SR :: Volume #10

#959: Snaps fingers for hundred years

Chu Feng and Young Vermilion Bird go out from a place bottom several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) deep place, leave number one restricted area. 楚风小朱雀从地底数万里深处走出,离开第一禁地 In the surface has many corpses, already the air-drying, the north wind volume all various grassy plants booklet, dust Chaillan got up, this is the Abyss region, now is somewhat ruined. 地表上有很多尸体,都早已风干,北风卷地百草折,尘沙扬起,这是深渊地带,如今有些破败。 Ten years, the war had ended. 十年的时间,战争已经结束。 The ferocious beast plateau died four gods, but Abyss Divine Beast six die, the loss is also bigger, even three Abyss remove thoroughly, exterminated the clan. 凶兽高原死了四位神,而深渊神兽也有六头殒落,损失更大一些,甚至有三座深渊彻底除名,被灭族。 The war a paragraph, all parties rest and build up strength temporarily. 战争暂告一个段落,各方休养生息。 However, the fight of small scale occasionally also has occurrence, the seed of hatred is not the present lays down, but since has been the long years has existed. 不过,小规模的战斗偶尔还有发生,仇恨的种子不是如今埋下的,而是漫长岁月以来一直存在着。 As for Vermilion Bird Abyss, here already abandoned, who knows old Vermilion Bird died, moreover knows its dead die in number one restricted area. 至于朱雀深渊,这里早已废弃,谁都知道朱雀死了,而且还知晓它死殒落第一禁地中。 Young Vermilion Bird stands to be lost in thought old, Abyss of this leaving uncultivated was she was born the place, she was very peaceful, recalls, her mother died in Phoenix Falling Slope, her brothers and sisters went to World of the Living, was uncertain of one's fate. 小朱雀站在旧地一阵出神,这片荒废的深渊是她出生之地,她很安静,缅怀过去,她的母亲死在落凰坡,她的兄弟姐妹去了阳间,生死未卜。 I must go to World of the Living to look for them!” “我要去阳间找他们!” Walks, first looks for Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate.” Chu Feng said. “走吧,先去找石狐天尊。”楚风道。 Quick, two people leave. 很快,两人离开。 stone forest is very static, length and breadth is boundless, middle some stone mountain. 石林有很静,也广袤无边,当中有些石山 Initially when left, crippled Heavenly Venerate whole body petrify, although can start talking, but moved about with difficulty, has not started off with two people. 当初离开时,瘸腿天尊全身石化,虽然能开口说话,但行动不便,没有跟两人上路。 Now they came back, saw fully is in the dust cave mansion on that table, a statue was motionless, there is a thick dust, crippled Stone Fox also. 现在他们回来了,看到了满是灰尘的洞府中那张桌案上,一具石像一动不动,有一层厚厚的灰尘,瘸腿石狐还在。 However, no matter how what they summoned, it has not woken up, is silent. 但是,任他们如何呼唤,它都没有醒来,寂静无声。 Chu Feng induces, it does not have a life symptom, soul light to vanish, or congeals with the lithical body as one, thorough petrify. 楚风去感应,它没有一点生命体征,魂光消失,或者说跟石质身体凝结为一体,也彻底石化了。 Did not elapse, senior!” Young Vermilion Bird cries loudly, tears with pearl clear, tumbling of geminate cluster. “逝去不在了,前辈!”小朱雀放声大哭,眼泪跟珍珠似的晶莹,成双成串的滚落。 The Chu Feng deposited energy, transports toward the Stone Fox body, but does not have any effect, did it such die? 楚风注入能量,向着石狐体中输送,但是没有任何效果,它就这么死去了? He takes out silver white paper talisman to place on the table, to Stone Fox narrated that this line of processes, informs its all is very smooth, but there are too many puzzled. 他取出银白符纸放在桌案上,对石狐讲述此行的经过,告知它一切都很顺利,只是有太多的不解。 That number one restricted area, is not the rumor can melt strange matter, can help the person obtain new life? But why will have such humpbacked old person to appear, is the fog. 第一禁地,不是传言可以化解诡异物质,可让人获得新生吗?但为何会有那样的驼背老人出现,是灰雾所化。 All sorts of mental association and guesses, making person be afraid. 种种联想与猜测,让人不寒而栗。 Chu Feng said these doubts, but Stone Fox not any response. 楚风将这些疑惑说出,但是石狐没有任何回应。 