SR :: Volume #10

#983: Seizes the immortal

Fei Ling Fairy is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, she saw anything, the Chu Feng's under foot, her several maidservants are twitching, beaten looking awful, air admission few air vents are many. 菲灵仙子忍无可忍,她看到了什么,楚风的脚下,她的几位侍女在抽搐,被摔打的不成样子,进气少出气多。 In addition, when Chu Feng spoke at the same time, the under foot still in kicked sandbag. 此外,楚风一边说话时,脚下还在“踢沙包”呢。 Whiz! 嗖! Fei Ling Fairy leaps to the arena, appears in front of Chu Feng's, unemotionally opens oral invitation his to be forgiving. 菲灵仙子跃到擂台上,出现在楚风的面前,面无表情地开口请他脚下留情。 Leaves behind their lives is not, but you what to do, if were seized by me?” Chu Feng asked. “留下她们的性命也不是不可以,不过你自己要是被我捉住怎么办?”楚风问道。 In others opinion, this acts recklessly, does against with the World of the Living's young envoy, must die to knock, how possibly to win, but also wants to go on living? 在别人看来,这就是不知死活,跟阳间的年轻使者对着干,要死磕到底,怎么可能胜,还想活下去? You must be able to win me, what to do you said what to do!” Fei Ling Fairy is very happy, from the self-confidence of own strength, she is not general Saint. “你要能赢了我,你说怎么办就怎么办!”菲灵仙子十分痛快,源自对自身实力的自信,她可不是一般的圣者 „, Really what to do wants what to do?” Chu Feng smiles, both eyes narrowed the crescent moon shape. “真的,想怎么办就怎么办?”楚风笑眯眯,双眼都眯成了月牙状。 All people thought that his look special monster, emits is not the green light, but is the blue light, making one group of people thoroughly be convinced, what in this fellow heart is actually thinking?! 所有人都觉得他眼神特妖,放出的不是绿光,而是蓝光,让一群人都彻底服气,这家伙心中到底在想什么?! Your did path of cultivation have 200 years?” Chu Feng inquired. “你修道有200年了吗?”楚风询问。 In a twinkling, on the Fei Ling Fairy face the blood-color surges, is not shy, but is the air/Qi, is she so old? Moreover, her natural talent is extraordinary, on the other hand is also young Saint! 霎时间,菲灵仙子脸上血色涌起,不是害羞,而是是气的,她有那么老吗?再者说,她天资非凡,相对来说还算是年轻的圣者呢! In World of the Living that spiritual energy rich place, but also needs to evolve for several hundred years Sanctification? That insulted for her! 阳间那么灵气浓郁的地方,还需要进化几百年才成圣?那对她来说是侮辱! My path of cultivation twenty years, now achievement Sub Saint position!” Chu Feng does intentionally an appearance proudly, boasted itself, confused their judgments. “吾修道二十几载,如今成就亚圣位!”楚风故作一副傲然的样子,吹嘘自己,混淆他们的判断。 Twenty years Sub Saint, was quick, but...... In World of the Living also merely is quick, is far from shockingly, therefore several people on the scene are bringing smiling of acting with constraint, the atmosphere is somewhat cold. 二十几载成亚圣,算是快了,但是……在阳间也仅仅是较快而已,根本谈不上惊艳,所以在场的几人都带着矜持的笑,气氛有些冷。 I really am Heaven-Blessed Talent.” Chu Feng sighs deeply there, shakes the head saying: In our piece of universes, so-called nine small emperor's age what? They become famous ahead of time , because I had not been born.” “我真是天纵奇才啊。”楚风在那里长叹,又摇头道:“在我们这片宇宙,所谓的九位小圣算什么?他们提前出名,都是因为我一直没有出世。” You said that said we have fought!” After Fei Ling Fairy mounts the stage, automatically was suppressed to the Sub Saint level. “你说完了吗,说完了我们就战吧!”菲灵仙子登台后,就自动被压制到亚圣层次。 Whiz! 嗖! She flushed instant, was too quick, is similar to the fluctuation light, suddenly arrives at the Chu Feng near, element raises, must pick his head. 