SR :: Volume #10

#978: A God die wave

In the chaos, is dangerous, has anything to have the possibility. 混沌中,非常危险,发生什么都有可能。 Some people when crossing discovered that the inexplicable huge skeleton, approaches slightly, by the rotten material corrosion that it will dissipate, the Divine Dao foundation completely is destroyed. 有人在横渡时发现莫名的庞大尸骸,稍微临近而已,就会被它逸散出的腐烂物质侵蚀,神道根基尽毁。 Also some people meet the endless Order symbol, dazzling, even if expensive is Divine King, will be ripped the fragment in breaths, always can not be reincarnated. 也有人遇到无尽的秩序符号,刺目之极,哪怕贵为神王,也会在一息间被撕成碎片,永世不得超生。 Also some people discover the day ago inexplicable thing, once is close, the 90% person will die, occasionally has return also to have the mutation, lives to might as well die. 还有人发现开天前的莫名东西,一旦接近,九成的人都会死去,偶有回归者也发生异变,生不如死。 Naturally, more is dangerous and fearful region more may contain the good fortune, was always died and chance coexists, a great distance space. 当然,越是危险与可怕的地带越有可能蕴含着造化,从来都是死亡与机缘并存,相隔不过一线间。 The steamship speed is quick, altogether carries 11 Divinity! 大船速度很快,一共载有11位神祇 The hull casts by special brass, above has the close mark to wind, that is the brand mark in middle principle fragment, guarantees steamship enough firm. 船体以特殊黄铜铸成,上面有细密的纹络,那是烙印在当中的法则碎片,保证大船足够的坚固。 11 gods are motionless, stand in the steamship deck, looks into the front, some people cross the hands behind the back to stand, some people raise are fighting the sword, some people of both eyes like the rainbow, want to understand thoroughly the chaos. 11位神都一动不动,站在大船甲板上,眺望前方,有人负手而立,有人提着战剑,有人双目如虹,想洞彻混沌。 The surrounding fog surges, is chaos, the brass steamship is similar to braves all hardships, goes through difficult, if wipes the flowing light extremely fast vanguard, was too quick. 周围雾霭翻腾,都是混沌,黄铜大船如同乘风破浪,穿行险阻,若一抹流光般极速前行,太快了。 11 gods are similar to the fossil statues that exists forever through ancient times, but the whole body is filling the fearful energy, the pupil opens and closes is fearful. 11位神如同亘古长存的化石雕像,但周身都弥漫着可怕的能量,眸子开阖间非常慑人。 This is our final opportunities, if has not harvested, we forever were possibly sent into exile in World of the Dead, cannot go back again, will die in the foreign land!” “这是我们最后的机会,如果没有收获,我们可能永远被放逐在阴间,再也回不去,会死在异乡!” A god opens the mouth, the words are low and deep, the complexion is cold, if unable to return, even if Divinity, they will be also crazy. 一位神开口,话语低沉,脸色非常冷,若是无法回归,纵然为神祇,他们也会疯狂。 Arrived really that step, we clear, conquer by killing World of the Dead Star Sea, oneself make a side to contain the Yang Qi world, evolves Divinity Mystic Realm.” “真到了那一步,我们就清场,血洗阴间星海,自己造出一方蕴含阳气的天地,演化神祇秘境。” Easier said than done, but must arrive really that step, regardless has anything, I did not oppose.” “谈何容易,不过真要到那一步,无论发生什么,我都不反对。” Here was afterward silent, nobody opens the mouth again, Gods is silent, they do not want to be detained here world. 随后这里就沉默了,没有人再开口,诸神寂静,他们真的不想滞留在这边的天地中。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The distant place, the thunder is intensive, if still the waterfall on ninth heaven/day, first layer then first layer, dense and numerous, interweaves there. 远处,雷霆密集,犹若九天上的瀑布,一重接着一重,密密麻麻,在那里交织。 The brass steamship detours, and above is pasting the Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree illumination, blocks the danger! 黄铜大船绕行,且上面贴着的天尊法旨发光,挡住危险! 11 Divinity stand erect, the aura compels the person, is gazing at the distant place. 11位神祇矗立,气息迫人,都在注视远方。 In addition, a number of Shining Upon Level Evolver sit cross-legged in the deck, motionless, is very serious, all puts on Full-Body Armor, the style is ancient, on knee horizontally cold weapon. 