SR :: Volume #10

#958: the world is mine

Chu Feng thought that the entire lira vertebra is braving the cold air, arrives at number one restricted area most deep place to see strange matter? Really everywhere, did not get rid. 楚风觉得整条脊椎骨都在冒寒气,怎么走到第一禁地最深处都能看到诡异物质?真是无处不在,摆脱不了。 What is most essential, it melts forms a grey clothes old servant, what does this mean? 最为关键的是,它化形成一个灰衣老仆,这意味着什么? This really makes the person be afraid! 这实在让人不寒而栗! The humpbacked old person goes far away, senile, momentarily will throw down, sways the body to vanish in the restricted area 9th Heavenly Layer deep place. 驼背老人远去,老态龙钟,随时会摔倒,摇晃着身体消失在禁地九重天深处。 Young Vermilion Bird is also in a daze, has the massive legends in this world about number one restricted area, but has not heard, some people dwell in the restricted area deep place, to sending out paper talisman. 小朱雀也发呆,在这片世界中关于第一禁地有大量传说,但是还未听说过,有人栖居在禁地深处,向外送符纸 Here can melt strange matter, obtains new life?” Chu Feng talked to oneself, but sees these , after now why for feeling like this frightened? “这里能化解诡异物质,获得新生?”楚风自语,可是现在看到这些后为何为感觉这样的惊悚呢? The mountains are beautiful, the golden spring water, the old medicine is strongly fragrant, nearby pure land scenery is unable to make Chu Feng feel auspiciously, but is chill down the spine. 山川秀丽,金色泉水汩汩,老药馥郁芬芳,附近的净土景色无法让楚风感觉到祥和,而是毛骨发寒 In restricted area 1st Heavenly Layer also two can paper talisman, try?” The Young Vermilion Bird opens the mouth, she has not seen the humpbacked old person's essence, does not know that does not fear. “禁地第一重天中还有两张符纸,要不要试一试?”小朱雀开口,她没有看出驼背老人的本质,不知者不畏。 That jade table leaves here not to be far actually, with the outside crippled rough stone table is about several hundred meters, regarding Evolver this simply is the close distance. 那张玉石桌其实离这里不远,跟外边的瘸腿粗糙石桌不过几百米,对于进化者来说这简直是咫尺距离。 But, that is the greatly ominous place, Chu Feng one sees 1st Heavenly Layer to contain Ten Thousand Snakes Nest topography, once walks, in the mountain Order is similar to ten thousand snakes leaves the hole, the golden light and Scarlet Rosy Cloud interweaves, the number soars by ten thousand ray of light bunches, will submerge lifeforms that will rush to by mistake, Divinity must die! 可是,那是大凶之地,楚风一眼看出第一重天蕴藏“万蛇巢”地势,一旦走进去,山中秩序如同万蛇出穴,金光、赤霞交织,数以万道光束飞腾而出,会将误闯进去的生物淹没,神祇都得殒落 Actually, Chu Feng's is very firmly excited, wants to attempt. 其实,楚风的确很心动,非常想尝试一下。 What is that?” The Chu Feng doubt, he has chosen a short mountain with Young Vermilion Bird, looks into the distance to the restricted area, some inscription on stone tablet and bronze materials in 1st Heavenly Layer. “那是什么?”楚风狐疑,他跟小朱雀选了一处矮山,向禁地中眺望,在第一重天中有些金石般的物质。 Divinity fruit position?!” Young Vermilion Bird is startled. 神祇果位?!”小朱雀吃惊。 That is called Divine Nucleus, some Divinity short life final moments exhaust ability, can condense ball of light Dao Fruit, finally when works as the energy and Order cooling, just like inscription on stone tablet and bronze. 那又被称作神核,部分神祇生命无多的最后关头竭尽所能,可以将一身道果凝聚成光团,最后当能量与秩序冷却时,宛若金石。 Naturally, general God Level Evolver cannot achieve, only has the outstanding person to leave behind Divine Nucleus successfully, it is reported that opportunity that might have to return alive. 当然,一般的神级进化者根本做不到,唯有佼佼者可成功留下神核,据传有可能会藉此而获得生还的机会。 