corrects with her, said: Your long is so black, when really I am interested in you? I regard as important your strength, helping our Broken Universe Evolver pass through, in my eyes, the value of your this female man, exceeds your this black cheek!” 楚风撇嘴,跟她纠正,道:“你长的这么黑,真当我对你感兴趣?我只是看重你的实力,帮我们残破宇宙进化者过关,在我眼中,你这女汉子的价值,远胜过你这张黑脸蛋!” shit! this fairy maiden wants to curse at people, wants to explode the thick mouth, is her appearance? By good of being struck by lightning, she is wanted saying that she is not black, always snow white like jade! 玛德!这位仙子真想骂人,想爆粗口,这是她的长相吗?被雷劈的好不好,她想说,自己一点也不黑,一向雪白如玉! She takes the lead to submit like this, other people also immediately lack in resonance, the person have to lower the head under the eaves finally. 她这样领头屈服,其他人也顿时底气不足,最后人在屋檐下不得不低头。 Hong Xuan opens the eye, saw that Chu Feng is incorporating one crowd of World of the Living's talents, he quite speechless. 洪玄睁开眼睛,看到楚风正在收编一群阳间的天才,他相当的无语。 But after Fei Ling wakes up, saw that own two good best friend to be pledging, compromises to Chu Feng, immediately the depressed chest hurts, she opens mouth saying: You......” 菲灵醒来后,看到自己的两个好闺蜜正在发誓,对楚风妥协,顿时郁闷的胸口疼,她张嘴道:“你们……” Do not disturb us!” Chu Feng said that then thump, knocks her faints. “别打扰我们!”楚风道,然后咚的一声,又将她敲昏过去。 Under the arena with the arena, feeling dizzy that all people look, including Fei Ling best friend, is somewhat speechless, looks that Fei Ling was knocked down, their knows is not this sympathy, feels relieved. 擂台下与擂台上,所有人都看的眼晕,包括菲灵闺蜜,也有些无言,看着菲灵又被打晕,她们不知道是该同情,还是如释重负。 Do not move me!” Hong Xuan does not want again by fainting that Chu Feng pounds in the past, opens the mouth saying: I mean what he says, you are what kind, I then am, if naturally you insulted my personality, I rather died!” “不要动我!”洪玄可不想再被楚风砸的昏死过去,开口道:“我说话算话,你想怎样,我接着就是,当然你如果侮辱我的人格,那我宁愿一死!” "Um, you also stimulate to movement soul light to pledge that by principle fragment resonating, I am staring, do not deceive me! ” Chu Feng said. “嗯,那你也催动魂光发誓吧,以法则碎片共振,我盯着呢,别糊弄我!”楚风道。 Has submitted then this kind of group of people, compromises to Chu Feng, but he does not have any ad hoc request, then wants these to help to overcome an obstacle, after completing, respectively does not owe, this free freedom, this travelling of travelling. 就这样一群人都屈服了,对楚风妥协,而他也没什么特别要求,就是想让这些人帮忙闯关,完成后便各不相欠,该自由的自由的,该跑路的跑路。 Naturally, many people do not think that Chu Feng can run. 当然,许多人不认为楚风可以跑路。 Chu Feng are very satisfied, pool water stirred finally muddily, he tossed about goal all of this group of people to deliver Zi Luan and Yuan Mo enters World of the Living. 楚风自己很满意,一池子水终于搅浑了,他折腾这群人的目的一切都只是为了送紫鸾元魔进入阳间 He cannot let anybody knows, even cannot tell Zi Luan them, otherwise no one has the good end. 他不能让任何人知道,甚至不能告诉紫鸾他们,不然的话谁都没有好下场。 Fei Ling Fairy awoke, saw that several best friend, one group of acquaintances compromise with Chu Feng including Hong Xuan, she is really the air/Qi does not hit one. 菲灵仙子醒了,看到几位闺蜜、一群熟人包括洪玄都跟楚风妥协,她真是气不打一处来。 Finally, Chu Feng must carry her to beat. 结果,楚风又要拎起她摔打。 Fei Ling, left obstinately, you looked at us like this, felt all right to stay out?” 菲灵,别执拗了,你看我们都这样子了,好意思置身事外吗?” „After you should not want to return to World of the Living, uncovers our short?” “你该不会想回到阳间后揭我们的短吧?” After Fei Ling hears, is raising a black face, how many best friend looks , is really speechless, this is must protect her to exempt is beaten, doesn't want to make her cultivate one's own moral worth really? 