SR :: Volume #10

#968: Finished the mortal world matter

Chu Feng cannot repress, wants to slaughter, hunts from World of the Living's Divinity! 楚风按捺不住,想要大开杀戒,狩猎来自阳间的神祇 ...... …… In the mountainous regions, the small bridge over the flowing stream, the pavilions, clouds and mist are hazy, just like piece of magnificent Immortal Realm. 山地间,小桥流水,亭台楼阁,烟霞迷蒙,宛若一片瑰丽的仙境 Chu Feng sits, in had been struck by lightning under old tree, although there is a black scorch, but actually also puts forth branches to germinate, the full tree is verdant, and has some bright yellow fruits, shining. 楚风坐在一棵被雷击过的古树下,虽有黑色焦痕,但却也抽枝发芽,满树青翠,并结出一些黄澄澄的果实,流光溢彩。 He in inspecting the Little Daoist Priest physical condition, small fleshly body quality excellent, but soul light is the strong astonishment, once broke in the embryo to confuse, definitely will realize the super evolution. 他在检查小道士的身体状况,小小的肉身素质绝佳,而魂光更是强的惊人,一旦破了胎中迷,必然会实现超级进化。 Chu Feng sighed lightly, brings several paper talisman, but does not have the means to give him now, Little Daoist Priest has not awakened, was only a child, did not know the Dao runes paper the importance. 楚风轻叹,带回来几张符纸,但是现在却没有办法给他,小道士还没有觉醒,只是个孩童,根本不知道符纸的重要性。 But, his actually helm started off, must go to the slaughter god, after needs to arrange leaves the matter earlier, he hopes that Little Daoist Priest can recover in a short time. 可是,他却要路上路了,要去屠神,需要早点安排好离开后的事,他希望小道士能够在短时间内复苏。 Although such son is inferior to be now clever, even can say very annoyingly, the glib lips are especially inexpensive, wants to carry to hit each time, however such Little Daoist Priest can actually after he leaves protects oneself, making people relieved. 尽管那样的儿子不如现在乖巧,甚至可以说十分讨人嫌,嘴皮子特贱,每次都想拎起来打,但是那样的小道士却可以在他离开后自保,让人放心。 Recent one year, the World of the Living person is always seeking for this child.” Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint informs, anxious. “最近一年,阳间人始终在寻找这个孩子。”大梦净土的圣人告知,面带忧色。 The World of the Living person has understood from some informant and guide there about Chu Feng's all situations, knows his There is still one child, moreover is the only bloodlines, what makes them not understand, previous time has leaked unexpectedly, had not found here. 阳间人已经从一些告密者、带路人那里了解到关于楚风的所有情况,知道还有一个孩子,而且是唯一的血脉,但是让他们不理解的是,上一次居然漏过,没有找到这里。 Over the past year, the World of the Living person naturally in looking for Chu Feng, knew after he has not died, wishes one could to dig three chi (0.33 m), is looking also for Little Daoist Priest, coerces by his only heir. 一年来,阳间人自然在找楚风,得知他未死后恨不得掘地三尺,同时也在找小道士,以他唯一的子嗣要挟。 The World of the Living person understands, after killing the Chu Feng parents, dao companion, all relatives and friends old friend, he affirms went crazy, outside abatement that child, does not have anything to threaten him again. 阳间人明白,杀死楚风父母、道侣、所有亲朋故友后,他肯定已经发疯,除却那个孩子外,再也没有什么能够威胁他。 However, disappointing them, how regardless to look, did not have the means to seek Little Daoist Priest, even the yellow weasel deduced earnestly is not good, a confusion. 但是,让他们失望了,无论怎么找,都没有办法寻到小道士,甚至连黄鼠狼认真推演也不行,一片混乱。 