SR :: Volume #10

#972: Respective homeward journey

Haha, my slaughter god, one year old rumbled World of the Living's Divinity to become dregs, the Heaven-Blessed supernatural might, belonged to me!” Little Daoist Priest laughs wildly there. “哈哈,我屠神了,一岁就将阳间的一位神祇轰成渣,天纵神武,非我莫属!”小道士在那里狂笑。 However, his voice is immature, the black gem big eye flashes, really has no way to manifest the supernatural might spirit. 然而,他声音稚嫩,黑宝石般的大眼扑闪,实在没法体现出神武气概。 Looks at his such cocky, there villainous smile, Stone Fox is really being more dead than alive day of air/Qi, cannot bear this young thief. 看他这么得瑟,在那里奸笑,石狐真是气的一佛出世二佛升天,受不了这小贼。 Similarly, that god is also mentality blasting open, was thrown the stone by a child, breaks by smashing with stone the body, real? He unexpectedly...... Being split up. 同样的,那位神也是心态炸裂,被一个毛孩子丢石块,将身体砸断,是真的吗?他居然……四分五裂。 Bang! 轰! His drop of bloody stool can the rebirth, divine light rush, molds True Body rapidly, wants to flaunt ominously, finally Chu Feng arrived, carries his neck, raises in the chaos. 他一滴血便可以重生,神光澎湃,迅速塑造真身,想要逞凶,结果楚风到了,一把拎住他的脖子,提进混沌中。 I refuse to accept!” World of the Living this god lowers roars, feels is too aggrieved, was almost killed by a child, he looks to Little Daoist Priest, looks to that bedstone resembles. “我不服!”阳间这位神低吼,感觉太憋屈,被一个孩子差点干掉,他看向小道士,又看向那座石像。 What stone material is this?” Words that does not ascertain, he dies with injustice unredressed. “这是什么石料?”不问清楚的话,他死不瞑目。 Now, he was suppressed by Chu Feng is unable to move, but can also start talking. 现在,他被楚风压制的无法动弹,但还能开口说话。 Face of Stone Fox black shines, was pounded, this wool god also like this secondary attack, said that he was the stone material? 石狐的脸黑的发亮,被人砸出去也就罢了,这个毛神还这样助攻,说他是石材? „Does your wool god, court death? I am Heavenly Venerate!” Stone Fox opens the mouth coldly. “你个毛神,找死吗?吾乃天尊是也!”石狐冷冽地开口。 Is staring at Stone Fox from the World of the Living's god, the careful identification, last yelled, he is frightened, because he has recognized, what this doubts the seems true|really was World of the Living in years past Heavenly Venerate! 来自阳间的神盯着石狐,仔细辨认,最后一声大叫,他非常惊悚,因为他认出了,这疑似真的是阳间昔年的一位天尊 His innermost feelings are terrified, this Heavenly Venerate had been missing in the past, now stands Chu Feng? 他内心惶恐,这位天尊当年失踪了,现在站在楚风这边? Has not allowed him to think, Chu Feng kills him, Small Six Paths Time Technique stimulates to movement, rumbles to kill him, a large area of divine nature particles departs, faint trace Dao Ancestral Matter fills the air. 未容他多想,楚风将他干掉,小六道时光术催动起来,将他轰杀,大面积的神性粒子飞出,还有丝丝道祖物质弥漫。 The Chu Feng whole body is radiant, is similar to immortal Divine King, stands erect in the chaos, divine nature matter increases, even more formidable. 楚风周身璀璨,如同一尊不朽的神王,屹立在混沌中,神性物质增加,越发的强大。 Quick, he restores as usual, having the smiling face to pass through whereabouts Stone Fox to apologize, said that bear the child is innocent. 很快,他又恢复如常,带着笑容走过去向石狐赔罪,说熊孩子不懂事。 The Little Daoist Priest also hollow laugh, said is desperate for a while, sees that Divinity to clash, to protect oneself to throw the thing carelessly, has not really borne like this starts. 小道士也干笑,说一时情急,见那位神祇冲过来,为了自保而胡乱扔东西,实在是没忍住才这样下手。 Stone Fox stares, looks to Chu Feng, said: Worthily is you one's own, definitely is your type, has not run!” 