她刹那就冲了过来,太快了,如同浮动的光,眨眼就到楚风近前,素手微扬,要摘他的头颅。 This stature irritable sex appeal, but beautiful face iced cold female take action is very swift and fierce, comes up to take the person life. 这位身材火爆性感,但玉容却冷若冰霜的女子出手很凌厉,上来就要去取人性命。 Slow, waits!” Chu Feng flying upside down, and shouts out. “慢,等一等!”楚风倒飞,并且大喝 What matter do you have?” Fei Ling Fairy stops there, flies high to stand, frowns, is extremely discontented. “你还有什么事?”菲灵仙子停在那里,凌空而立,皱着眉头,非常不满。 Chu Feng is very serious, and informs very much seriously, said: You have not asked my name!” 楚风很严肃,并很郑重地告知,道:“你还没问我名字呢!” People: „......” 众人:“……” Fei Ling Fairy: „?!” 菲灵仙子:“?!” Are you very famous? The people want to ask him like this, this anything problem, pre-battle such requests others to ask his name with king Juncheng. 你很有名吗?众人很想这样问一问他,这什么毛病啊,跟王俊成战斗前就这么要求别人问他名字。 Finally, king Juncheng has not responded him, naturally truly is very finally miserable. 结果,王俊成没搭理他,当然最后确实很惨。 Fei Ling Fairy is also suitable stunned, is speechless, slender body clear, is elegantly beautiful extraordinary, she is cold the face saying: „It is not interested!” 菲灵仙子也是相当的愕然,非常无语,修长身躯晶莹,冷艳气质出众,她寒着脸道:“不感兴趣!” Her talent is unusual, wants to come up then suppression this youth, does not think knows his name. 她天赋超凡,原本想上来就镇压这个青年,根本就不想知道他的名字。 Chu Feng knits the brows to ask: Why is not interested, I will soon want to move the world, but don't you want to be ahead of time knows to defeat Heaven-Blessed Talent of your this group of people to name?” 楚风皱眉问道:“为什么不感兴趣,我即将要名动天下,而你就不想提前知道击败你们这群人的天纵奇才叫什么名字吗?” The fellow of this narcissism, megalomania, the people cheek twitch, this has not fought, he is ahead of time to announce oneself is a winner. 这个自恋的家伙,自大狂,众人都面皮抽动,这还没交手呢,他就提前宣告自己是胜者。 Fei Ling Fairy forehead reappearing heavy line, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, to fight as soon as possible, her cold sound said: Your name?” 菲灵仙子额头浮现黑线,忍无可忍,为了尽快交手,她冷声道:“你的名字?” And, she began directly, does not want with his delaying time. 并且,她直接动手了,根本就不想跟他耽搁时间。 I am Ye Hao!” Chu Feng is in high spirits, the elegant demeanor self-confident appearance, is very simultaneously proud, making the person have an misconception, as if this name is great, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. “我就是叶昊!”楚风一副神采飞扬,风采自信的样子,同时很自傲,让人有种错觉,仿佛这个名字多么了不起,惊天动地 People: „?!” 众人:“?!” Fei Ling Fairy: „......” 菲灵仙子:“……” Has not heard completely! 完全没听说过! The Fei Ling Fairy women's clothing dances in the breeze, flies high empty crosses, her figure is slender and beautiful, the elegantly beautiful makings, the ultra dust is refined, just like the not eating the food of common mortals broad cold fairy maiden. 菲灵仙子衣裙飘舞,凌空虚渡,她身段修长而绝美,冷艳的气质,超尘脱俗,宛若不食人间烟火的广寒仙子。 Her direct under heavy hand, palm refers to divine talisman like the rainbow, from palm lasing, this is Divine Skill, named flowing light seal, dazzling, the prestige can be huge. 她直接下重手,掌指间神符如虹,从掌心激射而出,这是一种神技,名为流光印,璀璨夺目,威能巨大。 If not the arena is firm, and there is a defense light screen, the surrounding person could be affected. 