SR :: Volume #10

#975: Kidney empty

Other Evolutionary Civilization , where does its ray shine? 另外的进化文明,其光芒在哪里普照? Great Universe Level lifeforms, mentioned unexpectedly this issue, has such question in the inscribed text, this is Chu Feng breaks the code difficultly. 大宇级生物,居然也提到了这个问题,在碑文中带有这样的疑问,这是楚风艰难破译出来的。 It looks like in this person, the road of evolution once several furcations, as if had the secret facts, is very important checkpoints, may be called in the Evolutionary Civilization history the most important several nodes. 在此人看来,进化之路曾经几次分叉,似乎别有隐情,都是非常重要的关卡,堪称进化文明史上最为重要的几个节点。 How possible, only then does present this kind of road preserve? Other roads should also in be right, even is more important. 怎么可能只有现在这样一条路保存下来?其他路也应该还在才对,甚至更为重要。 Great Universe Level lifeforms guessed, has compared with present this road more brilliant Evolution Road diameter, actually to lead to where, how has been able to find? 大宇级生物猜测,有比现在这条路更为绚烂的进化路径,究竟通向了哪里,怎么才能找到? Does not have the culture, is really fearful.” Chu Feng self-ridiculed, his present brain kernel of melon seed hurts, even if revolution God Level soul light deduces, some characters cannot identify. “没文化,真可怕。”楚风自嘲,他现在脑瓜仁疼,哪怕是运转神级魂光进行推演,有些字还是辨认不出来。 This inscribed text is not short, but he only breaks the majority now, he is indistinct thought that some paragraphs are very important, needs to get a good grasp of thoroughly to be good. 这碑文不算短,而他现在只破译出一多半,他隐约间觉得有些段落无比重要,需要弄通透才好。 A bright knows very important record at present, is unavailable, cannot distinguish, cause sigh, can only exhaust ability, then ponders over. 知道一篇非常重要的记载就在眼前,却不可得,识别不出来,让人叹息,只能竭尽所能,接着去琢磨。 Ruins!?” “墟!?” Chu Feng knits the brows, sees this kind of incomparably essential character! 楚风皱眉,看到这样一个无比关键的字! Great Universe Level lifeforms, mentioned that this kind of character, mentioned emphatically, in several key nodes with evolution history was related, lets the Chu Feng suitable shock, the soul light twinkle. 大宇级生物,提到这样一个字,着重提及,跟进化史上的几个关键节点有关,让楚风相当的震惊,魂光闪烁。 What meaning?! 什么意思?! He simply is burning brain now, the soul light ebullition, character union context deduction that does not know...... Did not know. 他现在简直是在烧脑,魂光沸腾,不认识的字结合上下文推演……还是不认识。 Shortly, he uses Domain method rule to break the code. 不久后,他利用场域手段规则进行破译。 Because, the Domain symbol is the Between Heaven and Earth Order carrier, is manifestation of mysterious energy. 因为,场域的符号是天地间秩序的载体,是一种神秘能量的体现。 Chu Feng discovered that the character of World of the Living most ancient time, there is this mysterious energy characteristics, but, the turn of expression is different from Domain. 楚风发现,阳间最为古老时代的字,也有这种神秘能量特性,但是,表达方式却跟场域不一样。 The similar special characteristics, he deduces, suddenly, his spiritual strength loses excessively greatly, the whole person is similar to is burning down. 藉此相似特质,他进行推演,一时间,他的精神力损耗过巨,整个人都如同在焚烧。 In evolution history, presents a minute of bifurcation each time, presents the incomparably essential node each time, is accompanying...... Ruins?” “进化史上,每次出现分叉路,每次出现无比关键的节点,都伴着……墟?” Chu Feng is studies some characters finally the significance, just like in burns soul, glowing flame beats, the spiritual strength blooming five colors multi-colored sunlight, is similar to a torch. 楚风终是研究出部分字的意义,宛若是在“烧魂”,光焰跳动,精神力绽放五色霞光,如同火炬般。 What ruins? Chu Feng is knitting the brows, behind the ruins character has the writing, has the illustration, some suspicions, but cannot break the code. 什么墟?楚风在皱眉,墟字后面有文字,有注解,也有猜想,但是真的破译不出来。 