SR :: Volume #10

#956: In a hurry ten years

Piece of golden lifeforms, likely is large expanse of cloud Yaluo, constrains to breathe difficultly, this is the dense and numerous insects, three cuns (2.5 cm), long has the wing, the fluttering sound is grating, is similar to the metal plate is rubbing, lets the person of tooth acid. 一片金色的生物,像是成片的云压落,压抑而让人呼吸都困难,这是密密麻麻的虫子,都不过三寸长,长有翅膀,振翅声刺耳,如同金属板在摩擦,让人牙酸。 xiū xiū xiū ! 咻咻咻 In Chu Feng hand Sword Qi like rainbow, this is in holy artifact that Foreign Territory seizes, now the surging golden light, is similar to roaring flame burning down, he is cutting to kill the strange insect. 楚风手中剑气如虹,这是在异域缴获的一柄圣器,现在激荡金光,如同烈焰焚烧,他在斩杀古怪的虫子。 These insects were too crowded, unexpectedly over 50% in the Golden Body level, like this dives, can the average man possibly block? 这些虫子太密集了,居然有五成以上都在金身层次,就这样俯冲下来,常人怎么可能挡得住? In the Chu Feng hand sword waves, the countless insect disruption, rustle crash, even if Large expanse in groups, and is the insects of Golden Body level, cannot block the attack of Saint. 楚风手中剑器舞动间,数不尽的虫子碎裂,簌簌坠落下来,哪怕成片成群,且都是金身层次的虫子,也挡不住圣者的攻击。 When are not many, this piece of region insect corpse stack Large expanse , were too many. 不多时,这片地带虫尸堆积成片,实在太多了。 His sword can cut to kill, but, cannot support the insect group capacity for alcohol, is similar to from that Grand Canyon the golden clouds to/clashes, continuously. 他一剑就能斩杀很多,但是,架不住虫群海量,从那大峡谷中如同金色的云朵般冲来,源源不绝。 They look like the silkworm, but all over the body is the golden color . Moreover the back is growing golden wings, what in addition is most fearful, when opens mouth the tooth is sharp, the cold light sparkles. 它们像蚕,但通体都为金色,而且背后都长着金翅,此外最为可怕的是,张嘴时牙齿锋锐,寒光闪闪。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! In Chu Feng nearby them, some insects dive, in firm immortal the rock the restricted area pierced, eats the food becomes the powder, tattered and torn. 楚风他们附近,有些虫子俯冲下来,将禁地中坚固不朽的岩石等都洞穿了,啃食成为粉末,千疮百孔。 This shivery, small insect, an impact, making the mountain vanish, making the ground present piece of Abyss. 这让人悚然,小小的虫子,一次冲击而已,让大山消失,让地面出现一片深渊 Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, that so-called Grand Canyon insect nest is these insects gnaws to eat mostly, is not a natural canyon, do they dare to toss about in the restricted area? 楚风倒吸冷气,那所谓的大峡谷虫巢多半是这些虫子啃食出来的,并非天然峡谷,它们敢在禁地中折腾? Young Vermilion Bird, hurries to eat the insect!” Chu Feng shouts. 小朱雀,赶紧吃虫子!”楚风喊道。 With everywhere golden color winged insect great war Young Vermilion Bird hearing this angrily, is staring the ruby big eye with single-hearted devotion, wants to move pecks him excessively! 正在专心跟漫天金色飞虫大战小朱雀闻言气鼓鼓,瞪着红宝石般的大眼,想要调过头去啄他! The magnanimous golden winged insect after Chu Feng assumes an awe-inspiring pose, turns into the flying ash in the bright sword light, but, is as before dense and numerous, the sky was camouflaged, kills to here. 海量金色飞虫在楚风发威后,于煌煌剑光中化成飞灰,但是,依旧密密麻麻,天空都被遮蔽了,向这里扑杀。 „Doesn't this insect have the end?” Chu Feng knits the brows. “这种虫子没有尽头吗?”楚风皱眉。 