SR :: Volume #10

#967: World of the Living's big movement

All the way, Chu Feng sees some special Evolver, braves Yang Qi, is different to the person of this piece of universe, came from World of the Living obviously! 一路上,楚风看到一些特殊的进化者,冒着阳气,与这片宇宙的人不一样,明显是来自阳间 However, he has not started, has not alerted the enemy, avoids having the accident/surprise. 不过,他没有下手,也未打草惊蛇,避免出现意外。 The Great Dream Pure Land's foundation was cut, the say/way earth originally already became stretch of ruins, hundreds of thousands disciple were killed a cleanness, initially rivers of blood. 大梦净土的根基被人斩掉,原本的道土早已成为一片废墟,十几万弟子被杀个干净,当初血流成河。 When Chu Feng way planet, sighed lightly, past his several arrivals, entered Foreign Territory, to kill the chaos universe the small Saint, to get married Qin Luoyin taking advantage of the group wait/etc. to come clearly into view. 楚风路径这颗星球时,一声轻叹,昔日他几次到来,借路进异域、杀混沌宇宙的小圣、迎娶秦珞音等历历在目。 All just liked yesterday, but, settled down in this place, looked back again, anything did not have remaining, once regarded as by the younger generation the goddess female fragrant disappearing jade perished, not obvious. 一切恍若就在昨日,可是,于此地驻足,再回首,却什么都没有剩下,曾经被年轻一代视为女神的女子香消玉殒,再也不可见。 More than one year in the past, in Great Dream Pure Land the skeleton , the Saint blood that the mountains caught as before was scarlet, is having the gloss, very dazzling, making his heart leap boundless killing intent. 一年多过去,大梦净土中尸骨还在,山川染上的圣者血依旧猩红,带着光泽,很刺目,让他心头腾起无边的杀意 The Chu Feng heart has the nest a fire, bore patiently for hundred years, returns for the present, slaughters! 楚风心有窝着一股火,隐忍百年了,就是为了今朝回归,去大开杀戒! For hundred years, he is practicing, was put behind that all by oneself temporarily, picture that on that day, all friends and relatives died, but can forget really? 百年来,他在修行,让自己暂时忘却那一切,那一天,所有亲故死去的画面,但怎能真个遗忘? Whiz! 嗖! He disappears from here, submerges the Star Sea deep place. 他从这里消失,没入星海深处。 Finally, Chu Feng rushes, arrives in piece of desolated Star Territory, appears outside a common asteroid, this was the Great Dream Pure Land past escape route. 最终,楚风赶到,降临在一片荒芜的星域,出现在一颗不起眼的小行星外,这是大梦净土当年的退路。 Some seeds and torch inheritance hide in this. 一些种子、薪火传承都藏匿于此。 On this planet has flying sword to collide, has the rare treasure junction to strike, after atmospheric penetration, can feel obviously, the fight is very intense, the mountains are thundering and shine. 这颗星球上有飞剑碰撞,有秘宝交击,进入大气层后可以明显感觉到,战斗很激烈,山川都在轰鸣与发光。 The Chu Feng's eye gets angry immediately opens the eyes, from vanishes same place, dives the surface. 楚风的眼睛顿时怒睁,哧的一声从原地消失,俯冲到地表。 Some of his fears, are worried to see the anxious scene, feared that sees Little Daoist Priest to bleed, was seized by the World of the Living's person even massacres. 他真的有些害怕,担心看到揪心的场面,怕看到小道士流血,被阳间的人抓走甚至杀掉。 Chu Feng is similar to falls like lightning, void becomes dazzling, blots out the sky to come just like bright as snow blade light, makes the person on this planet frightened. 楚风如同闪电般落下,虚空中都变得刺目,宛如雪亮的刀光铺天盖地而来,着实让这颗星球上的人惊悚。 But was quick he to restrain the aura, discovered to have a false alarm, was Great Dream Pure Land's Evolver is comparing notes, very real showdown, disciple or the elders very invested. 但很快他收敛了气息,发现虚惊一场,是大梦净土的进化者在切磋,很真实的对决,无论是弟子还是长老都十分投入。 Bravery comes out of the feeling of shame, the Great Dream star destruction, should teach all being survivor of disaster pain to be none who does not incomparable, for more than one year in the heart still in the drop blood, once Senior Brother Senior Sister died was too miserable, could not see again. 