SR :: Volume #10

#966: This World of the Dead is not true Great World of the Dead

Chu Feng has the little great changes feelings, World of the Dead, although past one year, but he indeed experienced hundred years of time in Foreign Territory. 楚风有几许沧桑感,阴间虽然过去一年,但是他在异域的确经历了百载时光。 That at present, hundred years of time like this elapse, just likes Great Dream, making him be lost in thought that the space alternates, time dislocation. 那一幕幕就在眼前,百年光阴就这样逝去,恍若一场大梦,让他怔怔出神,空间更迭,时光错位。 He sighed gently, returned finally, this was the world that he was, just past one year, here was his main battlefield, then he only had a goal, that was kills the enemy! 他轻轻一叹,终是回归,这才是他所在的世界,刚过去一年,这里将是他的主战场,接下来他只有一个目的,那就是去杀敌! He now is Quasi - Divine King Realm, is not one year ago he, can only look at heavenly blade, Duke of Thunder and other shore flower from exploding helplessly, person died one after another, now he thinks...... God Slaying! 他现在是准神王境,再也不是一年前的他,只能眼睁睁地看着天刀雷公、彼岸花自爆,身边的人相继死去,现在他去想……斩神 Now situation how?” Chu Feng asked Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, thought the knows recent situation. “现在情况怎样了?”楚风妖祖之鼎,想知道近况。 Before he leaves, knew to find, the World of the Living's channel may maintain more than one year of time, therefore he then disappears for one year, goes to the Foreign Territory promotion strength, prepares before the World of the Living person leaves thoroughly hurries back, criticizes with some people. 他离开前,已经知了解到,阳间的通道可保持一年多的时间,所以他便消失一年,前往异域提升实力,准备在阳间人彻底离开前赶回来,跟一些人清算。 Situation is somewhat complex.” “情况有些复杂。” After one year, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor anything has not changed, it has defended here, is ready in full battle array, successful receives and instructs finally Chu Feng. 时隔一年,妖祖之鼎没什么变化,它一直守在这里,严阵以待,总算成功将楚风接引回来。 Regardless of you are formidable, if no person of this world to aid, is better than Divinity unable to straddle zones. 无论你多么强大,如果没有这个世界的人接应,强如神祇也无法跨界过来。 Thump!” “咚!” Soul Bell vibrates, obviously, that is Stone Fox and Young Vermilion Bird noisy the sound, the crippled Heavenly Venerate intuition is very formidable, had a premonition that crosses the membrane to be successful, arrives at World of the Dead. 魂钟震动,显然,那是石狐小朱雀闹的出动静,瘸腿天尊的直觉很强大,预感横穿界膜成功,来到阴间 Chu Feng pulls out the magnetic marrow, emits from Soul Bell two people, simultaneously his soul light also returns to fleshly body, like this is happier. 楚风将磁髓拔出来,将两人从魂钟内放出,同时他的魂光也回归肉身,这样舒畅多了。 Quite cold!” “好冷!” Young Vermilion Bird just came out to hit one to tremble, to be cautious, Chu Feng makes her proclaim the Sub Saint condition directly, fears to have an accident. 小朱雀刚出来就打了一个哆嗦,为了稳妥起见,楚风让她直接自封到亚圣状态,怕出事。 She has lived in Foreign Territory, first time arrives at such ice-cold universe, some do not adapt. 她一直生活在异域,还是第一次来到这么冰冷的宇宙,有些不适应。 crippled Heavenly Venerate is calmer, the road that it passes through is very long, even if when World of the Living , went to the places of some Extreme Yin, is colder and gloomier than it World of the Dead. 瘸腿天尊就淡定多了,它走过的路无比漫长,即便是在阳间时,也去过一些极阴之地,比之阴间还森冷。 At this time, it was realizing, is sensing, understood the real situation of this piece of universe, the look is somewhat complex, it gets rid of Foreign Territory unexpectedly, straddles zones successfully. 此时,它在体会,在感悟,了解这片宇宙的真实情况,神色有些复杂,它居然真的摆脱异域,跨界成功。 This means that its first time worked loose the imprisonment of its teacher, the life had the favorable turn, will break that fate! 这意味着,它第一次挣脱了它师尊的禁锢,人生出现转机,也会打破那宿命! „Is here World of the Dead?” Young Vermilion Bird is flashing the big eye, is very curious to anything. “这里就是阴间吗?”小朱雀扑闪着大眼,对什么都很好奇。 Cauldron of Monster Ancestor also wants to speak with Chu Feng, suddenly saw two creature, it shut up immediately, any words do not say. 妖祖之鼎还想跟楚风说话呢,突然见到多了两个生灵,它顿时闭嘴,什么话都不说了。 „It is not World of the Dead.” crippled Heavenly Race opens the mouth suddenly. “不是阴间。”瘸腿天族突然开口。 What situation? Chu Feng also wants to be a moment ago Young Vermilion Bird and under the Stone Fox introduction the special details, the item that as well as some need to pay attention, has not thought that hears such a few words. 什么情况?楚风刚才还想为小朱雀石狐介绍下具体情况,以及一些需要注意的事项,没有想到听到这么一句话。 Where isn't this World of the Dead is? His return don't tell me had problems, was planned? 这不是阴间是哪里?他的回归难道出了问题,被人算计了? Flash, Chu Feng heart one cold, is very vigilant, opens Discerning Eyes, looks to the monster cauldron, is...... Right. 一刹那,楚风心头一凛,无比警惕,睁开火眼金睛,看向妖鼎,可是……没错。 His doubt, looks to Stone Fox. 他一阵狐疑,看向石狐 Great Dao harms, Order has the serious flaw, what is most essential is this stretch of world is too small, is the universe, rather is a piece of narrow and small gloomy and cold space.” 大道有损,秩序有严重的缺陷,最为关键的是这片天地太小,与其说是宇宙,不如说是一片狭小的阴冷空间。” crippled Heavenly Venerate is very tranquil, says such words. 瘸腿天尊很平静,说出这样的话。 This makes Chu Feng be startled, simultaneously makes Cauldron of Monster Ancestor stunned. 这让楚风一怔,同时让妖祖之鼎愕然。 This is not World of the Dead, will also have the mistake?” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is puzzled. “这不就是阴间吗,还会有错?”妖祖之鼎不解。 Chu Feng pondered over, this is not his first time heard. 楚风思忖,这并不是他第一次听说。 Meanwhile, he thinks of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, previous time also mentioned, said that this was a side narrow and small space, was one piece buries the post randomly, questioned that this was World of the Dead? 同时,他想到太武天尊,上次也提及一些,说这是一方狭小的空间,是一片乱葬岗,质疑这算是阴间吗? Now looks like, some don't tell me really issues? 现在看来,难道真的有些问题? I remember some past events.” Stone Fox is not willing to return to think of its master, but actually has to raise. “我想起一些旧事。”石狐不愿回思它那位师傅,但是却又不得不提。 In years past, when his master with another Supreme Being discussed that once mentioned, has positive has cloudy, the inborn opposition, World of the Living was so radiant, World of the Dead will not be weak. 昔年,他的师傅跟另外一位大能论道时,曾谈起,有阳就有阴,天生对立,阳间这般璀璨,阴间也不会弱。 Stone Fox said: My master was deducing World of the Dead at that time.” 石狐道:“吾师那时在推演阴间。” Chu Feng hearing this, brow deep lock. 楚风闻言,眉头深锁。 I have a feeling, my master said that World of the Dead is not here.” crippled Heavenly Venerate is very serious. “我有种感觉,吾师所说阴间不是这里。”瘸腿天尊很严肃。 Naturally, his master has never left World of the Living, has not arrived at this piece of universe, this time understands clearly the details after World of the Living various person there, should have a more profound deduction. 当然,他的师傅从未离开过阳间,不曾亲临过这片宇宙,这次从阳间诸人那里洞悉详情后,应该会有更深刻的推演。 However, Stone Fox is to abandon the disciple, did not have qualifications knows following. 不过,石狐为弃徒,没资格知道后续了。 This isn't World of the Dead really World of the Dead?” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is dumbfounded, if not true World of the Dead, where also calculates? “此阴间不是真阴间?”妖祖之鼎目瞪口呆,如果不是真正的阴间,又算哪里? Stone Fox said: Theoretically, should have Great World of the Dead, gloomy and cold and great, the historical years are extremely remote, are very ancient, oppose with World of the Living.” 石狐道:“理论上来说,应该存在一个大阴间,阴冷而宏大,历史岁月极其久远,无比古老,跟阳间对立。” This makes the Chu Feng body slightly cold, this also is really shocking! 这让楚风身体微冷,这还真是骇人听闻! Stone Fox is very serious, said: But, in that Great World of the Dead about theory, that is really not the solid evidence, is only the deduction of Supreme Being.” 石狐很严肃,道:“不过,关于理论中的那个大阴间,那是真的没有确凿的证据,只是大能的推演而已。” That theory, is hard to discover the substantial evidence to confirm. 那种理论,难以去找出实据来证实。 Because, nobody can arrive in Great World of the Dead. 因为,没有人可以抵达大阴间 Most at least, lifeforms of Heavenly Venerate this progression is unable to achieve, has not understood, they knows World of the Dead is only this piece buries post randomly. 