SR :: Volume #10

#957: Restricted area paper talisman in hand

The fresh air wells up, the smell of blood that after blowing off Chu Feng behind in the prairie ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden giant beast but actually gets down, to transgress, sky auspicious clouds flutters, the distant place mountains like the picture, the nearby always coil the peach tree to blossom, the delicate fragrance greets the nostrils. 清新的空气涌来,吹散楚风身后大草原中万丈金色巨兽倒下去后逸出的血腥味,天空祥云飘动,远处山川如画,附近老蟠桃树开花,清香扑鼻。 Chu Feng deeply inspires, goes out of the prairie, across the forest land, he arrives at the restricted area deep place, finally gets rid chases down. 楚风深吸一口气,走出大草原,穿过林地,他来到禁地较深处,终于摆脱追杀。 During ten years, his knows has not killed multi- discount Saint Level lifeforms, from the silver pterodactyl to six hou, arrives at other fully again, did not say that every day has Saint die, is similar. 十年间,他自己都不知道杀了多少头圣级生物,从银色翼龙到六足地犼,再到其他,不说每天都有圣者殒落,也差不多。 His battlesuit is tattered, whole body bloodstained, in the hand sword already broke, what now he is raising is Golden Bone Stick, quite primitive, essence spot that takes from the super Saint beast, firm incomparable. 战衣破烂,浑身血迹斑斑,手中剑器早就断了,如今他提着的是一支金色骨棒,相当的原始,是从超级圣兽身上取出来的精华部位,坚固无匹。 The Young Vermilion Bird vision is sparkling, is stronger than before, both eyes are bright, is similar to a round scarlet small Sun in the midair, blooms the fiery red multi-colored sunlight. 小朱雀目光烁烁,比以前坚强多了,双目有神,在半空中如同一轮赤色的小太阳,绽放火红的霞光。 Chu Feng launches the animal skin chart, moves toward according to the crippled Heavenly Venerate deduction and observed restricted area mountain range, sought for the road ahead, determines the paper talisman site. 楚风展开兽皮图,按照瘸腿天尊推演与观察到的禁地山脉走向等,寻找前路,确定符纸所在地。 Ten years go on an expedition, Chu Feng already shed completely shy, initially him took divine medicine, feels rejuvenated, becomes the 14 or 15-year-old youngster, now returns to the golden ages. 十年征战,楚风早已褪尽青涩,当初他服食神药,返老还童,成为十四五岁的少年,如今重归黄金年龄段。 His body is slender, but is very strong, each inch flesh has divine shine to be reserved, the energy within the body cell containing once erupts, landslide tsunami! 他身体修长,但很强健,每一寸肌肤都有神华内敛,体内细胞中蕴藏的能量一旦爆发开来,将山崩海啸般! precisely ten years of uninterrupted battle, practices, the road of sensibility body and spirit evolution, he has forgotten other, from losing the parents works loose with gloomy life of one group of relatives and friends. 正是十年不间断的厮杀,修行,感悟体魄进化之路,他才忘记了其他,从失去双亲与一群亲朋的灰暗生活中挣脱出来。 Present he restored the sharp qi, has plenty of fight in one. 现在的他恢复了锐气,斗志昂扬。 Chu Feng leads the way, he has avoided a stretch of special region on the way, is infertile, land dark red, the earth is split, Between Heaven and Earth spiritual energy thin to nearly to not have, too strange. 楚风一路前行,在途中他避开了一片特殊的地带,寸草不生,土地暗红,大地干裂,天地间灵气稀薄到近乎为无,太奇异了。 The must know, in this stretch of restricted area, everywhere is rich world Concise Essence, but this silent place actually such unusual. 须知,这片禁地中,到处都是浓郁的天地精粹,而这块寂静之地却是这么的反常。 The spiritual energies of other places are normal, only has there likely is the vacuum, and as if isolates with outside. 其他地方的灵气正常,唯有那里像是真空,且仿佛与外边隔绝。 Young Vermilion Bird also doubt, but it has not perceived the danger, asked why Chu Feng must detour. 小朱雀也狐疑,但它没有觉察到危险,问楚风为什么要绕路走。 