SR :: Volume #10

#970: Said goodbye in light of this

The Little Daoist Priest fine small face broke down thoroughly, it may be said that a face ashen, that small appearance, manifests is lives not to have the love seriously. 小道士原本精致的小脸彻底垮了,可谓一脸土色,那小模样,体现的当真是生无可恋。 He was calling, must go all out with Chu Feng. 他嗷嗷叫着,要跟楚风拼命。 Then he such as had the heart disease to be common, is covering oneself chest, shouted there hurts, the step was not steady, the body staggered, almost fell down on the ground. 接着他又如犯了心脏病一般,捂着自己的心口,在那里喊疼,步履不稳,身体踉跄,差点一头栽倒在地上。 He likely is senile, could not come to a stop, breathless, must die to knock with Chu Feng. 他像是老态龙钟般,站不稳了,气急败坏,要跟楚风死磕到底。 Young Vermilion Bird is dumbfounded, feels strangely, sees the father and son. 小朱雀目瞪口呆,感觉怪怪的,看着父子二人。 crippled Heavenly Venerate also quite speechless, the father and son also are really rarely seen, the bear child who sees the Guokeng father, has not seen such pit child's bear father. 瘸腿天尊也相当的无语,这父子两人还真是奇葩,见过坑爹的熊孩子,没见到过这么坑孩子的熊爹。 Son, you are strong!” Chu Feng supports Little Daoist Priest, a face serious color, drives and inspiration there. “儿子,你要坚强!”楚风扶住小道士,一脸的“郑重”之色,在那里激励与鼓舞。 Little Daoist Priest looks at him to this appearance, looks in his hand corner/horn incomplete paper talisman, really does not want to live, hates unable hitting the ground, but makes an effort to hit finally on Chu Feng. 小道士看他到这个样子,又去望了望他手中一角残缺的符纸,真是不想活了,恨不得以头撞地,但最后使劲撞在楚风身上。 He was really despaired thoroughly, before also had to read thinks that was waiting for Chu Feng also him, but saw anything now, the black paper talisman remaining fingernail such scraps, 99% was only used up, he was such as was struck by lightning simply, completely discouraged. 他真是彻底绝望了,以前还有念想呢,等着楚风还他,但现在看到了什么,黑色符纸只剩下指甲盖那么一小块,九成九都被用掉,他简直是如遭雷劈,万念俱灰。 Great Demon Chu, I must fight a decisive battle with you, snatches my paper talisman on Reincarnation Road, now breaks my road ahead, wū wū...... The track I was too pitiful, does not want to live!” 楚大魔头,我要与你决战,在轮回路上抢我符纸,现在又断我前路,呜呜……小道我太可怜了,不想活了!” His eye is glowing red, wipes tears there, feels is too suffering from injustice, if this is not this the biological father of world, wants to kill. 他眼睛红通通,在那里抹眼泪,感觉太委屈,如果这不是他此世的亲爹,真想给干掉。 Oh!” Chu Feng sighed, touches his head, finally Little Daoist Priest wants to nip him, regards Stone Pillar him once more, has hit. “唉!”楚风叹了一口气,摸了摸他的头,结果小道士想咬他,再次将他当成石柱子,一头撞了上去。 At this moment the Little Daoist Priest tearful eyes dance, he thinks is very far, but also plans to surmount Heavenly Venerate, verbal command World of the Living, finally now...... Too rough. 这一刻小道士泪眼婆娑,他想的很远,还计划着超越天尊,号令阳间呢,结果现在……太坎坷。 Lowers the head when him, eye inflamed accumulated the tears, were looking anything blurs, suddenly discovered that his father carries the long linearity object to sway in him at present. 就在他低头,眼睛红肿蕴着泪,看什么都模糊时,突然发现他爹拎着个长条形物体在他眼前晃荡。 Great Demon you get out of the way, the track I acknowledged that the punishment is deserved!” 大魔头你走开,小道我认栽了!” He is angry and resentful, is considering must do accounts with his biological father, is too hateful, was too ignominious, he is really not being able to bear of vexed fire. 他恼怒、愤懑,正在思量到底要不要跟他亲爹算账,太可恨,太可耻了,他真是怄火的受不了。 This is...... What?!” Suddenly, he stuttered. “这是……什么?!”突然,他结巴了。 Because, although both eyes with tears, but saw eventually fuzzily, felt that likely is...... Zhang Hongyan's colorful paper talisman?! 