SR :: Volume #10

#979: The matter has flicked the sleeve

Then how long in the past, in the past that had not paid attention to and not place small Indigenous in eye by them, breaks through from the Saint level in short one year to God Level Dominion unexpectedly, is the summit of Divine General, stirring. 这才多长时间过去,当年那个都不曾被他们注意、没有放在眼中的小土著,竟在短短的一年内从圣者层次突破到神级领域,位列神将之巅,震撼人心。 They were terrified, this evolutionary rate is also scary in World of the Living, only if how many special periods, otherwise can appear in the ancient times? 他们惶恐了,这种进化速度就是在阳间也吓死人,除非古代那几个特殊时期,不然的话怎能出现? In the World of the Dead universe, principle not entire, the world is incomplete, in addition also has ceiling, is highest Shining Upon Level, he can arrive unexpectedly this step, went against heaven's will? 阴间宇宙中,法则不全,天地残缺,此外还有“天花板”,最高不过映照级,他居然能走到这一步,逆天了吗? ! 噗! The Chu Feng's sword wing fans, is similar to Divine King of 12 wing, howls Between Heaven and Earth, cuts to fall a head of Divinity once more, nobody can block him. 楚风的剑翼扇动,如同一个12羽翼的神王,呼啸天地间,再次将一位神祇的头颅斩落,根本就没有人能挡住他。 „Can Yin Spirit, why arrive this step?” Some Shining Upon Level expert there people lower roar, in the past, is they can also overlook World of the Dead, despises Chu Feng. “一个阴灵啊,为什么能走到这一步?”映照级高手那里有人低吼,在过去,就是他们也能俯视阴间,藐视楚风 But now this small Indigenous unexpectedly evolves to this level! 可是现在这个小土著居然进化到这种层次! ! 噗! By the Chu Feng body, 12 wings fan, the Order mark of that terrifying winds the spread, is turbulent just like Jianghai, the bang goes forward, that Shining Upon blasts out at the scene. 楚风身体两侧,12羽翼扇动,那恐怖的秩序纹络蔓延,宛若江海汹涌,向前轰去,那位映照者当场炸开。 Meanwhile his one group of people meet with a disaster, disintegrates, is expert, may in Chu Feng optional struck actually dead a tragic death. 同时他身边一群人都跟着遭殃,随之解体,原本都算是高手,可在楚风随意的一击下却都惨死。 Demon!” “魔头!” One crowd of Saint are scared, has never thought that arrives World of the Dead will have unexpectedly such terrified a day, they by overlooking the stance arrives in the low potential surface world. 一群圣者胆寒,从未想到过,来到阴间居然会有这样惶恐的一天,原本他们是以俯视的姿态降临在低位面的世界中。 Breaks through quickly!” Has Divinity to shout. “快突围!”有神祇喊道。 This fight did not have the means to continue, words all people who such got down again must die, who hit Divine General? 这场战斗没有办法继续了,再这么下去的话所有人都要死,谁打的过神将 However, the people despaired, outside the brass warship is the chaos, contains some regular fragments, is not careful is hit, is the god must die. 但是,众人了绝望了,黄铜战船外是混沌,蕴含部分规则碎片,一个不小心被击中,就是神也得死。 I do not believe the miracle, this world nobody can such quick to become God......” “我不相信奇迹,这个世间没有人能够这么快成神……” The god was roaring, does not believe absolutely, Chu Feng can depend upon oneself such quickly to rise, had certainly some astonishing secret on his body. 有一位神在咆哮,绝对不会相信,楚风能依靠自身这么快崛起,在他的身上一定有某种惊人的秘密。 Bang! 砰! The response gives him is a violent fist, the Chu Feng's fist is clear, blooms Five Coloured Divine Light, space fulmination that hits, nearby chaos mist ebullition! 回应给他的是猛烈的一拳,楚风的拳头晶莹璀璨,绽放出五色神光,打的空间爆鸣,附近的混沌雾气沸腾! This Divinity goes all out to resist, was the disparity was too big, own took out weapon sent out the clear resounding, full was the crack, Divine Artifact was destroyed there. 