Chu Feng expression grave, he has seen this type of topography in the inheritance that Holy Master leaves behind, shoots a look at to have been when the stone box illumination, is the greatly ominous place. 楚风神色凝重,他在圣师留下的传承中看到过这种地势,也在石盒发光时瞥到过,乃是大凶之地。 Scarlet Land is endless, end law limit.” Chu Feng serious told it. 赤地无疆,末法极限。”楚风严肃的告诉它。 He takes out a ten thousand old medicine from the body, this is picks from the road on, the delicate fragrance greets the nostrils, the property is strong, but he actually throws into on the dark-red land now. 他从身上取出一棵万年老药,这是自路上采摘的,清香扑鼻,药性非常强,但他现在却扔进暗红色的土地上。 The flash, Medicinal Herb is withered, the spiritual energy completely loses, finally is turns into the flying ash, the cool breeze has stroked, does not exist. 一刹那,药草干枯,灵气尽失,最后更是化成飞灰,清风拂过,不复存在。 Is so overbearing!” Young Vermilion Bird is startled. “这么霸道!”小朱雀吃惊。 Compared with overbearing that also you imagine!” Chu Feng imposing say/way. “比你想象的还霸道!”楚风凛然道。 The distant place, has lifeforms to peep, Chu Feng has not responded, bringing Young Vermilion Bird to detour, suddenly a supercilious look wolf flushed, sends out the Saint prestige, kills two people from the rear area. 远处,有生物在窥视,楚风没有搭理,带着小朱雀绕行,忽然间一头白眼狼冲了出来,散发圣威,从后方袭杀两人。 This wolf all over the body silver white, including eye also snow white, is similar to lifeforms that before met is ordinary, without own Lord consciousness, entrusted with the vitality also to have the bloodthirsty instinct, is a biochemistry murders the tool. 这头狼通体银白,包括眼睛也雪白,如同以前遇到的生物一般,没有自己的主意识,被赋予生机还有嗜血本能,是一种生化杀伐工具。 Bang! 轰! A its claw pierces void, pulls out to the Chu Feng's back of the body. 它一爪子洞穿虚空,掏向楚风的后心。 However, Chu Feng what kind of cultivation base, ten years evolves now, the Saint level is invincible! 但是,楚风现在何等修为,十年进化,圣者层次无敌! His has not returned, is sideways to the left, making the supercilious look wolf come up empty-handed, he holds its neck, then suddenly makes an effort to throw, throws dozens li (0.5 km) it, crashes in Scarlet Land. 他连头都没有回,向左边侧身,让白眼狼扑空,他则一把抓住它的脖子,而后猛然用力一掷,将它扔出去数十里,坠落在赤地中。 Following makes Young Vermilion Bird scared, in the big eye full is the color of fearing, backing up that does not control self. 接下来的一幕让小朱雀胆寒,大眼中满是惧怕之色,不自禁的倒退。 Roar......” “吼……” The Saint wolf only with enough time sends out sad and shrill calling out, finally has been dried up there, boundless blood energy also has the energy to be absorbed by the surface. 圣狼只来得及发出一声凄厉的嚎叫,结果就在那里干枯了,一身磅礴的血气还有能量都被地表吸收。 Suddenly, it likely was old 100,000 years, the whole body crack, then turned into withered bone, fur vanishes rottenly. 瞬息间,它像是苍老了100000年,周身龟裂,而后化成枯骨,皮毛腐烂又消失。 What's all this about?” The Young Vermilion Bird startled say/way, understands this piece of Scarlet Land finally fearfully how. “这是怎么回事?”小朱雀惊道,终于明白这片赤地多么的可怕。 Land of Dharma End, moreover to limit, will have swallowed all energies, will be absorbed by the surface including rule Order.” Chu Feng said seriously. 末法之土,而且到了极限,会吞掉所有能量,连规则秩序都会被地表吸收。”楚风郑重说道。 This is a very unusual topography, is Danger Land that the world nature breeds, once in the middle of falling into, even if the god must die, is dried up to perish. 这是一种非常奇特的地势,是天地大自然孕育出的绝地,一旦身陷当中,纵然是神也得死,干枯而亡。 However, in Holy Master leaves on his silver paper, is in the ultimate inheritance of Domain, has mentioned, this also possibly is the artificial evolution. 不过,在圣师留给他的那张银色纸张上,也就是场域的终极传承中,也提及过,这也可能是人为演化的。 This appeared somewhat fearful! 