SR :: Volume #10

#962: How could the really male god did not say good

Stone Fox flatly refuses at first, because, Chu Feng also really wants unexpectedly with it, when the shield uses! 石狐起初一口拒绝,因为,楚风居然还真想拿它当盾牌用! „Do this Heavenly Venerate ancestors owed you, gave you to suppress Ten Thousand Snakes Nest, need to be gnawed to nip by the snake of endless Order? Does not go!” “本天尊上辈子欠你的吗,给你去镇压万蛇巢,要被无尽秩序之蛇啃咬?不去!” Senior, cultivates the behavior to good faith, you had promised me before, once I to become God, you accompany me to step onto.” “前辈,做人要将诚信,你以前答应过我,我一旦成神,你就陪我走上一遭。” Stone Fox investigates the correct path: I am not a person, is Heavenly Venerate, understands? Will never promise anything, but said you , to go is most minimum to become God!” 石狐纠正道:“我不是人,是天尊,懂?从来不会许诺什么,只是说你要想进去的话最起码得成神!” However, finally it complied, because Young Vermilion Bird also collected, touched the tears there, wants to ask it to carry over Phoenix Falling Slope own mother. 但是,最后它还是答应了,因为小朱雀也凑过来了,在那里摸眼泪,想请它将自己的母亲带出落凰坡 Stone Fox sighed: Ok, since must enter in the special topography, one time enters also enters, twice enters or enters , helping one another your, but I am unable to move, if were abandoned by you in these mountains, the remaining years of life will fully suffer the suffering.” 石狐叹道:“算了,既然要进特殊的地势中,一次进也是进,两次进还是进,就相助你们一把,但我真的无法动弹,若是被你们遗弃在那些山川中,余生将饱受煎熬。” It crowds together with Chu Feng, various fearful mountains in research restricted area, Chu Feng understands Domain, the present is the Holy Master peak exists, soon will break into Divine Master Dominion. 它跟楚风凑在一起,一眼研究禁地中的各种可怕山川,楚风懂得场域,如今是圣师巅峰存在,即将破入神师领域 Such young accurate Divine Master, making Stone Fox sigh, said his evolution talent far inferior Domain talent, even if the latter can also be called the talent to be astonishing in World of the Living. 这么年轻的一个准神师,让石狐都感叹,说他的进化天赋远不及场域天赋,后者哪怕是在阳间也称得上天赋惊人。 It urged Chu Feng, took the common evolution path is a mistake, might as well start from Domain, his year became Heavenly Venerate. 它劝楚风,走寻常的进化道路是一个错误,不如从场域入手,他年藉此成为天尊 Normal, studies the energy and time that the Domain promote step must spend each time is Evolution Road ten times will continue, but Chu Feng breaks the common sense. 正常来说,研究场域每次晋阶所要花费的精力与时间都将是进化路的十倍不止,但楚风打破常理。 Two roads, I must walk!” Chu Feng replied. “两条路,我都要走!”楚风答道。 crippled Heavenly Venerate scolded him to be greedy, when the time comes two roads both did not walk well. 瘸腿天尊骂他贪心,到时候两条路都走不好。 An exploration, Chu Feng and Stone Fox are dirty, was almost stranded in Phoenix Falling Slope, brought the old Vermilion Bird corpse difficultly, now it was already withered, Essence, Qi and Spirit passes a cleanness. 一番探索,楚风石狐灰头土脸,差点被困落凰坡中,艰难地将老朱雀的尸体带了出来,如今它早已干枯,精气神流逝个干净。 Narrow squeak!” Chu Feng has a lingering fear. “好险!”楚风心有余悸。 Stone Fox hearing this, stares immediately, said: Narrow squeak anything, you lifted me to go, kept off in your front, withstood all attacks, your hair aren't Shi good, my this old arm old leg almost loose frame!” 