SR :: Volume #10

#965: Returns to World of the Dead

Chu Feng escapes from the restricted area, to dreading that humpbacked old person he is from the heart, that is spiritual wisdom grey matter, unexpectedly obviously changes into the human form. 楚风一路逃出禁地,对那个驼背老人他发自内心的忌惮,那是通灵灰色物质,居然显化为人形。 Why knows, does not look seems like gentle smiling, making his sincerity think that the whole body woods are cold, from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, always felt that sends to terrify and frightened. 知道为何,看着看似平和的笑,让他真心觉得浑身森寒,从头凉到脚,总感觉发瘆与惊悚。 If there is a choice, he does not want to see this humpbacked old person. 如果有选择,他真不想看见这个驼背老人。 Therefore, he keeps silent all the way, escapes from the bottom world, is far away from Abyss, after to get close to ferocious beast plateau stops. 所以,一路上他默不作声,逃出地底世界,远离深渊,直到接近凶兽高原后才停下。 „Did senior you see that grey clothes old fogy?” “前辈你看到那个灰衣老家伙了吗?” At this time, Chu Feng asked crippled Heavenly Venerate, Stone Fox has not made noise all the way, was also dreaded likely, a few words had not said. 这时,楚风才问瘸腿天尊,一路上石狐都没有出声,像是也有所忌惮,一句话都没有说。 As for Young Vermilion Bird, a bright red feather fluffily explodes stands, somewhat fears, in the big eye is bringing startled, now has not returned to normal the nervousness. 至于小朱雀,一身鲜红的羽毛都蓬松炸立,有些怕怕的,大眼中带着惊慌,现在还没有平复紧张的情绪呢。 Saw, were you afraid?” Stone Fox asked him. “看到了,你害怕了?”石狐问他。 How could really male god was afraid, said that anything was impossible to instigate!” Chu Feng is raising the golden lance there one, raises sharp Divine Sword, the God Level energy is filling the air, vibrates the trim wilderness! “真男神岂能害怕,说什么也不可能怂啊!”楚风在那里一手提着黄金长矛,一手提着锋锐的神剑,神级能量弥漫,震动整片荒原! Dead duck stubborn to admit mistakes, if enough such will not care calm, will be very gentle.” Stone Fox shot a look at his one eyes, said at a moderate pace. “死鸭子嘴硬,如果足够淡定就不会这么在意,会很平和。”石狐瞥了他一眼,不紧不慢地说道。 Let alone I, you, have not travelled with me together, that humpbacked old fogy what background?” Chu Feng even more thinks the secret in knows number one restricted area. “别说我,你自己呢,还不是跟我一起跑路,那驼背老家伙到底什么来头?”楚风越发想知道第一禁地中的秘密。 crippled Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth lightly, said: "hē hē, if sees my True Body, he must cry, an old servant! ” 瘸腿天尊淡淡地开口,道:“呵,若是见到我真身,他得哭,一个老仆而已!” Stone Fox this stance, making Chu Feng not be feeling well. 石狐这副姿态,让楚风不爽。 He also sets a cloud poor business conditions light appearance, said: „Did you see him to see my expression? He is smiling to me, this is the charisma, looks at you to cry, looks at me to smile.” 他也做出一副云淡风轻的样子,道:“你看到他见到我的表情了吗?他在对我笑,这就是人格魅力,看你哭,看我笑。” Stone Fox is setting an extra mundane expert appearance, the performance lives simply tranquilly, wants with this crying with smiling the contrast, highlights his aloofness on. 石狐正在做出一副世外高人的样子,表现的宁静而淡泊,想用这种哭与笑的对比,突出他的超然在上。 Finally...... Heard the words that he such was not concerned about face unexpectedly, the crippled Heavenly Venerate complexion breaks down immediately. 结果……竟听到他这么不要脸的话,瘸腿天尊的脸色顿时垮了。 Is Young Vermilion Bird is speechless, the head, the ruby big eye is looking around in their two people. 就是小朱雀都无语,偏着头,红宝石般的大眼在他们两人身上看来看去。 Relaxedness that Chu Feng said that actually heart is serious, after that humpbacked old person sees him, unexpectedly shows that smiling face, lets his intense restlessness, now the back also braves the cold air. 楚风说的轻松,其实心头沉重,那驼背老人看到他后,居然露出那种笑容,让他强烈的不安,现在后背还冒寒气呢。 He to strange matter dreading even more, if there is an opportunity, must eliminate all in within the body, he has strengthened several points to the ruined road. 