SR :: Volume #10

#963: The world was invincible

Also amber brown Divine Nucleus by Chu Feng with the sword incision, was decomposed together by his Small Six Paths Time Technique, appears just like golden rain, sprinkles in this stretch of region, is very gorgeous and clear. 又一块琥珀色的神核楚风用剑器切开,然后被他小六道时光术分解,宛若一片黄金雨出现,在这片地带洒落,很绚丽与晶莹。 The Chu Feng's body is similar to cannot force-feed, all pore diastoles come, absorbs the divine nature matter light rain completely cleanly, own neighbor, the golden spirit fog transpiration, is really dim and bright. 楚风的身体如同喂不饱,所有毛孔舒张开来,将神性物质光雨全部吸收干净,自身附近,金色灵雾蒸腾,甚是朦胧与灿烂。 This is seventh Divine Nucleus that he absorbs, even if incomplete, but these many accumulate in also to be together fearful, accomplishes 3-4 position Divinity sufficiently. 这是他吸收的第七块神核,哪怕是残缺的,可是这么多积累在一起也是可怕的,足以造就出三四神祇 The final same place, is quite complete, the shape such as a golden heart, is having the vigorous vitality, Divine Energy fills the air, rich high astonishment. 还有最后一块,较为完整,形如一颗金色的心脏,带着蓬勃的生机,还有神性能量弥漫,浓郁度高的惊人。 Chu Feng not hesitant, begins once more, separate. 楚风没有犹豫,再次动手,将之割裂。 Quick, he is covered by the light rain that the golden luster Order symbol turns into, is similar to radiant Elf beats around him, was absorbed by the Chu Feng sensibility. 很快,他被黄金色泽的秩序符号化成的光雨笼罩,如同一个又一个璀璨的小精灵在他周围跳动,被楚风感悟、吸收。 He progresses by leaps and bounds in Divinity Dominion, the strength growth is astonishing, this definitely is not general Divine Realm, he thought that if must divide, the outstanding person in to get close to god, is-- Divine General! 他在神祇领域突飞猛进,实力成长速度惊人,这肯定不是一般的神境,他觉得如果非要划分,接近神中的佼佼者,也就是——神将 Finally, his long body, decomposed all Divine Nucleus, the refining into divine nature material, integrates in own flesh and soul light. 最后,他长身而起,已经将所有神核都分解,炼化成神性物质,融入在自身的血肉与魂光中。 Now in Chu Feng's each inch flesh is containing divine nature, is full of the infinite energy, once erupts, puts to death a clan to be easy at will. 现在楚风的每寸血肉中蕴含着神性,充满无穷的能量,一旦爆发开来,随意诛杀一族轻而易举。 He is very satisfied, this evolution is astonishing, the whole body cell activeness increases sharply, on the bone has the golden symbol to sparkle, in the cell has to fill the scary energy, soul light is brilliant, just like immortal light. 他很满意,这一次进化惊人,周身细胞活性激增,骨头上有金色符号在闪耀,细胞中有弥漫骇人的能量,魂光绚烂,宛若不朽之光。 He felt that the condition is extremely good, even if now attacks brightly, he also fearless, can vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Foreign Territory. 他感觉状态极佳,现在哪怕有神来袭,他也无惧,可以纵横异域 He sees Young Vermilion Bird, how looked at it. 他去看望小朱雀,看它怎样了。 Once was urged by him, Young Vermilion Bird directly has not absorbed Divine Nucleus, but in difficult decomposition, but was restricted in the strength, its efficiency was not high. 曾被他叮嘱,小朱雀也没有直接吸收神核,而是在艰难的分解,可是限于实力,它的效率并不高。 Regarding it, Divine Nucleus is too hard, even if there is a divine blade in the hand, wants to cut also to have enough to do, this place dingdong the sound is lingering on faintly, divine light scatters. 对于它来说,神核太坚硬,即便有神刀在手,想要斩开也很吃力,这地方叮铛声不绝于耳,神光四溅。 I help you.” Chu Feng walks, Divine Sword that with seizing separates the Divine Beast nucleus, even if so, these fragment regarding Young Vermilion Bird are insufficiently fine. “我来帮你。”楚风走过来,用缴获来的神剑割裂神兽核,但纵然如此,这些碎块对于小朱雀来说还是不够精细。 This must ask the fox senior to help.” Chu Feng looks to Stone Fox. “这得请狐前辈帮忙。”