SR :: Volume #10

#964: Pushes number one restricted area horizontally

In mountainous region, Chu Feng in picking spoils of war, when takes up the Shaman God scarlet red big bow, his staggers, suddenly throws down on the ground, the body shivers, is unable to set out. 山地中,楚风在捡战利品,当拿起巫神的赤红色大弓时,他一个踉跄,突然摔倒在地上,身体颤动,无法起身。 This above has the fearful curse, is one weapon that spread from the ancient times, did not extinguish after the long years. 这上面有可怕的诅咒,是一件从古代流传下来的兵器,历经漫长岁月而不灭。 Chu Feng has struggled several times, throws down on the ground. 楚风挣扎了几次,又摔倒在地上。 „The Shaman God thing also dares to bump randomly, the courage is not really small, what a pity incurred.” The distant place has the sound to transmit. 巫神的东西也敢乱碰,呵,胆魄真不小,可惜还是中招了。”远处有声音传来。 Although is the bottom world, but has not distinguished with the ground anything, in a precisely snow white dragon horn beast that in a mountain scene forest goes out of two Divine Beast, opening the mouth. 虽然是地底世界,但跟地上没什么区别,在一片山林中走出两头神兽,开口的正是一头雪白的龙角兽。 It just like Pegasus, snow white like jade, is growing pair of dragon horn in his head . Moreover the double rib has three pairs of snow white wings, circulation God Level energy. 它宛若天马,雪白如玉,在其头上长着一对龙角,而且双肋有三对雪白的羽翼,流转神级能量。 Another Divine Beast is very big, is hou, whole body fur pitch-black, the body and spirit is strong, the extravagant mouth fang, the Divine Beast body blooms black light, is very fierce. 另一头神兽很高大,是一头犼,周身皮毛乌黑,体魄强壮,阔口獠牙,神兽躯体绽放乌光,很凶猛。 Immediately solves him, this Yin Spirit was too terrifying, the present is a rare opportunity, after missing, our piece of world then nobody can keep in balance him!” Black hou said. “立刻解决他,这个阴灵太恐怖了,现在是难得的一次机会,错过之后,我们这片世界便没有人可以制衡他!”黑犼说道。 They have evolved are Divine Beast, controls Abyss respectively, is not very remote to number one restricted area, therefore after here erupts Divine War, first catches up. 它们都已经进化为神兽,各自统驭一座深渊,离第一禁地不算很遥远,因此这里爆发神战后第一时间赶来。 I and you do not have the enmity, can begin really?” Chu Feng lies down on the ground asks. “我与你们无仇,真要动手?”楚风躺在地上问道。 "hē hē, does not have the enmity, but you are so formidable, threatened us seriously, disrupted the balance of trim world. In addition, we are inharmonious with Vermilion Bird lineage/vein, hear that Young Vermilion Bird with you in the same place, therefore, you die! ” “呵呵,是没仇,但是你这么强大,严重威胁到了我们,破坏了整片天地的平衡。此外,我们跟朱雀一脉不睦,听闻那头小朱雀跟你在一起,因此,你还是去死吧!” The dragon horn beast said with a smile, erupted a piece of dazzling ray in its two horns, that was the thunder, turned into radiant divine spear, the thorn to the Chu Feng's forehead, came up certainly to kill. 龙角兽笑道,在它的双角间爆发出一片刺目的光芒,那是雷霆,化成一杆璀璨的神矛,刺向楚风的眉心,上来就是绝杀。 Meanwhile, that black hou also roared, opened the big mouth, the mouthful was Order rune, was vast sweeps across likely generally to Chu Feng. 与此同时,那头黑犼也咆哮,张开血盆大口,满嘴都是秩序符文,像是汪洋一般向楚风席卷过去。 Two Divine Beast are very decisive, comes up then below killer! 两头神兽很果断,上来就下杀手! Oh!” Chu Feng sighed, whiz from vanished same place, then launched Small Six Paths Time Technique, the sword light like the rainbow, battled with them. “唉!”楚风叹气,嗖的一声从原地消失,接着展开小六道时光术,剑光如虹,跟他们激战。 In fact, is far from the fierce combat, he now to the Divine General rank, this take action two Divine Beast was alarmed and afraid, howled, then the body spouted divine blood, their lost/carrying the severe wound, had nearly been ripped the head, neck there wound fearsome. 