因为,虽然双眼含着泪,但是终究是模糊的看到了,怎么感觉像是……一张红艳艳的符纸?! He rubbed the eyes immediately, pushes all tear fluids, sees clearly thoroughly, at present is one group of red light, scarlet paper talisman sparkling is shining, the circulation mysterious mark winds. 他立时揉了揉眼睛,挤出去所有泪液,彻底看清楚,眼前是一团红光,赤红符纸莹莹灿灿,流转神秘纹络。 Really...... That paper talisman?!” Little Daoist Priest cries out strangely to make noise, takes, harping on the same old story looked that may really be both eyes puts the blue light. “真是……那种符纸?!”小道士怪叫出声,一把抢到手中,翻过来掉过去的看,那可真是双眼放蓝光。 He does not cry immediately, saliva must flow, for a long time is stroking gently, in the touching peerless treasure, awakens likely finally until him, both hands hold paper talisman, vigilant backing up, looks at Chu Feng. 他顿时不哭了,口水都要流出来了,好长时间都在摩挲,像是在触摸绝世珍宝,直到最后他才醒悟过来,双手抓住符纸,警惕的倒退,看着楚风 „Does son, the father give your gift to be good?” A Chu Feng kind father's appearance, the whole face is the kind smiling face. “儿子,爹送你的礼物好不好?”楚风一副慈父的样子,满脸都是和蔼的笑容。 Little Daoist Priest is startled, has this biological father transferring nature, given him really paper talisman? Which this paper talisman comes, is too strange. 小道士一怔,这个亲爹转性了,真的送给他一张符纸?这符纸哪来的,太诡异。 However, after short absent-minded, Little Daoist Priest complexion slightly black. 但是,短暂失神后,小道士又脸色微黑。 Because, he awakens gradually, more is ponders over more thinks does not suit, this biological father is insincere, clearly is intentionally, is tossing about him, looks that he lives not to have the love. 因为,他渐渐醒悟,越是琢磨越是觉得不对劲儿,这亲爹太不厚道,分明是故意的,在折腾他,看着他生无可恋。 Was too ignominious!” His fold a small face, is clenching teeth there, is this biological father? Unexpectedly is so hateful, hateful, he wants to hit the person. “太可耻了!”他褶皱着一张小脸,在那里咬牙,这还是亲爹吗?居然这么可恶,可恨,他想打人。 Especially now sees the Chu Feng's kind father makings, he is really the air/Qi does not hit one, wants to fight a decisive battle with Chu Feng! 尤其是现在看到楚风的慈父气质,他真是气不打一处来,想跟楚风决战! Chu Feng coughs, knows when to stop, otherwise Little Daoist Priest must fly into a rage. 楚风干咳一声,适可而止,不然小道士真要急眼了。 Little Daoist Priest is not feeling well as before, has not seen such pit son's father. 小道士依旧不爽,就没见过这么坑儿子的爹。 However, is quick he to think of some past events, he thought, this biological father is bears a grudge mostly is educating him. 不过,很快他又想到一些旧事,他觉得,这个亲爹多半是记仇在教育他呢。 When Foreign Territory he cries for Chu Feng that the family heirloom deceives, finally this is...... A report also report?! 异域时他为了传家宝骗的楚风落泪,结果这是……一报还一报?! You must compensate me, told me, my family heirloom was anything!” Little Daoist Priest is not really willingly. “你要补偿我,告诉我,咱家的传家宝到底是什么!”小道士真是不甘心啊。 My family heirloom in these eight characters, you.” A Chu Feng face serious color. “咱家的传家宝就在这八个字中,你记好了。”楚风一脸郑重之色。 Little Daoist Priest hearing this is solemn and respectful immediately, this father conscience discovered finally, can tell him the truth? 小道士闻言顿时肃穆,这爹终于良心发现,要告诉他实情了吗? Chu Feng is very serious, said: Remember, morality reaching up to the clouds, honest pure good!” 楚风无比严肃,道:“记住,义薄云天,敦厚纯善!” Little Daoist Priest air/Qi wants to hit the person, does not want to speak to him, before these characters are not Samsara King and Demon King Chu, seeks fame with? 小道士气的想打人,不想跟他说话了,这几个字不就是轮回王楚魔王以前沽名钓誉用的吗? Come, I give you to introduce, this is Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate, this is Elder Sister vermilion Yan.” “来,我给你介绍一下,这是石狐天尊,这是朱焱姐姐。” Little Daoist Priest does not believe that at present has Heavenly Venerate. 小道士才不会相信眼前有个天尊呢。 