楚风看向石狐 crippled Heavenly Venerate is puzzled, but is quick, how its knows must make it help one another, Chu Feng direct...... Moves it, one is pounding to the Divine Beast nucleus fiercely, then uses its mill these fragment. 瘸腿天尊不解,但很快,它就知道要怎么让它来相助了,楚风直接……搬起它,对着神兽核哐哐一顿猛砸,接着又用它碾磨那些碎块。 Immeasurable tribulation that immortality, boy...... I must kill you!” The nose of Stone Fox air/Qi quick was crooked. “无量劫那个不朽,小子……我要杀了你!”石狐气的鼻子都快歪了。 Also is it moves about with difficulty, otherwise must fly into a rage with him, thoroughly criticizes the new and old debt, made it annoyed and resentful. 也就是它行动不便,不然的话非跟他急眼,彻底清算新老旧账不可,太让它恼火与愤懑了。 Senior you take on, wants to grind to the powder only to be able the Divine Beast nucleus like this, belongs to you!” Chu Feng explained. “前辈您就担待点吧,想将神兽核磨成粉末只能这样,非您莫属!”楚风解释。 I must chop you!” Stone Fox clenches teeth. “我要剁了你!”石狐咬牙。 This may really not take Heavenly Venerate to be serious, unexpectedly it, when the stone hammer, then treats as the edge runner it, degenerates into the primitive implements, the pounding thing, hatefully was too annoying. 这可真是不拿天尊当一回事,居然将它当石锤,接着又把它当作碾子,沦为原始工具,哐哐的砸东西,太可恨可气了。 The eye that Young Vermilion Bird looks at straightens, absent-minded, its knows did not say that any was good. 小朱雀都看的眼睛发直,一阵失神,连它都不知道说啥好了。 "Um, some people came, small Hong Niao you practice and evolve here, the senior you helps it Protector, I meet the enemy! ” Chu Feng travels decisively. “嗯,有人来了,小红鸟你在这里修行与进化,前辈你帮它护法,我去迎敌!”楚风果断跑路。 Young brat, you comes back to me, I cannot kill you!” Stone Fox is breathless in behind, wants to pound Chu Feng with it really very much. “小兔崽子,你给我回来,我打不死你!”石狐在后面气急败坏,真的很想用它自己砸楚风一顿。 Martial God came, the dark moon/month female also god arrived, but Shaman God also arrives, arrives at this places bottom deep place, appears beyond the restricted area, must arrest Yin Spirit Chu Feng. 武神来了,暗月女也神到了,而巫神亦驾临,来到这片地底深处,出现在禁地外,要缉拿阴灵楚风 These for 200 years, have Yin Spirit to rebel unceasingly, before more than 100, small Martial God died, 72 years of first two Divinity successor was killed, but some time ago knew how things stand god's son dead in battle, loses several including Divine Artifact. 这200年来,不断有阴灵作乱,100多前小武神死了,72年前两位神祇的继承人被击毙,而不久前又有数位神之子阵亡,连神器都失落几件。 This is the big event, one group of Shining Upon Level characters send out, even has Half-God, bringing Divine Artifact to display true divine might, finally die, all people all extinguish, making them feel the situation the gravity. 这是大事件,一群映照级人物出动,当中甚至有半神,带着神器发挥出真正的神威,结果还是殒落,所有人都全灭,让他们感觉到事态的严重性。 Fortunately, before these people at the point of death, has burnt down the God Level pass on message symbol, had the matter that to tell them here, therefore several big Divinity killed hand in hand. 还好,那些人临死前,已经焚烧神级传讯符,将这里发生的事告诉了他们,因此几大神祇联袂杀来。 Even if will alarm Divine Beast in Abyss, could not control that many, in their opinion Chu Feng this Yin Spirit grew is too quick, has threatened them. 哪怕会惊动深渊中的神兽,也管不了那么多了,在他们看来楚风这个阴灵成长太快,已经威胁到他们。 They decided, must cut to kill before his to become God thoroughly. 他们决定,一定要在他成神前彻底斩杀。 The bottom world length and breadth, is very more auspicious than it ground, is not dark, the mountain is palatial, the golden waterfall hangs down, the river howls, charges into the distant place, very grand. 地底世界很广袤,比之地面还祥和,一点也不黑暗,山岳巍峨,金色瀑布垂挂,还有大河呼啸,冲向远方,非常的壮丽。 However, several Divinity complexions are ugly, they clearly induce, Chu Feng this so-called Yin Spirit to become God, at all is not Shining Upon Level lifeforms. 但是,几位神祇脸色难看,他们分明感应到,楚风这个所谓的阴灵成神了,根本不是映照级生物 They come late one step! 