知耻而后勇,大梦星被人覆灭,该教所有劫后余生者莫不痛苦无比,一年多来心中还在滴血,曾经的师兄师姐死的太惨,再也见不到。 Their master Ancestor Master and the others, when opportunity that in catches to run away for their small numbers of people, was exploded then the bang by an enemy fist, after displaying Dharma Idol world divine ability, lifts the foot to tread bloody mud, that misery, that frigidity, making their this live is unable to forget. 还有他们的师傅师祖等人,在为他们少数人争取逃走的机会时,被敌人一拳就轰爆,施展一个法相天地神通后,抬脚就踏成血泥,那种苦难,那种惨烈,让他们此生都无法忘记。 Therefore, in more than one year, all of them in painstaking cultivation, want to restore the Great Dream Pure Land's glory, making it once more powerful, hopes that day revenges! 所以,这一年多来,他们所有人都在苦修,想恢复大梦净土的荣耀,使它再次强盛起来,更希望有一天去报仇! Chu Feng sees Little Daoist Priest, although is only one year old, but moves like the wind, jumps in the mountain, leaps from a cliff to another cliff on, was too flexible. 楚风一眼看到小道士,虽然才一岁多,但是跑动如风,在山中跳跃,从一座山崖跃到另一座山崖上,太灵活了。 He falls into the embryo to confuse the boundary, has not recovered, forgets various secret technique of meeting, but this stamina is not the average person may compare now. 他陷入胎中迷境,还没有复苏,忘记所会的各种秘术,但是现在这种体能也不是一般人可比的。 Moreover, in he moved presented the sound of thunder, both feet illumination, started to attempt to cultivate in the immature condition. 而且,在他跑动间出现了雷霆之音,双足发光,在幼小状态就开始尝试修炼了。 Chu Feng nods, before he just before leaving, once wrote down a law personally, gives his personally written letter to write according to Stone Fox completely, narrated how to train the strongest talent. 楚风点头,他临走前,曾亲自写下一部法,完全是依照石狐送给他的手札所写,讲述如何培养最强天才。 Little Daoist Priest is exercising according to above some, but some heavenly material earthly treasure definitely cannot seek, only has World of the Living to grow, slightly obviously regretted. 小道士是按照上面的一些古法在锻炼,只是有些天材地宝肯定寻不到,唯有阳间生长,略显遗憾。 Chu Feng?!” Some people call out in alarm. 楚风?!”有人惊呼。 Great Dream Pure Land only Saint, initially by old man first rushing that Chu Feng rescued, saw after him, was very excited. 大梦净土唯一的圣人,当初被楚风救下的老者第一个赶到,看到他后很激动。 Other disciple also came, but also some elders and others, is all happy and moved, saw that he thinks of Qin Luoyin, their Heaven-Blessed Holy Daughter do not come back again, dies young one year ago. 其他弟子也来了,还有些长老等,全都高兴又伤感,看到他就想到秦珞音,他们的天纵圣女再也回不来,殇于一年前。 The Little Daoist Priest physique is very good, beats in cliffs, just like too the ancient ferocious beast young son, strong powerful. 小道士体质很好,在山崖间跳动,宛若太古凶兽幼崽,强健有力。 His spiritual awareness keenly, turns head fiercely, sees Chu Feng, immediately stares, then spreads the wings just like a bird of prey, threw from cliff there directly, holds mountain vine in the midair, swung directly, whiz falls on the near. 灵觉敏锐,猛地回头,一眼看到楚风,顿时一愣,而后宛若一头猛禽展翅,直接从山崖那里扑了下来,在半空中抓住一条山藤,直接荡了过来,嗖的一声落在近前。 Without a doubt, present he has forgotten, is not that poisonous mouth taoist priest, but is the mind pure child, in the big eye does not have a slight defect, like the crystal, is limpidly intimate to Chu Feng, this is the fathers and sons of sharing the same roots, has the inexplicable induction. 毫无疑问,现在的他忘记了过去,不是那个毒嘴道士,而是心灵纯净的孩童,大眼中没有一点瑕疵,清澈如水晶,对楚风非常亲近,这是血脉相连的父子,有莫名的感应。 Little Daoist Priest throws the near, when grasps a Chu Feng arm, a few words, making Chu Feng almost cry. 小道士扑到近前,抱住楚风一条手臂时,一句话而已,让楚风差点落泪。 