事实上,谈不上激战,他现在到了神将级别,这才一出手两头神兽就惊惧了,吼叫起来,接着身体喷出神血,它们负了重伤,险些被割掉头颅,颈项那里伤口可怖。 You feign curse?” They startled and anger. “你是佯装中了诅咒?”它们又惊又怒。 How otherwise can judge you whether should kill?” Chu Feng opens the mouth tranquilly. “不然怎么能判断出你们是否该杀?”楚风平静地开口。 He already induced to is in secret bright is peeping, although on these two Divine Beast has the rare treasure to cover up internal energy, but cannot hide the truth from his keen divine awareness. 他早就感应到暗中有神在窥视,尽管这两头神兽身上有秘宝遮掩气机,但还是瞒不过他的敏锐神觉 We are willing to surrender, but also please show mercy!” “我们愿意降服,还请手下留情!” Chu Feng slightly does hesitant, can bring them to go to World of the Dead? 楚风略作犹豫,要不要带它们去阴间 Quick, he shook the head, this is two gods, is very difficult to control, once he has the negligence slightly, possibly by backlash, particularly his person will not have arrived at Dominion of god. 很快,他摇了摇头,这可是两位神,很难掌控,他一旦稍有疏忽,就可能会被反噬,尤其是他身边的人可没有到达神之领域 Kills!” Black hou called out, intense preying. “杀!”黑犼叫道,激烈搏杀。 However, the reality is very brutal, even if were two Divine Beast does not beat Chu Feng of Divine General region, the body had the big piece wound quickly, soon will be cut to kill. 然而,现实很残酷,哪怕是两头神兽也远不敌到了神将境地的楚风,身上很快出现大片伤口,即将被斩杀。 I am willing to become your mount, considers you to ride Divine Beast, walks among in the world, all living things will shock and prostrate oneself, cannot achieve including the gods of ferocious beast plateau this step!” “我愿意成为你的坐骑,试想你骑着一头神兽,行走于世间,众生都会震撼与膜拜,连凶兽高原的神都做不到这一步!” The dragon horn beast shouted, it lowered the head, expressed willingness to submit. 龙角兽大喊,它低下头,表示愿意臣服。 Chu Feng does not have the heart movement, he clearly can feel killing intent that these two Divine Beast hide, does not submit to willing, is only under the pressure, does not want to be killed. 楚风并没有心动,他分明能感受到这两头神兽隐藏下去的杀意,并不甘心臣服,只是迫于压力,不想被杀而已。 This mount remains is also being the future trouble, he just to become God, did not have that many governing beast methods now. 这种坐骑留着也是后患,他现在刚成神,还没有那么多的御兽手段。 This, you become a fugitive to give a try, making me think your strengths of legs.” Chu Feng said. “这样吧,你们逃亡试试看,让我看一看你们的脚力。”楚风说道。 He must return to World of the Dead, then goes to the chaos universe to go with the World of the Living's god to make war, if these two ferocious beast speeds enough can also stay behind quickly but actually. 他要回归阴间,然后去混沌宇宙去跟阳间的神开战,如果这两头凶兽速度足够快倒也可以留下。 Two Divine Beast hearing this turn around to run, this is joint becoming a fugitive, can flee is better, is unable to flee to lower the head at the worst first to become his mount, later finds the way to kill again. 两头神兽闻言转身就跑,这是合力的逃亡,能遁走更好,无法逃离大不了先低头成为他的坐骑,以后再想办法袭杀。 Was too slow!” Chu Feng shakes the head, after launching the sword wing, the twinkling pursues, and interrupts the road ahead, as if sometimes the photofragment winds around in his side. “太慢了!”楚风摇头,展开剑翼后,瞬息就追上来了,并截断前路,仿佛有时光碎片缭绕在他的身边。 Bang! 轰! Black hou is very decisive, is very unyielding, has not waited for Chu Feng to indicate, it first from exploding, has wanted to draw in Chu Feng to start off together. 黑犼很果断,也很硬气,还没等楚风有所表示,它先自爆了,想拉上楚风一起上路。 As Divine Beast, its divine awareness also was very naturally keen, realizes Chu Feng's killing intent. 