他们来晚一步! What a pity, they sought for many years in the past, does not have the result. 可惜,他们过去寻找了很多年,都没有结果。 Some time ago, Divine Son of that batch of dying found here, otherwise, how possibly to tolerate this Yin Spirit to grow to this step. 不久前,那批死去的神子才找到这里,不然的话,怎么可能容忍这个阴灵成长到这一步。 Naturally, reason that discovers Chu Feng, person who also because of his Transcends Tribulation sound too, attracted the outside finally. 当然,之所以发现楚风,也是因为他渡劫的动静太了,最后吸引来外界的人。 Why did you have fleshly body?” Martial God opens the mouth, this is a dignified middle-aged man, is tall, the golden long hair is thick, the look is specially swift and fierce. “你为什么有了肉身?”武神开口,这是一个威严的中年男子,身材高大,金色长发浓密,眼神特别凌厉。 Not only this is his question, is presents the doubts of all people, this world has about the day beyond the record of Yin Spirit, never mentioned them to have fleshly body, but Chu Feng was the exceptional case. 这不仅是他的疑问,也是在场所有人的疑惑,这个世界有关于天外阴灵的记载,从未提及他们有肉身,而楚风是特例。 Sees Chu Feng not to open the mouth, that purple beautiful hair clear Dark Moon Goddess is leading cold intent, is bringing little aloof condition, flies high to stand, overlooks him, said: Takes and that's the end, making him kneel the account.” 楚风不开口,那一头紫色秀发晶莹的暗月女神带着冷意,带着几许超然之态,凌空而立,俯视他,道:“拿下就是了,让他跪着自述。” Shaman God is most direct, is an old man, starts the witchcraft in secret, is having the mysterious color, with mainstream evolution direction not too, similar curse. 巫神最为直接,是一个老者,暗中发动巫术,带着玄秘色彩,跟主流的进化方向不太一样,类似诅咒。 A piece of monster different azure light towering appears in the Chu Feng near, wraps him, this is kills to incur, once were corroded by this witchcraft rune to the flesh, is the god must discard the most strip life. 一片妖异的青光突兀出现在楚风近前,将他包裹进去,这是杀招,一旦被这种巫术符文侵蚀到血肉中,就是神也得丢掉大半条命。 Chī! 哧! Chu Feng stimulates to movement Small Six Paths Time Technique, in a twinkling, has the large expanse of pure white feather to dance in the air in his body surrounding likely, is bringing divine radiance, cuts the completely azure light. 楚风催动小六道时光术,霎时间,在他身体外围像是有成片洁白的羽毛飞舞,带着神圣光辉,斩尽青光。 "Um?! ” Shaman God one startled, this was one just the to become God little fellow, unexpectedly this easily broken completely his divine technique, the no small matter. “嗯?!”巫神一惊,这才是一个刚成神的小家伙,居然这样轻易破尽他的神术,非同小可。 Martial God and Dark Moon Goddess also god like the electricity, first discovers improper, all maintains total silence, has gotten down the extreme methods decisively, must result in eradicates this Yin Spirit that resorts to all means. 武神暗月女神也都神目如电,第一时间发现不妥,全都一语不发,果断下了死手,必须得不择手段的铲除此阴灵 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! Formation of Martial God four first eight arms, in all arms present the flying lance now, the luster golden yellow, the God Level energy ebullition, he shoots suddenly. 武神的化成现在四头八臂,所有手臂中都出现飞矛,色泽金黄,神级能量沸腾,他猛然掷出。 In an instant, 48 golden short lances flew successively, must nail tight Chu Feng in void, was too quick, the air large explosion, void was pierced, is similar to 48 golden divine rainbow lasings! 刹那间,先后有48杆黄金短矛飞了出来,要将楚风钉死在虚空中,实在太快了,空气大爆炸,虚空都被洞穿了,如同48道金色神虹激射! The moon goddess turns the hand to take out at the same time valuable mirror, the silver white light beam shines, wants anchorage Chu Feng, this is her divine treasure, once were swept by the mirror light, wants to be slow including the gods. 月亮女神翻手取出一面宝镜,银白光束照耀,想要定住楚风,这是她的神宝,一旦被镜光扫中,连神都要动作缓慢。 