SR :: Volume #10

#981: Chapter 981

Yuan Mo clenches teeth, suppresses the anger, in the heart is feeling urgently the humiliation, but the body has the wound, some bones have broken off, once had caused heavy losses by the World of the Living's person, now comes up also to be shamed again. 元魔咬牙,强忍着愤怒,心中倍感屈辱,但是身上有伤,一些骨头都折断了,曾被阳间的人重创过,现在再上去也是被羞辱。 Walks!” He greeted Zi Luan . “走!”他招呼紫鸾 Zi Luan usually is lively and arrogant and pampered, but the energetic dispirited, the big eye gloomily does not have the light now, the scolded body slightly is trembling, she somewhat is afraid. 紫鸾平日又活泼又傲娇,可现在精神萎靡,大眼暗淡无光,被呵斥的身体都在轻微发抖,她有些害怕。 Without a doubt, the World of the Living's person is unfriendly to them, including her arm bone fracture, cannot lift, moreover evidently was lost/carrying wound some time ago. 毫无疑问,阳间的人对他们非常不友好,连她的一条手臂都骨折了,抬不起来,而且看样子就是不久前负的伤。 Two people lower the head, walks toward that so-called refugee camp. 两人低头,向那所谓的难民营中走去。 Really does not understand the custom, not knows own status?” World of the Living's that person shot a look at their one eyes, then stares at the Zi Luan beautiful back, in the eye slightly is having fiery. “真是不懂规矩,不知道自己的身份吗?”阳间的那个人瞥了他们一眼,而后又盯着紫鸾的美丽的背影,眼中略有火热。 Yuan Mo and Zi Luan once with some Chu Feng connections, above request these two must stay behind, cannot start, otherwise was supposing Yuan Mo died, Zi Luan will not have any good end. 元魔紫鸾曾与楚风有些关联,上面要求这两人都得留下,不能下手,不然的话估摸着元魔就死了,紫鸾也不会有什么好下场。 The Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation rides Qilin war chariot, the snow clothes dances in the breeze, sends out the holy brilliance, passed, leaves behind the following large expanse of screams. 太武天尊的后人乘坐麒麟战车,雪衣飘舞,散发圣洁光辉,已经过去,留下后面成片的惊呼声。 Around this contrasts, the contrast is too big. 这前后对比,反差太大。 Chu Feng looks at all these in the eye, wants to begin very much immediately, but does not want to implicate on Yuan Mo and Zi Luan temporarily, he does not matter, may kill to escape. 楚风将这一切看在眼中,很想立刻动手,但暂时不想牵连上元魔紫鸾,他自己无所谓,可杀可遁。 But, if possible, he wants to feed in World of the Living appropriate Sect the two. 可是,如果可以的话,他还是想将那两人送进阳间合适的门派 I a little thought of Demon Chu, yeah, wants to see him to beat that person, beat his hateful countenance, not knows Chu Feng how, where.” Zi Luan small sound said, nose slightly acid. “我有点想念楚魔头了,哎,真想看到他殴打那个人,打烂他那张可恶的嘴脸,不知道楚风怎样了,在哪里。”紫鸾小声道,鼻子微酸。 Chu Feng follows up gradually, looks for the opportunity, until being separated from so-called refugee camp region, his vision is cold gradually. 楚风一步一步跟进,寻找机会,直到脱离所谓的难民营区域,他的目光逐渐冷冽下来。 Dodge opens, within the body flows has the envoy arrival of Heavenly Venerate's Blood fluid, you surround anything, gives me the get out of the way!” The World of the Living person who is responsible for leading the way berated, was that person. “快闪开,体内流淌有天尊血液的使者驾临,你们围拢什么,都给我闪开!”负责开路的阳间人喝斥,还是刚才的那个人。 When World of the Living's Divinity as well as young disciple come, accompanies a sick person to provide nursing care by their such specialists, is responsible for showing the way and clearing the way. 阳间的神祇以及年轻弟子过来时,由他们这样的专人陪护,负责领路与开道等。 His Evolver to Broken Universe does not have any good complexion, when World of the Dead person but who the ratio faces the refugee camp stronger on some. 他对残破宇宙进化者也没什么好脸色,但比面对难民营的阴间人时要强上一些。 At this time, Chu Feng walked, shouted to that person: Dog's bark what, since your World of the Living person came, was bossy, looks down upon the World of the Dead person , the stance to Evolver also despising of our chaos universe, treating impartially of reaching an agreement?” 