身为神兽,它的神觉自然也很敏锐,察觉到了楚风的杀意 However, the black energy group has not proliferated to be imprisoned by Chu Feng, he uses the Small Six Paths Time Technique crazy absorption, all divine nature kernel and Dao Ancestral Matter were swept across. 不过,黑色的能量团没有扩散开来就被楚风禁锢,他动用小六道时光术疯狂吸收,所有神性颗粒道祖物质都被席卷过去。 The dragon horn beast, this Yin Spirit was too with amazement formidable, was high their big truncation, even/including self-destruct cannot kill him. 龙角兽骇然,这个阴灵太强大了,高他们一大截,连自爆都杀不了他。 ! 噗! Finally, it was also beheaded by a sword, dies a violent death. 最终,它也被一剑枭首,死于非命。 Since is impossible to submit truly, moreover two Divine Beast have a grudge with Vermilion Bird lineage/vein, just when started to rush to this place also wants to kill Chu Feng, therefore he starts to be relentless. 既然不可能真正归附,而且两头神兽还跟朱雀一脉有仇,刚开始赶到此地时还想杀楚风,因此他下手毫不留情。 Chu Feng sits cross-legged here, by silver white ray and black light package, after cutting kills two Divine Beast, he absorbs enough many divine nature matter, the strength further grew. 楚风盘坐在这里,被银白光芒与乌光包裹,斩杀两头神兽后,他吸收了足够多的神性物质,实力进一步增长。 At this moment he somewhat fears unexpectedly, this Small Six Paths Time Technique goes against heaven's will, his strength rather growth was too quick, this speed made him be afraid. 这一刻他竟有些恐惧,这小六道时光术太逆天,他的实力未免增长的太快了,这种速度让他自己都害怕了。 Hundred years of to become God, rushes in Divine General Dominion, this really shocks everybody! 百年成神,又闯进神将领域中,这实在惊世骇俗! Chu Feng strength in become stronger, but his heart is very serious, such growth makes him be worried. 楚风实力在变强,但是他心头却很沉重,这样的成长速度让他十分担心。 However, after thinking ruined road, he is also light the one breath, observes one grain of type that plants in within the body, takes present as mutated soil, waits for Divine Embryo born, new Self regeneration! 不过,当想到破败之路后,他又轻出一口气,观察在体内栽下的一粒种,以现在的自己为异土,等待神胎出世,新我再生! That grain of type just like small Golden Core, hangs in within the body, blends with the flesh and soul light, takes root there, was obviously brighter than before, obtains massive divine nature matter to nourish, the side that it displays is good. 那粒种宛若一颗微小的金丹,悬在体内,跟血肉与魂光交融,扎根那里,明显比之前灿烂了很多,得到大量神性物质滋养,它表现的极佳。 Chu Feng entered in the restricted area to find Stone Fox, consulted to it, said own anxiety, his sincerity thought oneself evolved is too swift and violent, the strength increased was too quick. 楚风走进禁地中找到石狐,向它请教,将自己的忧虑说出,他真心觉得自己进化太迅猛,实力增加的太快了。 Stone Fox nods, its knows Six Paths Time Technique, understands profoundly this method goes against heaven's will, is one type may let fearful strange technique that the person rises in a short time, some monsters are evil. 石狐点头,它知道六道时光术,深刻明白这种法门逆天,是一种可让人在短时间内崛起的可怕异术,有些妖邪。 Otherwise, how in the past that person was called Six Paths Evil Venerate, dreaded including World of the Living Supreme Being, several people collaborated to give to kill him!” “不然的话,当年那个人怎么会被称作六道邪尊,连阳间大能都忌惮,有几人联手将他给干掉了!” Meanwhile, it told Chu Feng too should not be worried, the World of the Dead universe practice slowly is because principle not entire, in addition was also suppressed by Great Abyss. 同时,它告诉楚风也不要太担心,阴间宇宙修行慢是因为法则不全,此外还被大渊压制。 Chu Feng had told him World of the Dead's situation, crippled Heavenly Venerate has made various reasonable judgments. 楚风跟他说过阴间的情况,瘸腿天尊做出了各种合理的判断。 