这就显得有些可怕了! Many planet, even side starry sky, as well as the universe, will happen one day will face Dharma End Era, this is don't tell me the result artificially? 许多星球,甚至一方星空,以及宇宙等,都终有一天会面临末法时代,这难道是人为所致? However the mainstream believes, Dharma End Era arrives, should be world own deduction is the result. 不过主流认为,末法时代降临,应是天地自身演绎所致。 Land of Dharma End is the limit, planet must turn into this appearance, that was is not only Dharma End Era, but was end the world!” 末法之土是极限,一颗星球真要变成这个样子,那就不是只是末法时代了,而是末世!” Chu Feng introduced simply, said too Young Vermilion Bird cannot understand, in the ten years Chu Feng is also studying Domain using the opportunity, the time of naturally not having fought are many. 楚风简单介绍,说太多小朱雀也听不懂,这十年来楚风也在利用机会研究场域,当然没有战斗的时间多。 Because, that prairies are too vast, ferocious beast are innumerable, he is tired out by dealing with. 因为,那片大草原太浩瀚,凶兽无数,他疲于应付。 This , if not understand, enters in that piece of Scarlet Land rashly, is really pitiful.” Young Vermilion Bird has a lingering fear, its mother is because does not understand the Phoenix Falling Slope topography, after rushing, died a tragic death. “这要是不懂,贸然走进那片赤地中,真是凄惨呀。”小朱雀心有余悸,它的母亲就是因为不懂落凰坡地势,闯进去后惨死。 Has detoured here, when Chu Feng sees front piece of Mountains and Rivers, his Discerning Eyes is radiant immediately, turns into the symbol, interweaves in void. 绕行过这里,楚风看到前方一片山川时,他的火眼金睛顿时璀璨,化成符号,在虚空中交织。 divine medicine!” 神药!” this World divine medicine is not simple, were too formidable more than World of the Dead's drug efficacy, obtains Yang Qi to nourish, is extraordinary. 这一界神药可不简单,比阴间的药效强大太多了,得到阳气滋养,非常了不得。 Chu Feng believes firmly, must pick, by in that old medicine is containing Order rune, can make him promote to the Shining Upon level absolutely immediately. 楚风确信,真要采摘到手,凭借那株老药中蕴含着的秩序符文,绝对能让他立即晋升到映照层次。 But, stared was looking at for quite a while, he sighed reluctantly, could not pick, was attracted by that silver young tree, looks at it was bearing the silver fruit, Chu Feng almost neglects that mountain scene potential. 可是,盯着看了半天,他无奈叹了一口气,采摘不到,被那株银色的小树所吸引,看着它结着的银果,楚风差点疏忽那片山势。 This is broken Heavenly Peak, is containing soaring to the heavens murdering rune, some records said, in years past formidable Evolver took the nature as the master, it may be said that imitation world, but many swordsmanship rules comprehended from broken Heavenly Peak this type of topography.” Chu Feng sighed. “这是破天峰,蕴含着冲霄的杀伐符文,有记载称,昔年的强大进化者以自然为师,可谓师法天地,而许多剑道规则就是从破天峰这种地势中领悟出来的。”楚风叹道。 This topography outside does not break tranquilly fortunately, once visits, harasses its some natural balance conditions, will erupt to soar to the heavens murderous aura, cuts completely approaching. 这种地势外界不去打破宁静还好,一旦踏足,扰乱它自己有的自然平衡状态,将爆发冲霄杀气,斩尽临近者。 This makes Chu Feng be jealous \; first, greedy that divine medicine \; second, to be jealous of this type of topography, if long-term observing and emulating, can comprehend the supreme swordsmanship! 这让楚风眼红,一是眼馋那株神药,二是眼红这种地势,若是长期观摩,能参悟出无上剑道! What a pity, he does not have the time to stay for a long time, in addition this is for God Level above Evolver preparation the place of grasping principles, cannot be that level, the view looks through Heavenly Peak to be also useless. 可惜,他没时间久留,此外这是为神级以上进化者准备的悟道之地,达不到那个层次,观看破天峰也无用。 Chu Feng somewhat is absentminded, enters in the restricted area, has to see the thing, but saw with, cannot obtain, really makes his heart itchy. 