Young Vermilion Bird said: This is the Mystic Realm flying silkworm, calculates quite ordinary one on the other hand, but many ten thousand years of nobody has rushed, has not consumed, their quantity affirmations were inexhaustible.” 小朱雀道:“这是秘境飞蚕,相对来说还算较为普通的一种,但是很多万年没有人闯进来了,没有消耗,它们的数量肯定已经无穷无尽。” The so-called Mystic Realm flying silkworm, grows in Mystic Realm of forbidden area. 所谓的秘境飞蚕,生长于禁区的秘境中。 In this number one restricted area, looks at ordinary mountain valley, or a mountain top, possibly from become one World, inside length and breadth is actually boundless, has the universe. 在这第一禁地内,看着普通的山谷,或者一座山头,其实都可能自成一界,里面广袤无边,另有乾坤。 Usually is very dangerous, some inexplicable lifeforms dwell in middle, does not show one's self, intrudes in the restricted area until some people, Mystic Realm greatly will open opens greatly, is crazy by their bloodthirsty. 平日间很危险,有些莫名生物栖居在当中,不显山露水,直到有人闯入禁地中,秘境才会大敞大开,由得它们嗜血而狂。 This flying silkworm has appeared in history, anything eats, anything swallows, from the rock to the vegetation, arrives at the soil again, incomparable savage, must swallow the trim world simply. 这种飞蚕在史上出现过,什么都吃,什么都吞,从岩石到草木,再到泥土等,无比的凶残,简直要吞噬整片天地。 "Dang!" “当!” When Chu Feng wields a sword, there is a golden luminous spot to fly, hits on the sword body, sparks fly in all directions, has the Saint Level insect to appear, this is very bad. 楚风挥剑时,有金色光点飞来,撞在剑体上,火星四溅,有圣级的虫子出现,这很糟糕。 No wonder Stone Fox said that after the Saint level, has the opportunity to enter in the restricted area to rush to rush, this is telling actually also him, the weakest threat is also Saint Level. 难怪石狐狸说,到了圣者层次后,就有机会进禁地中闯上一闯,这其实也是在告诉他,最弱的威胁也是圣级的。 You come side me!” Chu Feng shouts to Young Vermilion Bird, feared that it has the accident/surprise, not some knows many Saint insects, if also blots out the sky, the bone that let alone Young Vermilion Bird gnawed does not remain, is he does not have the means to travel. “你来我身边!”楚风小朱雀喊道,怕它出现意外,不知道有多少圣虫,万一也是铺天盖地,别说小朱雀会被啃的骨头都不剩,就是他也没办法跑路。 dāng dāng dāng! 当当当 In a flash, Chu Feng encounters dozens times to fiercely attack, when eight Saint insects appear, flutters, the sound is extremely fearful, lets the person soul ache, they send out the inexplicable shock wave energy. 一瞬间,楚风遭遇数十次猛攻,有八头圣虫出现,振翅时,声音极其可怕,让人灵魂都疼痛,它们发出莫名的冲击波能量。 Chī! 哧! The Chu Feng anger kills it, cuts two sections a Saint insect, pierces a Saint insect, sews on the sword, holy blood flows. 楚风怒杀之,将一头圣虫斩成两截,又将一头圣虫洞穿,钉在剑上,圣血流淌。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Meanwhile, he vibrates a pair of sword wing that rib region manifestation leaves, sweeps away the square crisis, the sword light like the water, in pū pū the sound, the abatement magnanimous ordinary flying silkworm is killed violently outside, but also was killed with another three Saint insects. 同时,他震动肋部化生出的一对剑翼,横扫四方的危机,剑光如水,在噗噗声中,除却海量的普通飞蚕毙命外,还用另外三头圣虫被杀死。 "Um? ” “嗯?” Chu Feng is astonished, after seeing the Saint Level insect, when he uses strange technique, discovered divine nature kernel that absorbs was more crowded than the past, Dao Ancestral Matter were also more. 楚风惊异,在看到圣级虫子后,当他动用异术时,发现所吸收到的神性颗粒比以往密集很多,道祖物质也多一些。 