Chu Feng leads them to start off once more, west to Kunlun Mountains, crosses to the West. 楚风带着他们再次上路,西出昆仑,横渡向西方。 On the road, Little Daoist Priest was blown, because he finds, this crippled Stone Fox is really Heavenly Venerate, moreover came from World of the Living. 在路上,小道士被镇住了,因为他了解到,这个瘸腿石狐真是一位天尊,而且还是来自阳间 Immediately, he had a new duty, Chu Feng has arranged him to carry Stone Fox, asked for advice much. 顿时,他有了一个新任务,楚风安排他背着石狐,多多讨教。 crippled Heavenly Venerate is having the color of doubt, the serious suspicion, this glib lips thief smooth Little Daoist Priest is previous life of really also Heavenly Venerate? 瘸腿天尊带着狐疑之色,严重怀疑,这个嘴皮子贼溜的小道士前世真的也是一个天尊 "cough, the capital of Heavenly Venerate! ” A Little Daoist Priest shy appearance, but, sees depending on his insensitively impossible shy. “咳,天尊之资!”小道士一副羞涩的样子,不过,怎么看凭他那厚脸皮也不可能害羞。 This is installs intentionally tenderly, sells to sprout/moe earnestly, wants to lull Stone Fox by the stance of child. 这是故意装嫩,认真卖萌,想以小孩子的姿态麻痹石狐 crippled Heavenly Venerate block revealed the look of surprise, this also lived not to be possible very much a moment ago love appearance Little Daoist Priest, knows should not say that his mentality explodes, is the facial skin thief is thick, cried then to adjust, wants to pull out some scrip­tures mystique method from it. 瘸腿天尊很块露出异色,这个刚才还一副生无可恋样子的小道士,不知道该说他心态爆好,还是脸皮贼厚,才哭完便调整好了,想从它身上掏出一些经文秘法等。 Especially knew, Chu Feng collaborates with Stone Fox, this time brings four paper talisman, Little Daoist Priest to shout directly, goes to a time restricted area again, evacuates there, loots all good fortunes cleanly, turns the sod three chi (0.33 m), is infertile! 尤其是得知,楚风石狐联手,这次带回来四张符纸,小道士直接叫嚷着,再去一次禁地,将那里搬空,将所有造化都洗劫干净,挖地三尺,寸草不生! ...... …… Chu Feng remounts Mount Olympus, past 12 plant only remaining 5-6, half died, that golden black vine still , the thunder sparkle, unclearly becomes the West have several one of the expert. 楚风重登奥林匹斯山,当年的12株植物只剩下五六株,半数都已死去,那株乌金藤还在,雷霆闪耀,隐然间成为西方有数高手之一。 Zeus?” He sighed gently, leaves. “宙斯?”他轻轻一叹,离开了。 Afterward, he went to Holy See Headquarters, initially made into the scorched earth, changes to the ruins the place, now slightly is ruined, the old man assumes personal command. 随后,他又去了一趟教廷总部,当初被打成焦土,化作废墟的地方,如今还略显破败,有一个老者坐镇。 Chu Feng vanishes from here, arrives at a crater of West, is unceasingly thorough, rushes in underground piece of Mystic Realm, folds the space, many plant growths in surges magma. 楚风从这里消失,来到西方的一处火山口,不断深入,闯进地下一片秘境中,算是折叠空间,许多植物生长在翻腾的岩浆中。 He saw a black egg, is having the close pattern, spills over the clear gloss, in magma deep place, in this piece of Mystic Realm's good fortune ups and downs. 他看到了一颗黑色的蛋,带着细密的花纹,泛出晶莹的光泽,在岩浆深处,在这片秘境的造化地沉浮。 Immortal Pheonix Queen.” 不死凤王。” Chu Feng revealed the look of surprise, had found this old friend, unexpectedly has the transformation, is carrying on the evolution of some deep level, this is Nirvana. 楚风露出异色,找到了这位故人,居然发生蜕变,在进行某种深层次的进化,这算是涅槃 Immortal Pheonix Queen, initially a makings elegantly beautiful queen, was the outstanding person in Western Evolver, once had occurring together with Chu Feng, has been on intimate terms in Sky Favored City, in Dragon Tiger Mountain together great war Schiller. 不死凤王,当初一位气质冷艳的女王,是西方进化者中的佼佼者,曾跟楚风有过交集,在顺天城相过亲,在龙虎山一起大战过席勒。 Initially left again had not seen, she had oneself chance. 当初一别就再也没有见到,她有自己的机缘。 It looks like in Chu Feng, so long as is living well. 楚风看来,只要活着就好。 