石狐瞪眼,看向楚风,道:“不愧是你亲生的,肯定是你的种,没跑!” It looks like in it, this was too consistent to the fathers and sons instinct, sometimes really lacks the morals! 在它看来,这对父子天性太一致了,有时候实在缺少道德! Chu Feng disguises not to understand, this facial skin is quite solid, said: Definitely one's own, you look, this nose eye, with my same handsome.” 楚风假装没听懂,这脸皮相当结实,道:“肯定是亲生的,您看,这鼻子这眼睛,跟我一样的俊。” Little Daoist Priest makes an effort to roll the eyes, does not want to manage him, if were not Great Demon Chu Feng snatched his black paper talisman, he should be born in World of the Living is right. 小道士使劲翻白眼,都不想理他,如果不是楚风大魔头抢了他的黑色符纸,他应该降生在阳间才对。 Stone Fox is staring the father and son, meets such pair of rarely seen fathers and sons, it wants to educate them, how moves about with difficulty. 石狐瞪着他们父子二人,遇上这么一对奇葩父子,它真想教育一下他们,奈何行动不便。 Young Vermilion Bird is also very speechless, looks at their three. 小朱雀也很无语,看着他们三个。 „The World of the Dead matter has settled roughly, finally cuts completely these gods.” Chu Feng sighed lightly, but has not calculated, from died a moment ago in soul light of god, he understood that also had Shining Upon Level and Saint Level Evolver, from World of the Living. 阴间事大体已了结,终于斩尽这些神。”楚风轻叹,不过还不算完,从刚才死去的神的魂光中,他了解到还有映照级圣级进化者,来自阳间 You wait for me here.” Chu Feng said, vanishes directly. “你们在这里等我。”楚风说完,直接消失。 By his super Divinity strength, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in this piece of universe, naturally goes easily and freely, one after another 18 killed in same day Chu Feng, altogether destroyed completely ten eight-part essay World of the Living troops. 以他超级神祇的实力,纵横在这片宇宙中,自然是如履平地,就在当天楚风接连18杀,共灭掉十八股阳间人马。 This has shocked the trim World of the Dead universe! 这震惊了整片阴间宇宙! Then, some people claimed that saw Divine War, World of the Living several Divinity had died, was harvested the life, from sea Heavenly Race to Ice God Palace, arrived at the World of the Dead universe edge again, bright die. 然后,有人声称看到过神战,阳间数位神祇都死了,被人收割走生命,从海天族冰神宫,再到阴间宇宙边缘,都有神殒落 What a pity, whose to present also nobody knows is behavior. 可惜,到现在还没有人知道是谁所为。 Chu Feng is very tranquil, after removing these people, without any joy and excitement, because this is not including the wheting the appetite side dish, the true hunting just now starts. 楚风很平静,除掉这些人后,没有任何的欣喜与激动,因为这连开胃小菜都算不上,真正的狩猎才刚开始。 True expert, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, Hun Yi and the others disciple, mostly in chaos universe. 真正的高手,太武天尊浑羿等人的弟子,大多在混沌宇宙中。 Moreover, has the bloodlines of Heavenly Venerate to arrive at the chaos universe, this is he main goal, wants to hunt and kill the descendant who these Heavenly Venerate Level have! 而且,有天尊的血脉亲临混沌宇宙,这才是他最为主要的目标,想猎杀那些天尊级存在的后裔! Must start off finally, Chu Feng looks at the chaos sea, looks to a not far away vermilion steamship, it became the thing of without owner. 终要上路了,楚风看着混沌海,又看向不远处的一艘朱红色大船,它成为了无主之物。 When above, is pasting Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, but also the remaining halves, have crossed the chaos thunder sea, that Dharma Decree was ruined half. 在上面,贴着一张天尊法旨,还剩下半截,横渡过混沌雷霆海时,那法旨被毁掉一半。 If some people use Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree to kill me, stone box can resist?” The Chu Feng pupil is spooky, naturally this is the worst situation, usually he will be very discrete. “若是有人动用天尊法旨杀我,石盒能抵住吗?”