SR :: Volume #10

#969: The biological father, I spelled with you

Peacock King and Nine Lives Cat King......” Chu Feng is startled, walks in the mountains, he unexpectedly distant seeing these two, live the present not to be easy. 孔雀王九命猫王……”楚风一怔,行走在山川间,他竟远远的看到这两人,活到现在也不易。 Initially, this is Earth early the outstanding person in Evolver, made war with a Human Race side, but also once with Chu Feng for the enemy, Nine Lives Cat King was struck to kill by him, finally the cat nine lives, resurrected unexpectedly. 当初,这算是地球早期进化者中的佼佼者,跟人族一方开战,还曾与楚风为敌,九命猫王更是被他击杀过,结果猫有九条命,竟又复活。 Afterward, they were very wise, do not have again with Chu Feng for the enemy, became incomparably low-key, once departed with the outside territory person, vanishes some time. 后来,他们很明智,没有再与楚风为敌,也变得无比低调,曾跟域外的人离去,消失一段时间。 Chu Feng is how formidable now, soul light sweeps, understands thoroughly in their hearts thinks to think, discovered these two go down in the world when outside territory very much, is very unpleasant, difficult return. 楚风如今何其强大,魂光一扫,就洞彻他们心中的所思所想,发现这两人在域外时很落魄,很不如意,艰难回归。 Arrived this level, Chu Feng has not wanted to haggle over with them at present, even these two had not discovered that he inquired into two people inner world. 到了目前这个层次,楚风不想与他们计较,甚至这两人都没有发现他探究了两人的内心世界。 Many people, do not want to see that an acquaintance is not easy, Chu Feng has let off them, has not slaughtered. 许多人都不在了,想见到一个熟人都不易,楚风放过了他们,没有杀戮。 Stands on Purple Golden Mountain outside Jiangning city, Chu Feng looks out into the distance, here so-called Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace topography, has been able to see through now, is the artificial arrangement, if nature production, is boundless the terrifying, the god enters God Killer, Buddha enters to murder Buddha! The Eight Trigrams (gossip) hot same place, burns down eternal All Heavens. 站在江宁城外的紫金山上,楚风远眺,这里所谓的太上八卦炉地势,如今已经可以一眼看穿,是人为布置的,若是自然生成,那将恐怖无边,神进杀神,佛入弑佛!八卦火一起,焚烧万古诸天 Chu Feng is lost in thought that looks horizon end, he has thought many people, in not far away Jiangning city have the headquarters of some plutocrats, now also. 楚风出神,远望地平线尽头,他想到了很多人,不远处的江宁城中有一些财阀的总部,如今还在。 And, then has Bodhi Gene. 其中,便有菩提基因 He thinks of Jiang Luoshen, that national goddess, with having many occurring together, has thought of her good best friend Xia Qianyu, but also once together blind date. 他想到姜洛神,那位国民女神,与有过很多交集,也想到了她的好闺蜜夏千语,还曾一起相亲 It is reported that Jiang Luoshen carried off by a Buddha Race's Grandmaster, her best friend finally also vanishes, for a long time has not appeared very much. 据悉,姜洛神佛族的一位大师带走,连带她的那位闺蜜最后也跟着消失,很久都没有出现了。 Early White Tiger and his sister in Lu Shiyun four big mutant, hears also enters outside territory, but did not have the following news. 还有早期四大异人中的白虎与他的妹妹卢诗韵,听闻也是进入域外,但一直没有后续的消息。 Xu Qing?” 徐清?” Chu Feng stands on Purple Golden Mountain, very accidental/surprised sees a white clothing man, initially young Shape Intent Fist Grandmaster, colluded with Sea Race, finally had been hit the staggering blow by him, seizes the Shape Intent Fist spectrum. 楚风站在紫金山上,很意外的看到一个白衣男子,当初年轻的形意拳宗师,跟海族勾结,最后被他打了闷棍,夺走形意拳谱。 Is lost in thought slightly, Chu Feng vanishes from here, has not gone to meet, he wants to go to walk to look in all directions, finished the mortal world matter, carries on the final farewell. 略微出神,楚风从这里消失,没去相见,他想去四处走一走看一看,了却红尘事,进行最后的告别。 