Died, does not have eventually, when I come back, I brought paper talisman, may send you to the reincarnation.” Chu Feng whispered. “死了,终究是没有等到我回来,我带回来了符纸啊,原本可送你去转生。”楚风低语。 Although the crippled fox said, it is very difficult to leave this world, its master exerted on it banned the law, had paper talisman not necessarily to succeed. 虽然瘸腿狐狸说,它很难离开这个世界,它师傅在它身上施加了禁法,就是有符纸都不见得能成功。 However, Chu Feng is willing to try, he thought that this paper talisman level is very high, should be able to make crippled Stone Fox be reincarnated the reincarnation. 但是,楚风还是愿意一试,他觉得这符纸层次很高,应该可以让瘸腿石狐去转世投胎。 Regardless of what a pity, how to summon, old fox has not woken up, already forever lonesome. 可惜,无论怎么呼唤,老狐狸都没有醒来,已经永寂。 Chu Feng has not cried, had already experienced the major rises of life. 楚风没有哭,早已经历过人生的大起大落。 Before coming this world, his parents died, the relatives and friends also all perish, already had too many sadness. 在来这片世界前,他的父母死去,亲朋亦全亡,早已有过太多的伤悲。 Finally, he has burnt some papers for the old fox, read aloud one to be reborn in paradise, if paper talisman were many enough, he also really wants also to light one to it at the scene. 最后,他为老狐狸烧了一些纸,诵了一段往生经,如果符纸足够多,他还真想当场也给它烧上一张。 He comforts Young Vermilion Bird, should not be moved, the person in this life must experience to take off and land, some people must leave eventually. 他安慰小朱雀,不要伤感,人这一生中总要经历起起落落,有些人终究要离开。 Shortly, he starts off, alone practices, senses Shining Upon Dominion Order, wants to pierce this level the final level window paper. 不久后,他自己一个人上路,独自去修行,去感悟映照领域秩序,想捅破这个层次的最后一层窗户纸。 The following entire ten years, Chu Feng is estimating, is studying, his own accumulation was enough, does not need to absorb divine nature particles again, otherwise must explode the body to perish. 接下来的整整十年,楚风都在揣摩,都在研究,他自身的积累足够了,不需要再去吸收神性粒子,不然都要爆体而亡了。 Divine Energy are too many, but own Realm finally has not actually broken. 神性能量太多,可是自身的境界却没有最终破上去。 Thinks that a window paper, quick can pierce, but he has met troublesome. 原以为一层窗户纸而已,很快就能捅破,但是他遇到了麻烦。 This stretch of world is quite complete, but the rule is also more perfect, is entirely different from World of the Dead, Order that he deducts here wait/etc., grasped with own before flushed. 这片天地较为完整,而规则也更为完善,跟阴间大不相同,他在这里演绎的秩序等,跟自身以前掌握的相冲。 When Realm is low, he has not perceived anything, is now, truly must make great strides forward in Shining Upon Dominion, somewhat was then ill, within the body Order disorder. 境界较低时,他还没觉察到什么,可是现在,真正要迈进映照领域中,便有些不适了,体内秩序紊乱。 Has the risk of avalanche, must mold!” “有崩塌之风险,得重新塑造!” His sigh, after arriving at this world, uses Small Six Paths Time Technique, he directly absorbs divine nature kernel, even eliminates the regular fragments of other lifeforms within the body, nearly cheat progresses by leaps and bounds, the strength rises suddenly. 他一声叹息,来到这个世界后,动用小六道时光术,他直接吸收神性颗粒,甚至剥夺其他生物体内的规则碎片,近乎作弊般突飞猛进,实力暴涨。 He in the short period, takes the road that others long time has been able to take. 他在短时期内,走完了别人很长时间才能走完的路。 But, actually encounters such issue now, really not knows whether in the end can among smooth in Bainian to become God. 可是,现在却又遭遇这样的问题,真不知道到头来是否可以顺利于百年间成神 Chu Feng sighed, temporarily finished closing up, sees Young Vermilion Bird, ten years passed by, she still lived in seclusion in that piece of stone forest, is defending Stone Fox. 楚风一叹,暂时结束闭关,去看望小朱雀,十年过去了,她还在那片石林中隐居,守着石狐 „Hadn't it waked up?” Chu Feng asked. “它一直没有醒来吗?”楚风问道。 Young Vermilion Bird nods, the Stone Fox indeed deathly stillness, in the ten years she every day summoned one time, but did not have the sound throughout. 小朱雀点头,石狐的确死寂了,这十年来她每天都呼唤一次,但是却始终都没有动静。 