SR :: Volume #10

#955: To raise Gods to bury the earth

Chu Feng has to change countenance, is understanding, more thought that paper talisman is terrifying, needs Supreme Being to enter the restricted area to take, as one faith token, can move unimpeded on Reincarnation Road! 楚风不得不动容,越是了解,越是觉得那种符纸非常恐怖,需要大能进禁地去取,作为一种信物,可以畅行轮回路上! Does he currently have the opportunity to bring two? Believing of instinct, is unlikely. 他现在有机会取来两张?本能的认为,不太可能。 Meanwhile, he somewhat regretted, innermost feelings sigh woefully, once had very good opportunity, can catch the whole lot in a dragnet, fully ten, but he missed. 同时,他有些后悔,内心哀叹,曾经有非常好的机会,可以一网打尽,足有十张啊,但是他错过了。 At that time, he has not thought, one day incomparably will need this paper talisman. 当时,他怎么也没有想到,有一天会无比需要这种符纸 Past he sat before Reincarnation ancient cave, was defending that hole, if gave dozen of staggering blow, managed his Celestial Maiden, was the Supreme Being favored daughter, or Heavenly Venerate, gave to loot a ratio anything to be good. 昔日他坐在轮回古洞前,守着那口洞,要是一个一个的都给打闷棍,管他天女,还是大能爱女,亦或是天尊子,都给洗劫一番比什么都好。 Such opportunity will not have again, the major restricted areas will have paper talisman to reappear in the special period. 那样的机会不会再有了,各大禁地在特殊时期才会有符纸浮现。 Senior, where do you make me go to take?” Chu Feng asked that always thought that was not very reasonable, various World of the Living supreme pure lands were hitting paper talisman that lived to kill to vie for supremacy, can direct him to intercept by the present crippled Heavenly Venerate condition? “前辈,你让我去哪里取?”楚风问道,总觉得不是很靠谱,阳间无上净土都在打生打死去争强的符纸,以现在瘸腿天尊的状态能够指点他截取? In this world, where otherwise do you plan to go to?” The Stone Fox opens the mouth, directs the wrong way. “就在这片世界,不然你打算去哪里?”石狐狸开口,指点迷津。 Chu Feng is startled, then reveals the color of doubts, consults earnestly. 楚风一怔,而后露出疑惑之色,认真请教。 The crippled fox informs, must go to Foreign Territory number one restricted area to seek, there definitely has paper talisman, saved these many years, the most minimum for 1 million years, Foreign Territory nobody obtained successfully. 瘸腿狐狸告知,要去异域第一禁地中寻找,那里肯定有符纸,积攒这么多年了,最起码1000000年来,异域没有人成功得到。 Meanwhile, it reminded seriously, this so-called 1 million years, not at the time of present this stretch of world record, but deferred to the World of the Living calendar record. 同时,它严肃提醒,这所谓的1000000年,可不是以如今这片天地的时光来记录,而是按照阳间历法记载。 This makes Chu Feng shock, if converts the Foreign Territory time, this is simply scary! 这让楚风震撼,如果换算成异域的时间,这简直要吓死人! Chu Feng has swallowed saliva, where this Foreign Territory so-called number one restricted area is, needs to use the World of the Living calendar record, why doesn't synchronize with this world? 楚风咽了一口唾沫,这异域所谓的第一禁地是什么地方,需要用阳间历记载,为什么不跟这个世界同步? Side, Young Vermilion Bird is glowing red, is flashing the big eye, after hearing that so-called number one restricted area is having the color of fearing obviously, earnestly is listening respectfully. 旁边,小朱雀红彤彤,扑闪着大眼睛,在听到那所谓的第一禁地后明显带着惧怕之色,也在认真聆听。 You think that this side world number one restricted area is very ordinary? As long as produces the paper talisman place, which world regardless in, very much goes against heaven's will, making World of the Living's Supreme Being dread. “你以为这方世界的第一禁地很平凡吗?