SR :: Volume #10

#961: to become God

Chu Feng is lost in thought that frowns to ponder over, heard this unexpectedly is the remnant law in prehistoric years, related to very remote Evolutionary Civilization , in his heart uneasy was quite static. 楚风怔怔出神,皱着眉头思忖,听到这竟然是史前岁月中的残法,涉及到非常久远的进化文明,他心中颇不宁静。 Past, some existences of keeping aloof, where knows this lifeforms did not arrive on the road of evolution, the knows end point where, the road was not cut off suddenly. 昔日,有些高高在上的存在,不知道这种生物在进化的路上走到哪里,不知道终点在哪里,路突然断掉。 In years past the past event made the person daydream, was also formidable. 昔年旧事令人遐思,亦让人敬畏。 Young Vermilion Bird is in a daze in the one side, somewhat is distracted. 小朱雀在一旁发呆,有些走神。 Chu Feng thought that since there is a prehistoric powerhouse, had unknown Evolutionary Civilization , then this road certainly was not from ancient to present only, will have the branch road, will have the mistake road, will have the unknown say/way. 楚风觉得,既然有史前强者,有不为人知的进化文明,那么这条路从古到今一定不是唯一的,会有岔路,会有错路,也会有未知的道。 He thinks, to go on a mental journey universe. 他想到很多,神游太虚。 At this time, stone box, Reincarnation Road and Purgatory these look like in Chu Feng, appears incomparable ancient and remote, whether was related with the prehistoric age? 此时,石盒轮回路炼狱这些在楚风看来,都显得无比的古老与久远,是否与史前年代有关? Meanwhile, do these involve branch road, branch road on evolution path? 同时,这些是否涉及到进化道路上的支路、岔路等? Chu Feng is not tranquil, in the heart thoughts constantly welling up, the thought are many, even also once thought of Reincarnation Road end that unpainted clay idol, thinks three seeds that oneself have. 楚风不平静,心中思绪万千,念头很多,甚至还曾想到轮回路尽头那个泥胎,也想到自己拥有的三颗种子。 His thought diverges, the state of mind surges. 他思维发散,心绪激荡。 Even, he thinks and to the World of the Living, Foreign Territory and other universe in number one restricted area, what secret has, why every other can years produce paper talisman? 甚至,他思及到阳间异域等宇宙中的第一禁地,到底有什么秘密,为何每隔一段岁月就要出产符纸 Senior, why in this stretch of restricted area has the rich fog, once turned into a humpbacked old person to sending out paper talisman?” Chu Feng opens the mouth suddenly. “前辈,这片禁地中为什么有浓郁的灰雾,曾化成一个驼背老人向外送符纸?”楚风突然开口。 He has wanted to ask these questions, but feared that crippled Heavenly Venerate evades the question, therefore pulls out does not hail the question, and stares at it to watch. 他一直想问这些问题,但是怕瘸腿天尊避而不答,所以抽不冷子寻问,并盯着它观看。 What a pity, crippled Heavenly Venerate petrify, in the surface, was very without the slightest show of feeling stiff. 可惜,瘸腿天尊石化了,面上毫无表情,很僵硬。 This world some massive strange matter, did here appeared not very normal?” Stone Fox opens the mouth tranquilly. “这片世界本就有大量诡异物质,这里出现不是很正常吗?”石狐平静地开口。 Chu Feng feels, it is perfunctory, has not answered the truth issue. 楚风感觉到,它在敷衍,没有回答真相问题。 He also wants to ask, finally the crippled Heavenly Venerate vision is sparkling, said: Here is number one restricted area, cautious word!” 他还想问,结果瘸腿天尊目光烁烁,道:“这里是第一禁地,慎言!” Chu Feng thinks, temporarily gave up. 楚风想了想,暂时放弃了。 This place indeed made the person send to terrify, humpbacked old person who once showed the fierce smiling face in restricted area most deep place, not knows whether heard their talk. 这地方的确令人发瘆,曾露出狰狞笑容的驼背老人就在禁地最深处,不知道是否听到了他们的谈话。 