I think my mother.” “我想我娘。” He now is very pure, without any previous life memory, but the precocity, remembers when one year of previous existence dies leaves the scene, knows Qin Luoyin died, afterward could not hide the truth from him. 他现在很纯粹,没有任何前世的记忆,但是早慧,记得一年前生死离别时的情景,已经知道秦珞音死去,后来根本瞒不住他。 Chu Feng feels the chest to be depressed, was held likely a blade, thinks one year ago picture, the Qin Luoyin whole body is the blood, was corroded by the golden material, that beautiful face is very pale, does not have blood-color, the weak and weak opens the mouth, making him look after good Little Daoist Priest. 楚风感觉心口发堵,像是被人捅了一刀,想到一年前的画面,秦珞音满身是血,被金色物质侵蚀,那绝美的面孔很苍白,没有一点血色,虚弱而无力的开口,让他照顾好小道士 Will happen one day...... Also will again meet.” The Chu Feng squatting lower part of the body, feels his head. “终有一天……还会再相见。”楚风蹲下身来,摸着他的头。 But, she, thorough...... Little Daoist Priest did not cry from world, was not willing to say definitely these two characters, his no use looked up Chu Feng, in limpid both eyes the accumulated full tears, asked Chu Feng, said: How can see her?” “可是,她不在了,从世间彻底……”小道士落泪,不愿说死去这两个字,他无助的抬头看着楚风,清澈的双眼中蕴满泪水,问楚风,道:“怎么才能见到她?” Loses remembers, returns to child's Little Daoist Priest of instinct and conscience, now looks like very pitiful, silent crying, lowered the head, looks at own small feet, is very sad. 失去记忆,回归孩子的天性与本心的小道士,现在看起来很可怜,无声的落泪,低下头,看自己的小脚,很忧伤。 Chu Feng said in a soft voice: Wants you to be formidable enough, can go to World of the Living, can see her, because her soul light has not extinguished, is reborn in paradise in Great World of the Living!” 楚风轻声道:“只要你足够强大,可以去阳间,就能够见到她,因为她魂光未灭,往生于大阳间!” In the past, he little such has spoken to Little Daoist Priest, generally is carries to hit, now sees him to restore the child conscience, on the small face is so melancholy, he feels in the heart the slightly acid. 在过去,他很少这么对小道士说过话,一般都是拎起来就打,现在看到他恢复孩子本心,小脸上这般忧郁,他感觉心中微酸。 Really?” Little Daoist Priest raised the head, bringing the big eye of tears to be very bright, reveals the color of hope, whole person were many Essence, Qi and Spirit. “真的?”小道士抬起头,带着泪花的大眼很明亮,露出希冀之色,整个人都多了一股精气神 Because, in his heart had the hope, no longer looked like was so no use in the past, always misses mother actually miserably not to be found anywhere. 因为,他的心中有了希望,不再像过去那么无助,总是思念母亲却凄凉无处可寻。 Great Dream Pure Land's one group of people stand in surroundings, is very surprised, can Qin Luoyin also resurrect? 大梦净土的一群人站在周围,都很吃惊,秦珞音还能复活吗? That old Saint sighed lightly, even if reincarnation in World of the Living how? Also should be another person, the appearance race likely will even have the change, is full of the uncertainty. 那位老圣人轻叹,即便转生在阳间又如何?也应该是另外一个人了,容貌甚至种族都可能会发生改变,充满不确定性。 This is less than 200 years ago that Little Daoist Priest, does not have any too big change.” Young Vermilion Bird walks to go forward, looks at Little Daoist Priest, thinks specially lovable, appearance that the past years was more annoying. “这不是200多年前那个小道士吗,没有什么太大的变化。”小朱雀走上前,看着小道士,觉得特别可爱,比当年讨人嫌的样子强多了。 Naturally, at that time she also stayed in the Vermilion Bird nest, oneself are not big, but specially has actually paid attention these greatly noisy ferocious beast plateau outside territory Evolver with her mother. 当然,那个时候她还呆在朱雀巢呢,自己也不大,不过却与她的母亲特别留意过那些大闹凶兽高原的域外进化者 Big Sister, hello/you good!” Little Daoist Priest brings the tears to send regards, is very polite, this Foreign Territory more than 200 years ago when acts like a different person. “大姐姐,你好!”小道士带着泪问候,很有礼貌,这跟异域200多年前时判若两人。 