楚风有些失魂落魄,进入禁地中,不是没有看到好东西,而是看到了拿不着,得不到,实在让他心痒痒。 This divine medicine can make him crash in Shining Upon Dominion inevitably! 这株神药必然可以让他冲进映照领域 If World of the Living's divine medicine, the effect will be stronger, in the level of World of the Living so-called divine medicine correspondence is the god, takes then to become God! 而若是阳间的神药,效果则会更强,在阳间所谓神药对应的层次为神,服食便可成神 The complete big world, Order also improves, the regular fragment of divine medicine implication are also naturally many enough, drug efficacy intense many times. 完整的大天地,秩序也完善,神药蕴含的规则碎片等自然也足够多,药效强烈很多倍。 Chu Feng is distracted slightly, bringing Young Vermilion Bird to leave, finally has not walked several hundred steps, he felt that the situation is not right, the fine body hair is but actually vertical. 楚风略微走神,带着小朱雀离开,结果才没有走出去几百步,他感觉情况不对,寒毛倒竖。 The flash, stone box sends out the glimmer, he brings Young Vermilion Bird to crash in the inner space, then decisively covers the box. 一刹那,石盒发出微光,他带着小朱雀冲进内部空间,而后果断盖上盒子。 In the final moment, he saw, is just the same as him, but the corners of the mouth are bringing grinning fiendishly, is somewhat callous , some evil intentions, under extreme methods to him. 在最后关头,他看到了一个自己,跟他一模一样,只是嘴角带着狞笑,有些冷酷,也有一些恶意,对他下死手。 Bang! 砰! stone box flew, hit on the mountains, obviously had suffered a moment ago. 石盒飞出去了,撞击在山川上,显然刚才挨了一记。 However, then did not have the sound, a silence. 不过,接下来没有动静了,一片寂静。 In stone box, a silence, Chu Feng whole face grave expression, the feeling sends to terrify slightly, how many? 石盒内,一阵无声,楚风满脸凝重之色,略微感觉发瘆,怎么多了出一个自己? „Do you look at Finally?” Chu Feng asked Young Vermilion Bird. “你看到了吗?”楚风小朱雀 Saw.” Young Vermilion Bird said in a low voice, timid, it is somewhat restless, how two Chu Feng, if were not careful that with false walking in the same place, closes in a box, that really makes its body send coldly. “看到了。”小朱雀低声道,怯怯的,它有些不安,怎么有两个楚风,万一不小心跟假的走在一起,关闭在一个盒子中,那实在让它身体发寒。 Waited for long time not to have any sound, Chu Feng opens stone box, looked from the slit outward, finally he visits him helplessly in not far away towering appearance, killed directly! 等了很长时间都没什么动静,楚风开启石盒,从缝隙中向外看,结果他眼睁睁地看着一个他自己在不远处突兀的现身,直接杀来! He is really scared, because he felt the aura of that person to be unexpectedly same as him, and strength was close. 他实在发毛,因为他感受到了那个人的气息居然跟他一样,而且实力相近。 This strange number one restricted area, making the Chu Feng fine body hair but actually vertical. 这诡异的第一禁地,让楚风寒毛倒竖。 His closed stone box, the outside was also finally peaceful. 他闭合石盒,结果外界又安静了。 Chu Feng sits cross-legged in the stone box space, the consideration, told Young Vermilion Bird silently finally, said: You and others here, do not exit!” 楚风盘坐石盒空间中,默默思量,最后告诉小朱雀,道:“你等在这里,不要出去!” No, if you have defeated, that evil spirit comes, with me in the same place, that scene to terrify person......” the Young Vermilion Bird big eye is too limpid, brings to fear intent, somewhat fears. “别,万一你败了,那个厉鬼进来,跟我在一起,那场景太瘆人……”小朱雀大眼清澈,带着惧意,有些怕怕的。 Said anything, I extinguished him!” Chu Feng whiz rush out, covers stone box rapidly and receives, is almost the same time, opposite that Chu Feng killed, the corners of the mouth were bringing sneering, was carrying a golden bone tool, rumbled directly. “说什么呢,我去灭了他!”楚风嗖的一声冲出去,迅速盖上石盒并收好,几乎是同时间,对面那个楚风杀过来了,嘴角带着冷笑,拎着一个金色的骨棒,直接轰来。 