SR :: Volume #10

#977: An ancient seed

Bridges over the chaos sea, goes to World of the Dead's these person of not knows whether can have the harvest, the time are not really much, we have to be ready that crosses the rubicon, now started to additionally appoint the manpower in the past!” “跨过混沌海,去阴间的那些人不知道是否能有收获,时间真的不多了,我们不得不做好破釜沉舟的准备,现在开始加派人手过去!” The great wild goose city, some Divine Mountain were encircled in the city, the ravine pavilions, the waterfall natural flow, cloud and steam luxuriant glow, the scenery is exquisite, has Divinity to assume personal command in this. 鸿城,有一些神山被围在城中,山间亭台楼阁,飞瀑流泉,云蒸霞蔚,景色优美,有神祇坐镇在此。 They in discussing countermeasure, goes to the World of the Dead's troops not to have any good news to feed back to the present, after previous contact disappointing, does not have any too big progress. 他们在商量对策,去阴间的人马到现在都没什么好消息反馈回来,上一次联络后让人失望,没什么太大的进展。 Now several Dao Lineage's troops could not sit still, must wrestle to wrestle before leaving the risk, otherwise, Heavenly Venerate blames anyone unable to withstand. 现在几个道统的人马都坐不住了,必须在临走前冒险搏上一搏,不然的话,天尊怪罪下来谁也承受不起。 Now the atmosphere is somewhat tight, is not how good, sends out the envoy to participate including some World of the Living ancient aristocratic families, feared that they go well quietly.” “现在气氛有些紧张,不是多么好,连阳间一些古老的世家都派出使者参与进来,就怕他们悄然得手。” Is impossible, they do not have any better method!” “不可能,他们也没有什么更好的手段!” On the beautiful mountain peak, golden waterfall hangs down, several gods stand shoulder to shoulder, look into the distance, their great stress, above ordered, without the result words, they did not use World of the Living. 秀丽的山峰上,金色瀑布垂挂,有几位神并肩而立,眺望远方,他们压力巨大,上面下了命令,没有结果的话,他们就不用回阳间了。 Choice World of Death's Seed was finally good, had the good result, some people must Yang Qi nourish, unexpectedly the growth was astonishing, trial test, satisfying, Sir Divine King who assumed continually have shown the smiling face.” “总算挑选的阴间种不错,有了不错的结果,有些人得阳气滋养,居然成长速度惊人,初步试验,让人满意,连坐镇的神王大人都露出了久违的笑容。” Several people were discussing, on god relations with other planet, but must move to World of the Dead, among them some people must pass personally, carry on final seeking. 几人在谈论,也在跟其他星球上的神联系,还要对阴间行动,他们当中有些人要亲自过去,进行最后的寻找。 „The situation even more was recently subtle, participated including Supreme Being, verbal command disciple must seek for any seed, was not World of Death's Seed, was not these talents that said that but was a genuine seed, handing down was very ancient time losing, if obtained, possibly almost must arrive at existence of Evolution Road end to these helpful.” “最近情况越发微妙,连大能都参与进来了,号令弟子要寻找什么种子,不是‘阴间种’,不是说的那些天才,而是一颗真正的种子,相传是非常古老时代遗失的,若是得到,可能会对那些几乎要走到进化路尽头的存在都有帮助。” “Wú, I also listened to Divine King to say this matter, above gave his pressure to multiply suddenly. This so-called World of Living's Seeds, can be as good as other good fortunes the values, Supreme Being in the heart movement, wishes one could immediately take action, but actually actually cannot give the seed anything appearance, really makes the head/number of people big. ” “唔,我也听神王说过这件事,上面给予他的压力突然倍增。这所谓的阳间种,一颗就抵得上其他所有造化的价值,大能都在心动,恨不得立刻出手,可是却给不出种子究竟什么样子,真是让人头大。” Their complexion sends painstakingly, both did not have the shadow including World of the Living's two Supreme Treasure, has not sought, must look for World of Living's Seeds, making them worry. 他们脸色发苦,连阳间的两件至宝都还没有影子呢,一件都没有寻到,现在又要找一颗阳间种,让他们犯愁。 "Um, Divine King spreads the news! ” “嗯,神王传来消息!” Suddenly, Divinity of full head blue color long hair changes countenance, becomes serious, he looks like about 30 -year-old appearances, but experienced the long years actually, grasped special communication, had the material demonstration above. 突然,一位满头蓝色长发的神祇动容,变得严肃,他看起来30岁左右的样子,但其实经历漫长岁月了,手持一个特殊的通讯器,在上面有资料显示。 The Divine King god sound spreads, said: This was I had said to you that seed, was Sir World of the Living's just the material that sent for sending, you read carefully, if can seek, can reach the sky in a single bound, a night and others will create Divine King you!” 神王的神音传出,道:“这就是我对你们说过的那颗种子,是阳间的大人刚派人送来的资料,你们仔细研读,若是能寻到,便可一步登天,一夜间就会将你等造就成神王!” This words make several gods change countenance, their innermost feelings are excited, but knows, this duty mostly is also hard to be accomplished, but rapidly took a stand, must exhaust ability to track down. 这种话语让几位神动容,他们内心激动,但也知道,这种任务多半难以完成,但还是迅速表态,要竭尽所能去追寻。 A seed superficial fold that in the material demonstrates, the whole is the circular, but somewhat withered and yellow, does not have what gloss, lost all vitalities likely, doubtful dies to plant. 资料中显示的一颗种子表面褶皱,整体是圆形的,但有些枯黄,没有什么光泽,像是失去了所有生机,疑似一颗死种。 How many Divinity are stunned, is this seed that World of the Living Supreme Being moves? 几位神祇愕然,这就是阳间大能都动心的种子? It looks like not extraordinary place, even can say, quite ordinary, has not distinguished with wilderness in every anything. 看起来并无出奇之处,甚至可以说,相当的普通,跟荒野中的凡种没什么区别。 Afterward, one of them read the material. 随后,其中一人读资料。 In the rare book personally written letter of most ancient time records......” “最为古老时代的孤本手札中记载……” This attracted several people of mind, reveals the color of difference, this is the top-secret material, related to the level is extremely high, they thought that even if now knows, returning to World of the Living also to be cut to remember, some secrets are not their this levels people can contact. 这吸引了几人的心神,都露出异样之色,这是绝密资料,涉及到的层次极高,他们觉得,哪怕现在知道了,回到阳间也会被斩掉记忆,有些秘密不是他们这各层面的人能够接触到的。 Some Heavenly Venerate master has one time to visit friends, the accident/surprise discovers terrifying Danger Land, the sinking dormancy place of doubtful Great Universe Level evolution body, but after being close, discovered that lifeforms already died during meditation, dead many years. 某位天尊的师傅有一次去访友,意外发现一处恐怖的绝地,疑似大宇级进化体的沉眠地,可是接近后发现那个生物早已坐化,死去很多年。 He there discovered a personally written letter that Great Universe Level Evolver leaves behind, it may be said that to the utmost ancient, mentioned a seed unexpectedly, if sought this type, could make the deterioration of this Great Universe Level lifeforms stop temporarily, not necessarily will die finally. 他在那里发现大宇级进化者留下的一部手札,可谓极尽古老,当中竟提到一颗种子,若是寻到此种,或许能让这个大宇级生物的衰败暂时停止,不见得会最终死去。 In the personally written letter also mentioned, this Great Universe Level lifeforms once emitted small dragon, entered World of the Dead to seek for this seed specially, but was gone forever, calculating the time should pass for over a hundred million years to be so remote. 手札中还提及,这位大宇级生物曾放出一条小龙,专门进入阴间寻找这颗种子,可是一去不返,算一算时间应该过去了上亿年那么久远。 Background was too big!” Several gods exclaimed in surprise. “来头太大了!”几位神惊叹。 Only has a seed?” A god vision is sparkling. “只有一颗种子吗?”一位神目光烁烁。 The distant place, Chu Feng strolls in the city, but its wisp of soul light actually enters the central place in piece of beautiful mountain peaks, is observing several gods in secret, heard their dialogue. 远处,楚风在城中漫步,但其一缕魂光却进入中心地的一片秀丽山峰间,在暗中观察几位神,听到了他们的对话。 Hears the seed two characters, then makes his heart shake! 