SR :: Volume #10

#973: Great World of the Dead and Great World of the Living had fought

The World of the Dead universe edge, vermilion Yan, Stone Fox, Little Daoist Priest take inventory the goods, Chu Feng leave behind many good things, there are various Artifact and weapons, some are Divine Artifact, brings from Foreign Territory. 阴间宇宙边缘,朱焱、石狐小道士清点物品,楚风留下不少好东西,有各种器物与兵器等,其中有些是神器,是从异域带回来的。 stone egg brings to the attention of crippled Heavenly Venerate. 一颗石蛋引起瘸腿天尊的注意。 This was Chu Feng initially the pebble that went to the Undying Galaxy flying phoenix on-board to obtain, there once was the World of the Dead Undying Bird's supreme headquarters, but this clan in endless years destruction. 这是楚风当初去不死星系的飞凰星上得到的石卵,那里曾是阴间不死鸟的大本营,但该族在无尽岁月覆灭了。 This egg...... Has the strangeness, the Undying Bird egg?!” Stone Fox surprise. “这颗卵……有古怪,不死鸟蛋?!”石狐诧异。 ...... …… In the chaos does not have the years, three cuns (2.5 cm) high stone box passes through, was too quick, surface sends out the weak gloss, the mark winds to reappear. 混沌中无岁月,一个三寸高的石盒贯穿而过,太快了,其中一个面发出微弱的光泽,纹络浮现。 A Chu Feng person starts off, kills to the chaos universe! 楚风一个人上路,杀向混沌宇宙中! This time, he must slaughter, therefore lonely starting off, will not take a person absolutely, he will give it all! 这一次,他真的是要去大开杀戒,所以孤独的上路,绝对不会带上一个人,他将放手一搏! stone box opening has a slit, Chu Feng in paying attention to outside all, by that slit is pasting half Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, all are safe. 石盒开启有一道缝隙,楚风在关注外面的一切,那道缝隙旁贴着半截天尊法旨,一切都还算安全。 Bang! 轰隆! Goes through in the chaos is very dangerous, not far away startling thunderclap ten thousand heavy, his clear seeing, there electric light dazzling, he believes that even if the god rushes to also destroy both body and soul. 在混沌中穿行真的很危险,不远处惊雷万重,他清晰的看到,那里电光刺目,他相信纵然是神闯进去也得形神俱灭 The chaos region is preserving some primitive styles before splitting heaven and earth apart, therefore danger especially, meets anything to have the possibility. 混沌地带保留着开天辟地前的一些原始风貌,因此格外的危险,遇到什么都有可能。 Naturally, most lets innate thing of growth that the person anticipates in chaos, for example innate bottle gourd, for example on ancient vine is tying Sword Embryo. 当然,最让人期待的还是生长在混沌中的先天之物,比如先天葫芦,比如古藤上结着的剑胎等。 Once had the World of the Living person's thunder within the four seas in chaos to discover that scarlet golden ancient vine, took off a Sword Embryo shape fruit from above, the result was sharp, once cut, the myriad things all broke to pieces. 曾有阳间人在混沌中的雷霆海内发现一株赤金色的古藤,从上面摘下一个剑胎形果实,结果锋锐无比,一旦斩出,万物皆碎。 It is reported that Sword Embryo dyed blood of more than one Heavenly Venerate in World of the Living! 据悉,那口剑胎阳间染了不止一位天尊的血! Chu Feng has not met the thing of such such Paramount, in fact, even if ran into him not to pick, dares to begin to be doomed to be cut down by the chaos lightning. 楚风没有遇到这样这样的究极之物,事实上,哪怕遇到了他也采摘不到,敢动手的话注定要被混沌闪电劈杀。 By such plant weapon suppress and kill. 或者,被那样的植物兵器镇杀 As long as the background giant innate plant is very difficult to pick, in the past had picks the suet-white Clean Jade Bottle on growth snow white young tree artificially in chaos, bled including Heavenly Venerate, it can be imagined was fearful, finally Supreme Being take action difficultly picked personally, paid not the small price. 