The Chu Feng eyebrow jumps, in his hand carries is also Golden Bone Stick, welcomed violently forward. 楚风眉毛直跳,他手中拎的也是金色骨棒,猛烈向前迎去。 Bang! 轰! Such strikes, world big change, the Saint Level energy falls in torrents, this mountain scene sinks directly dozens li (0.5 km), they crash in the gulf that was pounded, the mutual bang kills ceaselessly. 就这么一击而已,天地剧震,圣级能量倾泻,这片山地直接下沉数十里,他们坠落进被砸出的深坑中,相互轰杀不辍。 If not this is the restricted area, a stick gets down, knows do not make into any appearance. 若非这是禁地,一棒下去,不知道要打成什么样子呢。 Two people fierce disputes, all are the fearful method, suddenly the blood scatters, Chu Feng has been wounded, that person also half body dyes with blood. 两人激烈交锋,全都是可怕的手段,一时间血液四溅,楚风负伤了,那个人也半边身子染血 However, some regions do not move, and stone deducts the mysterious symbol, is astonishing. 不过,有些地带打不动,且土石演绎出神秘的符号,非常惊人。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Chu Feng rushes to the surface, fights a decisive battle with this person, his complexion is serious, talks to oneself: Really is this type of topography!” 楚风冲上地表,跟此人决战,他脸色严肃,自语道:“果然是这种地势!” He recognized, in Holy Master has not studied in that page of silver paper that thorough, accident/surprise obtained, one type recorded the-- mountains to reflect. 他认出来了,在圣师都没有研究透彻、意外得到的那页银色纸张中,有一种记载——山川倒映。 The mountains implication strange world texture, is similar to a mirror surface, can reflect a complete divine ability principle of lifeforms, quite fearful. 山川蕴含奇异的天地纹理,如同镜面,能够倒映出一个生物的全部神通法则等,相当的可怕。 If one crowd of lifeforms enter in this type of topography, will only appear most powerhouse. 若是一群生物进入这种地势中,只会映现最强者。 It can be said that that person is Chu Feng's reflects, he with the rule fight that oneself thoroughly comprehend, this mountains are too strange, as if has constructed including his fleshly body. 可以说,那个人是楚风的倒映,他在跟自己悟透的规则战斗,这山川太奇诡,连他的肉身都仿佛构建了出来。 However, Chu Feng knows, that is the deduction of principle, looks is the flesh, is actually Order. 不过,楚风知道,那是法则的演绎,看着是血肉,其实是秩序等。 At first, this rune almost hoodwinks his Discerning Eyes, fully explained its fearful place. 起初,这种符文几乎都蒙蔽他的火眼金睛,足以说明其可怕之处。 Chu Feng has not flinched and evaded, on Evolution Road, sometimes the biggest enemy is actually oneself, what he later must face is the World of the Living's person, is very fearful, must therefore request itself strictly, hope unceasingly superego. 楚风没有退缩与逃避,在进化路上,有时候最大的敌人其实是自身,他以后要面对的是阳间的人,都很可怕,因此要严格要求自己,希望不断超越自我。 This service is somewhat frigid, Chu Feng with the landslide cracks in the earth that kill, Sun and Moon lost radiance, in reviews with own showdown in unceasingly, investigation is insufficient. 这一役有些惨烈,楚风与自己杀的山崩地裂,日月无光,在跟自身的对决中不断检讨,探查不足。 Finally, he ended the fight, he also almost discards half life. 最后,他结束战斗,他自己也差点丢掉半条命。 Copes with the body of this reflecting, wants to defeat, is opportunistic, copes best in the non-conventional approach, Chu Feng slaughters with "oneself", after the experience enough becomes the time, naturally does not want to rub True Body, ended the fight in the unusual method. 对付这种倒映之身,想要击败,取巧、以非常规手段对付最佳,楚风“自己”厮杀,体验足够成时间后,自然不想把真身磨死,以反常的手段结束战斗。 He runs out of this region decisively, does not think after a while, that reflect once more. 他果断冲出这片区域,不想一会儿后那个自己再次倒映出来。 On the following road, Chu Feng was very discrete, has avoided many fearful topography, melted the dead tribulation, the words that otherwise rushed to must die without doubt. 