他对诡异物质越发的忌惮,如果有机会,一定要清除体内的一切,他对走破败之路又坚定了几分。 Some day, he must transform Divine Embryo, cuts completely all malpractices, treads Strongest Road. 有朝一日,他要蜕变出一个神胎,斩尽一切弊端,踏出最强路 Words that does this, was too cruel to old Self, even can be said as to present is too callous, remembers each time, why knows cannot the heart palpitate, thought that some places have not thought through thoroughly, mind uneasy. 只是这样做的话,对旧我太残忍了,甚至可以说是对现在的自己太冷酷,每次想起,不知道为何都会心头悸动,觉得有些地方没有想通透,心神不宁 Ok, now are not many thinks, this world anything has not been absolute, I may step another road also perhaps.” Chu Feng muttered. “算了,现在不多想,这世间没有什么是绝对的,我或许会踏上另外一条路也说不定。”楚风咕哝。 Now, must leave finally, he any has not yearned to Foreign Territory, this world fills strange matter, even if Young Vermilion Bird has not practiced strange technique, but was born in this heaven and earth, contaminated as before. 现在,终要离开了,他对异域没有任何留恋,这片世界充满诡异物质,哪怕是小朱雀没有练异术,但是生于这天地间,依旧沾染了。 In the crippled Heavenly Venerate words, this is in the trim world the sorrow of creature, this is a desperate world. 瘸腿天尊的话说,这是整片天地中生灵的悲哀,这是一个让人绝望的世界。 „Doesn't senior, what you want to say?” Chu Feng asked. “前辈,你就不想多说点什么吗?”楚风问道。 Had nothing saying that waited for some day you truly to rush in restricted area most deep place, understood again was not late.” Stone Fox shakes the head, does not want to say that has scruples to so-called number one restricted area. “没什么可说的,等有一天你真正能够闯进禁地最深处去,再了解也不晚。”石狐摇头,不想多说,对所谓的第一禁地十分顾忌。 In fact Chu Feng also knows, facing such restricted area, even if the Heavenly Venerate storm will also die! 事实上楚风知道,面对这样的禁地,即便是天尊强攻的话也会死! This time he searches in the 9th Heavenly Layer edge, does not dare to penetrate. 这一次他只是在九重天的边缘寻觅而已,并未敢深入进去。 You are lucky, the endless years, nobody again enters 9th Heavenly Layer to fight tooth and nail, looks for the new life opportunity.” Stone Fox sighed. “你算是幸运的,无尽岁月,都没有人再进九重天搏命,寻找新生的机会。”石狐叹道。 This Chu Feng obtains four paper talisman, in his opinion, is the biggest harvest, making World of the Living's Heavenly Venerate, teach First Ancestor and other knows to be jealous. 这一次楚风得到四张符纸,在他看来,是最大的收获,让阳间的天尊、一教鼻祖知道都要眼红。 Only if the special period, otherwise is World of the Living's these ancient has, in these top powerhouse ordinary circumstances not to go to storm that several restricted areas. 除非特殊时期,不然的话就是阳间的那些古老存在、那些顶级强者一般情况下也不会去强攻那几个禁地。 Foreign Territory number one restricted area, too long nobody penetrated, finally compels that humpbacked old person, quickly thoroughly delivered unexpectedly paper talisman. 异域第一禁地,太久没有人深入了,最后逼得那个驼背老人,竟将符纸都快给彻底送出来了。 According to Stone Fox, these paper talisman were located in the restricted area most core region! 按照石狐所说,原本这些符纸都位于禁地最核心地带! Chu Feng understood immediately, why the World of the Living restricted area has many, but paper talisman so is precious. 楚风顿时明白了,为何阳间禁地有多处,但符纸还那么珍贵。 Then, on the Chu Feng sitting cross-legged wilderness, starts in these Divine Nucleus with sharp sword cutting hand directly, after he plans to absorb completely, returns to World of the Dead again. 接下来,楚风盘坐荒原上,直接开始用利剑切割手中的这些神核,他打算全部吸收后再回阴间 These things are containing some strange matter, not the suitable belt/bring to go back, processes well in this stretch of world. 这些东西蕴含着部分诡异物质,不适合带回去,在这片天地中处理掉最好。 And several belong has not practiced strange technique Divine Beast, was chosen by Chu Feng, gives Young Vermilion Bird. 其中有几枚属于没有练过异术神兽,被楚风挑选出来,送给小朱雀 Senior, you must regard Heaven Overturning Seal yourself, is Young Vermilion Bird breaks these Divine Nucleus?” “前辈,你要不要把自己当成翻天印,将这些神核小朱雀砸碎?” Is staying at the same time going!” Stone Fox is in an uncontrollable rage, this boy also dares to mention this matter, any Heaven Overturning Seal, clearly regarded the stone hammer it! “一边呆着去!”