SR :: Volume #10

#984: Long causes heroic tears full Jin

Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation Hong Xuan could not bear, is on the arena, a silver battle dress illumination, shines the holy god splendor, launches in salvos silk clear, his makings are unusual. 太武天尊的后人洪玄都忍不住了,登上擂台,一身银色战袍发光,普照圣洁神辉,连发丝都根根晶莹,他的气质超凡脱俗。 Even if some people stand in boundless huge crowd, will appear the numerous will be different, will be seen by one. 有些人即便站在茫茫人海中,也会显得众不同,会被一眼看出。 Hong Xuan so, the brilliance of whole body sending out misty white, just like young Divinity, his footsteps is very light, the shoes and socks are the white. 洪玄就如此,周身散发白蒙蒙的光辉,宛若一尊年轻的神祇,他脚步很轻,鞋袜都是白色的。 His outside the body white light beats, likely is Divine flame, is round great sun covers him in middle likely, is even more aloof on that he serves as contrast, sacred formidable. 他的体外白光跳动,像是神焰,又像是一轮大日将他笼罩在当中,将他衬托的越发的超然在上,神圣强大。 Within the body flows has the World of the Living rare talent of Heavenly Venerate's Blood fluid, this grade of character reveals itself, our piece of universes do not think with the Realm's person, ten cannot hit others hand.” “体内流淌有天尊血液的阳间奇才,这等人物一出世,我们这片宇宙同境界的人就不要多想了,十个也打不过人家一只手。” Broken Universe Evolver sighed. 残破宇宙的一位进化者叹道。 Rare nobody opposed, approves. 难得的没有人反对,都非常认同。 Naturally the people also established a premise, Hong Xuan should not be covered by Chu Feng's Amethyst Heavenly Thunder. 当然人们也设置了一个前提,洪玄不要被楚风的紫晶天雷覆盖。 Hong Xuan walks, a person just like can suppress this stretch of little world, the suppression from other World of the Living's young talents gloomily does not have up. 洪玄走来,一个人就宛若可以镇压这片小天地,压制的来自阳间的其他年轻天才都暗淡无光。 The invisible potential frightens square, formidable, he is aloof on, firm faith, self-confident certainly incomparable, may overlook this piece of universe. 无形的势震慑四方,让人敬畏,他超然在上,有一种坚定的信念,自信强绝无匹,可俯视这片宇宙。 Agreement or not?” Chu Feng closely examines once more. “同意与否?”楚风再次追问。 Hong Xuan has not spoken, the following person does not do, they come from World of the Living, is the extraordinary generations, unexpectedly was set this unreasonable demand. 洪玄还没有说话,后面的人不干了,他们来自阳间,都是非凡之辈,居然被提出这种无理要求。 However, the Hong Xuan tranquil opens the mouth, said: Ok, so long as you have won me, as you like handling, listening to you to tell.” 然而,洪玄却平静开口,道:“可以,只要你赢了我,随你处置,听你吩咐。” The Chu Feng nod said: Hopes you to mean what he says, in my hand this chirp strange is not willing to accept the reality of failure evidently mostly, I was supposing she will not coordinate, simply plunges to death considers as finished.” 楚风点头道:“希望你说话算话,我手中这个‘嘤嘤怪’看样子多半不肯接受失败的现实,我估摸着她不会配合,干脆摔死算了。” He is raising Fei Ling Fairy, here thinks over, but also wants to fall really on the ground. 他提着菲灵仙子,在这里掂量,还真想摔在地上。 All people are speechless, this Lord was too savage, that is the World of the Living talent fairy maiden that pretty such as the flower and beautiful woman cause the downfall of the nation, he does not care unexpectedly, must plunge to death! 所有人都无语,这主太凶残了,那可是一位貌美如花、倾城倾国的阳间天才仙子,他居然一点也不在乎,要给摔死! Slow!” Hong Xuan opens the mouth, he in this place, appointed if Chu Feng massacres Fei Ling Fairy, what dignity but also there is? “慢!”洪玄开口,他就在此地,如果任楚风杀掉菲灵仙子,还有什么威严? I, if has won you, immediately lets loose Fei Ling.” This is the request of Hong Xuan. “我如果赢了你,立刻放开菲灵。”这是洪玄的要求。 Good, leaves behind her temporarily.” Chu Feng nods. “好吧,暂时留下她。”楚风点头。 ying!” At this time, Fei Ling slight ying warned one, regained consciousness, she was strong, restored the sensation, opened the eye to see Chu Feng that hateful face once more. “嘤!”