这位神祇拼命对抗,可是差距太大了,自身祭出的兵器发出清晰的脆响,满是裂纹,一件神器被毁在那里。 And, his oneself soon destruction, the protecting body light screen in outside the body will also be punctured by that fist, the thorough bang is broken, all sort of Order Divine Chain that he stimulates to movement are also breaking, various rune were obliterated by that fist. 并且,他自身也即将覆灭,体外的护体光幕被那一拳打穿,彻底轰碎,他所催动的诸般秩序神链也在断裂,各种符文被那拳头磨灭。 ! 噗! This Divinity was penetrated fleshly body, is divine soul is also blasting out, disintegrates. 这位神祇被击穿肉身,就是神魂也在炸开,跟着瓦解。 Buzz! 嗡! Shivers void, because Chu Feng in using Small Six Paths Time Technique, the bang kills person at the same time, does not give them Rebirth from a drop of Blood, to model the True Body opportunity again, decomposes divine nature particles directly, rapid smelting. 虚空颤抖,因为楚风在动用小六道时光术,轰杀一人的同时,根本不给他们滴血重生、再塑真身的机会,直接分解成神性粒子,迅速熔炼。 Does not kill , then by, kills is destroy both body and soul, vertical is Divinity, will lose the opportunity of reincarnation. 不杀则以,一杀就是形神俱灭,纵为神祇,也会失去转生的机会。 Was too formidable, this Yin Spirit nobody may keep in balance!” The people look ashen, God Level Evolver spells in blood, is actually also in unceasingly die. “太强大了,这个阴灵无人可制衡!”众人面如土色,神级进化者在血拼,可是却也在不断殒落 They believe, Chu Feng can such swiftly and violently rise, is related with that World of the Living Supreme Treasure that they seek, on his body, thus causes him to progress by leaps and bounds! 他们认为,楚风能这么迅猛地崛起,跟他们所寻找的那件阳间至宝有关,在他的身上,从而导致他突飞猛进! If goes into seriously, indeed is some connections, after all does not have stone box, Chu Feng does not have the means to take into Foreign Territory fleshly body, thus is unable fleshly body to become God. 若是深究,的确是有些关联,毕竟没有石盒的话,楚风就没有办法将肉身带进异域,从而也就无法肉身成神 Then fights, is the God horizontal corpse, pours to get down a piece. 这才交手而已,便已经是神灵横尸,倒下去一片。 But the 90% people do not dare to run away, some people jumped down the brass ship a moment ago, finally in an instant in the principle fragment by chaos was cut the fragment, divine soul will forever extinguish. 九成的人都不敢逃,刚才有人跳下黄铜船,结果转眼间就被混沌中的法则碎片斩成碎片,神魂永灭。 „Can Jiang Zhou, great?!” Chu Feng shouts a question. 江舟呢,须宏呢?!”楚风喝问。 That two gods enter the World of the Dead universe first, was cut two incarnations by Yaoyao respectively, the vitality damages severely, but eventually is True Body also, had not died. 那两个神是最先进入阴间宇宙的,被妖妖各自斩掉两具化身,元气大伤,但终究是真身还在,没有死掉。 He determined, the two have not come, not in cabin. 他确定,那两人没有来,并不在船舱中。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng whole body light beam tens of thousands of wisps, lasing, each is similar to the sword light, he vibrates 12 wings to kill Gods, here slaughters. 楚风周身光束成千上万缕,激射而出,每一道都如同剑光,他震动12翼扑杀诸神,在这里大开杀戒。 "Ah...... ” Divinity called out pitifully, even if were very strong, but did not have the means with Divine General side by side, was swept away to be obsolete by Chu Feng several pairs of sword wings, not only the head fell to the ground, but also cut in two at the waist. “啊……”一位神祇惨叫,即便很强,但是也没有办法跟神将比肩,被楚风几对剑翼横扫而过时,不仅头颅落地,还被腰斩。 Then, hundred and thousand of Sword Qi bloom in his within the body, just like is breeding a Sun in his flesh, finally he bang sonic boom. 