At the same time, Shaman God is also launching an attack, in the hand presents an ancient scarlet red big bow, has made contact with a peach wooden arrow unexpectedly, projects rapidly, in a flash, wū wū the wail resounds through this place, this was the mysterious ancient curse bow and arrow. 同一时间,巫神也在发难,手中出现一张古老的赤红色大弓,竟搭上了一支桃木箭,迅速射出,一瞬间,呜呜哭泣声响彻此地,这是神秘的古代诅咒弓箭。 The towering decisive battle like this broke out, does not have any many probes. 突兀的决战就这样爆发了,都没有什么过多的试探。 Chu Feng in extremely fast transverse shift body, but these flying lances were too many, covers here, what is most essential, Dark Moon Goddess silver white Divine Realm imprisons void, nearly decides him here, is unable to work loose this region directly. 楚风极速横移身体,但是那些飞矛太多了,将这里覆盖,最为关键的是,暗月女神的银白神境禁锢虚空,险些将他都定在这里,无法直接挣脱出这片区域。 The light that the silver white mirror sends out contains is imprisoning the principle of Divinity, covers this piece of space. 银白镜子发出的光蕴含着禁锢神祇的法则,笼罩这片空间。 At this critical moment, if the common god, must be fettered, was flickered to kill by the other two! 在这种关键时刻,若是一般的神,肯定要被束缚,而后被另外两人瞬杀! Chu Feng whole body divine force fills the air, was vigorous and vast, got rid of the imprisonment, moreover his Small Six Paths Time Technique blooming auspicious color, absorbed all divine nature kernel and Dao Ancestral Matter, has broken open so-called banning god Dominion. 楚风周身神力弥漫,雄浑而浩瀚,摆脱了禁锢,而且他的小六道时光术绽放瑞彩,吸收所有神性颗粒道祖物质,破开了所谓的禁神领域 The golden Divine Sword ray in his hand rises suddenly, hits with the flying lance unceasingly in the same place, simultaneously sparks fly in all directions that Shaman God trump card-- that peach wooden divine arrow cuts, flutters. 他手中的金色神剑光芒暴涨,不断跟飞矛撞在一起,同时将巫神杀手锏——那支桃木神箭斩的火星四溅,翻飞出去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Several face discolorations, after this Yin Spirit to become God, unexpectedly is so formidable, among skill deepest Martial God compared with it them wants on the valiant several points, the situation is very awful. 几人脸色变了,这个阴灵成神后居然这么强大,比之他们当中功力最深厚的武神都要彪悍上几分,情况十分糟糕。 Chī! 哧! Behind Chu Feng's presents 12 god wings, is sword glow, this is the sword wing, flutters gently, the sword light is dreadful, sweeps across toward the front. 楚风的背后出现12神翼,都是剑芒所化,这是剑翼,轻轻振翅间,剑光滔天,向着前方席卷。 In a flash, clank the sword called ninth heaven/day, the fearful sword glow lasing, imitated presents hundreds of thousands of Divine Sword at this time, all forwarded, or cut, either flew to shoot, either swept away. 一瞬间,铮铮剑鸣动九天,可怕的剑芒激射,仿似在这时出现数十万支神剑,全都向前,或者斩去,或者飞射,或者横扫。 ! 噗! In Dark Moon Goddess the sword, a snow white small arm was almost cut to fall, bloody. 暗月女神中剑,一条雪白的小臂几乎被斩落下来,血流如注。 dang! 当! Military Divine Spark keeps off, in the hand presents golden Battle Spear, no longer is the short flying lance, this is his strongest weapon, after waving, haunches light screens, is interwoven by the Order symbol, but his shoulder braved the blood, was punctured a hole. 神格挡,手中出现一杆金色战矛,不再是短小的飞矛,这是他的最强武器,舞动起来后,撑起一片光幕,由秩序符号交织而成,可是他的肩头还是冒血了,被刺出一个窟窿。 The scarlet big bow illumination in Shaman God hand, his body staggers, blocks the impact of sword wing, but oneself has been eventually wounded, the chest has a blood hole. 巫神手中的赤红大弓发光,他身体踉跄,挡住剑翼的冲击,可是自身终究还是负伤了,胸部有一个血洞。 The instance that such short fights, the three sacred criteria are wounded, although is the minor wounds, they may the drop blood regeneration, restore the wound body, but fully explained the gravity of situation. 就这么短暂交手的瞬间,三神负伤,虽然都是轻伤,他们可滴血再生,修复伤体,但是却足以说明事态的严重性。 They collaborated to suffer a loss, this was the how fearful matter. 