Chu Feng enters the Jiangning city, is somewhat lost, he saw a giant poster, is director Zhou Yitian most new strength makes «Divine King Chu Return» unexpectedly. 楚风进入江宁城,有些出神,他看到了一张巨大的海报,竟是导演周倚天新力作《楚神王归来》。 This makes his train of thought fluctuate, has thought the past event of past Taihang Mountains, initially this broken director did not fear death with his crazy racket, finally that real big play unexpectedly echo is above the violence of imagination. 这让他思绪起伏,想到了当年太行山的旧事,当初这个破导演不怕死地跟着他狂拍,最后那部真实的大剧居然反响超乎想象的猛烈。 Chu Feng stared at that poster to look was very long, under this type of environment, Zhou Yitian also dares to pat Divine King Chu to return, this solid need very big courage. 楚风盯着那海报看了很久,在这种大环境下,周倚天还敢拍楚神王归来,这实在需要很大的勇气。 That not you?” Young Vermilion Bird the head, is staring at the poster to look is interested very much. “那不你是吗?”小朱雀偏着头,盯着海报看的很感兴趣。 Chu Feng smiled, bitter and astringent, the thing is the person not, returns to Earth, the acquaintance who can see are not really many, perhaps the West also has several people. 楚风笑了笑,略带苦涩,物是人非,回到地球上,能见到的熟人真的不多了,或许西方还有几人。 "Um? ” “嗯?” He raised the head fiercely, perceived, then has several people to vanish from the ground, crashes in the outer space, he saw Divinity, stands in the moon near. 他猛地抬头,有所觉察,然后带着几人从地面消失,冲进太空中,他看到了一位神祇,站在月亮近前。 This god suppressed Realm, does not dare to send out God Level to fluctuate. 这个神压制了境界,不敢发出神级波动。 Chu Feng?!” Calls out in alarm from World of the Living's expert. 楚风?!”来自阳间的高手惊呼。 Slaughter god starts!” Chu Feng talked to oneself, then glares angrily, he could not bear erupt. “屠神开始!”楚风自语,而后怒目圆睁,他忍不住爆发了。 Will arrest you, looks at my Heaven Overturning Seal!” This person divine awareness is keen, felt that exceptionally, he is very shocked, realized that Chu Feng seems to be fearful. “正要缉拿你,看我翻天印!”这个人神觉敏锐,感觉到了异常,他很震惊,察觉楚风似乎非常可怕。 Lifts in the hands, he makes together the golden light dazzling great seal! 抬手间,他打出一块金光刺目的大印! Heaven Overturning Seal, I have!” Chu Feng angrily rebukes, holds Stone Fox, has pounded directly. 翻天印,我也有!”楚风怒斥,一把抓住石狐,直接就砸了过去。 crippled Heavenly Venerate: Mmp!” 瘸腿天尊:“mmp!” It wants to curse, this little bastard, regards the stone hammer to pound Divine Nucleus in Foreign Territory it, now comes, this is uses was getting more and more convenient?! 它想诅咒,这小王八羔子,在异域将它当成石锤砸神核也就罢了,现在又来,这是用的越来越顺手了?! ka-cha! 喀嚓 Stone Fox a great seal that opposite turns inside out hitting smashing, pounds on the body of that Divinity, making his bone break the muscle booklet. 石狐将那对面翻过来的一个大印给撞的粉碎,又砸在那位神祇的身上,让他骨断筋折。 Shock! 震惊! This Divinity does not dare believe simply! 这位神祇简直不敢相信! The next quarter, he was more frightened, Chu Feng one step rushes, fiercely attacks to him, suppresses him, pierces and shoulders him with a lance. 下一刻,他更为惊悚了,楚风一步就赶到,对他猛攻,将他压制,用一杆长矛将他洞穿并挑起。 Whiz! 嗖! The next quarter, they disappear, tear the universe starry sky. 下一刻,他们消失,撕裂宇宙星空。 When appears again, they already to Great Abyss outside. 再出现时,他们已经到大渊外。 This god angrily roars, he naturally can feel, Chu Feng also wants deep many times compared with his inside story, within the body as if there is Divine King Level terrifying to fluctuate. 这位神怒吼,他自然可以感觉到,楚风比他底蕴还要深厚很多倍,体内仿佛有神王级的恐怖波动。 He goes all out, he erupts, wants to fight to the death. 他拼命,他爆发,想要决一死战。 Chī! 哧! Chu Feng washes one's hands, throws into him Great Abyss. 楚风抖手,将他扔进大渊中。 "Ah...... ”, only then a sad and shrill pitiful yell, regardless of he erupts or not, sinks to Great Abyss dead, because he may not have stone box to shelter. “啊……”只有一声凄厉的惨叫,无论他爆发与否,沉入大渊中都是死,因为他可没有石盒庇护。 