这时,菲灵轻微嘤咛一声,又苏醒了,她毕竟非常强,恢复了感知,睁开眼睛再次看到楚风那张可恶的脸。 However, then the Chu Feng's words compare that face to be hateful in her opinion, unexpectedly intimidates her. 然而,接下来楚风的话在她看来比那张脸还可恶,居然恫吓她。 Your chirp strange, the words that was called again plunged to death directly.” “你个嘤嘤怪,再叫的话直接摔死。” Hears this words, the Fei Ling air/Qi must spit blood, this is who, can't understand to show tender affection, has the demeanor? Simply is a villain. 听到这种话语,菲灵气的要吐血,这是什么人啊,懂不懂怜香惜玉,有没有风度?简直就是个恶棍。 What stares, what supercilious look turns, you think that can also deliver my eyes, is the peerless beautiful woman? You looked that you black became any appearance!” Chu Feng puts out together Saint Level copper mirror, according to her face. “瞪什么,翻什么白眼,你以为还能送我秋波,还是绝世丽人?你看你自己黑成什么样子了!”楚风拿出一块圣级铜镜,照在她脸上。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Fei Ling Fairy called out pitifully, saw that dark face, she almost scared to death, was this she? 菲灵仙子惨叫,看到那张黑乎乎的脸,她差点吓死,这是她吗? Her beautiful face moon/month appearance, her beautiful woman appearance? Now a face is not only dark, quickly became the hard coke including the body of slender sex appeal, painful she could not bear. 她的花容月貌呢,她的倾城容颜呢?现在不仅一张脸黑乎乎,连修长性感的躯体都快成焦炭了,痛的她受不了。 Although her knows can also restore, but witnesses is so ugly, she who oneself change cannot bear, simply is rending. 虽然她知道还能恢复过来,可是亲眼目睹自己变的这么丑,她还是受不了,简直是撕心裂肺般。 What is most annoying, that villain is still ridiculing, said her to be ugly face to face, since childhood to some present first people said that she is unattractive, simply is absurd! 最为可气的是,那个恶棍还在奚落,当面说她丑,自幼到现在还是第一次有人说她不漂亮,简直是荒谬! Bang! 砰! She struggles, wants to shake off the Chu Feng's control, finally grasped crazily, discovered that bundled solidity, the arm that thick rope, was the elder brother beast of burden is likely common, gave the solidity that her tied up. 她挣扎,想要摆脱楚风的控制,结果又抓狂了,才发现被捆的结结实实,手臂那么粗的绳索,像是昆牛马一般,将她给绑的结结实实。 This...... She wants to scream, wants to kill people! 这……她想尖叫,想杀人啊! Honest, do not call, your black coal head!” Chu Feng teaches her. “老实点,别叫了,你个黑炭头!”楚风教训她。 You......” Fei Ling Fairy really cannot bear, air/Qi and anger, adds on the wound that is unable to imagine again, soul light is not steady, nearly faints. “你……”菲灵仙子实在受不了,又气又怒,再加上一身无法想象的伤,魂光不稳,险些又昏死过去。 ying, irritated me!” She is resentful. “嘤,气死我了!”她愤懑。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng gave her to come directly, the resentment her forehead fist, then she thinks that does not faint not to be good, shows the whites of the eyes, is having the hatred, such at present becomes dark, passes out. 楚风直接给她来了一下,怼了她脑门一拳,这下她想不昏死过去都不行了,翻着白眼,带着恨意,就这么眼前发黑,失去知觉。 Was then peaceful, kills your strangely chirp.” Chu Feng said not completely indifferently. “这下安静了,打死你个嘤嘤怪。”楚风满不在乎地说道。 He looked, raised Fei Ling directly, threw in a corner, was too optional. 他看了看,直接提起菲灵,扔在了一个角落里,太随意了。 This lets World of the Living one crowd of person cheek twitches, loves dearly Fei Ling, but actually does not dare to say anything, always felt that this fellow will somewhat gawk, provokes anger might the heavy hand destroy the flower. 这让阳间一群人面皮抽动,心疼菲灵,但是却不敢多说什么,总感觉这家伙有些愣,惹怒了有可能会辣手摧花。 Come, Hong Xuan, my aide!” Chu Feng shouts greatly, this starts to recognize oneself won. “来吧,洪玄,我的侍从!”楚风大喊道,这就开始认定自己赢了。 Meanwhile, he without hesitation, grasps several Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, does not bring to conceal, one crowd of person eyes that looks at straighten. 