SR :: Volume #10

#974: Great Universe Level lifeforms

Great Universe Level Evolver message?!” Chu Feng naturally shocks. 大宇级进化者留言?!”楚风自然震撼。 The inscribed text is dense and numerous, is very difficult to identify, is the writing of World of the Living very ancient time. 碑文密密麻麻,真的很难辨认,是阳间非常古老时代的文字。 Chu Feng has studied for quite a while, only recognizes some writing, inside content naturally may be frightening. He very direct goes to end of the vision the inscribed text, this is most makes him unable the tranquil place, the inscription too startled will of the people, said...... Half waste on Great Universe road. 楚风研究了半天,也只认出部分文字,里面的内容自然可让人心惊肉跳。他很直接的把目光投向碑文末尾,这是最为让他无法平静的地方,落款太惊人心,自称……大宇路上的半废者。 Behind half waste has two characters, is the name of inscribed text writing, but Chu Feng did not know. 半废者后面有两个字,是碑文撰写者的名字,但楚风不认识。 He now is not knows, is together with Stone Fox for a long time, naturally has understood World of the Living's all very much. 他现在可不是什么都不知道,跟石狐相处很久,自然了解过阳间的一切。 Great Universe Level Evolver, that is what kind of terrifying exists, almost comes to the Evolution Road end, once to that level, bystander knows this lifeforms anything appearance, the exuviate will not turn into anything. 大宇级进化者,那是何等恐怖存在,几乎走到进化路的尽头,一旦到了那个层次,外人都不知道这种生物什么样子,会蜕变成什么。 Has no way out, that can only continue the abruption! 无路可走,那就只能自己接续断路! Regarding this lifeforms, is Stone Fox is exclaimed in surprise that awes! 对于这种生物,就是石狐都又是惊叹又是敬畏! He knows short life, wants to enter Great World of the Dead to continue the life......” “他自知生命无多,想进大阴间续命……” Chu Feng in the pondering over above writing, is crabbed, he more is interested, because, that is in evolution Dominion most front lifeforms remains. 楚风在琢磨上面的文字,越是艰涩,他越是感兴趣,因为,那可是进化领域中最前沿的生物所留。 The less than half meaning was broken by him. 小半的意思被他破译出来。 This ancient lifeforms is similar to Great Universe Level lifeforms of remote time, in the end has defeated eventually, soon will fall on Evolution Road, enters the life deterioration late stage. 这个古老的生物如同更久远时代的大宇级生物般,到头来终究是败了,即将倒在进化路上,进入生命衰败的中后期 This person wants to enter Great World of the Dead, but actually could not find the road! 此人想进大阴间,但是却找不到路! lifeforms of this progression, naturally had various deductions, thinks that Great World of the Dead exists. 这个级数的生物,自然曾经有过各种推演,认为大阴间真实存在。 However, in the end he leaves after World of the Living, finally also enters Little World of the Dead. 然而,到头来他从阳间离开后,最终也只是进入小阴间 However, he also here discovers unusually, saw that in the chaos has various traces, has very remote years ago battlefield, the scene is very scary. 不过,他也在这里发现异常,看到混沌中有各种痕迹,有非常久远岁月前的战场,景象十分骇人。 It looks like in this lifeforms, the remnant mark that this should be the evolution Dominion most front Paramount powerhouse has great war that leaves behind before the long years. 在这个生物看来,这应该是进化领域最前沿的究极强者在漫长岁月前发生的大战留下的残痕。 But along with the vanguard, this person discovered that the recent clue, making him change countenance, is somewhat frightened. 而随着前行,此人又发现新的端倪,让他动容,又有些惊悚。 He thought that here originally is not very simple, but was hit remnantly, past here perhaps once to the utmost magnificent, Evolutionary Civilization equivalent high is a little odd. 他觉得原本的这里很不简单,只是被打残了,在过去这里或许曾经极尽辉煌,进化文明等阶高的有点离谱。 Even, this person saw a World of the Living Evolutionary Civilization ultimate Evolution Road clue! 甚至,这个人看到了阳间进化文明的一条终极进化路的线索! What situation?” Chu Feng looks is a little dumbstruck, this says existence of Great Universe Level half waste, its thought rather some bracelets. “什么情况?”楚风看的有点发懵,这位自称大宇级半废者的存在,其思维未免有些跳脱。 Great Universe Level didn't lifeforms come to the end? How also to guess what Ultimate Road? 大宇级生物不是走到尽头了吗?怎么又猜测什么终极路 Moreover, the World of the Living person also believes, along with the development of time, the road of evolution will be getting more and more perfect, how the message of this Great Universe Level lifeforms, intent has referred, another group? 而且,阳间人也认为,随着时代的发展,进化之路会越来越完善,怎么这位大宇级生物的留言,意有所指,另外有路? This lets the Chu Feng heart thump thump fierce of beat, naturally somewhat unusual excitement. 这让楚风心脏怦怦跳动的厉害,自然有些异样的激动。 His knitting the brows even more, exhausts mind to study the writing on Stele, he a little regretted really, should modestly consult with Stone Fox, studies the writing of World of the Living ancient time thoroughly. 他越发的皱眉,用尽心神研究石碑上的文字,他真的有点后悔,应该跟石狐多虚心请教,将阳间古老时期的文字也研究透彻。 Now he can only deduce, guesses the character unceasingly, the relation context recognizes. 现在他只能推演,不断地猜字,联系上下文去辨识。 Chu Feng is strenuous, bit by bit attacks and captures inscribed text. 楚风非常吃力,一点一点攻克碑文。 The time is longer, he changes countenance, in the heart has the difficult situation. 时间越长,他越是动容,心中有惊涛骇浪。 Once mentioned in the Great Universe Level lifeforms writing, before that incomparably remote past, road of fluctuate evolution, had to the utmost the magnificent time, there is an age of decline. 大宇级生物的文字中曾提及,在那无比久远的年代前,进化之路起起伏伏,有极尽辉煌的时期,也有没落的年代。 And, in some radiant times, the road of evolution once the furcation, the civilization moved toward the different directions. 其中,在有些璀璨时期,进化之路曾分叉,文明走向不同方向。 Present Evolutionary Civilization , is only behind several bifurcations again the road of furcation! 现在的进化文明,只是几次分叉路后面再分叉的一条路! When sees here, the Chu Feng body becomes stiff slightly, but the innermost feelings are to actually shiver, now only has a road! 当看到这里时,楚风身体略为发僵,而内心却是颤动的,现在只有一条路啊! If counter traces, that quite astonishing. 若是逆溯的话,那会相当的惊人。 Great Universe Level lifeforms believes that if traces, other road is not necessarily wrong, is, moreover does the civilized ray on Evolution Road, where shine? 大宇级生物认为,如果追溯,另外的路不见得是错误的,可是,另外进化路上的文明光芒呢,在哪里普照? Chu Feng downward looked, reads inscribed text earnestly. 楚风往下看,认真研读碑文。 Short, is not loaf, but to put to tell everybody me to write first. Over the two days in the reality had the matter, delaying late of. Then writes. 短小,不是偷懒,只是为了先放上来告诉大家我正在写。这两天现实中有事,耽搁的很晚。接着去写。
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