SR :: Volume #10

#971: The fathers and sons collaborate the slaughter god

Chu Feng appears in the quiet black and silent universe deep place, nobody knows he returns. 楚风出现在幽黑与寂静的宇宙深处,没有人知道他回归。 Sea cloudy star, not big, but also calculates on the other hand some fame life planet, have Sixth Level Evolutionary Civilization . 海阴星,一颗不大、但相对来说还算有些名气的生命星球,拥有六级进化文明 that remote past here also once incomparable prosperous, sea Heavenly Race took root here, once stabilized ranks in the universe first in 15, but goes down in the world now. 在那久远的年代这里也曾无比的繁盛,海天族扎根在此,曾经稳定排名在宇宙前15内,但现在落魄多了。 Chu Feng came, both eyes appear golden rune, Discerning Eyes, stares vastness that the front is stretching to the horizon, he is looks for sea Heavenly Race to be troublesome. 楚风来了,双目映现出金色的符文,火眼金睛,盯着前方一望无垠的汪洋,他是来找海天族麻烦的。 Before departure, he must solve World of the Dead's to guide the party, initially some people on own initiative offered services to World of the Living, offers attentively with the material of friends and relatives him. 在离开前,他要解决掉阴间的带路党,当初有人主动投效阳间,将他与身边亲故的资料殷勤献上去。 About these, he that crowd of World of the Living Saint soul light that from cutting to kill has found, and also knows has several gods to appear in World of the Dead, if only cuts to kill cleanly. 关于这些,他已经从斩杀的那群阳间圣者魂光中了解到,并且还知道有几位神出现在阴间,自要斩杀干净。 Bang! 轰! The wave separates, the rough seas strike against several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) upper air, has dispersed the clouds racket of space, reveals a seabed bright red clear coral palace group. 水波分开,大浪拍击数万丈高空,将天上的云朵都拍散了,露出海底一片鲜红晶莹的珊瑚宫殿群。 Who?” Many people run out from the palace, many are the old men, was discussing official business, after the discussion entered World of the Living how should develop. “何人?”许多人从宫殿中冲出,多为老者,正在议事,在讨论进入阳间后该怎样发展。 Because, they earliest hire oneself one of the World of the Living's several clans . Moreover the working efficiency is high, therefore was received, if, even if in the clan does not have shocking World of Death's Seed, can enter World of the Living. 因为,他们是最早投靠阳间的几族之一,而且办事效率高,因此被承若,哪怕族中没有过于惊艳的阴间种,也可以进入阳间 "Um?! ” After they see Chu Feng, from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot at the scene, an innermost feelings piece of fear. “嗯?!”他们看到楚风后,当场从头凉到脚,内心一片恐惧。 Actually they have made anything, oneself are at heart clearest, if not first delivers various information, enabling World of the Living to grasp Chu Feng's all, deduces, perhaps cannot die that many people. 他们究竟做过什么,自己心里最清楚,若非第一时间送上各种信息,让阳间掌握楚风的一切,加以推演,或许死不了那么多人。 The Chu Feng look ice-cold, incomparable hatred, with this clan in the past any relations, never has not tied the enmity, is the critical moment, they did have guided the party, carried on congenially, killed his side people. 楚风神色冰冷,无比痛恨,与这一族在过去没有任何关系,从未结过仇怨,可是关键时刻,他们做了带路党,进行投机,害死他身边众人。 !” “噗!” Chu Feng foot treads, this piece of region circumference several hundred li (0.5 km) sea level is sinking, these people by the crush are fine powder, the relationship of form and spirit all extinguish. 楚风一脚踏下去,这片地带方圆数百里的海面都在下沉,这些人则被碾压为齑粉,形神皆灭。 