同时,他毫不犹豫,又抓出几颗紫晶天雷,都不带掩饰的,看的一群人眼睛发直。 However, how many Amethyst Heavenly Thunder depends on have several now, uses? Counts five, moreover Hong Xuan had the guard. 不过,就凭现在有数几颗紫晶天雷,还有用吗?数一数就五颗而已,而且洪玄有了防范。 Hong Xuan has smiled, the elegant demeanor is self-confident, takes a step to walk forward, the whole body is the white light, changes discusses the god plate, covers him in middle, sacred stainless, is formidable and aloof. 洪玄笑了,风采自信,向前迈步走去,周身都是白光,化作一论神盘,将他笼罩在当中,神圣无垢,强大而超然。 The people imitate noticed that youngster Divine King reveals itself, must push world all enemies horizontally. 恍惚间,人们仿似看到一尊少年神王出世,要横推世间一切敌。 Your air/Qi field is very indeed strong, but, you engage in introspection, is a Extreme Martial lineage/vein strongest later generation?” Chu Feng despises there. “你的气场的确很强,但是,你扪心自问,是太武一脉的最强后人吗?”楚风在那里鄙视。 What truth is this? This moment, he also had the leisurely mood to despise others, but also made match engage in introspection, causing one group of people to roll the eyes to him. 这是什么道理?这种关头了,他还有闲心鄙夷别人,还让对手自己扪心自问,导致一群人都对他翻白眼。 Hong Xuan is bringing temperate smiling, is not angry, simultaneously he also not covers up, in the hand is holding a strange shield, silver white brightly burnished. 洪玄带着温和的笑,一点也不恼怒,同时他也不加掩饰,手中持着一面古怪的盾牌,银白锃亮。 This is together the carapace, snow white like jade, looks like the rune sparkle, seems solid. 这是一块龟甲,雪白如玉,看起来符文闪耀,似乎非常结实。 "Um, right, you have guessed correctly, this is the Shining Upon Level shield. ” The Hong Xuan smile, explained on own initiative, simultaneously looks to Chu Feng, that meaning is, come! “嗯,没错,你们猜到了,这是映照级的盾牌。”洪玄微笑,主动解释,同时看向楚风,那意思是,来吧! World of the Living many people have smiled, this type of shield is not they can control, does not do well to meet the suck dry they, but this moment takes anti-radar most appropriate, Hong Xuan within the body has Heavenly Venerate's Blood, should be able to use several times. 阳间许多人笑了,这种盾牌不是他们可以驾驭的,一个弄不好会吸干他们,但是这种关头拿出来防雷最合适,洪玄体内有天尊血,应该可以动用几次。 Bang! 轰! Hong Xuan moved, just like one generation of white lightnings, was too swift and violent, motionless, then by, moves if the thunder, must strike to kill. 洪玄动了,宛若一代白色的闪电,太迅猛了,不动则以,动则若雷霆,要一击必杀。 At the same time the large explosion sound gets up, because Chu Feng has thrown Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, even if saw that white shield has not stopped. 同一时间大爆炸声响起,因为楚风紫晶天雷掷了过去,哪怕看到那块白色的盾牌也没有住手。 Bang! 轰! Strikes, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the light screen outside arena was punctured, in the meantime, the arena shines fiercely, forms ten ray of light curtains once more, prevents internal terrifying energy. 一击而已,天崩地裂般,擂台外的光幕都被打穿,同时,擂台剧烈发光,再次形成十道光幕,阻挡内部的恐怖能量。 What's the matter? All people are frightened. 怎么回事?所有人都惊悚。 The ground, has gotten down but actually a big piece, many person whole bodies were the cold sweat, the body become tender, cannot halt. 地上,已经倒下去一大片,许多人浑身是冷汗,身体发软,站不住了。 When that suddenly, the light screen was punctured, their soul palpitates, is trembling, cannot help submitting, wants to kotow. 就在那一刹那间,光幕被打穿时,他们灵魂都悸动,在颤栗,忍不住要臣服,想要叩首。 Fortunately, in the arena presents ten heavy light screens, has blocked that final terrifying aura. 还好,擂台上又出现十重光幕,挡住了那最后的恐怖气息。 In the arena, Chu Feng carries Fei Ling Fairy to hide in a gigantic and ancient black tortoiseshell, this is the Shining Upon Level lifeforms losing exuviate, is he brings from Foreign Territory. 擂台上,楚风拎着菲灵仙子躲进一个硕大而又古老的黑乌龟壳中,这是映照级生物的遗蜕,是他从异域带回来的。 