接着,成百上千道剑气在他体内绽放,宛若在他的血肉中孕育着一轮太阳,最后他砰的一声爆开。 divine nature matter surges, the innumerable pellets fly, that is most source energy, goes toward the Chu Feng gathering. 神性物质激荡,无数的颗粒飞起,那是最本源的能量,朝着楚风汇聚而去。 Another god died thoroughly! 又一位神彻底死去! This is the evil merit...... Heaven, Six Paths Evil Venerate's strange technique!” Finally some people recognize, yells, the person who the panic-stricken color, kills wear a look of like this will fully suffer to suffer. “这是邪功……天啊,六道邪尊的异术!”终于有人认出,大声喊叫出来,面带惊恐之色,这样杀死的人将饱受折磨。 In the process of comprehensive decomposition, various beneficial materials in fleshly body and soul were refined, was boiled down the big medicine likely, is to the utmost pitiful. 在全面分解的过程中,肉身与灵魂中的各种有益物质都被提炼出来,像是被人熬炼大药,极尽悲惨。 All person looks are dreary, wear a look of the color of fear, at this moment is also living several Divinity also resolutely turn around, flushes away toward the chaos. 所有人神色惨淡,面带恐惧之色,这一刻就是还活着的几位神祇也都毅然转身,向着混沌中冲去。 Even if dies, they do not imagine are brewed medicine, their live sacrifice, disintegrates divine nature particles and Dao Ancestral Matter, is how fearful devastation? 哪怕死,他们也不想像是被熬药般,将他们活祭,瓦解成神性粒子道祖物质,那是何其可怕的摧残? Where walks!” How Chu Feng to them the opportunity, the sword wing will launch, is similar to Divine King is born, sweeps away all obstacles, after sweeping away, two Divinity are interrupted directly then the body, falls on the steamship. “哪里走!”楚风怎么会给他们机会,剑翼展开,如同神王降世,所向披靡,横扫过去后,直接便又有两位神祇被截断躯体,倒在大船上。 Bang! 轰! What is most fearful is his fist, such bang exits, destroys the hardest defenses, rune is dense and numerous, winds around around the fist. 最为可怕的还是他的拳头,这样轰出去,无坚不摧,符文密密麻麻,缭绕在拳头四周。 These so-called rare treasures, defend secret technique wait/etc., all cannot prevent him, was punctured by his fist, Divinity blasts out here, on bleeding ship. 那些所谓的秘宝、防御秘术等,全都阻挡不住他,被他一拳打穿,神祇在这里炸开,喋血船上。 This is in the slaughter god! 这是在屠神! The following fight is easily accomplished! 接下来的战斗摧枯拉朽! The Chu Feng domineering is incomparable, nobody can prevent him, the time is not long, 11 Divinity almost all extinguished, but also the remaining last gods crash in the chaos, but was overtaken by Chu Feng, displays Vairocana Fist, the direct bang kills! 楚风强势无匹,没有人可以阻挡他,时间不长而已,11位神祇就几乎全灭了,还剩下最后一位神冲进混沌,可是又被楚风追上,施展大日如来拳,直接轰杀! In the deck nobody, all jumped in the chaos. 甲板上没有人了,全都跳进混沌中。 But when Saint jumps died, but how long Shining Upon could not struggle, will be swallowed by various unknown dangers, could not live. 可是圣者跳下去时就已死,而映照者也挣扎不了多长时间,会被各种未知的危险吞噬,也活不下来。 This stretch of region happen to have thunder sea, in the sparkle ray, bang, leaves the people of brass ship to be struck to kill finally cleanly, becomes the ashes. 这片地带正好有雷霆海,在闪耀光芒,结果轰的一声,离开黄铜船的人都被击杀干净,成为灰烬。 The brass ship after all is the God Level treasure, is engraving various rule rune, although sparks fly in all directions, but compared with these Saint, has not disintegrated. 黄铜船毕竟是神级宝物,镌刻着各种规则符文,虽然火星四溅,但比那些圣者强很多,还未解体。 Chu Feng has not started to these people, they have then been buried in the chaos. 楚风没对那些人下手,他们便都已葬身混沌中。 He enters the cabin, sees the old yellow weasel with an old man, two people look ashen, now is thorough, 11 gods died, will their two possibly be the matches? 