who, dares to come my sea Heavenly Race to act unruly!” Under the seabed, another mausoleum chamber, the old man has hair dishevelled, opens the pupil, projects two golden light from the ancient mausoleum chamber. 什么人,敢来我海天族撒野!”海底之下,另有一座地宫,有一个老者披头散发,睁开眸子,从古老的地宫中射出两道金光。 Bang! 砰! The seabed blasts out, under an old man aura disorder, suddenly suddenly weak, when energy rich is high, has achieved the Shining Upon boundary. 海底炸开,地底下一个老者气息紊乱,忽强忽弱,能量浓郁度高时,达到了映照境。 This is an old monster, life essence are not many, has been closing up, in the body has the internal injury, in fact many years ago he achieves the Shining Upon boundary. 这是一个老怪物,寿元不多,一直在闭关,身体内有暗伤,事实上很多年以前他就达到映照境。 In him behind also with two people, is his young lad, now already was aged, and becomes Saint. 在他身后还跟着两人,原本都是他的童子,现在却早已老迈,并成为圣者 This is also the sea Heavenly Race not law-abiding reason, declines when World of the Dead, various clan powerhouses disappear, in their clan has the Shining Upon Level old monster to assume personal command as before, naturally started not to be glad to be dormant, wants to remould was magnificent in the past. 这也是海天族不安分的原因,在阴间没落,各族强者消失时,他们族中依旧有映照级老怪物坐镇,自然开始不甘于蛰伏,想要重塑往昔辉煌。 He is Chu Feng!” Saint reported that past young lad already Sanctification. “他是楚风!”一位圣者禀告,当年的童子已经成圣 Chu Feng, hehe, are you courting death?!” This Shining Upon Level old monster apparently does not have the ravelling present situation, in his opinion, before more than one year, Chu Feng in the Sub Saint level, then Saint, have not thought that at most he is the threat, even if walks in also to bring death. 楚风,呵呵,你在找死吗?!”这个映照级的老怪物显然没有弄明白现状,在他看来,一年多前楚风还在亚圣层次,顶多也就圣者,不认为他是威胁,哪怕找上门来也是送死。 Normal indeed is this, nobody can break through from Saint Level Dominion in one year to Shining Upon Realm, that is not realistic. 正常来说的确是这样,没有人可以在一年间从圣级领域突破到映照境界,那根本不现实。 This old monster has hair dishevelled, ascends to heaven on, coldly looks at Chu Feng, is gazing at a deceased person likely, the opposite party is killing like this, slaughter his clansman, in his opinion this is unpardonable. 这个老怪物披头散发,登天而上,冷冷的看着楚风,像是在注视着一个死人,对方这样杀来,屠他族人,在他看来这是不可宽恕的。 He had not thought slightly, initially decided the decision to do to guide the party to have any wrong, actually Chu Feng person dead many, he does not care. 他丝毫没有觉得,当初拍板决定做带路党有什么错,楚风身边的人究竟死去多少,他都不在意。 In his heart, the law of the jungle, thought the opposite party, even if dies also gets what one deserves certainly, explained that the choice of their sea Heavenly Race is very correct, has hired oneself a powerhouse side. 在他心中,弱肉强食,觉得对方哪怕死绝也是活该,说明他们海天族的选择无比正确,投靠了强者一方。 Now, he thought that Chu Feng as a weak one, does not know that the immensity of heaven and earth walks is does purely. 现在,他觉得楚风身为一个弱者,不知天高地厚地找上门来纯粹是作死。 pā! 啪! His palm of the hand claps forward, the principle blooms, ray Shining Upon is void, wants the Chu Feng imprisonment, making into fragment. 他一巴掌向前拍去,法则绽放,光芒映照虚空,想要将楚风禁锢,将之打成碎片。 However, he perceived quickly does not suit, after Shining Upon Level energy burst, the opposite party stands one's ground steadfastly unexpectedly, steadily like Mount Tai. 