This makes him surprised, then crazy take action, here battles. 这让他惊讶,而后疯狂出手,在这里激战。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Killed afterward, his all around had twenty Saint Level gold/metal silkworms to circle fully, danced in the air unceasingly, a Chu Feng shoulder was gnawed to nip a blood hole carelessly, the arm is almost pierced, making him almost be in danger. 杀到后来,他的前后左右足有二十几头圣级金蚕盘旋,不断飞舞,楚风一个不慎都肩头都被啃咬出一个血洞,手臂都差点被洞穿,让他几乎遇险。 To have how possibly these many?” Chu Feng dreaded, in the heart was scared, because this flying silkworm kills endless, with tide to/clashes from Grand Canyon. “怎么可能会有这么多?”楚风忌惮,心中发毛了,因为这飞蚕杀之不尽,就跟潮水似的从大峡谷中冲出来。 Mostly is the Golden Body levels, this is not considered as that the common strength, fully was not consistent with an evolution reality of ethnic group, how many resources can consume? 大多都是金身层次的,这可不算是寻常的战力了,完全不符合一个族群的进化现实,得消耗多少资源? They eat the god human bone, or eats to mix the soil of god human bone to grow.” Young Vermilion Bird informs. “它们吃神骸,或者吃混着神骸的泥土等生长起来。”小朱雀告知。 Chu Feng hearing this, the facial color changed, he has found, from ancient to present knows does not have many Divinity die here, endless of number, was absorbed by the restricted area. 楚风闻言,面色变了,他已经了解到,自古到今也不知道有多少神祇殒落在这里,数之不尽,都被禁地吸收了。 This flying silkworm dares to eat the god corpse, doesn't fear the strange matter entanglement? His imposing, this flying silkworm seriously specially. 这种飞蚕敢吃神尸,不怕诡异物质纠缠吗?他一阵凛然,这飞蚕当真特别。 However, after he thinking here is number one restricted area, he has felt relaxed, lifeforms that is born is very definitely special, moreover has the rumor, who can live to walk, can live new life, relieves the threat of fog. 不过,他当想到这里是第一禁地后,他又释然了,所诞生的生物肯定都很特别,况且还有传言,谁能活着走出去,就能活得新生,解除灰雾的威胁。 This way, in number one restricted area has the law of melting! 这样看来,第一禁地中有化解之法! "Um? ” “嗯?” Suddenly, Chu Feng is terrified, he absorbs massive divine nature kernel, but also felt that a restlessness, outside abatement divine nature particles, fog enters his within the body. 突然,楚风悚然,他吸收大量神性颗粒,但是也感觉到一阵不安,除却神性粒子外,还有一丝灰雾进入他体内。 Here lifeforms implication divine nature kernel are many, however strange matter in within the body is also richer!” “这里的生物蕴含的神性颗粒多,但是体内的诡异物质也更浓郁!” Chu Feng has killed for three days three nights, the whole body is the blood, seeing the insect to spit, is about to collapse, several times want to hide in stone box, but he insists. 楚风足足杀了三天三夜,满身都是血,看见虫子都都想吐,都快崩溃了,有几次都想躲进石盒,但他坚持下来。 Because, according to the Young Vermilion Bird's view, if the first pass/test cannot pass, that does not need to break into the restricted area, then must die without doubt. 因为,按照小朱雀的说法,如果第一关都过不去,那就没有必要闯禁地了,接下来必死无疑。 Until fourth day, his whole body wound, the surroundings insect corpse like the sea, the world was finally quiet, Mystic Realm in Grand Canyon no longer has the insect to fly. 直到第四天,他满身伤口,周围虫尸如海,世界终于清静了,大峡谷中的秘境不再有虫子飞出来。 Was the Saint Level insect he has killed only dozens heads, if this passed to the average person ear, will be certainly dumbfounded, did Saint die dozens? 