此外,还有一批映照级进化者盘坐在甲板上,一动不动,都很本分,皆穿着甲胄,样式古老,膝盖上横着冷冽的兵器。 Fully has over a hundred as for Saint, sits in the corner, is very peaceful, these many people gather together, causing Yang Qi to be rich, the vitality is enormous and powerful. 至于圣者则足有上百位,坐在角落里,十分安静,这么多人聚在一起,导致阳气浓郁,生机浩荡。 Troops who came from World of the Living, has concentrates most probably here, only leaves behind less than half guarding in the broken chaos universe. 阳间过来的人马,有大半都集中在此,只留下小半驻守在残破的混沌宇宙中。 This service, they want to succeed, otherwise nobody can set off the homeward journey, will die away from native place. 这一役,他们想成功,不然没有人可以踏上归途,都会客死他乡。 Behind the brass steamship, fist big stone box is flying, locks on the goal, followed. 黄铜大船后方,一个拳头大的石盒在飞行,锁定目标,一路跟了下来。 Chu Feng in the estimate distance, left the chaos universe to be far enough, perhaps best starting opportunity to! 楚风在估量距离,离开混沌宇宙足够远了,或许最佳的下手机会到了! He once close approach, stone box had covered up his all aura, nobody can discover, actually he knew on the brass steamship the strength of people how. 他曾近距离接近,石盒遮掩了他所有的气息,没有人可以发现,他已经知晓黄铜大船上众人的实力究竟如何。 Must solve Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree first, then kills that to hide the old yellow weasel in cabin, but, it most fears death, the protective measures are very well in place, first moves its words, might alert the enemy.” “要先解决天尊法旨,然后干掉那个躲在船舱中的老黄鼠狼,不过,它最怕死,保护措施很到位,先动它的话,有可能会打草惊蛇。” Chu Feng dreads feared that Heavenly Venerate leaves Artifact of these people, as for these Divinity itself, he was not worried very much. 楚风所忌惮的只是怕天尊留给这些人的器物,至于这些神祇本身,他并不是很担心。 Thinks that means stimulate Divine Master that disembarks, if it were been amusing by backlash.” Chu Feng has pondered over a while, shows the light happy expression. “想个办法刺激一下船上的神师,若是它被反噬就好玩了。”楚风琢磨了一会儿,露出淡淡的笑意。 He has found, when the previous old yellow weasel deduces forcefully, nearly by striking back primary form, almost destruction. 他已经了解到,上一次老黄鼠狼强行推演时,险些被打回原形,差点覆灭。 stone box approaches, is getting more and more near with the hull. 石盒临近,跟船体越来越近。 In the cabin, the old yellow weasel is sitting cross-legged with another Divine Master, at this time they somewhat restless feeling, the attainments in divination Dominion was unusual, to own safety is naturally sensitive. 船舱中,老黄鼠狼与另一位神师都在盘坐,这时他们都有些不安的感觉,在占卜领域中造诣超凡,对自身的安危等自然非常敏感。 Not knows why, since starting off, I am somewhat restless.” Old yellow weasel opens the mouth. “不知道为何,自从上路后我有些不安。”老黄鼠狼开口。 Another Old Divine Master opens the mouth, said: Yes, I also thought, this line World of the Dead possibly has the accident, don't tell me is Great Abyss even more dangerous? Moreover, in a moment ago my unexpectedly palpitation.” 另一位老神师开口,道:“是,我也觉得,此行去阴间可能有变故,难道大渊越发危险?而且,就在刚才我居然一阵心悸。” „Like me, has the instant frightened feeling unexpectedly!” The old yellow weasel facial color changed, the body hair explodes stands, it sits cross-legged there, the vision is spooky. “和我一样,竟有刹那的惊悚感!”老黄鼠狼面色变了,身上毛发炸立,它盘坐在那里,目光幽幽。 The flash, it throws some carapaces fast, the careful deduction, actually will want to practice divination the World of the Dead universe to have anything. 一刹那,它快速丢出一些龟甲,仔细推演,想要占卜去阴间宇宙究竟会发生什么。 Greatly ominous?!” “大凶?!” „Do we go to the World of the Dead universe to die?!” “我们去阴间宇宙有可能会死?!” Two Divine Master have both been afraid, all starts to practice divination, surveys own destiny, actually the danger to come from where? 两位神师都害怕了,皆开始占卜,测算自身的命运,危险究竟来自哪里? Is doubtful related with that Supreme Treasure, can only have a sleep/felt fuzzily, a piece is dim and chaos, cannot calculate accurately!” “疑似跟那件至宝有关,只能模糊的有所觉,一片朦胧与混沌,根本不能准确推算出!” Two people complexion is ugly, reveals worried look. 