听到种子两个字,便让他心头一震! Over a hundred million years passed by, even if are divine seed, celestial seed, should corrupt, but can also the remaining anything, want the knows World of Living's Seeds long time to be corroded by Yin Qi, is easier to rot.” “上亿年都过去了,哪怕是神种,天种,都该腐烂了吧,还能剩下什么,要知道阳间种久被阴气侵蚀,更容易烂掉。” Not necessarily, present Supreme Being is keeping thinking, Heavenly Venerate and others were exerting pressure for me, none who does not wants to obtain, fully explained that its super uncommon, will not corrupt.” “不见得,现在的大能都在惦记,天尊都在为我等施压,莫不想得到,足以说明它的超级不凡,绝不会腐烂掉。” In these materials has the guess of Supreme Being, the seed that on over a billion years ago personally written letters records, knows does not origin any age, perhaps in some bifurcation with evolution history related also perhaps.” “这些资料上有大能的猜测,上亿年前的手札上所记载的种子,根本不知道起源什么年代,或许跟进化史上的某次分叉路有关也说不定。” Several gods were discussing, stands on spiritual mountain that the rosy cloud winds around, the golden artificial pond wells up, several people of knows, some people are not visiting them indifferently. 几位神在讨论,站在云霞缭绕的灵山上,金色泉池汩汩而涌,几人丝毫不知道,有人在冷漠的看着他们。 With in the city, Chu Feng is far away, a student dresses up, the clear induction here all, heard their talk. 同在城中,楚风相距很远,一介书生打扮,清晰的感应到了这里的一切,听到了他们的谈话。 Finally, after five Divinity discussed that decided that additionally appointed the manpower to enter World of the Dead, simultaneously they contacted with other life planet on gods, the preparation consulted, three days later started. 最终,五位神祇商议过后,决定加派人手进阴间,同时他们跟其他生命星球的上神联络,准备协商,三天后就启程。 The Chu Feng facial color is light, in the heart murderous aura winds around, he also prepares to leave, if enters in the chaos, the precisely take action good opportunity, to remove them there, Broken Universe Divine King will not have the induction. 楚风面色平淡,心中杀气缭绕,他也准备动身,若是跟着进入混沌中,正是出手的好机会,在那里除掉他们,残破宇宙神王都不会有感应。 Destroys completely enough many gods, he goes to overcome an obstacle again quietly, mixes in one crowd of talents, sneaks across World of the Living, this perhaps is the best choice. 灭掉足够多的神,他再去悄然闯关,混在一群天才中,跟着偷渡到阳间,这或许是最好的选择。 Otherwise, true rushes to World of the Living hardly goes, possibly divides the minute to destroy completely. 不然的话,真正硬闯到阳间去,可能分分钟让人灭掉。 A god opens the mouth, said: Training more than one year, the Divine Master Huang thorough restoration, another Old Divine Master was also well, they with starting off, hope that this time can deduce all, making Chu Feng not have to hide.” 一位神开口,道:“修养一年多,黄神师彻底复原,另外一位老神师也无恙了,他们会跟着上路,希望这次能够推演出一切,让楚风无所遁形。” Divine Master Huang that Chu Feng knows, this god said that is that is only definitely old yellow weasel, the attainments in divination Dominion is astonishing, is known as Divine Master. 楚风知道,这位神所说的黄神师,肯定就是那只老黄鼠狼,在占卜领域中造诣惊人,号称神师 Chu Feng is very tranquil, stays on this planet as before, does not show one's self. 楚风很平静,依旧呆在这颗星球上,不显山露水。 Three days later, Gods moved, must collaborate to start off, the time were not much, connects World of the Living to fly to close with this piece of universe channel, if they did not harvest again, that really did not have the time. 三天后,诸神真的动了,要联手上路,时间不多,连接阳间与这片宇宙的通道快闭合了,他们如果再没有收获,那就真的没时间了。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng arrives at the Broken Universe edge, hides in the chaos. 楚风来到残破宇宙的边缘,躲在混沌中。 He saw that is approaching this place the steamship, some above Divinity, many Saint and Shining Upon Level character. 他看到了那艘正在接近此地的大船,上面有一些神祇,还有很多圣者映照级的人物。
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