但凡出产符纸的地方,无论在哪个世界,都很逆天,让阳间的大能都忌惮。 The crippled fox look is serious, its master wants secretly refining this world to be Supreme Treasure past, becomes the-- time weapon, but does not contain that number one restricted area. 瘸腿狐狸神色严肃,它的师傅昔日想暗自炼化这个世界为至宝,成为——时间兵器,但是却不包含那第一禁地在内。 There too much is different, the unique control, any produces the place of paper talisman not to estimate in fact, may bury All Heavens Divine Demon, lets Heavenly Venerate and other die! 那里太特殊,超脱掌控,事实上任何一个出产符纸之地都不可揣度,可葬诸天神魔,让天尊殒落 After listening he related in detail, Chu Feng changes countenance, had certain understanding to the so-called restricted area, even more thought that cannot rush rashly, that is courts death. 听他细说后,楚风动容,对所谓的禁地有了一定的了解,越发觉得不可贸然闯进去,那是找死。 Strange.” Meanwhile, his doubt, World of the Living has this restricted area . Moreover the universe that more than one, Little Daoist Priest is at also has, in this Foreign Territory has similarly, has paper talisman to appear. “奇怪。”同时,他狐疑,阳间有这种禁地,而且不止一处,小道士所在的宇宙也有,这异域中同样有,都有符纸出现。 What do these places have to relate? Pondered over slightly he is afraid! 这些地方有什么联系?稍微思忖他就不寒而栗! Because the space covers is too broad, but the time span is extremely far, to the scary level, extended through ancient times exists forever now, more is ponders over is shivery. 因为空间涵盖太广,而时间跨度极远,到了骇人的层次,亘古亘今长存,越是琢磨越是让人悚然。 Goes, takes two paper talisman to come.” crippled Stone Fox said. “去吧,取两张符纸来。”瘸腿石狐狸说道。 Chu Feng is slanting the eye to visit him, is this makes him bring death? Brings death! 楚风斜着眼睛看他,这是让他送死呢?还是送死呢! With its this, he rather again runs Reincarnation Road, defends for over a hundred 80 years there, perhaps the luck good to meet a special period to arrive, catches the whole lot in a dragnet paper talisman. 与其这样,他宁愿再跑一趟轮回路,在那里守上百80年,说不定运气好会遇到一个特殊时期到来,一网打尽符纸 Wants do not think, in the short-term World of the Living will not produce paper talisman, generally appears in the special period, is quite centralized, you on and others tens of thousands years useless.” Stone Fox said. “想都不要想了,短期内阳间不会出产符纸,一般都在特殊时期出现,较为集中,你等上几万年都没用。”石狐狸道。 It informs, in conventional time, World of the Living Supreme Being rushes to the forbidden area to seek paper talisman possibly to be able die, the blood splashing mountains. 它告知,在常规时间段内,阳间大能去闯禁区寻符纸都可能会殒落,血溅山川。 But I cannot bring death!” Chu Feng pities the life, he does not want to be driven to death after suffering an injustice. “但我也不能去送死啊!”楚风惜命,他可不想枉死。 Universe that Little Daoist Priest is, that is the world-wide powerhouse is uneven, all Major Sect collaborate, difficultly kills in number one restricted area of their stretch of world, but expert almost all extinguishes, obtains black paper talisman! 小道士所在的宇宙,那可是举世强者齐出,所有大教联手,才艰难杀进他们那片天地的第一禁地中,但高手几乎全灭,才得到一张黑色符纸 Now, making a Chu Feng person enter number one forbidden area of this stretch of world? He has not sufficed exactly! 现在,让楚风一个人进这片天地的第一禁区?他还没活够呢! One year ago, the Young Vermilion Bird's mother as existence of Divinity peak, to get close to Divine King Dominion, braves death that so-called number one restricted area to wrestle the first chance, finally also dies there. 