若非擂台坚固,且有防御光幕,周围的人可能都要受到波及。 Come, fights to the death!” Chu Feng shouts out. “来吧,决一死战!”楚风大喝 He washes one's hands , a piece of dense and numerous crystal departs, the blockade is void, covers Fei Ling Fairy there. 他抖手间,一片密密麻麻的晶体飞出,封锁虚空,将菲灵仙子覆盖在那里。 Amethyst Heavenly Thunder is the Saint rank, he does not care, throws one in a big way, right in the face, bombs this from the World of the Living's fairy maiden. 紫晶天雷圣者级别的,他是一点也不在乎,扔出去一大把,劈头盖脸,轰炸这位来自阳间的仙子。 These bring from Foreign Territory, Chu Feng goes to the ferocious beast plateau the Divinity den to confiscate family's property, Supreme Treasure had not discovered that but this type of thing are many. 这些都是从异域带回来的,楚风凶兽高原的神祇的老巢抄家,至宝没发现,但这种东西却不少。 Aiyu, I poke!” Many people call out in alarm make noise, felt that this fellow is too not concerned about face, this just started, the use Amethyst Heavenly Thunder attack, oneself do not begin. “哎呦,我戳!”许多人惊叫出声,怎么感觉这家伙太不要脸了,这刚开始啊,就动用紫晶天雷袭击,自己不动手。 Decisive battle of reaching an agreement? 说好的决战呢? Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng first backs up, hides in the corner, then holds up together white silver shield of outsize, keeps off before the body, is top holy artifact, protects itself. 楚风第一时间倒退出去,躲在角落里,然后举起一块特大号的白银盾牌,挡在身前,为顶级圣器,保护自己。 In the arena, Fei Ling Fairy screamed, even if her talent talent is excellent, the evolution level is very high, the strength is unusual, but also feels dizzy now, one big burns down Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, the large explosion, is she is also afraid. 擂台上,菲灵仙子尖叫,哪怕她天赋才情过人,进化层次很高,实力超凡,可现在也眼晕,一大把紫晶天雷焚烧,大爆炸,就是她也害怕。 Energy of each Amethyst Heavenly Thunder implication is equal to Saint strikes! 每一颗紫晶天雷蕴含的能量都相当于圣者一击! This is equal to one crowd of Saint besieges her! 这等同于一群圣人围攻她! Bang!” “轰!” Has Heavenly Thunder to blast out, the ray sparkle in the arena, the energy is vast, here suppresses the person, but has not actually suppressed the Amethyst Heavenly Thunder and other energy weapons. 天雷炸开,在擂台上光芒闪耀,能量浩瀚,这里压制人,但却没有压制紫晶天雷等能量武器。 Bang! 砰! Her finger illumination, puts on a clear glove, absolutely is the treasure, is broken several Amethyst Heavenly Thunder bang, and bang flies, blasts out in the distant place. 她的手指发光,戴上一副晶莹的手套,绝对是瑰宝,将几颗紫晶天雷轰碎,并轰飞出去,在远处炸开。 The arena is not small, but has the fearful energy to wreak havoc as before, here seethed with excitement. 擂台不算小,但是依旧有可怕的能量肆虐,在这里沸腾了。 Other Amethyst Heavenly Thunder also blasted out at this time, this simply was disastrous, the chainreact, the fierce explosive sound was lingering on faintly, the energy was billowing. 其他紫晶天雷也都在这时炸开,这简直是灾难性的,发生连锁反应般,剧烈爆炸声不绝于耳,能量滚滚。 Fei Ling Fairy whole body illumination, clothing is the treasures, from the head ornaments to the ear pendant, arrives at the women's clothing again, looks attractively, but is actually the Artifact Refining Great Grandmaster masterpieces. 菲灵仙子浑身发光,穿戴的都是宝物,从头饰到耳坠,再到衣裙,看着漂亮,但却都是炼器大宗师的杰作。 However, eventually is also only the Saint Level treasure clothes, suffers such ferocious attack, cannot withstand, is impossible to protect her thoroughly. 然而,终究也只是圣级宝衣,遭受这么猛烈的进攻,还是承受不住,不可能彻底护住她。 