SR :: Volume #10

#960: In years past Celestial Emperor old road

Silent hundred years of Stone Fox, such throat shouted suddenly makes noise, making Chu Feng direct one stagger, squish, gave to fall it on the ground, backed up decisively. 寂静百年的石狐,这样一嗓子突然喊出声,让楚风直接一个踉跄,吧唧一声,将它给摔在地上,果断倒退出去。 But the Young Vermilion Bird whole body is brilliant red, the palm of the hand is long, stood here, in the moved, ruby big eye is holding the tears. 小朱雀周身红艳艳,巴掌长,原本站在这里,正在伤感,红宝石般的大眼中噙着泪光。 Now it was frightened, screaming, is throwing the corner the fiery red wing, turns to fall, stops in distant place there, timid, fears, by heavy of being startled. 现在它受到惊吓,尖叫着,扑棱着火红的羽翼,翻落出去,停在远处那里,怯怯的,怕怕的,被惊的不轻。 „Does young brat, you want to plunge to death me?!” Stone Fox, the sensation, Chu Feng a moment ago gave to move indignantly it, can this also really give to throw the restricted area deep place to go inadequately it? “小兔崽子,你想摔死我啊?!”石狐气愤不已,感知到,楚风刚才将它给搬起来了,这还真要将它给扔到禁地深处去不成? What is most annoying, finally unexpectedly gave to fall it directly on the ground. 最为可气的是,最后居然直接将它给摔在了地上。 The Chu Feng serious color, said: Senior, your knows, I have rescued your one time, you have owed me huge karma!” 楚风一脸严肃之色,道:“前辈,你可知道,我又救了你一次,你欠了我一个天大的因果!” His is the typical evil person complains first, and goes all out to embrace the merit. 他这是典型的恶人先告状,兼且拼命揽功。 Chu Feng told crippled Heavenly Venerate, if were not awakens it, Stone Fox this lives will be long lonesome, did not wake again, is dies to ice-cold. 楚风告诉瘸腿天尊,如果不是自己唤醒它,石狐此生将长寂,再也醒不过来,已经算是死到冰冷了。 If Stone Fox does not become a statue, thinks to be slanting the eye to visit him very much, then gives him a fox claw, making him understand that the flower like this is why red. 石狐如果不是成为一尊雕像,很想斜着眼睛看他,然后再给他一狐狸爪子,让他明白花儿为什么这样红。 The Young Vermilion Bird big eye is bringing the tears, cries and smiles, said: Senior, Chu Feng awakens you luckily, you died out for hundred years, we thought your died during meditation.” 小朱雀大眼带着泪花,又哭又笑,道:“前辈,幸亏楚风把你唤醒,你已经寂灭百年,我们都以为你坐化了。” If Stone Fox has the flesh, definitely meets the cheek to twitch, but also luckily that boy? This complete was mad good that wakes by him! 石狐如果有血肉,肯定会面皮抽搐,还幸亏那小子?这全完是被他气醒过来的好不好! It wants to say very much, oneself has not died from the start, has been living, but does not want to respond Chu Feng, saves Essence, Qi and Spirit in the dormancy. 它很想说,自己压根就没死,一直活着,只是不想搭理楚风,在休眠中节省精气神 Has not thought that your this little bastard, heart sinister hand is spicy, unexpectedly wants to strike a vicious blow to me, must throw into restricted area most deep place me!” It reprimanded Chu Feng. “没有想到啊,你这小王八羔子,心黑手辣,居然想对我下毒手,要把我扔进禁地最深处!”它斥责楚风 Chu Feng has smiled immediately, he had suspected this old fogy has not died, after all came from World of the Living's Heavenly Venerate, how possibly such easy die. 楚风顿时笑了,他一直怀疑这老家伙没有死,毕竟是来自阳间的一位天尊,怎么可能这么容易殒落 Moreover, it is dead estimate must make the huge noise. 而且,它就是死估计也要闹出巨大动静。 Depending on this Stone Fox disposition, vexed will not perish mostly, looks at its ordinary day appearance, was very not willingly, how possible person silently died during meditation. 凭这头石狐的性格,多半不会窝囊而亡,看它平日的样子,一直很不甘心,怎么可能一个人默默坐化 Generally speaking, crippled Heavenly Venerate looks that is sincere, but in the marrow definitely has many dirty tricks, has not braved. 总的来说,瘸腿天尊看着还算厚道,但是骨髓中肯定有许多坏水,还没有冒出来呢。 Senior, lends a hand, goes to that restricted area to help us take several good fortunes!