SR :: Volume #10

#976: The Broken Universe way of the world changed

Finally walked, passed through the chaos sea, arrived at the other shore, Chu Feng took a deep breath, the body relaxes. 终于走出来了,贯穿混沌海,来到彼岸,楚风深吸了一口气,身体放松。 This stretch of world is very warm, Yang Qi wants richly compared with Little World of the Dead many, but cannot compare Foreign Territory, but spiritual energy rich actually quite high, not weak Foreign Territory. 这片天地很温暖,阳气小阴间要浓郁不少,但比不上异域,不过灵气浓郁度却相当的高,不弱异域 Takes a broad view to look, distant place giant islands float, in universe edge, adjoins to the chaos. 放眼望去,远处巨型岛屿悬浮,就在宇宙边缘这一块,毗邻混沌。 Chu Feng grasps stone box, stands in the chaos mist, looks into the distance, these islands Kamiyamakawa are beautiful, spiritual energy like tide. 楚风手持石盒,站在混沌雾气中,眺望远方,那些岛屿上山川秀丽,灵气如潮。 The so-called broken universe , because past great war was exceptionally intense, left behind many vestiges, in this stretch of world, there is a star to be densely covered , many islands, vestiges floated directly in the universe. 所谓残破的宇宙,就是因为当年大战异常激烈,留下许多遗迹,这片天地中,有星斗密布,也有很多岛屿、遗迹等直接就漂浮在宇宙中。 The Chu Feng's body is similar to the parched beans, flip-flop keeps ringing, he in using the method in Domain remoulds, is not only fleshly body, changed together with that soul light makings, even if observes him by Heavenly Eye, is not Chu Feng, but has changed a person, not having the flaw may seek. 楚风的身体如同炒豆般,噼啪响个不停,他在用场域中的手段重塑自我,不仅是肉身,连同那魂光的气质都变了,哪怕以天眼观察他,也不是楚风,而是换了一个人,无破绽可寻。 He has changed clothes, likely is a student, in some people of civilized time with the universe is close. 他换了一身衣服,像是一介书生,跟宇宙中一些古文明时代的人相近。 His knows, in this broken chaos universe, there is a technical civilization, there is an ancient times state, the civilized race is different, the clothing were also entirely different. 知道,在这残破的混沌宇宙中,有科技文明,也有古时国度,文明种族不同,服饰等也大不相同。 However, eventually in Evolution Road. 不过,终究都是在走进化路 Some mixed fish, do not kill temporarily.” Chu Feng has swept one, saw that in some islands of chaos edge some people guard, is the World of the Living's person. “一些杂鱼,暂时就不杀了。”楚风扫了一眼,看到混沌边缘的一些岛屿上有人驻守,是阳间的人。 His present goal is a god! 他现在的目标是神! I came!” Chu Feng both eyes are bright, is very firm, he must start to hunt from the World of the Living's god, once made him laugh heartily and let he sad and unforgettable person revenge for these. “我来了!”楚风双目炯炯,无比坚定,他要开始狩猎来自阳间的神,为那些曾经让他欢笑、让他悲伤与难忘的人复仇。 In a flash, his present reappearing many silhouette, Great Abyss bank, before parents at the point of death , is still keeping thinking about him, exhorts he well good going on living. Big Black Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others shout heroically, turns into blood mist, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and the others getting down but actually, the relationship of form and spirit all extinguishes. 一瞬间,他的眼前浮现很多身影,大渊畔,父母临死前还在惦记他,嘱咐他好好好的活下去。大黑牛东北虎等人豪迈嘶吼,化成血雾,还有黄牛欧阳风等人一个又一个的倒下去,形神皆灭。 At that time, he was too weak, can only look helplessly, is unable to defend oneself, can only hear the World of the Living's Evolver indifferent laughter, looks at their unscrupulous slaughters! 那时,他太无力,只能眼睁睁的看着,自身难保,只能听到阳间的进化者冷漠的笑声,看着他们肆无忌惮的屠杀! Although there is Yaoyao great war Extreme Martial, but finally white clothing dyes with blood, both eyes absent-minded, drops in that eternal darkness, has not appeared again. 