楚风瞳孔幽幽,当然这是最坏情况,平日他会无比谨慎。 Meanwhile, he wants to do to experiment now. 同时,他现在就想做下试验。 Father, you must leave, I am unable to accompany you to go to that side the chaos sea.” Little Daoist Priest sighed, his knows, the past words, can only work as the child in such an arrangement. “爹,你就要离开了,我无法陪你去混沌海那边。”小道士叹道,他知道,跟着过去的话,只能当拖油瓶。 I start off, you stay here.” Chu Feng said. “我自己上路,你们都留在这边。”楚风道。 Meanwhile, he takes out paper talisman, gives Stone Fox, must leave it to be reincarnated, hence Chu Feng did not have. 同时,他取出身上的一张符纸,递给石狐,要留给它去转世,至此楚风身上一张都没有了。 He throws in Great Abyss, not knows Yaoyao whether can also reappear. 他抛进大渊中一张,不知道妖妖是否还能再现。 He has given Young Vermilion Bird and Little Daoist Priest respectively, they are doomed the reincarnation to go to World of the Living. 他给了小朱雀小道士各一张,他们注定要转生去阳间 Finally this, he gives Stone Fox, does not leave a way out to oneself, wants To rise from the ruins, walks cruelest path of that to oneself. 最后这一张,他送给石狐,不给自己留后路,想要在破败中崛起,走那条对自己来说最为残忍的道路。 Cuts old Self, accumulated new Self, waits for the Divine Embryo transformation! 旧我,蕴新我,等待神胎蜕变而出! However, Stone Fox has not accepted, he is very serious and serious, tells Chu Feng, the Celestial Emperor old road after all is the incomplete chapter, lacks corresponding breathing method, making Chu Feng certainly prudent. 然而,石狐没有接受,他很严肃与郑重,告诉楚风,天帝旧路毕竟是残缺的篇章,缺少相应的呼吸法,让楚风一定要慎重。 Meanwhile, it makes Chu Feng come this purple sparkling paper talisman withdraw, no matter what said, takes it to start off is a safeguard, even if the accident/surprise were killed did not fear. 同时,它让楚风将这张紫莹莹符纸收起来,不管怎样说,带上它上路都是一张保障,哪怕意外被杀也不怕。 Senior, you also need, but my also road may walk after all!” Chu Feng said. “前辈,你也需要,而我毕竟还有一条路可走!”楚风道。 Stone Fox said: I do not need it, since I escaped from Foreign Territory, arrives in this piece of universe, means that I had broke the fate the opportunity.” 石狐道:“我不需要它,既然我已经逃出异域,来到这片宇宙中,意味着我已经有了打破宿命的机会。” It has some big imposing attitude, wants to melt depending on oneself falls its master to keep restrictions of its within the body, hits breaking restrictions to run metal into cracks, is aloof. 它有某种大气魄,想要凭自己化掉它师傅留在它体内的禁制,打破禁锢,超脱出来。 Or dies here, either the tribulation diligently goes on living, in this new life, when one day faces my master, the upfront meet is also fearless.” “要么死在这里,要么藉此磨难努力活下去,在此新生,当有一天面对我那师傅时,正面相遇也无所畏惧。” Under it decision heart, either dies, either unique, but side by side his master! 它下决定心,要么死,要么超脱而比肩他师傅! It told Chu Feng, received good paper talisman, the critical moment could preserve him, went to the World of the Living reincarnation. 它告诉楚风,收好符纸,关键时刻或许能保住他,去阳间转生。 Chu Feng withdraw paper talisman, no longer alerts to crippled Heavenly Venerate, relying on the intuition, he felt that Stone Fox is throughout well-meant to him. 楚风收起符纸,对瘸腿天尊不再那么戒备,凭着直觉,他感觉石狐对他始终都没有恶意。 Previously guarded, was mainly he experienced the major rises of life, has experienced various tribulations, has to the caution and care. 早先防备,主要是他经历了人生的大起大落,体验了各种磨难,不得不谨慎小心。 I must start off, if hunts for the god to be successful, kills a cleanness the enemies of chaos universe, I will also come back, see you, if failed, then direct reincarnation World of the Living, does not know when said goodbye is.” “我要上路了,如果猎神成功,将混沌宇宙的敌人都杀个干净,我还会回来,看望你们,而若是失败,则直接转生阳间,不知再见是何年。” When farewell, Chu Feng said. 