SR :: Volume #10

#982: A person challenges entire World of the Living

You roll to me!” “你给我滚过来!” king Juncheng one step takes, was a big horse monkey, the speed was too likely quick, the appearance was fierce, the bronze body illumination, found out a rush-leaf fan big palm, winding around sacred rune, has grasped toward Chu Feng. 王俊成一步迈出,像是一头大马猴,速度太快了,面目狰狞,古铜色肌体发光,探出一只蒲扇大的手掌,缭绕神圣符文,向着楚风抓了过去。 His vexed and ashamed to become Xiu, was ridiculed, was stepped on the nose to spurt the saliva then the difference, he wishes one could one to grip Chu Feng. 他恼羞成秀,被人奚落,就差被人踩着鼻子喷口水了,他恨不得一把就将楚风攥死。 A while!” Chu Feng called out there: You have not asked my name.” “等会儿!”楚风在那里叫道:“你还没问我名字呢。” In king Juncheng the halfway stagnates slightly, but, after hearing his latter half words, wishes one could a palm of the hand to pat, felt that this logical expression were too many, this is must irritate him, who cares about your name! 王俊成半途中略微一滞,但是,听到他的后半截话语后,恨不得一巴掌拍死,感觉此人话太多了,这是要气死他啊,谁关心你名字! His that palm clearer, the energy aura compels the person, grasps toward the Chu Feng's neck, this is hates to be the result, wants to carry directly. 他的那只手掌越晶莹,能量气息迫人,向着楚风的脖子抓去,这是恨极所致,想直接拎过来。 Bang! 砰! However, the development of matter stems from his expectation, Chu Feng digs up casually, keeps off his hand standard to one side. 然而,事情的发展出乎他的预料,楚风随便一扒拉,就将他的那只手格挡向一边。 Then, his pupil anger opens the eyes, saw that a hand is enlarging, compels at present, was too quick, has not given his time of response, then carries his neck, instead raises him. 然后,他的瞳孔怒睁,看到一只手在放大,逼到眼前,太快了,没有给他的反应的时间,便一把拎住他的脖子,将他反提起来。 You!” “你!” He, the shock is in consternation incomparable, Indigenous that he must seize grasps firmly his neck unexpectedly in turn, is pulling the chicken young likely, gave to catch him. 他愕然,震惊无比,他要揪住的土著居然反过来攥住他的脖子,像是扯着小鸡仔般,将他给抓了起来。 Your what you?!” “你什么你?!” Chu Feng bang, tempers him ruthlessly on the ground, but has not made an effort, if a move plunges to death the opposite party, it is estimated that will retreat in fear all people. 楚风砰的的一声,将他狠狠地摔打在地上,不过没有用力,如果一招就将对方摔死,估计会吓退所有人。 king Juncheng rolls the eyes, felt that the whole body bone must break, sore discomfort, but his strain is rapid, pastes the tread to fly upside down. 王俊成翻白眼,感觉浑身骨头都要断了,疼的难受,但是他应变迅速,贴着地面倒飞出去。 Good exquisite style, this is the clever hand, uses as wonderful as the summit!” Under the arena some people shout, acclaimed loudly. “好精妙的招式,这是偷天换日手,用的妙到毫巅!”擂台下有人喊道,大声赞叹。 handsome becomes, strangles to death him with the Immemorial barbarian dragon vigor!” Some people direct, was shouting to king Juncheng. “俊成,用太古蛮龙劲儿绞杀他!”有人指点,对着王俊成喊。 Right!” king Juncheng nods, he realized, the style of opposite party is exquisite, but the energy aura is insufficient, if enough, wrenched apart his neck a moment ago, or fell is rotten he. “对!”王俊成点头,他意识到,对方的招式精妙,可能量气息不足,如果足够强,刚才就扭断他的脖子,或者摔烂他了。 He thought that the opposite party does not touch him, had tried a moment ago. 他觉得对方打不动他,刚才已经尽全力了。 Bang! 轰! The flash, king Juncheng outside the body to/clashes one after another energy light beam, is similar to the golden flood dragon is hovering, circles to dance in the air, is full of the tyrannical energy. 一刹那,王俊成的体外冲起一道又一道能量光束,如同金色的蛟龙在游动,盘旋飞舞,充满暴虐性的能量。 Now, various his whole body spots are equal to the weapon, each may attack, dashes forward, meets the tough head-on with toughness with Chu Feng, wants his crush. 