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, asking it to assist. “前辈,搭把手吧,去那禁地中帮我们取几桩造化!”楚风开口,请它相助。 I, if can take action, but also meets the body remnantly with petrify, who is willing to stay in this piece does not have the world of hope.” crippled Heavenly Venerate shakes the head to sigh, a few words, cannot help. “我要是能出手,还会身残与石化吗,谁愿意呆在这片没有希望的世界。”瘸腿天尊摇头叹气,一句话,帮不上忙。 Does not use your take action, I research in thorough detail Domain, now marches into the Holy Master peak level, was about to touch Divine Master Dominion, the thinking after my in Bainian lonely lonely, studied a method finally, but actually needed the person to coordinate, now looks like your this immortal Heavenly Venerate Body is most appropriate, stopped up in some restricted area key node, helping us keep off Killing Tribulation......” “不用您出手,我精研场域,如今步入圣师巅峰层次,都快出触摸到神师领域了,经过我于百年孤独寂寞中的思索,终于研究出一种方法,但却需要人配合,如今看来您这不朽的天尊之体最合适,堵在禁地某一关键节点上,帮我们挡杀劫……” Let alone!” Stone Fox stern-faced color, this is with it, when the gunnysack, stopped up the gap on energy dam, met the approaching enemy the impact of dreadful Order flood? “别说了!”石狐一脸阴沉之色,这是拿它当麻袋了,堵能量大坝上的缺口,迎击滔天秩序洪水的冲击? „Did you agree?” Appearance that Chu Feng doing everything to please. “你这是同意了?”楚风一副献殷勤的样子。 „, Looks at your dark eyes at the same time!” The crippled Heavenly Venerate rejection, did not agree, said directly some fearful matters, in the World of the Living's restricted area have dead Heavenly Venerate, it has seen with one's own eyes. “一边去,看你就眼黑!”瘸腿天尊拒绝,死活不同意,直接说了一些可怕的事,阳间的禁地中又不是没死过天尊,它亲眼看到过。 You such big skill, regarded the shield to keep off several times Killing Tribulation to me to be enough, guaranteed well your own!” “您这么大的本事,就给我当成盾牌挡十几次杀劫就足够了,保证您自身无恙!” Although crippled Heavenly Venerate petrify, but saw obviously that face becomes dark, keeps off one time not to be good, but also takes several times, it wants to spit Chu Feng face Golden Lotus flower saliva. 瘸腿天尊虽然石化了,但是明显看到,那张脸发黑,挡一次还不行,还要十几次,它想吐楚风一脸金莲花口水。 Looked that its face is black, Chu Feng also further persuaded, said: I have performed the experiment, once picked the half God Level short sword, has delimited the 40-50 blade on you, you had not responded obstinately, has not revived, the body does not have including the scratch.” 看它脸黑,楚风又进一步劝说,道:“我做过试验,曾经捡到半截神级短刀,在您身上划了四五十刀,您愣是没反应,都没苏醒过来,身上连划痕都没有。” I pat you!” Stone Fox rocks fiercely, can not moving quickly, give him black a palm of the hand, does this tortoise lamb resort to arms on it unexpectedly? “我拍死你!”石狐剧烈晃动,黑不得飞身而起,给他一巴掌,这个王八羔子居然在它身上动刀? I am well-meant, but in examining, your this Heavenly Venerate Body is hard, the fact showed, chopped 28 blades to be all right on your face, showed that your physique unparalleled, can definitely be competent, helping us block several Killing Tribulation in restricted area.” “我没有恶意,只是在检测一下,您这天尊之体到底多坚硬,事实证明,在您脸上剁了28刀都没事,证明您体质无双,肯定能够胜任,帮我们挡住禁地中的几次杀劫。” Chu Feng grumble, tells Stone Fox, he used the Domain method to survey, has kept off that several Killing Tribulation, can attain some good things in restricted area, was the big good fortunes! 楚风磨叽,告诉石狐,他用场域手段测算过了,挡过那几次杀劫,就能拿到禁地中的一些好东西,都是大造化! Old man extinguished you!” Stone Fox works as one, whole body sends out the weak light, tumbles, hits toward Chu Feng. “老夫灭了你!”石狐哐当一声,周身发出微弱的光,翻滚过来,向着楚风撞去。 