告别之际,楚风说道。 I must whet the Young Vermilion Bird's disposition ten years in mortal world, then, will put her to go to the World of the Living reincarnation.” Stone Fox informs. “我要在红尘中磨砺小朱雀的心性十年,然后,会放她去阳间投胎。”石狐告知。 Father, I thinks that......” a Little Daoist Priest hesitation, the eye blushes, unexpectedly is containing the tears. “爹,我想……”小道士一阵犹豫,眼睛发红,居然蕴含着泪光。 You how?” Chu Feng asked him. “你怎么了?”楚风问他。 I cannot add on your anything busy now, wants to start off immediately, goes to World of the Living from the beginning to start, takes road of the strongest talent. This universe is too small, the highest achievement is also Shining Upon, being insufficient makes me grow, not having the means I to revenge for mother!” “我现在帮不上你什么忙,想立刻上路,去阳间从头开始,走最强天才之路。这个宇宙太小,最高成就也不过是映照,不足以让我成长,没有办法我为娘报仇!” Rare, he is very serious, both eyes blush, almost must cry. 难得的,他很郑重,双目发红,几乎要落泪。 This is dying to leave, he wants to step into Reincarnation Road! 这是在死别,他想要踏进轮回路 When seeing Chu Feng displays strange technique to absorb divine nature particles, Little Daoist Priest understands that this biological father like this is why formidable, runs up to Foreign Territory to go for hundred years, disregards all consequences, was ready for any sacrifice completely thoroughly! 在看到楚风施展异术吸收神性粒子时,小道士已经明白这个亲爹为什么这样强大,跑到异域去百年,不计后果,完全彻底豁出去了! Although also once quarrelled, once shouted that this biological father is Great Demon, but, the blood is thicker than water, after all is fathers and sons, but he presently changes countenance, goal that knows Chu Feng such makes, to revenge, is one group of brothers, is Qin Luoyin...... 虽然也曾争吵,也曾喊他这个亲爹为大魔头,但是,血浓于水,毕竟已是父子,而他现更是动容,知道楚风这么做的目的,是为了报仇,为一群兄弟,为秦珞音…… Little Daoist Priest decided, he must rise earlier, goes to World of the Living to act as advance party, some day kills Extreme Martial and other Heavenly Venerate with Chu Feng together! 小道士决定,他要早点崛起,去阳间打前站,有朝一日跟楚风一块去杀太武天尊 Chu Feng silent moment, this is he and Qin Luoyin only child, once promised her, must take care of this child. 楚风沉默了片刻,这是他与秦珞音唯一的孩子,曾答应她,要照顾好这个孩子。 Now, Little Daoist Priest must be killed by weapons voluntarily, reincarnation World of the Living, this also means, hasn't protected this child eventually? 现在,小道士要自行兵解,转生阳间,这是否也意味着,终究是没有保护好这个孩子呢? But, Chu Feng also understands, he should not block, Little Daoist Priest must have an achievement in the future, should go to World of the Living, is reincarnated while the present earlier, takes the road of most powerhouse. 可是,楚风也明白,他不应该拦着,小道士将来要有所成就,应该去阳间,趁现在早点去转世,走最强者之路。 In addition, on Little Daoist Priest also has strange matter, now is not very serious, but also needs Heavenly Venerate even Supreme Being to melt, but is unable to look for that type to exist by his status. 此外,小道士身上也有诡异物质,现在不是很严重,但也需要天尊甚至大能化解,但以他的身份无法去找那种存在。 But walks Reincarnation Road, the stone mill plate in Shining Death City, can actually help his thorough completely fog! 而走轮回路,光明死城中的石磨盘,却可以帮他彻底化尽灰雾! Your mother...... Let me protect you, takes care of you.” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “你娘……让我保护好你,照顾好你。”楚风开口。 