Looks at this Great Universe Level lifeforms inscribed text, Chu Feng thought that this is together the heaven shaking immortal tablet, the thing of record is very important, that Great Universe Level lifeforms had discovered likely, has deduced, wants to leave behind anything! 看着这个大宇级生物的碑文,楚风觉得这是一块惊天仙碑,记载的东西很重要,那个大宇级生物像是有所发现,有所推演,想留下什么! What ruins, these writing what meanings, Great Universe Level did lifeforms analyze what?” Chu Feng thinks knows really very much. “到底什么墟,这些文字什么意思,大宇级生物分析出了什么?”楚风真的很想知道 In this, does he also want to scold one, the ruins? Kidney empty! 于此之际,他也想骂一句,墟?肾虚啊! Can't the message of this Great Universe Level lifeforms be simple? Must use that type in the ancient times the most crabbed Great Dao writing. 这个大宇级生物的留言就不能浅显一些吗?非得要用那种古代最艰涩的大道文字。 However, he also has harvest, Great Universe Level lifeforms mentioned it. 不过,他也是有收获的,大宇级生物提到了它自己。 Chu Feng reveals grave expression, perhaps the short several lines of characters, really can only call Evolver of this progression with it. 楚风露出凝重之色,短暂的几行字,或许真的只能用它称呼这个级数的进化者了。 Great Universe Level lifeforms mentioned that oneself eventually is failure body, the appearance that evolves is indescribable, is extremely terrifying, therefore he wants to leave World of the Living in the end. 大宇级生物提到自身终究是“失败体”,进化成的样子不可名状,太过恐怖,所以到头来他想离开阳间 The abatement to continue the life, it does not want by this stance facing the later generation. 除却为了续命,它也不想以这种姿态面对后人。 The indescribable thing, did the fearful failure body, call by it is more appropriate? Why Chu Feng knows, always did not think that the fine body hair is but actually vertical, the body braves the cold air. 不可名状之物,可怕的失败体,以它来称呼更合适?楚风知道为何,总觉得寒毛倒竖,身上冒凉气。 Although Great Universe Level lifeforms did not have saying that selected simply, let Chu Feng more is thinks deeply more thinks fearful, was somewhat scary. 大宇级生物虽然没有多说,简单点到,却让楚风越是深思越是觉得可怕,有些吓人。 Chu Feng was somewhat lost, has thought of too many things, for example Purgatory, Shining Death City, Reincarnation Road as well as end unpainted clay idol. 楚风有些出神,想到了太多的东西,比如炼狱,光明死城,轮回路以及尽头的泥胎等。 He has naturally also thought in evolution history how many most important nodes, affect the past and present, how many bifurcations, respectively to lead to where? 他自然也想到了进化史上几个最为重要的节点,影响古今,那几条分叉路,各自通向何方? In addition, he has also thought of stone box and three seeds. 此外,他也想到了石盒、三颗种子。 Meanwhile, he has also thought number one restricted area in various piece of world, what middle do have? Produces paper talisman unexpectedly. 同时,他亦想到了各片天地中的第一禁地,当中到底有什么?竟出产符纸 „The World of the Living 1-2 restricted areas, as if are incessantly fiercer.” Chu Feng to go on a mental journey universe, thoughts constantly welling up. 阳间不止一两个禁地,似乎更厉害。”楚风神游太虚,思绪万千。 Then, he starts dedicated, studies the following paragraph, but really could not deduce the secret about ruins. 接着,他又开始专注,研究后面的段落,可是实在推演不出来关于墟的秘密了。 However the following a few words, he can recognize again, thoroughly understands these characters the significances, is related with present silver Divine Tree. 不过再后面的一段话,他能辨识出来,通晓那些字的意义,跟眼前的这株银色神树有关。 Initially, that indescribable Great Universe Level lifeforms entered this place, discovered that the ancient battlefield vestiges, dug out very important secret, saw some Medicinal Herb. 当初,那个不可名状的大宇级生物进入此地,发现古老的战场残迹,掘开非常重要的秘密,同时也看到一些药草 And, this divine medicine was past one, at that time Great Universe Level lifeforms had the induction, oneself could die in the Little World of the Dead universe, then the deduction, has practiced divination. 其中,这株神药就是当年的一株,那时大宇级生物生出感应,自己可能要死在小阴间宇宙,便推演、占卜了一番。 It has a premonition, the silver grass of under foot another day possibly becomes a spirit, will realize the evolution of alternative. 