虽有妖妖大战太武,但最后还是白衣染血,双目失神,跌落进那永恒的黑暗中,再也没有出现。 Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade and other shore are colored, people, go out from the respective place of practicing, knew perfectly well that does not beat must meet the outside territory enemy, finally all from exploding, ends solemnly and stirringly, the blood dyes the starry sky. 雷公天刀、彼岸花,一个又一个人,从各自的修行之地走出,明知不敌也要去迎战域外敌,最后全都自爆,悲壮落幕,血染星空。 I came eventually, one year of years, hundred years of great changes, I do not hesitate to practice to ban law-- Small Six Paths Time Technique for this reason, only to criticize with you!” “我终究是过来了,一年岁月,百载沧桑,为此我不惜练禁法——小六道时光术,只为与你们清算!” Therefore must go to step Reincarnation Road including his child Little Daoist Priest once more, goes to World of the Living to act as advance party for him, revenges for mother Qin Luoyin. 连他的孩子小道士都因此要去再次踏上轮回路,去阳间为他打前站,为母亲秦珞音报仇。 He once complied with Qin Luoyin, must take care of this only child, the result has gone back on word, he cannot achieve, Little Daoist Priest only wants to start off, reenters Reincarnation. 他曾答应秦珞音,要照顾好这唯一的孩子,结果算是食言了,他没有能够做到,小道士只想上路,再入轮回 In the Chu Feng's chest cavity has flame to beat, wanting one to bellow, breaks the world, cuts completely World of the Living these gods. The family members , the friend, all did not do obeisance World of the Living these Evolver behaviors. 楚风的胸腔中有一股火焰在跳动,想要一声大吼,打破天地,斩尽阳间那些神。家人不在了,朋友也都不在了,一切都拜阳间那些进化者所为。 His formidable soul light silent has swept the front islands, seeks some important information from some Saint brains. 他的强大魂光无声无息的扫过前方的岛屿,从一些圣者的头脑中寻到一些重要信息。 In fact, he before crossing the chaos comes, the slaughter god, had understood that from that several people of soul light wants the knows news, now again further confirms. 事实上,他在横渡混沌过来前,已经屠神,从那几人的魂光中了解到想要知道的消息,现在不过是再进一步确认而已。 Whiz! 嗖! He from disappears same place, escapes into the starry sky of distant place, according to the Coordinate that searches from the memories of these people, extremely fast goes. 他从原地消失,遁入远方的星空中,按照从那些人的记忆中搜索到的坐标,极速而去。 Chu Feng had determined, since Extreme Martial Dao Body was killed, dies after Great Abyss, World of the Living does not have Heavenly Venerate to arrive again, is even more discrete. 楚风已经确定,自从太武道身被干掉,死在大渊中后,阳间再也没有天尊降临,越发的谨慎起来。 So long as does not have Heavenly Venerate, all said! 只要没有天尊,一切都好说! cloud great wild goose star, a very huge planet, is lively. 云鸿星,一颗很庞大的行星,非常繁华。 Has many vestiges in its surroundings, floats in the starry sky, for example the giant mountain massif, is not weak in the stars, some broad ruins are similar to the innumerable asteroid arrangements. 在它的周围有很多遗迹,都漂浮在星空中,比如巨大的山体,不弱于星辰,一些恢宏的废墟如同无数小行星排列。 This is Broken Universe, even if among the universes, in outer space, there are many such rubble places, the vestige is numerous. 这就是残破宇宙,哪怕是宇宙间,外太空中,也有很多这样的瓦砾地,遗迹众多。 Obviously this stretch of region past once how is not ordinary, after making into this appearance, unexpectedly reveals so many cave mansions, scattered in Star Sea. 可见这片地带昔日曾经多么的不一般,打成这个样子后,竟露出如此多的洞府等,散落星海中。 The huge cloud great wild goose on-board, deep blue river is torrential, is bringing the little moon mist, very grand, origins from the snowy mountain, crosses innumerable mountain ridge and plateau region, has 1 million heads fully. 庞大的云鸿星上,湛蓝大河滔滔,带着少许太阴雾气,非常的壮阔,从雪山起源,横穿无数山岭、高原地带,足有1000000里长。 