况且,一年前,小朱雀的母亲身为神祇巅峰的存在,接近神王领域,冒死进那所谓的第一禁地搏一世机缘,结果也都死在那里。 crippled Heavenly Venerate said: Doesn't try your knows not to be good? Theoretically, is the Saint level to have the opportunity to go, in the World of the Living history has lifeforms of this progression to obtain paper talisman.” 瘸腿天尊道:“不去试一试你怎么知道不行?理论上来说,达到圣者层次就有机会进去,阳间历史上有这个级数的生物获得过符纸。” I not compared with the child and the Supreme Being favored daughter Heavenly Venerate!” The Chu Feng rejection, his recent all things are not suitable, the parental relatives and friends died, he does not think oneself have the big destiny, is Heaven's Chosen Son. “我不跟天尊之子、大能爱女相比!”楚风拒绝,他最近诸事不顺,父母亲朋都死去,他可不认为自己有大气运,是天选之子 In fact recently his mildew transported is encumbered, frequently leaves the disaster. 事实上最近他霉运缠身,动辄就出祸事。 „After the Vermilion Bird little friend goes, indeed die, but my affiliation its both eyes completely understood the words that an corner/horn truth, you go to will again be easier.” 朱雀小友进去后,的确殒落了,但我藉它的双眼看透一角真相,你再去的话会容易很多。” The old fox look is serious, told him explicitly, now in this number one restricted area has piled up three paper talisman, were many enough, until now the unmanned belt/bring comes out. 老狐狸神色严肃,明确告诉他,现在这第一禁地中积压了三张符纸,足够多了,至今无人带出来。 On the other hand, after seeking the correct position, takes the paper talisman words to be easier than all previous dynasties! 相对来说,寻到正确方位后,去取符纸的话比历代都要容易很多! But in fact, deduces after it, in the short-term also will possibly have fourth paper talisman to appear. 而事实上,经过它推演,短期内可能还会有第四张符纸出现。 Especially it mentioned, since Chu Feng's fleshly body may enter Foreign Territory, his treasure can also shelter him to enter in that restricted area. 尤其是它提及,既然楚风的肉身可进异域,他身上的宝物也可以庇护他进那禁地中。 How senior you always urges me to go, is also careful compared with me, actually wants to do?” Chu Feng is a little scared. “前辈你怎么老撺掇我进去,比我还上心,到底想干什么?”楚风有点发毛。 You can live in the Extreme Martial hand, no matter why, I somewhat favor you, at present pins the little hopes to you, hopes that some day crosses me, guarantees my wisp of True Spirit not to extinguish, asks next life.” “你能在太武手中活下来,不管出于什么原因,我都有些看好你,目前对你寄托几许希望,希望有朝一日来渡我,保我一缕真灵不灭,去求来生。” The crippled old fox is desolate, spoke of this, Chu Feng had many words and questions, swallowed back. 瘸腿老狐狸落寞,都说到这一步了,楚风有很多话与疑问,又都咽回去了。 He is supposing, no matter Stone Fox out of any goal, is impossible to make him bring death at present. 他估摸着,不管石狐狸出于什么目的,眼下不可能让他去送死。 Senior, you believes firmly that I can live am stepping onto?” “前辈,你确信我能活着走上一遭?” Issue is not big, this time is not successful, when explored the way, next time.” Stone Fox smile. “问题不大,这次不成功,就当探路了,还有下次。”石狐狸微笑。 Sees fox lifeforms to smile, Chu Feng always thought that the whole body is not comfortable. 看见狐狸这种生物笑,楚风总觉得浑身不自在。 