SR :: Volume #10

#980: Meeting an old friend far from home

Bang! 砰! Blasts out void, same place the black hole that leaves behind a crack, Chu Feng escapes in the chaos, the speed was too fast, surpasses the limit. 虚空炸开,原地留下一口龟裂的黑洞,楚风遁进混沌中,速度太快了,超越极限。 Because he wanted Transcends Tribulation, feared that the sound was too big, initiates others to pay attention. 因为他要渡劫了,怕动静太大,引发别人注意。 This time his slaughter falls 11 Divinity, smelting divine nature particles and Dao Ancestral Matter are not few, accumulate to certain level, must start to accept the thunder baptism. 这一次他屠掉11位神祇,熔炼的神性粒子道祖物质不算少,积累到一定层次,又要开始接受雷霆洗礼。 In mixing is high-risk, he depends on stone box in the side, seeks for a stretch of safety zone, being shocking but not dangerous resists this God Level to flash cutting down that. 混度中充满危险,他倚仗有石盒在身边,寻找到一片安全地带,有惊无险的抵住这次神级闪的劈杀。 When he enters Broken Universe once more, a Essence, Qi and Spirit even more concise, terrifying energy is dormant in within the body, he was very to get close to with Divine King. 当他再次走进残破宇宙时,一身的精气神越发的凝练,恐怖的能量蛰伏在体内,他跟神王真的很接近了。 If there is a chance, he then can see the light suddenly, vertical becomes Divine King! 若是有机缘,他便能顿悟,立地成神王 He feels obviously, oneself has evolved, various body life values have the amplification, must make war, can show disdain for Gods, looking disdainfully four directions Divine General. 他明显感觉到,自身又进化了,身体各项生命数值都有增幅,真要开战,能傲视诸神,睥睨四方神将 On a withered planet, Chu Feng descends, has put 12 snow white small creature, under this is from the chaos on that strange tree picks fruit lifeforms, is Divine Beast! 在一颗干枯的行星上,楚风降落下来,将12只雪白的小动物都放了出来,这是从混沌中那棵怪树上采摘下的“果实生物”,都是神兽 After nourishing and growth of long years, divine medicine spiritual wisdom, has the fruit, finally the exuviate turn into the animal. 历经漫长岁月的滋养与成长,神药通灵,结出果实,最后蜕变成动物。 12 fist big snow white small beasts are very pure, are similar to a pure white paper, waits for the words exaggeration, in their brains some are only the principle and Order, wipes the projection just like say/way in the world. 12只拳头大的雪白小兽都很单纯,如同一张纯洁的白纸,等待笔墨渲染,它们头脑中有的只是法则与秩序,宛若“道”在人间一抹投影。 Chu Feng branches out 12 wisps of soul light, enters their within the body, taught them, transmitted own various trains of thought that this was occupies simply completely in fine weather and favorable geographical position, directly became their family members. 楚风分出12缕魂光,进入它们的体内,教导它们,传递自己的各种思绪,这简直是占尽天时地利,直接成为它们的亲人。 I am your teachers.” “我是你们的师尊。” This guidance, is projects in their soul light directly, if other lifeforms will definitely not accept, because might be controlled thoroughly, will become its puppet incarnation. 这种教导,是直接在它们的魂光中投影,若是别的生物肯定不会接受,因为非常有可能会被人彻底掌控,成为其傀儡化身。 12 lifeforms are ignorant, is perplexed radically. 12只生物懵懂无知,根本不明所以。 However, Chu Feng has not controlled their meanings, in the shortest time, leaves behind too many things, has instilled into his many ideas. 不过,楚风也没有控制它们的意思,在最短的时间内,留下太多的东西,灌输了他的很多想法。 In fact, this was equal to that is helping them mold the world outlook directly, is not the Chu Feng's incarnation, but has the similarity with him, is very intimate to him. 事实上,这等于在直接帮它们塑造世界观等,不是楚风的化身,但却跟他有很多相近之处,对他无比亲近。 You go to each region investigation......” “你们去各地探查……” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, this is 12 gods, the words that does not use too waste. 楚风开口,这可是12位神,不用的话太浪费。 His these soul light have not taken back, starts off with them, enters in Star Sea together, investigates about World of the Living's all. 他的那些魂光还没有收回,跟着他们上路,一同进入星海中,去探查关于阳间的一切。 The silver puppy, was calling tearfully, darling, but was really Divinity, can the slaughter fall one to inherit dozens over a million years of Major Sect sufficiently. 