然而,他很快就觉察到不对劲儿,映照级能量爆发后,对方竟然岿然不动,稳如泰山 On the contrary, Chu Feng finds out a hand, one holds him, has carried him directly, was too relaxed, immediately makes his scalp send a round of cold, the whole body is old goosebumps. 相反,楚风探出一只手,一把就将他抓住,将他直接拎了过来,太轻松了,顿时让他头皮发发寒,浑身都是老鸡皮疙瘩 Then, his fleshly body and a soul light cuns (2.5 cm) break, he is disintegrating and blasts out rapidly. 接着,他的肉身魂光寸寸断裂,他在迅速瓦解与炸开。 With is Shining Upon, the choice that you and Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade and the others made is entirely different, your this person dies 10,000 times to be not enough to make reparations!” The Chu Feng cold sound is similar to the lightning across the sky, shakes the universe. “同为映照者,你与雷公天刀等人做出的选择截然不同,你这种人死10000次都不足以赎罪!”楚风冷冽的声音如同闪电横空,撼动天宇。 You...... Is don't tell me a god?!” The sea Heavenly Race old monster yelled, can this young people strong to this step? His incapable of believing, kills him such as the slaughter dog! “你……难道是神?啊!”海天族的老怪物大叫,这个年轻人怎么能强到这一步?他无法相信,杀他如屠狗! Chu Feng has been very discrete, feared that reveals the God Level energy to cause Great Abyss to swallow, most time are proclaiming. 楚风一直很谨慎,怕泄露神级能量导致大渊吞噬,大多数时间都在自封。 Even if now take action, is the energy of Shining Upon level, the skill of but revolving, this old man sycophancy cannot catch up, bang, sea Heavenly Race ancient ancestor changes to piece of blood mist, immediately burn to ashes. 即便现在出手,也不过是映照层次的能量,但运转出的技巧等,这个老者拍马也赶不上,砰的一声,海天族古祖化作一片血雾,马上又烧成灰烬 Afterward, Chu Feng turns the hand a palm to lay out once more, in the sea area of distant place the great city avalanche, ancestral land blasting open, sea Heavenly Race knows does not have many powerhouse tragic deaths. 随后,楚风翻手再次一掌拍出,远方的海域中巨城崩塌,祖地炸裂,海天族知道有多少强者惨死。 Chu Feng is unfeeling, without any sympathy, at this moment, he changed to Great Demon King! 楚风冷酷无情,没有任何的同情,这一刻,他已化作大魔王 The dark blue billows galaxy, on a broad planet, the snow in big flakes dances in the air, clads in silvery white, frozen hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) mountains. 沧澜星系,一颗恢宏的行星上,鹅毛大雪飞舞,银装素裹,冰封数十万里山川。 Unusual person knows, here assumes personal command brightly! 少有人知道,这里有神坐镇! Chu Feng came, prepares slaughter god, and cleans here guiding party. 楚风来了,准备屠神,并清洗掉这里的带路党。 The thunderous mountain range, several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) high snowy mountain are many, is vigorous and grand, the wind and snow surge, is similar to thunder sound thunders, deafening, but some regions are the avalanche like the sea. 雷鸣山脉,数万丈高的雪山很多,雄浑而壮阔,风雪激荡,如同雷音轰鸣,震耳欲聋,而有的地带更是雪崩如海。 The common person does not dare to approach, this place has the cold spooky thick ice palace to stand erect, continuous Large expanse. 寻常人根本不敢靠近,此地有冷幽幽的玄冰宫殿矗立,连绵成片。 And on a high point, in snow and ice ancient palace, sits cross-legged brightly, because his arrival entire mountain scene lineage/vein snow and ice are more abundant. 其中一座最高峰上,冰雪古殿中,有神盘坐,因为他的到来整片山脉冰雪更盛。 This is a man, looks like thirty -year-old appearance, the grand appearance is fearful, brown sends to hang loose, is naked the upper part, bronze body, has the constriction. 这是一个男子,看起来三十几岁的样子,雄姿慑人,棕发披散,赤裸着上半身,古铜色肌体,非常具有压迫感。 