Her long skirt blasts out many places, in armor has the close crack, her took out many flying sword, golden treasure seal and five dragon Zhuang, bronze holy cauldron wait/etc., the rare treasure dances in the air. 她身上的长裙炸开很多处,内甲都有细密的裂纹,她祭出很多口飞剑,还有金色宝印、五龙桩、青铜圣鼎等,秘宝飞舞。 Finally some weapons are but gloomy, even was hit the crack! 可是最后有些兵器暗淡,甚至被打裂! The distant place, Chu Feng was also affected, the Saint Level shield has traded in an instant two, simultaneously he grasps Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, has thrown directly. 远处,楚风也受到波及,刹那间圣级盾牌就换了两块,同时他又抓出一把紫晶天雷,直接扔了过去。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Fei Ling Fairy wanted simply insanely, she just saw the hope, must boil, has not expected, that villain youth was too dreadful, threw big? 菲灵仙子简直要疯了,她刚看到希望,要熬过去了,怎么也没有料到,那个恶棍般的青年太猥琐,又扔出来一大把? How to have these many? Other people are also dumbfounded, the critical moment, this simply is the non-solution. 怎么会有这么多?其他人也都目瞪口呆,关键时刻,这简直是无解。 Bang! 砰! Fei Ling Fairy war skirt blasts out comprehensively, was tight-fitting armor also to destroy the part, revealed the big piece snow white exquisite flesh, beautiful had the gloss movingly. 菲灵仙子身上的战裙全面炸开,紧身内甲也毁了部分,露出大片雪白细腻的肌肤,美丽动人而有光泽。 Now, she starts to withstand thunder strike directly, did not have too many fenders, accepted the lightning baptism. 现在,她开始直接承受雷击,没有太多的防御物了,接受闪电洗礼。 This may be fiercer than Heavenly Tribulation, a lightning of Amethyst Heavenly Thunder implication are too many, dense and numerous, is the product of thunder energy accumulation. 这可比天劫厉害多了,一颗紫晶天雷蕴含的闪电太多,密密麻麻,是雷霆能量积淀的产物。 Therefore these many Amethyst Heavenly Thunder dense and numerous appearances and blasts, simply is destructive. 所以这么多紫晶天雷密密麻麻的出现并炸开,简直是毁灭性的。 Despicable, shameless!” “卑鄙,无耻!” The scream of Fei Ling Fairy air/Qi, wants to run away cannot, from most started to be submerged, these had among fast, did not have the time to flee. 菲灵仙子气的尖叫,想逃走都不能,从最开始就被淹没了,这些都发生电光石火间,根本也没时间遁走。 She blocks the first wave duration furiously, the second wave of Amethyst Heavenly Thunder rain arrived, therefore she is very unfortunate , the tragedy, various body rare treasures blast out very much unceasingly. 她奋力挡住第一波时,第二波紫晶天雷雨就到了,所以她很不幸,也很悲剧,身上各种秘宝不断炸开。 The shield, flying sword, broke to pieces one after another one after another. 一块又一块盾牌,一口又一口飞剑,都碎掉了。 Including her beloved golden treasure seal, was made the fissure, one side flies horizontally. 包括她心爱的金色宝印,也被打出裂痕,横飞到一边去。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Arrived finally, she shames angry and alarmed and afraid is calling, by the lightning was submerged, was kept by thunder bang. 到最后,她羞恼而又惊惧的叫着,被闪电淹没,被雷霆轰个不停。 When the lightning stops, here was peaceful, ground burned black, everywhere is the weapon residuals, the arena that has to say carries over the stone material that builds is very really solid from the chaos, lossless. 当闪电停止时,这里安静了,地面焦黑,到处都是兵器残渣,不得不说从混沌中带出的石料筑成的擂台真的很结实,无损。 Fei Ling Fairy moved cannot move, whole body burned black, lay down there, where also having Immortal Qi? Often some electric lights emit from within the body, twitches. 