仅是圣级虫子他就杀了数十头,这要是传到普通人耳中,一定会目瞪口呆,圣者死了数十位? Chu Feng once Changshi caught some insects, wants to inquire into their soul light, as a result, their Spiritual Body are very special, is containing Order rune, is filling killing intent, but does not have the independent consciousness. 在此期间,楚风曾尝试捕捉了一些虫子,想要探究它们的魂光,结果发现,他们的精神体十分特殊,蕴含着秩序符文,弥漫着杀意,但却没有自主意识。 „Is this only the lifeforms tool?” He from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, is lifeforms, rather slaughters the tool by the capacity for alcohol that the inexplicable fearful method accomplishes, is far from normal lifeforms. “这只是生物型工具?”他从头凉到脚,与其说是生物,不如说是以莫名可怕手段造就出的海量杀戮工具,绝非正常的生物 Young Vermilion Bird worried that visits him, eye likely is the crystal, pure is bringing restlessly, reminded Chu Feng low voice, cultivated Small Six Paths Time Technique no end of trouble for the future. 小朱雀担忧地看着他,眼睛像是水晶,纯净中带着不安,小声提醒楚风,修炼小六道时光术后患无穷。 In fact, even if in legend perfect Six Paths Time Technique, practices whether has the hidden danger, looks like in crippled Heavenly Venerate, that was also two said, at present is unable to try to prove. 事实上,哪怕传说中完美无缺的六道时光术,修行是否有隐患,在瘸腿天尊看来,那也是两说,目前无法求证。 Walks.” “走吧。” Chu Feng thinks little, since initially had considered, has a resolution, and leaves behind an escape route, that had nothing to regret and hesitate. 楚风不以为意,既然当初已经考虑过,有所决断,且留下一条退路,那就没什么可后悔与犹豫了。 "Um? ” “嗯?” Suddenly he turns head, feels some background direction sounds, he brings Young Vermilion Bird to rush to a mountain, opens Discerning Eyes to returning to look into the distance. 忽然他回头,感受到来路方向有些动静,他带着小朱雀冲上一座高山,睁开火眼金睛向回眺望。 Some people wander outside, seems like ferocious beast plateau the descendants of these gods.” Chu Feng said leisurely. “有人在外徘徊,看起来像是凶兽高原的那些神的后代。”楚风悠悠说道。 He has dealt with these people, in the past hundred years of time, has killed some people. 他跟这些人打过交道,在昔日的百年时光中,杀过一些人。 They seek here, it seems like knows my mother has passed away.” Young Vermilion Bird is low-spirited, is very moved, mother died, the brothers and sisters also went to World of the Living, is uncertain of one's fate. “他们寻到这里,看来已经知道我的母亲逝去了。”小朱雀黯然,很伤感,母亲死去了,兄弟姐妹也已去阳间,生死未卜。 Day has also wanted, road must walk, thinks that many make anything.” Chu Feng said, is intentionally superficial, making it get rid of that mood. “日子还要过,路还要走,想那么多做什么。”楚风道,故意轻描淡写,让它摆脱那种情绪。 They must kill us!” Young Vermilion Bird said. “他们要来杀我们!”小朱雀道。 Beyond the restricted area, these people in the observation topography, touch the ground in by the bloodstain, some time ago Chu Feng had killed a Martial God later generation, stays behind the trace. 禁地外,那些人在观察地势,在以手摸地上的血迹,不久前楚风杀了武神的一位后人,留下痕迹。 Has the Shining Upon Level character!” Chu Feng is imposing. “有映照级人物!”楚风凛然。 Now cannot exit, was stopped up here, does not have the escape route, only has leads the way here, rapid become stronger, compelling him to evolve rapidly. 现在决不能出去,被堵在这里了,没有退路,唯有在这里前行,迅速变强,逼着他要迅速进化。 