菲灵听闻后,扬着一张黑脸,看向几位闺蜜,真是无言,这是要保护她免被摔打,还是真不想让她独善其身? Finally, she also has to brace oneself to compromise. 最后,她也不得不硬着头皮妥协了。 Fellow Daoist, we must overcome an obstacle, enters World of the Living in light of this, walks, the opportunity is rare, starts off with us together!” Chu Feng invited warmly. 道友们,我们要去闯关,就此进阳间,走吧,机会难得,跟我们一起上路!”楚风热情相邀。 This place immediately in an uproar, thorough ebullition! 这地方顿时一片哗然,彻底沸腾! Some person happy serious, but quick some people pour cold water, said that Ye Hao such makes widely known, does completely, it is estimated that will enter in the vestige to be killed! 有些人开心的不得了,但是很快又有人泼冷水,说叶昊这么张扬,完全是作死呢,估计进入遗迹中就会被人干掉! Immediately, here piece discusses, the noise is deafening, many Evolver are not calm. 顿时,这里一片热议,噪音震耳欲聋,很多进化者都不淡定了。 Everybody should not be anxious, I give you time to consider, three days later comes again.” Chu Feng shouts loudly, and reminded: World of the Living also divides many evolution Sect, if you are afraid these Sect, offended them, you can definitely choose the opposition Sect to go for shelter.” “各位别急,我给你们时间考虑,三天后再来。”楚风大声喊道,并提醒道:“阳间也分诸多进化门派,如果你们害怕那些门派,得罪了他们,那你完全可以选择对立的门派投奔。” Chu Feng finds, some Sect do not accommodate actually very much harmoniously, some are even hostile, for example, he has found, some Dao Lineage also people who the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate enemy is at arrive, but at present not here. 楚风了解到,有些门派其实很不容融洽,有些甚至是敌对的,比如,他已经了解到,太武天尊的对头所在的道统也有人降临,不过目前不在这里。 Reason that Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate is very urgent, does not hesitate to lower Dao Body to enter the World of the Dead universe , because exterior has the archenemy, his pressure was too big, wants to promote itself urgently, seeks for World of the Living Supreme Treasure in legend. 太武天尊之所以很迫切,不惜降下道身进入阴间宇宙,就是因为外部有大敌,他的压力太大了,迫切想提升自己,寻找传说中的阳间至宝 After he loses Dao Body, the personal enemy visited, goes to fight with him, making him be wounded very heavily. 而在他失去一具道身后,仇家更是上门,去跟他战了一场,让他负伤很重。 Since there is such Sect, in the Chu Feng heart feels relieved immediately much, if not on him has stone box, the secret is very big, he also really wants to go for shelter to consider as finished directly. 既然有这样的门派,楚风心中顿时放心不少,若非他身上有石盒,秘密很大,他还真想直接投奔过去算了。 However, Zi Luan , Yuan Mo and other old friends do not have the issue completely! 但是,紫鸾元魔等故人却完全没问题! How I thought, fellow shameless is so thick-skinned with the face, a little looks like Chu Feng?” At this time, Zi Luan in the doubt, was muttering. “我怎么觉得,那家伙如此的无耻与脸皮厚,有点像楚风呀?”此时,紫鸾正在狐疑,一阵咕哝。 Do not speak irresponsibly!” Yuan Mo reminded her, small sound said: What kind, three days later we start off, then goes to orchid Tuo Heavenly Venerate Sect.” “别乱说!”元魔提醒她,又小声道:“怎么样,三天后我们跟着上路,然后去投向兰陀天尊门派。” orchid Tuo Heavenly Venerate is the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate enemy, this Dao Lineage also some people arrive, once threatened, may offer services to them with Extreme Martial having a grudge, has been sheltered inevitably. 兰陀天尊便是太武天尊的对头,该道统也有人降临,曾扬言,跟太武有仇者可投效他们,必然得到庇护。 But the premise is, you can pass, in smelting trial test through vestige. 但前提是,你能过关,通过遗迹中的试炼考验。 Then, Chu Feng exhibits one the fox exploits the tiger's might the appearance, is leading one group of Sister World of the Living little brother, inspects this Continent, he is looking for other old friends. 