石狐闻言,顿时瞪眼,道:“好险什么,你举着我进去了,挡在你前方,承受了所有攻击,你毛事都没有好不好,我这老胳膊老腿差点散架!” Young Vermilion Bird cries, tumbling of tears doubling, several times faint in the past. 小朱雀大哭,眼泪成双的滚落,数次昏厥过去。 Stone Fox sighed, vertical was that old Vermilion Bird is it looks to grow up in the past, finally dies here, its in the heart does not feel better now, but was helpless. 石狐叹息,纵是那老朱雀当年都是它看着长大的,结果死在这里,现在它心中也不好受,但是却无能为力。 Its Master Supreme Being has abandoned it, still within the body also has fearful restrictions, is unable to break this world the fate. 它的大能师傅将它废了,至今体内还有可怕的禁制,无法打破此世的宿命。 Restricted area deep place, before 1st Heavenly Layer, Chu Feng and Stone Fox studied were very long, has not dared to be put into action. 禁地深处,第一重天前,楚风石狐研究很久了,还未敢付诸行动。 Young Vermilion Bird is red the eye, buries its mother in place of mountain scene clear water show, now also came, considers in detail with them together. 小朱雀红着眼睛,将它的母亲葬在一片山清水秀之地,现在也过来了,跟着他们一起参详。 Senior, this time you only require the time that stays to burn a joss stick there, we will be of great success!” “前辈,这次你就只需要在那里呆上一炷香的时间,我们就会大功告成!” Shut up, the time of burning a joss stick, how many Essence, Qi and Spirit I must lose, are your this young brat Domain attainments good, depend entirely on me to work as the meat shield?!” “闭嘴,一炷香的时间,我得损失多少精气神,你这个小兔崽子场域造诣到底行不行,全靠我当肉盾吗?!” Chu Feng compensates to say with a smile: You are Heavenly Venerate Body, I use the divine blade to delimit do not break your face chest cavity, even if in the special topography, that Order could not injure you absolutely!” 楚风赔笑道:“您是天尊之体,我用神刀都划不破您的脸膛,哪怕是在特殊的地势中,那种秩序也绝对伤不了您!” I want to pat you!” “我想拍死你!” ...... …… Finally, Stone Fox is black the face, complying with the Chu Feng's request, the result it to regret immediately. 最后,石狐黑着脸,答应了楚风的请求,结果它马上就后悔了。 shit, it wants to curse, Chu Feng with throwing brick, it gave solid has pounded, threw in restricted area 1st Heavenly Layer. 玛德,它想诅咒,楚风就跟扔砖头似的,将它给结结实实的砸了出去,扔在禁地第一重天内。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 In the restricted area, immediately the ray writings, this 1st Heavenly Layer is the illustrious Ten Thousand Snakes Nest topography, suddenly interweaves the large expanse of light beam, is similar to Divine Snake, some silver light sparkle, some golden glow are dazzling, some Purple Qi transpirations...... Ten thousand snakes leave the hole, swoops to Stone Fox. 禁地内,顿时光芒大作,这第一重天是赫赫有名的万蛇巢地势,一时间交织出成片的光束,都如同神蛇般,有的银光闪耀,有的金芒刺眼,有的紫气蒸腾……万蛇出洞,飞扑向石狐 That is Order, can strangle to death Divinity! 那都是秩序,可以绞杀神祇 Is crippled Heavenly Venerate is then stuffy there, finally has roared, said: Young brat pit I, you good?!” 便是瘸腿天尊在那里都闷哼,最后吼了起来,道:“小兔崽子又坑我,你好了没有?!” This seriously is ten thousand snake webs, all covered on him, reaching an agreement it will only withstand the Ten Thousand Snakes Nest ten 12 attack energies, finally all rumbled? It was deceived by Chu Feng obviously. 这当真是万蛇钻心,全覆盖在他身上了,说好的它只会承受万蛇巢十之12的进攻能量,结果怎么全轰过来了?它明显被楚风欺骗了。 If not here is only 1st Heavenly Layer, but it is Heavenly Venerate Body, that trouble was big, even if so, its also low roar again and again, thinks a claw according to dying Chu Feng. 