After long, Chu Feng abandons these trains of thought that now his duty is to become God, he urgently needs promotes the strength! 很久后,楚风抛开这些思绪,现在他的任务是成神,他迫切需要提升战力! Can take that road finally? After all is the incomplete law, and was too difficult, does not have the corresponding breathing method assistance.” Stone Fox is very serious, serious warning. “终是要走那条路吗?毕竟是残缺的法,且太艰难了,没有相应的呼吸法辅助。”石狐很严肃,郑重告诫。 Looks at old Self dead, transforms new Self from old skin and remnant bone, busy Divine Embryo, takes me originally as mutated soil, offers a sacrifice to oneself exactly, is very indeed fearful. 看着旧我死去,从老皮残骨中蜕变出一个新我,一个无暇的神胎,以原本的我为异土,活祭自身,的确很可怕。 After Chu Feng considers, sighed gently, under had not decided finally. 楚风思虑后,轻轻一叹,并未下最终决定。 He practices, senses God's Order! 他去修行,感悟神之秩序 At this moment, he moves toward piece of Mystic Realm in restricted area, sits cross-legged, revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, whole body clear, the energy is pasting rapidly. 此刻,他走向禁地中的一片秘境,盘坐下来,运转盗引呼吸法,周身晶莹,能量迅速流转着。 This Plundering Guide Breathing Method actually what background?” “这盗引呼吸法究竟什么来头?” Chu Feng has a mind also to ask Stone Fox this question, but, he restrained finally, he felt that this was the ancient law, looking from the manner of previous World of the Living person, wants to obtain. 楚风有心也想问石狐这个问题,但是,最后他克制住了,他感觉这是古老的法,从上次阳间人的态度看,非常想得到。 Regardless of stone box or the seed, or Plundering Guide, he does not want to reveal to give Heavenly Venerate temporarily. 无论石盒还是种子,亦或是盗引,他都暂时不想泄露给一位天尊 Goes to Transcends Tribulation!” “去渡劫!” Two days later, Chu Feng believes firmly that own this window paper needs internal energy, no longer sits alone in boredom, wants to go to outside the restricted area, these for dozens years Heavenly Tribulation crosses from mainland to an island completely. 两天后,楚风确信自身这层窗户纸需要一种气机,不再枯坐,想去禁地外面,将这数十年来的天劫一起渡尽。 Here stayed for 72 years, had not walked, Shining Upon Level lifeforms that Chu Feng kills are not few, his knows has not absorbed many divine nature particles. 在这里呆了72年,一直没走出去,楚风杀的映照级生物不算少,他自己都不知道吸收了多少神性粒子 Really, this Heavenly Tribulation is overbearing and long, Chu Feng is only Transcends Tribulation spends for several days, makes people speechless simply. 果然,这天劫霸道而漫长,楚风仅是渡劫就花去十几天,简直让人无语。 Is Stone Fox is dumbfounded, it has never seen such long Heavenly Tribulation, this at all not likely real! 就是石狐都目瞪口呆,它从未见过这么漫长的天劫,这根本不像是真的! Naturally, the Chu Feng impossible one breath to cross, in fact he has not pressed himself, pities the life, so long as were exhausted, will then escape in number one restricted area, avoids the thunder. 当然,楚风不可能一口气渡下来,事实上他没难为自己,非常惜命,只要疲累了,便会遁回第一禁地中,躲避开雷霆。 Then, he was equal to dividing Heavenly Thunder, avoids death tribulation that must kill! 就这样,他等于分割了天雷,躲开了必杀的死劫! Obviously, these many Heavenly Tribulation unceasing baptism, attack his fleshly body and soul light, making his basic quality achieve God Level, fleshly body returned spiritual strength, absolutely terrifying. 显然,这么多天劫不断洗礼,冲击他的肉身魂光,让他的基本素质达到了神级,无论是肉身精神力,都绝对恐怖。 One like the past, what he misses is only the control of God Level Order! 