Goes, brings paper talisman, I am trying to find the solution, helping you plan Strongest Road. World of the Living whether there is completely happy, countless famed scenery, in some ancient land has the Ancient Wilderness time ninth heaven/day profound Celestial Maiden deep sleep, had True Fairy in legend dead, has the Celestial Emperor's young girl...... In some special topography.” “去吧,取来符纸,我在想办法,帮你规划最强路阳间有无尽的美好啊,数不尽的名山大川,一些古地中有荒古时代九天天女沉睡,有传说中的真仙子长眠,有天帝的幼女……都在一些特殊的地势中。” Chu Feng is awe-inspiring, said: Senior your what meaning, said that the females of these special time are useful?” 楚风正气凛然,道:“前辈你啥意思,说这些特殊时代的女子有什么用?” crippled fox calm opens the mouth, said: „The granddaughters who your my element has not sought a meeting keep thinking, now naturally is to give your drive, urging you to exert oneself to World of the Living.” 瘸腿狐狸淡定开口,道:“你连我那素未谋面的孙女都惦记,现在自然是给予你一些激励,敦促你奋发向阳间。” The Chu Feng's complexion was black immediately, the righteousness words refute, said that he is old! 楚风的脸色顿时黑了,义正言辞地驳斥,说他老没羞! Finally, Chu Feng decides number one restricted area, he did not plan that does rushes stubbornly, but looks curiously, can enter enters, can carry over paper talisman to carry over, but will not go all out absolutely. 最终,楚风决定去第一禁地,他不打算作死硬闯,只是好奇去看一看,能进就进,能带出符纸就带出,但绝对不会拼命。 The old fox has given him an animal skin chart, describes that stretch of region of landform that in number one restricted area it deduces with having paper talisman. 老狐狸给了他一张兽皮图,描绘它所推演出的第一禁地中的地貌与有符纸的那片地带。 On the other hand, paper talisman in restricted area surrounding, is not most deep place, you only take 12 words, will not touch anything, after all piled up several to be very long, this faith token to distribute, total nobody took away, was not good in the restricted area.” The old fox informs. “相对来说,符纸在禁地外围,不是最深处,你只取12张的话,不会触动什么,毕竟积压数张很久了,这种信物是为了派发出去,总无人领走,于禁地也不好。”老狐狸告知。 The Chu Feng even more doubt, is this so-called restricted area what kind of place? Always makes the person cannot help but think. 楚风越发狐疑,这所谓的禁地到底是怎样的地方?总让人不由得多想。 Before starting off, Chu Feng turns head to open the mouth very much seriously, said: I want to ask, the Ancient Wilderness profound female, True Fairy and does Celestial Emperor that young Nuzhen you said exist, sinks in the dormancy special topography?” 临上路前,楚风回头很严肃地开口,道:“我就想问一下,你所说的荒古玄女、真仙子天帝幼女真存在,沉眠特殊地势中?” Young Vermilion Bird is speechless immediately, makes an effort to roll the eyes to him. 小朱雀顿时无语,对他使劲翻白眼。 The crippled Heavenly Venerate fox grinned to smile immediately, nodded there. 瘸腿天尊狐狸顿时咧嘴笑了,在那里点头。 You leave think, I am the Domain researcher, is interested in World of the Living these mountains very much!” Emphasis of Chu Feng righteousness words. “你别多想,我是场域研究者,对阳间那些山川很感兴趣!”楚风义正言辞的强调。 He has thought when stone box at the same time shines some topography that reveals, can find the frame of reference in World of the Living, whether exists in World of the Living? 他想到了石盒其中一面放光时所显露的一些地势,能在阳间找到参照物吗,是否就存在于阳间 The Young Vermilion Bird colleague, is Chu Feng guides. 小朱雀同行,为楚风带路。 So-called number one restricted area, under eight big Abyss! 所谓的第一禁地,就在八大深渊之下! Foreign Territory is divided into two Great Factions, delimits two wide ranges, respectively is the ferocious beast plateau and Abyss. 异域分成两大阵营,划出两大区域,分别为凶兽高原与深渊 However, Abyss this view is very general, actually because this stretch of region presents many Abyss from ancient to present, nobody remembered. 