little martial died, the small girl of Vermilion Bird clan looked for the helper, it killed, was not simple.” “小武死了,朱雀族的小丫头找来了帮手,还是它自己杀的,不简单啊。” Beyond the restricted area this these people have to the middle age from youth, the each and every one bearing is uncommon, indeed came from the ferocious beast plateau, is the Divinity later generation. 禁地外这这些人从青年到中年都有,一个个器宇不凡,的确都来自凶兽高原,属于神祇的后人。 These people near Abyss, with Divine Beast Faction enemy confrontation many times, very think that in the near future the slaughter falls Vermilion Bird clan final successor. 这些人近期都在深渊附近,跟神兽阵营的对头交锋很多次,更是十分想屠掉朱雀族最后的传人 Old Vermilion Bird slaughter god, hates to these people greatly, the influence is extremely awful. 朱雀屠神,对这些人来说是大恨,影响极其糟糕。 It , if not come out, definitely will die in inside, once gives up halfway, runs away, gives me, I need one to have the divine blood maidservant.” Sends the youth to smile blue, looks like the sunlight is bright. “它如果不出来,肯定会死在里面,而一旦半途而废,逃出来的话,交给我吧,我需要一个拥有神血的侍女。”一个蓝发青年微笑着,看起来阳光灿烂。 This time, do not want to fight with me, I need a cageling, offers on the Sir to the god.” Another white hair youth opens the mouth. “这一次,你们不要和我争,我需要一只笼中鸟,敬献给神上大人。”另有一位白发青年开口。 Middle-aged person anything words had not said, the full head golden color sends the silk to send out the ray, he shoots a short lance suddenly, bang, lets blast out void, throws directly to the restricted area. 一位中年人则什么话也没有说,满头金色发丝发出光芒,他猛然掷出一杆短矛,轰的一声,让虚空炸开,直接投掷向禁地中。 They do not dare to go down to this ancient demon within the earth, the lesson of older generation blood makes them scared, the infinite years that many Divinity died, now nobody regards the place of resurrecting here, nobody can radically new life. 他们不敢深入这片古老的魔土中,先辈血的教训让他们胆寒,无穷岁月来那么多神祇都死了,现在没有人将这里当成复活之地,根本没有人可以新生 This short lance is too fearful, is winding around everywhere brilliance, pierces all, after blasting out void, the energy rolling surges, submerges in the forbidden area. 这支短矛太慑人,缭绕着漫天的光彩,洞穿一切,虚空炸开后,能量滚滚激荡,没入禁区中。 Walks quickly!” “快走!” Chu Feng is terrified, the scalp tingled with numbness, he in the opposite party lifts the hand then knows to them comes instant, takes Young Vermilion Bird to charge into the restricted area deep place, vanishes from the mountain peak on. 楚风悚然,头皮都发麻了,他在对方抬手的刹那就知道是冲着他们来的,带上小朱雀冲向禁地较深处,自山峰上消失。 Bang! 轰! Then takes a step to leave, the short lance flies to fall, that mountain massif has the large explosion! 这才迈步离开,短矛飞落,那座山体发生大爆炸! The mountain top vanished, the energy wreaks havoc! 山头消失了,能量肆虐! In the Shining Upon Level Evolver's method, let alone a mountain top, is stars is hit, must turn into fine powder, cannot block. 映照级进化者的手段来说,别说一座山头,就是一颗星辰被击中,都要化成齑粉,根本拦不住。 However, here the situation is special, only then a mountain top falls broken, when the energy continues to spread, was leapt the rune light that to block by the ground. 不过,在这里情况特殊,只有一座山头碎掉,在能量继续蔓延时,被地面腾起的符文光挡住。 Worthily is the restricted area, was destroyed very much difficultly, Shining Upon are not good. 不愧是禁地,很难被毁,连映照者都不行。 After all, such mountain top is dense and numerous, limitless, although in the underground world, but here has not distinguished with surface anything, the auspicious brilliance shines, the mountains and rivers are grand. 