若非这里只是第一重天,而它又是天尊之体,那就麻烦大了,即便如此,它也低吼连连,想一爪子将楚风按死。 Chu Feng flushed, prepared stone box in secret, prepares to receive at any time. 楚风冲进去了,暗中准备好石盒,随时准备将自己收进去。 Now this piece of topography is shivering, the Stone Fox suppression in that special node, attracted all Order Divine Snake, but Chu Feng stepped on some strange regions, therefore was safe temporarily. 现在这片地势在颤抖,石狐镇压在那个特殊的节点上,吸引走了所有的秩序神蛇,而楚风踩在一些诡异的地带,因此暂时是安全的。 These regions are he as the quite safe way that the Domain researcher deduces, if can arrive at a Divine Master even higher level, the way that he deduces will be safer. 这些地带是他作为场域研究者推演出来的较为安全的路径,若是能到神师甚至更高层次,他所推演的路径会更保险。 He transforms the position unceasingly, when stopping over, is somewhat irritable, with getting malaria, east or west, right now left, these falls full place too much to be different. 他不断变换方位,因此落脚时,有些别扭,跟打摆子似的,忽东忽西,忽左忽右,这些落足地点太特殊。 After Stone Fox sees, the corners of the mouth twitch, said: You have the mood sorcerer, are you good?” 石狐看到后,嘴角抽搐,道:“你还有心情跳大神,你到底行不行?” How could male didn't really god say good? I am strongest, again time that persists in burning a joss stick, I ensure is clean here good fortune plundering!” Chu Feng shouts. “真男神岂能说不行?我是最强的,再坚持一炷香的时间,我保证将这里的造化掠夺干净!”楚风喊道。 Young brat, I must butcher you!” The Stone Fox anger said, burning a joss stick time of reaching an agreement, to be how many temporarily zhu? “小兔崽子,我要宰了你!”石狐怒道,说好的一炷香时间,怎么临时又多了一炷? Immediately good, must insist, the life rare several wrestle, many matters can heavy fight again, now the senior you stood on the destiny cliff, the firm, clenched teeth to rush is boundless.” “马上就好,一定要坚持住,人生难得几回搏,有多少事可以重来再战,现在前辈你站在了命运的悬崖上,坚定信念,咬牙闯过去便是海阔天空。” Listens to him to go all out to water to mix the dog blood and belt/bring poisonous chicken soup, Stone Fox wants to spit blood, wants to spurt him. 听着他拼命浇灌掺着狗血并且带毒的鸡汤,石狐想吐血,想喷死他。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! Chu Feng moves aside, circles the strange arc line, finally rushes before the 1st Heavenly Layer jade table, above two paper talisman will rob. 楚风左躲右闪,绕出古怪的弧形线,终于闯到第一重天的玉石桌前,一把将上面的两张符纸抢走了。 Purple light sparkles, the auspicious good luck transpiration, a Zhang Hongyan is colorful, Scarlet Rosy Cloud rushes, illuminates void. 一张紫霞闪耀,祥和瑞气蒸腾,一张红艳艳,赤霞澎湃,照亮虚空。 On these two paper talisman has the close mark to wind, is complex difficult to understand, can be called the invaluable and priceless valuable symbol, even if Chu Feng is struck to kill now, does not have the issue, can be reincarnated the reincarnation to go immediately. 这两张符纸上都有细密的纹络,复杂难懂,称得上价值连城的宝符,哪怕现在楚风被击杀,都没问题,可以立即转世投胎去。 Good?!” “好了没有?!” Stone Fox is tolerating the severe pain, relied on once is Heavenly Venerate, does not want to contort one's face in agony. 石狐都在强忍着剧痛,自恃曾经为天尊,不想呲牙咧嘴。 Really is but painful, it by stone embryo firmly resist, withstands all attacks, somewhat cannot bear, wants to shout 'motherfucker' simply. 可是真痛啊,它以石胎硬抗,承受所有攻击,也有些受不了,简直想骂娘。 Also almost, again the time that persists in burning a joss stick!” Chu Feng shouts. “还差一点,再坚持一炷香的时间!”楚风喊道。 