两人脸色难看,都露出忧色。 This is the Chu Feng's blood, remnant broken battlesuit, we deduce him to give a try, that Supreme Treasure should on his body, this be relatively easier.” “这是楚风的血,还有残碎战衣,我们藉此推演他试试看,那至宝应该在他的身上,这样相对容易一些。” But, in chaos, is still distanced now too remotely, aims at him, the difficulty is too big.” “可是,如今还在混沌中,相距太遥远,以他为目标,难度太大。” Tries, the line then the line, was not good, otherwise, the front was too dangerous, I always thought the innermost feelings to be terrified, if died in World of the Dead, I was too not resigned.” “只是试试而已,行就行,不行就算了,不然的话,前方太危险,我总觉得内心惶恐,万一死在阴间,我太不甘心了。” They start to deduce, discrete survey. 他们开始推演,谨慎测算。 At this moment, stone box surface sends out the glimmer, the clear gloss, above mark winds clearly, is the large expanse of mountains topography chart. 此刻,石盒的一个面发出微光,略带晶莹光泽,上面纹络清晰,是成片的山川地势图。 Chu Feng already knows, stone box, once shines, is equal to hoodwinking Heavenly Mystery thoroughly, did not fear that anybody aims at him to carry on various divination. 楚风已然知道,石盒一旦发光,等于彻底蒙蔽天机,根本不怕任何人针对他而进行各种的占卜等。 ! 噗! In the cabin, the old yellow weasel coughs up blood, its complexion is pallid, own was weaker, simply was unbelievable, said: Is distanced such far, is backlash so why fierce?” 船舱中,老黄鼠狼咳血,它的脸色煞白,自身虚弱了很多,简直难以置信,道:“相距这么远,为什么反噬这般厉害?” Another side, Old Divine Master also complexion wax yellow, mouth and nose spurted the blood a moment ago, loss may be the blood essences, making their bodies exhausted. 另一边,老神师也脸色蜡黄,刚才口鼻喷血,损失的可都是血精,让他们身体疲累不堪。 „When I deduced a moment ago, unexpectedly is fearful and apprehensive, as if the colossus in the near, stared at us, what's the matter, could not analyze anything.” “我刚才推演时,居然心惊肉跳,仿佛有一个庞然大物就在近前,盯上了我们,怎么回事,根本分析不出什么。” Is surprised, they are restless, wants to clarify any condition very much. 越是惊疑,他们越是不安,很想弄清楚什么状况。 Several times, two people layer on layer/heavily threw down in the cabin, air admission few air vents are many, scared to serve their several Dao Child, hurried to run. 数次后,两人重重地摔倒在船舱中,进气少出气多,吓坏伺候他们的几位道童,慌忙跑了出去。 11 Divinity were alarmed, crashes in the cabin rapidly, attaches great importance to two Divine Master. 11位神祇都被惊动,迅速冲进船舱中,对两位神师非常重视。 Chu Feng also moved, extremely fast from chaos is close, controls stone box to board the steamship quietly, appears in bow there, opens stone box instant, goes to Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree. 楚风也动了,从混沌中极速接近,悄然驾驭石盒登上大船,出现在船头那里,刹那开启石盒,冲着天尊法旨而去。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Very relaxed, he received Dharma Decree stone box, fastens tightly the cover directly, isolates the aura with the outside. 很轻松,他将法旨收入石盒中,直接扣紧盖子,与外界隔绝气息。 This is thing that he most dreads, but, he has also understood, if nobody stimulates to movement, this Dharma Decree will not attack on own initiative. 这是他最忌惮的东西,但是,他也了解过,如果没有人催动的话,这法旨不会主动进攻。 He has killed the god in World of the Dead, has searched their soul light, the law of sketchy knows simple stimulation of movement. 他在阴间杀过神,搜索过他们的魂光,粗略知道一点简单的催动之法。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 After losing Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, the brass steamship encounters the huge resistance immediately, even if the nearby does not have the chaos thunder , some regular fragments, is dangerous. 失去天尊法旨后,黄铜大船顿时遭遇巨大的阻力,附近即便没有混沌雷霆,也有一些规则碎片等,非常危险。 On the hull the flame scatters, makes noise sonorously, was corroded by the inexplicable energy. 船体上火光四溅,铿锵作响,被莫名能量侵蚀。 