它预感到,脚下的这株银色的小草他日可能会成精,实现另类的进化。 When deduction, it always thought that this place is not simple, will present uncertain Evolver, suspected that is related with this silver grass, therefore has made some arrangement , helping it. 推演时,它总觉得此地不简单,会出现不可预测的进化者,怀疑跟这株银色小草有关,因此就做了一些布置,来成全它。 Great Universe lifeforms lays down some in the nearby of grass before death the strength terrifying remains, found from the chaos ancient battlefield, past was the strength heaven shaking powerhouses. 大宇生物在小草的附近埋下一些生前实力恐怖的遗骸,都是从混沌古战场中找到的,昔日都是实力惊天的强者。 Was accompanying this prehistoric lifeforms, derived their aura, the silver grass, once becomes a spirit, the lifeforms rule that might gain these dead. 伴着这种史前生物,汲取它们的气息,银色小草一旦成精,有可能会获取到那些死去的生物的规则等。 Because, the skeleton is also containing various Order, accumulates over a long period of time, perhaps the silver god grass unceasingly was nourished, will inherit these rule Order. 因为,尸骸也蕴含着各种秩序,日积月累,也许银色神草不断被滋养,真的会继承那些规则秩序 Guessed according to indescribable Great Universe Level lifeforms, the silver god grass will transform to become the innate thing in the chaos mostly. 按照不可名状的大宇级生物猜测,银色神草多半会在混沌中蜕变成为准先天之物。 Innate thing such comes?” Chu Feng suspected. “先天之物是这么来的吗?”楚风怀疑。 Great Universe Level Evolver mentioned, age that he was, in some ancient book had the record, some people trained in the remote past, trained innate lifeforms, somewhat was then similar to this. 大宇级进化者提及,他所在的年代,一些古册中有记载,有人培养在遥远的过去,培养先天生物,便与此有些类似。 Innate lifeforms?!” Chu Feng is surprised. “先天生物?!”楚风惊疑不定。 Now his attention, puts on silver Divine Tree, it is only a grass, now becomes a tree, but also records several fruit. 现在他的注意力,投放在银色神树上,原先它只是一株草,现在成为一株树,还记着十几枚“果实”。 And a fruit real in his hands, is only the silver mouse, is it innate attribute? 其中一枚果实落在他的手中,是只银色的老鼠,它是先天属性的? Chu Feng feels, this ignorant mouse, the whole body does not have the flaw stainless, unexpectedly has achieved in Divinity Dominion! 楚风感觉到,这头懵懂的老鼠,周身无瑕无垢,居然达到了神祇领域中! However, its soul light is similar to white paper, is very pure, does not have the complex mood, some are only various complicated mysterious Order marks winds. 不过,它的魂光如同白纸,很单纯,没有复杂的情绪,有的只是各种繁奥秩序纹络等。 Chu Feng realized, Great Universe Level lifeforms trains a strange tree, fruit becomes a spirit that has, somewhat is rather terrorist, unexpectedly is the god mouse! 楚风意识到,大宇级生物培养出来一株怪树,结出的果实都成精了,未免有些恐怖,居然是神鼠! Chī! 哧! His take action, a beam of light has flown again, takes off a fruit from the tree once more, enters stone box, falls in his hands. 他再出手,一道光束飞过,从树上再次摘下一枚果实,进入石盒,落在他的手中。 Then, he is astonished, puppy that this is rolling up, the fist is big, snow white brightly burnished, picks after the tree, as soon as it turns over/stands up, stood. 然后,他惊愕,这是一只蜷缩的小狗,拳头大,雪白锃亮,被从树上采摘下来后,它一翻身,站起来了。 Just like silver god mouse, its thoughts pure like white paper, is only in soul light the brand mark the complex regular fragment, therefore becomes the God Level life body. 跟银色神鼠一样,它心思单纯如白纸,只是魂光中烙印着复杂的规则碎片,所以才成为神级生命体。 The Chu Feng speechless, studies two small lifeforms in hand, discovers not to have the danger, can obey his verbal command, this likely is the baby who two were just born. 楚风哑然,研究手中的两头小生物,发现没有危险,可以听从他的号令,这像是两个刚出生的婴儿。 Then, he studies silver strange tree, it does not have any mood, moreover own essence condenses to several fruits, the principle and Order that itself contains are not many. 然后,他研究银色怪树,它也没有任何情绪,而且自身精华凝聚向十几枚果实,本身蕴含的法则与秩序不多了。 