Chu Feng in the eyes departs the golden light beam, careful is staring, in the broken chaos universe has this type of thing, the previous war divine fruit position reveals itself, once initiated countless people to seek to seize, finally the World of the Living person came...... 楚风双目中飞出金色光束,仔细的盯着,残破的混沌宇宙中就有这种东西,上一次战神果位出世,就曾引发无数人谋夺,结果阳间人来了…… But in this stretch of restricted area Divine Nucleus, this must crazy incessantly simply. 而这片禁地中神核不止一个,这简直要让人疯狂。 However, after careful staring, he discovered that these Divine Nucleus are incomplete, is incomplete, was quite a pity. 不过,仔细凝视后,他发现那些神核残缺,并不完整,颇为可惜。 Then, he looks into the distant place, saw in the Second Level day has medicine field, the mutated soil illumination, the good luck surges, five divine medicine grow fully. 然后,他眺望更远处,看到了第二重天中有块药田,异土发光,瑞气翻腾,足有五株神药生长。 Chu Feng swallows the saliva, incomparably covets, what is most essential is in the Second Level day also has several complete Divine Nucleus! 楚风咽口水,无比眼热,最为关键的是第二重天内还有几颗完整的神核 Looks again to, searches carefully, he in the Third Level day discovered that fist high human form ball of light, that is very mysterious energy substance, under the rock bank and old tree, causing Young Vermilion Bird to call out in alarm. 再向里看去,仔细寻觅,他在第三重天内发现拳头高的人形光团,那是非常神秘的能量物质,就在岩石畔、古树下,导致小朱雀都惊呼。 Divine King nucleus!” 神王核!” This thing is the priceless treasure, most minimum Foreign Territory did not have Divine King to appear a long time, these Divine King nuclei can initiate Gods to slaughter. 这东西是无价之宝,最起码异域很长一段时间都没有神王出现了,这几颗神王核会引发诸神厮杀。 The Chu Feng very heart movement, in this so-called number one restricted area is the good thing, this is the naked enticement, he thought that the breath was rapid. 楚风非常的心动,这所谓的第一禁地内都是好东西,这是赤裸裸的诱惑,他觉得呼吸都急促了。 Here has thing that he longs for very much, if obtains Divine Nucleus, even is the Divine King nucleus, he can kill directly, selects to turn World of the Living one crowd of Divinity. 这里有他很渴望的东西,如果得到神核,甚至是神王核,他直接就可以杀回去,挑翻阳间一群神祇 However, he repressed, the lunch that on this day under has not eaten without paying, these many good fortunes were placed outside, if can bring to come out, but can also remain now? 但是,他按捺住了,这天下从来没有白吃的午餐,这么多造化摆在外面,若是可以带出来,还能留到现在? Obviously, that so-called Divine King nucleus, after initially rushed in the restricted area Divine King dead , remains. 显而易见,那所谓的神王核,都是当初闯进禁地的神王死后所留。 Looked quickly, restricted area deep place also has purple ball of light, but also good luck transpiration!” Young Vermilion Bird said shocking. “快看,禁地更深处还有紫色光团,还瑞气蒸腾!”小朱雀震惊地说道。 In five 6th layer days chaotic stone forest, there is a Purple Qi transpiration, has Divine Red Clouds to wind around, there doubtful also ball of light, but was blocked by the stone. 在五六重天的乱石林中,有紫气蒸腾,有神霞缭绕,那里疑似也有一个光团,不过被石头挡住了。 This should not be...... Surmounts the Divine King level the fruit position?” The Young Vermilion Bird voice trembles. “这该不会是……超越神王层次的果位吧?”小朱雀嗓音发抖。 Does not look!” Chu Feng turns around to walk, this place is inviting, the words that but his very clear present own ability, rushes to really have not fresh. “不看了!”楚风转身就走,这地方充满诱惑,但是他很明白现在自己的能力,真闯进去的话有死无生。 Even if there is stone box in the hand, without enough time uses mostly, has not run into the stone box space to die! 哪怕有石盒在手,多半也来不及使用,还没逃进石盒空间就得死! Chu Feng walks shortly, seizes a black fox, has reached the Saint Level level, suppresses it forcefully, branches out wisp of soul light to control its body, tries in the restricted area to take the treasure. 