菲灵仙子一动不能动了,浑身焦黑,躺在那里,哪里还有仙气可言?不时有电光从体内冒出,略带抽搐。 The people are at a loss for words, incomparable shock. 众人张口结舌,无比震惊。 Was this moment ago that not eating the food of common mortals elegantly beautiful fairy maiden? This...... Two extremes. 这还是刚才那不食人间烟火般的冷艳仙子吗?这……两个极端啊。 Great arena corner there, Chu Feng throws down fully together is the fissure shield, has stood, such in a minute, he has changed four shields, this is because hides enough far, not in lightning center. 宏大的擂台角落那里,楚风丢下一块满是裂痕的盾牌,站了起来,就这么片刻间,他换了四块盾牌,这还是因为躲的足够远,没有在闪电中心。 Makes the person love dearly.” Chu Feng sighed. “真让人心疼啊。”楚风叹气。 Bah, hypocritical, you also matched saying that loved dearly Fei Ling? Injured that appearance the person!” Under the arena, there is a World of the Living's female Saint to reprimand. “呸,假惺惺,你也配说心疼菲灵?都将人伤成那个样子了!”擂台下,有阳间的女圣斥道。 Immediately, one group of people responded, wants to rush immediately, killed him. 顿时,一群人响应,想立刻冲上去,将他干掉。 Chu Feng visits them, a stunned appearance, said: You think anything, I am loving dearly these four shields, is my holy artifact, ruined is a pity.” 楚风看着他们,一副愕然的样子,道:“你们想什么呢,我是在心疼这四块盾牌,都是我的圣器,毁掉太可惜了。” People: #@¥*!” 众人:“#@¥*!” Especially the World of the Living's person, was mad to is not good, wants to chop him, too the hiring hated. 尤其是阳间的人,被气到不行,真想剁了他,太招人恨了。 Some people must rush to the stage to come up, including Fei Ling Fairy good best friend. 一些人就要冲到台上去,其中包括菲灵仙子的好闺蜜等。 Is the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation also whole body sends out divine radiance, shines the four directions, must mount the stage. 就是太武天尊的后人也浑身散发神圣光辉,普照四方,就要登台。 Chu Feng whiz rushed over, pulls spirit tying rope, directly Fei Ling Fairy on bundling, and opens the mouth saying: She is my, she said that once has defeated, I want to be what to do good!” 楚风嗖的一声冲了过去,扯出一根捆灵绳,直接将菲灵仙子给捆上了,并且开口道:“她是我的,她自己都说了,一旦败了,我想怎么办都行!” Fei Ling Fairy happen to regains consciousness, opens the pupil, after hearing this words, her ying warned one, at present becomes dark, directly been mad fainting in the past. 菲灵仙子正好苏醒,睁开眸子,听到这种话语后,她嘤咛一声,眼前发黑,直接又被气的昏死过去。 I come!” “我来!” I come!” “我来!” ...... …… Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Some people rush to the arena, must criticize with Chu Feng. 一些人冲上擂台,要跟楚风清算。 Fears you to be inadequate, you on together!” Chu Feng fearless, simultaneously and casts a sidelong glance slantingly they, said: Naturally, reaches an agreement ahead of time, after defeating you, you are also my!” “怕你们不成,你们一起上吧!”楚风无惧,同时又斜睨他们,道:“当然,提前说好,击败你们后,你们也都是我的!” One group of people want to beat him to arrive at the explosion, was too ignominious and hateful. 一群人想殴打他到爆炸,太可耻与可恨了。 You withdraw, making me come!” The Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation one step flies high, arrives at the near, divine radiance fills the air, incomparable radiance and dazzling. “你们退后,让我来!”太武天尊的后人一步凌空,来到近前,神圣光辉弥漫,无比的璀璨与炫目。 Under the arena, Yuan Mo and Zi Luan also ran, has not really borne, thinks that the short distance watched. 擂台下,元魔紫鸾也跑来了,实在没有忍住,想近距离观看。
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