石狐怒不可遏,这小子还敢提这桩事,什么翻天印,分明是把它当成石锤了! In the end, Chu Feng cuts unceasingly, he absorbs various Divine Nucleus here, in the hand has twenty fully, has the incomplete Divine King nucleus! 到头来,楚风不断切割,他在这里吸收各种神核,手中足有二十几颗,其中还有残缺的神王核! This is a terrifying promotion, after he comprehensively launches Small Six Paths Time Technique, shortly after time, Heavenly Tribulation arrived! 这是一种恐怖的提升,他全面展开小六道时光术后,时间不久,天劫就到了! All are only divine nature kernel that because he absorbs are too many, brings in the penalty. 一切都只是因为他吸收的神性颗粒太多,引来刑罚。 Fortunately, he is not the one breath absorbs, every time will absorb some to wait previous some time, looks at the sky. 还好,他不是一口气都吸收掉的,每吸收一些就会等上一段时间,看一看天空。 On the plateau, recently unceasingly had lightning across the sky, has the thunder to arrive, but nobody dares to disturb, who all parties knows is in Transcends Tribulation. 高原上,最近不断有闪电横空,有雷霆降临,但是没有人敢来打扰,各方已经知道是谁在渡劫 Now Chu Feng has the absolute strength and energy, does not need to look to close up, does not fear the threat of outside, God Level lifeforms of fearless this world. 现在楚风有绝对的实力与底气,都不用去找闭关地,不怕外界的威胁,无惧这个世界的神级生物 He can look disdainfully Foreign Territory! 他可以睥睨异域 After some day he incomplete three Divine King nuclei also will absorb, only misses one step, enters into Divine King Dominion! 当有一天他将残缺的三颗神王核也吸收后,只差一步而已,就迈入神王领域中! Recently he evolved swiftly and violently, every day body had various types of mucuses, was bringing the blood, that was he transforms intensely causes, metabolism incomparable terrifying. 最近他进化迅猛,每天身上有各种黏液,带着血,那是他激烈的蜕变导致的,新陈代谢无比恐怖。 Now, his all cells have the astonishing activeness, is containing the scary energy. 现在,他的所有细胞都有惊人的活性,蕴含着骇人的能量。 Revolution breathing method, the five main internal organs (entrails) shines slightly, the skeleton has thunder sound to tremble lightly, own fleshly body has no time stainless, evolved an incomparably astonishing situation. 稍微运转呼吸法,五脏六腑就发光,骨骼有雷音在轻颤,自身肉身无暇无垢,进化到了一个无比惊人的地步。 What a pity, three Divine King nuclei incomplete is too fierce, if slightly more complete, he can go a step further! 可惜,三颗神王核残缺的太厉害,如果稍微完整一些,他就能更进一步了! For serveral days, the Young Vermilion Bird progress was also amazingly quick, it obtained several incomplete Divine Nucleus to be nutritious, the evolution was swift and violent, finally entered Realm of god! 这些天,小朱雀也进步神速,它得到几颗残缺的神核滋补,进化迅猛,终于进入了神之境界 Chu Feng is slanting the eye to look at Stone Fox, when he to how broken Realm Stone Fox consults critical moment, crippled Heavenly Venerate evades the question, finally when Young Vermilion Bird faced with this issue, it actually gradually inspires, positive forward guidance. 楚风斜着眼睛看石狐,他向石狐请教关键时刻怎么破境界时,瘸腿天尊避而不答,结果小朱雀面临这种问题时,它却逐步启发,积极正向引导。 However, Chu Feng somewhat was also worried, the Young Vermilion Bird real age is not small, already 200 thirty years old. 不过,楚风也有些担心,小朱雀真实的年岁并不小,已经200三十几岁。 But, until now, it is very as before pure, even if this condition the strength is high, in the future must suffer a loss! 可是,到现在为止,它依旧无比单纯,这个状态哪怕实力再高,将来也要吃大亏! It is different from your road, you are not willing to be reincarnated to the present, but it is doomed to be reborn in paradise.” “它跟你的路不一样,你到现在都不愿去转世,而它注定要去往生。” Stone Fox informs the details, has not concealed. 石狐告知详情,没有隐瞒。 It is wants Young Vermilion Bird temporarily to maintain the pure feelings, comprehends Realm of god, therefore does not hesitate to change magically personally, helping her say , helping her to comprehend thoroughly. 