It said, the World of the Dead's limit is the Shining Upon peak, is unable to become God, because simultaneously has the upper limit, the pressure system, Order has to lack, therefore after the Saint level, then practicing difficulty. 它说,阴间的极限就是映照巅峰,无法成神,同时由于有上限,有压制,秩序有缺等,因此到了圣者层次以后便修行困难。 But in the Foreign Territory principle entire, therefore after Saint, the practicing speed be faster than World of the Dead on many, in addition Small Six Paths Time Technique helps one another, Chu Feng can leap to go forward, is expected. 而在异域法则较全,因此到了圣者以后,修行速度要比阴间快上很多,再加上小六道时光术相助,楚风能飞跃前进,也在预料中。 Chu Feng asked it, was complete in the World of the Living principle, Order completely revealed that practice is quicker? 楚风问它,在阳间法则无缺,秩序尽显,是不是修行更快? The World of the Dead universe that "Um, you are is the deduction of Dharma End Era, World of the Living's is practices firmly Holy Land, Order improves. ” Stone Fox nods. “嗯,你所在的阴间宇宙算是末法时代的演绎,阳间的确算是修行圣地,秩序完善。”石狐点头。 It told Chu Feng, in any world, did not have imagination good of that World of the Living's practicing speed indeed on quick many, but will not be odd. 它告诉楚风,任何天地中,都远没有想象的那么好,阳间的修行速度的确会快上不少,但也不会太离谱。 But is a little affirmed that World of the Living's Evolver generally be more formidable than the World of the Dead's person , because World of the Living Great Dao is lossless, the world rule is crowded, when this lets everyone breaks through, must accept many Order rune baptism. 但有一点是肯定的,阳间的进化者普遍要比阴间的人强大,是因为阳间大道无损,天地规则密集,这让每一个人破关时,都要接受更多的秩序符文洗礼。 Naturally also has the fault, for example when World of the Living, cannot fly including the people of Golden Body level, by the perfect Order suppression.” “当然也有坏处,比如在阳间时,连金身层次的人都飞不起来,会被完善的秩序压制。” Even, in some places, Sub Saint cannot flying through the skies or escaping through the ground. 甚至,在一些地方,亚圣都不能飞天遁地 This makes Chu Feng speechless, but is also very curious, consults unceasingly, wants to understand about World of the Living more matters. 这让楚风无语,但也很好奇,不断请教,想了解关于阳间更多的事。 He knows, was unable to ruin planet including Saint in World of the Living, the words that must begin, instead will write off by the planet will! 他已经知道,连圣者都无法在阳间毁掉星球,真要动手的话,反而会被星球意志抹杀! In rule formidable World of the Living, the planet will will be very fearful. 在规则强大的的阳间,星球意志会十分可怕。 I hear the World of the Living length and breadth to be boundless, are various clans also dwell are belonging to life planet of oneself ethnic group specially?” Chu Feng asked. “我听闻阳间广袤无边,各族也是栖居在专属于自己族群的生命星球上吗?”楚风问道。 „It is not, the universe starry sky, various life planet wait/etc., is only their vegetable gardens, the place of unearthed special product, in trillion years of remote ancient ethnic group eye, was not precious, went to your knows.” “不是,宇宙星空,各处生命星球等,都只是他们的菜园子,出土特产之地,在一些存在亿万年久远的古老族群眼中,一点也不珍贵,去了你就知道了。” Then, it does not say. 然后,它就不说了。 A conversation, although Stone Fox does not coordinate, was not willing saying that but Chu Feng understood a lot. 一番交谈,虽然石狐不怎么配合,不愿多说,但楚风还是了解到很多事情。 Must leave finally, before, me goes to the ferocious beast plateau and Abyss respectively steps onto!” “终要离开了,在走之前,我分别去凶兽高原与深渊走上一趟!” Chu Feng departs, since the three gods of ferocious beast plateau kill him, how can leave like this directly, he must go to the Divinity home to plunder. 楚风离去,既然凶兽高原的三位神来杀他,怎么能这样直接离开,他要去神祇的家中搜刮一番。 Naturally, he naturally will not let off Abyss. 