After seeing Little Daoist Priest, Chu Feng puts down the heart thoroughly, some opportunities asked about the Cauldron of Monster Ancestor recent situation, to the Great Dream Pure Land's person understood that in this year had anything. 见到小道士后,楚风彻底放下心,这才有机会询问妖祖之鼎近况,也向大梦净土的人了解这一年来发生了什么。 In the recent one year, indeed also has the World of the Living's person to come, but this time is very low-key, has not looked like previous time like that overbearingly handles affairs, is searching anything silently. 近一年,的确又有阳间的人过来,但是这次很低调,没有像上次那般霸道行事,在默默寻觅着什么。 Afterward, had the news to spread, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate Dao Body die, initiated the huge stir here, World of the Dead teaches to be all startled respectively. 后来,有消息传出,太武天尊道身在这里殒落,引发巨大的轰动,阴间各教皆惊。 Some people deduce, Great Universe Level lifeforms in Great Abyss is also possibly living, once regained consciousness, that is too the Martial Dao body die basic reason. 有人推演,大渊中的大宇级生物可能还活着,曾经苏醒,那是太武道殒落的根本原因。 This has naturally scared these people who came from World of the Dead, immediately no longer high-sounding talk. 这自然吓坏了从阴间过来的这些人,顿时不再高调。 However, after one year of exploration, the troops who several teach somewhat restores the natural disposition, to overlook the stance to look at this piece of universe as before creature, occasionally will appear very overbearing. 不过,经过一年的探索,几教的人马又有些恢复本性,依旧以俯视姿态看着这片宇宙的生灵,偶尔会显得很霸道。 But generally speaking, does not dare to conquer by killing a clan again or destroys the event occurrences of several life planet. 但总体来说,再也没有敢血洗一族或者打碎几颗生命星球的事件发生。 In addition, an important matter, is the influence incomparably profound favorable turn. 此外,还有一件大事,也是影响无比深远的转机。 World of the Living's teaches to receive to seek for World of Death's Seed child level disciple respectively, the abbreviation seeks for World of Death's Seed. 阳间的各教在收寻找阴间种子级弟子,简称寻找阴间种 Concrete what's the matter?” Chu Feng knits the brows to ask. “具体怎么回事?”楚风皱眉问道。 They are recruiting disciple, seeks for the talent Evolver, must bring to go to World of the Living.” Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint replied, this matter made various World of the Dead universe clans vibrate. “他们在招收弟子,寻找有天赋的进化者,要带到阳间去。”大梦净土的圣人答道,这件事让阴间宇宙各族震动。 Suddenly, many rogue cultivator, some good beautiful nature registration, knows stemming from what reason, the World of the Living's person indeed does not take away many people. 一时间,有不少散修,还有一些良才美质报名,不知道是出于何种原因,阳间的人的确带走不少人。 Afterward, has big event! 后来,更是发生大事件! Dao Race, Buddha Race, Sub Immortal Clan wait/etc., may arrange in World of the Living at the front row strong Great Clan group also has the envoy to rush, arrives in this piece of universe. 道族佛族亚仙族等,一些在阳间可排在较前列的强大族群也有使者赶到,驾临这片宇宙中。 This is subversive, after some messengers come, confirmed that the World of the Dead's first ten big inheritance have are most probably related with World of the Living. 这是颠覆性的,一些使者现身后,证实阴间的前十大传承有大半都跟阳间有关。 Afterward how?” Chu Feng asked. “后来怎样了?”楚风问道。 World of the Dead's Dao Race, Sub Immortal Clan, Buddha Race wait/etc., all people got down special restrictions, World of the Living incomplete breathing method that thus they grasp cannot to divulge to an outsider other people, otherwise oneself will change into the repercussions directly.” 阴间的道族亚仙族佛族等,所有人都被下了特殊禁制,从而他们所掌握的阳间残缺呼吸法不能外传他人,不然自身会直接化为劫灰。” Chu Feng hears, a silence. 楚风听闻,一阵沉默。 He naturally already knows, some inheritance of this piece of universe came from World of the Living, but, hears this matter lightly to sigh, the World of the Living rank is very terrifying before Dao Lineage, is very strong. 