The brief stay, Chu Feng left on the 2nd, on this time his walk earth, has entered the ferocious beast plateau , went to Abyss, experienced in mortal world, with this piece of world better resonance. 短暂逗留两日,楚风又离开,这一次他行走大地上,进入过凶兽高原,也去过深渊,于红尘中体验,与这片天地更好的共鸣。 This walks is eight years, adds, he arrived at this world 28 years, but has not broken through in Shining Upon Dominion. 这一走就是八年,前后加起来,他来到这个世界28年了,可是还没有突破进映照领域中。 This presents deviation with his estimate, the issue is not small. 这跟他的预估出现偏差,问题不小。 Only slightly those who make him feel the comfort is, his Domain attainments are promoting, is very swift and violent, has no qualms on the inheritance tower by extraterrestrial moon is thought most has the Domain rare talent of talent. 唯一让他稍感安慰的是,他的场域造诣在提升,很迅猛,无愧于被地球外月亮上的传承塔认为最有天赋的场域奇才。 Chu Feng presses up to Holy Master Dominion, in such a short time, raises, was too quick. 楚风直逼圣师领域,在这么短的时间内,一路拔高,实在太快了。 Properly speaking, the research of Domain evolves compared with it also difficultly, various magnetic field rune, various types realize from experience, incomparable complicated mysterious and difficulty, but he is actually progressing by leaps and bounds. 按理来说,场域的研究比之进化还难,各种磁场符文,各种体悟等,无比的繁奥与艰难,但他却在突飞猛进。 He makes great strides forward in the Great Grandmaster level unceasingly, leads the way unceasingly, several years believe firmly again can become Holy Master! 他在大宗师层次中不断迈进,不断前行,再有几年确信可以成为一位圣师 Holy Master, the master of Saints, did not say the Domain aspect, only Evolver of strength quickly side by side Shining Upon level. 圣师,诸圣之师,不说场域方面,单是战力都快比肩映照层次的进化者了。 Well, a little looks like a person!” “咦,有点像一个人!” On a plain, there is an this one city, is in the ferocious beast plateau peripheral zone, in the Gods dominant range, some people looks at the Chu Feng's back, both eyes divine glow profound, sees his True Body. 在一座平原上,有座孤城,处于凶兽高原边缘地带,在诸神的统治范围内,有人看着楚风的背影,双目神芒湛湛,看出他的真身 Because, this person cultivate successfully Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, the strength is really unusual, what is most fearful is the talent, far ultra common person. 因为,这个人修成武道天眼,实力着实超凡,最为可怕的是天赋,远超寻常人。 In the past wanted did Yin Spirit have fleshly body?!” He talked to oneself, full head purple sends to hang loose, at the back of a scarlet red big bow. “当年被通缉的阴灵有了肉身?!”他自语,满头紫发披散,背着一张赤红色的大弓。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng looks back, his divine consciousness is how keen, first has the induction, looked to just walked to enter a city that several people. 与此同时,楚风回首,他的神识何其敏锐,第一时间生出感应,望向刚走进城中的那几个人。 He notes that purple to send the youth, looks at the special mark of its forehead, should be a Shaman God lineage/vein person. 他注意到那个紫发青年,看其眉心的特殊印记,应该是巫神一脉的人。 However, has the Martial God later generation in that person of side, the full head golden hair, high-spirited, is watching intently. 不过,在那人身边也有武神的后人,满头金发,意气风发,正逼视过来。 Evolver of Shining Upon level! 映照层次的进化者 Chu Feng attaches great importance, if not Evolver of this level, impossible to discover him in this city. 楚风重视起来,而若非这个层次的进化者,也不可能在这座城池中发现他。 After all, the ordinary person is impossible to induce to his unusuality. 毕竟,一般的人不可能感应到他的异常。 both sides almost do not have anything to talk, does not have any to berate the sound, directly began, felt a dangerous aura. 双方几乎没什么交谈,也没有任何喝斥声等,就直接动手了,都感觉到了一丝危险的气息。 Moreover knows the origin of opposite party, all first has launched an attack. 而且都知道了对方的来历,全都抢先发难。 Bang! 轰! The purple light is dreadful, the child of Shaman God moved, the incarnation becomes huge silhouette, was similar to antiquity Shaman God, the whole body bronze skin illumination, grasped the big bow to kill to Chu Feng directly. 