它就是想要小朱雀暂时保持赤子之心,领悟到神之境界,所以不惜亲自去点化,帮她讲道,助她参悟透彻。 Because, in the arrangement of Stone Fox, Young Vermilion Bird must make a fresh start eventually, this lifetime behavior is accumulating! 因为,在石狐的安排中,小朱雀终究是要重新开始,这一生的所为都只是在积淀! „After World of the Dead, you make it realize mortal world, mistrusts each other, there suppresses Realm in any case, is unable to become God, it to practice is not good, leaves its enough time to experience.” “到了阴间后,你让它去体会红尘,尔虞我诈,反正那里压制境界,无法成神,它想修行也不行了,留给它足够的时间去经历。” When Foreign Territory, Stone Fox believes, here all time are very precious. 异域时,石狐认为,这里所有的时间都很宝贵。 Chu Feng suddenly, thoroughly understood, no longer said anything, Young Vermilion Bird had paper talisman now, must go to the reincarnation from World of the Dead, enters World of the Living. 楚风恍然,彻底明白了,不再多说什么,小朱雀如今有了符纸,要从阴间去转生,进入阳间 Understanding that Stone Fox said that even if she has not led a pious life strange technique, now strange matter in within the body also accumulates to the certain extent, does not have the means to help her melt depending on it now. 石狐说的明白,哪怕她没修行异术,现在体内的诡异物质也积淀到一定程度了,凭它现在没有办法帮她化解掉。 We will meet eventually also in World of the Living, the reincarnation regarding many Supreme Being juniors, is very difficult the opportunity, incomparably longs for, the life can come again one time, models again, that is the biggest chance and good fortune!” “我们终究还会在阳间相见,转生对于许多大能的子弟来说,都很难有机会,无比渴望,人生可以重来一次,再塑自我,那是最大的机缘与造化!” Chu Feng sees in the Young Vermilion Bird eye to bring the tears, is reluctant to part, like this comforts her. 楚风看到小朱雀眼中带着泪,依依不舍,这样安慰她。 Finally, they started off, not having the time may delay, Chu Feng becomes complete in the Foreign Territory merit, does not need to stay again. 最后,他们上路了,没有时间可耽搁,楚风异域功成圆满,没有必要再呆下去。 Remember, World of the Dead is very dangerous, must result in seal oneself, do not reveal the God Level fluctuation of energy, will otherwise be swallowed by Great Abyss, dying is very miserable!” “记住,阴间很危险,必须得封印自身,千万不要露出神级能量波动,不然的话会被大渊吞掉,死的很惨!” Chu Feng stressed over and over, fears important matter. 楚风再三强调,怕出大事。 He is very serious, a negligence, must die a tragic death including him, he does not want to be swallowed by Great Abyss. 他很郑重,一个疏忽,连他也得惨死,他可不想被大渊吞掉。 Too are worried and should not be afraid, initially, when including Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree did not activate well, can appear in the World of the Dead universe.” “也不要太担心与害怕,当初,连天尊法旨不激活时都无恙,可以出现在阴间宇宙。” Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate Dao Body was killed, is really because he was too overbearing, dares to go to nearby Great Abyss to toss about, even if suppressed Realm not to be good, was killed, implicated some followers also dead! 太武天尊道身被杀,实在是因为他太霸道了,敢去大渊附近折腾,哪怕压制了境界也不行,被干掉了,连累一些追随者也死掉! Chu Feng takes out Soul Bell, making Young Vermilion Bird go, also prepares filling Stone Fox. 楚风取出魂钟,让小朱雀进去,也准备将石狐给塞进去。 You believe firmly, I can also pass?” Stone Fox does not believe. “你确信,我也能过去?”石狐不相信。 Senior, you must believe me, this is breaks your Master Supreme Being to imprison your first step, if I can lead you to enter the World of the Dead universe, perhaps your favorable turn arrived.” “前辈,你要相信我,这是打破你那个大能师傅禁锢你的第一步,我要是能带你进阴间宇宙,你的转机说不定就到了。” Finally, Stone Fox agreed, also forced in Soul Bell by Chu Feng. 最后,石狐同意,被楚风也塞进魂钟内。 Chu Feng puts on airs, filled own fleshly body, only kept soul light outside. 楚风装模作样,将自己的肉身也塞进去了,只留魂光在外。 Then, in his hand presents together the magnetic marrow of invaluable and priceless, prepares to block the Soul Bell mouth with it, isolates with outside thoroughly. 