这时,楚风走过来了,对那人喊道:“犬吠什么,自从你们阳间人来了以后,颐指气使,看不起阴间人也就算了,对我们混沌宇宙的进化者也一副蔑视的姿态,说好的一视同仁呢?” How did you speak?” That person is gloomy immediately the face, has turned around. “你怎么说话?”那人顿时阴沉着脸,转过身来。 This is a team, is responsible for receiving and instructing various group of messengers and talents, now many people turn head to look. 这是一支队伍,负责接引各路使者与天才等,现在不少人都回头看着。 Can't understand the logical expression? Your which clan, Heavenly Dog clan?” Although Chu Feng comes the chaos universe, but relies on formidable soul light to demand, already this piece of universe linguistics is very mindful. “听不懂人话啊?你哪族的,天狗族的吧?”楚风虽然才来混沌宇宙,但是凭借强大的魂光索取,早已将这片宇宙的语言学的很顺溜。 Opposite, World of the Living's that person of hearing this, becomes angry out of shame, although he high-sounding talk, during the spoken languages profanes very much, but was shouted propaganda like this in the presence of everyone, thought that aimed, spoke the last words. 对面,阳间的那人闻言,恼羞成怒,他虽然很高调,言语间非常轻慢,但是这样被人当众喊话,还是觉得被针对了,被叫板了。 Courts death?!” He is gloomy. “找死吗?!”他阴森森。 However, some side people have held on him, feared that the matter is noisy, arouses public discontent, said: Regarding the talent, we always regards as important, for example Exiled Immortal Cave, Amitabha Temple and strongest successor of Primitive Demon palace seriously was treated courteously, enjoys the World of the Living talent treatment.” 不过,旁边有人拉住了他,怕事情闹大,引起公愤,道:“对于天才,我们一向看重,比如谪仙窟弥陀寺始魔殿的最强传人都被郑重礼待,享受阳间天才般的待遇。” But person who that held on the calm face, is staring at Chu Feng, said: As for your such person, if jealous, wants to stir up trouble thinks over first own weight, otherwise, simply also goes to the refugee camp to consider as finished.” 而那位被拉住的人又沉着脸,盯着楚风,道:“至于你这样的人,如果眼红,想要挑事的话先掂量一下自己的斤两,不然的话,干脆也去难民营算了。” You also very can shift topic, what I said is the common phenomenon, you were very arrogant, humiliated most Evolver of our chaos universe.” Appearance that Chu Feng is not convinced, then, makes an arrogant and frivolous gesture intentionally, said: „The World of the Living person is great, I alone hit ten!” “你们还挺能转移话题,我说的是普遍现象,你们很傲慢,折辱了我们混沌宇宙的大多数进化者。”楚风一副不服气的样子,然后,故意做出一副傲慢与轻浮的姿态,道:“阳间人了不起啊,我一个人打十个!” Immediately, surrounding in an uproar. 顿时,周围一片哗然。 The Evolver vision twinkle of Broken Universe, some people have the happy expression to see a play, an indifferent manner, some people despise, thinks him to act recklessly, but also some people is a little small excitedly, similarly looked that the words and deeds of World of the Living person are uncomfortable, hope can teach them. 残破宇宙进化者目光闪烁,有人带着笑意看戏,一副无所谓的态度,也有人鄙夷,觉得他不知死活,还有人有点小兴奋,同样看阳间人的言行不舒服,希望可以教训他们。 I guess, your Sect certainly is afraid now, how is wanting to act servilely, carries a rod and asks for punishment to me, the boy, you are tender, simple-minded, do not kill your Sect, stupid thing!” “我猜,你的师门现在一定很害怕,正在想怎样卑躬屈膝,向我负荆请罪,小子,你还嫩,傻呵呵,别害死你的师门,蠢物!” World of the Living that person smiles pale, is only somewhat is slightly cold, a contemptuous appearance. 阳间那个人淡笑,只是略微有些冷,一副轻蔑的样子。 Installs any big tail wolf, young master hits your ten, added that any my Sect, I only have Senior Brother, if his violent temperament here, early a palm of the hand clapped you, the trash, rolled, the young master did not believe in evil doctrines, how educated you to cultivate the behavior single-handed!” Chu Feng spouted rhetoric. “装什么大尾巴狼,小爷一个打你十个,还说什么我师门,我只有一个师兄,他那暴脾气要是在这里,早一巴掌拍死你了,渣渣,滚过来吧,小爷不信邪,单手教育你怎么做人!”楚风大放厥词。 Naturally, his present appearance already greatly changed, others do not recognize. 当然,他现在的容貌早已大变样,别人认不出。 Surroundings, the people are stunned, here piece of noise, many Evolver are speechless, this is really a youth, unexpectedly must die to knock with the World of the Living's person. 