他走进船舱,一眼看到老黄鼠狼与一位老者,两人面如土色,现在彻底绝望,11位神都死了,他们两个怎么可能会是对手? Besides the divination, their effective strengths are very actually low, a Chu Feng finger can stab to death their such lifeforms big piece. 除了占卜外,他们的战斗实力其实很低,楚风一根指头就能戳死他们这样的生物一大片。 Bang, Chu Feng the old yellow weasel raising, has been carrying its neck, overlooked it to look looked, this old bastard deduced his person, now these person in, completely did not die! 砰的一声,楚风一把将老黄鼠狼给提了过来,拎着它的脖子,俯视着它看了又看,这老东西推演出他身边的人,现在那些人一个都不在了,全部死去! squeak squeak! 吱吱! An old yellow weasel eye chaotic revolutions, frightens the scream, it fears death very much, does not want to be struck to kill really like this, but it also has a premonition more unfortunate than fortunate. 老黄鼠狼一双眼睛乱转,吓得尖叫不已,它很怕死,真的不想被人这样击杀,但是它也预感到凶多吉少。 Visits you to be shifty-eyed, isn't the good thing, what the eyeball randomly to transfer?!” Chu Feng, has truncated a palm of the hand in its head, naturally has not made an effort, otherwise, it has ten lives also to die. “看你贼眉鼠眼,就不是好东西,眼珠子乱转什么?!”楚风啪的一声,在它头上削了一巴掌,当然没有用力,不然的话,它就是有十条命也得死。 Chu Feng, Deity Chu, you are really the Heaven-Blessed supernatural might, in one year rises, the world, again is vertically and horizontally unpaired, may be called in the evolution history the strongest talent, surmounts Gods, side by side Heavenly Venerate youth, no, similarly must surmount......” 楚风,楚神,您真是天纵神武呐,一年间崛起,纵横天下,再无对手,堪称进化史上最强天才,超越诸神,比肩天尊年轻时代,不,同样要超越……” Chu Feng is speechless, this old yellow weasel also coveted life and feared death, he has not tortured, this fellow must kneel, here mouthful nonsense. 楚风无语,这老黄鼠狼也太贪生怕死了,他还没用刑呢,这家伙就要跪了,在这里满嘴胡话。 Shut up, I asked that any you answered anything. First, can actually Extreme Martial come with other Heavenly Venerate?” “闭嘴,我问什么你答什么。首先,太武与其他天尊究竟会不会过来?” Good, the strongest talent in evolution history, you have to ask that I must answer......” old yellow weasel dai bo dai, very coordination. “好,进化史上的最强天才,你有问我必答……”老黄鼠狼嘚啵嘚,非常配合。 After the moment, Chu Feng obtained has thought the knows news, what only regret was, divination in old yellow weasel brain has not interrogated and tortured, related to the related soul region was supposed restrictions by its Founder. 片刻后,楚风得到了很多想知道消息,唯一遗憾的是,老黄鼠狼脑子中的占卜篇没有拷问出来,涉及到的相关灵魂区域被其祖师设下禁制 Older yellow weasel? Chu Feng revealed the look of surprise, felt that this lineage/vein are very uncommon. 还有更老的黄鼠狼?楚风露出异色,感觉这一脉很不凡。 "Pa!" final, a Chu Feng palm of the hand result its life, looks that its word of praise keeps saying, when searches soul light its innermost feelings are the hatred, wants later to find the person to kill Chu Feng. “啪!”最终,楚风一巴掌结果了它的性命,看着它好话说个没完,可是搜索魂光时它内心是怨毒的,想要以后找人干掉楚风 Although it wants to conceal the mood in soul light, but Chu Feng is too strong, it cannot cover up, therefore was killed. 虽然它想隐瞒魂光中的情绪,但是楚风太强,它根本遮掩不住,所以被击毙。 In addition if not it, Chu Feng person will not be deduced the position. 此外若非它,楚风身边的人也不会都被推演出位置。 You!” Chu Feng stares at another Divine Master, with clutching the chicken young, carries him, had nothing saying that first crackle and rattle beat one to say again. “还有你!”楚风盯上另一位神师,跟揪小鸡仔般,将他拎过来,没什么可说的,先噼里啪啦殴打一顿再说。 