Also is in the embryo confuses, Power of Reincarnation has not cleared, naturally cannot deduce.” Stone Fox is quite surprised, has not thought that witnesses Reincarnator. “还处在胎中迷中,轮回之力未散尽,自然推演不出。”石狐颇为吃惊,没有想到亲眼目睹一个转世者 His knows this matter, but simply has not seen, but at present has an example unexpectedly! 知道这种事,但是根本没有见过,而眼前竟有一个实例! This little fellow is not simple!” The Stone Fox opens the mouth, is staring at Little Daoist Priest earnestly. “这小家伙不简单!”石狐开口,认真盯着小道士 "Um, my son said that his previous life is Heavenly Venerate. ” Chu Feng said. “嗯,我儿子说他前世天尊。”楚风道。 crippled Heavenly Venerate: I #¥%!” 瘸腿天尊:“我#¥%!” How it listens how to think that Chu Feng this is curses at people, is slanting the eye to stare him, in stone Yan braves murderous aura! 它怎么听怎么觉得楚风这是骂人呢,斜着眼睛瞪他,石眼中冒杀气 Boy, you are provoking I!” Its look is even more green and glossy. “小子,你在挑衅我!”它的眼神越发绿油油。 outside territory some people came, enters in this starry skies, this was the six months World of the Living troops 11 th time passed by from the, made us be worried.” Old Saint informs. 域外又有人来了,进入这片星空中,这是半年来阳间人马第11次从附近路过,着实让我们担心。”老圣人告知。 They have the foothold outside the starry sky, can forewarn ahead of time. 他们在星空外有据点,可以提前预警等。 Chu Feng hearing this, immediately is similar to an angry lion, raised the head fiercely, murderous aura is steaming, he has not gone to find the World of the Living person to criticize, the opposite party has actually been keeping thinking about his son, really should kill. 楚风闻言,顿时如同一头怒狮般,猛地抬起头,杀气腾腾,他还没有去找阳间人清算,对方却一直在惦记他的儿子,实在该杀。 The next quarter, he disappears from here, appear here starry sky deep places, sees a team, is riding the mount, puts on bright Full-Body Armor, each and every one Yang Qi is billowing, just like gifted general. 下一刻,他从这里消失,出现在这片星空深处,看到支队伍,骑着坐骑,穿着明亮的甲胄,一个个阳气滚滚,宛若天兵天将。 And, abatement several guides belong to outside the World of the Dead universe, several other people are World of the Living's Saint. 其中,除却几个带路人属于阴间宇宙外,其他十几人都是阳间的圣者 At this time, presents a young man before them silently, the body is tall, the black hair clear has the light, both eyes are profound, is visiting them indifferently. 此时,在他们面前无声无息出现一个年轻男子,身体颀长,黑发晶莹有光,双目深邃,正冷漠地看着他们。 Chu Feng!” 楚风!” He is Chu Feng!” “他是楚风!” The guides call out in alarm, reveals to fear intent obviously. 带路人惊叫,明显露出惧意。 Is also startled as for World of the Living these people, they in seeking the Chu Feng's heir, have not thought one year later, unexpectedly discovers this Lord. 至于阳间那些人也都吃惊,他们在寻楚风的子嗣,没有想到时隔一年后,居然发现他这个正主。 Suddenly, they are pleasantly surprised, this means that has completed the task. 一时间,他们又惊又喜,这意味着完成了任务。 Naturally, they have intensely restless, one year ago Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate Dao Body dies in Great Abyss, but how this does Indigenous live? 当然,他们也有强烈不安,一年前太武天尊道身都死在大渊中,而这个土著是如何活下来的? Chu Feng, we have sincerity to come, to present Oracle to ask you to go to World of the Living, some Divine King want to receive you for the disciple personally.” In the team, rides to sit the person on golden bat opens the mouth, reveals genial smiling as far as possible. 楚风,我们带着诚意而来,奉神谕请你去阳间,有神王想亲自收你为徒。”队伍中,一个骑坐在金色蝙蝠上的人开口,尽量露出和善的笑。 