现在,他浑身各部位都等同于武器,每一处都可进攻,向前冲撞,跟楚风硬碰硬,想将他碾压。 Really, Chu Feng dreaded, avoided unceasingly, does not dare to shake with him hardly, nearly was being scratched several times by that barbarian dragon vigor, the scene was intense. 果然,楚风“忌惮”了,不断躲避,没有敢跟他硬撼,数次险些被那蛮龙劲儿擦着,场面激烈。 Rolls, what to run away, such selects the method also to want with my duel? Delicate, you were too gentle and charming, death!” king Juncheng satirized. “滚过来,逃什么,就这么点手段也想跟我决斗?弱不禁风,你太娇柔了,死!”王俊成讽刺。 He thought finally, the foul odor in heart spat most probably. 他终于觉得,心中的恶气吐出去了大半。 After fierce struggle moment, the Chu Feng corners of the mouth reveal one wisp to sneer, he does not want to accompany this person to play, does not have immediately under the killer, but is feared that frightens off Fei Ling Fairy and Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation and others. 激斗片刻后,楚风嘴角露出一缕冷笑,他可不想陪此人玩下去,没有立刻下杀手,不过是怕吓走菲灵仙子太武天尊的后人等。 Bang! 砰! When king Juncheng to/clashes once more, was held an arm by him directly, such gives with carrying the midair, exactly after said is holds, to brandish in the midair. 王俊成再次冲来时,被他直接抓住一条手臂,就这么给跟拎到半空,确切的说是抓住后抡到半空中。 pā! 啪! Then layer on layer/heavily, was hurled by Chu Feng on the ground, this time may different recently, making king Juncheng call out pitifully, because the bone breaks the muscle booklet, bleeds profusely from the head. 然后重重地一下,就被楚风掼在地上,这次可不同前次,让王俊成惨叫,因为骨断筋折,七窍流血。 Let alone fleshly body, is soul light approaches is shaken the powder. 别说肉身,就是魂光都接近被震散。 Then, he was carried an arm raising by Chu Feng, starts to beat once more. 接着,他又被楚风拎着一只胳膊给提了起来,再次开始摔打。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The ground shivers, the rock on arena is hard, from the chaos, is lossless throughout, but above also the blood has actually scattered, king Juncheng horrible to look. 地面颤抖,擂台上的岩石非常坚硬,来自混沌中,始终无损,但是上面却也已经血液四溅,王俊成惨不忍睹。 Shortly, he is about to rot, quickly becomes a rags baby who Chu Feng beats. 顷刻间,他都快烂掉了,被楚风摔打的快成为一个破布娃娃了。 People is petrify, unexpectedly such result? 众人石化,居然是这样的结果? Many people believe, should be in turn right. 许多人认为,应该反过来才对。 But the truth at present, king handsome the image formation is a scarecrow, was brandished by Chu Feng, pounds east to pound west, 可真相就在眼前,王俊成像是一个稻草人,被楚风抡动起来,砸到东来砸到西, „It is not good, king Juncheng was fallen rottenly, is dying!” The World of the Living's person shouts in a low voice, greeting companion, they did not care, some distant place people overflowed many attention. “不好了,王俊成被人摔烂了,都快死了!”阳间的人低声喊道,招呼同伴,原本他们不在意,远处一些人都没过多的关注。 Finally now became this appearance. 结果现在成这个样子了。 Fairy maiden, unexpectedly was king handsome the success or failure.” The distant place, a Emperor's Carriage bank, some maidservants reported Fei Ling Fairy, this World of the Living's young envoy then raised the head, looks into the arena. “仙子,居然是王俊成败了。”远方,一辆辇车畔,有侍女禀告菲灵仙子,这位阳间的年轻使者这才抬头,眺望擂台。 Broken Universe Evolver, many people are at a loss for words, cannot feel the brains, king Juncheng threatens on, in the end like this becomes the old rags baby in others hand? 残破宇宙进化者,许多人张口结舌,摸不着头脑,王俊成气势汹汹而上,到头来就这样成为别人手中的烂布娃娃? Trash, you were too weak, knows I have not drunk the Dragon Sparrow blood, inborn divine force, but also dares to dash to me barbarically, my fleshly body is more tenacious than you!” Chu Feng explained there. “渣渣,你太弱了,不知道我喝过龙雀血吧,天生神力,还敢对我野蛮冲撞,我的肉身比你坚韧多了!”