他自然早已知道,这片宇宙的一些传承来自阳间,但是,听到这件事还是轻叹,阳间排名靠前的道统果然很恐怖,很强势。 Messenger who in addition, World of the Living comes has also given these ethnic group opportunities, may go to World of the Living through test, even can bring the past the entire ethnic group!” “此外,阳间来的使者也给了这些族群机会,通过考验者可去阳间,甚至可以将整个族群都带过去!” Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint informs, at present, this universe many talents vanished, carried off by the World of the Living person doubtful. 大梦净土的圣人告知,目前,这片宇宙很多天才都消失了,疑似被阳间人带走。 In addition, the overall ethnic group leaves, must move. 此外,还有整体族群离开的,要进行迁徙。 Is so mammoth, affects such broad?” Chu Feng is astonished however. “这么声势浩大,波及如此之广?”楚风讶然。 At this time, he somewhat understands clearly, no wonder previous Extreme Martial, Hun Yi, Genesis, Confused Universe and the others the disciple disciples have not moved Dao Race, Sub Immortal Clan. 此时,他有些了然,难怪上一次太武浑羿元始乱宇等人的弟子门徒没有动道族亚仙族等。 Because, these ethnic groups have the foundation in World of the Living, has the background greatly. 因为,这些族群在阳间有根基,大有来头。 In fact the truth is so, one year ago when World of the Living's Evolver arrives, breathing method that captures is came from these in the World of the Living extermination of the clan, but actually once background very big Dao Lineage. 事实上真相就是如此,一年前阳间的进化者降临时,所收缴的呼吸法都是来自那些在阳间灭族、但却曾经来头很大的道统 For example Great Dream Breathing Method, the ancient time once had also entered in the World of the Living platoon first ten, but was eliminated in some age, lifts to teach to extinguish. 比如大梦呼吸法,古老时代也曾在阳间排进过前十,但在某个年代被淘汰,举教皆灭。 The Undying Silkworm clan, is deteriorated by the magnificence in World of the Living, but their not dead breathing method also make the person covet, incomparably is jealous. 还有不死蚕族,也在阳间由辉煌而衰败,但他们的不死呼吸法至今还让人觊觎,无比眼红。 Therefore, after the World of the Living person comes, grasping these breathing method the ethnic groups to starting that has no scruples directly. 因此,阳间人过来后,对掌握这些呼吸法的族群直接毫无顾忌的下手。 Receives World of the Dead's artificial disciple...... They do not disdain very much, how to attach great importance to?” Chu Feng is puzzled. “收阴间的人为弟子……他们不是很不屑吗,怎么又重视起来了?”楚风不解。 At this time, crippled Heavenly Venerate to his sound transmission, informed some situations in secret, World of the Living has been conducting various strongest talent experiments, various clans continuously the descendant who thought the means training strength to go against heaven's will, wanted one generation strongly one generation. 这时,瘸腿天尊暗中对他传音,告知一些情况,阳间一直在进行各种最强天才试验,各族一直在想办法培养实力更为逆天的后代,想要一代强过一代。 And, theories believe, Pure Yang represents not necessarily strongly, could consider that is also the so-called World of the Living talent invests World of the Dead World of Living's Seeds, then after boiling down years , the belt/bring goes back again, perhaps has is above the result of expectation. 其中,有一种理论认为,纯阳不见得代表最强,或许可以考虑将阳间种也就是所谓阳间天才投入阴间,然后熬炼一段岁月后再带回去,说不定有超乎预料的结果。 Has the support of this theory, naturally also some people believe, can bring to come back some World of Death's Seed directly, trains to give a try, the effect will be perhaps better! 有这种理论的支持,自然也就有人认为,可以直接带回来一些阴间种,培养起来试试看,效果说不定会更好! Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint sighed, the World of the Dead's talent must divide into periods mostly, the name heard that Star Sea many talents vanished long time, left doubtful, even is taken prisoner. 