At this time, a Chu Feng student dresses up, stands on a boat, goes downstream, to get close to destination. 此时,楚风一介书生打扮,站在一艘小船上,顺流而下,接近目的地。 The great wild goose city, is situated on a piece of plain, 1 million li (0.5 km) River from this piece of plain process, various types of branches, the lake groups made here land very fertile, year after year abundant harvest. 鸿城,坐落在一片平原上,1000000里长河从这片平原经过,各种支流、湖泊群等让这里的土地无比肥沃,年年丰收。 The Chu Feng rejection small boat, had understood that on the road enough many, then directly enters in the great wild goose city. 楚风舍弃小舟,在路上已经了解到足够多,便直接进入鸿城中。 The steel black city wall is big, glitters various symbols, firm immortal, it is said that Evolver of magnanimous Golden Body level attacks together cannot puncture the city body. 钢铁般的黑色城墙非常高大,闪烁各种符号,坚固不朽,据称海量的金身层次的进化者一起进攻都打不穿城体。 Chu Feng enters a city, immediately felt billowing mortal world air/Qi, lively incomparable, crowded, heavy traffic, calls to buy the hawking sound to be lingering on faintly. 楚风进城,顿时感觉到滚滚红尘气,热闹无比,人来人往,车水马龙,叫买叫卖声不绝于耳。 Ice Tanghulu that 1500 red cloud fruit makes, the cosmetology raises the face , to promote the sleep, the high-quality goods in spiritual medicine, not delicious does not ask for money!” “1500年的红云果做成的冰糖葫芦,美容养颜,促进睡眠,灵药中的精品,不好吃不要钱!” Flies dragon meat, just six wing flying dragon that hunts and kills from starry sky, roasts golden yellow fresh and tender, the excellent works in delicacy, passed through to pass by do not miss.” “飞龙肉,刚从星空中猎杀回来的六翼飞龙,烤的金黄鲜嫩,美味中的圣品,走过路过不要错过。” Flows gold/metal ancient sword, after digging out vestige, prehistoric sacred sword that discovers, sharp incomparable, read may cut the demons and monsters, bright sword light broken clouds, rare high-quality goods!” “流金古剑,掘开遗迹后发现的史前圣剑,锋锐无匹,一念间可斩妖魔鬼怪,煌煌剑光破云霄,罕见的精品!” ...... …… It can be said that this great city is exceptionally lively, everywhere is Evolver, in the main street and small alley is Cultivator of various clans, mostly is human form lifeforms, naturally also many different kind. 可以说,这座巨城异常繁华,到处都是进化者,大街小巷间全是各族的修士,大多为人形生物,当然也有很多异类。 Tanghulu that Chu Feng left hand one string 1500 red cloud fruit makes, right hand one bunch of fresh and tender flying dragon barbecues, eat with great interest. 楚风左手一串1500年的红云果做成的糖葫芦,右手一串鲜嫩的飞龙烤肉,吃的津津有味。 In fact, his soul light in inquiring about of being quietly, he knows this is one heavy, some World of the Living Divinity assume personal command in this! 事实上,他的魂光在悄无声息的探寻,他已经知道这是一处重地,阳间有些神祇坐镇在此! Because, cloud great wild goose star is very important, for one of the broken chaos universe ten big life stars, therefore becomes an office of World of the Living arrival. 因为,云鸿星很重要,为残破混沌宇宙十大生命星辰之一,故此成为阳间降临者的一个办事处。 In a minute, he contacted to five gods, assumes here, a number of Saint, came from World of the Living! 片刻间,他已经接触到五位神,坐镇在这里,还有一批圣者,都来自阳间 Chu Feng has not acted rashly, he wants to find out all details, on this planet some multi- Young God, in addition on other stars how many World of the Living's troops? 楚风没有妄动,他想摸清所有底细,这颗星球上到底有多少神,此外其他星辰上又有多少阳间的人马? Otherwise, cuts completely a god of place, will alert the enemy, retreats in fear the troops in other regions. 不然的话,斩尽一地的神,会打草惊蛇,吓退其他地域的人马。 Meanwhile, he also in finding out Broken Universe various situations, before inquiring into for more than one year the past events, for example fights the whereabouts of divine fruit position, in the past these people who came from World of the Dead went to where, now how? 