I want to kill you really!” Stone Fox clenches jaws, does this boy want to the time how many burning a joss stick he adds? “我真想打死你!”石狐咬牙切齿,这小子想给他加几炷香的时间? Chu Feng in this piece of topography, seems like moves carelessly, actually has the specific rule, goes around unceasingly, or by the arc way vanguard, must take many roads each time, forward suddenly will make great strides forward several strides, appears in the destination near, therefore costs the time. 楚风在这片地势中,看似胡乱跑动,其实有特定的规律,不断绕圈,或者以弧形路径前行,每次都要多走很多路,才会向前猛然迈进几大步,出现在目的地近前,因此着实耗费时间。 He is picking Divine Nucleus now, has picked five, is quick he to discover some in a rock region, is decisively close by the arc way. 他现在在捡神核呢,已经捡到五个,很快他又在一片岩石区域发现一些,果断以弧形路径接近。 This may be Godhood! 这可都是神位 Naturally, was incomplete, if has not been damaged, Divine Nucleus can accomplish Divinity, is the genuine priceless treasure. 当然,都残缺了,如果没有受损的话,一颗神核就能造就出一位神祇,是真正的无价之宝。 Then, Chu Feng unceasingly attacks in restricted area 1st Heavenly Layer, seeks for Divine Nucleus, the movement is quick, the distance that but needs to detour is very long, is winds many circles to be close to the goal each time. 就这样,楚风在禁地第一重天中不断出击,寻找神核,动作很快,但是需要绕行的路程很长,每次都是绕上很多圈才能接近目标。 Arrived finally, him altogether sought for 11 broken Divine Nucleus, this really can be called the bumper crop, making his oneself think the heart to be fiery, this is the current treasure. 到了最后,他一共寻找到11颗残破神核,这实在称得上大丰收,让他自身都觉得心头火热,这可是目前的瑰宝。 Senior, walked!” “前辈,走了!” Chu Feng travels, after running away, violently vibrates this piece of topography, he previously left behind many magnets, lay out Domain, now activates thoroughly. 楚风跑路,逃出来后,猛烈震动这片地势,他早先留下很多磁石,布下场域,现在彻底激活。 Bang! 轰! crippled Stone Fox there, a piece of flaming ray eruption, raising flies it, then has pounded directly, rumbles a big hole the ground. 瘸腿石狐那里,一片炽盛的光芒爆发,将它给掀飞,然后直接砸了出来,将地面轰出一个大坑。 Boy, I have not ended with you!” The old fox must go all out with him. “小子,我跟你没完!”老狐狸要跟他拼命。 It is dirty, in pit bottom there, currently also has Order Divine Snake, the energy has not dissipated cleanly, even if stone embryo, is twitching. 它灰头土脸,在坑底那里,现在身上还有秩序神蛇呢,能量还未消散干净,哪怕是石胎,也在抽搐。 Chu Feng hurries to flatter, looks to the big hole, said: Senior appeases anger, this world also only then you can suppress this type of terrifying topography, is really impressive, your physique simply is matchless!” 楚风赶紧拍马屁,向大坑中望去,道:“前辈息怒,这个世间也就只有您才能镇压这种恐怖地势,实在让人惊叹,您的体质简直是举世无双!” You do a bit less, I do not eat this set!” Stone Fox sends out the glimmer unexpectedly, jumped from big hole, the critical moment, can unexpectedly the clumsy beat! “你少来,我不吃这一套!”石狐居然发出微光,从大坑中跳了出来,关键时刻,居然能笨拙的跳动! Chu Feng is afraid, said: Reason that senior, I extension of time come out, all for Young Vermilion Bird this child, you did not think that its mother dies is very here miserable, but now leaves behind its person how lonely, felt sorry for......” 楚风心虚,又道:“前辈,我之所以延长时间出来,一切都是为了小朱雀这孩子,您不觉得它母亲死在这里很凄凉吗,而如今留下它一个人多么的孤独,太可怜了……” Young Vermilion Bird is sentimental, even if actual old, but never has with the complex outside too has contacted, it is very as before pure, immediately has cried, misses its mother. 