接下来,楚风摆出一副“狐假虎威”的样子,带着一群阳间小弟小妹,巡视这块大陆,他在找其他故人。 His behind these World of the Living talent each and every one are cold the face, wishes one could to pat him. 他身后的那些阳间天才一个个都冷着脸,恨不得将他拍死。 However, finally they have borne, does not need to break the pledge, they take an oath by principle fragment resonating, once violates, very easily by backlash. 但是,最后他们都忍住了,没有必要破誓言,他们是以法则碎片共振起誓的,一旦违反,很容易被反噬 Also few days, after entering in any case vestige pass through, from now on two will not owe, kills this Ye Hao not to be late again. 反正也没有几天,进入遗迹过关后,自此两不相欠,再杀这个叶昊也不晚。 In these three days, Chu Feng goes all over the so-called refugee camp, other regions, had discovered really some old friends, the situation is not how good. 在这三天中,楚风走遍所谓的难民营,还有其他地带,真的发现了一些故人,处境都不是多么好。 He thinks, finally in secret branch society, having made them probably with entering Mystic Realm, naturally by the status suggestion of mysterious expert. 他想了想,最后还是暗中支会了一声,让他们一定要跟着进入秘境,当然是以神秘高手的身份暗示的。 Moreover, after he prepares to enter the vestige, he must cut the related memories of these people, avoids the important matter. 而且,他准备进入遗迹后,他还要斩去那些人的相关记忆,避免出大事。 Lu Tong old fox!” 陆通老狐狸!” Chu Feng is very surprised, discovered unexpectedly old man Lu Tong and Clairvoyant Du Huaijin and Ye Qingrou several people, were really bound to bring to Broken Universe. 楚风很惊讶,竟发现老头子陆通千里眼杜怀瑾叶轻柔几人,果然被裹带到残破宇宙中。 Feared they were affected, Big Black Ox and the others they have hidden on other planet, cannot think that was caught here. 原本怕他们被波及,大黑牛等人已经他们藏在其他星球上,想不到还是被抓到这里。 However, their situations are not awful, because World of the Living cares regarding Clairvoyant and Clairaudient very much, thought that is worth vigorously training, they have and ear these two Dominion rare talents. 不过,他们的处境不算糟糕,因为阳间对于千里眼顺风耳很在意,觉得值得大力培养,他们两人拥有眼与耳这两个领域的罕见天赋。 Lu Tong, Ye Qingrou and the others are also very safe, several people were placed together. 连带着陆通叶轻柔等人也很安全,几人被安置在一起。 Three days then the past, Chu Feng knew fairly well in an instant, should leave! 三天一转眼就过去了,楚风心中有数,该动身了! Once sends off some old friends, he was fearless, may on strike ninth heaven/day in this piece of broken universe, below searches Nine Nether, may kill to draw back, all depending on the intention conduct, do not need to fear the hand to fear the foot again! 一旦送走一些故人,他就无所畏惧了,在这片残破的宇宙可上击九天,下探九幽,可杀可退,一切全凭心意行事,不用再畏手畏脚! Walks, the brothers and sisters, I lead you to overcome an obstacle, have my this group of little brothers to shelter, guaranteeing everybody can pass through!” Chu Feng shouts loudly. “走喽,兄弟姐妹,我带你们去闯关,有我这群小弟庇护,保证人人可以过关!”楚风大声喊道。 However, the responder is not many. 然而,响应者不是很多。 „, We do not bring death, starts off with you, that is from breaking the future!” Some people did not appreciate kindness rendered, there sarcastic comments. “切,我们才不去送死,跟你上路,那是自断前程!”有人毫不领情,在那里冷言冷语。 Chu Feng is stunned, said: „Don't you go really? I ensure you and others will regret, only then I can you pass, does not believe on a day to have the result!” 楚风愕然,道:“你们真不去?我保证你等会后悔,只有我能你们过关,不信等上一天就有结果!” Has something to regret that you hurry yourself to start off, do not pull we are dying together!” Some people sounds shout. “有什么可后悔的,你还是赶紧自己上路吧,别拉着我们一起死!”一些人大声喊道。 In the legend, always has such several days every month...... Is unstable, but will renew. 传说中,每个月总有那么几天……不稳定,但还是会更新。
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