Meanwhile, its whole face is the black stone streak, said: „To work as the meat shield me, added that my facial skin is solid, you satirize this Heavenly Venerate?” 同时,它满脸都是黑色石斑纹,道:“想将我当肉盾,还说我脸皮结实,你这是讽刺本天尊吗?” Finally, Chu Feng asked the person to be defeated, under he clarified again, Stone Fox directed him indifferently, has given him a suggestion, if can enter Divine Realm, was hopeful, otherwise do not want to enter in restricted area 9th Heavenly Layer. 最终,楚风请人失败,在他一而再的澄清下,石狐爱搭不理地指点他,给了他一番建议,若是能进神境,还是有希望的,不然根本别想进禁地九重天中。 Chu Feng sighed, has turned around to cultivate silently, was away from hundred years of node also eight months, the time made up really insufficient, thinks that the to become God most effective shortcut was to obtain Divine Nucleus in restricted area! 楚风叹气,默默转过身去修炼,距离百年时间节点还有八个月的时间,光阴真的补不足了,想成神最有效的捷径就是获得禁地中的神核 What a pity, this road walks does not pass, but must to depend on him. 可惜,这条路走不通,还得要靠他自己。 His card in some Shining Upon peak years, crashed in Saint Level Great Perfection like the past years, the distance broke through misses a window paper, but throughout is actually not able to break through. 他卡在映照巅峰有些年头了,就像当年冲进圣级大圆满般,距离破关就差一层窗户纸,可是却始终无法突破进去。 These years he killing Shining Upon lifeforms in restricted area is not few, absorption divine nature kernel were many enough. 这些年他在禁地中的杀的映照生物不算少,吸收的神性颗粒足够多了。 You finish in a hast, haste brings no success, more wants to break through, that dark Order is suppresses your oneself unable to move, is unable to comprehend the to become God last step.” Stone Fox direction. “你太急于求成,欲速则不达,越想突破,那冥冥中的秩序越是压制你自身动弹不得,无法领悟成神最后一步。”石狐指点。 This Chu Feng was peaceful, earnestly listens respectfully, appearance that consults modestly. 这一次楚风安静了,认真聆听,一副虚心请教的样子。 Then...... Did not have then, Stone Fox had not said that the method of to become God, the desire of the start not having explained religious doctrine. 然后……就没然后了,石狐没有说成神之法,压根就没有讲道的欲望。 Senior, you are whiling away the time I.” Chu Feng despises it. “前辈,你这是在消遣我啊。”楚风鄙视它。 Stone Fox said seriously: All previous Heavenly Venerate, ancient time ago Supreme Being, had never heard when breaks through Realm needs to direct, rather own card in some level long time, will not give up own the turning point of grasping principles, that is the chance, that is with the day struggle, seizes the good fortune fragment in world, are you willing to give up?” 石狐严肃说道:“历代天尊,古老时代前的大能,从未听说过突破境界时需要指点,宁可自身卡在某个层次漫长时光,也不会放弃自身悟道的契机,那是机缘,那是在与天争,夺天地中的造化碎片,你甘愿放弃吗?” Chu Feng sighed, he thinks to become God now, own within the body accumulated many gray fog, moreover was the hooligan family background, he does not want the body to show disdain for world from the start, the present stage does not need perfectly. 楚风叹气,他现在只是想成神,自身体内积淀了不少灰色雾霭,而且是野路子出身,他压根就没有想藉此身傲视天下,现阶段无需完美。 I now for to become God, the promotion strength, the time really am not many.” “我现在只是为了成神,提升战力,时间真的不多了。” Like this is not eager for quick success and immediate gain well, should not be hated hoodwinks your both eyes, the self-destruction future.” crippled Heavenly Venerate urged seriously. “这样急功近利不好,不要被仇恨蒙蔽你的双眼,自毁前程。”瘸腿天尊郑重地劝道。 Chu Feng sighed lightly, said: I to take revenge, but is also leading a pious life, I have prepared a escape route for myself, sought a law, how in you gave my to mention train in the personally written letter of strongest talent to have the record.” 