最起码,天尊这个级数的生物根本无法做到,也不曾真正了解过,他们所知道阴间只是这片“乱葬岗”。 Chu Feng is lost in thought is very long, that so-called deduction is very reasonable, has cloudy has the positivity, since has length and breadth boundless radiant World of the Living, theoretically should also have one to prosper to Great World of the Dead of fearful region. 楚风出神很久,那所谓的推演很有道理,有阴就有阳,既然存在一个广袤无垠的璀璨阳间,理论上也该有一个繁荣到可怕境地的大阴间 He has thought before unfair, is improper, why their this piece of universes cannot compare World of the Living, so-called Yin and Yang too much imbalanced! 他以前一直觉得不公,也不妥,为什么他们这片宇宙远比不上阳间,所谓的阴与阳太失衡 Now, he somewhat awakens, if that theory is unmistakable, Great World of the Dead has not appeared! 现在,他有些醒悟,如果那个理论无误的话,大阴间还从来没有出现过呢! The care wants to come, their this stretch of broken world, have the flaw space, here Evolver somewhat is really pitiful, is going against the name of World of the Dead, was suppressed by the World of the Living's person. 细细想来,他们这片残破的天地,有缺陷的空间,这里的进化者实在有些可怜,顶着阴间之名,被阳间的人镇压。 Great World of the Dead......” the Chu Feng to go on a mental journey universe, has pondered over long time. 大阴间……”楚风神游太虚,琢磨了很长时间。 Afterward, he recovers, today returns, how to be in a daze? Now with emphasis is not these, has the time to discuss with crippled Heavenly Venerate again. 随后,他回过神来,今天才回归,怎么就发呆?现在重点可不是这些,有时间再跟瘸腿天尊去探讨。 He in the Foreign Territory hundred years, this world passes for one year, has to present some accidents? 他在异域百年,这片世界流逝一年,有没有出现一些变故? Did he ask Cauldron of Monster Ancestor hurriedly, the World of the Living's person once more arrives at this piece of universe? 他急忙问妖祖之鼎,阳间的人是否再次降临这片宇宙? Yes, they some people came.” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor informs truthfully. “是的,他们又有人过来了。”妖祖之鼎如实告知。 I must cut completely them!” After Chu Feng hears, in the eyes divine glow lasing, but very good control oneself, had not erupted the God Level fluctuation of energy. “我要斩尽他们!”楚风听闻后,双目中神芒激射,但是很好的控制住了自己,没有爆发神级能量波动。 He is having the anxiety, immediately most was worried about Little Daoist Priest, the parents not, Qin Luoyin elapsed, the relatives and friends also died young completely, only the remaining children. 他带着忧虑,当下最为担心小道士,父母不在了,秦珞音逝去,亲朋亦殇尽,只剩下一个孩子。 He should be all right.” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor said. “他应该没事。”妖祖之鼎说道。 Whiz! 嗖! Even if so, Chu Feng or the earliest possible time start off, takes them, fires into the starry sky. 哪怕如此,楚风还是第一时间上路,带上他们,冲向星空中。 Leaves for more than one year, in fact he experienced hundred years of time, thinks that the only heir, then could not sit still. 离开一年多,事实上他真实经历了百年光阴,想到唯一的子嗣,便坐不住了。 In the universe, the flowing light elapses, even if Chu Feng suppresses itself in the Shining Upon boundary, once hurries along to be also fearful crazily, surroundings Star Sea flows backwards! 宇宙中,流光逝去,楚风即便压制自己在映照境,一旦疯狂赶路也是可怕的,周围星海倒流! Really is narrow and small gloomy and cold space, in the true World of the Dead big universe, how possibly like this to hurry along depending on Shining Upon.” crippled Heavenly Venerate said. “果然是狭小的阴冷空间,在真正的阴间大宇宙中,凭一个映照者怎么可能这样赶路。”瘸腿天尊说道。 If not for has heard its master with the dialogue of another Supreme Being, it only will also think, so-called World of the Dead cannot withstand. 若不是听到过它师傅跟另一位大能的对话,它也只会觉得,所谓的“阴间”太不堪。 But now, some of its even more reasons believe that but also has true Great World of the Dead! 而现在,它越发有理由相信,还存在一个真正的大阴间 Chu Feng cannot attend to these, he only thinks first to see oneself child now, hundred years leave depart, this time he brings several paper talisman all of a sudden, if Little Daoist Priest knows, knows cannot be any expression. 楚风顾不上这些,他现在只想第一时间见到自己的孩子,百年别离,这次他一下子带回来几张符纸,若是小道士知道,不知道会是什么表情。 May shock very much, then he will jump for joy yelled. 或许会很震撼,然后他会雀跃地大叫。
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