当然,他自然也不会放过深渊 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng vanishes, his speed was too fast, tearing is void, arrives in the ferocious beast plateau directly, to present this level, he is Foreign Territory no.1 expert. 楚风消失,他的速度太快了,撕裂虚空,直接抵达凶兽高原,到了现在这个层次,他已经算是异域第一高手 This stretch of world was the decline was also very long, was a time does not have Divine King to appear, he can look disdainfully now this world. 这片天地也算是没落很久了,很多是个时代都没有神王出现,他现在可以睥睨这片世界。 All are very smooth, after Chu Feng came, does not have the anti- hand, meets no resistance, drives straight ahead to enter, he gave to open Martial God, Dark Moon Goddess and Shaman God cave mansion. 一切都很顺利,楚风来了之后,没有抗手,如入无人之境,长驱而入,他将武神暗月女神巫神的洞府都给打开了。 These so-called god servants, these followers, can only tremble under his divine might suppression. 那些所谓的神仆,那些追随者,在他的神威压制下只能瑟瑟发抖。 On ferocious beast plateau also bright, but knows his success, nobody has dared to stand, instead is very restless. 凶兽高原上还有神,但是已经知道他的战绩,没有人敢站出,反而很不安。 Chu Feng sighed, suitable was unhappy, divine medicine that he most wants to pick did not have, hundred years ago the ferocious beast plateau made war with Abyss, the god who the both sides great war several years, die many expert, have not died also carried the severe wound, finally gave to pick all divine medicine, with therapy. 楚风叹气,相当的不开心,他最想采摘的神药一株都没有,百年前凶兽高原跟深渊开战,双方大战十几年,殒落不少高手,没死的神也都身负重伤,最终将所有神药都给采摘了,用以疗伤。 This type of thing grows is too slow, now is to emit the shoot. 这种东西生长太缓慢,如今才是冒出嫩芽。 He has a mind to give to poach, however thinks, this piece of world strange matter is too rich, possibly is bringing that species including divine medicine. 他有心给挖走,但是想了想,这片世界诡异物质太浓郁,连神药都可能带着那种属性。 He takes not to matter, must plant to Earth really comes up, may bring the harm. 他自己服食无所谓,真要栽种到地球上去,或许会带来危害。 Ok, on Earth also has divine medicine, there is Divine Tree, recovers along with the world, will grow eventually gradually.” “算了,地球上也有神药,也有神树,随着天地复苏,终究会逐渐生长出来。” Naturally, the World of the Dead universe lacks Yang Qi to nourish, the divine medicine's effect is well below Foreign Territory, as for compares with World of the Living, then then bad was farther. 当然,阴间宇宙缺少阳气滋养,神药的效果远远不如异域,至于跟阳间比,那就差的更远了。 Arrived finally, the Chu Feng accident/surprise discovered that one volume passes through law, after reads carefully, he is overjoyed, this doubtful is...... Dao Race's breathing method! 到最后,楚风意外发现一卷经法,仔细研读过后,他大喜过望,这疑似是……道族的呼吸法 This is turns in the Martial God cave mansion, in fact is not this generation of Martial God obtained, was past ancient times Divinity remains. 这是在武神的洞府中翻出来的,事实上也不是这一代武神所得,是昔日远古的一位神祇所留。 Similar to Buddha Race breathing method in Vermilion Bird nest is ordinary, this is also similar chance. 就如同朱雀巢中的佛族呼吸法一般,这也是类似的机缘。 The high antiquity, had the Dao Race's talent to enter Foreign Territory from Great Dream Pure Land, finally hired oneself under the life and death pressure to ferocious beast plateau Divine King. 远古时代,有道族的天才从大梦净土进入异域,最终迫于生死压力投靠给了凶兽高原的一位神王 The must know World of the Dead's upper limit causes unable to become God, restrictions that therefore the Dao Race powerhouse leaves behind in own disciple soul light cannot block that Divine King, he breaks open easily, obtains this breathing method. 