接下来的路上,楚风很谨慎,避开了多处可怕的地势,化解死劫,不然的话闯进去的话必死无疑。 He has a mind to have the feelings now, that page of silver paper that Holy Master leaves behind has the use, where some topography of description enable him ahead of time in advance to sentence the front here are. 他现在有心有感触,圣师留下的那页银色纸张太有用处了,描述的一些地势让他可以在这里提前预判出前方是什么地方。 Although he is unable to melt, has not been that level, but sees ahead of time is any topography, avoids is. 尽管他无法化解,没有达到那个层次,但是提前看出是什么地势,避开就是。 If no that page of silver paper, he does not recognize. 若是没有那页银色纸张,他根本认不出。 Naturally, the mountains on stone box are also the frames of reference, the topography in this number one restricted area, there are with above is similar. 当然,石盒上的山川也是参照物,这第一禁地中的地势,也有跟上面相仿的。 The general Domain researcher, cannot contact this level the thing, naturally can astray. 一般的场域研究者,接触不到这个层次的东西,自然会误入其中。 Chu Feng sighed, the silver paper and stone box put together, are equal to the security map! 楚风感叹,银色纸张与石盒加在一起,相当于安全地图! However, after several days dates, he could not smile, because front Danger Land Large expanse, was connected in the same place, first layer first layer, even if this time recognized also has no way out, not having the means to go forward. 不过,数日后他笑不出来了,因为前方绝地成片,相连在一起,一重一重,这次哪怕认出也无路可走,没有办法前进了。 Arrived, this should be 1st Heavenly Layer in restricted area 9th Heavenly Layer!” The Young Vermilion Bird voice trembles. “到了,这应该就是禁地九重天中的第一重天!”小朱雀语音发颤。 What meaning?” Chu Feng turns head to look. “什么意思?”楚风回头望向它。 Grandpa Stone Fox has not told you, the number one restricted area central zone altogether has ninth layer, we approached this restricted area deep place truly.” Young Vermilion Bird replied. 石狐爷爷没有告诉你吗,第一禁地中心地带共有九重,我们真正临近这片禁地深处了。”小朱雀答道。 Chu Feng knows, number one restricted area most core is only same as the World of the Living time speed of flow, knows is not divided into so-called 9th Heavenly Layer. 楚风知道,第一禁地最核心地跟阳间时间流速一样,根本不知道划分为所谓的九重天 Suddenly, his complexion sends green, walked was so long, but also once was stranded in the prairie ten years, after bypassing many Danger Land, did this approach the restricted area deep place? Before...... Exterior domain?! 一时间,他脸色发绿,走了这么久,还曾被困大草原中十年,绕过很多绝地后,这才接近禁地深处?以前都是在……外部区域?! He thinks after having rushed to the prairie, entered the restricted area core region. 他以为闯过大草原后,就进入禁地核心地带了呢。 He has the impulsion that wants to curse! 他有想诅咒的冲动! The front has had no way out, even if he has as if made by heaven is Domain studies Holy Master in Dominion not to be good, is insufficient, has no way to rush in these Danger Land. 前方已经无路可走,哪怕他有一天成场域研究领域中的圣师也不行,还是不足,没法闯进那些绝地中。 Beyond several li (0.5 km), the terrifying topography in these legends, have to suppress the might of All Heavens, each other is connected, separates the Yin-Yang life and death thoroughly, normal, has no way. 数里外,那些传说中的恐怖地势,都有镇压诸天之威力,彼此相连,彻底隔断阴阳生死,正常来说,没法进去。 „, Waits!” Chu Feng spreads out the animal skin chart, this is the old fox gives his deduction chart. “诶,等一等!”楚风摊开兽皮图,这是老狐狸送给他的推演图。 paper talisman possibly appear here region, not in restricted area 9th Heavenly Layer!” Chu Feng doubts. 符纸可能就出现在这片区域,不在禁地九重天内!”楚风疑惑。 In animal skin chart, by old fox very wicked interest has drawn a black skeleton skull, he thinks a fearful topography that needs to pay attention, has not thought that directly is the restricted area 9th Heavenly Layer whole. 