What had?” “发生了什么?” Do not say Shining Upon, was 11 Divinity in cabin cannot be calm, felt chill down the spine, travelled to have the words of accident in the chaos, frequently must all extinguish. 不要说映照者,就是船舱中的11位神祇都不能淡定了,感觉毛骨发寒,在混沌中旅行发生事故的话,动辄就要全灭。 Chu Feng vanishes, has not caused anybody to pay attention. 楚风消失,没有引起任何人注意。 Although he comes for the revenge, but is very discrete, he also has other Heavenly Venerate things in the worry. 他虽然是为复仇而来,但是十分谨慎,他在担心还有其他天尊物件。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Divinity flushed, sees the bow there emptily, Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree did not have, immediately makes them lose one's voice to call out in alarm, reveals the terrified color. 神祇都冲了出来,一眼看到船头那里空荡荡,天尊法旨没了,顿时让他们失声惊叫,露出惶恐之色。 Is also astonished as for other Shining Upon and Saint, that Dharma Decree vanishes towering, they have not seen clearly the special details, is perplexed. 至于其他映照者、圣者也都惊愕,那张法旨突兀地消失,他们没有看清具体情况,不明所以。 This thing asylum, the people cannot die without doubt, must in the thunder by chaos dividing sooner or later. 没有这东西庇护,众人必死无疑,早晚要被混沌中的雷霆给劈死。 Return!” A person bellows, flies into a rage thoroughly. “返航!”一人大吼,彻底急眼。 Chu Feng looks in the distant place, he was supposing these people should not have other Heavenly Venerate Artifact. 楚风在远处看着,他估摸着这些人应该没有其他天尊器物了。 However, he does not have anxiously beginning, such looks. 不过,他没有急着动手,就那样看着。 The steamship tone, to returning to navigate, whole-heartedly. 大船调头,向回航行,全力以赴。 During this process, the hull buzzes, presents the close fissure, in some Order fragments of dissociation by the chaos was cut the wound, the words this way must disintegrate. 在此过程中,船体嗡嗡作响,出现细密的裂痕,被混沌中一些游离的秩序碎片斩伤,这样下去的话必然要解体。 11 Divinity fast take action, resist this corrosion. 11位神祇快速出手,对抗这种侵蚀。 Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree vanished, what lifeforms was don't tell me by uncovered? This is impossible, who dares to move, only if there is Artifact or lifeforms of same progression!” A god whispered, the complexion was pale, and revealed to fear intent gradually. 天尊法旨怎么消失了,难道被什么生物揭走?这不可能,谁敢触碰,除非有同级数的器物或者生物!”一位神低语,脸色铁青,且渐渐露出惧意。 Does not want to frighten itself, perhaps in the chaos has the inexplicable principle to reappear, truncates falls Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree also perhaps. “不要自己吓自己,或许混沌中有莫名的法则浮现,削落天尊法旨也说不定。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The steamship runs upon in the chaos section of withered bone, bow there scrap, a pitch-black bone that the knows anything age does not leave behind, hard fearful, flowing black light, after the brass warship loses Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree to shelter, cannot stand. 大船撞上混沌中一截枯骨,船头那里炸碎,不知道什么年代留下的一根乌黑的骨头,坚硬可怕,流动乌光,黄铜战船失去天尊法旨庇护后,禁受不住。 In the chaos is so fearful, any matter may occurrence. 混沌中就是如此可怕,什么事都有可能发生。 "Ah...... ” screams resound, the big crisis approaches, all people are alarmed and afraid. “啊……”一片惊呼声响起,大危机来临,所有人都惊惧。 Chu Feng appears, he had determined that the opposite party does not have what subsequent hand, when he grasps stone box to arrive on the steamship, one group of people are shocked. 楚风出现,他已经确定对方没有什么后手,当他手持石盒降临在大船上时,一群人震惊。 Braves a person from the chaos, such towering appearance, letting them not with amazement? 从混沌中冒出来一个人,就这么突兀的出现,让他们怎能不骇然? You are...... Chu Feng?!” Some Saint yelled makes noise, the feeling was unbelievable, World of the Dead Indigenous arrived here, dares to face them? “你是……楚风?!”有圣者大叫出声,感觉难以置信,一个阴间土著怎么来到这里,敢面对他们? Although this is their goals, but now everyone somewhat is restless, is Divinity thinks the body slightly cold, if no certain energy, how this World of the Dead's young people do dare to arrive?! 