须知阴间的上限导致无法成神,因此道族强者在自家弟子魂光中留下的禁制根本拦不住那位神王,他轻易破开,得到这种呼吸法 Chu Feng is very inspired, leaves here, sweeps Abyss, the harvest is not what a pity big, finally returns to number one restricted area, found Stone Fox, looks at to it Dao Race breathing method. 楚风很振奋,离开这里,去扫荡深渊,可惜收获不大,最后回归第一禁地,找到石狐,将道族呼吸法给它看。 Good, is the secret of Dao Race not passing on, can make you practice the Shining Upon boundary, although is only previous, but is also very precious. Dao Race attracts the law, sufficiently in World of the Living arranges in first several!” “不错,是道族不传之秘,可以让你修行到映照境,虽然只是上篇,但也无比珍贵。道族吸法啊,足以在阳间排在前几名内!” The crippled Heavenly Venerate look somewhat is unexpectedly bright, stone eye shines, even if this volume of scrip­tures only arrive at the Shining Upon boundary, makes it be interested, has studied long time, finally helps Chu Feng revise, changes several flaws. 瘸腿天尊的眼神竟有些灿烂,石目发光,哪怕这卷经文只到映照境,也让它非常感兴趣,研究了很长时间,最后帮楚风修正,改掉其中几个缺陷。 Its master, related with Dao Race significantly, has the close relation, therefore to with various Dao Race breathing method related remnant including very are many. 它的师傅,原本就跟道族关系匪浅,有密切联系,因此对与道族呼吸法有关的各种残篇收录的非常多。 Its that Master Supreme Being, has been studying diligently most top several breathing method, is unable to obtain, actually throughout longs for, the innermost feelings are very contradictory. 它的那位大能师傅,一直在钻研最顶级的几种呼吸法,无法得到,却始终渴望,内心很矛盾。 Cannot think that obtained here, after I also want to return to the World of the Dead universe, oneself go to Dao Race to take.” “想不到啊,在这里得到了,原本我还想回归阴间宇宙后,自己去道族取到手中呢。” Chu Feng sighed, this is his real thought that he prepares World of the Living, naturally must prepare sufficiently, obtained many World of the Dead's top breathing method, such as Sub Immortal Clan's, Buddha Race's and Undying Silkworm clan...... 楚风感叹,这是他的真实念头,他准备去阳间,自然要准备充足,已经得到不少阴间的顶级呼吸法,如亚仙族的佛族的不死蚕族的…… Several are the World of the Living person collects, but falls to his hand in finally. 有十几篇是阳间人收集的,但最后落到他的手中。 Now, he is happy. 现在,他心情舒畅。 His knows, once enters World of the Living, wants to obtain breathing method of various clans, that is impossible, not the secret of passing on. 知道,一旦进入阳间,想要得到各族的呼吸法,那根本不可能,都是不传之秘。 With it so, might as well when World of the Dead diligently, collect some supreme Dao Lineage's breathing method remnant. 与其如此,不如在阴间时多努力,将一些无上道统的呼吸法残篇收集到手。 Senior, you looked that we must leave, can no longer diligently, plunder other good fortunes in this number one restricted area?” The Chu Feng whole face compensates to smile. “前辈,你看我们都要离开了,要不再努力一把,将这第一禁地中的其他造化也搜刮出来?”楚风满脸赔笑。 Stone Fox is black the face saying: Dies, but also wants to work as the meat shield with me? Moreover is you and Young Vermilion Bird departs, excluding me!” 石狐黑着脸道:“去死,还想拿我当肉盾?再者说是你与小朱雀离去,不包括我在内!” How could I throw down the senior you alone to start off, that is not my style, must walk together walks, I have the means to lead you to be separated from this piece of shackles, even if lay out restrictions of your teacher that Supreme Being on you, cannot block us!” “我岂能丢下前辈你独自上路,那不是我的风格,要走就一起走,我有办法带你脱离这片牢笼,哪怕你的师尊那位大能在你身上布下禁制,也拦不住我们!” „Do you believe firmly?” If Stone Fox does not want to get rid of this fate, that is impossible! “你确信?”如果说石狐不想摆脱这种宿命,那是不可能的! I believe firmly, the premise is senior you must help my one time again, making me enough formidable, can the confident gas range you start off, otherwise I grasp not in a big way!” Chu Feng flickers. “我确信,前提是前辈你得再帮我一次,让我足够强大起来,才能有底气带你上路,不然的话我把握不大!”