Meanwhile, outside the black turtle is also covering together the shield, is Shining Upon Level. 同时,黑乌龟外还盖着一块盾牌,也是映照级的。 However, even if in the black tortoiseshell, he is also carrying together the shield, defends there pretentiously. 不过,哪怕是在黑乌龟壳内部,他也还拎着一块盾牌,在那里装模作样地防御。 Five Amethyst Heavenly Thunder that because, he throws are Shining Upon Level. 因为,他扔出去的五颗紫晶天雷都是映照级的。 It can be imagined Hong Xuan encountered anything, reason that this was also the protection light screen of arena at first penetrated. 可想而知洪玄遭遇了什么,这也是擂台的守护光幕最初被击穿的原因。 That snow white shield is split up, finally was rumbled to break to pieces. 那块雪白的盾牌四分五裂,最终被轰碎了。 The Hong Xuan whole person also horizontally flies, hits in Stone Pillar of arena edge, the whole body is the blood, then whole body burned black, on him formidable battlesuit also disintegrated. 洪玄整个人也横飞出去,撞在擂台边缘的石柱子上,满身是血,接着又浑身焦黑,他身上的一件强大的战衣也瓦解了。 In aloof this mortal world, just like Divinity Hong Xuan, in the end also with hard coke, wound is heavier than Fei Ling, if not the energy of his within the body helps him melt, possibly died a moment ago. 超然尘世上、宛若神祇洪玄,到头来也跟焦炭似的,伤的比菲灵还要重,若非他体内的能量帮他化解,刚才可能就死了。 Even if so, he also discards the most strip life, the whole body bone broke did not know many roots, black scary, body twitching cannot help but, has not blacked out from head to foot. 即便如此,他也丢掉大半条命,满身骨头断了不知多少根,从头到脚黑的吓人,身体不由自主的抽搐,不断过电。 The Chu Feng's black tortoise shell was also tattered, was rumbled large hole, because in such near distance, the Shining Upon Level energy of eruption is the non- difference attack. 楚风的黑龟壳也破烂了,被轰出一个大洞,因为在这么近的距离内,爆发的映照级能量是无差别攻击。 He raised Fei Ling to walk, looked at ground Hong Xuan, looked own here, face upwarded the deep sigh, said: Finishes an apprenticeship the victory/quick body not to predecease, long causes heroic tears full Jin.” 他提着菲灵走了出来,看了一眼地上的洪玄,又看了看自身这边,不禁仰天长叹,道:“出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。” Under arena unabridged book complete silence, but now, one group of World of the Living people are unable to endure, somewhat cannot bear him, is this is satirizing Hong Xuan? 擂台下全本鸦雀无声,但是现在,一群阳间人无法忍受,有些受不了他,这是在讽刺洪玄吗? Ye Hao, you went too far, the mean and shameless vulgar, use Amethyst Heavenly Thunder once again, is not considered as that the real skill, moreover after offending somebody, like this sighs deeply, in shame and satire?” Some people exclaimed. 叶昊,你太过分了,卑鄙无耻下流,又一次用紫晶天雷,不算是真本事,而且伤人后还这样长叹,是在羞辱与讽刺吗?”有人吼道。 Is staying at the same time going, few original work are sentimental, I am mourning the black carapace, this is my master leaves my, finally so was broken, pitiful lamentable duplicate pitiful.” “一边呆着去,少自作多情,我是在悼念黑龟甲,这是我师傅留给我的,结果就这么碎掉了,可悲可叹复可怜。” Chu Feng shakes the head to sigh, is decisive, but numb slip overrunning, pulls a rope, flowed to have Heavenly Venerate's Blood Hong Xuan bundling within the body, with tying up cattle. 楚风摇头叹气,然后果断而麻溜的冲过去,扯出一根绳索,将体内流淌有天尊血洪玄给捆了起来,就跟绑牛羊般。 Many person eyes were straight, capsizes including Hong Xuan, was taken by him, is really is dumbfounded stunning, does not dare believe that is the Heavenly Venerate later generation. 许多人眼睛都直了,连洪玄都翻船,被他拿下,真是让人瞠目结舌,不敢相信,那可是天尊的后人啊。 The Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: Everybody, the Heavenly Venerate later generation becomes my aide, the World of the Living fairy maiden became my maidservant, on this occasion, I have an idea, we conspire an important matter!” 楚风开口,道:“各位,天尊后人成为我的侍从,阳间仙子已成为我的侍女,值此之际,我有个想法,咱们共谋一件大事!”
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