银色的小狗,汪汪地叫着,憨态可掬,但真的为神祇,足以能屠掉一个传承数十上百万年的大教 The snow white small lion slightly reveals overwhelming power, the vertical day goes. 雪白的小狮子略显威猛,纵天而去。 Pure white busy crow, or the permission calls the snow crow, top-notch, may make the Divinity soul lose, charges into the universe deep place. 洁白无暇的“乌鸦”,或许可称之为雪鸦,呱呱叫着,可让神祇的魂魄迷失,冲向宇宙深处。 ...... …… Chu Feng static and other news, prepares to attack at any time! 楚风静等消息,随时准备出击! Shortly, he receives various feedbacks, thorough knows various World of the Living deployment. 不久后,他就得到各种反馈,彻底知道阳间各种部署。 World of the Living teaches respectively, some ancient families have the envoy to come, is not restricted in Extreme Martial, Hun Yi and Genesis several lineage/vein troops. 阳间各教,一些古老的家族都有使者过来,不限于太武浑羿元始几脉人马。 These World of the Living's evolution Sect are choosing World of Death's Seed, and opens a piece of vestige, there has natural smelting trial place, undergoes whets, but passing through, may enter World of the Living, does obeisance in the Heavenly Venerate disciple. 这些阳间的进化门派都在挑选阴间种,并开辟出一片遗迹,那里有一片天然的试炼地,经受磨砺而过关者,可进阳间,拜在天尊门下。 In which outstanding person even can have this clan to fly upwards together World of the Living. 其中的佼佼者甚至可以带着本族一起飞升阳间 This is an important matter. 这是一件大事。 In addition, World of the Living arrives in Broken Universe Divinity is fermenting, before departure, wants to cross the rubicon, organizing the final strength to go to Little World of the Dead to explore. 此外,阳间降临在残破宇宙神祇在酝酿,在离开前,想破釜沉舟,组织最后的力量去小阴间探险。 They will not lose heart, even if just sent ship Divinity, but, this is not they finally was also determined that if no result, remaining Divinity will also go all out, starts off together World of the Dead, even Divine King of Chancellor even/including must leave! 他们不会死心,哪怕刚派出去一船神祇,但是,这也还不是他们最后的决心呢,如果没有结果,剩下的神祇也会拼命,一起上路去阴间,甚至连主事的神王也要动身! I anticipated very much!” “我很期待!” Chu Feng shows the happy expression, if this group of people enter in the chaos, he must intercept absolutely, cuts a cleanness, this is equal to burying all gods. 楚风露出笑意,如果这批人进入混沌中,他绝对要去截杀,斩个干净,这样的话就等于葬掉所有的神。 Perhaps is the Gods dusk! 或许算是诸神的黄昏! Chu Feng moved, toward that piece of so-called vestige, is that piece of natural smelting trial hurries, he wants to find out first. 楚风动了,向着那片所谓的遗迹,也就是那片天然的试炼地赶去,他想先探个究竟。 Intercepts second batch of Divinity, he also wants to mix a legitimate status to enter World of the Living here. 截杀完第二批神祇,他还想在这里混个合法的身份进入阳间呢。 If not two channel there have strangeness, World of the Living one side has expert to assume personal command, he wants to kill really immediately. 若非两界通道那里有古怪,阳间一侧有高手坐镇,他真想立刻就杀过去。 orchid ancient land, Broken Universe together float Continent, float in universe edge, arrives in the chaos. 幽兰古地,残破宇宙一块漂浮的大陆,悬浮在宇宙边缘,抵在混沌间。 Naturally, this region adjoins to the World of the Living's chaos, with the World of the Dead's chaos region in the reversed direction, is away from trim Broken Universe. 当然,这片区域毗邻阳间的混沌,跟通向阴间的混沌区域在反方向上,隔着整片残破宇宙 Chu Feng came, may enter that smelting trial place through here, enters World of the Living from here. 楚风来了,通过这里可进那块试炼地,同时也是从这里进入阳间 Usually, here has the indigenous people, but are not many, so is not absolutely lively like the present, recently came too many Evolver, thinks fish leaping over the dragon gate, enters World of the Living. 平日间,这里有原住民,但不多,绝对不像现在这么热闹,最近来了太多的进化者,都想鱼跃龙门,进入阳间 The ethnic group of Broken Universe most top, their troops already arrived, waiting long time. 残破宇宙最顶级的族群,他们的人马早就到了,等待多日。 For example, Exiled Immortal Cave, Amitabha Temple, Deity Palace and person in Primitive Demon palace, has the complicated relation with that World of the Living. 