楚风走出去不久,擒来一头黑狐,达到了圣级层次,强行将它镇压,分出一缕魂光控制它的躯体,尝试去禁地中取宝。 Only this one tries, will not stay for a long time in this. 仅此一试,不会久留于此。 His goal is two paper talisman on jade table, because to outside recently. 他的目标是玉石桌上的两张符纸,因为离外面最近。 But the black fox visits, was given to pierce by dazzling light beams, has Golden-Red Clouds, has the scarlet light, has silver glow...... It is long, is similar to Divine Snake hovers, passes through void. 可是黑狐才踏足进去,便被一片刺目的光束给洞穿,有金霞,有赤光,有银芒……都很长,如同神蛇游动,贯穿虚空。 The black fox tragic death, is that psychic energy light that Chu Feng divides becomes the repercussions, outright failure, it may be said that destroy both body and soul. 黑狐惨死,便是楚风分出去的那一精神能量光都成为劫灰,彻底失败了,可谓形神俱灭 Walks!” Chu Feng sighed, very decisive turning around, this place good thing, although were many, but was not the place that he and Young Vermilion Bird can visit, is unable to bribe. “走吧!”楚风叹息,很果断的转身,这地方好东西虽多,但不是他与小朱雀能可以踏足的地方,无法染指。 Even if excited is not again good, if cannot undergo the enticement, can only build. 哪怕再心动也不行,若经受不住诱惑,只能将自己搭进去。 Is a pity really!” Young Vermilion Bird is also very regrettable, is one three turns head simply, with chicken pecking meter/rice, is rough there. “真可惜呀!”小朱雀也很遗憾,简直是一步三回头,跟小鸡啄米似的,在那里磕磕绊绊。 Is shocking but not dangerous, Chu Feng they came out, after all withdraws along the old route, has passed through one, does not have to be surrounded when the prairie again. 一路有惊无险,楚风他们出来了,毕竟沿着原路退出,已经走过一遭了,在大草原时没有再被困住。 Stands beyond the restricted area, Chu Feng grows the one breath, takes out two paper talisman, gives Young Vermilion Bird one, making it receive. 站在禁地外,楚风长出一口气,将两张符纸取出,递给小朱雀一张,让它收好。 I...... Does not want.” Young Vermilion Bird is shy, is very embarrassed, after all these time intrudes in the restricted area to depend entirely on Chu Feng to turn danger into safety, if only it, does not die in Phoenix Falling Slope in other ominously loses the life. “我……不要。”小朱雀害羞,很不好意思,毕竟这一次闯入禁地中全靠楚风化险为夷,如果只是它自己的话,不是死在落凰坡就是在其他凶地中丢掉性命。 Chu Feng fills to it directly, has not allowed it to refuse, to reach an agreement to lead her to leave this piece to be full of the strange matter world, finally has not kept the promise to the present. 楚风直接塞给它,未容它拒绝,说好要带她离开这片充满诡异物质的世界,结果到现在都没有履行诺言。 Old Vermilion Bird has not the small benevolence to him, cannot see it finally one side, really regretted , can only many look after to its daughter. 朱雀对他有不小的恩情,未能见到它最后一面,实在遗憾,也只能对它的女儿多加照拂了。 Chu Feng leave behind snow white paper talisman, carefully looked looked, he is struck the words that killed now, will appear in the Purgatory dead city directly? 楚风自己留下一张雪白的符纸,仔细看了又看,他现在被击杀的话,是不是会直接出现在炼狱死城中? Listens to the meaning of Little Daoist Priest, holds this paper talisman words, regardless of were killed by whom did not fear, can be reborn in paradise directly, this is one reincarnation faith token, is an unimpeded pass. 小道士的意思,持这种符纸的话,无论被谁杀死都不怕,直接就可以去往生,这是一种转世信物,也算是一种无阻的通行证。 His knows, in hundred years must certainly come again one time, how to say again must be Little Daoist Priest is accepted after passing an examination, when father cannot have a deficit the son. 知道,百年内自己肯定还要再来一次,再怎么说也要为小道士取上一张,当老子的不能亏欠儿子。 Chu Feng goes out of the restricted area, is alerting discretely, feared that has the enemy to defend outside. 