楚风在那里“解释”。 In fact, he but now Divine General level fleshly body, even arrives at the Divine King level. 事实上,他现在可是神将肉身,甚至抵临神王层次。 This arena cannot suppress him, this completely is the crush match. 这擂台也压制不了他,这完全是碾压对手。 After having completely the superiority, a stance of his rigid theorizing, if king Juncheng the knows truth, were not irritated, must be frightened half dead. 占尽优势后,他一副说教的姿态,如果王俊成知道真相,不被气死,也要被吓个半死。 Naturally, king Juncheng certainly must irritate now, was being brandished pounding, but also was spurted the saliva to ridicule like this, this really feels urgently the shame. 当然,王俊成现在肯定要气死过去了,被人抡着砸,还被人这样喷口水奚落,这实在是倍感羞辱。 Zi Luan and Yuan Mo are looking into here in the distant place, considered stemming from own safety, they do not dare to approach, has not gone out in the refugee camp range, otherwise is worried about some people's under extreme methods to them. 紫鸾元魔正在远方眺望这边,出于自身安危考虑,他们没敢接近,未曾走出难民营范围内,不然的话担心有人对他们下死手。 Even if separated by very far, they are also indistinct saw, usually is really thick, to shake many king Juncheng the Yuan Mo bone to their hostility to be beaten savagely unexpectedly. 即便相隔很远,他们也隐约间看到,平日间对他们敌意甚浓、将元魔骨头震断多根的王俊成竟然在被人暴打。 In the near future, was a Zi Luan arm bone fracture, moreover what she was most restless, king Juncheng usually looked that was somewhat scalding hot to her vision. 近期,就是紫鸾的一条手臂都骨折了,而且她最为不安的是,王俊成平日看向她的目光有些灼热。 Now she and Yuan Mo are pleasantly surprised, king Juncheng was punched by the violent unexpectedly, was too unexpected, is too exciting, they want to shout loudly very much happily. 现在她与元魔惊喜,王俊成居然被暴揍,太出乎意料了,也太大快人心,他们很想高呼痛快。 Good, I was talking a moment ago still over Chu Feng, if appeared were good, finally now some people dare to teach king Juncheng, good that hit!” Zi Luan muttered low voice. “太好了,我刚才还在念叨楚风要是出现就好了,结果现在就有人敢来教训王俊成,打的好!”紫鸾小声咕哝。 Should not be he?” Yuan Mo whispered, used divine soul sound transmission with her. “该不会就是他吧?”元魔低语,跟她用神魂传音 Is "Ah, impossible? don't tell me...... Day spirit spiritual land spirits, the incantation of my Zi Luan small immortal has manifested a spirit, summoned really this hateful demon? ” The Zi Luan big eye bone common rotation, is somewhat excited, is somewhat happy, but the doubt gets up, is looking at the arena direction. “啊,不可能吧?难道……天灵灵地灵灵,我紫鸾小仙的咒语显灵了,真将这个可恶的魔头召唤来了?”紫鸾大眼骨碌碌转动,有些激动,也有些开心,但又狐疑起来,望着擂台方向。 Because, she is Yuan Mo, previously does not think that Chu Feng can come, he is hard to cross the chaos sea. 因为,无论是她还是元魔,早先都不认为楚风能过来,他难以横渡混沌海。 Stop!” “住手!” The World of the Living's person was shouting, some people rush to the arena near, comes up then the strategic place, prevents Chu Feng. 阳间的人在大喊,一些人冲到擂台近前,就要冲上去,阻止楚风 At this time, Chu Feng also gave up, because king Juncheng was fallen rottenly by him, in his hand then the remaining some bodies, gives to fall including soul light vanished quickly cleanly, was already split up. 此时,楚风也罢手了,因为王俊成被他摔烂,他手里就剩下部分躯体,连魂光都给摔的快消失干净了,早已四分五裂。 Then Not just in name only, but also in reality, really has become the trash.” Chu Feng talked to oneself, if becomes others, he will not start to be so ruthless, at the worst killed directly is. “这下名副其实了,真成渣渣了。”楚风自语,如果成别人,他也不会下手这么狠,大不了直接杀了就是。 But this person has enraged him, unexpectedly such aims at his person, including a Zi Luan arm hit bone fracture, do not say Yuan Mo. 