但凡来头巨大的先天植物都很难采摘,当年有人为采摘生长于混沌中的一株雪白小树上的羊脂玉净瓶,连天尊都喋血,可想而知多么可怕,最后大能亲自出手才艰难摘下来,付出不小的代价。 On the other hand, this stretch of chaos region, so-called thunder rune is incomplete, is incomplete, otherwise the prestige can be more fearful. 相对来说,这片混沌地带还算好的,所谓雷霆符文残缺,并不完整,不然的话威能会更可怕。 Most at least, the chaos outside Great World of the Living, want certainly more terrifying than time here, rune of innate thing embodiment naturally has is also more complete, the prestige can be fierce. 最起码,大阳间外的混沌,比这里肯定要恐怖许多倍,当然所结出的先天之物内蕴的符文也更加完整,威能厉害。 This travel is very monotonous, is very arid, Chu Feng had not discovered that any good fortune, all the way some are only the chaos. 这种旅行很单调,也很枯燥,楚风没有发现什么造化物,一路上有的只是混沌。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Suddenly, is thinking in him is bored, felt that the situation does not suit, the stone box illumination, is not, but is the whole reveals the glimmer, he looks from the inner wall. 突然,正在他觉得无聊之际,感觉情况不对劲,石盒发光,不是一面,而是整体都露出微光,他是从内壁看出来的。 stone box complete inner wall slightly clear! 石盒全部内壁都略显晶莹! Naturally, only stopped in this, not ray writings. 当然,也仅止于此了,并未光芒大作。 Almost is the same time, he felt that a depressing aura, making people think the incomparable danger, then he saw an inconceivable picture. 几乎是同时间,他感觉到一股压抑的气息,让人觉得无比的危险,然后他看到了一幕不可思议的画面。 By the stone box slit, he noticed that the front chaos vanished, was emptied, the so-called chaos fog is unable to approach unexpectedly! 透过石盒的缝隙,他看到前方的混沌消失了,被清空,所谓的混沌雾居然无法靠近! His both eyes turn into two golden symbols, presents the close mark to wind, interweaves the light beam, staring front, after the Quasi - Divine King level, Discerning Eyes was more astonishing. 他的双目化成两枚金色的符号,出现细密的纹络,交织出光束,凝视前方,到了准神王层次后,火眼金睛更惊人了。 That is......” “那是……” Chu Feng in the eyes rune is contracting, is even more radiant, he saw the front scene, somewhat shocks inexplicably. 楚风双目中符文都在收缩,越发璀璨,他看到了前方的景象,有些震撼莫名。 Does there have a person? 那里有一个人? Exactly said that is human form lifeforms, all over the body the golden color, is, was too rather huge, it sits there, however the person thinks the universe to be tiny, has planting to let the constriction that God must suffocate. 确切的说是一个人形生物,通体金色,可是,未免太庞大了,它只是坐在那里,就然人觉得宇宙渺小,有种让神灵都要窒息的压迫感。 However, it died, cannot see is male is female, whole body battlesuit is ancient, was already stave, body that reveals is very withered, a golden skin pastes on the bone. 不过,它死去了,看不出是男是女,周身战衣古旧,早已破碎,露出的肌体很干瘪,一层金色的皮贴在骨头上。 Its head is hanging, neck cut off the part, not supports. 它的头颅垂着,颈项被人斩断部分,无力挺起。 "Um? ” “嗯?” Chu Feng is terrified, he saw this person of golden illumination sends a distant place, many material powers, even is the remnants, that is twisted by the light that its round of silk sends out. 楚风悚然,他看到了此人金色发光的发丝较远处,有许多金属粉末,甚至是残兵,那是被其发丝发出的光绞断的。 The must know, it is only a corpse. 须知,它只是一具尸体。 Chu Feng shocks, sees at the same time the giant battle axe, only remains the less than half block, this weapon most at least also in the Divine King level, is actually inferior to this lifeforms sending silk. 楚风震撼,看到一面巨大的战斧,只剩小半块,这件兵器最起码也在神王层次,却不如这个生物的发丝。 