He is very disappointed, Ice God Palace is also the World of the Dead universe ranks first twenty top Dao Lineage, but throughout is actually not able to bring the news that he wants. 他很失望,冰神宫也算是阴间宇宙排名前二十几的顶级道统,可是却始终无法带来他想要的消息。 God on, my clan was trying hard, strives to find the Chu Feng's child in the near future!” 神灵在上,我族正在努力,争取在近期找到楚风的孩子!” An old man kneels to bend down on the ground, the words and deeds are respectful and prudent, are having the color of awe, and expressed some clues and features. 一个老者跪伏在地上,言行恭谨,带着敬畏之色,并表示有些线索与眉目了。 Read earliest to offer services to you, I then not strange wait/etc., if not have any progress in the near future, do not count on that lifted the clan to move to World of the Living, moreover your clan will have the big crime!” Sits cross-legged that god opens the mouth in Ice Snow Palace palace. “念在你们最早投效过来,我便不怪等等,不过如果近期还是没有任何进展,就不要指望举族迁徙到阳间了,而且你族还会有大罪!”盘坐在冰雪宫殿中的那个神开口。 Yes!” After icing Divine Palace's old Palace Lord kotows, he raised the head, starts to speak but hesitates. “是!”冰神宫的宫主叩首后,他抬起头,欲言又止。 What do you want to say?” “你想说什么?” I thought, can start from Earth, forcing Chu Feng to come out.” Ices the Divine Palace's old man to state opinion like this, behind is also kneeling in him several elders, nods. “我觉得,可以从地球入手,逼迫楚风出来。”冰神宫的老者这样建言,在他身后还跪着几位长老,也都跟着点头。 I have said that there cannot move.” World of the Living God Level Evolver in sitting cross-legged palace is very serious, said: I also want to conquer by killing there, but, several Heavenly Venerate have gotten down Dharma Decree, can not approach that planet, avoids the important matter.” “我说过,那里不能动。”盘坐殿宇中的阳间神级进化者很严肃,道:“我也想血洗那里,但是,几位天尊下过法旨,不得临近那颗星球,避免出大事。” Ices Divine Palace's old Palace Lord to be silent and terrified, simultaneously he thinks very regrettable, if can start from Earth, many matters will be easier. 神宫的宫主默然与悚然,同时他觉得很遗憾,若是可以从地球下手,许多事都会容易很多。 But dreaded to Earth including World of the Living's Heavenly Venerate, this is the how scary secret, making Ice God Palace be anxious up and down, thinks some round of to terrify. 可是连阳间的天尊都对地球忌惮,这是何其骇人的隐秘,让冰神宫上下惴惴不安,觉得有些发瘆。 „The Purgatory entrance there, Supreme Being is not willing to refer to it, is hiding the big terrifying.” In the palace, that god light language, he knits the brows, when speaking these words, unexpectedly some fearful and apprehensive feelings, because initially had Divine King to speak some past events to him, let him at that time creepy feeling, the whole body was cold. 炼狱入口在那里,大能都不愿多谈及它,藏着大恐怖。”殿宇中,那位神轻语,他皱眉,在说这些话时,竟有心惊肉跳的感觉,因为当初有神王对他讲过一些旧事,让他当时头皮发麻,浑身寒冷。 We can certainly bring the Chu Feng only bloodlines to this place!” Ices Divine Palace's old Palace Lord to say. “我们一定可以将楚风唯一的血脉带到此地!”冰神宫的宫主说道。 Brown sends the Divinity opens the mouth, said: "Um, the time are not many, Heavenly Venerate will not leave World of the Living again, can only and others exhaust ability by me. If the final moment approaches, the life and death does not count, must do everything possible to conquer by killing Star Sea, I did not believe unable to find them. ” 棕发神祇开口,道:“嗯,时间不多了,天尊不会再离开阳间,只能靠我等竭尽所能。