虽然这就是他们的目标,但是现在每一个人都有些不安,就是神祇都觉得身体微冷,如果没有一定的底气,这个阴间的年轻人怎么敢抵临?! Makes your back person come out!” Shining Upon shouted. “让你背后的人出来吧!”一位映照者喝道。 Takes!” Divinity take action, no matter what said that even if neighbor also has terrifying expert, could not control that many, now first takes Chu Feng, him, when the hostage or killed directly. “拿下!”一位神祇出手,不管怎样说,即便附近还有恐怖高手,也管不了那么多了,现在先拿下楚风,将他当人质或者直接杀死。 They do not believe that Chu Feng can make war with them by oneself, this is not realistic, past one year, nobody can grow is so quick. 他们都不相信楚风可以靠自己跟他们开战,这根本不现实,才过去一年而已,没有人可以成长这么快。 Certainly was in Great Abyss has lifeforms to come out......” to have Saint to shiver saying that looked to the surrounding chaos. “一定是大渊中有生物出来了……”有圣者颤抖道,看向周围的混沌。 In fact, this was also 11 Divinity the guess on the scene, World of the Dead final depending on is also there, only if there had lifeforms to go out. 事实上,这也是在场11位神祇的猜测,阴间最后的倚仗也就是那里了,除非那里有生物走出。 Bang! 轰! Divinity starts to Chu Feng, is rapid and violent, thinks first to control him, the silver palm covers entirely the complex regular symbol. 有一位神祇楚风下手,迅速而猛烈,想第一时间控制住他,银色手掌布满复杂的规则符号。 Chī! 哧! However, the flash, the Chu Feng whole body ray writings, the sword wing across the sky, unceasingly chops to cut, in a twinkling disintegrates the arm of this person, turns into blood mist. 然而,一刹那,楚风浑身光芒大作,剑翼横空,不断劈斩,霎时间将此人的手臂瓦解,化成血雾 ! 噗! The sword light flash, the head of that person has flown. 剑光闪过,那个人的头颅飞起。 Bang! 砰! The sword wing flutter, that Divinity headless corpse disintegrates, turns into the fragment and blood mist, massive divine nature particles fly, gathers to go to Chu Feng. 剑翼震动,那个神祇无头尸身解体,化成碎片与血雾,大量神性粒子飞来,向楚风聚集而去。 All people have scared, including other ten God Level expert, is this what kind of strength? Puts in an appearance destroys completely in them a god! 所有人都吓坏了,包括余下的十位神级高手,这是何等的实力?一个照面就灭掉他们中的一位神! Other Divinity are startled and fears, from the beginning coolly arrived at the foot to them at this moment, the Indigenous in their eyes dares to come, unexpectedly is because enough, takes advantage is his oneself! 余下的神祇又惊又惧,到了这一刻他们从头凉到脚,他们眼中的这个土著敢过来,居然是因为自己足够强,所依仗的就是他自身! Kills!” “杀!” They begin together, no matter what said, now does not have the escape route, can only brace oneself to slaughter, the World of the Living's person understands, has killed the Chu Feng's parents, extinguished his relatives and friends old friend, including his dao companion die, was impossible to be friendly! 他们一起动手,不管怎样说,现在没有后路,只能硬着头皮去厮杀,阳间的人明白,杀过楚风的父母,灭了他的亲朋故友,连他的道侣殒落了,不可能善了! pū pū!” “噗噗噗!” The Chu Feng eye has blushed, hundred years practice, practice to ban the law in Foreign Territory, for the present, this fight, he then whole-heartedly, the blood light spatters in all directions, several Divinity drop down, divine blood sprinkles! 楚风眼睛都发红了,百年修行,在异域中练禁法,就是为了今朝,这才交手,他便全力以赴,血光迸溅,数位神祇倒下,神血洒落! Divine General?!” 神将?!” How possible? 怎么可能? They almost does not dare believe that Chu Feng achievement Divine General fruit position?! 他们几乎不敢相信,楚风成就神将果位了?! For compulsory does not make everybody stay up late to read, does our second chapter shift to the daytime goes? Like this said that can be hit. Or said low voice, maintains for me the body of kidney Saint, again diligently under adjustment refresh time, although fights on despite repeated setbacks, but is valued in in addition holds. 为了强制性的不让大家熬夜看书,咱们第二章转移到白天去?这样说会不会被人打啊。要不小声说,是为了我自己保持住肾圣之体,再努力调整下更新时间,虽然屡败屡战,但贵在加持啊。
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