比如,谪仙窟弥陀寺天神宫始魔殿的人,跟那阳间有千丝万缕的联系。 In addition also has Wei Family, Lu Family wait/etc., these are not the topest families, because now also the ancestor came from World of the Living, but was sought by the envoy. 此外还有卫家吕家等,这些原本并不是最顶尖的家族,现在也因为祖上来自阳间,而被使者寻到。 Wei Family, Lu Family wait/etc., because the World of the Living's ancestry is too formidable, established the immortal dynasty, they also therefore profit now, the envoy pledged, even if their smelting trial could not go through a strategic pass, will take their some people to enter World of the Living. 卫家吕家等,因为阳间的祖辈太强大,建立有不朽的皇朝等,他们现在也因此而受益,使者承诺,哪怕他们试炼过不了关,也会带上他们部分人进入阳间 In addition, various group of seeded players, as well as other formidable evolution Sect's people catch up. 此外,还有各路种子选手,以及其他强大进化门派的人赶来。 But the World of the Dead's person was also bound to bring many, there is an opportunity to participate in the final smelting trial. 阴间的人也被裹带过来很多,也有机会参与最后的试炼。 Naturally, in the middle of some people must rush to a fresh blind alley first, only then that pass/test, had the opportunity with Wei Family, Lu Family, Exiled Immortal Cave, Amitabha Temple wait/etc., carries on the final smelting trial together. 当然,这当中有很多人还要先闯一条生死路,只有过了那一关,才有机会跟卫家吕家谪仙窟弥陀寺等,一起进行最后的试炼。 Chu Feng is seeking for the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation, not only need look at here smelting trial place, hears the bloodlines of Extreme Martial here, specially for him! 楚风在寻找太武天尊的后人,不仅要看这里的试炼地,听闻太武的血脉在这里,也特异为他而来! In addition, he also attempts to seek for some old friends, thought that some World of the Dead's old friends were taken prisoner. 此外,他也尝试寻找一些故人,觉得有些阴间的旧友被掳过来了。 This Continent is not small, is bigger than the common planet, floats in the universe edge, inadequate planet, but can also very good existence. 这块大陆不算小,比一般的行星还大,漂浮在宇宙边缘,不成星球,但也能很好的存在。 Here, although the spiritual energy is very rich, but the vegetation is a little sparse, the natural environment is somewhat bad, takes a broad view to look, the sparse old tree is accompanying the large expanse of rubble place, braves the Order rune turf moor. 在这里,虽然灵气很浓郁,但是植被却有点稀疏,自然环境有些恶劣,放眼望去,稀疏的古树伴着成片的瓦砾地,还有冒着秩序符文的泥沼地等。 This was prehistoric vestige, the high-risk uncertainty, many regions were accompanying faint trace Primal Chaos Qi, in addition also had various types of monster different regular fragments. 这是史前遗迹,充满危险不确定性,许多地带伴着丝丝混沌气,此外还有各种妖异的规则碎片。 This is also the reason of plant not easy growth, is Evolver here thought that the condition is difficult. 这也是植物不易生长的原因,就是进化者在这里都觉得条件艰苦。 Ground chilling, is the sorrel stones, had been contaminated by the blood before hundred million years of years likely, in fact many people once studied, this indeed is by blood dyes red ancient land. 地面冷硬,都是红褐色的石块,像是在亿载岁月前被血浸染过,事实上许多人曾研究,这的确是是被血染红古地 This lets the people with amazement, is actually what seed/type to exist, the past trillion years were so remote, its blood dyes red land has not faded. 这让人们骇然,究竟是何种存在,过去亿万年那么久远,其血染红的土地还没有褪色。 Several unicorns run, whole body silver white, is having the holy brilliance, head horn is clear translucent, carries several young girls to speed along to go. 十几只独角兽跑过,都周身银白,带着圣洁的光彩,头上的犄角更是晶莹透亮,载着十几位少女飞驰而去。 Which juniors is this?” Some people asked low voice. “这是哪家子弟?”有人小声问道。 Sub Immortal Clan's one crowd of fairy maidens, from Exiled Immortal Cave, greet a World of the Living's young talent now.” Some people responded, and informed does not want the multi- languages, looks and that's the end. 亚仙族的一群仙子,来自谪仙窟,现在去迎接阳间的一位年轻天才。”有人回应,并告知不要多语,看着就是了。 