This naturally is not the sincerity, is only to be cautious. 这自然不是真心的,只是为了稳妥起见而已。 Bang!” “轰!” Chu Feng one step takes, appears among them, grasps firmly this person neck, carries thoroughly, is overlooking him, said: Kills my parents wife and children, but also wants to receive me for the disciple, your sediment!” 楚风一步迈出,出现在他们当中,一把将这个人脖子攥住,彻底拎起来,俯视着他,道:“杀我父母妻儿,还想收我为徒,你们这些渣子!” Misunderstanding, we are not the Extreme Martial hangers-on, but came from other Dao Lineage.” This person difficult shouting. “误会,我们不是太武门下,而是来自其他道统。”这个人艰难的喊道。 Nearby, other people already the took out weapon, must go all out with Chu Feng, however in pū pū the sound, they all disintegrates, turns into piece of blood mist, burned into ashes. 附近,其他人都早已祭出兵器,要跟楚风拼命,然而在噗噗声中,他们全都解体,化成一片血雾,又焚成灰烬 Chu Feng searches for the soul, has found, these people have the Extreme Martial disciple, there is Hun Yi, Genesis and Confused Universe later generation disciples and followers. 楚风搜魂,已经了解到,这些人有太武的门下,也有浑羿元始乱宇的后世徒子徒孙。 Meanwhile, he status of guiding will also clarify, finally bang, this piece of region all people all extinguish, soul light changes to the cosmic dust. 同时,他也将带路者的身份弄清,最后砰的一声,这片地带所有人全灭,魂光化作宇宙尘埃。 These are the small fish, cannot make a name, but Chu Feng has understood enough many matters from their soul light! 这些都是小鱼,成不了气候,但楚风已经从他们魂光中了解到足够多的事! Chu Feng vanishes, returns to that asteroid. 楚风消失,回归那颗小行星。 He brings Little Daoist Priest to say goodbye, leaves this place, prepares before cutting to kill World of the Living various, finished some mortal world matters, hopes to stimulate the Little Daoist Priest innate intelligence during this process, eradicates in the embryo to confuse. 他带着小道士告辞,离开此地,准备在斩杀阳间诸强前,了却一些红尘事,也希望在此过程中激发出小道士的宿慧,破除胎中迷。 World of the Dead may be really cold.” In the journey, the Young Vermilion Bird whole body bright red wing illumination, she proclaimed part of cultivation base, but momentarily can break open restrictions. 阴间可真冷呀。”在路途上,小朱雀浑身鲜红的羽翼发光,她已经自封一部分修为,但随时可以破开禁制 Cold? Chu Feng any feeling, has not been because the strength was enhanced, because already adapted to this piece of universe. 冷吗?楚风没有任何感觉,不是因为实力增强了,而是因为早已适应这片宇宙。 On the road, he does not have any words, is bringing Little Daoist Priest, crosses bright Star Sea, is experiencing World of the Dead universe tranquil beautiful, more leaving, more is some does not abandon. 在路上,他没有任何话语,带着小道士,横渡灿烂的星海,体验着阴间宇宙宁静的美,越是将离开,越是有些不舍。 On the way, he consults Old Daoist Priest, person who how can make one have the innate intelligence awakens, explains in the embryo to confuse the difficult problem. 途中,他请教老道士,如何才能让一个有宿慧的人觉醒,破解胎中迷难题。 Many spoke some past past events to him, or experienced some similar scenes.” This is the suggestion of Stone Fox. “多对他讲一些昔日旧事,或者经历一些相似的情景。”这是石狐的建议。 A darkness span the front, swallows all rays, here is Great Abyss, making crippled Heavenly Venerate think have one's hair stand on end, even if its petrify, thought that goosebumps, is too frightened. 一片黑暗横亘前方,吞噬所有的光线,这里是大渊,让瘸腿天尊都觉得毛骨悚然,哪怕它石化了,也觉得起了一层鸡皮疙瘩,太惊悚。 Leaves quickly!” It a little cannot bear. “快离开!”它真的有点受不了。 Chu Feng silently holds a memorial service here, once friends and relatives died here. 