楚风走出禁地,谨慎戒备着,怕有敌人守在外面。 In fact he has thought that ten years of past these people were already exposed, in this world, Divinity 600 to 800 life essence, will then also be corroded by the fog, nobody is willing to waste ten years of time in a place. 事实上他多想了,十年过去那些人早就走光了,在这片世界,神祇也不过600到800的寿元,便会被灰雾腐蚀,没有人愿意在一个地方浪费十载光阴。 His mood is excellent, supine Heavenly Dao: paper talisman in hand, the world is mine!” 他心情大好,仰天道:“符纸在手,天下我有!” Then, he then felt that does not suit, looks in helplessly the sky has the illuminant to fall, dives, is this day falls the rare treasure? 然后,他便感觉不对劲儿了,眼睁睁地看着天空中有发光物落下,俯冲过来,这是天降异宝? Then, his tragedy, that was the large expanse of lightning, was similar to True Dragon dives, extremely fast flew to strike, could not avoid to him quickly. 接着,他就悲剧了,那是成片的闪电,如同真龙俯冲,极速飞击过来,快到他根本躲避不开。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Has several hundred dragon shape electric lights fully, rumbles completely on his body, the flash, his battlesuit was shattered, whole person all over the body burned black. 足有数百道龙形电光,全部轰在他的身上,一刹那,他就战衣破碎,整个人通体焦黑。 I go to your two masters, is the graceful about three seconds? High-spirited, you make in my heart be depressed, late doesn't a while again chop good?!” “我去你二爷的,帅不过三秒吗?才意气风发,你就让我心中发堵,晚一会儿再劈不行吗?!” Chu Feng is angry, curse again and again. 楚风大怒,诅咒连连。 He naturally realized that what's the matter, he revolves in the ten years strange technique, has absorbed magnanimous divine nature kernel, some Dao Ancestral Matter, distant excess. 他自然意识到怎么回事,这十年来他运转异术,吸收了海量的神性颗粒,还有部分道祖物质,远远超量。 Every month in this world, divine nature kernel that absorbs has certain limit, words over, unceasingly will be struck by lightning. 在这个世界,每个月所吸收的神性颗粒都有一定的极限,超过的话,就会不断遭雷击。 But in the restricted area, this situation has not occurred, he thought to be all right, evaded calmly this risk, who can think that left the restricted area to be criticized. 而在禁地中,这种情况并没有发生,他以为没事了,从容避过这种风险,谁能想到才出禁地就被清算。 Also can see, the number one restricted area terrifying, is unable to intervene including the rule of big world, the law does not arrive, this place is too aloof. 从中也可以看出,第一禁地的恐怖,连大天地的规则都无法干预,法不降临,此地太超然。 Chu Feng hurries to throw stone box and other Artifact, stone box naturally does not fear is struck by lightning, but these Medicinal Herb, weapons protected. 楚风赶紧将石盒器物扔出去,石盒自然不怕被雷击,但是那些药草、兵器等得保护起来。 Young Vermilion Bird is the same with her mother, what walks is Divine Bird normal Evolution Road, has never revolved strange technique, therefore had not been struck by lightning. 小朱雀跟她的母亲一样,走的是神禽的正常进化路,从未运转过异术,因此没有遭雷击。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Bang! 轰隆! The thunder, divine rainbow interweaves, the dazzling thunder eruption, submerges Chu Feng there, a crazy bang, various electricity snakes wave unceasingly. 电闪雷鸣,神虹交织,刺目的雷霆爆发,将楚风淹没在那里,一顿狂轰,各种电蛇不断舞动。 This scene quite fearful, Chu Feng is very pitiful, since the lightning suppresses, has not stopped. 这景象相当的可怕,楚风很凄惨,自从闪电压制下来后,就没有停下过。 Young Vermilion Bird counts for him, he should in a short time experience 4th layer Thunder Tribulation, moreover some are fold to put together to descend. 小朱雀为他计数,他应该在很短的时间内就经历了四重雷劫,而且有些是叠加在一起降落下来的。 This must ruin him simply, does not give him the means of livelihood. 这简直是要毁掉他,不给他活路。 