一如过去,他差的只是神级秩序的掌控! In these several days, he connects Transcends Tribulation, is too lively, even if in the underground most deep place, to also alarms lifeforms in surface finally. 在这十几天中,他接连渡劫,实在太热闹,纵然是在地下最深处,到最后也惊动地表上的生物 Adjoins to here Abyss, there is lifeforms to catch up, distant investigation. 毗邻这里的深渊中,有生物赶来,远远的探查情况。 Then, the ferocious beast plateau also obtains news, had the Divinity later generation to lead the troops to kill, because obtained the news, doubtful was that outside territory Yin Spirit in Transcends Tribulation. 然后,凶兽高原也得到消息,有神祇的后人率领人马杀来了,因为得到消息,疑似是那个域外阴灵渡劫 outside territory Yin Spirit 200 years made repeated difficulties recently, first have small Martial God and the others to be killed, then 72 years ago Martial God and Shaman God successor was also cut, initiates the great unrest. 域外阴灵最近200年闹出风风雨雨,先有小武神等人被杀,接着72年前武神巫神的继承人亦被斩,引发轩然大波。 If not here by Abyss, has Divine Beast to be dormant, Martial God of ferocious beast plateau wait/etc. possibly personally sent out, kills to here. 若非这里挨着深渊,有神兽蛰伏,凶兽高原的武神等就可能亲自出动了,杀向这里。 Two Faction great war finished for dozens years, they do not want because of misunderstanding, but erupts once more. 两个阵营大战才结束几十年,他们不想因为误会而再次爆发起来。 "Um, finally found here to come. ” Chu Feng sees large quantities of troops outside restricted area, was not worried, does not dare to come in the gods, fearfully what does he have? “嗯,终于找到这里来了。”楚风看到禁地外的大批人马,一点也不担心,连神都不敢进来,他有什么可怕的? Really is your this Yin Spirit!” Outside some people shouted, that was a golden hair middle-aged man, grasped the lance to point at Chu Feng. “果然是你这个阴灵!”外面有人喝道,那是一个金发中年男子,手持长矛遥指楚风 Chu Feng once had issued a warrant for arrest, many people have seen his portrait, Yin Spirit condition, there is a flesh, already had been drawn. 楚风曾被通缉过,许多人都看到过他的画像,无论是阴灵状态的,还是有血肉的,都早已被人画出过。 outside territory Yin Spirit, rolls to suffer to death!” 域外阴灵,滚出来受死!” Beyond restricted area, this is big piece of troops, is expert, does not have one is the weak one, berated loudly. 禁地外,这是一大片人马,全都是高手,没有一个是弱者,大声喝斥。 Chu Feng listens to opposite that to grasp the golden hair middle-aged man of lance, said: Is you, when my first time comes the restricted area, happen to once met with you.” 楚风听着对面那个手持长矛的金发中年男子,道:“是你,我第一次来禁地时,就正好曾与你们相遇。” However, at that time Chu Feng had not revealed appearance/portrait. 不过,那时楚风没有露真容。 Hundred years ago, this middle-aged man throws the flying lance unceasingly, making Chu Feng in the restricted area very distressed, carries the severe wound. 百年前,这个中年男子不断投掷飞矛,让楚风在禁地中无比狼狈,身负重伤。 Is very good, we happen to criticize today!” Chu Feng shouted. “很好,咱们今天正好清算!”楚风喝道。 Outside abatement golden hair middle-aged man, he also saw other people, in the past some people threatened that must foster the cageling Young Vermilion Bird, gives Divinity, that person also came. 除却这个金发中年男子外,他还看到了其他人,当年有人扬言要将小朱雀养成笼中鸟,送给神祇,那人也来了。 Kills!” “杀!” both sides almost did not have any many spoken languages to fight, wants to execute the opposite party rapidly. 双方几乎没有什么过多的言语就交手了,都想迅速格杀对方。 Divine Artifact?!” 神器?!” Chu Feng is imposing, some opposite people hold Divine Artifact to want suppress and kill he, he once sought God Level to break the blade in the restricted area fortunately, fearless this sudden strikes. 