不过,深渊这个说法很笼统,因为这片地带自古至今究竟出现多少深渊,没人记得了。 A clan emerges, will found piece of Abyss. 一族兴起,就会开创一片深渊 A clan perishes, will abandon piece of Abyss. 一族灭亡,就会废弃一片深渊 In fact, some rumors said, in the past the god on ferocious beast plateau was also the life near Abyss, revolved number one restricted area to occupy together, afterward moved out.” “事实上,有传言称,当年凶兽高原上的神也是生活在深渊附近的,共同围绕第一禁地而居,后来才搬走。” When the road, Young Vermilion Bird is Chu Feng explains. 在路上时,小朱雀楚风讲解。 Chu Feng is imposing, so-called number one restricted area under major Abyss, in endless remote place bottom deep place, this somewhat fearsome. 楚风凛然,所谓第一禁地在各大深渊之下,在无尽遥远的地底深处,这有些可怖。 Finally, they have not gotten down from Vermilion Bird Abyss, ancient Abyss that but from abandoning goes to the bottom. 最终,他们没有从朱雀深渊下去,而是从一处废弃的古深渊前往地底。 Most starts Chu Feng also to think a meeting darkness, take seriously after finally the thorough stratum several tens of thousands li (0.5 km), his surprise, clearly was gentle places, was very bright. 最开始楚风还以为会一片黑暗,结果当真正深入地层数万里后,他诧异了,分明是一片柔和之地,十分明亮。 This underground deep place is very auspicious, there are various Ancient Road to connect, has spread to finally extremely. 这地下深处很祥和,有各种古路相连通,一直蔓延向终极之地。 Finally, they rush to the destination, underground open, is similar to an inner space, from become one World, at all likely is not in the expectation jet black bottom ancient mine. 终于,他们赶到目的地,地下开阔,如同一个内部空间,自成一界,根本不像是预想中的漆黑地底古矿 Even, front mountains and rivers are grand, have the beautiful mountain peak to hang the golden waterfall, has to curl Immortal Vapours transpiration Spirit Peak, has the tranquil and clear small lake only, the good luck fills the air, the auspicious light shines. 甚至,前方山河壮丽,有秀丽的山峰挂着金色的瀑布,有袅袅仙雾蒸腾的灵峰,有宁静而澄净的小湖,瑞气弥漫,祥光普照。 Chu Feng suspected, this is number one restricted area? Simply is Immortal Realm! 楚风怀疑,这就是第一禁地?简直是仙境 Young Vermilion Bird is very anxious, said: Here is number one restricted area of our world, throughout the ages knows does not have many top powerhouse to bury the bone here, is called Gods buries the earth, had not heard that who can in this new life, obtain the chance.” 小朱雀很紧张,道:“这里就是我们这个世界的第一禁地,古往今来也不知道有多少至强者埋骨在此,被称为诸神葬土,没有听说谁能在此新生,获得机缘。” "Um, does Gods bury the earth? ” Chu Feng is astonished, the light listens to this name really not like the good place, fills ominous. “嗯,诸神葬土?”楚风讶异,光听这名字真不像好地方,充满不祥。 Yes!” Young Vermilion Bird brings to fear intent, looks to the front, not Chu Feng explanation. “是!”小朱雀带着惧意,看向前方,并未楚风解释。 In this world, almost all Divinity must face strange matter in the old age, the fate is pitiful, like old Vermilion Bird insisted that does not bump very few of strange technique. 在这个世界,几乎所有神祇都要在晚年面对诡异物质,下场凄惨,像老朱雀这样坚持不碰异术的少之又少。 Even if so, lives in this stretch of world, must contaminate on some fog more or less. 即便如此,生活在这片天地中,也要或多或少的沾染上一些灰雾。 Especially was too frigid Gods to the old age, runs away is not good to where. 尤其是诸神到了晚年太惨烈,逃向哪里都不行。 However, has had the legend in this world, rushes in number one restricted area , if not die, lives is coming out to obtain new life, the solution strange issue. 