楚风轻叹,道:“我是为了复仇,但也是在修行,我为自己准备了一条后路,寻到了一种法,在你给我的那本提及如何培养最强天才的手札中有记载。” Stone Fox pondered over, then changes countenance, said: What you said is the ruined road, one year old ups and downs, finally by fading to be been abundant?!” 石狐思忖,而后动容,道:“你说的是破败之路,一岁一枯荣,最终由衰而盛?!” It was startled, naturally understands that this road how difficult, that simply is a blind alley, is very rough, incomparable ruggedness. 它真的被惊到了,自然明白这条路多么的艰难,那简直就是一条死路,十分坎坷,无比的崎岖。 Arrives at this not to be easy, but I have missed golden Evolution Road eventually, that is a stage, I lost, moreover on me has strange matter, in any event, wants to become strongly, the present stage had too many slight defects, only has the ruined road to make me rise.” “走到这一步不易,可我终究错过了黄金进化路,那是一个阶段,我已经失去,而且我身上有诡异物质,无论如何,想要成为最强,现阶段都有了太多的瑕疵,唯有破败之路可以让我崛起。” This road has the regret, to miss the creature preparation of golden evolution time for these earlier periods, remoulds True Self in ruined, makes new life. 这条路就是为那些前期有遗憾、错过黄金进化时期的生灵准备的,于破败中重塑真我,挣出一个新生 The premise is, you can withstand, this road is too difficult, frequently deterioration, forever lonesome. 前提是,你能承受的了,此路太艰难,动辄就会自我衰败,永寂下去。 Was warning including that personally written letter, from ancient to present, can the upper dog be very few, determination has not given up greatly, otherwise courts death. 连那手札中都在告诫,从古到今,能成功者少之又少,没有大决心者还是放弃吧,不然是找死。 Stone Fox sighed, said: This is actually one incomplete law that my master includes, is incomplete, naturally by you this Realm, pours now can also use, after all you leave Heavenly Venerate to be far.” 石狐叹气,道:“这其实是我师傅收录到的一种残缺的法,并不完整,当然以你现在这个境界,倒也能用,毕竟你离天尊还远呢。” Remnant law?” Chu Feng stares blankly. “残法?”楚风发怔。 The careful recollection is also, this likely is one type the law of having the disappointment, after having is ruined, rises again imposing attitude, but he is indistinct thought, lacks anything. 仔细回想也是,这像是一种有缺憾的法,有破败后再崛起之气魄,但是他隐约间觉得,缺少一些什么。 You read carefully, understood truly?” Stone Fox visits him, said: This law treats as mutated soil oneself, lays down one grain of type in the flesh and soul light core, you originally unceasingly will be ruined, waited for that birth of new Self, is this how cruel process?” “你仔细研读了吗,真正悟出了吗?”石狐看着他,又道:“此法将自身当作异土,在血肉与魂光的核心埋下一粒种,原本的你会不断破败,等待新我的降生,这是一个何其残忍的过程?” Meanwhile, it is serious informing, between old Self and new Self that type separates, that opposition, that type discards and training, was too contradictory and pain. 同时,它更是严肃的告知,旧我新我之间那种割裂,那种对立,那种舍弃与培养,太矛盾与痛苦了。 The growth of new Self, meets is joyful, however elapsing of old Self, fills greatly sadly, despairs, is originally own soul in withered, just like mutated soil, is offering a sacrifice to itself exactly. 新我的成长,会是喜悦的,但是旧我的逝去,充满大悲,也是绝望的,是原本自己的灵魂在干枯,宛若异土,在活祭自己。 This is a brutal path, is far from problem-free, some people of tearing are two people, A Thought to become God, Another Thought to become Demon, innate opposition, each other resistance. 这是一条残酷的道路,绝非一帆风顺,有人撕裂为两个人,一念成神,另一念为魔,先天对立,彼此对抗。 Also some people died in process of separate, by boundless Karma Fire burn to ashes that this going against heaven's will action brings. 还有人在割裂的过程中就死去了,被这种逆天举动而引来的无边业火烧成灰烬 Also some people are old Self have the superiority, cuts to kill new Self, resembled in proving this road has made a mistake, the rout perished, finally also boiled dead old Self oneself, vanished from the world thoroughly, in Reincarnation never obviously. 