他们三人联手都吃亏了,这是何其可怕的事。 Three people do not have any retention again, used this to live most formidable trump card, how now is not they to kill the Yin Spirit Chu Feng's issue, but how was considers to go on living. 三人再也没有任何保留,都动用了此生最强大的杀手锏,现在不是他们怎样杀阴灵楚风的问题,而是考虑如何活下去。 Between both sides does not die absolutely continuous, hope that has not reconciled. 双方之间绝对是不死不休,没有和解的希望。 Chu Feng has known in heart, short fighting, understands that their strength grades, most formidable Martial God is also near to the Divine General level. 楚风心里有数了,短暂的交手,已经明白他们的实力段位,最强大的武神也只是离神将层次较近而已。 Kills!” “杀!” Chu Feng scolds lightly, some methods that the fight is even more relaxed, after experimenting own to become God, comprehends, evolves from Small Six Paths Time Technique. 楚风轻叱,战斗越发轻松,试验自己的成神后参悟出的一些法门,是从小六道时光术演化出来的。 Void Reflection! 虚空倒影 When he wields a sword, all around, presents his silhouette, is just the same as him, sword glow that then the lasing leaves is real, three big God Level expert surrounding. 在他挥剑时,四面八方,都出现他的身影,跟他一模一样,然后激射出的剑芒却是真实的,将三大神级高手包围。 This is...... Legend the method in Evil Venerate, the method of entering the Sect!” Dark Moon Goddess startled scream. “这是……传说中的邪尊的手段,入门之法!”暗月女神惊的尖叫。 Six Paths Evil Venerate, is this world most formidable and ancient First Ancestor, founds various strange technique, most formidable naturally will be Six Paths Time Technique, the rumor grasps this law fearless strange matter, the old age will not occur ominous. 六道邪尊,乃是这个世界最强大与古老的鼻祖,开创各种异术,其中最强大的自然是六道时光术,传言掌握此法无惧诡异物质,晚年不会发生不祥。 In the end but, this first ancestor oneself actually dies is very miserable, was collaborated to hunt and kill by World of the Living Supreme Being, thus also causes this law to be lost. 可是,到头来这位始祖自身却死的很惨,被阳间大能联手猎杀,从而也导致此法失传。 ! 噗! Dark Moon Goddess screamed that from now on is frightened, the sword light punctures thoroughly her forehead together, imprisons her, appointed her soul light ebullition, cannot get rid, helplessly looks that Chu Feng wait/etc. absorbed her divine nature particles, Dao Ancestral Matter with Small Six Paths Time Technique. 暗月女神尖叫过后便是惊悚,一道剑光刺透她的眉心,将她禁锢,任她魂光沸腾,也不能摆脱,眼睁睁的看着楚风小六道时光术将她的神性粒子道祖物质等吸收。 Kills!” Chu Feng shouted. “杀!”楚风喝道。 Arrived this moment, the situation has decided that appointed Martial God and Shaman God how blood spelled unable to change anything, in the end this region blood light scattered, three big God Level expert were put to death, has not remained. 到了这一刻,局势已定,任武神巫神如何血拼也改变不了什么,到头来这片地带血光四溅,三大神级高手都被诛杀,一个未剩。 Rich divine nature particles the Chu Feng package, Dao Ancestral Matter is filling, all was gathered by him in the side, he smelts by Small Six Paths Time Technique, own cultivation base is promoting rapidly, at this moment the cell activeness of his within the body increases sharply, ka-cha, he felt that the checkpoint was opened together. 浓郁的神性粒子楚风包裹,还有道祖物质在弥漫,全都被他聚在身边,他以小六道时光术熔炼,自身的修为在迅速提升,这一刻他体内的细胞活性激增,喀嚓一声,他感觉一道关卡被打开。 His knows, oneself becomes outstanding person-- Divine General in god! 知道,自身成为神中的佼佼者——神将 No longer is to get close to, but arrives in this level truly, his strength naturally increases suddenly. 不再是接近,而是真正抵达这个层次,他一身实力自然猛增。 Executes the god escaping day to go, now can start off, he should return to the World of the Dead universe, calculates the time, already past one year, not knows hometown how. 诛神遁天去,现在真的可以上路了,他该回归阴间宇宙了,算一算时间,已经过去一年,不知道故乡怎样了。
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