不过,在这片世间一直有传说,闯进第一禁地中若是不死,活着出来就能获得新生,解决诡异问题。 Therefore, in quite long years, knows does not have multi- Young God to take place of the fallen, even in that quite magnificent and powerful years, many Divine King catches up, but, creature has not succeeded, finally died a tragic death here. 所以,在相当漫长的一段岁月中,也不知道有多少神前仆后继,甚至在那较为辉煌与强盛的岁月中,还有不少神王赶来,但是,没有一个生灵成功,最后都惨死在这里。 Moreover, borders on Evolver of dead boundary in this stretch of region, once is defeated, strange matter strong ten times that faces, cruel ten times, final fate fearsomer and miserable. 而且,在这片地带濒临死境的进化者,一旦失败走不出去,所面对的诡异物质会浓烈十倍,残忍十倍,最后的下场更为可怖与凄凉。 Arrived finally, here becomes the place of Taboo, the gods who because comes died, very difficult number to be clear, then becomes Gods buries the earth. 到最后,这里成为禁忌之地,因为来的神都死了,很难数清,便被成为诸神葬土。 Even if oneself pesters strange matter, but if has the chance also to obtain new life here?” Chu Feng surprise, be careful is startled. “哪怕自身纠缠上诡异物质,可若是有机缘的话也可以在这里获得新生?”楚风诧异,相当心惊。 Although there is a hearsay, but nobody succeeds, this is the accumulation of endless years, the lesson of number unclear blood, Gods does not want to throw off this place all.” Young Vermilion Bird sighed. “虽有传闻,但没有一个人成功,这是无尽岁月的积累,数不不清的血的教训,诸神无不欲掀翻此地。”小朱雀叹道。 So-called Gods, includes Divine Beast in Abyss. 所谓的诸神,也包括深渊中的神兽 It can be said that here one inch mountains and rivers one inch blood, moreover is the divine blood irrigation, looks auspiciously is similar to Immortal Realm, but knows does not get down but actually many Divinity. 可以说,这里一寸山河一寸血,而且都是神血浇灌的,看着祥和如同仙境,但是不知道倒下去多少神祇 When Chu Feng facing here dreaded very much, but also harbors the hope, can here new life, actually be what kind of ancient lands, what middle has? 楚风面对这里时很忌惮,但是也怀着希望,可以在这里新生,究竟是怎样的一片古老土地,当中有什么? Meanwhile, he understands finally why the crippled Heavenly Venerate master wants to refine Foreign Territory is Supreme Treasure, becomes the time weapon, but actually does not dare to include here, is really the fearsome place. 同时,他终于明白,为何瘸腿天尊的师傅想炼异域至宝,成为时间兵器,但却没有敢将这里包括进去,果然是可怖之地。 “Chi!” “哧!” Suddenly, the sword light flies together, thorn to the Young Vermilion Bird back of the head. 突然,一道剑光飞来,刺向小朱雀后脑。 The Young Vermilion Bird rapid transverse shift, has avoided the past, at the same time Chu Feng is the response is more rapid, attacks decisively, kills to that person. 小朱雀迅速横移,躲避了过去,与此同时楚风更是反应迅速,果断出击,向那人杀去。 By his body, a pair of sword wing appears, he uses Small Six Paths Time Technique directly, cuts to kill the rival. 在他的身体两侧,一对剑翼浮现,他直接动用小六道时光术,去斩杀敌手。 “Wú, the misunderstanding, who I also think am, originally Junior Sister of Vermilion Bird clan. ” That person explained, is a man, the full head golden color long hair, the sunlight is very bright. “唔,误会,我还以为是谁,原来朱雀族的师妹。”那人解释,是一个男子,满头金色长发,很阳光灿烂。 Chu Feng visits him to look familiar, a little looked like with past small Martial God, immediately realized, this mostly was a Martial God lineage/vein person. 楚风看着他眼熟,跟昔日的小武神有点像,立刻意识到,这多半是武神一脉的人。 Clang clang clang! 锵锵锵! The sword wingspan moves, Chu Feng searches for horizontally, that person is startled, avoids unceasingly, but presents many blood-stained mouth in pū pū the sound. 