周围,人们愕然,这里一片噪音,很多进化者都无言,这真是个愣头青,居然要跟阳间的人死磕下去。 Opposite, king Juncheng the complexion is pale, after arriving at this piece of universe, first time meets to dare to be called him the person of trash, is that thorn Yuan Mo also refuses to accept, with the motion revolt, so will not be straightforward crudely, but this youth such nakedly despises him at present unexpectedly. 对面,王俊成脸色铁青,来到这片宇宙后还是头一次遇上敢叫他渣渣的人,就是那刺头元魔也只是不服,用行动反抗,不会这么直白粗暴,可眼下这个青年居然这么赤裸裸地蔑视他。 Rolls!” His bellows. “滚过来!”他一声大吼。 He came from the Extreme Martial disciple, belongs to Waishan disciple, here is responsible for receiving, can enter Sect that Heavenly Venerate founds, is not mediocre. 他来自太武门下,属于外山弟子,在这里负责接待等,能够进入天尊开创的门派,都不是凡俗。 He relies on here high, was belittled by the person of this piece of universe, but also spoke the insult, and was in front of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation, making his forehead blue vein appear. 他在这里自恃甚高,被这片宇宙的人小觑,还出言侮辱,并且是当着太武天尊后人的面,让他额头青筋都浮现出来。 The distant place, Fei Ling Fairy wait/etc. from various World of the Living's Major Sect's young messengers and others, has not walked away, looks back in the distant place, pays attention toward here. 远方,菲灵仙子等来自阳间的大教的年轻使者等,还没有走远,都在远处回首,朝这边关注。 Won't speak? Must roll you to roll, comes, I dares affirm, you inevitably are the Heavenly Dog clan, the mouthful spurts the dog blood, wants to dirty the person.” “会说什么话不?要滚你滚,过来吧,我敢肯定,你必然是天狗族的,满嘴喷狗血,想埋汰人。” Chu Feng owes flat appearance, straightens one's neck there, is slanting the eye, does not spare a glance to him, makes the gesture of despising and looking down upon. 楚风一副欠扁的样子,在那里梗着脖子,斜着眼睛,对他不屑一顾,做出非常鄙夷与看不起的姿态。 Bang! 轰! king Juncheng thought that the body blood must explode, sends the silk to be but actually vertical, the look like the electric light, the stride flushed, wishes one could a palm of the hand to pat dead Chu Feng. 王俊成觉得身体血液都要炸出来了,发丝倒竖,眼神如电光,大步冲了过来,恨不得一巴掌拍死楚风 Waits, I must fight a decisive battle with you fairly!” Chu Feng shouts. “等一等,我要跟你公平决战!”楚风喊道。 Oneself court death, but when also delays!” king handsome creates shade said densely, his physique is very high, is vigorous and healthy, has the bronze skin, the arm is very long, likely is a big horse monkey. “自己找死,还耽搁什么时间!”王俊成阴森森地说道,他形体很高,非常健壮,拥有古铜色皮肤,手臂很长,像是一只大马猴。 Chu Feng calls a number, said: Nonsense, the master is the talent, in year of cultivate until Sub Saint Dominion capping ceremony, your this old man was supposing spends in distress for several hundred years to arrive at the Saint level, dares with my same step war?” 楚风叫号,道:“废话,爷是天才,弱冠之年修到亚圣领域中,你这个老梆子估摸着苦熬几百年才到圣者层次吧,敢跟我同阶一战吗?” Ten thousand handsome to become and ate the dead mouse to be equally uncomfortable, his strength was not weak, was World of the Living's Saint, natural no small matter, and did not practice for several hundred years Sanctification, although could not be regarded amazingly quick, but was not slow. 万俊成跟吃了死耗子一样难受,他实力不弱,是阳间的圣者,自然非同小可,并且不是修炼几百年才成圣的,虽然算不得神速,但也不慢。 old king, on that limits the Realm's arena, with his fair war.” Some people shout, World of the Living person was unable to continue watching, must result in sets up the prestige, takes this thorn head, otherwise too does not make sense. “老王,上那座限制境界的擂台,跟他公平一战。”有人喊道,阳间人的看不下去了,必须得立威,拿下这个刺头,不然太不像话了。 Not far away, arena, selects the rare talent to use, can challenge freely. 不远处,就有一座擂台,选拔奇才所用,也可以自由挑战等。 It casts by the sorrel special rock, it is said that the special stone material that digs from the chaos, firm immortal, is Shining Upon does not move. 它以红褐色的特别岩石铸成,据称是从混沌中挖出来的特殊石料,坚固不朽,就是映照者也打不动。 