若是最后关头来临,生死不计,自是要想尽办法血洗星海,我不信找不到他们。” He just spoke these words, the dazzling lightning then appears in the palace together, , is unable to imagine to all people quickly, punctures thoroughly his forehead, has selected this god, divine blood drippings! 他刚说完这句话,一道刺目的闪电便出现在宫殿中,噗的一声,快到所有人都无法想象,刺透他的眉心,将这位神挑了起来,神血淋淋! Chu Feng came, he now is the Divine General level, only misses one to call the king! 楚风来了,他现在位列神将层次,只差一线就可称王! Now resorts to all means that when is bringing dreadful killing intent take action, starts the thunder to strike, pierces this person of frontal bone with the Martial God lance of seal, tall in the midair. 现在动用一切手段,带着滔天的杀意出手时,发动雷霆一击,以封印的武神长矛洞穿此人额骨,高挑在半空中。 The Chu Feng whole body illumination, is having the endless anger, fearful murderous intention, said: Harms my friends and relatives, but also wants to move my heir, should be cut to pieces!” 楚风浑身发光,带着无尽的怒意,还有可怕的杀机,道:“害我亲故,还想动我子嗣,该千刀万剐!” Ice God Palace has tarried up and down, looks that is similar to the Demon God man, is selecting a god, stands is in central ancient palace, all people frighten the cocky Chinese zither to tremble, then the body becomes tender, suppressed kneeling bends down on the ground. 冰神宫上下呆住了,看着那个如同魔神般的男子,挑着一位神,立身在中央古殿中,所有人都吓得瑟瑟发抖,而后身体发软,被压制的跪伏在地上。 Bang! 轰! Chu Feng wields the robe sleeve, the continuous snowy mountain avalanche, ices Divine Palace's Evolver blasts, forms the destruction storm in this stretch of region, should teach to be extinguished, numerous Evolver destroy both body and soul. 楚风一挥袍袖,连绵不绝的雪山崩塌,冰神宫的进化者一个一个的炸开,在这片地带形成毁灭风暴,该教被灭,众多进化者形神俱灭 Whiz! 嗖! The next quarter, Chu Feng selects this brown to send Divinity to vanish, appears in the Great Abyss edge. 下一刻,楚风挑着这个棕发神祇消失,出现在大渊边缘。 The gods were not easy dead, in fact, this god must counter-attack, but also thought the showdown, but Chu Feng has not given him the opportunity, rumbled to enter Great Abyss him. 神不是那么容易死去的,事实上,这个神还要反扑,还想对决呢,但是楚风没有给他机会,将他轰进大渊 Little Daoist Priest curls the lip: Father, did not have the meaning, the gods had been killed by you, I also want before being reincarnated World of the Living, in the contamination several wisps of divine blood, revenged for my mother slightly.” 小道士撇嘴:“爹,太没意思了,神都被你杀了,我还想在转世阳间前,沾染上几缕神血,为我娘稍微报仇呢。” He has been responsible for at the back of Stone Fox, observes in side. 他一直负责背着石狐,在旁观战。 Next time will make up the opportunity of blade to you.” Chu Feng said. “下次给你补刀的机会。”楚风道。 The final two gods in World of the Dead, after really wants the slaughter to fall, thorough was pure, Chu Feng will go hereafter to the chaos universe. 还有最后两个神在阴间,真要屠掉后,就彻底清净了,此后楚风就会前往混沌宇宙中。 Young Vermilion Bird also, at any time prepares to open the battle condition , helping the Chu Feng slaughter god! 小朱雀也在跟着,随时准备开启战斗状态,帮助楚风屠神! However, currently speaking does not need, by the strength of Chu Feng Quasi - Divine King, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered World of the Dead, criticizes several divine root books not to have what pressure. 不过,目前来看根本不需要,以楚风准神王之实力,纵横阴间,清算掉几位神根本没有什么压力。 The World of the Dead universe edge, on a vermilion steamship, is sending out the light pressure, is bright is sitting cross-legged, is not two people, but is three, deters trim World of the Dead! 