The eye of Little Daoist Priest was redder, is somewhat moved, sheds tears, said: precisely I must go to World of the Living like this, earlier the reincarnation looks for her, protects her, to World of the Living she is still my mother, I will not change a statement!” 小道士的眼睛更红了,有些伤感,落下泪水,道:“正是这样我才要去阳间,早点转生去找她,保护好她,到了阳间她依然是我娘,我不会改口!” Meanwhile, he is also first time opens the heart, said own foundation, was not old monster, was not Heavenly Venerate, was only a natural talent peerless rare talent, was honored as the capital of supreme. 同时,他也是第一次敞开心扉,道出自己的根底,不是老妖怪,不是天尊,只是一个天资绝世的奇才,被誉为无上之资。 Good, you go.” Chu Feng touches his head. “好,你去吧。”楚风摸了摸他的头。 Father, must distinguish, when Yin-Yang great distance, I only want to ask your matter.” Little Daoist Priest sighed. “爹,要分别了,阴阳相隔之际,我只想问你一件事。”小道士叹道。 You said.” Chu Feng nods. “你说。”楚风点头。 What is my family heirloom?” “咱家的传家之宝到底是什么?” It was moved, the atmosphere is sad, but Little Daoist Priest final these words gave to destroy directly. 原本还很伤感,气氛忧伤,可是小道士最后这一句话直接就给破坏了。 Perhaps this is he is intentional, when not thinks the life and death to distinguish, each one heavily starts off, wants to laugh heartily more. 或许这是他有意为之,不想生死分别时,各自沉重上路,想要欢笑多一些。 Side, Stone Fox and Young Vermilion Bird are speechless, see this pair of fathers and sons. 旁边,石狐小朱雀都无语,看着这对父子。 Chu Feng sighed, takes out stone box, said: Is it, but is actually not the family heirloom, my accident/surprise obtains.” 楚风微叹,取出石盒,道:“是它,但却不是传家之宝,我意外得到的。” Little Daoist Priest is stunned, under he wants to ease up the atmosphere actually, should not be so moved, finally Chu Feng told him, satisfied its wish. 小道士愕然,他其实只是想缓和下气氛,不要这么伤感,结果楚风真的告诉他了,满足其心愿。 Senior, what can you see this are?” Chu Feng asked Stone Fox. “前辈,你能看出这是什么吗?”楚风石狐 I this condition, can see anything now.” The crippled Heavenly Venerate heart is actually itchy, but does not have the means to study, stared is looking was very long, it had a suspicion and speculation. “我现在这种状态,能看出什么。”瘸腿天尊其实心痒痒,但是却没有办法研究,盯着看了很久,它有种怀疑与推测。 „Was that wall of don't tell me past years only this stone box surface?!” It said such words. 难道当年的那面墙只是这石盒的一个面?!”它说出这样的话。 Oh, I must go to the reincarnation, was knows my family heirloom, even if you gave me, having no way was having starting off.” Little Daoist Priest regretted. “唉,我就要去转生了,就是知道了咱家的传家宝,哪怕你给我,也没法带着上路啊。”小道士遗憾。 He can be lived in World of the Living, is, this stone box fresh? 他可以在阳间被生出来,可是,这石盒怎么生? Afterward, Chu Feng does the experiment, receives that Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree with stone box, looks whether to cope. 随后,楚风做实验,用石盒收那天尊法旨,看能否对付。 Whiz, half paper talisman on vermilion steamship took in stone box by him, even if moves to the chaos, paper talisman can also be suppressed in stone box, in his heart had the spectrum. 嗖的一声,朱红色大船上的半截符纸被他收进石盒内,哪怕移进混沌中,符纸也可以被压制在石盒内,他心中有谱了。 In World of the Dead, Heavenly Venerate paper talisman does not have means to assume an awe-inspiring pose, but to the chaos universe, that was different. 阴间,天尊符纸没有办法发威,但是到了混沌宇宙,那就不一样了。 Finally, Chu Feng starts off, has not used the steamship of World of the Living person, but receives oneself in stone box, opens a slit, crosses the chaos sea. 最后,楚风上路,没有使用阳间人的大船,而是收自身于石盒中,开启一点缝隙,横渡混沌海。 He started off lonely. 他一个人孤独的上路了。
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