毕竟,这样的山头密密麻麻,无边无际,虽然是在地下世界中,但是这里跟地表没什么区别,祥和光辉普照,山河壮丽。 ! 噗! Chu Feng puts out a blood, although brings some Young Vermilion Bird to avoid promptly, but slightly was attacked, Shining Upon is too terrifying, far ultra Saint. 楚风吐出一口血,虽然带着些小朱雀及时避开,但还是稍微受到冲击,映照者太恐怖,远超圣者 His complexion is slightly pale, an arm that kā bā, will be dislocated joins, can see, carries on the back to have many wounds, the shoulder almost blasts out. 他脸色略微苍白,咔吧一声,将脱臼的一条手臂接上,可以看到后背上有很多伤口,肩头都差点炸开。 You...... All right?” Young Vermilion Bird was worried very much. “你……没事吧?”小朱雀很担心。 All right, this old boy is really ruthless, dares to start to the restricted area carelessly, doesn't fear by the disaster?” Chu Feng clenches teeth, when he becomes Shining Upon kills, must peel their skin, the Deity descendant can be what kind. “没事,这老小子还真狠,敢对禁地胡乱下手,就不怕遭劫难吗?”楚风咬牙,等他成为映照者杀出去,非剥了他们的皮不可,神人的后代又能怎样。 Restricted area edge is not important region, generally unobstructive, if dares to touch the restricted area deep place, or the special topography, that will be the dead end.” Young Vermilion Bird explained, asking him to leave quickly. “禁地边缘不是重要地带,一般无碍,若是敢触动禁地深处,或者特殊地势,那将是死路一条。”小朱雀解释,让他快走。 However, the front has the special topography to block the way, wants to detour somewhat troublesome. 然而,前方有特殊地势拦路,想要绕行有些麻烦。 Chu Feng extremely fast flies to escape, however was attacked, another short lance flies, bang penetrates his nearby ground, the energy wreaks havoc, almost covers him under. 楚风极速飞遁,然而还是受到攻击,又一根短矛飞来,轰的一声将他附近地面击穿,能量肆虐,差点将他覆盖在下方。 Chu Feng flutters, the mouth is a bloody foam, turned head to look at these people, took Young Vermilion Bird to vanish from here. 楚风翻飞出去,嘴里都是血沫子,回头看了一眼那些人,带上小朱雀从这里消失。 Chu Feng they meet troublesome, suffer the flying lance blockade of Shining Upon greatly unceasingly, unavoidablily flees rapidly, finally intrudes the inexplicable region. 楚风他们遇到大麻烦,不断遭受映照者的飞矛阻击,不得已迅速遁走,结果闯入莫名地带。 large expanse of sword light kills forward, that is another Divine Sword, some are incomplete, break, but some do not have the ocarina completely, the prestige can be infinite. 成片的剑光向前杀来,那是一柄又一柄神剑,有些是残缺的,断裂的,可有些也完好无埙,威能无穷。 Buzz! 嗡! Shivers void, has great halberd to rise straight from the ground from the ground, flies toward here, suddenly the bang to Chu Feng and Young Vermilion Bird, is bringing divine might! 虚空颤抖,更是有大戟等从地面拔地而起,向着这里飞来,猛然轰向楚风小朱雀,带着神威 This piece of region radiance dazzling, atmosphere constrains, letting the person must suffocate, surmounts the Shining Upon Level energy to fill the air. 这片地带光华刺目,气氛压抑,让人要窒息,超越映照级的能量在弥漫。 Even if also away from is very far, Chu Feng is the whole body fissure, in the overflowing blood, the Young Vermilion Bird also wail, the big mouth coughs up blood. 哪怕还隔着很远,楚风都已经是满身裂痕,在溢血,小朱雀也哀鸣,大口咳血。 Everywhere is divine rainbow, is interweaving, this is the Divinity energy, that is their weapons, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered interweaves, blocks this mountain scene place, the scene was too fearful. 漫天都是神虹,在交织,这是神祇的能量,那是他们的兵器,纵横交织,封锁这片山地,景象太可怕了。