同时,他也在了解残破宇宙的各种情况,探究一年多前的旧事,比如战神果位的去向,当年从阴间过来的那些人都去了哪里,现在怎样了? Since Holy Master also has Uncle Ming to leave the Little World of the Dead universe, is gone forever, knows how, Chu Feng had not worried very much. 自从圣师还有明叔离开小阴间宇宙,便一去不返,不知道怎样了,楚风一直很担忧。 Now he arrived at this stretch of world, naturally must search to investigate thoroughly. 现在他已经来到这片天地,自然要探查个清楚。 However, he thinks less optimistic, the person who World of the Living comes was too formidable, cannot block regarding the person in this stretch of world. 不过,他觉得不容乐观,阳间过来的人太强大了,对于这片天地的人来说挡不住。 „The Wei Family hiring, lacks the aide six people now, the request root bone is good, the natural talent is extraordinary, from Big Dipper level above Evolutionary Civilization Divine Son and Holy Daughter optimal.” 卫家招人了,现在缺侍从六人,要求根骨上佳,天资超绝,从七星级以上进化文明神子圣女中优选。” The distant place, some people shout. 远处,有人喊道。 Then, one group of people rushed over, many pretty astonishing female cultivator, seem like direct descendant successor in Major Sect, cultivation base is very strong. 然后,一群人冲了过去,其中不乏貌美惊人的女修,看起来像是大教中的嫡系传人,修为很强。 Chu Feng revealed the look of surprise, this Wei Family anything background, but elects the aide, unexpectedly must Holy Daughter from Major Sect and Divine Son optimal, a little goes against heaven's will. 楚风露出异色,这卫家什么来头,只是选侍从而已,居然要从大教中的圣女神子中优选,有点逆天。 This way of the world does not have the natural justice, Divine Son and Holy Daughter are not valuable, oh!” Some old men were sighing. “这世道没天理啊,神子圣女都不值钱了,唉!”有老者在感叹。 Some people refuted: Who can enter World of the Living not to want? The quota is limited. Wei Family this is to incur some Heaven-Blessed Talent to enter World of the Living, expands oneself, even if Holy Daughter can be what kind, has the opportunity to leave our piece of broken universes, enters a higher level the complete big universe, who isn't excited?” 有人反驳:“能进入阳间谁不愿意?名额有限。卫家这是想招一些天纵奇才跟着进阳间,壮大自身,哪怕是圣女又能怎样,有机会离开我们这片残破的宇宙,进入更高层次的完整大宇宙,谁不心动?” Universe that Chu Feng is, is the broken chaos universe, or the Little Daoist Priest universe, is called Little World of the Dead one after another. 无论是楚风所在的宇宙,还是残破的混沌宇宙,亦或是小道士的宇宙等,都被称为一块又一块的小阴间 „The Wei Family ancestor came from World of the Living, now contacted the World of the Living's envoy on, reached the sky in a single bound.” Some people envy. 卫家的祖上来自阳间,现在跟阳间的使者联系上了,一步登天。”有人羡慕。 Chu Feng understood, this Wei Family has to enter the World of the Living's chance, can therefore like this hiring, making top Dao Lineage's successor have to bow. 楚风明白了,这个卫家有进入阳间的机缘,故此可以这样招人,让顶级道统的传人都不得不折腰。 Really is astonishing, on another planet, Lu Family hiring, the talent that our piece of universes are listed 19 th and is precisely in the outstandingly beautiful list ranks the 13 th Yao Lin fairy maiden, unexpectedly offered services.” “真是惊人啊,另一颗星球上,吕家招人时,我们这片宇宙排名第19的天才兼且是绝色榜上排位第13的姚琳仙子,居然都去投效了。” Makes the person envy, goes for shelter including this top fairy maiden, is willing for the aide, accompanies in Young Master Lu Family side, this way of the world was really unable to cope.” “让人嫉妒啊,连这种顶级仙子都去投奔,甘愿为侍从,陪在吕家公子的身边,这世道真是没治了。” „, Low voice, the Lu Family ancestor also came from World of the Living, is extraordinary. But in World of the Living, the Lu Family first ancestor rules the world, the prestige moves the world!” “嘘,小声点,吕家的祖先也来自阳间,非常了不得。