楚风忽悠。 Finally, Stone Fox clenches teeth, gave him to work as the meat shield. 最后,石狐一咬牙,又给他当肉盾了。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng not polite, carefully after having studied the topography, discusses simply with Stone Fox, regarded the stone pounding the restricted area deep place it. 楚风没客气,仔细研究过地势后,简单跟石狐探讨完毕,又将它当成石头给砸进了禁地深处。 Young brat, can't you give temperately? I want to pat you really!” “小兔崽子,你就不能给温和一点吗?我真想拍死你!” crippled Heavenly Venerate whole face black qi, always thought that he is sending out a scout to see if anybody is about likely, that may really not be distracted pounds, with taking it, when the stone hammer pounds Divine Nucleus, was too optional, lets its vexed fire. 瘸腿天尊满脸黑气,总觉得他像是在投石问路,那可真是不走心的砸出,就跟拿它当石锤砸神核似的,太随意了,让它怄火。 The Chu Feng hollow laugh, said: Fault, I have been distracted, somewhat lets slip, you take on.” 楚风干笑,道:“失误,我走神了,有些失手,你老人家担待点。” Finally this place, crippled Heavenly Venerate stuffy snort/hum again and again, did not have the means to act with constraint, painful finally could not bear yell, in Order by restricted area was fiercely attacked, it cursed Chu Feng, is insincere, the quick conclusion of reaching an agreement, how did this boy throw into not to give up? 最终这个地方,瘸腿天尊闷哼连连,没办法矜持了,痛的最后都忍不住大叫了起来,被禁地中的秩序猛攻,它诅咒楚风,太不厚道了,说好的很快结束,怎么这小子一头扎进去就舍不得出来了? Finally, the Chu Feng heartbeat accelerates, returns home with a full load, picks to five divine medicine, has picked twenty Divine Nucleus, has incompletely, there are completely. 最后,楚风心跳加速,满载而归,采摘到五株神药,捡了二十几枚神核,有残缺的,也有完好的。 In addition, he also picks three breakages the Divine King nucleus! 此外,他还捡到三颗破损的神王核! Boy, you good?!” “小子,你好了没有?!” Was good, came out, we hurry, the words that does not walk must by the retribution!” The thing that Chu Feng can feel were too many, feared that was struck by lightning. “好了,出来了,我们赶紧走,再不走的话就要遭报应了!”楚风自己都感觉得到的东西太多了,怕遭雷劈。 Young Vermilion Bird is dumbfounded in the one side, these many Divine Nucleus, can make Chu Feng rise suddenly absolutely a big truncation with its strength. 小朱雀更是在一旁目瞪口呆,这么多神核,绝对又可以让楚风与它的实力暴涨一大截。 Even, it suspected very much, Chu Feng should not become Divine King? 甚至,它很是怀疑,楚风该不会成为神王吧? „The Foreign Territory hundred years practice to end, I push number one restricted area horizontally, performs the good fortune, today treads the day to go!” Chu Feng is deep there attire. 异域百年修行落幕,吾横推第一禁地,尽得造化,今日踏天而去!”楚风在那里装深沉。 However, he actually often looks up the day, but also feared really the unfathomable mystery lowering thunder and lightning chops him. 但是,他却不时抬头看天,还真怕莫名其妙的降下雷电劈他。 "hē hē...... ” “呵呵……” At this moment, he hears the laughter suddenly, suddenly turning around, saw that a restricted area deep place humpbacked old person appears, is smiling to him. 就在这时,他骤然听到笑声,霍的转身,看到禁地深处一个驼背老人出现,正在对他笑。 This is not first time saw, but sees that smiling face now, makes him send to terrify, thinks have one's hair stand on end! 这不是第一次见到,可是现在看到那种笑容,还是让他发瘆,觉得毛骨悚然 Walks!” “走!” Chu Feng takes Young Vermilion Bird, carries Stone Fox, is taking to one's heels to dash about wildly, leaves number one restricted area, the escaping day goes. 楚风带上小朱雀,背起石狐,撒丫子狂奔,离开第一禁地,遁天而去。
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