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng does not have chooses, opens the stone box space, took Young Vermilion Bird to clash, snapping cover. 楚风没得选择,开启石盒空间,带上小朱雀冲了进去,迅速闭合盖子。 Body crack that even if so, they were also suppressed by that faint trace divine might, whole body blood red, but the critical moment covers the box finally, isolates the aura. 即便如此,他们也被那丝丝神威压制的身体龟裂,浑身血红,但总算关键时刻盖上盒子,隔绝气息。 Chu Feng brow deep lock, this worthily is Danger Land, is not the deep place, the outside so, no wonder old Vermilion Bird died in Phoenix Falling Slope. 楚风眉头深锁,这不愧是绝地,还不是深处呢,外部就已经如此,难怪老朱雀死在落凰坡 „The weapon that after this is these gods died in years past, leaves behind, now was activated by the restricted area, flies to shoot comprehensively, If the Gods block, then kill the Gods if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas!” Young Vermilion Bird is very anxious. “这是昔年那些神死后留下的兵器,现在被禁地激活,全面飞射,神挡杀神佛挡杀佛!”小朱雀很紧张。 dang! dang! dang! 当!当!当! stone box was attacked, Divine Sword that these attack, these roots of beijing euphorbia, lances, all fell, or cuts or punctures on stone box, hits it flies. 石盒遭受攻击,那些冲击过来的神剑,那些大戟、长矛等,全都落了下来,或斩或刺在石盒上,将它打的飞出去。 Chu Feng and Young Vermilion Bird back and forth tumble, because stone box was being attacked, is tumbling, even hit goes from out of the blue. 楚风小朱雀来回翻滚,因为石盒在被攻击,在翻滚,甚至被打的破空而去。 The Chu Feng heart is serious, this restricted area is really fearful, died without stone box words him, was cut to kill by the Divinity weapon! 楚风心头沉重,这禁地果然可怕,没有石盒的话就他就死了,被神祇的兵器斩杀! He sighed secretly, crippled fox too much deceptive, this was makes him bring death simply! 他暗叹,瘸腿狐狸太坑爹,这简直是让他送死! Also knows how long, finally had not been peaceful. 也不知道过了多长时间,终于安静下来。 Chu Feng makes Young Vermilion Bird hide in stone box, he exits to probe cautiously, has not felt the threat. 楚风小朱雀躲在石盒中,他小心翼翼的出去试探,并没有感受到威胁。 Here is a piece of prairie, stretches to the horizon, Divine Sword, great halberd knows did not arrive at what kind of region that stone box divided from out of the blue, in the mountains of this restricted area also had length and breadth the prairie of such unexpectedly, was really too big. 这里是一片草原,一望无垠,神剑、大戟等不知道石盒劈的破空到了怎样的地域,这禁地的山川中居然还有这么广袤的草原,真是太大了。 Here definitely was not most surrounding. 这里肯定不是最外围了。 four directions is very peaceful, green and glossy meadow, as long is high as the most person, the fresh air, the gentle ray, all are that happy 四野很安静,绿油油的草甸,长到大半人高,清新的空气,柔和的光芒,一切都是那么美好 Suddenly, gust blows, all wormwood grass fiercely fluctuate, then separates to the two sides, just like forming a path, then the Chu Feng whole body had goosebumps. 突然,一阵风吹来,所有蒿草都剧烈起伏,接着向两边分开,宛若形成一条道路,然后楚风周身起了一层鸡皮疙瘩 He saw, a diameter has the 5-6 meter azure big snake of fully, is quicker than the lightning, to/clashes from the prairie deep place, opens the big mouth, kills to him. 他看到,一条直径足有五六米的青色大蛇,比闪电还快,从大草原深处冲来,张开血盆大口,向他扑杀过来。 Saint Level big snake! 圣级大蛇! ! 噗! Chu Feng wields a sword, preying whole-heartedly, cuts to kill the big snake, chops to fall the head, the blood is billowing. 楚风挥剑,全力以赴的搏杀,将大蛇斩杀,劈落头颅,血液滚滚。 