紫霞滔天,巫神之子动了,化身成一尊庞大的身影,如同一尊上古巫神般,周身古铜色皮肤发光,手持大弓直接对楚风射杀。 He does not care about this is a city, such will be dying many people. 他根本不在乎这是一座城池,这么做会死很多人。 Chu Feng item of reveal fearful divine glow, shoots up to the sky, and grasps Golden Bone Stick, the bang kills directly forward, bang, is broken exploding that arrow hits. 楚风目露可怕神芒,冲天而起,并手持金色骨棒,直接向前轰杀过去,砰的一声,将那一箭打的爆碎。 Meanwhile, he uses vigorous Divine Energy beyond comparison, ruptured that all stimulates to movement the rune ray that hits, and sweeps across. 同时,他动用无以伦比的雄浑神性能量,将所有催动过来的符文光芒都打的崩开,并席卷过去。 From the conscience, he does not want to implicate the person of this city, melted the crisis, and soars to the heavens to go, leaves here, changes the battlefield. 从本心来说,他不想牵连这座城池的人,化解了危局,并冲霄而去,离开这里,改变战场。 Kills!” “杀!” The child of Martial God began, this is not the skip-generation later generation of god, but is the biological son, erupts the radiant golden light, raises the golden lance to chase down. 武神之子动手了,这可不是神的隔代后人,而是亲生儿子,爆发璀璨金光,提着黄金长矛追杀下去。 Other people also start to chase down! 其他人也都开始追杀! Transmitted orders nearby person, past Yin Spirit appeared, intercepts to me whole-heartedly!” The child of Martial God ordered. “传令附近的人,当年的阴灵出现了,全力以赴给我截杀!”武神之子下令。 In the past, Chu Feng killed too small Martial God, is a later generation who Martial God most liked, once initiated the great unrest. 当年,楚风杀过小武神,是武神最喜欢的一位后人,曾引发轩然大波。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Another golden short lance departs, pierces to go toward Chu Feng there. 一杆又一杆金色短矛飞出,向着楚风那里洞穿而去。 What had?” “发生了什么?” Behind, in that city, many people call out in alarm, sets out in abundance, looks into the horizon, knows they almost all were not extinguished by a child of arrow Shaman God a moment ago. 后面,那座城池中,许多人惊呼,纷纷起身,眺望天际,丝毫不知道刚才他们差点被巫神之子一箭全灭。 If that arrow erupts here, the entire city must vanish! 那一箭若是在这里爆发,整座城池都要消失! Heaven, child of Wu Chengzun Shaman God, child of Wu Tuo Martial God!” 天啊,巫神之子巫成尊,还有武神之子武拓!” Some people call out in alarm, simultaneously more people are trembling, falls down softly, cannot withstand fluctuation of energy that the horizon transmits, these people went far away fortunately rapidly. 有人惊呼,同时更多的人颤栗着,软倒在地上,承受不了天边传来的能量波动,还好那些人迅速远去了。 Was known as that the peerless double arrogant two big powerhouses, appear here unexpectedly, whom is coping with?” “号称绝代双骄的两大强者,居然在我们这里出现,在对付谁?” After for a long time, in city some people of trembling sound tracks. 很长时间后,城中有人颤声道。 Wu Chengzun and Wu Tuo are the ferocious beast plateau most famous two big successors, if not have the accident/surprise becomes new generation Shaman God and Martial God, crossed Fifth Heavenly Tribulation, will have the qualifications of to become God. 巫成尊武拓凶兽高原最负盛名的两大继承人,若无意外会成为新一代巫神武神,渡过五重天劫,有成神的资格。 Moreover the rumor said, they also crossed the 6th layer tribulation, once to become God, that is the outstanding person in god, but is Divine General! 而且传言称,他们还渡过六重劫,一旦成神,那就是神中的佼佼者,可为神将 These two successors accumulated are deep enough, have entered into Shining Upon Dominion in the near future, although in initial stage, however enough great strength. 这两位继承人积累足够深厚了,已经在近期迈入映照领域中,虽然是在初期,但是足够的强大。 Bang! 轰! The wilderness deep place, hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) beside, great war erupts, the child of Shaman God draws one after another, must kill Chu Feng, but was shivered with Golden Bone Stick by Chu Feng. 荒原深处,数十万里地之外,大战爆发,巫神之子接连开弓,要射杀楚风,但是都被楚风金色骨棒敲碎。 