还有人更是“旧我”占据优势,斩杀新我,似在证明这条路错了,大败而亡,最后也熬死旧我自身,彻底从天地中消失,轮回中永远不可见。 Finally, trains a Yuan embryo, the flesh and soul light all, but actually struggles from old Self of withered deterioration, helplessly looks that past withered, died, turns into old skin and remnant bone, was how brutal.” “最终,培养出一个元胎,血肉与魂光皆在,但却是从干枯衰败的旧我中挣扎出来,眼睁睁的看着昔日的自己枯萎,死去,化成老皮残骨,何其残酷。” crippled Heavenly Venerate sighed, including it thought this road unusual person may walk, certainly throughout the ages that many Heaven-Blessed colorful generations, actually few people walk passes this road. 瘸腿天尊感叹,连它都觉得这条路非正常人可走,古往今来那么多天纵绝艳之辈,却没有几个人走的通这条路。 After Chu Feng hear, some big, he understood from the strongest personally written letter the thing that does not have that many, now somewhat is indeed imposing. 楚风听完后也有些头大,他从最强手札中了解到的东西可没那么多,现在的确有些凛然。 Road that I can choose are not many, initially had not thought fearfully, therefore this naturally becomes the important road, moreover I saw, this law has the explicit record, can shed completely strange matter, henceforth fearless fog!” Chu Feng said. “我所能选的路不多,当初也没觉得过于可怕,所以这自然成为重要的路,而且我看到,这种法有明确记载,能褪尽诡异物质,从此无惧灰雾!”楚风道。 May extinguish strange matter, this was he initially chose one of this road important reasons. 可灭诡异物质,这是他当初选择此路的重要原因之一。 Meanwhile, this road, once succeeds, that will be very really formidable, only character phrase from personally written letter can see, including crippled Heavenly Venerate master-- that Supreme Being, was exclaiming in surprise, in the spoken language esteems that Dao Fruit, wishes one could to step onto. 同时,这条路一旦成功,那真的会无比强大,从手札中的只字片语就可以看出,连瘸腿天尊的师傅——那位大能,都在惊叹,言语中十分推崇那种道果,恨不能走上一遍。 The personally written letter is the Stone Fox teacher writes down, middle is that Supreme Being from World of the Living each region including the law of training strongest talent. 手札是石狐的师尊写下的,当中都是那位大能阳间各地收录的培养最强天才之法。 You are prudent!” crippled Heavenly Venerate repeatedly warned, reminded Chu Feng, this road was too difficult, has not distinguished with suicide anything. “你要慎重!”瘸腿天尊一再告诫,提醒楚风,这条路太艰难,跟自杀没什么区别。 Meanwhile, he also mentioned, this law at all not entire, lacked doubtful correspondingly to strong breathing method, because the initial founder went against heaven's will, without its breathing method mostly wasted effort. 同时,他又提及,这种法根本不全,疑似缺少相应的至强呼吸法,因为当初的开创者太逆天,没有其呼吸法多半事倍功半。 This is what kind of ruined road, is actually who walks first?” Chu Feng consults earnestly. “这是怎样的一条破败之路,究竟是何人最先走出来的?”楚风认真地请教。 Doubtful Celestial Emperor old road.” Stone Fox said leisurely. “疑似天帝旧路。”石狐悠悠地说道。 What, is this that institute in your World of the Living Celestial Emperor Calendar creates?” Chu Feng shock. “什么,这是你们阳间天帝历中的那位所创?”楚风震惊。 „It is not.” Stone Fox shakes the head saying: Was the remnant law in prehistoric years, existence that in this heaven and earth some once kept aloof, even if they dissipated, not , the remnant mark that left behind, was proving once supreme was magnificent and radiant, but we at present are also only the witnesses in journey, along their road vanguards, searches a farther road, a farther say/way, we were weak, could not see once the end points of some roads but where suddenly broke.” “不是。”石狐摇头道:“是史前岁月中的残法,这天地中有些曾经高高在上的存在,哪怕他们消逝了,不在了,留下的残痕,也证明着曾经的无上辉煌与璀璨,而我们目前还只是路途中的见证者,沿着他们的路前行,去寻觅更远的路,更远的道,我们还不够强啊,看不到曾经一些路的终点在哪里戛然而断。”
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