Suddenly, he feels the evil customs to caress the face, shifts several li (0.5 km) far suddenly, and looks up, a silver pterodactyl dives, has torn into shreds the earth, this is existence of Saint Level peak. 突然,他感觉恶风扑面,猛然横移出去十几里远,并抬头看去,一只银色的翼龙俯冲过来,将大地撕碎了,这是圣级巅峰的存在。 Roar! 吼! The horizon end, in a forest, golden violent dragon leaping gets up, crosses the expansive sky, kills directly to here, kills Chu Feng. 地平线尽头,一片森林中,一头金色的暴龙跃起,横渡长空,直接也向这边杀来,扑杀楚风 What damned place is this?” Chu Feng is imposing, these ferocious beast are the Saint Level late stage powerhouses, is very strong. “这是什么鬼地方?”楚风凛然,这些凶兽都是圣级后期的强者,全都很强。 Then, he has launched the fierce combat, this fights is ten years! 然后,他展开了激战,这一战就是十年! Because, he does not have the means to be separated from the length and breadth land that this piece of prairie and forest are, everywhere is ferocious beast, will kill one also to present another head, ferocious beast collaborates to chase down to him. 因为,他没有办法脱离这片草原与森林所在的广袤土地,到处都是凶兽,杀了一头还会出现另一头,凶兽联手对他追杀。 In the years, a Chu Feng sideband the Young Vermilion Bird cultivation, is killing the enemy in a hurry at the same time, oneself unceasingly progresses, is evolving swiftly and violently. 在匆匆岁月中,楚风一边带着小朱雀修炼,一边杀敌,自身不断进步,在迅猛进化。 After the tenth year had ended, Chu Feng cuts to kill a first ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high golden monster, the blood stream like the river, incarnadine prairie. 当第十个年头结束后,哧的一声,楚风斩杀一头万丈高的金色怪兽,血流如河,染红草原。 He became existence of Saint extremely summit, divine nature particles that he saves had already sufficed, fleshly body is not weak in Shining Upon, is short is to the last comprehension of world Order. 他已经成为圣者极巅的存在,他所积攒的神性粒子早就够了,肉身不弱于映照者,所欠缺是就是对天地秩序的最后一步领悟。 Only poor, he becomes Shining Upon Level expert! 只差一点,他就成为映照级高手 Is startled including Chu Feng, and somewhat has been afraid, practices Small Six Paths Time Technique to go against heaven's will, lets his intense restlessness. 楚风自己都吃惊,并有些害怕了,修行小六道时光术太逆天,让他强烈的不安。 Cuts to kill a rival each time, absorbs, not only has divine nature particles and Dao Ancestral Matter, some Order fragments, otherwise, want to touch the Shining Upon Level threshold, how to be possible?! 每次斩杀一位敌手,所吸收的不仅有神性粒子道祖物质,还有部分秩序碎片,不然的话,想触摸到映照级的门槛,怎么可能?! Nobody can have such big progress in ten years! 没有人可以在十年间有这么大的进步! Only can say what Small Six Paths Time Technique walks is the shortcut, can be called incomparably goes against heaven's will. 只能说小六道时光术走的是捷径,称得上无比逆天。 Any matter has price, practices such quickly, strange matter knows that I absorb does not have many.” In the Chu Feng heart sends coldly. “任何事都是有代价的,修行这么快,我所吸收的诡异物质知道有多少。”楚风心中发寒。 However, now did not have the escape route! 但是,现在没有退路了! Young Vermilion Bird is also evolving, the cultivation base stable growth, it has not practiced strange technique. 在此期间,小朱雀也在进化,修为稳定增长,它没有练异术 Finally kills place of this prairie and forest connection!” After cutting kills the golden giant beast, Chu Feng leaves this region. “终于杀出这片大草原与森林交汇之地!”斩杀金色巨兽后,楚风离开这片区域。
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