阴间宇宙边缘,一艘朱红色大船上,散发着淡淡的威压,有神在盘坐,不是两人,而是三个,威慑整片阴间 Chu Feng came, is bringing Little Daoist Priest, with vermilion Yan. 楚风来了,带着小道士,身后还跟着朱焱。 Chu Feng?!” 楚风?!” Takes!” “拿下!” Haha...... Cannot think that you appeared!” The god laughs, in heart joyful, unexpectedly sees the Lord. “哈哈……想不到你自己出现了!”有一位神大笑,心中喜悦,居然见到正主。 However, in an instant, their innermost feelings are also very restless, because they are clear, the opposite party dares such flagrant coming, to have the energy mostly. 但是,刹那间,他们的内心又都很不安,因为他们清楚,对方敢这样明目张胆的过来,多半有底气。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Three gods hide in the chaos fog unexpectedly, was too discrete, first is separated from World of the Dead, like this erupted the divine might words to be fearless. 三位神居然都躲进混沌雾霭中,实在太谨慎了,第一时间脱离阴间,这样爆发神威的话就无所畏惧了。 The Chu Feng look is callous, waits for them to enter the chaos, he is raising golden Divine Sword, followed, he prepares independently the slaughter god. 楚风神色冷酷,就等着他们进入混沌呢,他提着黄金神剑,跟了进去,他准备放手屠神。 "Um? God Level fluctuates! ” Three gods are shocked, this is possible, one year, this World of the Dead Indigenous already to become God? Does not conform to the common sense. “嗯神级波动!”三位神震惊,这怎么可能,一年的时间,这个阴间土著已经成神?不符合常理。 Erupts then such Divine War, one, is almost fighting instant, in the Chu Feng hand golden divine light rises suddenly, first then cuts to fall a head of Divinity, Divine Sword drop blood! 就这样神战爆发,噗的一声,几乎是交手的刹那,楚风手中黄金神光暴涨,第一时间便将一位神祇的头颅斩落下来,神剑滴血! If must divide Realm, Chu Feng is existence of Divine General extremely summit, only misses one is Divine King, even if the World of the Living's god cannot block him. 如果非要划分境界,楚风神将极巅的存在,只差一线就是神王,哪怕是阳间的神也挡不住他。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” A god is frightened, turns around to run away, submerges in the chaos. 一位神惊悚,转身就逃,没入混沌中。 A god vision twinkle, runs away rapidly to the reverse direction, escapes into World of the Dead, he suppresses own Realm, rushed over to Little Daoist Priest. 还有一位神目光闪烁,迅速逃向相反方向,遁入阴间,他压制自身境界,冲着小道士就冲了过去。 Bang! 轰! The flame is dreadful, Young Vermilion Bird take action, detains this god. 火光滔天,小朱雀出手,拦阻此神。 But Chu Feng stands in the chaos, shoots the lance of Martial God directly, , will run away that god to the chaos sews there, making his body blast out. 楚风站在混沌中,直接掷出武神之矛,噗的一声,将逃走向混沌中那个神钉在那里,让他身体炸开。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Various principles interweave, Chu Feng stimulates to movement Small Six Paths Time Technique, sweeps away in this stretch of region, divine light rushes! 各种法则交织,楚风催动小六道时光术,在这片地带横扫,神光澎湃! On is the god who the head falls to the ground, the gods who the body blasts out can Rebirth from a drop of Blood, model the body rapidly again, but actually cannot get rid of the corrosion of Small Six Paths Time Technique now. 论是头颅落地的神,还是身体炸开的神都可以一滴血重生,迅速再塑身体,但是现在却摆脱不了小六道时光术的侵蚀。 They just reappeared, remoulds fleshly body, then starts to call out pitifully, was decomposed again, true destroy both body and soul. 他们刚刚再现出来,重塑肉身,便又开始惨叫,再次被分解,真正的形神俱灭 Even if on them has Death Substituting Talisman not to be good, because differs with Chu Feng too far, where ratio on Quasi - Divine King! 