可是此人触怒了他,居然那样针对他身边的人,连紫鸾的一条手臂都被打的骨折,就更不要说元魔了。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Also some people mount the stage, saw after king Juncheng was abandoned, immediately is angry, initiates the challenge to Chu Feng. 又有人登台,看到王俊成被废后,顿时大怒,向楚风发起挑战。 Finally, after 80 moves, another World of the Living Saint was beaten by Chu Feng, brandishes after the ground tattered. 结果,80招过后,又一位阳间圣者楚风摔打,抡在地上后破破烂烂。 One crowd of cloth dolls, do not have the meaning.” Chu Feng shakes the head. “一群布娃娃,真没意思。”楚风摇头。 If knows his true cultivation base, it is estimated that all people will be shouted'mother-fucker', bullied the person, but he always enjoyed, since can legitimate kill the enemy, beat heartily, why can he give up? 若是被人知道他真正的修为,估计所有人都会骂娘,太欺负人了,但是他乐此不疲,既然可以“合法”毙敌,尽情殴打,他为什么要放弃呢? These beat the scene...... Real? The people are in a daze. 这些殴打场景……是真的吗?众人发呆。 Chu Feng in despising the World of the Living person, too can draw has hated, has not looked at the World of the Living person completely in the eye. 楚风在蔑视阳间人,太能拉仇恨了,完全没将阳间人看在眼中。 One crowd of human spirits is not good, but does not beat, in the arena was beaten by Chu Feng shatters five people, all cannot block the attack of his tyrant Dao Physique soul. 一群人气的不行,但就是不敌,擂台上被楚风摔打坏掉五人了,全都挡不住他的霸道体魄的攻击。 Some World of the Living also people? So will not be weak, disappointing. Under anyone, Fei Ling Fairy, compares notes, does the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation, we think over mutually?” 阳间还有人吗?不会都这么弱吧,让人失望。那谁,菲灵仙子是吧,过来切磋下,还有太武天尊的后人,咱互相掂量一下?” Chu Feng speaks the last words in the presence of everyone. 楚风当众叫板。 Bang! 轰! Immediately, here ebullition. 顿时,这里一片沸腾。 The people of observing think inconceivable, this also too strange, unexpectedly takes down a piece, but also wants to challenge to Fei Ling Fairy and the others, is it may be said that bold. 观战的人都觉得不可思议,这位也太邪乎了,居然放倒一片,还想向菲灵仙子等人挑战,可谓胆大包天。 Young lady, I teach him!” “小姐,我去教训他!” Side Fei Ling Fairy, maidservant whispered, could not look at Chu Feng, was turning the figure of beautiful and graceful, then, such was similar to the surging waves fairy maiden mounts the stage. 菲灵仙子身边,有一位侍女低语,看不过楚风,扭着婀娜的身段,然后,就这么如同凌波仙子般登台。 She wears the silver long skirt, quite simple and elegant pure, but, on the face is bringing the cold frost, some people challenge Fei Ling Fairy, moreover is this piece of universe person, making them feel that this person too does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, when striking well. 她穿着银色长裙,相当的素雅洁净,但是,脸上带着寒霜,有人挑战菲灵仙子,而且是这片宇宙的人,让她们觉得此人太不知天高地厚,当好好的敲打。 Afterward, the fight erupted. 随后,战斗就爆发了。 But, the following result makes all people dumbfounded, speechless. 可是,接下来的结果让所有人目瞪口呆,一阵无语。 This female was very strong, surpasses these people, particularly was very attractive, iced cold, was bringing cold Immortal Qi including take action. 这名女子很强,超过刚才的那些人,尤其是很漂亮,冷若冰霜,连出手都带着冷冽的仙气 But, shortly, she starts the pain to call, the tears must flow, full head large package. 可是,才没多长时间,她就开始痛叫,眼泪都要流出来了,满头大包。 Chu Feng to her not polite, snow white such as on the forehead of jade has knocked in her, has hit a black brick on her back of the head, has struck a fist on her face, making her whole person swelling, head long horn, the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, was pitiful. 