The words that carefully looks, around this lifeforms have many powder, is the weapon residuals, is not restricted in round of silk there, the body surrounding is dense and numerous. 仔细看的话,这个生物周围有很多粉末,都是兵器残渣,不限于发丝那里,身体外围密密麻麻。 No wonder, is unable to approach including the chaos, in the past how many powerhouses besieged it, but actually this did lifeforms arrive at what level?!” “难怪,连混沌都无法接近,当年有多少强者围攻它,而这个生物究竟到了什么层次?!” What is most fearful, this corpse Yang Qi is billowing, the golden light is still dreadful, as if immortal flame in burning down eternal All Heavens, the chaos must avoid. 最为可怕的是,这具尸体阳气滚滚,至今金光滔天,仿佛不朽的火光在焚烧万古诸天,混沌都要避开。 World of the Living's Evolver? Chu Feng knits the brows, unexpectedly dies here, silent, the bystander does not know. 阳间的进化者吗?楚风皱眉,居然死在这里,无声无息,外人不知。 He always thought, this is also makes people think compared with Extreme Martial sends existence of to terrify. 他总觉得,这是比太武还让人觉得发瘆的存在。 Chu Feng already immediately changed the stone box position, feared that stone box overruns to have the accident/surprise, he controls stone box to detour. 楚风早已在第一时间改变石盒的方位,怕石盒冲过去发生意外,他驾驭石盒绕行而过。 However, shortly after he encounters dangerous situation, the endless darkness almost swallows him, he rapidly changes the position, has circled, opens golden eyes, stares at one side of that. 然而,不久后他又遇到险情,无尽的黑暗差点将他吞噬,他迅速改变方位,绕了过去,睁开金睛,凝视那一侧。 As before is a piece of huge and spacious space, not having the chaos to be close, was repelled. 依旧是一片巨大而空旷的空间,没有混沌接近,都被排斥走了。 There also lifeforms, skin and bones, skinny, the whole body is dark, cold and gloomy incomparable, making the person whole body send coldly, even if hides in stone box, Supreme Treasure only reveals a slit, Chu Feng also thinks such as in the falling icehouse. 那里也有一个生物,瘦骨嶙峋,皮包骨头,周身黑暗,森冷无比,让人浑身发寒,哪怕是躲在石盒中,至宝只露一道缝隙,楚风也觉得如坠冰窖中。 Is this human form lifeforms what kind of ice cold? Yin Qi was too strong, Chu Feng has not seen Yin Qi richly to Evolver of such inconceivable region. 这个人形生物何等的冰寒?阴气太浓重了,楚风从来没有见到过阴气浓郁到这样不可思议境地的进化者 What is most fearful, after this lifeforms dies, so is as before strong, near this stretch of region, many broken bones, was too crowded, Yin Qi that after died, sends out by huge lifeforms to twist broken lifeforms to remain. 最为可怕的是,这个生物死后依旧这么强,在这片地带附近,有许多碎骨,太密集了,都是被庞大生物死后散发的阴气绞碎的生物所留。 The Chu Feng scalp sends to explode, he saw these broken bones, in the Divine King level, rune that occasionally flashes through wait/etc., the demonstration is very fearful. 楚风头皮发炸,他看到了那些碎骨,都在神王层次啊,偶尔闪过的符文等,显示很可怕。 Even if died, once some people approach this huge corpse, will die, becomes the blood and bone! 哪怕死去了,一旦有人接近这庞大的尸体,也会死去,成为血与骨! The Chu Feng heart palpitates, feels to shock, this should lifeforms not Stone Fox Master Supreme Being from Great World of the Dead that deduces? 楚风心头悸动,感觉震撼,这个生物该不会就是来自石狐大能师傅所推演的大阴间吧? He really cannot find out, where will have such gloomy and cold, ice cold piercing Evolver, even if the dead endless years, its present gloomy and cold internal energy also sufficiently strangles Divine King. 