楚风凛然,对面有人持神器镇杀他,还好他曾在禁地中寻到神级断刀,无惧这突如其来的一击。 That is Divine Sword, radiance radiate all around, is the Martial God saber, was being brought by his later generation, must come this place suppress and kill Chu Feng. 那是一口神剑,光华四射,是武神的佩剑,被他的后人带着,要来此地镇杀楚风 Clang clang clang......” “锵锵锵……” sparks fly in all directions, the Divine Artifact showdown, sword junction strikes, deafening. 火星四溅,神器对决,刀剑交击,震耳欲聋。 Was a pity very much, is the parent-child arrival of Martial God is useless, had been executed by Chu Feng, because his fleshly body is to become God, innate formidable! 很可惜,就是武神的亲子到来都没用,被楚风格杀了,因为他的肉身已经算是成神,先天强大! Breaks the blade to sweep, when the light beam rises suddenly, shakes opposite party Divine Sword, the Martial God second son strikes to kill, bloody. 断刀扫过,光束暴涨,震开对方的神剑时,将武神次子击杀,血淋淋。 This Death Substituting Talisman is useless, because was broken the blade to kill by Divine Artifact--, surmounts Shining Upon Level! 这一次替死符都无用,因为是被神器——断刀所杀,超越映照级 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng seizes that Divine Sword, immediately the golden light rises suddenly, sword glow is similar to the golden wild waves, is crazy in this stretch of region. 楚风一把将那口神剑夺到手中,顿时黄金光暴涨,剑芒如同金色的骇浪,在这片地带疯狂汹涌。 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… This war, without any suspense, even if the opposite also has Divine Artifact, and overwhelms with numerical strength, but does not beat as before, was slaughtered under by Chu Feng, swept away many people, the blood has scattered. 这一战,没有任何悬念,哪怕对面还有神器,且人多势众,但是依旧不敌,被楚风大开杀戒之下,横扫了很多人,鲜血四溅。 Nobody does not fear death, cannot think, facing Shining Upon, is not the god, in the end actually suffered a loss, brings several Divine Artifact not to be good! 没有人不怕死,怎么也想不到,面对一个映照者,并不是神,到头来却吃了大亏,带来几件神器都不行! Where walks!” Chu Feng stared initially to throw with the flying lance to his middle-aged man, covered to kill, , the sword light like the rainbow, cut to kill that person, the head flew. “哪里走!”楚风盯上了当初用飞矛投掷向他的中年男子,一路掩杀过去,噗的一声,剑光如虹,将那人斩杀,头颅飞起。 When soul light of that middle-aged man wants to flee was pierced by a sword, but this golden sharp sword Divine Artifact, making that middle-aged man call out pitifully, dies a violent death. 那中年男子的魂光想遁走时被一剑刺穿,而这金色利剑可是神器,让那中年男子惨叫,死于非命。 This is one chases down great war, the scene makes people stunned, a person, chases down a troop person, powerhouse rout from ferocious beast plateau, many Divine Son! 这是一场追杀大战,景象让人愕然,一个人而已,追杀一大群人,来自凶兽高原的强者溃败,不乏神子 In the end this group of people almost killed off, Chu Feng fleshly body Divinity, grasps the sharp sword side by side, really fierce invincible, these people cannot block. 到头来这批人几乎被杀光,楚风肉身比肩神祇,手持利剑,实在勇猛无敌,这些人根本挡不住。 Do not take into consideration, asking the god to put to death Yin Spirit, he grew is too quick!” Some people shouted. “不要顾及了,请神来诛杀阴灵,他成长太快了!”有人喝道。 In fact, before some people die, already burnt down to switch hands the special letter symbol, has given the message outward. 事实上,在有些人殒落前,早已焚烧掉手中的特殊信符,已向外传递消息。 Chu Feng holds a sword the line, kills off match, the under foot completely is the corpse on the ground, finally he returns to the restricted area. 楚风仗剑而行,杀尽对手,脚下尽是伏尸,最后他返回禁地中。 