He has not disturbed, here has stood the moment, thinks, is lost in thought leisurely. Shortly, he disappears, seeks several valuable trees from some Western fold spaces, plants in the nearby. 他并未打扰,在这里站了片刻,想到过去,悠悠出神。不久后,他消失,从西方一些折叠空间中寻来几株宝树,栽种在附近。 Settled on by him and with the different tree, the valuable medicine that Earth recovers together, natural no small matter, if grows, naturally is Western most top. 被他看中并跟地球一起复苏的异树、宝药等,自然非同小可,若是成长起来,自然是西方最顶级的。 Afterward, he thoroughly leaves. 随后,他才彻底离开。 Chu Feng went to Western Holy City, the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism Holy Land Jerusalem. 楚风去了一趟西方圣城,三教圣地耶路撒冷。 He sees some Evolver, finally in being distanced in a recent sea area discovered that is riding the golden hair little girl of whale king, very pure look, is reading ancient scripture book. 他看到一些进化者,最后又在相距最近的一片海域中发现一个骑着鲸王的金发小女孩,很纯净的眼神,在翻看古经书 Chu Feng calmly looks, is far away, has not gone to disturb, initially when he came to the West once met with this little girl, she rescues a whale king. 楚风静静地看着,相距很远,没有去打扰,当初他来西方时就曾与这个小女孩相遇,她救助一头鲸王。 By his present cultivation base and strength naturally can completely understand that all her, catch the intravenous drip in her soul light quickly. 以他现在的修为与实力自然能够看透她的一切,很快捕捉到她魂光中的点滴。 The little girl is the archaic Earth descendant, the descendant of child was in the past was chased down in the elderly and infirm who lives by luck by starry sky Knight. 小女孩是上古地球的后裔,是当年被星空骑士所追杀的老弱妇孺中侥幸活下来的孩童的后代。 Yellow Ox is also so, is runs away these creature descendants. 黄牛也是如此,是逃出去那些生灵的后代。 The person who these live conceals identity in starry sky, after Earth recovers, this little girl is the same with Yellow Ox, first steps the return trip, arrives at ancestral land. 这些活下来的人在星空中隐姓埋名,地球复苏后这个小女孩跟黄牛一样,第一时间踏上归程,来到祖地 Chu Feng has not disturbed, leaves peacefully. 楚风没有打扰,安静地离开。 When he returns to the East, former home grounds revisit, sees some skeletons, sighed secretly lightly, some plutocrat destruction, for example Foreign Culture Institute, Early Qin Institute. 他又回到东方,故地重游时,也看到一些尸骨,暗自轻叹,有些财阀覆灭了,比如地外文明所先秦研究院等。 In addition, he sees a giant snake bone in Taihang Mountains, that white snake died. 此外,在太行山他看到一条巨大的蛇骨,那条白蛇死了。 Finally, Chu Feng looked at movie-- Divine King Chu to return peacefully. 最后,楚风安安静静的看了一场电影——楚神王归来。 Watches this movie, he recalled in the past, somewhat was unexpectedly silent, many matters have never to return, was impossible to come again, many people again could not see. 看着这部电影,他回想到过去,竟有些沉默,很多事都已是一去不复返,再也不可能重来,许多人都再也见不到。 He has not bid goodbye with Zhou Yitian, but has prepared some mutated fruit, the big medicines for him in secret, picks in Kunlun Mountains folds the Mystic Realm deep place. 他没有和周倚天话别,只是暗中为他准备了一些异果、大药等,都采摘于昆仑折叠秘境深处。 Shortly, before being near departure, Chu Feng discovered that in the past Vajra and Silver-winged Deity in four big mutant, he once had also fought with the latter, but initially then had smiled to vanish the love and hate. 不久后,在临离开前,楚风发现当年四大异人中的金刚银翅天神,他跟后者还曾战斗过,但当初便已一笑泯恩仇。 He is giving in secret looks, has not walked to put in an appearance with them, he then leaves. 他在暗中给予一些照拂,没有走出来跟他们照面,他便离开。 Because, which people if he had been approached by World of the Living person knows, perhaps will annoy the disaster for these people. 因为,若是被阳间知道他接近过哪些人,说不定就会为那些人惹来灾祸。 Chu Feng goes far away in light of this, leaves Earth thoroughly, sets off the journey officially! 楚风就此远去,彻底离开地球,正式踏上征程!
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