他实在想不出,哪里还会有这么阴冷、冰寒刺骨的进化者,即便死去无尽岁月,其现在的阴冷气机也足以绞死神王 The flash, Chu Feng big, wants knows to be better than the Stone Fox master, that World of the Living's Supreme Being is also deducing, said that has Great World of the Dead, but does not have the example, cannot confirm truly, not having Evolver to go to Great World of the Dead. 一刹那,楚风头大,要知道强如石狐的师傅,那位阳间的大能也只是在推演,说存在一个大阴间,但是并没有实例,不能真正证实,没有进化者去过大阴间 But here, Chu Feng discovers the doubtful Great World of the Dead's person unexpectedly! 可是在这里,楚风竟发现疑似大阴间的人! Those who most make him be afraid, There is still one big World of the Living's golden color human form lifeforms, these two likely have clearly fought before the endless years. 最为让他不寒而栗的是,还有一个阳间的金色人形生物,这两人分明像是在无尽岁月前战斗过。 About their evolution equivalents, is uncertain. 关于他们的进化等阶,不可预测。 Here had the World of the Living Supreme Being not knows prehistoric fight trace, had the Great World of the Dead guest unexpectedly in this die. 这里有阳间大能都不知道的史前战斗痕迹,竟有大阴间来客在此殒落 Chu Feng is lost in thought that if no stone box, he rushes to these two regions rashly must die without doubt, will not have any suspense, is similar to these Divine King turns into the bone dregs. 楚风出神,如果没有石盒,他贸然闯到这两片区域必死无疑,不会有任何悬念,就如同那些神王化成骨渣。 Suddenly, he somewhat is in a daze. 一时间,他有些发呆。 The so-called broken chaos universe, was don't tell me ruined by such fight? 所谓的残破的混沌宇宙,难道是被这样的战斗毁掉的? In the past, mentioned the mixing universe, said that was broken, now looks like before that endless remote years, has had the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering big event! 在过去,一提及混度宇宙,就说是残破的,现在看来在那无尽久远的岁月前,发生过惊天动地的大事件! crippled Heavenly Venerate unifies his master's research, thinks that Foreign Territory is World of the Dead that I am , the gloomy and cold universe that also or Little Daoist Priest is, adjoins to the big World of the Living's narrow and small space, can ignore, if has Great World of the Dead to exist, we should be now are on the cut-off rules between both.” 瘸腿天尊结合他师傅的研究,认为无论是异域还是我所在的阴间,亦或是小道士所在的阴冷宇宙,都只是毗邻大阳间的狭小空间,可以忽略不计,而若有大阴间存在,我们现在应该是处在两者之间的分割线上。” Chu Feng peaceful silent, thinks that the guess of Stone Fox, he thinks very fearful. 楚风安静无声了,想到石狐的这种猜测,他觉得很可怕。 The Stone Fox master once said that if the ether epure divides Great World of the Living and Great World of the Dead, without a doubt, so-called Little World of the Dead is only very short a tiny part in that curve, even is only a point. 石狐的师傅曾说,若以太极图来划分大阳间大阴间,毫无疑问,所谓的小阴间只是那条曲线上的很短的一小段,甚至只是一个点。 Any age ago fight, is really mysterious and fearful.” Chu Feng sighed, he does not have the time to stop over in this, no longer thinks. “什么年代前的战斗,真是神秘与可怕。”楚风感叹,他没有时间在此逗留,不再多想。 His only knows in years past Great World of the Dead and big World of the Living's two human form lifeforms have fought in this, the consequence that causes is too terrifying. 他只知道昔年大阴间与大阳间的两个人形生物在此战斗过,造成的后果太恐怖。 Whiz! 嗖! stone box goes from out of the blue, enters in the chaos once more. 石盒破空而去,再次进入混沌中。 All the way, he has not come across accident/surprise, following road is very arid, to pick up speed, he stimulates to movement Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, making it shine, making it overflow faint trace energy continuously, supplied stone box. 一路上,他没怎么遇到意外,接下来的路很枯燥,为了加快速度,他催动天尊法旨,令它发光,使之溢出丝丝缕缕的能量,供给石盒 Really, was too rapid! 