楚风在这里默默祭奠,曾经的亲故都死在这里。 He stares at Abyss, very once more female who longs for seeing that white clothing beautiful woman. 他凝视深渊,很渴望再次见到那个白衣倾城的女子。 However, he waited for long time here, didn't have any discovery, Yaoyao unable to present world again? His not knows, does not dare to go deeply to think, feared knows final result, the innermost feelings are dark and despair. 然而,他在这里等了很长时间,都没有任何发现,妖妖再也无法出现世间了吗?他不知道,也不敢去深想,怕知道最后的结局,内心黑暗与绝望。 Chu Feng takes out snow white paper talisman, then, loosens gently, it like this crashes in Great Abyss, flutters toward, vanishes rapidly. 楚风取出一张雪白的符纸,然后,轻轻松开,它就这样坠落在大渊中,向着下方飘去,迅速消失。 Boy were you insane?!” Calls out in alarm including Stone Fox. “小子你疯了?!”连石狐都惊叫。 This thing invaluable and priceless, is World of the Living's these ancient Dao Lineage and powerful sect wants to obtain, for this kind of paper talisman can hit to live to kill, the rivers of blood, Chu Feng this conveniently abandons one finally. 这东西价值连城,便是阳间的那些古老道统无上大教都想得到,为了这样一张符纸可以打生打死,血流成河,结果楚风就这样随手抛弃一张。 Yaoyao!” He calls lightly, other anything had not said. 妖妖!”他轻唤,其他什么都没有说。 Stands in this place is very long, finally he does not abandon with departure that does not hope, he also has too many matters to do, not having the means to accompany here. 在这个地方站立很久,最后他才不舍与不愿的离去,他还有太多的事要去做,没有办法陪伴在这里。 Until being far away, crippled Heavenly Venerate is still hating bitterly, said that Chu Feng too wastes, this simply is excessive spending freely. 直到远离,瘸腿天尊还在痛心疾首,说楚风太浪费,这简直是无度的挥霍。 Meanwhile, he suspected, Great Abyss is this piece of universe number one restricted area, should produce paper talisman to be right, but some do not suit at present! 同时,他怀疑,大渊就是这片宇宙的第一禁地,理应出产符纸才对,可是目前有些不对劲儿! Then, Chu Feng walks in the starry sky, went to one after another life source area, but he frowned gradually, he wants to see Lu Tong and Clairvoyant Du Huaijin, Ye Qingrou and the others in secret. 接下来,楚风行走于星空中,去了一处又一处生命源地,但是他渐渐皱起了眉头,他想暗中去看望陆通千里眼杜怀瑾叶轻柔等人。 Initially, these people also left Earth, was dispersed the placement in each region, however seeks until now, had not found. 当初,这些人也都离开地球,被分散安置于各地,然而至今去寻,没有找到。 On these planet, many Sect the midair, has registered to participate in World of the Living to select the World of Death's Seed smelting trial, carried off. 这些星球上,有许多门派都已经半空,报名去参加阳间选拔阴间种的试炼,被带走了。 They were coerced, entered the chaos universe?” Chu Feng knits the brows. “他们被裹挟,跟着进入混沌宇宙了?”楚风皱眉。 Then, Chu Feng went to Dao Race, Buddha Race, Sub Immortal Clan and other places, after understands situation, expression grave, formidable such as these evolution races, unexpectedly midair, most people not in! 接着,楚风去了道族佛族亚仙族等地,去了解情况后,神色凝重,强大如这些进化种族,居然半空,大多数人都不在了! He wants to see some old friends, for example silver-haired young loli Ying Xiaoxiao, Ying Wudi wait/etc. did not have the opportunity, they were taken away by World of the Living's this clan envoy, at present in chaos universe. 他想见一些故人,比如银发小luoli映晓晓映无敌等都没有机会了,他们被阳间的本族使者带走,目前在混沌宇宙中。 Goes all over the starry sky, generally so, Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan and others too many people depart, wants to see some acquaintances unable, looks at the starry sky, once old friend could not see unexpectedly. 