而在阳间,吕家始祖君临天下,威名动天地!” Oh, the way of the world big change, can enter World of the Living then to reach the sky in a single bound in many person eyes, making many Divine Son and Holy Daughter drop out the dignity, is willing for the retinue.” “唉,世道大变,能进阳间在许多人眼中便是一步登天,让许多神子圣女都抛下尊严,甘愿为仆从。” Otherwise can be what kind, even if you are the talent, rushes to that to live the blind alley, obtains the World of the Living person to approve, can have the opportunity to enter World of the Living. But whose knows that does not live the blind alley to be too difficult, since these months some famous rare talents died, which isn't scared? Now has the opportunity to pass through directly, is Holy Daughter and Divine Son must lower the head.” “不然的话能怎样,哪怕你是天才,也得去闯那生死路,得到阳间人认可,才能有机会进阳间。可是谁不知道那条生死路太艰难,这几个月以来一些大名鼎鼎的奇才都死了,哪个不胆寒?现在有机会直接过关,就是圣女神子也要低头啊。” Chu Feng peaceful is listening, understood any situation. 楚风安静的听着,明白什么情况了。 Quick, he understands a more concrete news. 很快,他又了解到更为具体的消息。 Rushes has lived the rare talent of blind alley, there is a personal connection, have the aristocratic family of relations with World of the Living, in the end must carry on last ultimate screening. 无论是闯过生死路的奇才,还是有人脉、跟阳间有关系的世家,到头来还是要进行最后一次的终极筛选。 The messengers of World of the Living's these Dao Lineage and ancient family talked wildly, World of the Living chose World of Death's Seed, did not want the waste. 阳间的那些道统、古老家族的使者放言,阳间挑选阴间种,不要废物。 Even if were the past follows orders to inquire about World of the Dead, but is unable to return to the descendant who World of the Living's these people left behind, cannot be given favored treatment, must result in has the good performance to be good. 即便是昔日奉命探寻阴间而无法回归阳间的那些人留下的后代,也不能被太优待,必须得有不错的表现才行。 Now these families choose Divine Son and Holy Daughter for the aide, wants by own ethnic group performance enough shocking. 现在这些家族挑选神子圣女为侍从,就是想让自己的族群表现的足够惊艳。 Heard, the World of the Dead universe was led many people, many talents and Divine Maiden wait/etc., when the time comes must compete the quota with our chaos universe person.” “听闻了吗,阴间宇宙被带过来不少人,有许多天才与神女等,到时候必然要跟我们混沌宇宙的人竞逐名额。” "Um, already knows, the previous time is not the named Ying Zhexian female, very shocking, root bone excellent, converges with the Exiled Immortal Cave people of our piece of universe, was trained full power, is very extraordinary. ” “嗯,早就知道了,上一次不是个名为映谪仙的女子吗,非常的惊艳,根骨绝佳,跟我们这片宇宙的谪仙窟众人汇合,被全力培养,很了不得。” Hearsay, has the Heavenly Venerate descendant to settle on Ying Family that female, but she is indeed shocking, if beautiful Heavenly Immortal.” “小道消息,有天尊的后裔看中映家那位女子,不过她的确惊艳,美若天仙啊。” Chu Feng static is listening, he thought, perhaps will see the old friend who these vanish, Yuan Mo, Zi Luan , Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Vermilion Bird fairy maiden and the others should come. 楚风静静的听着,他觉得,或许会见到那些消失的故人,元魔紫鸾、元世成、元媛、朱雀仙子等人应该都来了。 Even, Clairvoyant Du Huaijin, Ye Qingrou and the others also possibly the passive bound belt/bring comes. 甚至,千里眼杜怀瑾叶轻柔等人也可能非常被动的被裹带过来。 He is considering, after slaughter god, whether can hide the identity, goes the smelting trial with some old friends, overcomes an obstacle to enter World of the Living? 他在思量,屠神过后,是否可以隐藏身份,跟一些故人去试炼,闯关进入阳间
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