During this process, he has absorbed massive divine nature kernel, some Dao Ancestral Matter, the whole body has the feeling that must explode. 在此过程中,他吸收了大量的神性颗粒,还有部分道祖物质,周身有要爆炸的感觉。 to become God, is unable to comprehend final God Level Order, this way, I divine nature kernel that uses strange technique to absorb am too many, from exploding.” “迟迟不成神,无法领悟最后的神级秩序,这样下去,我用异术吸收的神性颗粒太多,会自爆。” Worried including him, finally the moment, in his heart the thought moves, starts to take that ruined road initially, takes oneself as mutated soil, lays down one grain of type, breeds new Self. 连他自己都担忧了,最后关头,他心中念头一动,开始初步走那条破败之路,以自身为异土,埋下一粒种,孕育新我 Meanwhile, divine nature particles that these absorb wait/etc. also become the nourishment, with own flesh and other fusions. 同时,这些吸收来的神性粒子等也成为养料,跟自身血肉等融合。 Chu Feng is stunned, at this moment, he is simply unbelievable, he first attempts, has laid down a seed of new Self, temporarily succeeded. 楚风愕然,这一刻,他简直难以置信,他初次尝试,就已经埋下一颗新我的种子,暂时成功了。 Is deriving fleshly body and soul light energy, treats as mutated soil them! 在汲取肉身魂光的能量,将他们当做异土 However, he feels relaxed, this is the initial steps, is quite easy, feared when cultivates Divine Embryo, that was terrifying, this new Self with the old Self intense entanglement, inborn opposition. 不过,他又释然,这是起步阶段,较为容易,就怕真个培育出神胎时,那就恐怖了,这新我将会与旧我激烈纠缠,天生对立。 „Was my this road choice makes a mistake?” Chu Feng was self-examining, but currently also has the opportunity of correction. “我这条路是不是选择错了?”楚风在自问,不过现在还有纠正的机会。 Chī! 哧! Almost is the same time, that window paper was pierced, more when diligently carries on is more unavailable, to carry on another road attempt now, finally his to become God! 几乎是同时间,那张窗户纸被捅破了,越是努力进行时越是不可得,现在想进行另一条路尝试,结果他成神了! Bang! 轰! World big change, the four directions thunder, divine nature particles that Chu Feng absorbs surges crazily, body no longer some feelings of explosion, the absorption and refining, own strength rapidly was growing. 天地剧震,四方轰鸣,楚风所吸收的神性粒子疯狂涌动,身体不再有爆炸的感觉,将之吸收与炼化了,自身实力在迅速增长。 Meanwhile, so-called ruined road, takes oneself as mutated soil, cultivates new Self, now temporarily was gentle, no longer needs to derive Divine Energy. 同时,所谓的破败之路,以自身为异土,培育一个新我,现在暂时平和了,不再需要汲取神性能量 After all, this just started, after laying down the seed, needs to experience boiling down of years, later has the opportunity to cultivate Divine Embryo born. 毕竟,这才刚开始,埋下种子后,需要经历岁月的熬炼,以后才有机会培育神胎出世。 But now he to become God, Essence, Qi and Spirit rushed! 而现在他已经成神,精气神澎湃! Senior, my present strength has sufficed, can enter in that 9th Heavenly Layer to pick the good fortune, your I go together!” Chu Feng asked Stone Fox to assist again. “前辈,我现在的实力够了,可以进那九重天中捡造化了,你我同去!”楚风再次请石狐相助。 His knows, oneself will soon depart, achieves the goal in this world, but is not very safe, he wants to carry over something from 9th Heavenly Layer. 知道,自己即将离去,在这个世界达成目的,不过还不够保险,他想从九重天中带出一些东西。 In addition, he was supposing Martial God, Shaman God wait/etc. will have drawn near, before leaving, will have Divine War, he did not mind before leaving , the first slaughter falls various Highway God! 此外,他估摸着武神巫神等也已经快到了,离开前会有神战,他不介意离开前先屠掉各路神!
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