Afterward, fifth Thunder Tribulation also arrived, the color is different, jet black scary, is accompanying black light, penetrated his body. 随后,第五次雷劫也到了,颜色不同,漆黑的吓人,伴着乌光,将他身体都击穿了。 However, Chu Feng firmly resist has gotten down, even if bloodstained, some places were pierced by thunder light, he has not flinched, lives through directly. 但是,楚风硬抗下来了,哪怕身上血迹斑斑,有些地方都被雷光洞穿,他也没有退缩,直接熬过来。 However, after Fifth Level Thunder Tribulation, he to raise head towards sky, immediately complexion blanch , the 1st Heavenly Layer tribulation arrives, this does not have the end simply, does not divide him not to give up. 不过,第五重雷劫过后,他才抬头望天,顿时脸色发白,又一重天劫降临,这简直是没有尽头,不劈死他不罢休。 He travels decisively, runs into number one restricted area. 他果断跑路,逃进第一禁地中。 In Foreign Territory Heavenly Tribulation legend that in he understands, as long as crossed Fifth Heavenly Tribulation, has the capital of to become God, the potential is astonishing, in the future may be Divinity. 在他所了解的异域天劫传说中,但凡渡过五重天劫的,都具有成神之资,潜力惊人,将来可为神祇 Generally speaking, this was also the end. 一般来说,这也是尽头了。 But, after he endured 5th layer, had not finished, is this must rumble to fall to him the thunder of ten years of saving? 可是,他熬过五重后,还没有结束,这是将十年积攒的雷霆都要给他轰落下来? This surmounted on the ferocious beast plateau the limits of these Divinity youth, Chu Feng has not wanted to be divided while still alive, naturally must avoid. 这超越了凶兽高原上那些神祇年轻时代的极限,楚风不想被活活劈死,自然要躲避。 After entering in number one restricted area, all have stopped, thunder light towering disappearance. 进入第一禁地中后,一切都止住了,雷光突兀的消失。 Chu Feng hides in the restricted area, gnawed a 20,000 years of old medicine directly, the whole body vibrated, the skeleton like dragon roar, the blood energy ebullition, was similar to the scarlet phoenix departs outside the body, blooming torrential Scarlet Rosy Cloud. 楚风躲在禁地中,直接啃了一株20000年的老药,浑身震动,骨骼如龙吟,血气沸腾,如同赤凰飞出体外,绽放滔滔赤霞 After he restores the wound body, sees the Young Vermilion Bird back to him, in distant place there revolution Buddha Race's breathing method, is practicing. 当他修复伤体后,看到小朱雀背对着他,在远处那里运转佛族的呼吸法,正在修行。 His Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, is old Vermilion Bird gives to him, after the crippled Stone Fox direction, complements the World of the Living method, can fully the cultivate until Shining Upon boundary. 他身上的大雷音呼吸法,就是老朱雀送给他的,经过瘸腿石狐指点,补全阳间法,足可以修到映照境。 My divided is so miserable, do you have the mood to practice?” “我被劈的这么惨,你还有心情修行?” Wears your clothes!” “穿上你的衣服!” Chu Feng is speechless, after battlesuit by deducting flying ash, but also has forgotten, throughout regards a fiery red bird it, from the start does not have, when it is the opposite sex. 楚风无言,战衣被劈成飞灰后,还真忘记了,始终只是将它当成一头火红的小鸟,压根就没当它是异性。 He walks once more, accepts the lightning bombardment, his knows must face sooner or later, happen to can use restricted area in turn Transcends Tribulation, the baptism, refining up formidable thunder fleshly body. 他再次走出去,接受闪电轰击,他知道早晚得面对,正好可以利用禁地分批渡劫,藉此洗礼,炼出一具强大的雷霆肉身 Following one time, Chu Feng was barely alive, crossed 6th layer Thunder Tribulation, the bone broke, saw when the Seventh Level pressure fell, he turned around to run. 接下来的一次,楚风半死不活,一口气渡过六重雷劫,骨头都断了,看到第七重压落下来时,他转身就跑。 This does not have the human nature simply, Great Dao is heartless, must extinguish him obviously, after rushing in the restricted area, he takes out a 6-7 old medicine, the year are least over 15,000 years, looks like eats the big radish, the one breath gave to eat to eat all one's food. 