Really, he turns into the flying ash. 果然,他化成飞灰。 Simple and rapid, the fight ended. 简单而迅速,战斗结束。 However the Chu Feng whole body cold sweat, he a moment ago somewhat was also worried, feared was swallowed by Great Abyss, but now looks like suppressed enough good words, does not have the issue. 但是楚风也满身冷汗,他刚才有些担心,怕被大渊吞噬,但现在看来压制的足够好的话,没有问题。 After all this time is not previous time like that has Heavenly Venerate to rebel likely, was rampantly excessive. 毕竟这次不像是上次那般有天尊作乱,嚣张过头了。 He returns to the extraterrestrial outer space, Stone Fox to curse, cursed that Chu Feng is too not concerned about face, must go all out with him. 他回到地球外太空,石狐正在诅咒,大骂楚风太不要脸,要跟他拼命。 Senior, stops, you looked quickly, my child he can eradicate in the embryo to confuse?” Chu Feng is very surprised, after Little Daoist Priest sees his great war, is lost in thought there, the double pupil flashes on and off erratically. “前辈,停,你快看,我的孩子他是不是要破除胎中迷?”楚风很吃惊,小道士见到他大战后,在那里出神,双眸明灭不定。 Well, has this meaning?” Stone Fox nods. “咦,是有这个意思?”石狐点头。 However, no matter how what then Chu Feng summoned, guided, Little Daoist Priest thoroughly has not awakened previous life to remember. 然而,接下来任楚风怎么呼唤,怎么引导,小道士还是没有彻底觉醒前世记忆。 Son, looks quickly, this is my family heirloom!” Chu Feng such shouts suddenly. “儿子,快看,这就是咱家的传家之宝!”楚风忽然这么喊道。 Where is at? My, the father, vertical will, passes to me!” Little Daoist Priest recovered directly, the whole person is a little dizzy, directly such yelling hurriedly. “在哪?我的,爹,立遗嘱,传给我!”小道士直接就复苏了,整个人还有点晕眩呢,就直接这么急匆匆的大叫。 I cannot kill you!” Chu Feng carries him, starts to punch his buttocks crazily. “我打不死你!”楚风将他拎过来,开始狂揍他屁股。 Aiyu, loves me, the biological father, you stops to me, I think my mother! If we want to revenge for my mother, how you are cruel enough to start to me?!” “哎呦,疼死我啦,亲爹,你给我住手,我想我娘!咱要想着为我娘报仇啊,你怎么忍心对我下手?!” Little Daoist Priest such one called, Chu Feng really did not have the temperament, the complexion was low-spirited, stops the hand. 小道士这样一叫,楚风果然没脾气了,脸色黯然,停下手。 Father, you deceives me, family heirloom? You said you, snatches my black paper talisman until now not, but also various types humiliate me!” Little Daoist Priest not indignation. “爹,你又骗我,传家宝呢?你说你,抢我黑色符纸至今不还,还各种欺凌我!”小道士不忿。 This time I compensate you, gives you paper talisman!” Chu Feng thinks, oneself brings that many paper talisman, Little Daoist Priest will be definitely happy and excited. “这次我补偿你,给你符纸!”楚风想到,自己带回来那么多符纸,小道士肯定会开心与激动。 Really?!” Little Daoist Priest jumped immediately, has wiped tears, said: Your really also I?” “真的?!”小道士顿时跳了起来,擦了一把眼泪,道:“你真会还我?” He never forgets, the caring was very long, even was suspecting, this whole life could not see, he worried that this not reasonable biological father losing, has no longer given him. 他可是念念不忘,惦记很久了,甚至在怀疑,这辈子都见不到了,他担心这不靠谱的亲爹给弄丢了,不再给他。 Chu Feng thinks, first took black paper talisman, previous time he goes to Purgatory to deliver the people reborn in paradise, with 99%, but also remaining little, twinkle black light. 楚风想了想,先将黑色符纸取了出来,上一次他去炼狱送众人往生,用去九成九,还剩下一点点,闪烁乌光 After "Ah...... ” Little Daoist Priest sees, yelled pitifully. “啊……”小道士看到后,凄惨大叫。 Finally, he is jumps, plunges Chu Feng, that expression, is lives not to have the love simply, called out: Biological father, I spelled with you!” 最后,他更是跳起来,扑向楚风,那副表情,简直是生无可恋,叫道:“亲爹,我跟你拼了!”
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