Chu Feng calmly watches, shortly after discovered that so-called World of the Living young talent is not the Extreme Martial later generation, disappointing him quite. 楚风静静地观看,不久后发现那所谓的阳间年轻天才并非太武的后人,让他颇为失望。 Afterward, some Primitive Demon palace also people came, one group of young people have the male to have the female, greets a World of the Living's talent, before entering World of the Living, various clans positively are on good terms with the World of the Living's person, establish the relations. 随后,始魔殿也有人来了,一群年轻人有男有女,也去迎接阳间的一位天才,在进入阳间前,各族都在跟阳间的人积极交好,建立关系。 Even, Chu Feng saw Yuan Shicheng in the young people in Primitive Demon palace, this old friend has not really died, joins Broken Universe main family. 甚至,楚风始魔殿的年轻人中看到了元世成,这位故人果然未死,加入残破宇宙的“本家”中。 Yuan Shicheng is World of the Dead Crown Prince Primitive Demon Race, but the Broken Universe Primitive Demon palace, is the same clan. 元世成是阴间始魔族太子,而残破宇宙有一个始魔殿,本是同一族。 Fei Ling Fairy came!” 菲灵仙子来了!” Suddenly, the front piece of chaos, initiate the stir, all colors light rain sprinkle, the Yang Qi rich young girl flies high the line, initiates the people to hound, many people greet. 突然,前方一片大乱,引发轰动,五彩光雨洒落,有一个阳气浓郁的少女凌空而行,引发众人追捧,许多人去迎接。 This is a World of the Living's talent female! 这是阳间的一位天才女子! Her popularity is high, triggers the attention of various Broken Universe clansmen, is polite to it, many young men reveal the color of admiration. 她的人气非常高,引发残破宇宙各族人的关注,都对之非常客气,许多年轻男子露出倾慕之色。 However, some people are puzzled. 不过,也有人不解。 The final smelting trial must start, brings in some World of the Living talents unexpectedly, making Broken Universe some famous elders feel strangely. 最后的试炼地要开启了,竟引来阳间一些天才,让一残破宇宙的一些名宿感觉奇怪。 Some people guessed, perhaps here no small matter, has to let the chance that the person World of the Living people keep thinking about. 有人猜测,这里或许非同小可,有让人阳间人都惦记的机缘。 At this moment, horizon end several Qilins appear, the silver scales, snow white and sacred, emit the sparkling gloss, the dustlessness stainless, does not dye the dust. 就在这时,地平线尽头几头麒麟出现,银色的鳞甲,雪白而神圣,散发莹莹光泽,无尘无垢,不染尘埃。 This initiates very huge stir, is this Divine Beast?! 这引发很巨大的轰动,这是神兽吗?! As it is close, the people saw, it is pulling a cart! 随着它接近,人们看到,它只是在拉车! Fortunately, the people see clearly, they are only Inferior Divine Beast, is not true Divine Beast, is the Asian Qilin, the blood relationship has not evolved to the real qilin region. 还好,人们看清,它们只是一头亚神兽,并非真正的神兽,是亚麒麟,血统还没有进化到真麒境地。 Even if so, initiates in an uproar. 即便如此,也引发哗然。 This is who, pulls a cart by several Asian Qilins. 这是什么人,以几头亚麒麟拉车。 Snow white war chariot, glitters the brilliance visionally, has a young man on war chariot, peaceful sitting, is very handsome, can be called the abundant god like the jade. 一辆雪白的战车,闪烁梦幻般的光彩,在战车上有一个年轻男子,安静的坐着,很俊朗,称得上丰神如玉。 He is having the smile, likely is young Divinity, sends out the misty white light, is auspicious and holy, felt to the person very much kindly, lets the person, if washes the spring breeze. 他带着微笑,像是一尊年轻的神祇,散发蒙蒙白光,祥和而圣洁,给人很亲切的感觉,让人如沐春风。 „The Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation came!” Has the World of the Living person to whisper. 太武天尊的后人来了!”有阳间人低语。 This stretch of region is unable to be tranquil immediately, many people well up forward, the Heavenly Venerate's Blood lineage/vein arrive, these hope that naturally wants to go forward with the person who the World of the Living talent is on good terms. 这片地带顿时无法宁静,许多人向前涌去,天尊血脉亲临,那些希望跟阳间天才交好的人自然想要上前。 However, finally war chariot has not stopped, drives forward, the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation waved with a smile, the sunlight is bright. 但是,最终战车没有停下,向前驶去,太武天尊的后人笑着挥了挥手,阳光而灿烂。 