However, the ground actually exploded, the energy magma great waves turned well up, soar to the heavens on. 但是,地面却爆开了,能量岩浆浪涛翻涌,冲天而上。 Chu Feng nods, this Foreign Territory land is firmer than the World of the Dead universe, in that piece of universe that if comes in him, Shining Upon strikes at will, the destructive power that creates will appear very fearsome, planet must crash. 楚风点头,这异域的土地比阴间宇宙坚固,若是在他来的那片宇宙中,映照者随意一击,那造成的破坏力会显得非常可怖,星球都要坠落。 Kills the person of my clan, but also dares to appear, your this Yin Spirit courage is not small!” Child of Wu Tuo Martial God raises the golden lance to kill the near. “杀我族之人,还敢出现,你这阴灵胆子不小!”武神之子武拓提着黄金长矛杀到近前。 At this time, Chu Feng does not walk, battled with them. 这时,楚风不走了,跟他们激战。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! This place, divine light rises suddenly, the energy is enormous and powerful. 这片地方,神光暴涨,能量浩荡。 Chu Feng is not Shining Upon, but the strength is not weak, fleshly body already was the person of this level, but soul light was also formidable enough, what was defective was making up of Order. 楚风不是映照者,但是实力却不弱,肉身早就是这个层次的人,而魂光也足够强大,欠缺的是秩序的弥补。 This war, the Chu Feng domineering suppresses two big Divine Son, turns Golden Bone Stick, after great war, coughs up blood the big mouth that the child of Martial God pounds. 这一战,楚风强势镇压两大神子,轮动金色骨棒,一番大战后,将武神之子砸的大口咳血。 Bang! 砰! The same time, he flies high to fly, twinkling hundred li (0.5 km) far, appears in the child of Wu Chengzun near Shaman God, has smashed to break the big bow in his hand, nearly rips his arm. 同时间,他凌空飞起,瞬息百里远,出现在巫神之子巫成尊近前,将他手中的大弓都砸断了,将其臂膀险些撕下来。 Kills!” “杀!” Two big Divine Son followers, several old servants also in the Shining Upon level, forward kill. 两大神子的追随者,几个老仆也都在映照层次,向前杀来。 Connects great war, these person of shocking, realized that Chu Feng's was fearful, moreover discovered that he has not entered in Shining Upon Dominion truly! 接连大战,这些人震惊,体会到了楚风的可怕,而且发现他还没有真正进入映照领域中呢! Several people understand thoroughly, he totally depends on blood energy terrifying dreadful fleshly body to shake by soul light boundless spiritual strength hardly, but is not the technique law of stimulation of movement corresponding level. 几人洞彻,他完全靠血气恐怖滔天的肉身魂光磅礴的精神力硬撼,而不是催动相应层次的术法。 Regarding these people, this unexpectedly is a bloody battle! 对于这几人来说,这竟然是一番血战! In Chu Feng wields in the Golden Bone Stick process, the old servant was hit to explode one after another, and was used strange technique to absorb all divine nature particles by him. 楚风挥动金色骨棒的过程中,一位又一位老仆被打爆,并且被他动用异术吸收了所有神性粒子 Puff! 噗噗! Killed afterward, Chu Feng sword wing appeared, Small Six Paths Time Technique erupted, harvests the heads of two Divine Son, killed them. 杀到后来,楚风身上剑翼浮现,小六道时光术爆发,收割掉两位神子的头颅,将他们也击毙。 Two people have Death Substituting Talisman! 两人有替死符 What a pity, after one after another Chu Feng has killed several times, they are killed violently. 可惜,接连被楚风杀了数次后,他们还是毙命了。 Divine Son summoned me in the wilderness deep place and others, overtook.” On this stretch of earth, there is a person of Shining Upon level to send out. 神子在荒原深处召唤我等,赶过去。”这片大地上,有映照层次的人出动。 Finally, several gangs of troops were cut to kill successively cleanly by Chu Feng, the person of Shining Upon level died one batch. 结果,十几股人马先后都被楚风斩杀干净,映照层次的人死了一批。 At this time, Chu Feng must explode body to perish simply, absorption divine nature particles were too many. 这个时候,楚风简直要爆体而亡了,吸收的神性粒子太多。 However also at this time, he finally pierced the final that window paper, crashes in Shining Upon Dominion, magnanimous divine nature particles immediately becomes the useful supplement of his fleshly body and soul light, the strength was increased, to rise fiercely a big truncation. 