You believe firmly, stands in this arena, can you by the seal, with my equal showdown, should do not cheat?” Chu Feng doubt. “你确信,站在这座擂台上,你被封印了,要跟我平等对决,该不会是要作弊吧?”楚风狐疑。 He has stood in this arena, looks at opposite bronze body, strong when with only man ape king Juncheng. 他已经站在这座擂台上,看着对面古铜色肌体、强壮的跟只人猿时王俊成。 Rubbish!” king Juncheng is angry, wishes one could a palm of the hand to pat him. “废什么话!”王俊成大怒,恨不得一巴掌拍死他。 I feared that you are not concerned about face, kills me with the Saint energy bang , do under I find the person to determine?” Chu Feng grumble, many people who looks is speechless. “我怕你不要脸,用圣者能量轰杀我,要不,我找人确定下?”楚风磨叽,看的许多人无语。 „Do you have not to end?!” king Juncheng wants to kill him, is restraining forcefully. “你有完没完?!”王俊成想打死他,在强行克制。 I, if let slip has not killed you carefully, didn't need to be responsible for?” Chu Feng asked. “我要是失手不小心杀了你,不用负责吧?”楚风问道。 Under the arena many people look at each other speechless, this was also too self-confident excessively. 擂台下许多人相顾无言,这位也太自信过头了吧。 You give me dead!” king Juncheng cannot bear, threw directly, the bronze palm is similar to a grinding pan, and full is rune, puts the mysterious path. “你给我去死!”王俊成受不了,直接扑了过去,古铜色手掌如同磨盘般,并且满是符文,划出玄奥的轨迹。 However, Chu Feng jumps down the arena directly, such ran. 然而,楚风直接跳下擂台,就这么跑了。 The people are speechless, this what meaning? 众人无语,这啥意思? A while, I have not said that are your under extreme methods, afraid?!” Chu Feng shouts in the distant place. “等会儿,我还没说完呢,你就下死手,是不是心虚啊?!”楚风在远处喊道。 Finally, the famous elder of chaos universe presents several, here ensure the showdown is very fair, without question. 终于,混沌宇宙的名宿出现几尊,在这里保证,对决很公平,毫无问题。 Chu Feng jumps onto the arena once more, said: Last issue, I, if incautiously rumbles you trash, does not need to be responsible, after all you are the trash, what I want to ask, can I also challenge Fei Ling Fairy and Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation?” 楚风再次跃上擂台,道:“最后一个问题,我要是一不小心将你轰成渣渣,不用负责吧,毕竟你原本就是渣渣,我想问的是,我还能挑战菲灵仙子太武天尊的后人吗?” One group of people are dumbfounded, this was also too self-confident, this was any situation, dares ridiculing so, such provocation, blindly to be a little arrogant. 一群人目瞪口呆,这位也太自信了吧,这是什么情况,敢这般的奚落,这样的挑衅,有点盲目自大了。 Chu Feng dares such to do, has the strength to have the energy, dares to toss about, if reveal something that gives one away does not matter, that kills! 楚风敢这么做,是有实力有底气,敢折腾,万一露马脚也无所谓,那就杀呗! As for the present, that is legitimate kills, beats heartily. 至于现在,那就是“合法”击毙,尽情殴打。 king Juncheng the body has been trembling, goes too far, his World of the Living Saint by person Tyrant Ling of this piece of universe, was too lost unexpectedly face, flushes away directly forward. 王俊成身体都在发抖了,欺人太甚,他一个阳间圣者居然被这片宇宙的人霸凌,太丢人,直接向前冲去。 Has the ability you to cope with me, the life and death does not need you to be responsible, but can also Heavenly Venerate to Fei Ling Fairy and later generation challenge of Extreme Martial!” “有能耐你就对付我,生死都不用你负责,还可以向菲灵仙子太武天尊的后人挑战!” Then, the people discovered, Chu Feng shivered, appearance that exaggerates very much. 然后,人们就发现,楚风颤抖了,一副很夸张的样子。 Really excited, could not wait, wants to catch several Heavenly Venerate later generation to play very much!” “真激动啊,等不及了,很想抓几头天尊后人玩儿!” One group of people are in a daze, are speechless! 一群人发呆,无话可说! Naturally , some people want to remind, how can make the measuring unit with „”? 当然,也有个别人想提醒,怎么能用“头”作计量单位? The World of the Living's person responded, very much wants to scold, plays? fuck you! 阳间的人反应过来后则很想呵斥,玩儿?你大爷啊! The distant place refugee camp, the Zi Luan doubt, the big eye glances, timidly small sound said: Who came, to cause trouble?” 远方难民营,紫鸾狐疑,大眼瞟动,怯怯地小声道:“谁来了,在闹事吗?”
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