Like the jade man, is within the body flows worthily has the Heavenly Venerate's Blood talent.” Some people sighed. “如玉般的男子,不愧是体内流淌有天尊血的天才。”有人感叹。 Also some young females screamed, is very excited. 也有很多年轻的女子尖叫,很是激动。 On the other hand, World of the Living has not conquered by killing planet when this piece of universe wantonly, is only many person contest divine fruit positions take action one time, therefore they are too not awful in the reputation of this piece of universe. 相对来说,阳间在这片宇宙没有大肆血洗星球,只是许多人争夺战神果位时出手了一次,因此他们在这片宇宙的名声不算太糟糕。 The distant place, transmits berates the sound. 远处,传来喝斥声。 Go away, your this body incomplete person, does not stay in the refugee camp, what coming to here to make?!” “走开,你这个身体残缺的人,不呆在难民营,来这里做什么?!” Some people wave, sits the alone arm man one in roadside strikes to fly, lets his mouthful is the bloody foam, hit in the stretch of prehistoric ruins of roadside. 有人挥手,将一个坐在路边的独臂男子击飞,让他满嘴是血沫子,撞在路边的一片史前废墟中。 The Chu Feng pupil shrinks, although is away from is very far, but he saw clearly, that man is Fu Huang, from the World of the Dead universe. 楚风瞳孔一缩,虽然隔着很远,但是他看清了,那个男子是伏荒,来自阴间宇宙。 This once was a young talent, but also once had gone to Earth Eastern Sea, has fought one with Yuan Mo, once was joked by Chu Feng, his name was unlucky. 这曾是一位年轻的天才,还曾去过地球东海,跟元魔打了一架,曾被楚风戏言,他的名字不祥。 Fu Huang, middle desolate character imposing attitude is too big, but you embellish crouches/submits character, could not control obviously, oneself can leave the important matter, was difficult the good end.” 伏荒,当中荒这个字气魄太大,而你点缀个伏字,明显驾驭不了,自身会出大事,难有好下场。” Chu Feng still remembers that past when teased some words, cannot think that met this person so to be unexpectedly pitiful once more, broke arm there rune to glitter, the flesh was corroded, has suffered the heavy losses. 楚风还记得昔日调侃时的部分话语,想不到再次相见这个人竟如此凄惨,断臂那里符文闪烁,血肉被侵蚀,遭受过重创。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng is very astonished, so-called refugee camp what's the matter? 同时,楚风很惊异,所谓的难民营怎么回事? Then, he goes forward, walks is very far, finds out the situation on the road. 然后,他向前而去,一走就是很远,在路上了解到情况。 There has is the World of the Dead's person, the situation is less optimistic, was disliked by the World of the Living person. 那里有很多都是阴间的人,处境不容乐观,被阳间人所不待见。 Shortly, he has discovered Yuan Mo, the whole body bloodstain, had also discovered in the so-called refugee camp by Zi Luan that the World of the Living person berated tremble. 不久后,他发现了元魔,满身血迹,在所谓的难民营中也发现了被阳间人喝斥、正瑟瑟发抖的紫鸾 Chu Feng eyeground deep place divine glow flashes past, Yuan Mo once was surrendered, is willing with him. 楚风眼底深处神芒一闪而过,元魔曾被降服,愿意跟着他。 But Zi Luan was received by him for maidservant, by initial always wants to run away, to afterward feared to him, but does not give up, relies on to him very much, but also is turning the small waist frequently, the fox exploits the tiger's might, teaches others. 紫鸾被他收为侍女,由起初的总是想逃,到后来对他怕怕地,但又舍不得走,对他很依赖,还经常扭着小蛮腰,狐假虎威,去教训别人。 These two so are unexpectedly pitiful! 这两人竟如此凄惨! Has a look at distant place these to come from the World of the Living's talent again, the light rain sprinkles, has no time sacredly, particularly the Extreme Martial later generation, pulls a cart by Inferior Divine Beast, the ostentation is very big, the people hound. 再看看远方那些来自阳间的天才,光雨洒落,神圣无暇,尤其是太武的后人,以亚神兽拉车,排场很大,众人追捧。 Yuan Mo and Zi Luan were actually limited in the so-called refugee camp, was berated like this. 元魔紫鸾却被限制在所谓的难民营,被人这样喝斥。 The Chu Feng vision is spooky, the phase front walks. 楚风目光幽幽,相前走去。 Rolls your refugee camps, really does not understand the custom.” Some people scold Yuan Mo and Zi Luan once more. “滚回你们的难民营,真是不懂规矩。”有人再次呵斥元魔紫鸾
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