小朱雀多愁善感,哪怕实际年岁不小,可是从未与复杂的外界有过太多接触,它依旧很单纯,顿时哭了,思念它的母亲。 In the Stone Fox heart is also uncomfortable, initially it was looks that the Young Vermilion Bird's mother grew up, finally witnessed it dead here, now its daughters so were big, in the heart indeed some regretted. 石狐心中也不是滋味,当初它是看着小朱雀的母亲长大的,结果又目睹它死在这里,如今它的女儿都这么大了,心中的确有很多遗憾。 Said, what relations has with Young Vermilion Bird?” It did a lot of talking. “说,跟小朱雀有什么关系?”它磨牙道。 I discovered that several special Divine Nucleus, belong to Divine Beast, moreover before death is doubtful has not revolved strange technique, has not contaminated on strange matter, by normal evolution to become God.” “我发现几块特殊的神核,属于神兽,而且生前疑似没有运转过异术,不曾沾染上诡异物质,是靠正常进化成神的。” Chu Feng gives Young Vermilion Bird several Divine Nucleus very much decisively, immediately made the Stone Fox full belly anger draw back much, was black the face to visit him there. 楚风很果断地递给小朱雀几块神核,顿时让石狐满肚子火气退了不少,在那里黑着脸看他。 Sees it to be black the face not to speak, Chu Feng travelled decisively, choosing a safe place to absorb Divine Nucleus, this thing he did not dare the overall absorption. 见它黑着脸不说话了,楚风果断跑路,选了一个安全的地方去吸收神核,这东西他不敢整体吸收。 Because, he has understood the inside story, does not do well, the Divine Nucleus original master probably will obtain alternative new life. 因为,他了解过内幕,一个弄不好,神核原先的主人就可能会获得另类新生 Therefore, he uses Divine Sword, starts to divide these broken Divine Nucleus, will use Six Paths Time Technique grinding, this will start to absorb divine nature matter. 因此,他动用神剑,开始分割这些残破的神核,又动用六道时光术将之都碾碎,这才开始吸收神性物质等。 Shortly, in that region, divine light is dreadful, the energy of Chu Feng within the body is increasing sharply unceasingly, his strength in rapid promotion. 不久后,在那片区域中,神光滔天,楚风体内的能量在不断激增,他的实力在迅速的提升。 After together Divine Nucleus thoroughly becomes the ashes, Chu Feng feels to be refreshing, is spurting thin vigorous Divine Energy including the fine hair kondow, his strength rose a big truncation! 当一块神核彻底成为灰烬后,楚风感觉神清气爽,连汗毛孔都在喷薄雄浑的神性能量,他的实力涨了一大截! He shivers second Divine Nucleus decisively, then starts to absorb, his fleshly body and soul light are trembling, in the evolution, the growth of this strength was too quick, making him have a feeling of satisfaction and harvest feeling. 他果断将第二块神核敲碎,然后开始吸收,他的肉身魂光都在发抖,在进化中,这种实力的增长太快了,让他有一种满足感与收获感。 The words this way, he swiftly and violently will be formidable, Divinity in general sense, just to become God started to evolve! 这样下去的话,他会迅猛强大起来,绝非一般意义上的神祇,刚成神就又开始进化! Has one pile of Divine Nucleus before his body, the words that absorbs, Chu Feng are unable to determine that can grow to any situation! 在他的身前有一堆神核,都吸收的话,楚风自己都无法确定可以成长到什么地步! His knows, soon must leave, the God Slaying flying goes, finds the World of the Living's person to criticize! 知道,即将要离开了,斩神飞天去,找阳间的人清算! Today this chapter, I have needed well under the idea the following plot, because the big transition will start, everybody early rests, good night. 今天就这一章了,我需要好好构思下后面的剧情,因为大转折将开始,大家早睡吧,晚安。
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