Then, he starts to interrogate and torture, finally sees in this Old Divine Master in soul light the resentment ebullition, he is speechless, a foot kicks to death. 接着,他开始拷问,最后看到这个老神师魂光中怨气沸腾,他无话可说,一脚踹死。 The trim steamship is silent, all people all extinguish, was killed a cleanness by Chu Feng. 整片大船寂静,所有人全灭,被楚风杀个干净。 Once person, these stayed behind in my life are too moved with the friends and relatives of joke, I was dunning for you, here slaughter god!” “曾经的人,那些在我生命中留下太多感动与笑语的亲故,我在为你们讨债,在这里屠神!” The Chu Feng light language, in the heart has suppressed many words, accompanies depression to run out in outside the body, after this starts to harvest Divinity, takes revenge for the relatives and friends. 楚风轻语,心中憋了很多话,伴着郁气冲出体外,从此之后开始收割神祇,为亲朋复仇。 Meanwhile, his harvest is not small, cuts to kill 11 Divinity, how pieces together to stimulate to movement the Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree method from their soul light. 同时,这一次他的收获也不小,斩杀11位神祇,从他们的魂光中拼凑出如何催动天尊法旨的方法。 This thing is a double-edged sword, with the good words, could in suddenly the suppress and kill World of the Living archenemy, but if does not do well, will be seized by the opposite party anti-control, to him is disastrous. 这东西是一把双刃剑,用好的话,或许可以在突然间镇杀阳间大敌,但若是弄不好,会被对方反控制夺回去,对他则是灾难性的。 Fortunately, he currently has stone box, puts in Dharma Decree the box, isolates with outside Gods, nobody can stimulate to movement, was equal to that the first seal got up. 还好,他现在有石盒,将法旨置于盒中,跟外界诸神隔绝,没人可以催动,等于先封印起来了。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng enters the stone box space, controls its extremely fast to go far away, vanishes in the boundless chaos sea. 楚风进入石盒空间,驾驭它极速远去,消失在茫茫混沌海中。 After the moment, even if on the brass steamship has the principle fragment, after losing the asylum of Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, cannot block in the chaos the corrosion of various Order, most plants the disintegration, turns into fine powder loudly! 片刻后,即便黄铜大船上有法则碎片,在失去天尊法旨的庇护后,也挡不住混沌内各种秩序的侵蚀,最种解体,轰然一声,化成齑粉 The matter has flicked the sleeve, Chu Feng leaves the accident site, enters in the broken chaos universe once more. 事了拂衣去,楚风离开事发现场,再次进入残破的混沌宇宙中。 Divinity of ship died, their subordinate destruction are also clean, matter that nobody knows here has. 一船的神祇都死了,他们的手下亦覆灭干净,没有人知道这里发生的事。 „Did the Extreme Martial later generation come? Happen to uses taking advantage of the head/number of people, consoled the underground relatives and friends by the Heavenly Venerate's Blood lineage/vein!” Chu Feng talked to oneself. 太武的后人来了?正好借人头一用,以天尊血脉告慰地下的亲朋!”楚风自语。 In this piece of broken universe, the god or Divine King, are his goal, the idle talk is the Extreme Martial later generation, must hunt! 在这片残破的宇宙中,无论是神还是神王,都是他的目标,更遑论是太武的后人,要狩猎到底! Meanwhile, he also starts to explore the way, should enter World of the Living, must cut to kill cleanly Gods, must sneak across the past! 同时,他也开始探路,该进阳间了,要将诸神斩杀干净,也要偷渡过去! The road that the knows Ying Zhexian, Yuan Shicheng, Zi Luan and silver-haired young loli and other World of the Dead's old friends, they do not take is whether smooth. 只是,不知道映谪仙、元世成、紫鸾、银发小luoli阴间的故人,他们所要走的路是否顺畅。
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