兽皮图上,被老狐狸很恶趣味的画了一个黑骷髅头,他原以为是需要注意的一处可怕地势,没有想到直接是禁地九重天整体。 Looks!” Chu Feng and Young Vermilion Bird start to take action. “找一找!”楚风小朱雀开始行动。 In there, there is a table!” Outside restricted area 9th Heavenly Layer, the worn-out tables, carve completely at will by the rock, is rough and ancient. “在那里,有一张桌案!”禁地九重天外,有一张破旧的桌案,完全是以岩石随意雕出来的,粗糙而古老。 And a table leg was good to be short of one section, with that crippled Heavenly Venerate, oneself not entire. 其中一条桌案腿好少了一截,跟那瘸腿天尊似的,自身不全。 Those who most attract the Chu Feng attention is, has two paper talisman on that table, snow white has no time, is all over the body translucent, another deep green, life internal energy is vigorous. 最为吸引楚风眼球的是,在那桌案上有两张符纸,其中一张雪白无暇,通体透亮,另一张碧绿,生命气机蓬勃。 Two paper talisman!” The Chu Feng heartbeat speeds up, in their no longer 9th Heavenly Layer, outside! “两张符纸!”楚风心跳加快,它们不再九重天中,在外边! Two people attempt, transports with spiritual strength, the result is invalid! 两人尝试,用精神力去搬运,结果无效! In addition in restricted area 9th Heavenly Layer 1st Heavenly Layer, a table, is the jade table, above paper talisman, the purple light twinkle, is also sacred. 此外禁地九重天第一重天内,还有一张桌案,是玉石桌,上面也有一张符纸,紫霞闪烁,非常神圣。 Careful!” Chu Feng brings Young Vermilion Bird to enter in stone box, bit by bit moves forward, their goals are that two paper talisman on crippled stone table. “小心一点!”楚风带着小朱雀进入石盒中,一点一点向前挪动,他们的目标是瘸腿石桌上的那两张符纸 The matter stems from smooth of imagination, finally Chu Feng successful grasps two paper talisman! 事情出乎想象的顺利,最终楚风成功将两张符纸抓到手中! They back up fast, finally does not have what danger along the way. 他们快速倒退,结果沿途也没有什么危险。 Is very easy!” Chu Feng is surprised, the crippled old fox said, paper talisman saves several, did not calculate little, should be able to take, this...... Hasn't deceived him? “很容易啊!”楚风惊讶,瘸腿老狐狸说,符纸积攒下来数张,不算少了,应该可以取到,这……没骗他? Has the person!” Young Vermilion Bird has pulled his sleeve, aims in restricted area 9th Heavenly Layer. “有人!”小朱雀扯了扯他的袖子,指向禁地九重天中。 The flash, the Chu Feng fine body hair is but actually vertical, surprised opened both eyes, first time so rude. 一刹那,楚风寒毛倒竖,吃惊的睁大了双目,第一次这般的失态。 He sees a humpbacked old person, wears the grey clothes, walked from restricted area most deep place sluggishly, came from 9th Heavenly Layer, arrives at 1st Heavenly Layer. 他看到一个驼背老人,穿着灰衣,慢吞吞地从禁地最深处走了出来,是从第九重天过来的,来到第一重天 He is trembling, momentarily will throw down, in the hand is holding scarlet paper talisman, is similar to the sunset glow is gorgeous, he is senile, before arriving at that jade table, scarlet paper talisman has put, neighbor purple paper talisman. 他颤颤巍巍,随时会摔倒,手中持着一张赤色符纸,如同晚霞般艳丽,他老态龙钟,来到那张玉石桌前,将赤色符纸放了上去,紧邻紫色符纸 Also many, was delivered from restricted area most deep place! 又多了一张,是被人从禁地最深处送出来的! Sees with one's own eyes this unexpectedly, the Young Vermilion Bird heart shocks. 竟亲眼看到这一幕,小朱雀心头震撼。 Then, that humpbacked old person raised the head, smiled to outside, Chu Feng in an instant have one's hair stand on end, in his opinion, that seems like the gentle smiling face unexpectedly appears very fierce! 然后,那驼背老人抬头,冲外面笑了笑,楚风刹那间毛骨悚然,在他看来,那看似平和的笑容竟显得很狰狞! Because, he looked by Discerning Eyes, this humpbacked old person completely was comprised of grey matter, was responsible for unexpectedly to sending out paper talisman?! 因为,他以火眼金睛看出来了,这驼背老人完全是由灰色物质组成的,竟负责向外送符纸?!
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