不过也就是在这个时候,他终于捅破了最后的那一层窗户纸,冲进映照领域中,海量的神性粒子顿时成为他肉身魂光的有益补充,实力剧烈提升,涨了一大截。 He reconsiders, this is because absorbs divine nature kernel that two Divinity parent-children contain to be the result, middle is containing some perfect Order. 他反思,这是因为吸收两位神祇的亲子所蕴含的神性颗粒所致,当中包含着一些完善的秩序等。 This makes him be touched greatly, has become all of a sudden clearly aware, therefore fast promote step! 这让他大受触动,一下子明悟了,所以快速晋阶! Worthily is the later generation of god, the principle that the god senses, contained part in their flesh!” “不愧是神的后人,神所感悟的法则等,蕴含在他们血肉中一部分!” Chu Feng has the feelings, if makes his routinely comprehends, most at least must to spend for several years, can adapt to this piece to be different from the World of the Dead's world. 楚风颇有感触,如果让他自己按部就班的去参悟,最起码还得要花费几年时间,才能适应这片不同于阴间的天地。 Meanwhile, he also even more restless, Small Six Paths Time Technique has gone against heaven's will, with other strange technique not too, eliminates the regular fragment like this, the Order mark winds, cheats simply likely. 同时,他也越发的不安,小六道时光术太逆天了,跟其他异术不太一样,这样剥夺规则碎片,秩序纹络等,简直像是作弊。 In the future, Chu Feng issued a warrant for arrest, was chased down, but does not have the god to come out, because is healing from a wound, with Abyss Divine Beast great war, not having a god to be complete, nearly die. 在接下来的日子里,楚风被通缉,被追杀,但是没有神出来,因为都在养伤,跟深渊神兽大战过后,没有一个神是完好的,都险些殒落 Shocking, two Divine Son died, was known as that peerless double arrogant, is Martial God and Shaman God the successor of selection, unexpectedly was executed by one person, moreover came from the Foreign World Yin Spirit behavior. 举世震惊,两位神子死去,号称绝代双骄,是武神巫神的选中的继承人,居然被一人格杀,而且还是来自天外世界阴灵所为。 The Chu Feng bloody battle, simply is Asura of bathing blood, has killed the vast wilderness, making two big Divinity troops scared, nobody can block his footsteps. 楚风血战,简直是沐浴鲜血的修罗,一路杀过浩瀚荒原,让两大神祇部众都胆寒了,没有人能拦住他的脚步。 However, he quits when you're ahead, seeks Young Vermilion Bird, leading her to travel immediately, takes on the mind to come out to criticize, he rushes to number one restricted area once more quietly, and shouldering crippled Stone Fox. 不过,他见好就收,寻到小朱雀,带着她立时跑路,担心神出来清算,他再次悄然赶往第一禁地,并且扛上了瘸腿石狐 Broken after entering Shining Upon Dominion, Chu Feng feels at ease in the restricted area practices, this time he rushed initially was stranded his about ten years prairie deep place, searched on own initiative, opens fearful Mystic Realm in prairie, drew out Shining Upon lifeforms. 破入映照领域后,楚风安心在禁地中修行,这一次他闯进当初困他十年左右的大草原深处,主动寻觅,开启草原中的可怕秘境,引出映照生物 Even, once he also kills in flying silkworm Mystic Realm, with Shining Upon Level flying silkworm fierce combat. 甚至,有一次他还杀进飞蚕秘境中,跟映照级飞蚕激战。 The time in a hurry, passed by in a flash for 72 years, this is Chu Feng comes this world the 100 th year, the deadline will be full. 时间匆匆,一晃眼又过去了72年,这已经是楚风来这个世界的第100个年头,期限将满。 On this day, Chu Feng to the Stone Fox opens the mouth, was saying: Senior I was quick to become God, but you actually already dry lonesome. Since could not save you, I buried you, was buried for secure, buried in the restricted area. Meanwhile, to borrow the body of your Heavenly Venerate helps one another, I want to throw you in 9th Heavenly Layer, helping me suppress the bad risk, I take some good fortunes.” 这一日,楚风对着石狐开口,道:“前辈我都快成神了,而你却已枯寂。既然救不了你,那我就将你葬下,入土为安,埋在禁地中。同时,也是为了借你天尊之身相助,我想将你掷于九重天间,帮我镇压凶险,我去取一些造化。” Young bastard you dares!” Stone Fox by being startled starts talking directly. “小王八蛋你敢!”石狐被惊的直接开口说话。
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