楚风对她可没客气,在她雪白如玉的额头上敲了一下,在她后脑上打了一黑砖,在她脸上击了一拳,让她整个人都肿胀了,头上长犄角,嘴角溢血,非常凄惨。 „It is not good.” Chu Feng shakes the head. “还是不行呀。”楚风摇头。 Then, he holds this female, is carrying her, is one beats, immediately makes pretty young girls in many person eyes exude the pitiful cry. 接着,他一把抓住此女,拎着她,也是一阵摔打,顿时让许多人眼中的靓丽少女发出悲惨的叫声。 Stops!” “停!” Side Fei Ling Fairy has several females to call out in alarm, to/clashes rapidly. 菲灵仙子身边有几名女子惊叫,迅速冲来。 Delays again, the young girl who previously mounted the stage must be beaten the dregs, this is not they desired. 再耽搁下去,早先登台的少女也要被摔打成渣了,这可不是她们希望看到的。 What a pity, they have overestimated oneself strength, shortly after mounts the stage,...... Starts the pain to call, chaotic runs away, each and every one that Chu Feng hits was simple and beautiful, finally now swelling is the pig head, bleeds profusely from the head. 可惜,她们高估了自己的实力,登台不久后,也……开始痛叫,被楚风打的乱逃,原本一个个清丽漂亮,结果现在都肿胀为猪头,七窍流血。 Moreover, they had been tempered by Chu Feng, non-stop again, quickly became the trash. 而且,她们都被楚风摔打了一遍,再不停下来,也快成渣渣了。 Fei Ling Fairy cannot sit still finally, her personal maidservant was being beaten unexpectedly, was too miserable, the words that she does not pass, can only receive the trash that rots. 菲灵仙子终于坐不住,她的贴身侍女居然都在被摔打,太惨了,她再不过去的话,只能去收烂掉的渣渣了。 Her figure is very good, is slim and tall and graceful, the curve fluctuates, can be called very sexy moving, but the elegant face is very holy, does not have the smiling face elegantly beautiful. 她身材很好,修长而挺秀,曲线起伏,称得上非常性感动人,但是俏脸却很圣洁,冷艳而无笑容。 The show hairlace the gloss, is hanging loose in her chest front with behind, her skin snow white clear, exquisite, but willowy, scolds to make noise at this moment lightly, making Chu Feng give up. 秀发带着光泽,披散在她的胸前与背后,她的皮肤雪白晶莹,细腻而有弹性,此刻轻叱出声,让楚风罢手。 Meanwhile, several young messengers also flew, was Sub Immortal Clan and Primitive Demon palace, Deity Palace and Amitabha Temple honored guest. 与此同时,还有几位年轻的使者也飞过来了,都是亚仙族始魔殿、天神宫弥陀寺的贵客。 In addition, the snow white Asian Qilin treads in void, draws silver war chariot also to approach this place, carries the white clothing to have no time, the abundant god such as jade the later generation of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate. 此外,雪白的亚麒麟踏在虚空中,拉着一辆银色战车也接近此地,载着白衣无暇、丰神如玉的太武天尊的后人。 Your this has been afraid, can submit to me?” The Chu Feng opens the mouth comes. “你们这是害怕了,要来臣服于我?”楚风张口就来。 Is this how big heart? Let the Heavenly Venerate later generation surrender, what is he thinking? All people thought that his nerve is too thick. 这是多么大的心?让天尊的后人降服,他在想什么呢?所有人都觉得他的神经太粗大。 How didn't you speak?” Chu Feng asks, sees them to be indifferent does not speak, he shakes the head to sigh, said: Unexpectedly has tacitly approved, must submit to me, World of the Living whole world all trash.” “你们怎么不说话?”楚风开口询问,见他们都冷漠不语,他摇头叹气,道:“居然都默认了,真要臣服于我啊,阳间举世皆渣渣。” The observers are all speechless, is this how the narcissistic mentality? 旁观者全都无言,这得是多么自恋的心态? Meanwhile, looked at that Fei Ling Fairy in doing a lot of talking good, looked that Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate the genial smile on latter face was inflexible. 同时,看那菲灵仙子已经在磨牙了好不好,看那太武天尊的后人脸上的和煦的微笑都僵固了。 The people complexion is strange, does he take a person to challenge entire World of the Living? 人们脸色怪异,他要一个人挑战全阳间吗?
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