走遍星空,大抵如此,元世成、元媛等太多的人都离去,想见到一些熟人都不能,望遍星空,曾经的故交居然一个也见不到了。 Then was Yuan Mo also has Zi Luan not, could not search. 便是元魔还有紫鸾也不在了,寻觅不到。 Whole world was tranquil, loses the past noise, unexpectedly appeared so chilly, some Chu Feng even more feelings, he really needs to leave. 举世宁静,失去往日的喧嚣,竟显得这般清冷,楚风越发有种感觉,他真的需要离开了。 The next quarter, he disappears, appears in piece of remote Star Territory, arrives on asteroid that in a nobody visits, digs out the soil layer, digs into the underground deep place. 下一刻,他消失,出现在一片偏僻的星域中,降临在一颗无人到访的小行星上,掘开土层,挖入地下深处。 Person?!” Chu Feng is in a daze, the Yaoyao elder sister disappears, that was binding Origin Metal ancient coffin not, vanished thoroughly. “人呢?!”楚风发呆,妖妖的姐姐不见了,那口绑缚着母金古棺不在了,彻底消失。 Senior!” The Chu Feng body sends coolly, here shouted, he initially was feared the old person will hide on Earth will have problems, led him. “前辈!”楚风身体发凉,在这里大喊,他当初就是怕将老人藏在地球上会出问题,将他带了出来。 Finally has had an accident, hadn't escaped? 结果还是出事了,没有逃过一劫吗? But looked trace that the situation has not fought, this lets his doubt. 可是看情况并没有打斗的痕迹,这又让他狐疑。 Chu Feng opens Discerning Eyes, looks everywhere entire planet, finally, he had detected, in a place bottom deep place common blue stone, he sees several characters, after Stone Fox identifies, his knows that is anything. 楚风睁开火眼金睛,遍寻整个星球,终于,他有所发觉,在地底深处一块不起眼的青石上,他看到几个字,经石狐辨认后,他知道了那是什么。 Yaoyao...... My Yaoyao, the grandfather must revenge for you!” 妖妖……我的妖妖,爷爷要为你报仇!” After seeing these words, the Chu Feng heart big quake, did the old person restore the little intelligence temporarily? However, is easy to leave the important matter, will thoroughly likely lose own will! 当看到这些话后,楚风心头大震,老人暂时恢复了几许神智?但是,还是容易出大事,很可能会彻底失去自己的意志啊! Looks at this line of characters, he can realize that old person's mood, feels sad, can realize old person no use and moved also has the misery, as well as final going to dead determination. 看着这行字,他能体会到老人的心情,跟着心酸,能体会到老人的无助与伤感还有凄凉,以及最后的赴死决心。 Do not have an accident!” Chu Feng could not stay. “千万不要出事!”楚风呆不下去了。 You anxiously also useless, this is very long beforehand message.” The crippled Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth, it also the look is very dignified, said: Meanwhile, too should not be worried, can plant Origin Metal creature on World of the Living Heaven-Blessed Talent, inevitably is World of the Living Supreme Being, this is his experiment body, others do not dare to ruin.” “你急也无用,这是很久以前的留言。”瘸腿天尊开口,接着它又神色无比凝重,道:“同时,你不要太担心,可以在一个阳间天纵奇才身上栽种母金生灵,必然是阳间大能,这是他的实验体,别人不敢毁掉。” Chu Feng returned to Earth, walks in one after another old, is bringing Little Daoist Priest, crippled Heavenly Venerate and Young Vermilion Bird. 楚风回到了地球,行走于一处又一处旧地,带着小道士,还有瘸腿天尊小朱雀 From Kunlun Mountains to Dragon Tiger Mountain, arrives at Eastern Sea again wait/etc., arrives at Mount Lao and Mount Putuo again wait/etc., stays behind his trail, thought of past the matter, but actually cannot see these people now. 从昆仑到龙虎山,再到东海等,再到崂山普陀山等,都留下他的足迹,想到昔日事,但是如今却看不到那些人。
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