而后,他手中出现一块价值连城的磁髓,准备用它堵住魂钟口,彻底与外面隔绝。 The magnetic marrow, may be called the treasure, is the Domain researcher most yearn for something even in one's dreams thing. 磁髓,堪称瑰宝,是场域研究者最为梦寐以求的东西。 When the Chu Feng inspection the spoils of war that brings from the Divinity cave mansion, the accident/surprise has discovered it. 楚风检查从神祇洞府中带出来的战利品时,意外发现了它。 This thing can isolate all, even/including God spiritual strength is unable to penetrate, he is supposing, by crippled Heavenly Venerate this condition, its soul light is unable to pass through the magnetic marrow. 这东西可以隔绝一切,连神的精神力都无法穿透,他估摸着,以瘸腿天尊这种状态来说,其魂光也无法贯穿磁髓。 Moreover, he also frightens Stone Fox, said: Senior, you are surely careful, you after all once were Heavenly Venerate, and was left behind various restrictions by your master in within the body, when crossed two was more dangerous than anyone. You must stand firm, protects good soul light with stone embryo, even if stone body disintegrates by some chance, leaves behind the spirit to be also good, always felt better died directly.” 而且,他还吓唬石狐,道:“前辈,你千万要小心,你毕竟曾为天尊,且被你师傅在体内留下各种禁制,横渡两界时比谁都危险。你一定要稳住,用石胎保护好魂光,哪怕万一石身解体,留下精神也好,总好过直接死去。” „Has young brat, you had confidence? The old men did not go with you!” “小兔崽子,你到底有没有把握?老夫不跟你去了!” crippled Heavenly Venerate fears death actually very much, otherwise not such tenacious is toughing it out in Foreign Territory, therefore hears Chu Feng's this intimidation, somewhat is scared directly. 瘸腿天尊其实很怕死,不然的话也不会这么顽强的在异域硬挺着,所以听到楚风的这番恫吓,直接有些发毛。 All right, most is also makes you lack arm few legs, side damaged half stone body to arrive, your soul light can definitely preserve the majority.” “没事,最多也就是让你缺胳膊少腿,损坏半个石身到边了,你的魂光肯定能保住大部分。” Gets out, the old man did not ride this car(riage), did not go to World of the Living with you!” “下车,老夫不坐这趟车了,不和你去阳间!” Late, started, the senior we should leave!” Chu Feng, fills the magnetic marrow, thorough to seal/confer good, then makes an effort to shake Soul Bell, making it jolt fiercely. “晚了,已经启程,前辈我们该动身了!”楚风哐的一声,将磁髓塞进去,彻底封好,然后使劲摇动魂钟,让它剧烈颠簸。 In Soul Bell, Stone Fox is scared, but actually can only stare dry/does, it fears death very much, contracts all spirits decisively, concentrates in Shishen the place of most core, does not dare to inquire into. 魂钟内,石狐发毛,但却只能干瞪眼,它很怕死,果断收缩所有精神,浓缩于石身的最核心之地,不敢探究了。 Chu Feng goes all out to shake Soul Bell with soul light, rushes with Cauldron of Monster Ancestor the place of approximately good meeting, summoned it, got the response. 楚风魂光拼命摇动魂钟,赶到跟妖祖之鼎约好的碰头之地,呼唤它,得到了回应。 During this process, he already took out stone box, receives with Soul Bell oneself, starts to get ready to return, adopts this special world node. 在此过程中,他早已取出石盒,将自身与魂钟都收进去,开始准备回归,通过这一特殊的世界节点。 Buzz, stone box crosses, is erupting the terrifying along the way the ray, across the membrane, smoothly returned to Unextinguishable Mountain. 嗡的一声,石盒横渡过去,在沿途爆发恐怖的光芒,穿过界膜,顺利回到了不灭山 Chu Feng returns to World of the Dead! 楚风回归阴间 In an instant, stone box is gloomy, returns to original condition. 刹那间,石盒暗淡,恢复原状。 This Supreme Treasure usually is very ordinary, is better than crippled Heavenly Venerate not to pay attention to have been to it, because does not have any exceptionally to induce, has given to neglect it. 这宗至宝平日间很普通,强如瘸腿天尊都不曾注意到过它,因为没有任何异常感应,一直将它给忽略了。 Came back, I return finally, not knows present World of the Dead how, present Earth how!” Chu Feng gets hold of the fist. “回来了,我终于回归,不知道现在的阴间怎样了,如今的地球又如何了!”楚风握紧拳头。 Hundred years of great changes, he concluded the journey of practicing, finally is thorough! 百年沧桑,他结束修行之旅,终于彻底回来!
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