果然,接下来太迅速了! This simply likely is splitting heaven and earth apart, he crosses the chaos, anything cannot prevent. 这简直像是开天辟地般,他横渡混沌,没什么可以阻挡。 Naturally, Chu Feng was more anxious, the energetic high degree of concentration, he feared that not careful hit a moment ago such region by some chance, met such mysterious skeleton. 当然,楚风更加的紧张了,精神高度集中,他怕万一不小心一头撞进刚才那样的地带,遇上那样的神秘尸骸。 He prepares to change the position at any time! 他随时准备改变方位! Fortunately, is all the way smooth. 还好,一路上还算顺利。 "Um? ” “嗯?” He sees a tree, silver light sparkles, one zhang (3.33 m) high, unexpectedly exudes squeak squeak the cry, fills the rich delicate fragrance. 他看到一株树,银光闪闪,不过一丈高而已,居然发出吱吱叫声,弥漫浓郁的清香。 Grows to have several on the silver strange tree fruit, is cry that they exude. 在银色怪树上生长有十几枚“果实”,是它们发出的叫声。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng not hesitant, such rushes, sends out a beam of light from the stone box slit, cuts to drop a silver fruit, receiving. 楚风没有犹豫,就这么闯过去,从石盒的缝隙中发出一道光束,斩落下一枚银色果实,给收了过来。 Then, his finger trembles, controls stone box to flee this place with great speed, rush out stops very much. 然后,他手指头一哆嗦,火速驾驭石盒逃离此地,冲出去很远才停下。 This fruit unexpectedly moved, it is the silver mouse, the whole body is unexpectedly brightly burnished, the shining white illumination, it is rolling up before this, now launches three cuns (2.5 cm) body. 这“果实”居然动了,它竟然是银色的老鼠,浑身锃亮,莹白发光,此前它蜷缩着,现在展开三寸长的身体。 What situation? Chu Feng is in a daze, on this mouse clearly has fruit , is the plant is long. 什么情况?楚风发呆,这只老鼠身上分明有“果柄”,是植物长出来的。 Quick, he has thought the record in some Foreign Territory ancient personally written letter, the spirit in chaos plants, once has divine fruit, long nobody picks, the whole transforms and spiritual wisdom unceasingly, finally has possibility becomes a spirit! 很快,他想到了在异域某一部古老手札中的记载,混沌中的灵植,一旦结出神果,久无人采摘,整体不断蜕变与通灵,最终有可能成精 Generally speaking, divine medicine is unable becomes a spirit, unable to practice. 一般来说,神药无法成精,不能修行。 Only the extremely individual exceptional case, is met by Chu Feng now. 只有极个别特例,现在被楚风遇上。 Chu Feng is amazed, he is alerting, because this lifeforms is not it is said ordinary, his knows this snow weasel will not have anything to display. 楚风惊诧,他戒备着,因为这种生物据说非常不一般,他不知道这只银鼠会有什么表现。 He controls stone box, transfers to return, approaches that silver strange tree, sizes up carefully. 他驾驭石盒,调转而回,接近那株银色怪树,仔细打量。 Here has the tablet unexpectedly, buries in the chaos! 这里居然有碑,埋在混沌中! What this is, how in the chaos to have the inscribed text?” Chu Feng incomparable surprise. “这是什么,混沌中怎么有碑文?”楚风无比诧异。 He identifies carefully, that is the World of the Living's writing, although from Stone Fox there many understanding some, has studied a point, these that but, here writing studies him likely are more ancient. 他仔细辨认,那是阳间的文字,虽然从石狐那里多少了解过一些,学了一点,但是,这里的文字像是比他学的那些还古老。 World of the Living ancient character?” 阳间古字?” Chu Feng knits the brows, here ponders over and studies long time, this recognizes the less than half writing, many knows some meanings. 楚风皱眉,在这里琢磨与研究很长时间,这才认出小半的文字,多少知道一些意思。 His complexion immediately changed! 他的脸色立时变了! Tonight this chapter, tomorrow then diligently. 今晚就这一章了,明天接着努力吧。
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