这简直没人性啊,大道无情,明显是要灭了他,闯进禁地后,他一口气取出六七株老药,年份最少都在15000年以上,就像是啃大萝卜般,一口气都给吃光了。 After for a long time, Chu Feng's soul light and flesh have the electric arc to surge, divine light rushes, blood energy is boundless, he recovered, even more powerful. 很长时间后,楚风的魂光与血肉都有电弧激荡,神光澎湃,血气磅礴,他复原了,越发的强悍。 Accurate Shining Upon powerhouse! 映照强者! He almost visits in that Dominion, most minimum fleshly body and soul light were formidable enough, what difference is only the last step sensibility. 他几乎踏足那个领域中,最起码肉身魂光足够强大了,差的只是最后一步的感悟。 The distant place, the Young Vermilion Bird look is strange, witnessed the Chu Feng one breath to cross 6th layer Heavenly Tribulation, this not only had the capital of to become God, but also was outstanding person, must give a name, that was Divine General. 远处,小朱雀眼神怪怪的,亲眼目睹楚风一口气渡过六重天劫,这不仅有成神之资,而且是其中的佼佼者,非要给个称呼,那就是神将 Soon, Chu Feng goes to Transcends Tribulation, was the one breath crossed 6th layer as before, ran. 不久之后,楚风又去渡劫,依旧是一口气渡了六重,跑回来了。 When once, after he crossed seven Heavenly Tribulation, Young Vermilion Bird has shocked, this is the legend capital of Divine King, very long years this lifeforms has not appeared. 当有一次,他一口气渡过七次天劫后,小朱雀震惊了,这是传说中的神王之资,很长一段岁月没有这种生物出现了。 Following two days, Chu Feng unceasingly here Transcends Tribulation, when saw he crossed after eight Heavenly Tribulation, Young Vermilion Bird big, somewhat was numb. 接下来的两天,楚风不断在这里渡劫,当看到他一口气渡过就八次天劫后,小朱雀头大,都有些麻木了。 Chu Feng have not thought, this thunder is endless, all day when Transcends Tribulation, the body cannot insist runs into the restricted area avoidance all night. 楚风自己都没有想到,这雷霆没完没了,整日整夜都在渡劫中,身体坚持不住时就逃进禁地躲避。 This was ten years of accumulation, the homicide too many Saint Level lifeforms, absorbed magnanimous divine nature kernel, the accumulation were too much, Heavenly Tribulation that must suffer naturally must have many times. 这是十年的积累,他杀了太多圣级生物,吸收海量神性颗粒,积累过多,要挨的天劫自然也要有很多次。 He believes that even if also misses now the last step, throughout has not comprehended the Shining Upon level the core, the match of his also fearless this progression. 他相信,即便现在还差最后一步,始终没有领悟映照层次的核心,他也无惧这个级数的对手了。 For these days Transcends Tribulation, he is fleshly body Shining Upon is unceasingly void, blood energy was boundless, the lethality was astonishing, a spiritual level window paper that misses, pierced then! 这几天不断渡劫,他已经算是肉身映照虚空,血气磅礴,杀伤力惊人,所差的只是精神层面一层窗户纸,捅破即可! After three days three nights, world was quiet, all Heavenly Tribulation finished. 三天三夜后,世界清静了,所有天劫结束。 Walked, sees one side fox senior.” About number one restricted area, he has many doubts and puzzled, must ask crippled Stone Fox face to face. “走了,去见狐前辈一面。”关于第一禁地,他有许多疑惑与不解,要当面问瘸腿石狐狸 „Then starts the travel of my to become God, realizes from experience hundred years of lonely!” “然后便开始我的成神之旅,体悟百年孤独!” This is Chu Feng's decided, not having time can waste, then he in rising passed, evolves unceasingly, must return to World of the Dead as soon as possible. 这是楚风的决定,没有时间可以浪费,接下来他都将在崛起中度过,不断进化,要尽快回到阴间 All of this world are the eye class had said, will dissipate, is only a fragment in his life course, his genuine battlefield not here. 这个世界的一切都是过眼流云,都将消散,只是他生命历程中的一个片段,他真正的战场不在这里。
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