Chu Feng by thoroughness that Discerning Eyes can look, this tree internal some issues, in divine nature passing eye, condenses after the fruit, it is moving toward withered. 楚风火眼金睛可以看的透彻,这株树内部有些问题,神性流逝眼中,凝聚向果实后,它在走向干枯。 So-called becomes a spirit, as well as realizes the jump of life, takes this as the price unexpectedly, discards the main body, has the alternative lives the Life Fruit reality. 所谓的成精,以及实现生命的跃迁,竟是以此为代价,舍弃本体,结出另类的生命果实。 Chu Feng thinks, picks 12 fruits, takes in stone box, they turned into the small creature, is God Level! 楚风想了想,将12枚果实都采摘下来,收进石盒中,它们都化成了小动物,全是神级的! Has the fist big silver lion, White Tiger and snow color crow and each and every one is very uncommon. 有拳头大的银狮、白虎、雪色乌鸦、一个个都很不凡。 Also is not innate lifeforms, but after becomes a spirit, such transformation is very as before strange, this is several Divine Beast!” Chu Feng makes the judgment. “还不是先天生物,但成精后,这样蜕变依旧很诡异,这是十几头神兽!”楚风作出判断。 This is very accidental/surprised, his side are many several God Level goons, Chu Feng available own soul light has controlled them, taught their something. 这很意外,他身边多了十几位神级打手,楚风可用自身魂光控制他们,教导他们一些东西。 ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” At this time, that strange tree was split up, was dried up and vanishes unexpectedly thoroughly. 这时,那株怪树四分五裂,竟彻底干枯与消失了。 This is alternative new life, by tree, but the fruit, turns into 12 small creature.” Chu Feng revealed the look of surprise. “这是另类的新生吗,由树而果,化成12只小动物。”楚风露出异色 Finally, his Chu Feng looked at Stele, above last mentioned is the farewell, Great Universe Level lifeforms must penetrate Little World of the Dead, entered in that legend Great Abyss to look. 最后,他楚风看了一眼石碑,上面最后一段提到是告别,大宇级生物要深入小阴间,进入那传说中大渊看一看。 Because, in this stretch of ancient battlefield has the trace, has the prompt, said that in the front gloomy and cold microcosm has piece of jet black universe Abyss. 因为,这片古战场上有痕迹,有提示,说前方的阴冷小宇宙中有一片漆黑的宇宙深渊 Chu Feng is in a daze, in Great Abyss strange with these related? 楚风发呆,大渊中的古怪与这些有关? The homicide World of the Living's Divinity, from their soul light knows, under Great Abyss had a terrifying to exist, the life enters the deterioration time the terminal, soon will thoroughly die out. 他杀过阳间的神祇,从他们的魂光中已经知道,大渊下有一位恐怖存在,生命进入衰败期的末端,即将彻底寂灭。 The World of the Living person, once performed an experiment, examines the overswing value, makes this inference. 阳间人,曾做个试验,检测过辐射值,做出这番推断。 Now Chu Feng is touched greatly, existence under Great Abyss, leaves behind the inscribed text unexpectedly here Great Universe Level lifeforms! 现在楚风大受触动,大渊下的存在,竟是在这里留下碑文的大宇级生物 Afterward, he starts off once more, is bringing 12 God Level small lifeforms, feels them to be unusual, is worth taming. 随后,他再次上路,带着12只神级生物,感觉它们非同一般,值得驯养。 Chī! 哧! stone box has delimited the chaos, finally finally has passed through the danger zone, enters another piece of world-- broken chaos universe. 石盒划过混沌,最后终于贯穿过危险地带,进入另一片天地——残破的混沌宇宙。 Chu Feng to! 楚风到了! When road, Chu Feng several small lifeforms preliminary training, even also passes to them breathing method, these lifeforms ignorant appearances, when study method is extremely quick. 在路上时,楚风就将十几只小生物初步训练一番,甚至还传给它们呼吸法,这些生物一副懵懂的样子,但学习法门时极快。 If feeds in World of the Living, this type has tasteful Divine Beast definitely to have various views very much, it is born in the chaos, will cause some Dao Lineage to keep thinking mostly.” “若是送进阳间,这种很有讲究的神兽肯定有各种说法,它在混沌中诞生,多半会引起一些道统惦记。” Chu Feng studied them for a long time, discovered that perhaps will have the big use. 楚风研究他们很长时间了,发现也许会派上大用场。 Now first does not manage, goes to the slaughter god, slaughters!” “现在先不管了,去屠神,大开杀戒!”
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