剑翼展动,楚风横搜而过,那人吃惊,不断躲避,但是身上却在噗噗声中出现许多道血口子。 What misunderstands, you are the Martial God later generation, actually you have not been investigating my mother how, unexpectedly found here, no wonder dares to start to me.” Young Vermilion Bird hates the sound said, the big eye is red, because its mother dies in the front restricted area. “什么误会,你是武神的后人,你们不是一直在探查我母亲究竟如何了吗,居然找到这里,难怪敢对我下手。”小朱雀恨声道,大眼睛通红,因为它的母亲就死在前方禁地中。 Chu Feng hearing this has gotten down the extreme methods decisively, , a sword wing across the sky, strikes to kill this person. 楚风闻言果断下了死手,噗的一声,一只剑翼横空,将此人击杀。 Has Death Substituting Talisman? Kills again!” “有替死符?再杀!” In the sound, Chu Feng solves him, absorbs massive divine nature particles, Bloodline Fruit of god however is uncommon. 在哧哧声中,楚风将他解决,吸收大量的神性粒子,神之血脉果然不凡。 "Um, some distant place people come, walk, we enter in number one restricted area, I do not believe in evil doctrines, perhaps this time really can seize completely the good fortune! ” Chu Feng said. “嗯,远方有人过来,走,我们进第一禁地中,我就不信邪,说不定这次真能夺尽造化!”楚风道。 A twinkling, they submerge in piece of mountain region, rushed. 一眨眼,他们就没入一片山地中,闯了进去。 Shortly, Chu Feng stops the footsteps, because after thorough distance, his look is very dignified, here is really containing the terrifying topography, cannot wander about aimlessly at will. 不久后,楚风止住脚步,因为深入一段距离后他神色无比凝重,这里果然蕴含着恐怖的地势,不能随意乱走了。 And, he saw Young Vermilion Bird to cry, was sad. 并且,他看到小朱雀哭了,非常悲伤。 Shortly, his knows why, in the front has a piece of pitch, the monster is very evil, the red fog spreads, is bending down red old Vermilion Bird there, the feather is scarce, is very withered, dies there! 不久后,他知道了为什么,就在前方有一片斜坡,很妖邪,红雾扩散,在那里伏着一只通红的老朱雀,羽毛稀少,很干枯,死在那里! The Chu Feng pupil contraction, what did he see? That is piece of Danger Land, is called Phoenix Falling Slope in the Domain topography! 楚风瞳孔收缩,他看到了什么?那可是一片绝地,在场域地势中被称为落凰坡 The Danger Land of genuine world nature production, falls also to die including Undying Bird, old Vermilion Bird arrived here, this also really violated the taboo, Divine Bird died of falling the place of phoenix. 真正天地自然生成的这种绝地,连不死鸟落下去也得死,老朱雀来到这里,这还真是犯了忌讳,神禽死于落凰之地。 Do not cry, all will be good, perhaps later you will find your mother in Reincarnation.” Chu Feng comfort. “别哭了,一切都会好起来的,以后你说不定会在轮回中找到你娘。”楚风安慰。 However, his knows hope is not big, dies lifeforms here is very miserable, generally soul light cannot walk, will vanish thoroughly. 但是,他知道希望不大,死在这里的生物都很惨,一般魂光都走不出去,会彻底消失。 Chu Feng has not grasped in that Danger Land now, was bringing Young Vermilion Bird careful and discrete circling in the past. 楚风现在可没有把握进那种绝地中,带着小朱雀小心而谨慎的绕过去。 Suddenly, the grating squeal resounds, lets person creepy feeling. 突然,刺耳的尖叫声响起,让人头皮发麻。 In a piece of canyon, departs large expanse of golden lifeforms, kills directly to two people. 一片峡谷中,飞出成片的金色生物,直接扑杀向两人。 Chu Feng is surprised, have one's hair stand on end, here, but number one restricted area, will have how also lifeforms to appear and disappear, moreover is magnanimous, dives to them. 楚风大吃一惊,毛骨悚然,这里可是第一禁地,怎么还会有生物出没,而且是海量的,向他们俯冲过来。
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