大梦净土的圣人叹道,阴间的天才多半要断代,名闻星海的许多天才已经消失很长时间,疑似已离开,甚至是被掳走的。 crippled Heavenly Venerate said in secret: I guess, is because too the Martial Dao body dies here, they suspected that Great Universe Evolver is sheltering this piece of universe, perhaps guessed that Great Universe Level exists is not the World of the Living person, but is born in this, World of the Living naturally starts incomparably to attach great importance to here. In addition, the Great World of the Dead deduction of my master, as well as some Supreme Being strongest juniors train the plan, possibly attached great importance to by some people, they want massive World of Death's Seed to perform the experiment.” 瘸腿天尊暗中道:“我猜,是因为太武道身死在这里,他们怀疑那个大宇进化者在庇护这片宇宙,或许猜测大宇级存在不是阳间人,而是就诞生于此,阳间自然开始对这里无比重视。此外,我师傅的大阴间推演,以及某位大能的最强子弟培养计划等,可能被一些人重视起来,他们想要大量阴间种做试验。” „Becoming the test piece, can the fate be very miserable?” Chu Feng hearing this, the brow deep lock, the World of the Living person acts is not really small. “成为试验品,下场会不会很惨?”楚风闻言,眉头深锁,阳间人动作真不小。 Stone Fox said: Temporarily, when the time comes does not become teaching various disciple, if displays enough well, the opportunity are many, naturally the performance was very bad that to discuss separately.” 石狐道:“暂时不会,到时候会成为各教的弟子,如果表现足够好,机会不少,当然表现很差的话那就另说了。” The Chu Feng detailed understanding, inquired to Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint, because, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, although also knows some, but long-term conceals in Unextinguishable Mountain, waits to receive and instruct Chu Feng to return after all, knows about the outside is not very exhaustive. 楚风详细了解,向大梦净土的圣人询问,因为,妖祖之鼎虽然也知道一些,但毕竟长期藏于不灭山,等着接引楚风回归,对外界了解的不是很详尽。 Recently, chose the World of Death's Seed effort to be getting bigger and bigger, some rumors said, performance enough good World of Death's Seed, can take the trim ethnic group to enter World of the Living, I think that Dao Lineage on some life planet possibly become empty.” “最近,挑选阴间种的力度越来越大,有传言称,表现足够好的阴间种,可以带上整片族群进入阳间,我想有些生命星球上的道统可能会变得空空荡荡。” When Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint goes out finds, these selected talent will have a test in the chaos universe, if pass through in the smelting trial, that will be approved, is referred to as World of Death's Seed. 大梦净土的圣人外出时了解到,那些被选中的天才在混沌宇宙会有一番测试,若是在试炼中过关,那就会被认可,被认定为阴间种 „Did people of disappearance go to the chaos universe?” Chu Feng reveals the color of surprise. “消失的人都去了混沌宇宙?”楚风露出诧异之色。 Yes.” Old Saint nods. “是的。”老圣人点头。 After Chu Feng understands, reveals the indifferent color, after understands clearly thoroughly all, he prepared to start take action, he must kill the chaos universe from World of the Dead, became dark hunter, slaughtered, blood debts must be paid in blood. 楚风了解后,露出冷漠之色,当彻底洞悉一切后,他就准备开始出手了,他要从阴间杀到混沌宇宙去,成为一名黑暗狩猎者,大开杀戒,血债血还。 Naturally, he must under the plan, to display the strongest lethality, and ensure oneself will not have the accident/surprise. 当然,他得筹谋下,要发挥出最强杀伤力,且确保自身不会出意外。 I had the debt collection!” He said calmly. “我有收账了!”他平静地说道。 Past struggled desperately, looks helplessly person died, his incomparable pain, was incapable of going against heaven's will. 昔日苦苦挣扎,眼睁睁地看着身边的人都死去,他无比痛苦,无力逆天。 Bears patiently for hundred years, painstaking cultivation on the day in Foreign Territory, he waits till finally, must hunt for the god! 隐忍百年,于异域苦修,他终于等到这一天,要去猎神! : :
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