即便他们身上有替死符也不行,因为跟楚风相差太远,哪里比的上准神王 divine nature kernel spreads, all was absorbed by Chu Feng, Dao Ancestral Matter fills the air, submerges in his body, becomes his big tonic, making his whole body Divine Red Clouds dense, even more likely Great Demon King that he serves as contrast! 神性颗粒蔓延,全都被楚风吸收,还有道祖物质弥漫,亦没入他的躯体中,成为他大补药,让他周身神霞氤氲,将他衬托的越发像个大魔王 Another side, Young Vermilion Bird makes war with that god, both sides suppress in the Shining Upon level. 另一边,小朱雀与那个神开战,双方都压制在映照层次。 Little elder sister avoids, I must revenge for my mother, looked how I collaborate the slaughter god with my father!” Little Daoist Priest shouted. “小姐姐躲开,我要为我娘报仇,看我如何跟我父亲联手屠神!”小道士喝道。 Disdains with the god who Young Vermilion Bird fights, does a kid also dare to boast shamelessly? 小朱雀交手的神不屑,一个小屁孩也敢大言不惭? However, he is also very anxious, wants to run away, feared that was pursued by Chu Feng, cuts to kill it. 但是,他也很焦虑,想要逃走,怕被楚风追击过来,斩杀之。 He wants to abduct Little Daoist Priest very much, but, Young Vermilion Bird does not give him this opportunity, simultaneously Chu Feng also strolled. 他很想掳走小道士,但是,小朱雀不给他这个机会,同时楚风也漫步过来了。 Whiz!” “嗖!” He turns around to flee, does not dare to prolong contact. 他转身遁走,不敢恋战。 Where walks, looks at my Heaven Overturning Seal, the slaughter god!” At this moment, Little Daoist Priest yelled. “哪里走,看我翻天印,屠神!”就在这时,小道士大叫道。 He will carry in Stone Fox...... Directly pounding, has aimed to the god who breaks through from here. 他将背在身上的石狐……直接给砸了出去,对准向从这边突围的神。 crippled Heavenly Venerate is in a daze, then air/Qi wants to stamp one's foot, fucking, this also is really pair of fathers and sons, this simply is...... mmp! 瘸腿天尊发呆,而后气的想跳脚,特么的,这还真是一对父子啊,这简直是……mmp! Was thrown to pass one by Chu Feng time, finally now, by this small regarding brick pounding, has worked as chapter of Heaven Overturning Seal. 楚风扔出过去一次也就罢了,结果现在,又被这个小的当成板砖给砸出去了,又当了一回翻天印 Clash/To that god is sneering at first still, is having the color of disdaining, but also wants to seize the chance to abduct Little Daoist Priest, meets the approaching enemy on own initiative. 冲过来的那个神起初还在冷笑,带着不屑之色,还想要趁机掳走小道士呢,主动迎击过来。 The result next quarter his tragedy, thorough frightened, , his hit bone broke the muscle booklet, the whole body was the blood, oneself was split up. 结果下一刻他就悲剧了,彻底的惊悚,噗的一声,他被撞的骨断筋折,满身是血,自身四分五裂。 Sore, was too sore, he is a god, unexpectedly was hit the body, what stone material is this? His grief and indignation, simply is resentment thought is dreadful! 疼,太疼了,他可是神啊,居然被撞断躯体,这是什么石材?他悲愤不已,简直是怨念滔天! If he knows, this is Heavenly Venerate True Body, that resentment will not have soared to the heavens, although he is a god, but can with Heavenly Venerate compared with the body intensity? 他如果知道,这是一位天尊真身,那就不会怨气冲霄了,他虽然为神,但怎么能跟天尊比身体强度? "Ah...... ” “啊……” He called out pitifully there, but Little Daoist Priest grinned to smile there, beams with joy 他在那里惨叫,而小道士则在那里咧嘴笑,眉开眼笑 As for Stone Fox...... Then is in an uncontrollable rage, the face such as being unjustly discredited bottom, his resentment thought is boundless, this fucking worthily is fathers and sons, simply is a pair of instinct consistent bastard! 至于石狐……则怒不可遏,脸如黑锅底,他怨念无边,这特么的不愧是父子,简直是一对天性一致的王八蛋!
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